TU WRDAY, jSnE11h, un1UE rZ, flLIAIAN ATLJJ4. Antioch Delegation Wanfs to Join Orono ln New School Area Clarke Townsip Council on Orono would take a great part1 jMonday evening. Jan. lst spent i of it in incorporation. Hie re-1 jthe major portion of the even- ferred te a petition submitted1 /ing receiving delegations and i te council which 95% of thel discussing their probleins. AI ratepayers signed asking with- delegation frorn- the Antioch drawal from the school area. School Section a'sked council He said it was more feasible for to take immediate action ta Antiach te join Orono and he seek permission f rom the De- further teit that Orono wa.s partment of Education tealalow willing ta take Antioch in. Antioch section te withdraw Reeve Brown stated that the from the Public School Area. sub-division by-iaw wouid not Mr. Wm. Mof fat stated at the carve up any area as it was nlot meeting that the sub-division1 de.signed te do so. Neither, he by-law was going te carve up saîd, had hie heard anything of the Antioch section adta factory. sites or the taking of - certain areas into Orono. Coun- cilior Dent stated that he be- lieved there were some suggest- Gi e oUr h Me I proposais in planning of the Giv yor hmearea but that nothing was fi Mr. C. Evans akdCucl i hyhad net a motion on the books in which they were te b'W 100k 'te have the area dissolved.1 # e, Councillors said that there was but that no further action wouid with ade-rsistat i taken in any direction on wit fderésstntClorI ts matter until the debenture isue for the schools had been CH O O SE otteillo Stone referred te CÎM O SE à~ conversation with theSho 'LOWE BROTHERS Inspector and stated that the t IDepartment would not let out h single area but that they I C would look favourable in An- fl tioch joining with Orono. He further said that it had been sections would loe their schools asconsolidation was coming. SCouncillor Dent along wlth teDeputy Reeve made state- I ents supporting redistribu- Spei:o nvk e o s ion of the area. Councillors stated that An- fer u extriothe matter of joining the two thlemdr trend to color- vacated the Orono school. fuihoe xteios.Representatives tram Port fui ome xterors.Granby section were also pres- cnt and wished te know what action was ta be taken on a withdrýawal mave. Again Coun- cil assured that saine course 4MMVBM*awould be taken but net until after the debenture issue was settled. Other questions were put te cauncil in regard te edu- cation te which the Deputy- reeve pointed out would have te be asked of the Area Board. They oniy obligation of the, Council, said Walkey, wus ta supply the money. A delegation was also receiv- ed which complalned of the M cG r gor dumping of garbage on sections M cG rego f' the road aiiowance. They were annoed at conditionsi and asked that action be taken H ardw are te contrai this practice. on LIMITED cil stated they were aware of MIA 3-3386 95 King St. W. the conditions and also pointed _______________________o ut that the establishing of pro- V For Election Information PHONE MA. 33365 LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS 154 Ni ng Si. East Bowzuanville Also TRANSPORTATION TO POLLS NIere's the best in heating comfort RED TRADEMARKED FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE You caon b. sure you are geffing Wbe worid'sA fn.. bord cool!1 R.memb.rihere is econ.my in quvafty. Ask for it todlay! STOVE - NUT - PEA BRIQUETS SUMMER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT - BUY NOW AND SAVE - 4STEPHEN FUEL5S PHONE MA 3-5410 Offe ent C.N.R. Yards - - ~ A .Y A- U A qu@~ A u-~~AUv T ~~I~W ~PAGE sEvENTEEU caried a nosegay o! pink dsisy- M type chrysauthemuma.j An outstanding car. 0 Mr. Lyn Berry o! Ajax was OUR $139 bcst man for bis brother, anti FULL PRICE --$ 3 , the ushers weîc Mr. James Top- 15 piflg o! Oshawa sud Mi. Ronald 15 Lang. The junior usher was 1955 BUICK 2-DR. H3ARDTOPH Dusue Berry, yauugei brother Tot boefo.Mn xrs ri o! the britiegrooni. w ocos rn.M yexa. The receptioni was heldin' OUR F heet-ebismteKing Street Centearnial Hail FULL PRICE - Eacb$14945 F ceiveti the gue.sts wearing anl afteînoon dress o! cocoa beige Yoa elali fsapUe as