- - e"7e.q" PAGB abIrEm TIM CANADIAN' STATESMAN. ROWMÂNVL..LE.ONTARIO TRURSDAY, JUIvY Znd. 1959 dal v.. bu T4 i ai G w *J4' NX i SYLVESTERt-Dr. and Mrs. AI- lan Sylvester are pleased to an- nounce the birth of Gordon Wal- lace. A brother for Donald, Steven and David. Born June 27th at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. 27-1 WOODCOCK - Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodcock (nee Gibner) would like to announce the birth of a boy,_ Philip Bruce, June 24th. A brother for Douglas, Gary, Roy and John. 27-1* WOODLOCK-Doug and June (nee Mutton) are happy to an- nounce -the birth of their son, Steven Douglas, on June 20th at Memnorial Hospital Bowman- viille. A brother for Devra. 27-1* Deaths FORGET--Suddenly at New- castlè on Monday, June 29, 1959, Richard Forget, in his ninth year, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forget, Newcastle.ý Resting at the Morris Funeralý Chapel, Bowmanville. Funerall Mass in St. Joseph's R. C.1 'Church on Wednesday at 101 a.m. Interment Bown-anville' *Cemetery. 27-1, J .ONES, Reginald O.-Suddenly at his summer home, Papineau' -Lake, an Wednesday, June 24, 1959,1 Reginald O. Jones, beloved husband of Lottie Cawker and dear father of Madeline (Mrs. J. Beattie), Toronto; Marjory (Mrs. R. Sanclerson), Islington: Darothy <Mrs. Dr. C. E. Mc- Ilveen), Oshawa. Funeral serv-1 ice was held at Northcutt & Smiîth Funeral Home, 53 Di- vision St., on Friday, June 26th at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow- manville Cemnetery. 27-11 PRIESTLEY-At Memoriai Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Friday, Jue 26, 1959, Arthur Priestley, -R.R. %,.Newcastle, age 48 years. Beloved husband of Ruby Post-; er and dear brother of Olive (Mrs. Reginald Gregg), Toron- ta, and father of Arthur Jr., Newcastle; Louise (Mrs. Allan Robinson). Oshawa; Joan (Mrs.1 Zlxner Truax), Lindsay, Serv- ice was held at the Morris Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monday, June 29 at 2 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 2-1 SEMvPLONIUS-At 16 Silver1 St., Bowmanvilie, on Thursday, June 25, 1959, Zwaantje Semn- plonlus, in her 50th year, belov- ed wife of Jan Semplonius. Rested at her late residence, 16 Silver St. Service was held in Rehoboth Christian Reformed, Church on Saturday, June2 at 2 o'clock. Interment ow manville Cemetery. <Arran ge- ments b>' Morris Funeral Chap- el). 27-11 SWIFT, George Holman-Sud- deni>', et Bowmanviile, Ont., on Thursday, June 25, 1959, George Holman Swift, formerly ai Ca- bourg, Ont., beloved husband of Elizabeth Wicke. Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funerai' Romne, 53 Division St., until Fi- de>' evening, June 26th, then ta R. S. Kane Funemal ' Home, Yonge St., Toronto, wbere serv- ice wes held on Monda>'. June 29th et 2 p.m. Interment West- minster Cemeter>'. 27-11 lI Memoia[m BIRD-In niemor>'ofai a dean wife, Mari aie Grae Alldread, who passed away June 3th. 1950. Deep in the bearb lies a picture 0f a loved anc laid ta est; TI memomy's freme w. shall 1 keep It,1 B4ecause she was an-tet nite; best. --Eiver renbered b>' hisband II and famil>'. 27-1*1l COLE-In loving mernony ai a1 dear wife and nother, Nana. wbo pessed away Jul>' 3rd, 1958. 