THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1959 1'HE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARJO PAGE FIN Ca rtwrighlt Public'School Resuits Grade 1 ta Grade 2- Ballingai McKay, Ronald Redniond, Ban- Joanne, Buschlln Kenneth, Don- ry Rohren, Gary Rohrer, Nancy reil Leanne, Duff Grahami, Ed- Stinson, Brian Wolfe. Donothy gerton Donald, Fallis David, Venning (teachen). Gilbank Carolyn, Gnandell Per- Grade 2 ta grade 3- Randy '5 ry, Harnen Rager, Huntington Colins, Gail Hart, Dennis Rom- ~VJanice, Kinnunen Vîlha, Kînn- enil, Harny Shemilt, Betty Lau unen Maija, Lee Bian, Mal- Stinson, Pianne Taylor, Bl colin Glenn, Macleod Leonard, Thompson, Carol Wotten. Moore Nancy, Pascoe Michael, Gae3t rd - ei Rohren Brenda, Rooke Shirley, Gae3t rae4 ei Swain Robent, Tennant Glen- Ashton, Doirs Ashton, Gail Bon- da, Trewin Barry, Warren El- netta, Beverley Brown, Karen aine, Wilkins Teddy, William- Campbell, Lida Coley, Gwen- son Joey, Wotten Norma, Wright dolyn Eank, Donna Edgenton, Donald. Phyiiss Mitchell tea- Myrtha Egli, Linda Fallis, Patsy cher). Hutchinson, John Larmer, Vin- ginia Mackie, Bonnie MacLeod, Grade 1 ta Grade 2- Brenda Bannie Malcolm, Vernon Mal- Farder, Linda Mountjoy, Kath- colm, Bob McLaughlin , Danny leen Porneil, Nancy Saint, Don- Ponnill, Douglas Rohren, Isabel na Swain, Lorraine Turner, Saint, Lias Wright. Joan Ven- Carol Werry. ning (teacher). Grade 2 ta grade 3- Robent Grade 3 ta grade 4- Sharon Archer, Guy Bonnetta, Scott Archer, Nancy Anscott, Linda Buschlen. Russel Carnaghan, Butt, George Downey, Ellen John Coibear, Vinginia Colley, Earle, Joan Horton, Toivo Kin- Keith Cousins, Bruno Egle, Den- nuner, Judith Mauntjoy, Wayne ise Forest, Diane Gardon, Bon- Oliver, Leolard Schwartz, ay 'nie Hopkins, Lillian Hutchin- Suggitt. son, Paul Mappin, Mark Mal- Grade 4 ta grade 5- Marion colm, Harold McCoy, TeddY Argue, Douglas Asselstine, Lu- cille Beacock, Bob. Colbear, Patricia Colley, Francis Frayer, Donald Gray, George Hicks, Bob Kyte, Denise Malcolm, Mar- * ilyn Perigoo-, Garry Redmond, Linda Rohrer, Bill Ross, Bill Armstrong (teacher). e- Grade 4 ta grade 5- Adams Marilyn, Arscott Michael, Bon- netta Glenn, Forest Carole, Gib- son Kenny, Kinnunen Aina, Mappîn Bernice, MacLeod Jo- Ann, Redmond Robent, Rohrer Warren, Wotten Joan. by Grades 5 ta grade 6- Argue _______Margaret, Iradburn B e t t y, Brown Donald, Carnaghan Ja- Of SENERAL FOUPS KITCHENfS mes, Coîbear Bill, Downey Don- Strawberry Preserves wiîl taste athy, Duivesteyn Pina, Forest miglity good corne next winter, sa Cheryl, Goodson Jimmy, Hicks I thought you'd like ta try this Betty, Hutchinson Bill, McCoy recipe which rve found to be mos Shirley, McKee Maxine, Min- successtul: shaîl Ronnie, Swain Judith, Schwartz Nadie, Taylion Fred, STRAVEERET PRESERVES Tomchishin Sheila. Margaret 6 cups smal leOkbC1ries Mountjoy (teacher). (aout 2 quarts firm ripe amali strawberries) Grade 5 ta grade 6- Ivan X cp ntr rabunRoy Bradburn, Mar- 7 cups (3 Ibs.) ua rane, Terny Collins, Nancy Don- j% botue Certo fruit pectin rell, France Forrest, David jLKpare the