Honan silk with -small bat of'!!syw elali fsapUe as i figureti silk in shaties o! grecn, beige anti golti. The briti jpeo l nadaon omnil,(hn go m'srother who a e-" pe chosesi le Chantily lace with champagne hat sud _?atch- F Y U A E L O IN igaccessaries. They bc.. ore I OU AEjO KN corsages of yeliow gladioli.V For the honeymoon trip te, Niagara Fails aid other points. i the bride travelled inl a dîcss' o! yell.ow silk crepe ,xith musj tard lînen duster caat, white t R' a corsage o! white gladioli. On S. their retuin the couple will i-e- 14&16CUC uaamiaa aide in Ajax, Ontario.19 19 E R S.BWNLI Out o! town guests were pie- sent !rom Ajic. lTaroiio. Lon- Low, low, down paymenis don, Bowrnanville, Barrie antid Qriha that set a pattern for other un- ions andi workers to trade on.1 So on the face of it mutual aid understandings, as a nseans of countering labour's industry- wide bargaining powers, may seem a benefit ta the public. In the short term view it may seem that a concentration o! oompany strength is the only practical answer ta the prob- lemis created by the concentra- tion of union power. Perhaps in the situation it is a practicai solution, but in the long run do two wrongs ever make a right? besm1uee n teM--. 1 prduiups would be costly. The HAMPON Lar. ob rria andi Bifi petitioits feit that if CouncilHA P OLar.t was interesteti in dumps they Mrs. John Botbwell anId De>- al would approacis Messrs. Payne Mr. and hUrs. L. Truil andi Mr. bie accompenied Mrs. Del Ark- ci and Hale who have intimated and Mis. Gerald Balson return- lesOshawa, to Hamilton on wlllnigness to establish proper eti home on Friday from a very Thursday. dumpo. enjoyable trip to, the U.S.A. and Mr. andi Mis. John Davis Mi. In Mr. Robeits, a representative atten~de< the Speedway Races and Mrs. Charles Dickson and o! aBondCompny, ppr a t Indianapolis. They also vis-i son Barry were Sunday visitais eti Coundil in regards o! moneyitdaLengn.Knucy with Mr. andi Mis. Harry Wind- ai forthirdebntreisse.Con-the blue grass region, West Vir- soi anti family. v cil decideti. alter considerable g yladPttbrF.Mis. William.Ton±kin. Oshawa, discussion, toa atvertise the de- Mr. W. W. Horn who was spent Friday and Satui-day at h benture for bids. a patient in Memorial Hospital,I the home of her daughter, Mrs. f2 Bownjanvile, for three weeks, 1 Wally Bothwel and family. Councii are hopeful that re- returnecI home last wcek. His Maple Giove Girl Guides andti sidents of the Township will mnany friends wilI be glad ta) Brownies will be selling cookies R have an opportunity to invest know he is improveti in health. in tihis area. on Saturday, June% in this fund. Anyone interesteti Miss McDougai, Miss Apha 13. Please give them your sup- a is asked th contact the clerk in Hodgins, Bowinanville. Mrs. port. Orona. Norval Wotten. Solina. were Mrs. William O'Neill, Mis. R. C. Foirester of the Police Suntiav visitors with Mis. Sain Jahn W. Noble, Mrs. WaliyF Trustees asketi that Counicil Dewell. Bothwell and 24 Maple Grave V pasa the Recreation By-iaw in hÊi. and Mrs. Harland Truli Brownies attendedti he Brownie ] aider that grants could be ob- pn udywt e utRvlinOo PrenS-b tained for recreation and sport.-;MsenJohndaoywith her aunt, Revel n 1Oo Paronest- lie pointed out that the by-law Mi.Jh CayOaod. utywen80terro is was submitted last year and Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, jalso took part in the games andti that- approximately $1,000 was Bownianville, Were supper exerciseS.M being îast in grants. guests o! Mr. andi Mn. A. E. Mr. andi Mrs. John Ralston,a Billett on Fîiday. Mooîeficld, visited Mr. snd Mis. A by-law was passeti by coun- Jack Raîstan recently. cil setting the amaunt ta be Mr. andi Mis. W. Chapinan N&M. andi Mis. Jack McLellan.b paid as fox bounty in Clarke and Mr. anti Mrs. R. Shackle- Ajax, andi Mrs. Don MeLellanp Township. This amount will be ton attcnded Salem anniversary visiteti. Mr. and Mrs. John $400 when atiequate proof la on Sunday. The Chapmans vis- Whalen on Friday evenmng. supplieti. ited Mr. anti Ms. Geralti Shac- iMr. R. Mailins, Grade 8 tea- A supplementary road*appro- kleton andi Mi. andi Mis. Shack- cher iu aur schooi