1 Wben evening shades are falling il And we sit in quiet alone, 'ro aur hearts there canes aj longing, s If she oil>' couldcon home. Cards of Thanks ISince thanks ta oui' friends a nd neighbours in Bethesda and Tyrone Communities for the ver>' attractive and useful gift. 1 Jim and Marion Wagg. 27-1* 1 wish ta thank nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, also my family, relatives and friends for the lovel>' flowers, cards and i gifts. Speciai thankcs ta Dr. îSylvester. Norma Fergu son. 27-1* I wish ta thank my frnd Coming Events Articles for Sale Reserve Friday, September SEVEN acres of standing hay. 25th for the Rebekah Lodge Telephone MA 3-5150. 27-1 Penny Sale at the Lions Com- ' - 1_____ _____ munity Centre. 27-1 STRAWBERRIES. Orders tak-1 _____ --__- en. MA 3-2035. 25-31 Zion Cemetery Board will ---______ hold their annual Decoration WATER for sale. Delivered. Day Service on Sunday, July!Phone Cliff Pethick, MA 3-2736. th at il a.n. Dr. R. P. Vivian, 45tf M.P., will be the guest speaker. Ail are welcomne. 26-2* BALED mnixed bey. Harold - .Ormiston. Phone MA 3-2373. Woodview Community Centre! 27-1 -Monster Bingo. Twenty games ---___ -twenty dollars; five ganes BA.LED hay for sale. Austin thirty dollars, $150 Jackpot, and Turner. Phone Newcastle 3891. twa jackpots et $250. Door1 27-1 I rizes. Nxt Monrav. 8 mm-, Work Wanted FOR prompt pick up and deliv- er>' cali MA 3-3842. 27-1* CONCRETE and masonry work. Box 1083. L Turner. Phone 3-5820. 9t PLASTERING repairs. Base- ments plastered inside and out- side. Reasonable rates. Cal MA 3-5368. 21-tf K'-UMBING. heating, eaves-ý troughing; free estiniats. Harvey Partner. Tyrone. MA 3-1240 or Orono 1782. 6t TEACHER wants casual work Help Wanted CHRISTMÎAS'treeprners, hig school boys and girls, or men and women, ta start immediate- 1>'. Phone MA 3-5627. 27-1* TEACHER wanted for S.S. No. 7, Manvers, 1/2 mile south of Janetville. Good salary, accord- ing ta experience. Apply ta J. Nisbet, R.R. 2, Janetviiie. 26-2 YOUNG women, neat, attract- ive, for outside sales work. Av- erage $2- per hour, 6 hours, 5 day week. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. G-140-32, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 27-1 Real Estate for Sale APPROXIMATELY 66 x 120 ft. building lot on Prospect St. Phone MA 3-3524. 27-1* Pedwell Real Estaie Large andi stali farms. hous-ý es, service stations. genEerai stores, etc. Money ta joan. Salesmen:- Maurice H. PedwelI Phone Newcastle 3851 Win. .A. Heron Phone 12, Brookiu Real Estate for Sale Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL (NS URANCF. 99 King St. E. BowmanvîU.e Telephone MIA 3-5868 Box 817î Salesmian - . A. Bas-ton - N-%3-13098 Lovely 3 beclroorn bungalow with ail conveniences and gar- age. Priced ta seli et anly $10,000. Low down payrnent. 6 room 11'2,-storey framne hoImk beautifully equipped withi alu&* imum windows, doors and awn- and relatives for cards and gifts in... . . twn otdoos rferb l. f ng I modern conveniences. Red Barn. Oshawa. 46-tf THREE-piece living-room suitef 1n o aingouetc.prer.>'.efery ig l sent me while 1 was in Memor- -- - - -- A-i condition. Phone OronoHospanigec MA 3-7246. BE your own boss. Get inde- Phone '238. Coloorne Pi e osell. Ouyner moving. ial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. Spe- BWAVLEAD 05 71 27-1 pendent. If you have selling B. C. PEDWELL, BROKER 100 acre farm near Lindsa:r cial thanks ta the doctors andl DISTRICT RED CROSS -______ __ - ability, a car and a small capi- Newcastle Phone -,8561 ih7-onfrebusgr nurses. ~iî ~~ 20 ACRES of mixed hay, stand- WHITEWASHING and disînfect- tai ta invest. We give the high- 27-i1age, large barii. Ilydro, two Shirly Combe~1 [VIoftl Mi!eetinfg ing or by the bale. Telephone ing stables, etc. Free estimates, est commission and you willi--- el.Wl rd rsi nes 27-J1 Clarke 143-1. 