PAGE sEYmn2 ME W É--- -- - - - -l&@M R A U ÉA ?WV M~A*lnU muR amy, JULY 2&Sm, 9THE L4A.A"AS rTEL-NAtL. ni>WMmi V aJai X frlends assisted li the afternoon usm H-AI4PTON wilh serving refreshinents and C' Mrs. T. M. Mountjoy poured tea. bi eWn Reeda, 1ms. T. Sud- lI Uic evenig Mm. Percy Dew- Pl daby, Meurs. Jim Billett and .11 poured tea and a number c!i Vexai Reeda, Bury's Grecen, were ni««esasSisted inu Servilng. g recent dianer guests at th. Beautiful garden floweus adarn- tom et A. G. Bilett. ed the home. MmImshbel Campbell, j&&ra. Mms H. E . Price, Mm. Ida L, ..Wilson and Mrs. ]EL S Wilson and MWs Isabel Camp- Tor-onto, called aIt the beL, Toronto, lue latter two IB ctl bome aller attending thc former teachers in eur school, Y birhbday reception for Mms J. visited at A. E. Biilctt!s last l T. Chapnan aItIch homes of week and attcnded Uic birth- c ber nimMrs. P. Dewdll. day parly for Mis. Jae Chapman h -Mm. W. B. Sarvis (nec Gwen aI Mrs. Percy Dewefl's. I z. Caverly), sons Roddy and Bar Open Bouse was held aI the c, ry, and daugiter Cynthia, of parsanage on Tuesday and Wed- Everett, Washingtan, arrived ncsday alternoon and evening by plan. On Tlursday lasIta lasI week, also on Thursday and SPend a vacation wilu ber par Friday Uic previeus wcek. ~ entta,3&r. and Mm. Ken Caver- Church and commumity friends ly. of Uic circuit were thus giveaib, -Mr. and Mrs. M. Bober-, an opportunity ta viit Uic t Monctuon, N. B, wcre visitors parsonage and eur bighly es- witb her sister, Prs. Joe Gai- Ieemied pastor, Bey. and MrM. F. lant last week. Mrs. Agnew wtio J. Reed, in their home and en-P sIma visited h.i- daghter, Mrs joy a cup o! tea with thcm. t Gallant, returncd ho Moncton Tic varieus groups o! hti Wilu them accampanied by circuit including Uic Solina, Rennie Ganant. 'Thlree M's", Zion W.A., Doubles'lad Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young, Club, Hampton Womcn's InstU- l teroroghMr. and Mrs. tute, Hampton Service Club and s = .Wood, Bey. B. Long, tie Wonmcn's Missionary Secic-1 t MMs Long and daughter Joycc, ty ail had a part in the serving s Grena, Mr. and Mns. Chas. o! refreshmcnts, peuring tea,h * Join, Bowmanvillc, Mr. and rccciving, etc., ah variaus times. Mish'. Franklita Truil, Scarbor- This providcd a pîcasant get-to- VU9114 were Sunday gucats of gether o! friends. Beaulifuld Mi-. and Prs. Lorenzo Truil. garden !lowers adorncd tUeic Mr. and Mrs. John Sienuon home.S and Katîryn, Miss Canal The Hampton Home auda M, right, Enniskillen, werc with Sciool picnic was held in aur I *Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Clemens. park on Friday afternoon andn Mns. Addie Trewin, Mr-. and was well attendcd, tlere being r -Mrs. Edgar Cooper and Mrs. 250 present including seh(oolF Charlie Cooper, Toronto, werc children and parents. A pro- a guests o! Mr. and Mis. Cecilgr-amn o! sparts was conductcdS Siemon. by tle convmittce in charge,e Ur. and Mx.. T. M. Chant, MiÏs. D. Hall, ia. Jack Lyon0 tnd Mi-. and Mis. Gardon and Mns. Lewis Truil, assisted i Chant- were in Landau an Sat- by Mis. Fowler. Prizes werc urdaY' atleuding île wcdding awarded for these activities, f et Miss Yvonne Chant, Bow- after whidh a lovcly picnic Inanville, ho Mr. George Colins, supper was served. Orono. Mis. Ted Chant and Mrs. Gar- don Chant enlcrtained a num- £ 5 ber o! relatives from Toronto, f ü Ïmn and Tyran., aI a shower fan tle__ bride aI lue home o!fPrs. T. M. 'w .ening Chant on June 12th whcn lue Sbride-ta-b. was tic reciplent o!f Cnludta aeee many lovely gifla. (otne rmpx n) S Inspiring Sunday School An- of! thc Rite for tie Solemun nivcrsary services were hcld on Blcssing a! a New Cliurch. Sunday last, which wcre o Guard o! Honoure special inheresl. A repart mâfl Tic guard a!flionour wasF appear later. formced by 18 Fourîl Degi-e Becent visitors at Laverne yKa.ight.s o! Columbus froni Osh.