strwberrles. Hull Hedge, Joan Lansing, Sharon about 2 quarts small strawbernies. Larmer, David Mackie, Ronnie Measure 6 cups whole bennies M a r ty n, Denis McLaughlin (flrmly packed without cnashlng) Douglas Metcaif, Brian Mount- into a verv lar ge saucepan. Add jay, Donald Saunders, Joan Sug- water and sugar. gitt, Helen Swain, Elizabeth Xov, ake your preserves. Place Thoripson, Manlene Tomchishin, ave hghhet ndbrngtoa ul Lloyd Trewin, Carl Warner, %ollhgl¶boit stirrin caefully ta Patricia Wotten, Lamna Wright, keep fruit whole. Reduce heat and Grade 6 ta grade 7- Jim bail gently 3 minutes. Remove Dayes, Hans Egle, Eleanor Fin- tram heat and at once sti. in lit, Harley McCoy, Glenna Mc- Certo. Ski- off with metal spon Leod, Canal Rolîrer, Mavis She- Thea let cool about 1 hour, ta help mult, Ralph Swain. Thomas prevent floatlng fruit Ladleietot Campbell (teachen). glansea. Cover preserves at once Grade 6 ta grade 7- Ballin- wlth % Inch hot parafftn. Makes gal David, Cousins John, De aboust 10 medium glassm .Jang Shirley, Goodson Muriel, ________Kyte Lînda, McKee Leah, Mc- 57 PoW'e eer wondeted wha Laughlin Donald, Rohner Ken- "pectis" la, iWa really easy ta ex_ neth, Staniiand Nancy, Wotten1 Splats. les the jellUng substance Dvd bud in ailtfruits in varving Grade 7 ta grade 8- Adams ~ Mnouata. Sa you te... Cetto 13 Pat, Argue Floyd, Blythe Canal, 11 Vectis extracted from fruits trh Bnadburn Manion' Bruce Rob- i thts saturai substance, then te- ent, Clements Bnian, Cousins Psed, corcentrated and<i frm Robin, Dean Joan, Downey Don-1 snce-controlled. That's why, when na, Grace Bennice, KyteFloyd,i Va une Certo angd follou the Lansin'g Lamne, Malcolm Bren-1 teaed ero tcipsyou pie-da, Oliver Verva, Passant Mary,1 ntd ea. tms rd ees set Prer- Prosser Dennis, Rahm Carol,1 semep, m n e s'Pe- Taylor Alice, Turnbull Patri- Tant lama oe jeflies are deliclons bell (teacher). accompaniments ta meat and Grade 7 to grade 8- Brad- paultry. Try raspberry or cherry burn Mary, Beacock Bruce, jam lthchlkenor urky; Byers Janice, Forest Donald, aoseberry or rhubarb Jamwîth Goodwin Terny, Malcolm Way- pork; prape or plumn jelly wit ne, Metcalf Cheryl, Minshall -Grade 8 ta grade 9- Bnad-i 1 get quite a jeta lettets from iburn Donald, Byens Jim, Cann-1 womes who have problems in aghan Audrey, Dayes Lonraine, making theit dam, jeUly or pre- Gibson Anne, GilbanIk Carl, serves. If you'd lke help, tante Haines Colin, Harris Verna, me and l'Li be pleased to give Vo Kyte David, Laurence Sylvia, Miy information 1 eau. And do MeLaughlin Donna, Mountjoy eatch for my uext columnt Yvonne, Pedden Isobel, Rahm Paul, Rohrer Leona, Sadlen Janice, Saundens Leanard, Smith Due te the rains of the past, Elsie, Staniland Bnian, Steph- ,week there shohIld be a goodi enson Joseph, Swain Donald,1 CHECK OUIR PRICES THE DEST VAL ARY WHERE ASIC OUR CUSTOMERS We are ci ser, ýSHEPF m6 MIau Si. E WMBER ïLeu sýct 'ARD 1 m SLumq lu, 'l Eowmanvule S.S. No. 3 MANVERS FALLIS SCHOOL Names are i order of merit. _* Denotes honours. Gr. VII ta VIII-Walten Un- bankiewicz*, Judy Hornen, Ro- bert Stephenson; Harvey