27-1* al work guaranteedi. Telephone enjoy aur line of daily nece2si- te1s iWed., Tuly 8th, 8 n m. oE- c1airk-ý vi Bý Eet Tnkn.tc n ai rout.Fwe NQ~ n idd ie hae and severa oe. We would like ta extend aur i raLloyd baby carrnage.' R.R. 3, Port h-ope. 16-2-7iDcpt. J. J.-13î-1600 Deloriniý.er.ftesllyadrqromr 'sincere thanks ta the people of1 COUNCIL CHAMBERS i Excellent conidifoni, like new. - Montreal. 27-1 il.I' 1i lSi.; Bethesda and Tyrone connuni. Everyone Welcome iPhone MA 3-7263. 21-I l - n -________ imor *Oh!.aac ft'e ehaeumii~ nrgg ties for the lovely gift they _______ 27-1 *i-- fiasteriniq neucirs ~pu-'1 itit ar. funds te led. 7. presented ta us on the occasion FE-- AE ntme.drcitont M'~ATr TTt'TLP.d.,,l 1.2- lof I<K 'cenR aIriaIe mil] o .ou RjJj ps U.CU 900 acre dairy farm, w.1:h i farrcntmrig.To The Taxpayers Co., ta yount naiPhnifms Lumbax N \17XV WORE Torùîov o m±uh.contract. H- i-na ttt Don and Gloria Badour. jCo, inoutOtaia Pon I. Ttflrui Real:rn crnntslo l. ' e- 27-1 Rlr . 31 . L. Tý PT iîWcc;lLLI itu isueWiÏh ail citv conià "irooin brick boîuse, 4 bed- Dî iarinQonRANGETTE in good condition.,4 n iI l333. PL C.2,i0 dowri wil' rounîis. i3-piece baili. Garage. DrRennie - ulenent and.uto-Cenlirally Iocrted. Reasonable anystanksoPotaPervHos- THERE WTLL BE A MEETING wih ubuareleens nd ut-. m,1 adsafoPotmatic aveii. Phonie MA :;25.-*-sE IL Y PXE Sl ..O down buys -0 -roon m s pital, also ta friends, relatives, IN THE TOWNSHIP HALL V -V i CIALTYT71 eR iî.trally locr:ed homne o ag a e rc uglw I W.A. ad W.M.S for cars, UOSHAWA T R DU T landscaned lot. Garage. 1,03 bedroonis, large lot. attached fruit and flowers during mny re- ATiMTNO KEYS cut automaticafly, wtile' R D C S1fl TVe aa,. radoi n ros cent operation. ReyHus ~ ±,Jl lJ~ou waii.. at IVason & Dale liard- TELEVISION AERIAL SALES ~050by oe stucco'Other extras. Immediate p- Rei ars a. uy1,al8p. M. 1 ware,.16b King St.3. Bowi-an- INSTALLATION and REPAIRS 8 eicac t* ofini1 bungalow. Termns. * session. ris. 27- metig ille. -- - - -46-tfPh foCoteatoranilCda 6 room bouse on Liberty St., We would like ta express aurj discus the Zoning By-lalv COCA-Cola pop cooler. in good'Bowinanvilie Oshawaj LIGIIT FACTORI' WORK CetBah ahom ie bdons htmae aae 'place. 3 bedrooins. fully furri- $7,900 fulhl price. Payrnentç sincere thanks ta aur neighbours! (No. 2111) !condition. Apply Sani Mvýaii- MA 3-,5522 RA 8-81301j Perma nent Emplo3ý ment !ished. Ope-n ta allers. $1,5oo0$5().00 per month. and fiends who assisted in sav- and other matters relative to etta, Pontypool, Ont., or Phone, 25tf, 27-1.i. own f 'We have fanms, lots, houses ing adjoinîng buildings during- Township Affairs. 27 -1 --....ae..lre..ecio f a nmeos..hit tge bilthdin o ar ama t- A guest speaker wiIl address the AEhrdaSsf. eîe ave rqoney Aaltonfanms; homes, busýinesses; and M. E. LEASK the fielhd est oryedast-: AEaidads t ilvr-A ci Sale Iurda>' afternoon. gathering on the Zoning ey-law ed. Prompt service. Roberi. H . -__ acreages.' RalEte rIe Mr. and Mrs. Ru.sel Oshorne. ' .Cae hneM -I 7 rM~DavsSo epair jThe undesiged auctioneem ATRFAN 65Otai t1ownnjl 27-1 * f 3-5805. .31Mi wilsell b ulc c ionai177 Chureh St. MA 3-119, MArket. 3-5919 _____ ~~~~~~~EVERYONE IS WELCOME! - - -- --- FAST, PROMPT SERVICE sl ypbicacinaf27- quantity of household furnîture Bowmanville - ______ Tubrcuin B Srve wok-PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND!;GLADIOLUS, eut flowers for 2ý6 Ontario t.Bwavleo aud>,Jl'4hfrJms2- ers in Manvers Township' A; Darlington Ratepayers' dai occasios. EnetDaily nptl COR'NER KING and ONTARIOlCairns at Burketon: studio- very gratefu delivery. eMAssocratintiPassant. verygratful hankyou a Asociaio!Phone MA 3-3527. 