T [,~J f -ztWUtEDAT, JUY 2nd, 109 MU CAIiDTN STATESUM. EOWMINMILL. ONTAMT PAGE ELEVNW r I od.iÂnM lo HM mmny friends in thc vil- lage mand district will be sorry to leamn. that the Rev. M. C. Fisher, mnister o! the local .Unted Chunch, and necently elected President af Uic Bay of Quinte Conference, is a patient ln Memamrial Hospital, Bownan- Ville, wheme he was taken on Saturday aften having iuficrcd a coronmry thmombosis. The Rev. M. Fisher mand Mis. Fish- em were schcdulcd to attend the sehlservice in Sydenham United Chumch in Kingston on Sundmy when Qucen Elizabeth snd Prince Phllip were there. Lateat word le that the Rev. Mr. Fisher in daing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mmi. Harry Joie and Vougl an ud M. and Mis. Franicis Joie wcmc in Brampton baât Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mm. Donald Joie and iam- Ily. Mr. mand Mmi. Pemcy Hame were im Trenton lait wcek visit- ing wlUi aid friendi. 1The many fricnds of Miss Comm Butler will be pleased ta BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE 'G.o Buildint Lots for Sale la Newcastle on paved road % mile from 401 Highway and near Waltona Park. I.EASONABLY PRICED Apply te George Wallon Newesatle Phone 3261 PHONE MA 3-5778 USED learn that she bas ecovemed sufiicicntly from hem necent ill-1 ness toa llow hem ta convalescel at home following ber stay i Memaial Hospital. Mrs. Hanrs ai Rosetown, Saskatchewan; Mmi. Fred Tamb- lyn, Orno; Mr. Frank Cryder- man, Bowmauiville, mand Mmi. Mason, Oshawa, weme Fridmy visitons with Mr. mand Mmi. Harmy Joie mand Douglas. Mrs. Chas. Thackery ai Toron- to spent thc weekcuid visiting with ber mother Mmm. Frank Parker and with hem brother, Mm. Harold Bmown, who isa patient iui Memnral Hospital i Bowmanvillc. We have been lnforrned that the sumnuer holldays will nat interfere with the ncgular papen collections bcing made by the Sigm-C Gmoup af Uic United Churcb and Uic boys will ho rnaking their egular collection on Monday evcnnmg mter suju- per nd would appreciate cit- izens having their old papers tied muid plaeed at Uic curb be- fore 6 p.m. Newtonville Wl To Hold Picnic The Newtonviile Women's In- stitute met Thusday aftemnoon, June 25th at the home of Mrs. Arthur Redknap, with an at- tendance of 20 adults and two ebjîdren. The president, Mrs. C. Brown opened the meeting and conducted 'the business. Mns. Samis, sec.-treas., repomted a balance on hand of $21.42. She also repated that the silver spoons (souveniors of the Queen's visit) had not yet corne. Mns. Mllgan wMl be respons- ible for names of those wish- ing to buy the spoons. After nuuch discussion, It was decided to hold a picnlc at Waltona Park on July 15 and a commitý BOW74ANVRAJE CARS 1953 METEOR 2-DR. Customlije, with air conditlonlng -_$ 795 1950 CHEV. COUPE 5-Passenger. Very good mechanicaily 1950 FORD 4-DR. SEDAN One owncm, 53,000 original mileage $ 395 $ 395 1947. PONTIAC 4-DR& SEDAN Mechanicmlly good __$____175 p i USED GARDEN EBUIPNqENT ROTO-TILLER, Jari, reg. $32500 Special ______ $175.00 MAXWELL POWER MOWER, 18" cut $ 40.00 MAXWELL POWER MOWER, Ddluxe, 18" eut, stand-up start, *ractically new___________ $ 75.00 GRAHAM'S GARAGE STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE RAYDON (2 mles «st eofEni"klien) MA 3-2730 pbm a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch Hon ored by Friends On 25th Anniversary Councillon Fred Couch mand Mis. Couch