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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1959, p. 20

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¶ TAZTwry = CANADIMI STATEMAN, EOWMAIrVILLIONTARr fM Salvation Army Drive Honor Hollingshead Worker on Retirement? A 'Red GoIdStnad Goes $300 Over the Top ~B .J ff~~ Ofthe mainy mysteries about Th tre minfatre o Nwcslewee heLinit.sRusione of the puzzlers ji eeisoepsibeass T he thre e m ai features of e w ca~t1e w ere the L~ o nettesw h at h ap p en s to th a t co u n t rv s t h r d l , f o t e w l - n the 1959 Red Shield Appeal af' of that area. Otner neople wV-th ~'gl.Terd a h y'sn omdEwadCakhwo The Salvation Anrny, which has 1responsibilities included Miss egoancîTe r a w ay theLndnObeseanFr e just concluded, were that the! Helene Wacidell. Orono: Mrs *'aned r. I -h an i ~~~~~~~Western countries, but they cdsteRsin aebe campaign objective of $4,150.001 Albert Bothwell, Hampton. Mrs. daim also that theymut busiiggl u oo had been exceeded; that the; John Carter and Mrs E. Adains,at emute Y figure surpassed last years ta- Burketon; Mrs. J. Henry, Black- given long-terni credits ifthv noshw uc theypode tai; and tliat the appeal for stock; and Mrs. G. Langstaffe, funds was completed in record1 Kendal. tern goods. The question is, ifsahdaay oewpb time. Much of tt'~e organizationalthe Russian government is she opoutinfgrs tm.Mc ofti raia iosotonoegneaagly n etr uessvr id In making this announcemnent.) work for the Red Shield appeal shorty.fIn somequarte.s tliere la a Mr. John M. James, Campaign1 was undertaken by Mrs. Wi1 nl-rmai i- ta h o Chairman. expressed pleasure lham Whitehead, Campaign Se- 'h sha" e I etfr m p ooye o ar hr it oenet ynwl with the whole-hearted mannýýr cretar. Captain Norman Coles ~ ehdbe mlydfrxayacmît~asr !Fr in- which the people of Bow-! of The Salvation Army. in sta- Years. It was almost a familyKnxord itavewtu- #Aanvîl and the areas sU- ting how gratetul he wvas for ail party as ail 22 people who sur-odn t taciicimmn rounding this town. had once the support which had been prised Mr. and Mrs. Mairs were ad wekn h etr again responded to the appeal. given. said that the total amount .rltvso hiswt h x cnm.Sc lnwudb The Honorai-v Chairman was1 raised ensures the continued ception of Mr-. and Mvrs. Jack utinkengwhtecls Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers. spiritual outreach of the Arniy, MNlyadM- and Mrs. Jack sclodtm osei p The eo-operative effort ot t're. ana also that its Christiant poch ndiote usin cn Re hîl Cmite, ddcan be expressed ini practical ~~ A fine set of niatched chisels siesuhugstosiadr catin n cnasesma wt~ays ta help manv people and a jack plane ivere present-osaiteyhvtod t a great deal to the success of 1 #w.. e oMi.Misbyhsduh-pbihprprsaisislk the appeal. Mr. A. L. Hooey,teFrdaMr.KnM nad nyterdutaio.Mow Campaign Treasurer, in report- c'jIonl behaif of ail those present. ve sta h usasne ing that the total raised waîl S vera Ms anr lora it agetda ftergl o s4;,300.00, stated that thiî. poem camPosed by Mrs. Jack sce rpgnah te A.. -;~~J-. McNulty for the occasion con-cunre. dence people everywhere plac- t cidenfl s . vcving best wisfles to Mr-. and Thtuesmy otb a ed in The Salvation Arm.. ..,. ~ I Mrs. Mailsl rong T agets ho ogan its effective work. 11 r.Bh Mlspneaieterd'sre osi h Thewad!apainifr veek I ~,beautiful corsage of liles of the fMdl ato hs h manville were: Mrs. Fred t Johannes DeKoker, age' 19, ~vle nhrmte-nlw oknoesbl i te at Smith, Miss Florence Garidner, R. R. i. Orono. nad a fortunate D tr0fth woldxreflo lkelst Miss Vivian Sadier. Mrs. Georgle escape from injutrN at 6.10 p.n - .uin v nudacin cep hrofinrbes o Forsey and Mrs. Lais Pollard. jon Satuirday when his car we'îi *- - -seelgioýe t hr pae oc i eainihecmuit Supervising the canvass of off the road into the ditch and Virtue, a