27-10.,___ _______ 24-tf 1 couch, dining-room suite, beds everyone who helped in any 27-2 - *- nd mattress. rocking chair. Pe r dem way te make this survey- a suc- _________ ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt- PAINTING and DECORATING lag quantit>' of dishee azidTh cominunit>' was sadden- ,ces inortwshp h e service ta electrical appliainces.;;AEHAGN other articles. Sale et 1:30. RFAL ESTATE BROKER ed by the sudden passing of two suits have been rewardinig due, Notices large and sinall. Lancier Hiîrd- i Fe stmtaTerms cash. Cliff Pethick, auc-! 135 acres - plent>' of water, Wel] known,. residents lest ta your splendid efforts. ware. Phone MA 3-5774 4-lff tioneer. 16-2j fences good, hamdwood bush. week wvhen MW. and Mrs. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Earl Argue., r inwl' fiewl e - -*-* - iPoeIOnrwligt d art of it. jOke passed away within a few* Area Chairmen. 27-1Il closed fram ,June 27 te July 20. NINE foot pick-up box for 1-LL 1fl 1~E have received instructions Price $45.00 per acre. hours of each other. Mr.. 0k. 26-2*,tntuk ngo odto.fUaII rm Msr.Of n o 100 acres - 7 room bouse in!f had been in ver>' poor health -. f ..-. - --...-Apply George Walton, New-od!o ut oetm o Engag ment Dr. Aust~'s oficewillbe catie 261.27-iR.R. 1 Bowmanville - MA 11-584 Staples, ta sell b>', publie amie- good repair. large barn, goo ut an ieflowirag En a em ns .C ta -sofievl b atl 26.2-1 ioon the premnises. Lot 1,bush, nice strean, ctdnot nattack of pneumonia and a. Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Rainey. 16. .-2- QUANTITY of ha>', standing by-. Concession 9, Manvers(io omnil.Tî ete-jhatcniin te u~ Srndorlannunthfrereggelyo' of c ;~the acre or b>' the bale. Apply: PLUMBING - HEATING Highway 35, one mile north of man's farin is priced at only on Mnda>' of last weekMre ofterdagtrbe closed fro ni July 4th ta 3-2341. 9" urda>'. July 4, 1959, et 1 p.m.,' 6 acres with neyer faiiing up ta look et a field of hay M ment o hi agtrM a ugsrion262 l -*~ fN the foilowing: farm impiements, ceek, nice shade tree.s. Price the far end of bis farm. wheat Arlne t M. eonrdDaid* - - . . . -. - -..--INSULATION. blowyng method , Aif1) combine, household furniture, $2,500.Teisheaidtaruratrare- j ote.so f n adMr.fDr. Fergusol~ office wili be with rock wool. Workmanship Mor-Sun, Powermatic, Morrisoni antiques, etc. Teins cash. no 21/2 acrer, with modern bunga- onabie time, Mrs. 0ke becarna Joseph otr icwtr n. lsddrn n uut urned Fr e-eae.Webster- Atlas Deaier -Gas - Oil 1 reserve. R. . .Payne, auction- f ow, nice view, near Newcastle. Iconcerned and telephoned i th mariae taankdplce SeanptaSep em 4rt4h; xcetce Harr' LaWay. Po.eClakee. Phionet.w.Price1 $12e,500.00.nc1eyclak. rîce$125000O.Easytemns. eraineîhbosstaeiolook <îtu Ju>'25et3p.. n rnoTjii-the first week. f August. 26-2l' 2420. 39-tf BOWMANVILLE 26-2 11/4 acres near Newcsl.rceIrcnercaedhrt ed Church, Orono. Ont. 27-1I80.0 as abidiglo nt cm ronwh_ -ih ÎGENTLEMAN ,eaving for Gaspe fOLco2tve0ht nre, ___.-tf 10tic0taCredtorTu' ho e n a nvill00.a0ay e hotrt timad e e e i Mn n r.Cecil Wilson, Peninsula Jul 25th-27th, %.rtolIpot type hurner. in good con Noice100 x 380, p hoes n'ice a 500,00. did hott r>' nde ped Nestîctan, wish tuaennounce theljweeks. Photogl.aphic tour. Rooxn'!dition, suitable f'or cotta ge7, Harru Lee Laundry AND OTHERS fuli>' modern, for oni>' $500.00 night. lIer neighbours fountl engagement of their daughtem. for anyone w ;'th sanie interest. reasonable. Phone MA 3-2010.