....-. . e --... PAGE FOURTEEN TEE CANAD!AN ~ATI~MAIT. flflWMAMVfT .T.W flWPA1~Tl~ A ~P Metro Officiai TelIls Trust ees 0f Difficulties Experienced ln Collectîng School Taxes A The annual meeting of Dur- barm County Trusfc'es and Rate- payers' Association wvas held in Blackstock on Wedncsday, June 3rd. The Women's Institute of Blackstock served a delicioLns hot dinner to approximately go people in the recreatian centre. Many more interested ratepa-y- ers joined in the auditorium of the new sehool for the business meeting. ?&r. M. J. Hobbs. president of the Association, expressed bis delight in the excellent attend- ance and heartily welcomeri MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS (flr~\ 4 Le* o#M .Ira . m 0 STAFFORD Stafford ]Bros. Nonumiental Works 318 Dundas St. E.. Whitby Phone hitby I MOhawk '8-3552 evenyone present. Mr. Gay, su- pervisor of music in Blackstoc1c schools, presented for aur en- tertainment several girls' char- uses which were much enjoyed. The rhythm band played a sel- ectian and Cheryl Metcalf fa- voured with a piano selection 'Trees" after which the girls' chorus sang it for us. Owing ta illness, the speak- er, Rev. J. V. Milîs. Toronto, was unable ta be present s0 Mr. T. P. Tapping capabi>' sup- plied for hirn. Mr. Topping is Director of Assessment Revi- sion for Metro Public School Boards. His business. be said. is ta see that the public school boards receive all the taxes ta wbich the>' are entitled. Sa much of the responsibilit>' of misplaced school taxes lies with the as- sessor, he must be thoroughly acquaintea with both the school act and the assessment act. 0w- ing ta tbe fact that the assess- ment acts are contradictor>', confusing and bard to read. he, Mn. Topping, was required ta take 1263 cases ta court this year. In these, 241 homes were assessed as separate school sup- porters, the occupants of which 'm' ere not Roman Catholic; 285 appeals were made wben the whole bouse was assessed for separate school support yet sev- eral public scbool childnen wene living there. In all last yean lie h -~ 433g34~coeNW#aIN. 1 hfor economy . 0. dependabîlity NOTHINO DOWN, EASY PAYMENTS OVER 3 VEARS ON moNTHLY GAS BILLS See these NATURAL GAS aàdvantages AUTOMATI< ECONOMICAI CLEAN DEPENDABLE L MODERN CONVENIENT 4 BEST SUITED TO AUTOMATIC CONTROLS SILENT COMPACT nVo.',, alwoys b. glod >ou chm ose NatrwGi"39 Orono Queen and Princesses had belped ta prosecute 4,400 cases.which involved an asses- ment of sixteen million dollars.1 The department bas the mosti trouble with debentures, car- poration taxes and maixed man- niages, he said. Mn. Russell Osborne expr'ess- Id heIe appreciation of the au- dineta Mn. Topping for his Ienlightening addness. Reports of the sessions of the Ontario Trustees and Ratepav- ers' Association beld at O.E.A. were given by Mrs. C.-J. AllUn and Mrs. C. E. Allin. Mrs. Clarence Allin present- ed the following slate of off x- cens for the ensuing year: Hon.I1 President, Mn. R. Osborne- past't president, Mn. M. Hobbs, Presi- dent, Mn. M. Slute; lst Vice, Mn. H. Jordan; Sec.-Treas., Mns. Clare Allin. Directors- Boys' Trainingi School-Mrs. W. H. Densem; i Cartwright-Neil Baile>', John H{amilton; Manvens. - Mrs. E.V Argue, Norman Wilson; Cavan -Mrs. H. McBain, Mrs. H.C Argue, Mrs. W. Howden; Dan- lington-Mrs. Wm. O'Neill, Mrs. A. Allin; Clarke-Mrs. W. Reid, Mrs. S. Hallowell, L. Perrauit;I Hope-Mrs. W. E. Lewis. A. Pe- ters, A. Carruthers, R. Currellv: Millbrook-.P. Hamilton, R. Hopkins, Newcastle - Mrs. .~ Stapleton, C. Carveth; Port Hope, W. H. Jordan, Bowman-, ville, T. Turner, A. Menkle>'.1 BLACKSTOCK Mr. Arnold Taylor flew t( Charles City, Iowva, on a busi. ness trip last week. Mr. Elmei Mcbauchlin, sales representa. tîve for the Quaker Oats Co., ir the Maritime Provinces, return. ed home with him for the week- end. The first visit ta St. John' Church, Blackstock, of the Righi Rev. G. B. Snell, D.D., Ph.D., Suffragan Bishop of Taranto, will take place on Sunday June 28, 1959, it being the lO9tb An- niversar>' of tbe Church, and the Bishop will also ad'rinister the ancient and Holy Rite of Con- firmation, and preach a specia. sermon. Thirty-twa