- Clemens' wcre Mr. and Mrs. awa and Peterborough. Theyv Norman Clemens, Marilyn and wanc formai. fui1 dress attireu Keilli, Taronto, and Mr. and with black capes lincd wibi rcd Mn.. Aibin Clemens, Bawman- satin and silk lais and carried !'vile. Marilyn spent a few days theïr ceremonial swords.c -lucre.WilBilpWcteanls 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buthven, sie Bso ese n i ]Port HopeMM. and Mm.s Claire nevers procccdcd around th i Alli, Bowmanviilc. W. and extenior o! the. durcI sprink- f - 3r.. Wcs Yellowlees, Solina, igtewlsadhefua-i "' werc Sund'ay xuests o! Mn. and lions with haly water, Uieclcir- b "Zfrs. Clianlie Warren. gy rccited Psalm 50, "Misererey - Mr. aud Mns. Harvey Mcilmei Deus," aud Uic people re- 3fr. James A. Werry, Mi-. Rus- maincd aI the * front o! lue ý;'èell Orniston, Enniskiilen, Mn. hr. snd Mis. Allyn Taylor and Lta-. Among lue aut cf tewn lergyt da, Bowmanvillc, wene with present were: Very Bev. Mon-s Mfr. and Mrs. Hoskeai Smith. signior P. P. Butler, Peterbor-,n S Mr. and Mis. A. Northcutt, ough; Very Bey. V. Foy, Taron-. i 'Bowmanville, were Sunday ta; Bey. S. J. Co!!ey, former .eatos ai A. U. Blancband's. 1Parish. priest o! SI. Jasepi's foi- £Ir nd Mmr. Som Deweli l14,Years- unti 1951; Bey. R,, J. f"wre guests on Salurday aI UiceCGrvey, Peterborough, Bey. J..t t.jeask-Thonqpsog wedding aI. J. Gai-vey. Bastings; Rev. A. J.b Mon. Black, Grafton; Bey. C. J. Car- ,Girl Guides wth. tbelr leader, rail, Lindsay; Bey. V. Eagan,a Prs. T. M. Chant and a fcw e! Tarante, Bey. P. Dwycr, Osh-c thé mothers, attended their awa; Bev. F. Lee, Whilby; Bey.c 'Girl Guide picnic at Geneva W. C. McCýrney, Pelerbor-r park o Monday fti-oo ogi ey. Jerome Marin, O.P., when a pleasant turne was speul. Mantreal: Bey. F. M. Grant, Pc- e*eviaU to leaving here, Ilicir terborough; Bev. L. Clcary, b 1adges wrere pnescnted as fol- Port Hope; Bey. J. S. Colins, * lows: five second class badges Nbrwood; Bey. F. Kwrackosk, to Linda Camneron, Eva Yco, O.M.I., Oshawa-, Bey. J. F. Hou- i to»uise Terril, Darlene Hall, lilan, Lakefield; Bev. L. Aus- SSandra-McNab; tii-ce ganden tin, Whibby; Bey. J. P. Collins,. badges ta Eva Yeo, Louise Ter- Cobourg, and Bev. A. Quesncllc, il and Darlene Hall; lwo child 'Whitby. nurse badges ta Eva Yeo and Whitby; Bey. H. 'E. Arohani- Darlene Hall. beault, Gravcnhiurst-, Bey. Nor- Mrs. John Balson. Mis. Sam Ibert J. Gignac, Oshawa; Bey. d t>c)well and Miss Mary NiddcrY G. J. O'Sullivan, Peterboroughi; t judged lb. dal buses and laya Bey. Lea Lcsly, Peterborough. t "that Uic Guides made foi- the Church Entcred1 oibadges and two loy maker WentcBsprîunda badges were awarded. Eva Yco Uihfrn theoonsho! le urci, won lue pnîze o! a teaspoon thefotdrsfth uc, 'ýwith tic Guide crest. It was thec e again praycd. Tien the doors occsio o Kaly al's u-I-'wexc apened and Bisiap Wcb-1 occaionof ath Hal's irt-aber and Uic clcrgy entcred ta "day alsa a lovely birthday cake made by Katiiy's motle r was procession ta the sancluary lrmcudc tatIc enuforUicwicre they kneit. Bey. A. Ques- ircng thre mende i n I-sngngo!îleLiau- o j. w. km~ison o ouna. k-' Mns. Aima Fowlen and Mn. terborough, as is assistants. 'and Mrs. Russell Mounîjoy, The sin-gîng of tic choir throu- B:.lackstock ,Mr. and Mrs. Ken- glout Uic service, under tic di- . etI Samneils and Anna, Nestie- rection o! Miss Mary Fagan, 4'ton, wci-e Sunday visitai-s wili tic organist, was inspiring. "M.and Mm. Merwin Mount- Thc beauliful marble candie- joy. andlit allai- was adorned with four Mrs. Percy Clarke, graceful bouquets a! red rases. 'oreenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Mer- The spaciaus churcl was ligît- -wln Cryderman arid !amily, cd by sunlight shining lînough ,ýüshawa' were Sunday visitons the sof I colours o! Uic staîned witli Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cryd- glass windows. wihiMn. nd M-.. Think back to tic beginnings Visitons wt Mlid r. fte church in this ai-ca, Bey. 'Kcn Cavenly wcre Mi-. and Mrs. W. McCarney, Peterborough,, IlDauglas Caverly, Linda and advised in bis sermon. H. liken- >Mark, Mrs. J. A. Cale, Bow- ed the seeds o! faih sown here %'iJville; Mr. and Mn.. Bruce mare tIan 100 years ago ta the *W'ery and son Brent, Miss mustard secd mentioned ta Uic CaroltRbinson and Mr. Larry Bible. ' Shteffan, Oshawa. Mass was fii-st said iu Bow- Mm.. A. L. Blanchard, Mn.. manvile ta 1850 by Father A&averne Clemens, Mis. D. Hall, Timmon o! Kingston Diocese. MWIr. Wlirid Smale, Miss Bey- Mass was said only occasional- ">rly S5mai. and Mr. and Mi-s. hy tien in privaI. homes Ici-e, -'P.eed alteudcd Uic trousseau tea Father McCarney said. Be spoke for Miss Diane Thompson, Mon, o! 'the fn-st Roman Catholîc e ~ lst week. Churel built in Bowmanvîlle .- Mrs. Percy Dewdll entertained whih was erecîed after Father -Ibr ber suaitMm. Joe Chap- Madden took charge o! Uis eiMB on Tuesday aflernoon and mission in 1855. .,qventag last week, wheu 135 Thc churcl built in 1857 was *ftlends and relatives called ta ýtic former St. Jascph's ChuircI :.xtend blrthday congratulations'ion Churcli Street. Fathen Me- 4.jj Mrgaret. A number of Carney pointed ouI t h&ttwngs ased unlil thc new St. JosePh's 2iurch, Liberty Street was built 'Tor more than 100 years rou werahipped God li thal 1111e church", Father MéCar- ncy. reuiinded tbie St. Joseph lI 1920 Dr. O'Brien built lhe bi0zsian Church, St. john'sin Newcastle. he nid. "«Only 33 years «pa when Monsignor But- ler, wha in ber. taday, toak charge of Ibis parlsh did you have -the privilege of having ttas every Sunday?" the prea- cher recailed. "Five yeara later Tablier James MoGuire became pariah pricst here. Me was succeeded as parish priest o! St. Joscph's by Father S. J. Caffey, wlio, x- nained in charge until 1951. Fa- ther Coffey is aise here today. !rather Malane was appointed parisb priest here in 1951V" Fa- lier McCarney utaled. He pohutcd out tInt hli l sure that each priest who had taken care o! Uic pa.nish bad sewn seeds o! f aith which have grown l'ke the renowncd mustard seed. The population o! lui par- ish lias grown ho -10 limes thc se il was 20 ycars ago, he laid bis licarers. .Father McCarney said that, doubîless, aiong with thc rejoic- ing in UicBlessing of tIc new St. Joseph's Church, there is alse soîne nostalgia in mnany ricants because people have many close memories o! child- I ren baptized, receiving their Eirst Communion, Confirmation, and being married in the oid St.-Jaseph's Churcl. He point- ed out Ihat Fathen Malane lad considercd these fond memor- Les when lie lad thc stained glass memoriai windows movei fron, the*aid church and piaced in thc new anc. He emphasized tle fact lIat the people o! thc parisi as lime passes will have many fond ruemanies assocîated with the new St. Joseph's ChurcI too. This will happen because fun- damentally il is Uic same "BI-ouse o! God and tle gate of Hecaven, and las received the Divine seai of blessing." He spake thc words of Isaial, the prophet, quoted by Our Divine Lord when le casi eut tle mon- ey lendens from the temple "My Flouse shall be a Bouse o! Pray- er. Ail who scek shahl find, all