[ I i i Mr. Oke, dead, in the barn. He Eunice Mae, ta Herman Russel Write P.O. B x 95,Bownan- 191 TEMPERANCE ST. -. dw. hed apparenti>' been dead whiie Thomas Rodn'an, son of Mr. and ville. 27..~-1* 27----- - 1; Ph ~r,> In the Estate of Edith Orreiston. tTwo bungalows at Mapfle Mrs. Oke was summnonig help. Mrs. Gardon Rodman, Littie ----- ----- - OyU Wi losadrg n J/LI Dcae.Grave. Priced a5000Thywee vr wiasie Britain. The marriage will 1 take--y- RenO a saoneflooraihed r O MAVLL.ON.Ai ersnigdised.oo amebngalot500.00ed.The synathey awtel om-i ill kT d>a sadDownlorpaymenr r 1couple and wilI be greati>l iw place on Saturda>', Jul>' 25thI rug cleener (shampaa rnethiod As)d elWa -Dy Ec gainst the estate of Edith Orin- 6ro unao tNew nt'ge u t hi or 1959, et 2:30 p.m.. in the Nestle- froin Lader Hardware, 7 Kig, so WdwlaefthTwncte ersho.Aking price mnt osott hî orw ton Presbyterian Church. 27-1.1 THE REAL LIVING SANTA St.. E., Bowmanville. Phone ick itoaidod atDoetl'Twncat8,000.r0seo o. pAyski ______ MA 35774 ,->0 ~ U~) onu IVIry of Bowmanville ini the Count>'$,000.Lo on a n. ing fenil>'. Flowers on the -- UNE19 a TANKGIVN MA - -774. '--------- ONATT STofAY a Durham. wbo died on or ment. . communion table and puipit on a'sUNEr19ale f FNn For NG, thousand aîmost ne about te3s aya ac,18* 0 C99gSt. RownmevilleSunda>' were plared thèe.In FnFrAil The Fami ibse apr iho ih' QIIICK SERVICE 1959, are required ta send ta the PoeM 34 hi nmr' 1951 CHEVRÎOLET, in good con- Children te 14 yeurs - FREF. out tops, ta clear, reasonabie. 16-tf ullrsigned et the drsbe- mence on Monda>', Jul>' 6, and ditian, motor job rescentl>', radia. -0 H. e6:0P.. I. Glecoff. 174 Ritson Rd. Southj-onj ouiprtclarso the h ameofwill continue until Jul>' 17. Phone Newcastle 2137. 27-1 * 3 i .600~m Oshawa, Ont. IGA Supermuarket V anted ta Rent Jul>', 1959, after which date the DEe wiin iReail staIe Mr'. and Mrs. Kenneth Car, - MNARR -- fSunday 1:00 pin. te 6:00 ... open ta 10 p.m. daily. -2115-31j- ast o h eeae îî gilend John were weekend 1953 MNRH sedan, auto. -THREbah sdtribfthdevi ead ni 10Arlam blot i iios ihMseJh atr matie, radio and duals. Phonèe ITm 'fHEARING aid service. TestîngiT E-ueroofl ause, ou me- dsiuted aig rgar ny 10Aceframs lvito whMs.JnCre. 1 1~ iin..-srieadcopeesoko lieble tenants. with children, ta the daims af which the Ad-. warkable, pond, springs. L- Mr. and Mms. Orville Greer MA 3368. 27i f~jz~.ijz~ vii.iirii..s.a fbatteries and cords at Higgon; ages 19 ta 9. Phone MA 3-5741. ministretor shali then have fsae akhm go ecg n ils saa eeSn ALLSTATE Auto insurance J Electric Limiîted.. 38 King St- E.,36-2 notice, dr i hed, new garage; 10 day guests af Mrs. Ethel Bryan. Sae 20%. Six months tu a py. LIacebridge >On. - Bowmanviile. Telephone M Ai DTC ' lhdy fJq roomed brick bouse with ail Mrs. John Carter wil hoid a For per.sonal service et vaut big, 2- 3-3305. 7-tf1 RE or four bedroorn bouse, DA1959. thdy i3we furnace, 4-piece bath. running iawn. social and afternoon e homecaîlOshwe RA 5-802- -.. ___-...- ~ fwilling ta lease for one >'ear. thot and coid watpr. Prconbriw onW nedy hBWAVIL ome cm- lWriteAaweriser 55, co Th Andrew M. Thomsa $26,000. Terms. Jul>' 8. when she enterteins the cole. -f'1 provements featunes alumînuin Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 17 Concession Street. 