of tbe local Braw. nie Pack joined with other packs of Durham County in a Brownile Revel at Orono Park~ Saturday. Each pack led in sangs and games and report an excellent rail>'. Thirty-five Cubs and four leaders attended Church parade and service at Cadmus Sunda>' morning. Rev. P. Romeril gave an excellent talk ta the Cubs before his address ta the aduits. Attendance was some wbat a n 71 s t Following the 'selection 'of Miss Orono on Friday evening, tlhe three finalists posed formally for photographs.. From ef t to right, Princess Roma Glanville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glanville; Miss Orono Marilyn Cobbledick, daught- er of MVr. and Mrs. Harold Cobbledick and Princess Patsy Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid. Nine other conitestants wvere eliminated in a preliminary contest, including Heather Rutherford, Jo Ann Rutherford, Connie Tyrreli, Joan Alldred, Nancy and Marilyn King, Joan Allun. Doris Laing and Joan Bruton. Miss Orono was presented with the cheque for $25 from the Orono Chamber of Commerce, President Don Staples making the presentation. esmallen at-United Church Sun- day n7orning due to Cubs going to Cadmus and special services in the Anglican Chureb. Ladies of the W.A. formed the choir ras a treat, and rest for the re- 1gular choir. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brad:burn and famil>', Mns. Wis. Bradburn, visited the Lamne Bradburn's in Toronto Sunda>'. Mns. Bnad- rbunn remained for a week ai 3two. * Miss Pearl Wright. Toranto, *spent the weekend at home. 7Mr. and Mrs. ýCarman Wenry, Dundalk, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- law and called on a number of other relatives. 1ev. P. Romenil addressed Anniversary Services at Salem Sunda>' aftennoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorneil, Mr. Jack Green and Miss Mone>' attended a re-union ut Kempt- ville Agricultural College, Sat- urday. It is ten years since Jack and Stuart gnaduated there. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Wright and famil>' and Mn. and Mrs. H. Stinson, Yelvertan. visited Mr. and Mns. Ray' McGill, Osh- awa. Sunda>'. Mrs. O. Shaw, Oshawa. andI MVrs. Cox, Bowrnanville, visited Mrs. John McKee Sunda>'. Mrs. Herman Wilson, Port Penny, visited Mn. and Mns. Leslie Mountjoy and Mrs. Mc- Kee Suinda>'. During thein four days in Cartwright, Rev. and Mrs. Har- court were guests of Mns. E. Darcy and Mrs. I. Argue and called on numerous other f ni- ends. Several from bere attended Bnooklin Fuir Saturda>'. Messrs. Ivan Cochrane, Lorne Hoslçin and Balph Sadien received a good share of orizes on the han- ses the>' exhibilted. Mrs. W. Archer spent Tues- day with the Elmen Ancher's, Whitby. Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick. Orono, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Thompson. Mn. ai-d Mns. Alvin McGilI, Lindsay: Mr. and Mrs. Jim; Rutherford and Allan ,Osbawa. were Suniday guests of Mrs. Gea. Fowler. Mn. and Mrs. Ross McCann, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs. Stan Rahm and famil>', Sunda>'. Mnr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock and Mn. and Mrs. John Boa- cock visited Mn. and Mns. Vi- cars Beatty, Dunsford, Sun day." Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Beacock visited Mn. Adelbent Beacock and Mrs. Thos. Cale in Osh'awva hospital Sunda>' àfternoon. A1 wene sarI-y to hear of Adelbert's accident Saturda>'. Mn. Jas. Aven>' is visitinre latives around London. Mn. and Mns. Russel Lai-mer, Cudmus, visited Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Sunda>'. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey' Yellow- lees and famil>', Solina, visited Mn. and Mrs. Glenn barmen and Douglas, Sunda>'. Mn. and Mns. Ralph Larmeîr and familv visited Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden, Caurtice, Sun- day. Returns After 21 Years The Rev. C. C. Harcourt, B.A. IL.Th, accompanied b>' Mns. Han- court, bas been visiting Black- stock this past week, after an intenval of 21 years, spent in the ministry of the Church of England. Formeni>' be was Rec- ton of St. John's Chunch, Black- stock, for four years, and dur- ing that timne he gained the con- fidence and the affection of hosts of people nean and fan. Mn. Harcourt pneached at the 1l a.m. service in St. John*s Church an Sunda>' last, whenx there was a packed Cburch, many con-ing ta greet him from distaýnt places, and be also as- sisted Canon Cbaperlin in the administratian of the Holv Comn- munion. Ev'erybody s e e med 'thoroug±iiy pleased to be able Beauty Judge meeting closed. Bno's Jobb and Byam entertained b>' recaunt- ing expeniences of 1914-1918 in the old 136 Durham Count>' Battalion. Came againý lst Monda>' in Jul>'. Trustees and Ratepayers T7he annual meeting of Dur- ham County Trustees and Rate- payer's Association was held in Blackstock on June 3rd. It began by a sumptuous banquet ser- ved b>' the Blackstock Women's Institute in the Recreation Cen- tre. About ninet>' Trustees and Ratepayers from ai] localities ini the Counity stood. while Rev. P. Romeril said Grace. Presi- dent M. Hobbs tendered the thanks to the ladies and Mrs. E. Larmer suitabl>' acknowled- ged it. The open meeting assembled ini Cartwright' Central School. wbere many had expressed a desire ta bave a look araund and, b>' the way, trustees and staff received man>' compli- ments. A short programme of va-ious musical numbers wus well pnesen.ted under the direc- tion af aur music Supervisar, Latta Demnpsey Orono Hi-Teens were able ta attract a lovcly jiAdge ta their dance on Friday in the persan of Latta Dempsey, well-known Toronto Star columnist. She chose the winner. Marilyn Cobblectick. for her appearance, posture and puise. In making the a nnouncement, Miss Demp- sey was generaus in ber praise uf the Hi-Teens who have car- ried on a prognam of money- making dances in Orono for the past two years. As a group and inidixidualily thev have con- tnibuted a great deaulta com- munity betterment projects. ta make contact with him once jmure, and showed in man>' i ashow very appreciative they were fon his visit ta the comnunity and the Church. On the previous evening (SatLirday) there was a recep- ýon for Mnr. and Mrs. Harcourt L, t he Parisli Hall.- when the gIhii was x'ery nmuch largen tha a;'icpitd.It was spon- soreci b'. the Woman's A'uxiliaryj of fihe Church), and was a most hap-py and interesting occasion. Bath Canon Chaperlin and Mr. Harcourt made brief speeches of thanks to ail who were ne- spoiisilile for the gathering and for the attendace of SO many visitons, as well as members of the congregation. It is understood that Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt. %il] be visiting relatives and friends elsewhere for thie next few weeks before retunning to their home in Eng- land. L.O.L. No. 133 The regular meeting uf Black- stock L.OL. No. 133, June lst, was welI attended Visitors fromn Tyrone No. 764 were Deputy County Master, W. Taylor, Dep- uty District Master R. Gibbs and Bro. Byam. A highlight of the meeting was the presentation to Bro. F. F. Willan P.D.M. of an Hon- orary Centificate, commemorat- ing fifty yeans of continous service. Honoranv Bru. P. H. Jobb brought forward Bro. F. F. Willan and Honoran>' Bro. C. P. Devitt oresented the cer- tificate. Bro. Willan made nepi>' b>' citing old times in No. 1,33. W.C. in C. of the Royal Scar- let Chapter announced a meet- ing June l9th at 8 p.m. in Black- stock Lodge room. T'le Royal Arch Degree wvas also conferred on Bro. Wm. Ferguson and a very excellent i Mr. J. Gay. District Representative, reported Special speaker was Mr. Cap- on the recent District Annual in pmng, an official employed by MpleGrave. the Board of Education of Me t- ropolitan Toronto, whose duty lti It was decided that the Insti- was to see that they received tiite will sponsor a bus trip ta their proper share of the city's Guelph, July lSth, the July scliool taxes. group ta be convenors. Black- Our two sehool systems (Puib- stock W.I. do flot plan enterir,,g lie nd eparte)madeit ery an exhibit at Orono Fair. Mvrs. lic nd Sparte) adeit vr>'Dalton Dorreil convener for thie difficuit to manage. Many as- month had charge of the pro. sessors took it for granted ifgrm you. were a Roman Catholie gam you would be a