Scott, Linda Stephenson. Gr. VI ta VII-Wayne Steph- enson. Gr. V ta VI-Billy Bradley*, Sheila Wood*, Ray Stephenson, Ricky Masters, Susan Masters. Gr. IV to V--Susan Scott*. Gr. III to IV-Christopher Wood, Mary Stephenson. Gr. I to II-Nancy Bradley*, Bîlly Scott*, Kenny Stephenson. Gr. IA to B-Maria Sinopoli. Highest attendance for the year-Sheila Wood. General Proficiency-Walter Urbankiewicz. (Mns.) Jean M. Argue, teacher.1 TYRONE SOHOOL S. S. NO. 18 DARLINGTON To Grade 9 - Don Malette, Marjonie Phillips, Marlene Tay- lor, John Thonnbeck. To Grade 8 - Wilfred Hall, Paul Moore, Ken Murphy, She- iagh Murphy, Hennie Reyenga, Esther Ann Rosevear, Lynne Stainton, Roslyn Taylor, John Vivian. To Grade 7-Michael Gibbs, Douglas Park, Patty Partner, Ted Wood. To Grade 6-Charlotte Annis, Elainýe Annis, Gerry Hardy, Ann McNiven, Grace Moore, Siepie *Reyenga, Ted Skinner, Eddy Yeo. To Grade 5-Sandra Hall, Margaret Janczyn, Janice Ma- lette. Sammy Reyenga, Grace Rock, Gail Scott, Wayne Scott, Anne Skinner, Janice Taylor, Allan Vivian, Doreen Wright, Kenny Yeo, Lorne Yeo. To Grade 4 - Arlien Hall, Wendy Partner, Gary Scott, Johnny Wood. To Grade 3 - Maxine Ail- dread, Beverley Hall, John Jackson, Donald Janczyn, Lyn- da Malette, Irene Reyenga, Lee Skinner, Lynn Skinner, John Spry. To Grade 2-Alan Milhench, Harvey Partner, Jimimy Spry, Duane Taylor, Erla Vivian. Teaýchers: Jean Robertson and Ann Morland. SALEM SCHOOL Principal, L. McMahon. Senior Boom From. Grade 8 ta Grade 9- Honours -Cooper Lanny, Con- nant Carolyn; Pass - Prazienka Kathryn, Richards Bruce, Shac- kleton Fred, Wolnick Michael; Recommended - Burgess Judy, Moon Donna. Froni Grade 7 to Grade 8 - Honours - Larsen Lena, Shac- kleton Margaret, Valliers Bob- by; Pass - Johnson Michael; Recommended -Knapp Ernest. From Grade 6, to Grade 7 - Honours - Brimicombe John, Cowling John, Prazienka Su- san; Pass - Avery Gloria, Bal Bill, Darch John, Emburgh Bill, Johnson Marion., Shirk James. From Grade 5 to Grade 6- Honours - Brimicombe Heath- er, McCormick Cheryl, Twist Kathleen, Wolnick Patricia; Pass - Downey Sandra, Page Donald, Seymour Jo Ann. Junior Boom Mrs. N. Hornick, teacher. Grade 4 to Grade 5 - Ilon- ours - Burgess James, Rober- ta Craig, Palmer Valerie, Pra- zienka Stephanie; Pass - Faster Katherine. Knapp Evelyn, Mc- Cormick Mary Lau. Grade 3 to Grade 4-Burgess Glen, Cowling Ronnie, Kim- xnerly Larry, Maynard David, Shackleton Davidý. Grade 2 to Grade 3 - Avery Norma, Allin Linda, Blackburn Brian, Burgess Mary Lau, Craig Susan, McCormick Michael, Mc- Phail Jamie, Stacey Frances, Wolnick John, Shackleton Ruth. Grade 1 toi Grade 2 - Bur- gess Darlene, Knapp Arhur, Marchant Susan, McDougal Brian, McEwen Judy, Twisti Murray, Woodcock Douglas. 