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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1959, p. 15

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taking the honours fou the ru. is, Orono;, Highest Boy under rai schools. iO-Randy Donoghue. Newton- The Field Day is sponsoreti ville, Highest Girl under 10- jointly by the Newcastle LionsI Beverley Rickaud, Newcastle; Club and the Clarke Teachers'i1ighest Boy under 12-tie- Federation with the teachers in' John Barîatt.Oiono, andi Br ýce charge of the field day events Mercer, Orono; .Highest Girl and the Lions Club supplying under 12-tie-Christine Maar- the prizes and treats. Accord- tense, 6th Line, and Lila Jacob- ing to Lion President Chas. sen. Newcastle: H-ighest Boy Gilkes some 650 bottles of pop under 14-Bud Elliott, Port and dixie cups of ice cîeam Granby; Highest Girl under 14 were handed out ta, the child- -Linda Tyrreli, Orono:. High- ren on Friday, by members of est Boy under 17-John Glen- the club. ney, Lockhaut's: Highest Girl, Medal lnnersunder 17-Linda Hughes,Or Meda Winersono. 'PAU The foilowing studernts will be awarded medals for winning SERVICEh igetnubrof points i theirage roupfromail events. i~ J Highest Boy under 8-(3-way tie)-Steven West, Lockhart's; Philip Barchard, Newcastle and James Eyden, Port Granby; Highest Girl under 8-Fae Lew- ,ITRUTONE WHITE, WITH 1 D B. GIVES LASTING, EXTRA WHUTENESS! " IDEB maxes Trutane the whitest. house paint you can use " Trutone stays whiter year atter year because it doesn't yellow " One coat beats the weather " Available in three types: Trutone White, Trutone Self- Washing White, Trutane Trim Whte BUY TRUTONE WHITE AT EETIC 'D ~WU"oeitu.'PAINT ---SUp,cg PA1NT Elizabeth Arden s Bluie Grass Specials No%% i. the moment ofBlue Gras-and summer! No%%\o'Ill nant to baffle in this cIassic fragrance al summer lon-and at thes.e special prices you cari! BL17E GRASS FRAGRANCE SET ... 5.00 P-erfuine Mt in scuptured plastic-covered boutle; Perfunie in Purse Flacon. (regularly 8.50 value) BLUE GRASS FLOWER MIST ... 4 oz. 2.00 (regularlv 2.50) . . . 8 oz. 3.25 (reguadly 4.00) BLUE GRASS DUS'ÎING POWDER. . . 2.00 (regidarly 2.510) Jury and Loveil PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVUýL Relay Races Boys' Urban - Orono, Brown's, Leskard; Girls' Urban--Orono, Newtonville, Biawn's: Boys' Ru- ral-Lockhartes, Clarke Union. Ciooked Creek; Girls' Rural- Sixth Line, Enterprise, Port Granby; Mixeti Rual-Stark- ville. Lockhait's, Ciooked iCîeek. Races Under 8 boys-Philip Baîch- aid, Newcastle; Douglas Staple- ton, Clarke Union; Jimmy Pitt, Brown's. Under 8 girls - Fae Lewis, Orono; Joyce Gueenley. New- castle: Cathy Coatham, Antioch. Under 10 boys-Randy Dona- ghue, Newtonville: Tommy IChaud, Newcastle, George Bei- lamy, Leskaîd. Under 10 girls- Tina Kozub, Brown's:, Beverley Rickard, Newcastle; Marie Couroux, Ken- dal. Under 12 boys-John Barratt,i Orono; Brian Arnstrong, Lock- hart's Biily Gilmer, Starkville. Under 12 girls - Christine Maaitense, Sixth Line; Judy Pitt, Biown's; Lila Jacobsen, Newcastle. Under 14 boys-Bud Elliott, Port Granby; Jimmy Moîrison, Orono; Jini Souch, Starkviiie. Under 14 gils-Linda Tyr- mdll, Orano; Joan Ransberuy, IEnterprise; Vicki Chard, New- Jcastle. SUnder 17 boys-John Glen- ney, Lockhaut's; John Hancock, IOrono; David MeReelis,j Brown's. Under 17 Giils-Lintia Hughes, Orono; Shirley Andrews, Stark- ville. Hlgh Jump Under 8 Boys-Steven West, Lockhart's: Terry Yendricks, Kendai; Johnnie Robinson, Or- ana. Under 8 Girls - Fae Lewis, Orona; Brenda Hoy, Sixth Line; Joyce Greenley, Newcastle. Under 10 Boys-Randy Dan- aghue, Newtonville; George Bellamy, Leskard; John Simp- son, Cowanville. Under 10 Girs-Linda Thom- pson. Leskard; Beverley Rick- aid, Newcastle; Doris Toddt, Starkville. Under 12 Boys-Bruce Mer- cer, Orono; Gardon Cowling, Clarke Union; Jini Basker-ville, Newcastle. Under 12 Girs-Lila Jacob- sen, Newcastle, Susan Gilbart, Orona;. Diane Stellai, Newton- ville.' Under 14 Boys-Andy Mur- phy, Starkville; Bud Eliot, Port