was pleasant- priation was approveti by Coun- leton visiteti their son Ken anti ly surpriseti on his birthday, cil of $15,000. wi!e. wheu his pupils piesented him $2,000 is ta be spent lor gra- Burrows Anniversary with a luvely cake ta celebrate veiling andi gradiug on the 4th -ogauain to' Mi. and the occasion. Une east o! Highway I15 for Mis. J. A. Burrows who. onl Mi. and Mis. William Hawk- 2½i miles. The Simpson's side Saturday celehraied their 25th i shaw andi famnily. Kitchener, îoad north fîomn the fouîth wiii wedding anniversary when a; were weekend guests of Mi. and- also be gradeti and gravclled at reception was helti at their Mrs. Alan Sunowtien. i a cost of $1,000. Thîce miles o! home. Mr. andi Mis. Melvin Holmes,t gi-avel lift on other roatis is ta The guests werc receiveti at Ethel and Gwen attended thea cost $3,500. $2,500, wvas aliotted the door lu the afternoon by wedding of Mis. Hoimes' ne-r for the Stewart and Foster cul- their dlaugliter Helen, who aiso I phew. Meivin Dupuis, ta Miss a verts and a further $6.000 for had charge of the guest book. Kathleen Yautha lu Madawaskaç winter conti-ol of i-asts. Mrs. Siemon pouring tea and ou Satuîday.t The roast superinteudent was jMis. Percy Dewcii, Mis. Earl Mi. and Mis. Cecil Burtonr autharize t t speud $500 for Luke. Mrs. Theron Mobunt.jov anti family, Mr. ai-d Mis. Samc weed spiay.-Times.I anti Mis. Kersey, servxng., Mann anti family, Mr. anti Mis.t _____________Inl the eveuing Mis. Eric Ph-l-l Rau Howell anti family cnjoycdr lips receiveti at the door anti a picule at Norland on Suinday. L ~ AI Ilooketi atter tace guest book. Relatives and frientis fi-rn larnDion W Mrs. Wilfrid Smaie, Mrs. R. Oshawa and Whitby visite t Farrow, Mis. Lorenzo Truli sud the home of Mr. and Mis. Jack H Ms.Slemon assi-steti with. the Shearer ou the occasion of tleir H olds lean Up refreshmrnnts and'siin.Ms son Danny's birthday.M heli hei ~ the teacups at the attactiv ta Scarboraugh, anti Mis. Don Mc- Hampton W.!. hl hera- ibcwih iahudai aeLellan, Ajax, visitet Mi-. anti nua hose-lenin pa-tya~cloth made especi ally for the Mis. John Wihlen and family the park Thursday afternoon, occasion by Mis. Annie Phillipi on Sunday. June th. Iand presenteti to her tiaughteî, Little Haîry Willoughbyun Eight ladies sttended andi Mis. Burrows. The wedding derweut 'an operatian for ap-i speut the afternoou scîubbingi cake centreti the table and taîl pendicitis in Memorial Hospi- floors, walls, tables, chairs andi tapclred candies in silver holti- taI. Bawmanville. last week. benches, cleaning windows andicswr neihrad. iSorry ta report Mi. John1 washing dishes. WhutersT wee ethe reipent Whalen lsas patient in hospital1 cleaning chores were completeti mauv oeautifui gifts, cards and1j again. they sat down to a dainty lunch. flowers. Their many fiends 1Mis. Mary Holmes, Peterbor-1 Mis. K. Caverly, weaiing a trust they may eujoy many1 ough, is spentiing a few tisys gi-cen andi white dress, green more years o! happy weddct;wt ersn i nt i.Ml socks, beige sandies anti white lifI vin Holmes andi !amily. picnic cap, acted as hostcss and mmn eaie rn s A carti par'ty at the home o! poured tea. Mirs. S. Dewcll andij tance reentives rh aris-, the Milton Patersons turneti inta Mvrs. J. Si-ales scîved cookics. Mis, Biauton, and lîttie daugý... j a surprise birthdsy paîty for1 The ladies ieft for home tired er Melanie, anti Mis. Phillips IisPtro at au-a v but content with a jab velio!Kinston, ber uncle, Mi-. A. ening.9 done, prepareti to serve the E. Taylor, Alliston, Miss Helen Mis. John Hailstane, Madoc,i mauy picnics which gathere Buriows. daughter. Toronto, visiteti at the home o! her dau- there during the summer their son Ralph of~ Honey Har- ghtei-. Mrs. Ed'win Holmes, last months. bar. and MIr. Buirrows' parents, week. of Brougham.. Mi. ant i Ms. Sam Sniowden ______________ and famil\, B]ackatock, calleti on Jhis pai-enits, Mi. andi Mis. Alan WEDDING MAPLE GROVE Snowden, on Sunday eeug BERR - HAMERSMr.anti Mis. Jim Laverty - RABESanti famnily enjoyed a motor tripi BERYMrs. Nor'man Bur'gess has i-c- ta Londion anti visited Mr. and White floweis. banket i wth1 tuined ta her home in Toronto, Mis. Pat McGee at Labo on Sun- palmsntiefinsluhurgStreafter visitiug with Mi. and Mrs. day. UnietiChuch, Oshawa, faim- iLloyd Snowtien antiMi-. and Mr. andi Mis. Eti Holmes vis- cd the setting for a wedding at'Mis. Roy VanCamp. iteti at the home of Mr-. anti Mrs. 3 o'ciack Saturday afteinoou, About 35 Cubs attendeti church Ted Cavauaugh, Osh'awa, on Fi- June 6th, when Gayle Elizabeth services iast Suntiay when the day evening. 