who ask shall receive, and al who knoclc il shall be opened Blslsop Spcaks AfIen Mass Bishop Webster came ta the altar rail and ex- pressed congratulations and fe- licitations tb Uic members o! thc congregation and tîcir pas- toi- on tic culmination o! their hopes and dncams o! many years. "We do wish la congratulate Fathcr Mal anc and those who bave lielped ta any way ta crect this curci. When th. corner- stone was laid we saw the pro. mise ta came. Se we ask God ta bless you," tic Bislop said. Be cnjoined thc people o! Uic parish te increase in vinlue and te Cultivate thq things lIat add ta th"eir kÏiboWidgé o! God'and brlng then lave o! Bis name inle the practice o! religion and mbt their hearts.IS Ex- ccllency advocaled frequent i-e- ception a! Uic Sacraments te receive Uic grace o! God, the gift o! failli and corrcspionding virtues tirough thcm. Bislap Webster said that thel priests iad asscmnblcd wilh him1 aI St. Joseph's la rejoice andj ta Uic words o! the Psalmist "To worship in this holy temple, and te give thanks ho God." Open Bouse Following the'service "Open House"l was ield and hundreds a! people avai-lcd Uicmscives o! tIe opportunity ta sec Uirough Uiec durcI and.rectory. ?éen- bers of tle Holy Naine Society acted as ushers. Tea was served by Uic members o! Uic Catholic Women's League ini St. Joseph's Hall. 'Thc president o! the C. W.L.,hM. Stewart Chisholm, was thc genenal convenor. She was assisted by Mrs. Jack Brown. Mrs Gerg Yon -Ad rs." Although a variation o! golt was played by tie Romans, French and Dutch before 1h. 1811 century, the game look ils present !onm about 1750 in Scotland. Tic Rayal and Au- tient Gol! Club o! St. Andrews was establisled in 1754. The final pe rm an e nt type, golf course aIn the United States, the St. Andrew Golf Club, was stanted as a six-bale course in 1888 aI Yonkers, N.Y. Chicago ta crcdlted with having built the finst 1-hle course ln the UJnited States. -Enqclpaedia Brita Maewrn Donal i LMurter, cop ýetitononsucli a day.he_à Donna ol, DolgaWe rczn-r ber. o! Ui provinc dy.ed ski. oly Og eezzn-breso hepoic a MkissRteit' om succeeded ln making Wednes- Miies hRoaldatr; A- day a closcd day for thcir sliops Citzenhip RoaldCarer;Atail over Ontario. This movement tendance-Kenneth Dcboo, Da- had been initiated by anc amail vid Edmondson, Crystal Gim- grup. Mr. Colc said, and he bîcît, Jay Rogers. Judith Tay- sggeîc oclrtilmrat lor. could start a si-diar movement Miss M. Somerville's Boom- for themseîves. Scliolarship, Ronald Therteil; It was decided that the Bow- Progress, Donald Piper-, Attend- m nie, Chambe fCm anceDonld heean.merce sliould present a resolu. Mrs. B. Van Dorp's Room.- tien at the next meeting o! the Scholarship, Kim Rogers;, Citi- Ortario Chamber o! Commerce zenship, Franz Forster-, Pro- favoring a one day a weck uni- gress, Paul Gavel; Attendance versai closing of retail mer- -Alice F. Chittic, Dianne Mill- chants in thc provmnce. Mr. son, Brenda Henning, Marilyn. Morris explained that if the On- Robinson. David Robinson. troCabro ouec Miss Y. Chant's Boom--Seho- ln hme !Cmec larsipDonn Ki g; itien.votcd in faveur o! this resolu- slip, Maurcen Baker; Pragress, t ah it wotdendre n Gai Miisn; ttndace presen to the Provincial Gcald Huber. tndace- Government for the neeessary Miss Elizabeth Knox's Boom lgsain -Scholarship, Gary Preston; A Central Fund Citizenship, Timniy Taylor; At- Tiechcairman Mr. Bickaby tendance - Frances Henning, mcntioned that same nierchants Judy Sellers. have renierked lIat thcy !ind Mi. A. Merkley's Boom - thc requests made by variaus Sololarship, William- Depew; charitable organizations during Citizenship, Ronald