Granby, Brian Pickering, Buown's. Under 14 Girls-Mary Jane Biough, Antioch; Nancy Simp- son, Browns Joan Falls, Stark- ville. Under 17 Boys - John Han- cock, Orono: John Glenney, Lockhaut's; Garfield Miller, Newcastle. Under 17 Girîs-Lindla Hugh- es, 4 ItL 4 in.. Orono; Susan Miller, McLean's; Neddy Wiz- nuik, Starkville. Broad Jump Under 8 Boys-James Eydlen, Pont Granby, Ken McCracken, Newcastle; Michael MeGregor, Lakeshore. Under 8 Grs-Janet Gibson, Lockhaut's; Beverley Tennant, Guano; Cathy Coathamn, Antioch. Under 10 Boys - Richard Black, Antioch: Peter Hender- son. Newtonville: Kenineili Brignail, Crooked Creek. Under 10 Girls - Cheryll Coatham, Antioch; Beverley Riekard, Newvcastle: Doris Todd. Starkville. Under 12 Boys-John Baruatt, Orono, Gordon Cowling, Clarke Union; Grant Williams, New- castle. Under 12 Giils-Lila Jacob- sen, Newcastle; Diane Stellar, Newtonville; Christine Maau. tense, Sixth Line. Under 14 Boys-Andy Mur- phy, Starkx'ilie: Howard Stapie- ton. Clauke Union; Jirnrie Mor- rison, Orono. Under 14 Girs-Linda TYr- reli. Orono; Vicki Chaud, New- castle; Joan RansberrY, Enter- prise. Under 17 Boys-John Glen- iThe Orono News The Annual Clarke Town- ahip Public School Field Dayi was held on Friday in the Ken- 'dal Park with Orono winning the Urban school shield for the highest nûniber of points in ah. events and Lockhart's No. 9 YELVERTON An information meeting et Particular interest ta landown- ers along 7A highway was helti in Yelverton on Tuesday. June 9, with Cecil Belyea. Federatian Economist, to be present ta an- swer questions re Land Acquis- ition (High way in particulai). At the conclusion of meeting a deliciaus lunch w£as served by the McCamus family. On Friday evening a nurnber from Yelverton enjoyed a spien- cid supper served by Nestieton W.A. in the C.O.F. hall. Al- most bent our beit buckle. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Holmes of Toronto were Fîiday guests of the Balfour Moores; on Sun- day Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jenkins and Peggy, Whitby: Messrs. Jack and Cliiford Sidman, Whit- by, weîe visitors at the Moores. The Auction Sale of farm implernents of Grant Jackson of Cadm-us was well attendeti and retuirned satisfactory prices. Mi. and Mrs. Carmen Bark- ley of Oshawa, were Sunday supper guests of the Art Ro- ans. IV.A. Meetint ney 16 It. 9 in., Locknars; Lau-' On Thursday p.m. of this week rie Thompson. Leskaîd; Ronald the Yelverton W.A. met at the Taylor. Orono.1 home of MuIs. G. E. Robinson Untier 17 Girls--Linda Hugh- with a gooti turnout of membeis. es, Orono;, Linda Westheuser. aeelgis eepeett Starkville; Dianne Burley, Cow- to oui. two depauting ministeus' anville. \vlves- Mus. R. R. Bonsteel Softball Throw and Mrs. Wm. Fritz. Bath these Under 10 Boys-Gordon AI- ladies have won the admiration lin, Newcastle: Tom Foster, anti respect of the community, Kendal; Ian Hughes, Oruno. each in their own way anti their Unden 10 Girls - Sharon departure fiom this charge will1 Perdue, Enteuprise: Judy Pow- be sincerely felt anti îegretted. ell, Newcastle; Ruthe Hender- Other business inclutiet plans son. Oak. f or our Garden Party anti a Under 12 Boy-Bruce Mer- luncheon of the Directaus of cei. Orono; Terry Walton, New;- Hog Puaduceus of Durham Coun- castle; Brian Armstrong, Lock- ty. at which the main course hart's. will be- Roast beef? Roast Under 12 Girls - Christine Tuikey or Chicken?- flot a Maartgnse. Sixth Line; Nancy! chance. Either ham ou fat park Gaines. Newcastle; Cheryl Coo- I of course. peu. Quona. 