niece of Mr-. and MrI-. idi ecsayt epo .. ~ '4-Mairs. and ier liusin ,, _ that - Chipinan -- King The entire staff of the R. M. Hollingshead plant ment and presented a chaise lounge. Plant 'Manager L. here gathered on Friday to honor Herbert Leighton, 50 Clif ton also presented a gift on behaîf of the management; Lamb's Lane, who was -retiring. He had spent 15 years and Mr-. Leighton thanked everyone for their kindness and with the company. On behaif of the staff of the Bow- said he certainly..would miss the Hollingshead friends he manville plant, Jack Knight wished him a happy retire- had made during his years of employment with them. 1 struck a telephone Dole. The j 're wacident hiappened whenj undamaged. Constable Jim Me- 1959 Chevrolet cdriven by Leon-j accident happened on the Lake- the car driven by Mr. Woods Donald, O.P.P., iiivestigated. ard T. Plumb, Meighen Avenue,1 shore Road a half a mile west was passing a Une of traffie Another accident was ines Toronto, and the other xvas- of Morgan's side road. Mr-. De- and the calr driven oy Mr. Won- tigated by Constablce McDonalà a 95 r, Sdriven'sbyAvine, Koker's car. a 19,55 Meteor, was nacott nmade a left hand turn. on Sunday evenin.g. It happeri- Toronto. Hlns vne considerably damaged. Con- At 7.10 on\Suni-da.v evening ed on No. 35 Highway .3 miles __________ stable Bruce Tilson. O.p .P., in- there was an accident near the north of the junction of 401 and vestgate theaccient.White Rose Sao ot fN.2Hgia.Tecr n Constable Tilson also inves- Orano on No. 35 Hiighway. The volved were a 19,57 station wa- tigated an accident that occur-j two \,ehicles involv .ed were a gon driven by William Geraîci rin s t g red at 1.15 p.m. çn SundaY. June, 19,55 Mercury driven by Wil- Doris Drive. Toronto, and aPa t 7th, in front of the Brentwood'liamn J. Achilles. Starnford 1955 Dodge driven by Gerard Motel on No. 35 Hi-chiway. Two Square, North Scarborough, and Smit, Drury Avcnue" Willow: ur rs vehicles were ;nvolved. One' a 1959 B.S.A. miotorcycle driv- dale. Both cars were consîder- was a 1958 Meteor driven by en by Fererick Horsley, Hull, ablv damaged. fl R trm t Abert Woods, Brookside Avé- Que. Constable Leoiiard James, n. tre e t nue. Toronto. and the other 'W-Is The motai-cyde sustained a O.P.P., investigated an acci- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ma irs a1956 Ford, driven by Rossi fair armount of damage. Mr-. dent on Sundav ev,,ening that -eetnee uprise partv Wonnacott, Hayrow Avenue.; Hor-slev was treated at the scenie happcned ai. 9.45 p.r. Bothi at their residence, 64 Welliing-; Toronto.i for facial lacerations. The cars involved sustained quite a on Street, on a recent eveni Both cars were northbound. car driven hI' Mr. Achilles vas lot of damnage. 'The tirst w'.ua in., :. lir f 'iIr -ni INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES We have available a good variety of: BOX PLANTS EVEIGREENS SHADE TREES PGTTED ROSES PHONE MA 3-5757 3 MILES WEST 0F BOWMANVILLE 3 MILES EAST 0F OSHAWA "We are growing because our plants grow" àI r onu Ai-Iiir eie 39 KING *STREET, WEST- BOWMAVIL (One Store East of our OId Site) FRIDAY, JUNE l9th Ail cuutomors and friends who visit aur new store this week will have a chance Io win one of these beauuiful prizes: Lady's or Gent's Bulova Watch, 3-pce. 1e evcCr Necklace and Earring Sel ini case, many other prizes which will be on display in our new store windows... You are under no obligation Io buy. .Juido la. brome arouud and enter your naine on blank supplied. DRAW WILL BE MADE FRIDAY, EVENING., JUNE 26 M4ARR'S JEWELLERY 39 KING ST. W. PHONE MA 46 VAN BELLE GARDENS WE CARRY: Niagara ATTENTION! Store at 43 King St. W. wiII be CLOSED Prior to moving from MONDAY, JUNE 15 to TIIURSDAY, JUNE 18 Aââàà& ÀM6ý À"--- - -PA- - -- - . ý àý ý&-. ý -,.V- - ý ýW MIV'"""

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