1Chambers, foîmerly o! Bow- Rcvcîcnd P. Rameril. Black- Maple Grave teachersansd manville, was united lu mai- stock, was guest minister. Leati- pupils will present their annual niage with Victor Phillip Date ci-s who atteudeti as well were Spring Corwecct at Maple Grave Berriy. The bride is the daugh- Messrs. Bei-t Snowden. Chai-les! Church on Wetinesday, June 17. ter of Mis. F. E. Train. Oshawa, sund, the late D. J. Chambers. iThe bîidegîoom is the son of SMi-. anti Mis. Albert Victor 1Berry, Ajax, Ontario. The cercmouy vas pcrform- c d by Reverenti Mervin A., Buiy. Mr. Rhyddid Williams! playeti the weciung music andi accompanietiMîr. Keith Waod, Bowmanville, cousin o! the bride, who sang "The Loid"s. Prayer". "The Wedding Piay- 1i sul ad "Because'". Given in mariage by her stcp-father Mri. F. E. Train. the bride woîe a fuli-length gawn o! carnation white silk embratc tiereti Swiss organtiy over net nti qilk faille. Guipure lacecett terunein cie METEOR RANCH WAGON 'ustom radio and many other extras. FUL -RCE $ 18 9#5 NONARCH SEDAN Loaded with Extras. FULL PRICE $18 945 PONTIAC SEDAN Powerglide transmission, custom radio. OUR $ 9 FULL PRICE 99# <ETEOR COACH. Also a real buy. OUR $ 9 FULL PRICE895 KETEOR SEDAN Has a rebuit niotor, installed just recently. 'ULPRICE __-- $295 1957 MERCURY 2-DOOR HARDTOP Beautiful and beautiful - that's the way ta describe this car, a real jealously creator and pride builder. You know it. Has many extras, out- standing features. First a bit of yenom down aud a dribble every rnonth. Before you know it it's al yours. OUR$29 FULL PRICE $ 1956 BUICK SEDAN Also loaded with extras. FULPRICE $189 5 1955 METEOR COACH FULL PRICE $1295 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN 28,000 miles and dlean. OUR $ 9 FULL PRICE895 ight you are... one reason being . . . ihere are a loi of smart 1God!) FOR THE BEST. DEAL - SEE US FIRST A R E,& ONTARIO MARKET PHONE MA 3-50U4 sand easy lerms arranged for your convenience. i. i fý Mis. E. F. Willoughby has re-I turned ta her home in Calgary, after visiting her sister Mrs. Ce- cil Jeffery and family. Mr. andi Mis. Ed Jenning s and >atty Gibsorn, Acton, are spend- ing a few days with Mr. andi Mlrs. Cecil Milis andi family. Mi. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and Betty Lau attended Anni- versary Services at Salem and were Sunday supper guests of her sister. Mis. K. Tennant and famuly. Mi. and Mis. Gardon, Met-J caif and fainily, Nestieton. and Reverend Bonsteel, Bethany, wvere recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Metcaif andi Rosa. The "We Neeti You" group met at the home of Mrs. Ted, F'oley on May 25 with President' M4rs. Clifford Swallow in charge. Rail Cail showed seven mem- bers and one visitor present. Members were asked to decide on a name for the Circles. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ted Foley and Mis. R. Metcalf. Next meet- ing will be heid in Septcmber with Mrs. Jack Cunninghamn andi M'rs. Neil Brownell in charge,&! program. Éeem completely coutrary ta the prineiple o! the fr-ee market, thlat principle that pramates ef- ficient industrial production anti ýosters econamnic gi-owth. TI' soundness a! this piinciple is s0 well establisheti that it bas long lid recognition lu law. The anti-combines statutes police any ti-endi towai-ts monopoly ln intiustry. What seems ta be neetict now la recognition that this samne principle must apply equallv to nmonapoly power in labour. qn» à-À&wàlrbTÀ&w 4mAnw-quAt#- lRnWWL&WVrLIX. O"AIM times and a District 6 Directo! elected by memabers fromn On- tario to British Columbia. Pre- sent incumbents are Wmn. Ma- honey, National Director; James Nicholson, District 5 Director;, and Larry Sefton, District 6 Director. Delegates to the