Richards: the year a burden. He sald lIat Progress, Antan Treibal: Publ:c il had been suggestcd lIat a Speaking, Steven Burns, Wil-; single !und for this purpose a iam Dcpew, Jean White, Da- 1 would alieviate the load and vid,.G<,heen, Gary Crombie; At- ecdi merchant could make an A MacDuff Ottawa Report Loss Leaders Losing Botte S tendance - Ronald Richards, R ec lve Joan Crawford, Lorraine Hodg- R « e" son, David McFeeters, David À Goheen, Denise Wessells. Awovdsr P.. W. Lundy's B*oom- A wa rds Schiolarship, Linda Wright; Ci- (Contlnued from page one) tizenship, Sharon Cufly; Pro- ard; Attendance--Carol She-gresa, Blake McArthur; Attend- han, Neil McGregor. ance - David Bridges% James WInner of B. & P. Women'is Brown, Gerald Hayes, Nancy Club Irize in Mathematics, Neil Kelly, Dennis MeFecters, Mar- da McGregor. ilyn Stapleton, Charles Evans, Mr .Turner's Room-Scho- ri.O larship, Shirley Irvine; Citizen- Miss C. H-opkinson's Rooc tic ship, Bannie Mutton;, ProgresSs<, oarship, Daniel Lemon; Ci Patricia Austin; Public Speak- tizenshup, Ronald Hooper;* At- mng, Yvonne Anonichuk; Track tendance - Ar-ry Dunn, Gwen a and Field, Bob Sleep; Attend- Grahamn, Morris Honeymn, Vic- ance-Bonie Muttan, Tony toria Murphy, Bruce Smith, Eli-k Baars, Carole Wilkins, Betty ktehBae, ensMDn Daroh, Pat Cowle, Michael Led- ald. dy, Suzanne Ball, Duncan Sy-1 Miss J. Musial'à Room--Scho- crs, Bob Sleep, Larry Rogers,, larship John Ballantine; Citiz- PZ Judy Brough. I zenship, Margie Fogg; Progress, b, Winner of Bowmanville Wom- Carol Rogers; Attenidance cn's Institute Prie for Home Billy Wright, Paul Kelly, Don- Bconomics, Shirley Irvine. ald Bla2ke, Bobby We]sh, Ian dg Winner of Lions Club Prize MeQuanrie. Vi in English, Shirley Irvine. Miss B. Rod<licks Boom - N Mrs. E. M. Philp's Boomn-Scho- Scholarship, Brian Colville; Ci- l larship, Keith Banting; Citizen- tizenship, Anne Werry; Pro- M ship, Ronald Thompson; Pro- gress, Corinne ElliohI; Attend- c gress, Joan Gray: Public Speak- ance-Judy Allen, Terry Back- sl ing Kathie Osborne, Keith strom, Connie Brooking, Donna f( Banting; Attendance - Keith jCole, Corinne Elliott. Susan Et- h BantinLg, Kathië Osborne, Peter cher, Brenda Murphy.d Vanstone, Alan MeMullen, TonyI Mrs. P. Tracey's Roomi-So- Wilkins, Michael Shane. larship, Gary Bahl; Citizenship, Mr. D. Kennedy's Boom - Doug Baby; Progress, George p: Scholarship, Nellie Vermeulen; Connors; Attendance - Wayne cg Citizenship, Linda Steel; Pro- Barrett, Alan Maguire, Doug ri gress, Bruce Cuthbertson; Pub- McFeeters. C lic Speaking, Lana Morrison; Miss B. Winterbottom's Room si Attendance - Karen Morrison, - Schnoiarship, Diane McFee- p Bruce Cuthbertson, Douglas ters; Citizenship, John Hender- u Brine, Roxanna Yeo, Dianne son; Progress, Darral Osmond: eý Biggs, John Stancer, Dennis Attendance-Larry Forsey, Boy - Connaghan. Lathangue, Diane McFeeters, Miss M. McGregor's Boom- Larry Trimble. a] Scholarship, Betsy Phillips; Ci- Miss Ann Harrison's Roon, - tîzenship, Jennifer Purdy;, Pro- Scholarship, Hazel Richards; ' gress, Audrey Hayes, Attend- Citizeniship, Brian Peters; At- 0: ance - Betsy Phillips, Audrey tendance - Alan Crago, Dianed Hayes, Evelyn Heliyar, Janice Darch, Cathryn Etcher, Deug- Lander, Terry Nichols.1 las Evans. Danny Nowlan, Jer- Miss A. Carruthers' Boom -, ry Porter. ti Scholarship, Loyal Hopson;, Ci- Miss C. Worslcy's Boom - tizenship, Sanidra Johnston; At- Schoiarship, Larry Devitt; Ci- tendance - Johanne Bennett, tizens'hip, Janice Allen; Attenl- Pl Douglas Brough, Richard Dolan, ance-Francine Burns, Maurcen 1: Gail Masters, Shirley Patfieizi, Tighe, Judy Qattes, Linda Mc-- c Betty Welsh. Feeters, Sylvia