1 YOU TOO ARE WELCOME TO USE OUR BUDGET PLAN LUE FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN SAN-O, DIII NArkel 3-5715 KENDAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Grade 6 te 7- Marie Little, Rodger Brown. Grade 5 te 6- Kathy Tur- ansky, Margaret Ami Thomp- son, Jim Little. Grade 4 to 5- Terry Brown, Reid Foster, Tommy Foster, Bruce Mercer, Dorothy Mercer, Shirley Mercen, Billy Planke. Grade 3 te 4- Larry Brown, Marie Couroux, Ann Fosten, Bobbie Geach, Dianne Little. Grade 2 te 3- Billy Mercen, Dougie Mercer, Anoe Petyko, John Petyko, Wilma Turansky, Terry Yendrick. Grade i te 2- Kim Brown, Linda Sioen, Wayne Yendrick. Teacher- Miss Margaret Hay- dmMORRISH S. S. 5 Promoted from Grade 8 to Grade 9-Egas Susanna; Fen- ton Bonnie; Fenton Mary, Har- ness Claude, Lee Babby. Grade 7 te Grade 8-Byers Wayne, Harness Ann, Ireiand Richard, Marvin Ruth, (Reconi- mended). Grade 6 to Grade 7-Beckett Bobby, Harness Jane, lst Clas Honours; Harness Pat, Ireland Christine. Grade 5 ta Grade 6 - Byers Donna, Egas John, Fenton Elwood, Harness Susan, Hon- ours; Lee Donald, McConnell Dianne, First Class Honours; Mattiyck Gordon, Wright Shar- on, Young Bobby. Grade 2 te Grade 3-Austin Larry, Austin Wayne, Hawes Christine, lst Class Honours; Lee Rose Anne, lst Class Hon- ours; Lord, Jerry, lst Class Hon- ours; McConnell, Paul, Hon- ours; Matiyek, William, Hon- ours. Grade 1 te Grade 2-Ander- son Gerald, lst Class Honours; Austin Denny, Honours; Byers Glen, Young Harold. SHAW'S SCHOOL In aiphabetical order. To Grade 2-Cathy Anger, recommended; Lenora Harper, Pass; Carol Harte-Maxwell, Pass; Karen Harte-Maxwell, Recommended; Kathy Lovekmn, Honours; Chris Newell, Hon- ours; Linda Robbins, Honours; Eleanor Smith, Pass. To Grade 3-Wayne Cobble- dick, Pass; Joe Gallello, Pass; Marte-M.axwell Pass; Karen Mary Gallello, Honours; Danny Jones, Honours; Jahnny Lane, Honours; Murray O'Brien, Hon- ours; Eric Patterson, Pass; Jan- et Robbins, Honours; Patricia Rudell, Pass. To Grade 4-Nicky Dawson, Pass; Marlene Downey, Pass; Dominic Gallello, Recom.rend; Muriel Lane, Pass; Patsy O'Brien, Pass; Margaret Werry, Honours. To Grade 5-Ann Cobbledick, Recommended; Earl Cobbledick, Honours; Fred Cobbledick, Re- commended; Mike Cryderman,_ Pass; Diana Dawson, Pass; Anne Marie Downey, Pass; Charles Fniedrick, Pass; Brian Jones, Honours; Peter Newell, Honours; Raymond Ripley, Honours; David Robinson, Hon- ours. To Grade 6, (ln order of mer- it)-Richard Robinson, Wesley Lane, Domenic Gallello, Ver- onica Fniedrick, Lily Harper, Hans Van Dorp, Barbara Brawes, Larry Cobbledick, Donna Eyre, Murray Taylor. To Grade 7, (in order of mer- it) Glenn Rabb, Ron Harper, Karyn Brooks, Carol Taylor, Faye Taylor, Barry Browes, Bob Gilkes, Robert Brown, Philip Dawson. To Grade 8, (in order of mer- it)-(Walter Rickard, Peter Werry) Tied; Rocky Mickolic, Lynn Brown.. To Grade 9, (in order of mer- it)-Ruth Werry, Margaret Cryderman, Fiena Woudstra, Scott Rudeli, Jim Finn, Tom Stacey. Principal, Leila Atchison. Junior Room, Margaret Kil- leen, teacher. WSalem School Visits Toronto by Carolyn Tennant The senior room and grade 4 of the junior room, Salem Sehool, spent a joyous day at Toronto on Thursday, June 25. Under the supervision of Mrs. Allen, Mrs. L. Richards, Mr. R. Darch, Mr. N. Avery and the itwo teachers Mrs. N. Hornick and Mr. McMahon, our group visited the Impex:ial 011 build- ing. Here we were taken on a tour to the