Separate Sehool Mrs. C. Downs of DuLrhain supporter which was not always County T.B. Clinic spoke for a the. case, and many> a Public short 'while and urged ail ta School ratepayer (Protestant) attend the local clinic. MNrs. H. was paying taxes ta the Separ- Bailey read and comnientcd ,'n ate sebool, because bis tenant -the motta "Live one day at a was Roman Catholie. Tbe Public time because at best you ar'e School in Toronto bas lost tbou- Only one heart beat away frorn sands of dollars by local tax- Eternity". Elizabeth Thompson payers and corporations being sang a solo with Nancy Dorrel recorded in tbe wrang category. as accompanist. Mrs. Gib Mar- ManyPubic Shoo suport low gave a splendid demonstra. ersneyr tok he roule 1 tion and talk on the arranging see how thev were listed. Dur- af utjfowesvr.Rs~ ing the year over four hundred Muto gave current events cases had gone through bis of-adMs .VnCm odce fie orpîcig n roerca -a verbal contest. After thie gac ry t aa ven r' tborough"Queen", ail enjoyed a buffet discourse of the assessors' prob- lems and aithougli he substi- tuted for Rev. Milîs, wvho was ~ '~ Mi. Mr. Copping did an excellent j job. The nominating committee made their report and meeting POOR HL&TING AND ck>sed with the Queen. P.CO Women's Instltute ~ igUe WOWtd' i Blackstock Women's Institute NOW le TUE Il met in the Parish Hall on Fni- OH MO N FIXE day evening with Mrs. John Scott hostess. After the Ode and Collect, the President Mrs. E ILarmer asked for two minutes silence in memor>' of Mrs. T. Smith, who passed away since the last meeting. 1 e Mrs. Larmer then offered a short prayer and read an appro- plate poem. Mrs. Leith Byers 1L . I ~ ~ J read the Parable of theSoe for the Scripture reading. The roll cail "Hints from tbe gree n-_______________ thumb ta the green-horn" was well answered by the twenty ŽJ ,7 . eight ladies present. r~~B im ..u Treasurers report showed a 1 ss3o)>PIUMBING 'q substantial balance. Mrs. Lar -ý HEATWNGA mer announced t'hat the 1960 24140-U District Annual will ibe beld inI *avc Blackstock. Mrs. Murray' Byers, PROCLAMATION More than one hundred years ago a resolute group of pioneer families founded the hainlet of Dariington Milis. God-fearing, freedoni- loving, self-respecting, neighborly and with faith in the future of their chosen land, the>' attacked the wilderness with axe and plough to lay a firm and true foundation for the Town of Bowmanville. Since those early days, men and women from nian>' lands and of man>' faitbs have contributed their skills and talents to the growtb and betterînent of this community. Ail too man>' of our men died in foreign lands in defence of ouï way of life, but now most lie in peace in Bowman- ville Cemeter>'. It is most fitting, therefore, that we should annually pay tribute to the rnemory of those men and women tbrough whose labors we live in peace, beauty and freedom. Therefore, we proclaim S unday, June 141h 3:00 P.M. to b. Day Bowman ville Cernetery Those parading to the Cemetery are asked to assemble in front of the Town Hall, Temperance Street, at 2:15 p.m. Service et the Cemetery at 3:00 p.m., in charge of the Bowmanville Ministerial Association, W. D. Carruihers Mayor Lloyd Preston Civic Committee R. B. Reynolds Clerk Replace that costly WORN-OUT FURNACE!1 Speci*fyr atural Oas OUR THANKS The Salvation Armny expresses sincere appreciation to the members of the Red ShieId Appeal committee, ward captains, canvassers and ail the kind people of Bowmanville and surrounding areas, for the wonderf ut support given to their annual Appeal. With' its financial objectives having been reached, the continuance of the Armny's spiritual objectives of bringing ight, hope and mercy is thus ensured. C.aptai n Norman Coles FREE BURNER SERVICE muerai 6" Netiug Eqipmwt ctblass t.e W, lut tehousti, fw kwAm. .dMW" Your Gus company do.. not employ door-to-door salosmen nor tlolphone canvassors. For information about deulers icensed by the Ontorlo Fuel Board ta seUl and instoil naturel qui equipment coU or write the Sales Deportment of Decoration THE CANADIAN SrATESMAN. BOVVIUNVnlýV- ONTARM qmTMCMAV IMTWV ililk leblem 39-62 1 -J