85 Acre farm on No. 2 High- mothersq of the Silver. Crass So- FRNWFRS. fFor neni doors, windows, awnings and 190, BOwmanville, 27-2* Box 175. way with 3 ceeks, 25 acres ciety'. adGuamanteed Used Cr ORmo bt etd ailings. We offer a variet>' of____________omavl. - wood, L-shaped bank barn, wat- M.adMs ru mt Cali eiaepsssio.PonrAes frsPoeeA -73 iR stAmiitatr er bowls, ,drive shed, double and Chris.. Oshawa, were weekm' floor end wossetss.oFor ProeeHoAeb> Apha I. Hodginehn s, garage; 8 roomed end guests of his parents, Mr. JOHN STUTT c 7t alU at 22 Division~ St., - 6-tf ACO1DTO o ad oiio aehome w ohci furnace, 3-piece and Mrs. Jack Smith and Une. SEAWAY MOTORS LT». iAPARTMENT, heeted, thmee COLEMAN space heater, ta heat and gentleman et Rest Home. ___________-c. Including machiner>'. (no Mn. and Mms. A. E. Ribe>' R 3-63Oshawa rooms, kitchenette and bath, fîve or six rooms, with hun Phone Orono 1771. 27-2 trectair). Price $15,000. Teris. weme ilaTronao an Sundayr Residence MArket 3-3174 f $60. Appi>' Apt. 4, 63 King St. Iand 25 ft. of copper lime and - VYoeted i00 Acre DAIRY FARM with visiting relativels. 9-tff West. ____ __~22-tf pipes, lîke new; two-bumner, asqoa i obe 0, Mrs. I. Argue returned home BUYING OR SELLING SPACE suitable for office or C1hev dut>' range, tbree-burner Lost D-AD and crippled ferai stock, x 32' benk baem, bulk cooler, from Ottawa lest week whem. SEF shop, centrally located. Wi Coiean gas stove, for use in picked up promptiy. Phone MA! drive shed, garage; 8 roomed she bas been visiting relatives. aller ta suit tenant. Telephone cottage and back yard. Phone PAIR af glesses, blue freine, 3-2679. Margwill Pur Taein, brick home with running water, Mr. and Mns. James Mclnnes, Ted Campin Motors MA 3-3669. 27-1 MA 3-7048. 27-1 vicinit>' af Cream of Barley Tyrone. 13-tf 'etc. Prie $16,500. Terims. Toronto, were Sunday guests af RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 FIVE-rooned bouse, ai con- NOW-Run your car Without 3-3988.,-Rwrd hn 27-1 100-200 ACRES land, preferably able, hern, hen bouse, garage; Mm. and Mms. R. J. Harvey 607 King St. East j veniences, and a 3-roon apart. Spark Plags no buildings. light soul for18 roomed frame home, 3-piece and Camai, Oshawa, weme Sun- (mest East of Wilson Rd.) iment. Pbone Newcastle 3891. Buy and try the al RCw pet. -. trees. Write Advertiser 952,f bath, running water, 410 feet de>' visitons with Mr. and Mrs. OSHAWA 27-1 SA PIRE INJECTORS - At PeS for baie c/o Cenadian Statesman, P. O.1 lake frontage. Price $9,500 with J. A. Tumnbull. Canal remained BUNALO ai ~,,nac. entARTS AR ff~~TJ9' ---- ____Box 190, Bowmanville. 26-91i$3,000 down. for a week or two, tbc guest nt BUAi. W i Advemtus ent~, /1 -19 hrTHREE PUPE, fox hound, spaniel ____________f135 Acre tarin,narPtMisJeTunl. ra. rie dvrisr 57 cO19-16 hui St.. flowmanville cross, should tnake deer hounds,I Hope, 100 acres workable. creek, Mms. Jeannie English, Toron- CARoF R ALE90, anaiaSteman , PO We- Baud Bettr - Custorners eight weeks. 'Phone Orono 36r3. Livestock for Sale ioo, x 36 ank barn, garage, ta, spent a few days with Mr. 20-81______27___-1* etc___ .; oondbrick osnwadMr.DnAehbdad 1956 PONTIAC 4.iir. Stl. Wagon0fl -r-.-- med - --- __________________ SEVEN choice 8-week aid pigs, 1>' wired. Open for offer. femil>' lest week. THRE-ooedbete aan- JULY Fumniture SaIe-Spring- 75% Landrece. Phone MArket' 6 Roomed, almost new bunga- Mr. M. Schacter. Montre"l. 195& FORD 2-Dr. I ment, heavy wired, separate fiîîed mattresses, $19.95; 2-piece Articles for Sale 3-2713. 