weme guetai hon- aur at a surprise pmty held at the home ai Cauncillon muid Mn.. Breuton Rickard on Saturday eveuiiug ta mark Uic 25th muni- versary oi their marriage, with all members ai Uic present council, neeves and councillors ai former cauncils ssociated witb Mm. Couch, muid members af Uic village staff muid thein wives in attendance. Dean of Uic village cauncil, baving semved longer than any other sitting member, Council- lom Couch and bis wife were ieted by bis cofleaques and their wives ta mark thein silver wed- ding annivemimry muid bis years of service ta Uic village. Pre- seutation oi a Royal Dalton figurine was made ta, the happyý cou ple by Councillor R. B. Rickard and other congratula-1 tory speeches wcme madc by Reeve Doug. Cuniningham and Village Solicitor Dick Lovekin. Former neeves present at the Mparty were George Walton, John ehkard and J. H. Joie mand their wives. The most enjoyable evening was brought to a claie wlth the serving ai nefresbmeuits. Mrs. D. F. Hay Wins Grand Prize Draw at Lions Annual Carnival Newcastle Memorlal Arena took an a canival appearance an Fiday evcning when the Newcastle Lions Club itaged i ts annual cannival theme to beat the theatened nain. Boatha for bingo amud othen games ai chance werc set up inside Uic aena while the merny-go-rouuid fon thc kiddies was set up outslde thc west door ai the arena. Those attending report a gaod Urne wms badi by ail, but the cowd wms imaîl, indicating Uic cuitomrnes prefer Uic out-of- doors and do not appreciate the extra effort put forward by the club members for the comfort of thue customers. Mrs. D. F. Hay was the hold- er of the winning ticket ini the draw, entitling her to two Northland sweaters. Claire LWestlle of Oshawa was the win- ner of the second prize, a bi- cycle and Ruth Paterson won the steam Iron, the third prize. Winners of the Lionettes prizes were Miss Isobel, Allen, the chaise lounge, and Mmi. Louis Clark, the dressed doil. Electrical Storm Causes Extensive Damage Here nhe seveme clectrical storm wbich bit Uic village Sturday altemnoon left conîlderable dam- age i Itswake, baving destnoy- cd 'a barn on tbe irm ai Frank Parker, a stomage building an thc farmm o! Russell Osborne, bath an fthe Third Lin., muid daiuig considerable damage to electrical wiring muid appliances mand telephone Installations in at leait two homes in the village. The Parker barn was com- pletely destrayedi by lire caus- cd by the ligbtnhng boit, but lTckily the stock was l out o! Uic barnmuid the hay and grain crops have not yet been hmnv. iested, leaving the barn com- rparatively empty. The lois was rpartially covercd by insurance. he Oborne building, which cwas destroycd, wms uîed for i toring apple hamnperi and box- es. In the village thue home of Mis. E. C. Hoan was hit wlth 3the lightning travelling on the electrie wiming, blowlng a fuie, darnaging thc television set and leaving black marks on the walls. The telephane i this Lhous was also put out oi com- tmission, while 'Reeve D. J. Cunningham reports damage te, the wiring in bis home._ The Orono News Mr. and Mm. Lloyd Joh=t, returned home on Sunday alter Osaa p Sunday itîending a week with her sister, MisBrtaC=n m.Oda leing.,.Doris and Mr. and Mm-. Len Pears, Peter. Lydna and Alan spent Sunday Mrs. Fred Tamblyn and hem with Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Mc- guest Mrs. L. Harris af Sask., Quarrie and faily, Bowman- attended