twentieth floor and shown the sights of Toronto from an approximate 700 feet. The building was 295 feet high and was sitting on a 500 foot escarpmerit. We then- visited the River- dale Zoo, lunch was eaten in the park and a short trip around the zoo showed us many differ- ent species of animal and birds. The next stop was the Ont- ario Museum where we were directed on a tour through the various galleries which display- ed such articles as valuable rock, the earth's formation, mu- mnmies and other interestîng articles. The Parliament building was dressed in its finest colours awaiting the Queen's arrivai. Here we were taken into the assembly where parliament is held and the room was descri- bed in detail. The political min- ded children answered ques- tions the guide asked about the members of parliament. Everyone enjoyed Fort York with its historical background. On our tour we visited each room of each bulding, except those which we were not allow- ed to enter. We were shown how the stocks were used and told of the punishment received. IThe guide upon reaching our destination brought out an oid "BonBess" musket and fir- Tired, but happy everyone re- S. S. Ne. 21 DARLINGTON Names are in order ot clasa standing: Grade 8 - Jean Piggott 83, John Bertrim 79, Carol Black- burn 76, Frank Colbary 74, Pa- tricia EIJis 65, Wayne Marchant 65, Russell Tabb 63, John Jones 60. Grade 7 - Rena Graham 79, Birdie Bentnini 78, Bonnie Mc. Quinn 72, Lyle Millson 65. Grade 6-Stephen Liptay 88, Brian McQuinn 78, Clark Pig- gott 74, Gail Thcmpson 72, Ian Graham 70, Marie Milison 66. Grade 5-Doreen Trewin 74, Lynne Read 72, Tommy Potts 66, Jimmy Jones 58. Grade 4- Bobby Jones 80, Dolores Marchant 62, Wayne Piggott 57. Grade 3 - Alice Joncs 85, Sheryl Ashton 80, Dougie Blackburn 77, Debbie Potts 66. Grade 2-Nancy Piggatt Pro- xuated. Grade 1--Glen Ashton, pro- moted; Kathryn Rahm, promot- ed; Darlene Thompson, promot- ed; Donald Trewin, pnomoted. BETHANY SCHOOL Senior Room The names are given alpha- betically, nat by menit. Grade 5 to Grade 6-Ronald Jackson, honors; Kathleen Mon- ton, honors; Karyn McGill, Robert Smelt, Roy Scott, Glen Wright, William Srelt (on trial), Barbara Wil7son (on trial). Grade 6 ta Grade 7-Patic~a Davidson, honars; Eleanon Par- teous, honors; Randy Wilson, honors Ross Jordan, Allan Bris- taw (on trial), Melvyn Smelt (on trial). Grade 7 ta Grade 8-Patricia Bigeiow, honors; Howard Mor- ton, honons; Carolyn Smith, honors; Dianne Smith, honars; Robent Edmunds, Patricia Green Jack Durhamu (on trial). Grade 9 ta Grade 9-Shanon Bigelow, honors, Linda David- son, honors; Larry Lamb, hon- ors; Allan Smith, hanors; Di- anne Mulligan, John Jackson. Teacher: (Mrs.) Belle Smith. Junior Boom Grade 4 ta Grade 5-Bnian Green, honons; Douglas Harry, honors; Douglas Neals honors; Bobby Durham, Barbara An Green, Edwand Green. Grade 3 ta Grade 4 - Faye McGill, honors; Nancy Morton, honors; Norma Smith, honors; Ricky Wentwonth, honors; Jan- ie Harper, Kenneth Porteous, Patricia Wilson. Grade 2 ta Grade 3-Diana Green, honors; Mary Anne Mar- tichenko, honours; Phyllis Youngman, honons; - Murray Strong, Joanne Ednwnds (on trial), Thomas Wilson (on trial).' Grade 1 ta, Grade 2-Sharon Johnston, honora; Donald Speli- er. honora; DIanne Strong, han- ors; Charmaine Wï]son, hon- ors; Sandra Wilson, hanors; Murray Edmunds, Garry Wil- son (on triai). Teacher. (Mns.) Loraine Smith. 