Pol- icy Conference are elected by Canadian locals and ail Cana- dian economie and legisiative objectives are decided at this Conference. The union ma1n- ta ins a Canadian headquarters in Toronto providing parallel service in research, education, publicity. job classification. safety. etc.. to those provided U.S. members of the union from its Pittsburg headquarters. Two Wongs Steedworkers to No RightEConfme Objectives 'How to get Ecnocai legisiative ob- 1 3- a AewBy C. J. Blarris jectives for Canada's iargeA 3te protection Afwmonths ago. aîmost un-' unuon .will be decided at ui for your family noticed, a strike against one of Canadian Conference of the Un- OrSc-esadAcdn the major airlines introduced ited Steelworkers of America I OrScnssadAcdn an entireiy new viclea ta labour- to be held at Toronto's Royal policies can give yau and your management relations, mutual York H-otel on Thursday. June <arnily the protection you need. ai btwencompeting. firms 4th and Friumay. June î5t.h. It is They wiII (1) help you meet ithin nidutynana- expected that almnost 300 locals hospital bills and major medi-, wtmpnW annunterbalnane teof the Steelworkers front New-1 cal expenses (2) provide in-! monopaly position of big lab- 1 foundland ta British Columbia corne to replace earnings lost our's industr-wide powers. In will be represented at the through disability and (3) pay this connection mutual aid meetings. beneftits te your dependents if ineans that producing firrni The Steelworkers are bar- you suifer fatal injuries, or ta share with struck firns, anyi gaining agents for more than Yeu for loss of sight or limhs. profits earneti during the work.1 80,000 employees in iron are Call us for details about a stoppage period.1 and other hard rock mines, pri- Sickness and Accident Plan ter It is not necessarily a good' mary iran and steel, structural you and your family! idea, but it may spread. The sbaps, aluminum, metal fabri- steel industry in the U.S., striv- cating and office groups asso- ing Wo combat inflation w;ith a ciatcd with these industries. A holti-the-line palicy an wages number of conferences for sub- and prices but facing a prob- groups within the union juris- able strike ta farce substantial-i diction wii1 be held priar to iy higher wages, is reported te 1 main conference on Wednes S U I i A E je nvestigating the mutuai aid ay June 3rd. T A TB A E idea. Canadian officers of the SteelJ SUAC RAL STT On the surface there mighi workers are eiected. by the Can- NUAC REL ST E seem ta be a benefit to the pub- adian members on a one voteRsiec lic in the mutual aid deveiop- per member basis every four Office ednc ment. The centralized contrai years. They are the National MA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 o! certain of the major interna- Director for Canaida electeti bv igS.g tional unions has. created a sort ail Canadian members, a Dis- KigS.n owmanvillls of cartel o! labour. These un- trict 5 Director elected by merm- ions iiow hold the power toi- -- shut down a whole industry. or they can collect vast lunds out o! whîch ta pay strike benefitsTHRSN HO--H-AM te idied workers if head-ciuar- HRINO«S T--HEAM ters decides ta close down one TO ]PROTECT YOU or more companies within an industry in a divide-and-con- Against ail Sickness, Accidents, or Llability. quer strategy. Gone la the situation where But CIA, an ail Ontario casuaity compafly, ea help you one local or one union bargains with a particular company for protect yourseif against thse costs of these emiergencies with improvements in wages or, working conditions that are AUTO, FAMILY LIABILITY, ACCIDENT economically feasible - a con- AND SICKNESS tract that the company can sign and stilI nieet the price-- and-quality competition or oth- Far. Famliylv Isurancs ers in its industry. In place -o!f this the industry-wide power of labour permaits the "pace-set- For full details cali: ting"l unions to administer wage levels without regard te mar- H W R O E ket conditions, ta impose de-H W R R O E mands that are net econamical- ly justified, that must be pass- LýR. 3, Bowmafliii Phone MA 2-U"1 ed on ta the consumer in infia- tionary price increases, and UmM