the Anniversary Serv- ville.tees at Hampton on Sunday. Mr..and Mm. Albert Mitchell Mr. and Mmi. Ross Taylor and and children are spendlng two childnen, Ottawa, spent the weeks et their cottage near Pic- weekend with his parents, Mm. ton. and Mns. Chas. Taylor. Mrs. John E. Armustrong ne- Mr. and Mmi. Alan Hancock turned home July lot front two and daughtem, Port Hope, visit- monthi visit ln the States. ed Mr. and Mns. Robert Han-' Mmi. Fred Tamblyn's dinner cock and farnily on Sunday. guesta lest Wenesday were Miss Clara Bannes is spend- Mmi. L. Harris, Rosetown, Sask.; ing July with friends ini Dun- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wilbur, Mns. d.lk. Loule Hewson, Mr..and Mmi. Heathen Rebekah Lodge had a Lewis Crydermnan, Hampton; pt luck supper et their meeting Mmi. John Cowling, Mr. ra n Monday evening. Next mneet- Crydemman and Mr. Wm. Bun- ing in Iln the fail. nett, Bowmanvilllc, and Mrs. W. Amberson Gerry Io a iRussell Van Homne, Whitby. atient in Sunnybrook Hospital, The staff of Orono Telephone ýrno Co.preentd mi.Owe M.G. Mr. and Mns. D. G. Hooper ýCo.presnted M a wn G attended the Berry - Awde wed- Fagan, the former Main Coop- ding in St. Clements Anglican er, who will be living ln Mark- Chumch, Toronto, Saturday, June ham, with a farewell git of a 27th, followed by a eception et card table complete with ash The Adam Hcuse. trays and double pack of cards.1 Mr. and Mmi. Wm. Mitchell Mr. Fred Trull spent the 1 visited Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Jor- weekend with his son Mr. and . an Ajax, on Saturday. Mrs. Lloyd Truil and famlly, lMv1s. Russell Ransberny and Kingston. daghe, MsKennethHae Mrs. Clarence Henningi, Osha, Dorval,.ue;M. a Hales wa; Mmi. Robert Battey and son, Robert Chamberlain, Willow- Brookhin, vlsited Mr. and Mns. dale; Mr. Jack Wilson, Downs- Wm. Mitchell on Sunday. view; Mr. and Mmi. Arthur Mr. and Mme. James Johnson, Fmi!,, Mr. and Mmi. Edwin Greg and Debbie, Peterborough; Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mr. and Mmi. Lloyd Myles, Ar- Wood and Charlcs, Bowman- lene and Sharon, Whitby; Mr. ville, visited Mr. and Mmi. C. V. and Mi. Jack Davis, Shermyle, Wilson. Karen and Jackie, Bowman- Mms. James Bail, Mmi. Harry ville, visitcd Mrs. D. N. Myles Mercer and Mis. Wm. Cochrane and LeRoy on Sunday. attcnded the Virtue Picnic at Mr. and Mms. Chas. Wood vie.Spmlng Hill Park on Satunday. lted Mm. and Mis. Lorenzo Miss Doria Laing is visiting Truil and attended Hampton her cousin, Miss Mary Downing, United Church Annlversary. Toronto. IM. Jack Arnott la îpending Mm. and MUn. Harold Awde, this week wlth bis farnlly in Tm no vstdM. n i.D Orono befone returning to e B5' ooop ier nSandy. . D Ranch, Nipawln, Sask. m. and Mmi.o ack Bryson Mmi.Wm.DownngTomotoBowrnanville; Mmi. Jack Staple- ton, M. Chas. Cooper, Mm. and tee was nnmed te nuake the. ne- Mmi. E. Bryson, attended the cessary arrangements. Bryson - Cowmn wedding in Mrs. Brown then called on iManor Road United Church, Mmi. Fred Henderson, convenar Toronto, on Saturday, June 27. of the group, for hem prograrn. Miis Janet Streefkerk leit on The rail call was, "a health hab. Sunday ta join ber parents Mm. it I follow", Mmm. H. Ormuiton anid Mmi. L. W. Streefkemk li gave a very interesting report Lyndock near Simncoe. of the recent District Annual, Mm. mand Mmi. Orville Chatter- et~ Maple Gmove. The draw for to n and Carol spent