8. S. NO. 1 CLARKE T.S.A. Promotion Report. (Naines listed in order of menit): To Grade 9-Bud Elliatt. To Grade 8-Patricia Moore. To Grade 7-Donna Kimbal. To Grade 6-Dianne Kumbali. Ta Grade 5-Suzanne Eyden. To Grade 4-Sandra Payne, James NichaIs, James Chare- wicz. To Grade &:-James Eyden, Mary Kordas, Lynn McEwen, Richard Miles. To Grade 2-Irene Charewicz, Barbara Kordas, Stephen Searle. J. Wallbridge (teacher). BROWN'S SCHOOL Grade placement ini Septem- ber: Naines are in elphabetical or- der acconding ta tl4e last name. Grade 2-Deborah MeHoixu, Jimmy Pitt, Jlimy Ryhonchuk, Ricky Stephenson, Wendy Wil- son. Bradley Wilson. Gradée 3 - Bonnie Bridger, Tony Brown, Keith Caîl, Gar- don Palmner, Georgina Simp- son. Grade 5-Roy Brown. Larry Henrington, Tina Kozub, Jean Webb, Leigh Wilson. Mrs. Jean Payne, Teacher. Grade 6-Dorothy Brown, Eli- zaehKzub, Samuel McReel- lis, Judy Pitt. Grade 7-Nancy Laaja, Don- ella Lancaster. Grade 8 - Lynda Cal!, Rex Herrington, Richard Kichka,> Brian Pickering, Nancy Simp- son, Lavenne Weathenup. Grade 9-Raymond Xichko, David McReelis, Marilyn Rob- inson. Raymond C. Bowen, Principal. S.8. No. 16, DARLINGTON ENNISKILLEN.. PROMOTIONS Junior Room- Teacher, Mrs. Caînan. Grade 1 ta 2- Leadbeater Tommy, Terry Lindia, Tillev John. Grade 2 ta 3- Gniffin Hea- ther. Grade 3 ta 4- Boyd Martla, Gniffin Robent, Robson Jamie,1 Stainton Gail. Grade 4 ta 5- Ashton Doug- las, Beckett Manie, Cox Wendy, Fenguson Evelyn, IritRo- ney, Pethîck Ruth, Robson Jan- et, Slemon Robent, Thompson Bob, Yellowlees Marilyn. Senior Roox- Teachen, Mine. Taylor. Grade 5 ta (6- Ashton Clane, McNair Lokie, Wearn Susan, Wright Lawrence. Grade 6 toi 7- Ashton Char- les, Cax Terrly, Ferguson Leow- na, Gniffin uniel, Leadbeater George,tWey Betty Jane, Wri- ght B ettyYe Neil. Grade 7 ta Beckett Wayne, Begley Brucej Begiey Carole, Boyd Gardon eNair Maureen. .Grade 8 9- Cox Sheila, Ferguson Da id, Gniffin Laura, Knudsene Lise, Page Pat- ricia, Slemon Kathryn, Yellow- lees Carol. ellowlees Donna', Yea Mary. S. S. No. 12 Darlirigton Promotion nesults of S.S. No. 12, Darlington, Mitchell's Corn- ers (Zion) Public School. Names arranged in aiphabeticai orden. Rec.-Recommended; N.P.-Not pnamoted. Grade 1 - Grade 2-Thomas Adair (nec.), Dianne Baragar, Ricky Battrel, Billy Bunker, Barry Chatten (rec.)', Harvey Dart, Sheila Fice, Dona Glover, Reta Gorr, Wenda Hare, Penny Jordan, Canal Kingsland (N.P.), Billy Kuzenko, Ronnie Kuzenko, Tommy Lewis, Danlene Me- Eachern, J e f f e r y Maclean, Shanyn McCulloch, John Mona- han (N.P.), Many Nemisz (nec.), Steven Sayeau (N.P.), Paul Shmyr, George Tate, Bobbie Thompson, Billy Woods (N.P.), Sandra Scott. Grade 2 - Grade 3 - John Bull, Harvey Glover, Nie Kair- etz, Billy Killen, Thomas March (N.P.), Connie Nesbitt (nec.), Walter