1 Yelverton provitietithe only; Untier 14 Boys-Bud Elliott, membersof Court Manvens 553 Part Granby: Ralph Kennedy, ta attend the Forresters Parade Orono; Tom Tendam, NewcaS- anti Church Service helti at St. tle. John's Anglican Chuîch, Linti- Under 14 Girs-Juýdy an say. on Sunday morning. To cock, Antioch: Anne Dancnuk.1 march in the wake af Lindsay'à Sixth Line; Connie Sutcliffe, Girl Highlandi Band was rather Leskard. a stimulating experience anti Under 17 Boys-John Glen-! hope this will continue ta be an ney, Lockhait's; Laurie Thomn- annual affair on the Foresteu'a pson, Leskaîd; Ronaiti Taylor, agenda. Orono. Mi. and Mis. W. H. Stinsan Under 17 Girs-Linda We-ýz*- have spent seveîal tiays this heuser, Starkville: Gayle Wil- week %vith their daughter andi lis. Orono; Faye Faulkner. En- family. the Walter Wrights aif terprise. Blackstock. Mus. Keith McDonalti return- ed home on Friday frain visit- ing relatives in Englanti. Mi. and Mis. Cauman Cornish, Cheryl andi John visited Mr. andi Mrs. R. Rathbun, Carrying Pla- ce. Mus. James Lamb and Karen, Scarborough, spent the weekend with her mother, Mis. Thornton Wilson. Mr. and Mis. A. J. Jakeman andi Mi. andi Mis. Colin Taylor, Bowmanville, aie amang the Goodyear employees enjoying a 'plane trip ta Englanti. Mr. andi Mis. David Gay andi son left Monday foi New Bruns- wick where they plan ta meside. Mu. and Mis. Boy Poweis, Toronto, visited Mis. Cecil Pow- ers. Mis. John Morris visited Mr. andi Mus. Alvin Jones, Part Hope last week. Mu. and Mis. Raymond Clapp, Tyrone; Mi. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper visited- at Hastings. Mir. and Mis. Russell Rosbor- ough, Niagara Falls, called on Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick, on Sun- day. Mr. andi Mus. W. B. Hoar spent the weekend with Mr. andi Mis. Neil Rainey and fam- iiy, Sunderlandi. Mis. E. Grady returneti home Monday from visiting her dau- ghters near Hamilton. Mrs. Johin Bigelow is a pat- ient in Port Hope Hospital. jMi. and Mrs. Robent Han- cock, Helen, Peggy and John, Miss' Janet Streefkerk visited Mr. and Mis. Allan Hancock, Port Hope, on Sunday when their daughter, Sheilia was Bap- tizeti. Miss Ruth Gordon andi her uncle Mr. Gordon, spent Sun- day in Dundalk visiting his sis- ter. Mis. Bruce Mercer ueturned home last week from Memoîlal Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mis. H. D. Lowes andi childien,, Bethany, have rented the Awde residence, Mr. Lowes is the Principal of Orona Public Schaol. Mus. D. Gibson, daughter andi son-in-law, O shawa, visiteti Mrs. Wm. Seymour. Miss Bertha Cain spent Sun- dav with Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Miller. Mis. Russell Best, Mr. anti Mis. Geo. Carson were dinner guests of Mi. antiMis. E. Bain- ey on Sund'ay. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis andi daughters, Bowmanville, visited Mus. D. N. Myles, an Sunday. Mr. and Mus. Wm. Mitchell visited Mr. and Mus. Robert Bat. tey, Brooklin, on Sunday. Mus. Isobella Goodwin Muir, widow af Alexander Muir, ina- ther of Mrs. Robert Glan'ville, Orono; Mus. Frank Thomnson, Ottawa, andi Mr. Wým. Muir, Scauborough, passed away In her 84th yeaî at heu daughtem's home in, Omono on June 3rd. Funeral was on Satuiday. In- terment in the family plot Orono Cemetery. Mu. and Mis. O. Chapinan, Kirby; Mi. and Mus. Orvile Chatterton and Carol spent the elweekend at View Lake. District Fielti Day was held -at Kend-al last Fiday. Sunday Service will be held -at 9.30 a.m. at St.- Saviour's Anglican Church for the sum- mer months. Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Werry, Tyrone, visited Mi. andi Mis. D. 'HIR8DAY, JUNE llth, 1959 TECAIiADLAYISTATSUM. DOWMLAIIVUE, TAUZO________________ Orono and Lockhart's Win Tities At Annual FielId Day ELECTION INFORMATION TRANSPORTATION BABY SITTERS ELECTION RETURNS To many triends who visited our new appliance store Iast week ... and for the response we received on bargains offered . .. we say "Thanks". To those of you wIio have flot as yet paid us a visit . . . please accept our cordial invitation to corne in and look around . .. You are under no obligation to buy. Again, we say, "Thank Youll" Mr. and Mrs. iim Colliss. the PuII'IN Clea 1n Oven ELECTRIC MA 3-m5901 PAGE IFTEU -- and were tea guesis ai Mr. an~ Ti 1 For . a* 1 G. Hooper. Mrs. J. E. Richards wus an oveu-mxght guest ai Mr. andi Mis. Atklns Archer, Lindsay. last week. Mr. Joe Hearst, Peterbarough, is the new barber at Rainey's. Mr. anti Mis. *0. M. G. Fagan, Karen and Michael wiil be moving ta Markham