the week- thc blanket took place, with end with Mm. and Mis. Ed. Hen- Uittle Carol Henderson drawing derson mand iamily at Lake the nare o.f Mm. W. Farrow. SCËO 9 onrai os fNew- Durlng the social hour, thecatie and Omono United Church. hostess and graup sevdad.e will combine for out-of-door lidcous lunch. Mr.mi. ian services Sunday, July 5, et 7:30 received the *lucky cup'" p.mn iOrono Park 'and on and Mmi. Ferguson the riucyJy 19 they will meet at Wal- number'" prize. tona Park, Newcastle. Omono There will b em regular Band wlll b. present et bath 1. ", lirine Julv or Aiimiist.1 servi-o"r. uAca4.t1ea9L~à~4 hie/i Wff4 CUT FOOD Rticlamello - Only at DomInIon!l Cheese S lices a on.pkg. 31c 1 8 oz. jar 16 az. jar 32 or. jar Salad Dressingl9c 33c 59c Domino Instant Coffee 2 oz. jar 6 ox. jar 35c 85c Sliccd White 24 oz. loai Richmello Bread 18C (Available Only at Dominion) Garden Fresh Fruits & Vegetables WATERMELON 79C 0 NEW CABBAGE lOer CANTALOU PES 19C. a ENNISKILLEN Service Club memberi mand their huaban& spent a mnoat pleasant evening recently at Cmcsarea. Shortly mter mmriv- ing sevenal enjoyed a nefreshing swim. The latter part ai the evening wms speuit playiuig cardz. A wiener noait was ar- anged by the lunch conuittcc. Mmi. A. Ledbeater pnescntcd a gift ta Mmi. Wonnacott on be- hait oi thc club ion gencmausly alfering ber cottage ion Uic cv- ening. Mn. and Mmi. Alvin Page, Pet- erborough; Miss Clama Page, Toronto; Mn..muid Mri. Ross Page end family, Hampton, wcme with tbein mother, Mrs. Etta Page. Mm. mand Mrs. Adamu Sharp werc visitomi with Mr. mand Mrs. Jcss Joncs, Petertomaugh. Mr. Rusell Coates af Shirley, visited with Mr.,muid Mmi. F. Toms, Dr. mand Mmi. Clark Werry, Toronto, weme wlVb Mrn. d Mmi. E. A. Werry. Sorry ta report Mrs. R. J. Omiston i in Memomial Hospi- tal, Bowmanvillc, we wish hem a speedy ecovery. The Parott fimily rcuuiion was hcld on Satumday at Mr. mand Mmi. A. L. Wcarn's. Mr. muid Mmi. Dean Parmott and family, Brantford, spent Uic weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Weamn. Mr. mand Mms. Gordon Yeo weme visitomi o! Mr..mand Mms. Harry Collacutt, Bowmanville. M. auid Mmi. Albert Oke wene visitons oi Mmi. Jim Oke, Bow- manville. Mm. and Mmi. Lomnc Lamb, Mm. and Mmi. Ralph Lamub, Mr. and Mmi. Doanld Lamb, attended the Decomation Service, at St. Petem's Ccmcetery, Fenelon Falls. Mr. mand Mrs. Kcith McGil auid Dale wcrc on a motor trin_ te Picton. Mr. and Mm. Pat Tresisansd girls, Oshaw, were wlth Mr. anid Mmi. N. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin, accanupanled Mr. asud Mmi. dem Rahm and Allston of Hmydon wha vislted Mr. mand Mmi. Wal- ter Rahm at FPour-IMe-Laks muid cafled on Mm. mand Mnm Lorne Gril! n, Blackstock. Miss Nancy Wood left by T. C.A., Maltan Ainport, to spend thc surmmen vacation. with hem parýents, Mn d Mmi. Joe Swit- zeG'tes MlsOhio. Mr. and Mis. E. W. Begley, were Sunday visitons wlth Mn.. J. M. Gilchrist, Bobcaygeon. Mr. mand Mm.. Walter Fergu- son, weme recent guests et Mm. anid Mrs. Keith Fenguson's, Ma- pie GTove. Mn..mand Mmi. Malcolm El- fond, Bobbie anid Barry, Port Perry; Mr. anid Mni. Don Lee and family, Oshawa; Mm. mand Mns. Keith Ferguson mand iam- ly, Maple <Crove, were Sunday visitors at Walter FergusoxVs. Mmi. C. B. Rice, Miss Elsie Moore, Mr. and Mmi. Dan Flet- cher, Kenuiy exl Lynn., London; Mr. and Mmi. Reg Weaving and Ricky, Thornhill, were visitons with W. H. Moore's