Pingle, John Tate. Miss Lamna Wallis, teachen. Grade 2 - Grade 3 - Gail Carniere, Patty Cook, John Ka- pustin, Bnian Thompson, Genda Weilandt. Grade 3 - Grade 4 - Ricky Baragan, Shelibey Boyce, Mary Bradley, John Brent (N.P.), Leslyn Chamberlin, D onn a Frank (N.P.), David Gorr (N. P.), Wendy Hazleton, Joey Hir- cock, Bobbie Hawes, Rama Kair- etz, Victoria Kapustin, Launie Lambert, Frankie Lankin (N.P.) Josianne Loescher, Ricky Mîac- Lean (N.P.), Lynda Nemis, John Oyler, Bob Peeling, Sandra Sob- il, Margaret Watson. Grade 4 - Grade 5 - David Fountain, Wayne Hane (N.P.>, David Kellar, John Jankiewiez (N.P.), Karen MacGnegor, Don- na Pingle, Gary Sh.myr, Lais Zimmerman. Miss Elizabeth Nunn, teacher. Grade 4 - Grade 5 - Donald Baragar, Donna Black, Kenny Dant, Stephen Den Ouden, Annemanie Jeffery, Alan Kain- etz, Ernie Kuzenko (nec.), Michael Kuzenko, Richard Skareyko, Robent Tremble (N. P.), Dianne Tweedie. turned to the bus and spent the journey home singing. The children who were pre- sent for the bus trip wish to thank the Home and School Club for making the visit pos- sible, the aduits who accoxupan- ied us and our teacher Mr. Mc- Mahon. Fromn 1951' to 1957 the aver- age family income in Canada advanced frorn $3,535 to, $4,644. Sporting goods made ini Can- ada i 1957 had a factory value of $16 million. Some of the nma- jor items wçre: billard and bowling supplies, $2.7 million; fishing nods and tackle, $2.8 million: ice skates, $2.3 million, golf clubs, $1.7 million; hockey 6tick, $1.7 million. Grade 5 Grade 6.-Linda Bnent (nec.), Judy Cameron (N.P.>, Melady Cooke, Jane Fisher, Susan Fountain, Wayne Hazel- ton, Linda Howes, Lydna Kel- ian, Patsy Kellar, Margaret Knapp (N.P.>, Linda Lankin (N.P.), John March (N.P.), David Nemisz, BHl Peeling (N.P.> Janice Scott, Rosemany Sîce- man, Earl Stewart (N.P.), Shar- on Tweedie (nec.). Grade 6 - Grade 7-Raymond GLEN Classifications: lst class hon- ouns-75 percent and aven; 2nd class honours-66 ta 74 percent;, 3rd class honaurs - 60 ta 65 percent; Pass standing-50 ta 59 percent. Subjeets lu brackets indicate failures. Grade 9 ta 10O-lst class han- ours-Helen Busohlen (86.6%); Jim Swaln Elaine Mountjoy, Frank, Donald Gonn, Jack Knapp (nec.), Lydna McGregor, Bnian Terry (N.P.). Mrs. Ruth Chamberlain, teacher. Grade 6 - Grade 7-Klaus Anslestetter, Dwight Bradley, Jo Anne Canniere (nec.), Clif- fond Chamberlain, Sharon Fish- er, Wayne Jordan, Alice Killen (N.P.), Susan March, Margaret Pi'ngle, Jeanette Schneider, Paul Skoneyko, Eddie Stewart (nec.), Valenie Stewart, Ben Watson. Grade 7 - Grade 8-Norman Frank (nec.), Marilyn Glaspèll, Gail Hircock, Ronald Jeffery, Nina Kapustin, Larry Matthews, Ross McMaster, Larry Njemisz, Douglas Peeling, Sandra Scott, Peter Sobil, Brenda Stewart, Mark Wiicox, Paul Wheeier, Jackalene Wood. Grade 8 - Grade 9-Marilyn Bull, Douglas Fice, William Hasiuk, Andrew Matthews, Shirley Matthews, Joan Mc- Master, Earle Wood. Mns. Thelma Gilbank, principal.1 RAE 98 King St. W. Bettie de Vries, Joan Bradburn, Larry Hoskin. 