moon. Nex± Sunday at Orono Unil- ted Chuiich, the W.M.S. An- niversary Service will be helti at the regular haur of worship. The special speaker wili be Mis. Maxwel C. Laveys, Dovainion Board Secretary ai Home Mis- sions. Mr. Jas. Rickaby will con- duet the service. ENNISKILLEN TO-DAY US ELECTION DAY Mis. T. M. Siemon visited hem cousin Mis. Eva Tyers and other friends in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, DQreen and Donald were Sun- day evenmng callers itHerb andi Roy Soot's, Clarke Union. M. and MrUs. Donald Lee and family, Oshawa; Mn. and Mus. Keith Ferguson and family, Bowman.ville, with Mi. and Mis. Walter Fergusan. Mr. and Mis. Edgar Wright, Doris. Betty and Lawrence, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Spry and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spry and Billie, Rochester, N. Y., and Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catherines. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and Patti were Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mis. Ivan Sharp. Miss Betty Jane Weîry was an oveinight guest with Miss Sandra Werry. Mi. and Mis. Frank Dorland with Miss Margaret Aluin, Bow- manville. Mi. and Mis. 0. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, with Mis. E. C. Ashton., Maple Grave. Mr. and Mis. Cameron Oke, Oshawa. with Mr. and Mis. Al- bert Oke. Mis. T. McCauley, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hornby, Toronto, with Mr. and Mis. H. Grubb. Mi. and Mrs. Ralpli Virtue visited wlth Mi. and Mis. Earl TUA PHONE MA 3-m3 671 FOR THOSE ON OSHAWA LINE PHONE RA 3-7171 CONSERVA TIVE COMMITTEE RO OMS BALMORAL HOTEL BOWMANVILLF INSERTED Bt BOWMANVILLE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION KSe.. 30#4 RANGE wil'th COLLISS 44 King St. W. MastemsBowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson attended the Heath-Hendershot wedding iOshawa on Satur- day. Mrs. Ed. Cox entertained a few ladies at lier home on Thursday evening, oelebrating the occasion of her birthday. Mr. and Mis. R. J. Oriniston, were tea guests of Mr. and Mms Russell Gilbert, Bowmanville. Mr .and Mrs. Adam Sharp, were visitois at Mr. and Mis. Cecil Robinson's, Newtonvile. Mr. aùid Mis. R. J. Ornuston, are ta take a bus trip on Tues- day, June 9, with other members ta a number of Holstein Farrns in the vicinity of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Toronto, were weekend guests with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Weîry. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin, Heather and Dale, were, cailers cottage an Four-Mile Lake. Mr. and Mus. Allan Weîiy, Sandra and Sharon were with Mr. and Mis. E. A. Werry, being the occasion ai Betty Jane's l2th birthday. Mi. A. J. Werry arranged a very delightful tea at her home Saturday aiternoon mn honour af Miss Judith Stenger, a bride of the month. The guaup included the close neigbbours of the family and everyone en- joyed. a fîiendly chat. Mrs. Wer- iy serveti a treat ai ice creain, cake andi coffee. Mis. H. J. Me- GUI, in a few well chosen woids, congratulateti Judith upp her appraaching maîriage an'disked 'heu ta accept a small gift, which was preserited bty little Miss Sandra Werry, as a îemem- brance ai the years spent an the faim at the corner. Mr. and Mis. M. J. Stainton attended Enfielti Anniversary Murs. W. Bowman. Mr. and Mis. Arthur Brunt at. tended the Preston - Bagnell wedding at Bowmanviile on Saturday. On Sunday Mr. and Mm .A. Brunt were visitais af Mr. and Mrs. Howard Caunachan. Bro- oklin. Mi. andi Mrs.Ed Werry, soi- ine, weie visitais with Mr. and Mis. N. E. Wright. Mi. andi Mus. Ross Page and family, Hampton; Mr. Jackt Holdstock, Bowmanviile; Mr. and Mis. Dawson Beckett and family, Maple Grove, were vis. itors at Mr. andi Mms F. Beck. ett's. Mi. and Mis. Léorne Lamb accompanîed Mr. and Mus. Rus. sell Wray and Wayne, Mr. and Mis. Allan Wiay, Bowmanvile. who visiteti Mi. andi Mus. Char- ley Stainton at their cottage at Sturgeon Lake. ci y

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