anid Floyd Beckett's. Mmi. Win. VanCamp, Mm. and Mrs. Percy VanCamp muid Ail- cen, Blackstock, were Sunday visitons ai Mm. mand Mmi. F. W. Werry. Mr. and Mmi. Floyd Beckett anid family, were Sunday visit- ons at Mr. and Mri. Eaml Luke'i, Hampton. Mmi. Ted Wemry, Is with hem mother, Mmi. T. Perigo., Caesar- ca, who is ill. Mr. and Mis. H. J. McGill, Mn. J. A. Wemmy attendedi Hamp- ton aunàvesary 'and were Sun- day tea guests at Mm. mand Mmi. Hosken Smith'i, Hampton. Mn..mand Mmi. J. H. Borow- dale anid Bnian, Oshawa, weme SPECIALS Solo, Margarine ,'pkg. 4C ST. WILLAMS Strawberry Jam j~ar *4#5 c CHEERIOS 2à7C pkg. Save On Ice Cneam! Available Only at Dominion! 6 Deliejous Flavouns - Richmello - 3 Pt. round container Ice Cream 69c Fneshly Ground Richmello Coffee Early Morning Coffee ~63c 5~g 5C For Salads or Cooking! 16 oz. bottie Mazalo Oit Kraft or Miracle 8 oz. bottie French Dressing Pantry Shelf - Sweet 16 o2. jmr Mîxed Pickles Cmnadian Maid Evaporated Milk 41c 29c lic 16 oz. fin 3 for43c Mason's or Gurds - Assonted Flavours - 10 oz. tui Soft Drinks in Cans 3for 29c Values effective in Bowmanville until closing tlms Saturday, July 4th, 1959 DOMINON STORES LTD. »DOMINION Sunday vWutors wlttu Mn. J. A. Werry, and bmought bim a cake for bis bhrthday which he whf cslebrate on ffriRy. Mr. mand Mmi. Edi. Cor mand family were at Presquile Point on Sunay. Mr..and Mrs. Earl Trcwin, Domeen and Donald speuit Sun- day with Mm. mand Mis. C. E. Homu, at their cottage, William's point. Brian Borrowdale, Oshawa, la viuiting with Garth McGiUl. Very pleascd ta report Mmi. E. Strutt bas returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton anid faminly were with Mr. anid Mmi. Carl Hill, Woodville. Mmi. T. M. Sîcmnon visited Mis. T. Mountjoy, Hanmpton, an Sunday. Mr. mand Mmi. John Slemon mand Katbryn witb Mr. mand Mmi. L. Clemens, Hampton. Robent Sîsmon is bolidaying with Ri- ckey Weaving, Toronto. PONTYPOOL Two weeks aga a paragraph was iiented in my coluimn ta the e! fect that a Liberal meet- ing was held at my home and that thc Candidate Mr. Ted Woadyard was present. This is incorrect ami sleading. The truth is that about 15 men (Tory, Gnit and C.C.F.) canie to my home after I had netired (My wiic wms in thc city) Mr. Wood- nd dd came during thc even- g and was welcome. Politics was neyer discusîed and a good time was had by ail. I neyer knew they weme comiig mand nothing'wmî preamanged. For thc benefit of this anonymous correspondent I would gues there weme 8 Tamy's, 5 Grits and 2 C.C.F.'s in the group. How, tbey voted thus time I don't knaw, nom care. This election I toied to stay neutral. I neyer solicited votes for anyone not 4flewcas t/e cSocial anad £Persona/ Jury and Love il SPECIALS . U-N Qom---- TYJ-1 even my own wif s. For ovw 39 years I worked every conceaulom for thue Tory Party and arixno asharned of it. I stielitdim te be a good Tory but there were things happened boti ln. ParUa- ment and locally that I could't endorse this trne. IIow 1 voted is my own business.I do wish- the elected candidate, Mr. Car- ruthers' tihe very best. When the fences are mended 1 am ,q uit. sure that the Pontypool Poli wll again show a good Torr majority. In the future an3m group are welcome in my home please don't brand them Omit, Tory or C.C.F. Just cal! them* citizens. Let me know and 1 wiIJ have the Editor (Jobnny James) to lead in a sIng song. Thanking you, I amn, R. John Payne.