McDonald. M iss L. Bragg's Room-Scho- Miss Joan Gibson's Room - larship, Karen Spencer; Pro- Schoiarship, Janet Nimigon. Ci- m gress, Joan Adams, Attendance tizenshý-p, Kathryn IvfcMurter; 0 -Larry Anderson, Michael My- Progress, Susanne Yenney; At- e, ers, Karen Spencer, Alan tendance -Carl Hayman, Bon- L Brown, Marie Kennedy, Janice aid Dunn, Donald Ruiter, Bon- jç Lyle, Penny Pingle, Donald aid Webb. d Yourth. Mrs. V. Barnes' Room-Scho- g Miss V. Bunner's Boom - larship, Gary Leno; Citizenship, uý Scholarship, Jil Niohols; Citi- Mark Stephenson; Attendance tÀ zenship, Lînda Johnstoni; Prc- -Gary Leno, Scot Mathewsoii. gress, Kim Spencer; Attendance s - Robt. Cuthbertson; Karenc McMullen, Fred Whiteha.nd. ajn. Miss M. Stevens' Room - UWU dMyU cc' Scholarship, MKary Jane Wai- 9r ters; Citizenship, Nancy McBob- P crts; Attendance - Billy Hell- js n yar, Boderick Spencer, Nancy McRoberts, Dennis Tierney. SCniudta aeoe Miss M. Hall's Boam-Scho- Thursday eenings, Mi. or- i larship, Shawn Leddy; Citizen- hrdyenigM. o-1 ship, Louise Mann; Attendance ris said. il -Wendy Anderson, Ronald The larger Oshawa stores ti Bentley. shagger the work sehedule o! fi Miss B. Gibson's Boom-Scho- their rielp, 1Mi. Breen said, and larship, Brenda Thonipson, Ci- aslced if Bowmanville merchaflts 1 tizenship, Teresa Quinton, Pro-i could afford ho do so. He sug- f gress, Charles Cattran. gested il would be better taa Miss M. Col's Boom-Schoý-L concentrate their efforts andc larhipCaoly Whte Ciize- close ail day on Mcfidây.1Tàdd_ larsip, aroln WiteCitien-Ells said he would rather stag-ç ship, Andrea Ewert, Progress,. ger Uic work o! his staff thanN David Turney. ls i uies OntrioSteetScholPresent Arrangement Fine t Mr. M. A. Slute's Boom - Definite opposition to closingr Scholarship, Antan Forster; Ci- a1 a nMndy a îm tizenship, Paul Mutton; Pro- UdyoMnaswsfim gress, Larry Vesna; Public 1 ly cxpressed by Mrs. Edithc SpeaingAntan Forster, Cher- Breslin, proprietor of Breslins ylAnLuxton, Judy Paedcn.I Ladies' Wear. The present ar- Carolyn Stacey; Track and rangement o! a haif-day closing i Feld Mrgaet icard At Ion Wednesday is working well~ tendance-Paul Muttan, Karen fr l stores, she said. Business c Barrabaîl, Tom Cailan, Lloyd here for lier store under, this( Moore, Patsy Thompson, Carol plan during the past 30 years r Trimble. Eric Fernland. lias been fine, she said. Local1 Winner o! B. & P. Womnen's people and those from the sur- t Club Prize in Mathematics, An- rounding districts are accustom-r ton Forster. cd ta the present arrangement, Winer ! Lon Clb Pizeand so are the travelers, shec in Eng]lish, Carolyn Stacey. add Miss M. Couch's Boom-Scia- Ménday is quit. a good day larship, Rose Robinson, Citizen- for business here, and if people ship, Patsy Carter; Progress, find Bowmanville stores closed Bod Taylor-, Publie Speaking,I on that day thcy will go overî Patsy Carter; Track and Field, ta Oshawa, Mrs. Breslin said.1 Evelyn Jones; Attendance - MentDaie stated if the majority Gary Akey, Jili Kilpatrick, Don- wn an aIl day closing Wed- aidMurhy Dogla Nchasnesday wauld be the best day.1 Lenore Fowler, Gary 'utierSame o! the owncrs o! small1 Rae obnsnGaryKnpp stores stated they would like a1q unnuai contribution o! $25. I com( Thc chairman was askcd wia tislic wouid decide what chai-ities andI ards, organizations would receive lion' donations and in what amounts. ci-at He repiied tIat the commitîce men in charge wouid have 10 make Som( these decisions. ated' Considerable Opposition worl There was considerabie op- mati position ta this idea. Mis. Bres- t-med [in said sIc is glad to contribute It is to local chanities and