2nd class hon. ours-Ian Frayer, Laurel Mac- kie, Peter Mantel, Stuart Hedge, Narman Lyon, Kathenine Cou. sins; 3rd class honours - Art Van Camp. Ronald Hoskin. Pass standing-Shirley Gilbank (Social Studies) Edna Shemilt (Social Studies). Grade 10 ta Grade 11-lst class honours-Bernice Lariner (75%) ;2nd ciass honours-Ni. cole Forest, Clem Wilson, Rab- enta Mackie; 3rd class honaurs -Larry Mackie, Mariene Lyon, Shirley Dean (Latin); Betli Stnong (Business Practice), Glenda Wilson (Mathematica). Pass standing - Doris Gniffin (Latin), Harry Weirsma (Eng. lish), Genald Brown (English), Jopie Diuvesteyn (English>, June Wenry (French). Grade il to Grade 12-2nd Ciass honours-Lawrence Butt (73.1%), 3nd ciasa honours - Margaret Haoey; Pass standing - Ardis McArthur, Francea Staniland, Alan Asseistine (English>, Leslie Asselstine (English). Grade 12 ta Grade 13 - lat ciass honours - John Feddema (88.37o); Jack Swain. 2nd clas honours - Larny Ashton; 3rd class honours - Sylvia Kozub, Lloyd Wilson, Winnifred Sch- wartz (Latin); Pass statiding - Barry Fisher (French). q4oZLILn X maj Aniazlng new-f@rmula DURA-MIDI doos.o whit.r. longer hmr lng lob ln on. ot thon two coes o f many ordinmry pointi You'Ul hardly believe your eyes when you, see how DTJRA-HIDEa sengatiogal hiding power and bzilliaat wbaer white caa bcautify your home! Just one coat of DURA.,HIDE coven smold o-ver any olor -oves black. Hides ail umail checks and cracks. Provides a tough, weather. resistant surface that lasts season after semsa. In evezy way it do" 4 better job than any white house peint you've ever use&. Self-cleansing, non-yeliowing properties in DURA-HIDE heip keep your home bright. It's easy to apply. Doesn't sag. Try itf Mode by the makers of famous FIo-pIoze Colorilzw points in 1,322 oeI.rsb r NDRfHADWR M DAIRY Bowmanville Area Public School Resuits Ca rtwright High School Resuits )rganized to build quality and 'vice into your project. The entire family wiII really go for fresh strawberries and deliclous Glen Rae Whipped Cream HGW TO CET PERFECT WHIPPED CREAN:6 1. Purchase a battise ofGien Rae Whlpplng Cream. 2. Choose a smail, but fairly deep bowl, sa that tlhere la not too much upaca between the. aides of the, bowl and the blades of the beater. 3. It ia mont Important to keep cream weii ehilled, at least 40 ta 45 derrees F. It la wiae ta put beater and bowi ta chili thoroughly In the refrigerator along with the cre>m, or rinme with coid water if you have no refrigerator. 4. Do net try to whlp toe mueh cream at once. The level of cream In the. bowl shouid be about hait way up the biades of the beater. This aiiows the air te b. whlppedi nto the creamn more readily. 5. Flavorlnt and sweetenlng should be added last of ail - atter cream has been whipped until ft stands ln sharp peaka. Icing Sugar or fruit sugar i. best for sweetenlng. Order some of this extra fine whipping cream from yonr milkman today. Glen La. Whipping Cream makes an'y dessert tait. better. LYMBE R ýL 1 1 MiÎF B:,B.4 :WjIN,.Clm ý 1. Bi UE PRINT SER VICE TRUPMAY, JULY 2nd, 1959 fHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BO'%14ANVnl..& ONTAPIO PAOB rMI