2- lin ecsl ndul of Mm. a cn MrsoRanc.e om 195 DOGE4-D. ntrnc an bth.Imeditechesterfieids, n>y 1 o n covers, 1 5 tule floors, kitchen cuphoard. fM.adMr.R oe 1953 MONARCH 4-Dr. 1possession. Phone NIA 3-2436. $169-00; 3-piece bedroom suites, W. ,ti have a supply ofe- Gaod well. Asking $8,000 with Little Miss Judy Allison 956 INTERNATIONAL 3ton ___ ____ 17-tf $89.50; chrome ice suites Real Estatefo Sale easy down payment. enjoying saine hoiidays witk 956 FORD %tosharp iAPARTMENT, five rooms, im- $9.0. 'rade-m fornainstret, wth hdmo.AYounmg nd Ms. WFrPeerso -tan, mediate possession. Appi>' Ad- washers, steel beds, chrome Y ugBefFots - ------- nel stret, in Poyool on relatie n Osa. .Pdr 0vertiser 956, c/a The Canadien table and chairs. Murphy Furn- l4,1 $4,000. Terms. and -boys bave returned bomeé Cowan Equipmeni C . Statesmnan, P.O. Box 1.90, Bow- itue .Ca., King St. W. Dielfo 37C Lb. L. S. Snelgrove Co.J.LU. 1 Romdaîmost new, freine from New Brunswick, hr 34Kiw t . nwmanjfle I manville. . 27-1* N 3-3781. 27-1* for our locker or honm. treeesr A w& - home near Courtice with cil ,they visited with Mr. Pedersen'a Friends ina>' tfink cwe have I- --g "WUUI forgottenPhn MA358 When et times they shearus Pon2MA7-18 But teliti. know te J at-Repairs ache Our smiles bide ail the while. RADIO and elevîsian repains. .--Lovingly remembered by bus- Prompt service. Pick-up and band John, daugbter Margaret, delivery. George's, 85 King St.j and sons Jeckc, Fred, Walter and E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf Herbert 27-1 IGUARANTIEED television and Jradia service, ta ail makes. PENWARDEN-In lovI'ng me- Sanie day service. Television mary of a dear husband and Service Co. Phone NL4 3-3883. father, Win. J. Penwardcn, who 44 passed awey July 7, 1955. t _________ Lovin, and klnd in al bis ways, i REPAIRS and rewinding arin-I Upmîght and just till the end i attires turned, toala] makes ai' ai bis days, ýelectrie motoma. Higgon Elec- Sincere and kind inu hfeat and 1trie, 38 King East, Phoane MA mimd, 13-.3305. 7-tf Wbat bgautifu1 memnonies lie ê- - - _--_____ left behind. i REPAIES to ail makes of sew- -Alwd y rememnb.red b~y wif Ir acines. Free pickup and and amiy. 2-1 eliery. Leverty's Bargain feni>'. Centre., 59 King W. Phone MA WOODWARD - UMADOWS -3-7231. 44-ti lai memory of W. J. Woodward I WEARS toa ai makes af me- who died May' 30th, 1950, alsa ,frigenators. domestie and con- David Meadows. July 2nd, 1956 mercial; milking cooiers. HiL- -.-Motlher, Dad, GraudiotheÏr «sElectrlc Lixited, 38 King Ami amIp. E ~he. i Lasa. ?~9 Notice ta Creditors_ AND OTHERS J în bcEstate af George Alex- ander Riggs, Deceesed, Ail persans having deamis egainst the estate ai George Alexander Riggs, Rctired Sales- man, late ai the Town ai Bow- nianville, in the Couxty ai Dur- hemn, who died on or about the 27th day ai May', 1959, çare me- quired ta send ta the undersign- cd et the eddress beiow full par- ticuiers ai the saine on or before tbc lObh day ai Jul>', 1959, aiter wbich date the. assets of the de-j ceesed will be distibuted bey-i ing regard onl>' ta the clairns ai which the Executor shahl thon have notice. DATED this lith daY aofJune, 1959. Andrew M. Tbompson, 17 Concession Street, Box 175, Bowxnanville, - Onniao Executor, ci by Aphe I. Hodgins, hLis Solicitou hein Wcmted ta Buy 1BOY'S bicycle. Phone MArket 3-3906. 27-1 ALL kinds ai live poultry wanted. H{ghcst prîces p aid. M. Flatt, Béthany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 caliect. 9-tf HIGHEST prices paid for used furinîture, eppliances, television, sewing machines, etc. Also scil and exchangc. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices paid for ive pouitry, goose feathers, fea ther tiébks, scmap irn, regs, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawe, collect 48-f Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) rnailed postpaid lni plain sealed envelape with price list. Six %amples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-RubboeCa., Box* 91, Ham- 0rder now while th.>' lIt Home Freezers $239.95 up with inmail down paymient FOR REAL LOW COST REFRIGERATION RENT A LOCKER $12.00 per ysar With a locker or a treeser 700 garden ean lait you ail wlnter. YOU LMV BETTER. BARBECUED CHICKENS $1.69r Bowmanviile 11 Frigid Locker Sysiem : PHONEMC»ArkM 1-1821 c à" e -.- ~ ' '1-ffumnece, kitchen cuphoards, 1 Edsal Ave. runniing water. Garage, hen 1 6 room brick ranch bungalow, bouse. Good size lot. Asking1 28 ft. living-room and dining- $9,500 with $2,000 down.4 room conbined, large ultra 5 Raomed, new, brick veneen modemn kitchen,4 4-piece bath, ,bungalow near Courtice with al oak and tile floors, full high modern conveniences, on 2 acreà basement divided, forced air lot. Has ta be soid. Easy terns.i with ail heating, alurnxnum 6 Roomed, almost new, brick1 starms and ocreens, large pro- veneer home with ail modem j fessionail>' landscaped and hedg- conveniences and 10 acres land.1 cd lot wiih ample shrubbery, Asking $14,000. Ternis. Open flowers and atone planter, man>' for offer.à extras. 31/4% mortgege. Sub- 5 Roomd houa. with kitchenc stantiai cash irequmed. cuphoards, heavy duty wlning,i Sacrifier - Iow Down Parment amail barn, and 10 acres land.1 $8,900. 6 room home in won- Price $7,000 with $1,500 down.1 derful condition, niodernized 73 Acres pasture land withà kitchen and bathroom, nicel> stmeaim, 20 acres cedar buâh. decomated and landscaped loAt ng3,70 Tre with trees, shrubbery and flow- Contactt er.$60 per month o oeopen oh .DeW t 10year montgage.JonF DeWt 40 ACRE PAR?& modern YamItem a%" Gaeal IaumoeS room 2-store>' home, 3-piece tili Newcastl. PhoMe841 ed bath, forced air with oi. heat- saen: ing, barn wxth running water,t Iocated on No. 2 Highway wxth Donald Mm O!J'. Dw 1H0M future subdivision possibilities. MA $-son For furtiier particulars 15ease "Me Davidsez, Betàwaa 1 caIl RA -98-10 or RA S-4142 Pham-U8 4Nà -19- * 1. parents and attended the Ped- ersen Family Reunion before Mr. Pedersen's brother was o»~ dained as a United Church mirn» ister in Western Canada. Mm. and Mrs. Walter Krante and Darlene McDonald, Osha- wa; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dear*. Maple Grave, were Sunda>' va itoma with Mr. and Mm,. B. Hubm. bard. Picnic weather is here again. and man>' familes froin this district are taking advantage.of it. Wbile speaking af ipczjSu I mlght add thet RunketoAn'-ý lic Schaol held their annual achool picnic an Friday, Jun. 26. The attendance of nothers w», noticcab>'aal, but the whole the students and pA ents present enjoyed it and It made a very pleesent claaing for the school, year. Sunda>' visitons with Mr. and Mrs. R. Banc weme Mr. and Mm George Lawsan, Gayle and Pat, ti, Mr. and Mrs. George Wailem and Eillie, Mamkham. Mr. Bon*, who bas been quite HII since the latter part af May', bas recovered sufflciently to en.joy a ahort.a .'"t %luSamday Births BALSON-To Harold and Helen Balson, a son, Gregory Harold, born June 27 at Memorial Hos- ital. A littie brother for Gene, Vinma and Tony. 27-11 BURNS-Norma and Martel Burns are pleased ta announce the arrivai of their son, Eric Norman, born June 28th, at Me- marial Hospital, Bowmianville.. A littie brother (or Sharon. 27-1*