wcifarc sam( udertakinga, and addcd sIc 1<> s'ould like ta b. able ta decide COMIi what organizations reccive Ici- thc contributions. Mr. Dale express- beca eda similar op)inion as did Jim lheY Laverty and Bob Dykatra.. Bob corn Kerr pointed ouI lIat wien a W donation o! merchandise was gain given tle donar's name was agaij used and Uiis incuieasca goodwili may towards a business. sumi The chairman, Mr. Bickaby Loss stated tînt tl. malter of anec cai centrai !und for charitable pur- spea poses would be forgoîten as Uic starf nerchanîs sccmcd ta be unani- start nousiy against it. desil Bargain Day as a The Chamber o! Commerce Secretary-Manager, Mr. Marris,d brougit up the malter o! a Bargnin Day tobe ield by stores il% the lown. He painted out thaI this las been donc succeas- fuily ta. other centres. Mr. Bicknby stated tUal a ]Bai-gain Day îvauld be o! bene- fit ta Uic general public, and misa to merci' nts wlo could Clc.a.r items fo ncomplcte sets and slow Unaving stock. It was decided ta ld a Bowman- ville Bai-gain Day cai-ly in Uic autunin. Thc !oliowing commit- tee was appointcd ta niake ar- rangements; Mis. EdilI Bres- lin, is ohairmau, and the other commitc members named are Axt Hooper, Jack Miller, James Stutt and R. P. Rickaby. Deneficial Te Town Tiere lias been'son. ciii- cism rcgarding tic Chamber o! Commerce bringing new busi- tresses te Bowmanville, Mn. Morris said. Be cxpiained tînt the Cliamben o! Commerce does net bring business te tle lown. Tint decision is made by the owncrs in question. Be addcd tIaI il 15 lis duty as Industrial Comnmissioner la do cveryîling ,passible te assist people desir- eus o! locating a business lere, and te lielp 11cm, witil informa- tion. New business in Bewmamville is beneficial to tIe entire lewn, Mr. Morris empiasized. Be addcd tUal aller similar un- dertakings would aise finid that compelition is a stimulus to thcir own business.L Sweeping changes ln Cana- m's anti-combines legislation ci-re tatroduced intheUicouse ýfCominons hast week by Jus- ice Minister Fulton, Uic first ince lue Conservative Govern- ent took office twa ycars ago. )&. F'ulton maintains tle inendmcnts are designed ta nic. tie law more effective in =cuu business houct by mligto maintain competition, vipe oui misleading advei-tising ractices and aitith same lime )rovide protection for small )usinesses in Canada. While Uic changes will un- loubtediy do many o! lues. tings, some observers ai-c lcft with a gnawing doubt about how weil some o! Uiem will raeguard the consumer. Anti- combines laws lave been on the stalute books ta Canada ta anc form or another for more than hal! a century and even pi- dated the so-called anti-trust lws o! tIe U.S. At f irst Uiey were designcd nrimanily ta prevent pnivate ompanies fi-om combining ha cati-icI competition and fix pri- ces ta the public. Later provi- ions were put into Uic law prohibilîng thec merger o! two or marc companies and the op- eration of monopolies which terest The cleare and secin tioni effeet ting1 Um mei'e lead tien paaie woul sume petiti stani lion tions, binat curb prese lion Crin a nu: sudh fixirý prop Pver! EEST NEW CAR DEALS 0F THE SEMSOIR ,NQW U 1S THE.T-IME-, TO BUY AS WE NEED VSED CARS 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr., 6 cyl. 1956 PLYMOUJTH 4-DR. SEDAN, V-8 with Power Flite, radio, ýports tone. 1956 DODGE 2-Dr. Hardtop, 6 cyl, automatic, radio, new tires. 1952 CHEV. 4-Dr. Radio 1952 FARGO 1-TON PICK-UP 1952 MERCURY 2-DR., Two-tone, radio. Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH . FARGO SIMCA DEALERS BomnvleA3 St. ie amendments proposed by Government to makê it rer what types of mergers monopolies are illegal as bound ta make this sec- of the legisiation a more 'tive instrumient in protec- the public interest. nder the BulL for example, gers are outlawed if they to a lessening of competi- unless the merging corn- ies can prove that the move id resuit ini economies zh would benefit the con- ter without reducing com- ±ion in the industry sub- Lially, or that one of the ipanies would be forced to wall unless the amialgama- Swas carried out. >ncern about the Bill does relate so much to these sec- s, but those coverig com- tions of separate compan- and also the provisions to b loss-leader selling. At the sent the Combines Investiga- SAct and sections of the rinal Code make it illegal companies ta join forces for imber of different purposes hgas limiting production or ngprices. The new section posed by Mr. Fulton, how- 1 would aflow firms ta eè together to exchange sta- cs, define product stand- s, exehange credit informa- i, define trade ternis, co-op- te in research and develop- nt, restriet advertising "or ie cther matters not enumer- dl. How this section will rk out' in practice will re- in uncertain until il ha. been Id and tested in the courts. ýconceivable, however, that ie of them niay open a door joint operations between 2panies which will not be In interests of the consumner ause in varicus subtle ways y could lead ta a decrease ini ipetition. bhile aniali businesses stand to nfrom the new provisions inst Ioss.leader selling, it ybe at the expense cf con- ers across the country. ;leaders have neyer been iry defined, but generally aking they are sales by res, usually the big chain res and frequently at a loss, igned to attract customers asort o! a "'corne-on'. 20 King st. Fast pidly in volume aller 1951 amendment ta the Combine Act prohibiting resale rlc* maintenance, that la Prsc2rib- ed list pnices for retail store which the manufacturer layI down. The new amendnmt-in- troduced byr the Confervattve administration 'would exempt manufacturers from prOSCtltof under the resale jPrice law il they refuscd ta seli to, retafles who «"persistentIy" uze their wares as loss leaders, fail ta provide the service the Purchas- er might reasonably exPect or carry misleading adverthang How far these provisions t & carry the country back 81=8g the road ta, resale price main- tenance only time and the courts can determine. capital Bill capfte The new amendments tb lIb Combines Act proposcd bY lb. Government contain one Section which should Win wkiezwead approval. This mnakes it illegal for anyone selling anY COMnImo dity ta nusrepresent thc Ordin- ary selling price in Order tb fbol the consumer into believ- ing he is getting a bargain. Speaking in Montreal recealt- ly, Mr. Fulton disclOsed that an investigation of the Selling Price of a certain article bY his department uncovered the fact that only one of a nUniber of retailers had ever sold at the so-called "regular price" ini that one instance somneone had fargotten to tell a salesmai that the regular price wu Jmut clan advertising stunt". Businesses using mifrepret- entation as the toundatimOn f their advertising POlicy wcre "1trespassing upoii a matter Of public right", Mr. Fulton de- clared. Even if Canada I n et&fie taal on North Ainerican defeii- ces, it gave ail appearanceS last week of waving the dog. Il Wus really last September that the. iCanadian Government decided that the real thrcat ta tb. Con- tinent came not frOm m*edt bombers, but !rom lbt Inter- continental ballistlc mungie. Subsequently il scrapped the. supersonic Arow in Unie wlths tthis decision and deolded --te adopt only two U.S. ÉoMarc guided missile bases tO tsk. their place. ____