PAGEUX CANDIA wrA~MA. BOIEMVff U. WrABra NT11~DA. 31L'YtSAd £a Rotary Club Wins T-op Award For Best District Att endance Hears Detaiïl of Visit to U.K. Thie Bowunanville Rotary Club won the attendance award for Rotary District No. 707 fer the club year. The announce- ment cf this distinction earned by the local Rotanians was made by George Vice, thie president, at the Bowmanvile Rotary Club luncheon meeting held at the Fiying Dutehman Motor Hotel on Friday. Rotary District Ne. 707 ex- tends from Belleville on the east te Guelph on tAc west. During thc Rotary year July Ist, 1958, te June 3th, 1959, thene wene 42 clubs taking part i the attendance .competition. The Bowmanville Rotary Club desenves congratulations for echieving this fine record. Walter Reynolds intnoduced thc special speaker, J. Forbes Heyland, a member of tAie club, who spoke cf bis trip to Great Britain last winter. Mn. Rey- nolds stated that Mn. Heyland has been a Rotarian for more than 20 years, and told of is club activities. The Bowmanville Rotanians were given a vivid descibtion by Mr. Heyland of thie recent visit he and bis wife made te England and Scotland. Thcy stayed at Addison flouse in St. Johns Woods, London. The wonld renowned Lord's Cricket Grounds were just around the corner, and iovely Regent's Park was aise nearby. While Mr. and Mns. Heyland made their headquarters li Lon- don during their stay, they made many trips to other parts of England. TAiey spent twe days in Canterbury which was described as an historic town with many buildings that are hundreds of years old. Canterbury Cathedral is a maemorable sight. Thie building cf the cathedral was started 1,-1 200 years age. It la built on three levels with an altar on e.ich ene. Tour of Canterbury Mr. Heyland remarked that when he and his wife cntered Canterbury Cathedral, they were met by the verger. It was then about 1.30 in the after- J. Ferbes Heyiand noon, and the verger told therr that they would have ta hurry te, sec everything before a ser. vice started at 3.15 p.m. The verger gave the Hey. lande a personally conducted tour of the immnense and im- posing church. 'In tAis way they were able to, sec more of the cathedral than touris us- ually do because the verger un- locked doors and gates and es- corted them through ail parts of thc building. Mr. and Mrs. Heyland attended the afternoon ROYAL ~ THURS. - SAT. - JULY 23 - 25 NATINEE SATURDAY - 2 P.M. MARIE McDONALD iSESSIJF Extra: Color Travelogue and Pop Eye Cartoon Complete Shows at 7 and 9:10 p.m. EXT NON. - WED. - JULY 27 2M 'These Thousand Hi!!?l Color Good Western starring DON MURRAY and PATRICIA OWENS Adult Extra:,3 Stooges ini "Sweet and Bot" SPECIALS 63e si»e]]PANA FASTE 2 for 99c 89e Coigate TOOTH FASTE 1 Nylon HAIM BRUSH ]Bath for 89c Rrylereem 43e 69e - 89e Noxzema Cream 73e 99e - 31.25 Vacuum Baille -79e SPECIALS 55e ise Paimolive Shampoo 430 5 day Roll-on Deodorant _______890 2 Hale Shampoo 98e 2 Hiaids Cream -__98e 2 Listerine Faste - 49c 98e Lustre Cream - 79o Deodorants Ban Deoderant - 31.25 *Arrid Creani _-__53c-75c Mennen's Spray - 75c-$1.25 *Mcnnen's Stick - 31.00 Old Spice Stick - $1.25 Weodbury Çtoll-on - 89e Fresh Cream - 53c-75c Relit 89C New Toni $2.00 Hudnut Quick $2.00 Silver Curi $1.75 Coppertone Spray -32.25 Fly-Tox Coppertone Lotion - $1.75 Insect Bomb - 89c-$1.39 Raid ____-S1.69 Skl 0c$100 Kan Kil _____ 89c-$1.39 Bronztan Ceam 75e-$1.25 P ly-Tex Spray 45c-69c-98o Dristan Tablels or Spray Clear Nose and Head $1.25 - $2.49 m $3.75 COWLI NG'S VAON TRUSSES service. Tbere was a fui! choir and two Church of England mirnsters officiated, h. sald. Whie in Canterbury they vis- Ited many shope. Mr. Heyland told cf going lite an antique shop in a side street. H. ne- ticed large impressive looking gates topped with a coat of arma outside a building acraua thie street. Came To KUI! EhOP fie asked the antique shop owner about the gates and was toid that they were tAie gates of St. Thomas A. Beckett'& Pa- lace. The owner told Aiow when the mcmi who came te Canter- bury from London ta kil! Uic I Bishop of Canterbury, arnived they Aiad corne te tAie very shap which sAc now owns, and left their anaor there, bef orei going te thie Blsbop's Palace.1 Wbcn they did net find hium there they retunned te tAie $hop across the street denned their armor, and wcnt on ta thie ca- thedral where they -murdened Thomnas A. Beckett before the' Aigh altan. Mn. Heyland told the Rotary Club that it was thrilling ta be on the very spot whcre his- toric events had taken place. Hie aise told et an interestlng weavens' shop in Canterbury.1 Hie said that li back Ofthtis shop there is stiil an old time ducking stool, suspended aven a strcam at tAie foot of the ga- den. when he caesto England from Holland, Mr. Heyland stated. From London Mr. and Mrs.1 Seyland flew to Renfrew Air- prt at Glasgow. Fram Glau Cmwthcy went by train to Ed- iburah.Mbr. Heyland praised the ele-ctrie trains and told the Rotarlans how fast they tr'avel. In Edinburgh he and his. wlle stayed at the George Hotel lest Mud Be Thaukftl Re descrlbed Princess Street *with ahops along one aide and lovely public gardens on the other. Oyerlooking the gardens la Edinburgh Castie. Mrz. Hey- land told of thie steep walk up Io the castie acrosa the mounci. H e told of seeing a. slgn I'Rest and Be Thankfu.l", over a smali tea shop near the summnit, and remarked that a rest la needed there after the climb. An interesting tour of Edin- burgh Castle waa described by Mr. Heyland, and Aie told of the 'wonderful Scottish War Mem- criai there. Thie iagnificent phlars have inany carved in- scriptions decldated to differ- cnt branches of the services Aie The chapel of the castie la mont impresuive, M1&. Heyland asserted. Thie altar ln built on the hlghest rock, and the sta- tue cf St. Michael is most ef- fective. At a certain hour of each day sunlight streanis through a wlndow dlrectly onto St. Mlchael's face, Aie aaid Mr. Heyland also told of the famous Royal Mile to Holy-' royd flouse. Among the ancient buildings along thie way is the house where John Knox once llved. Holroyd flouse domin- ates thie scene. Below it is a greht park, and a higAi hilI to one side adds te the attractive settingfor the palace. Many People Named Forbes Ilhe usihmarket li the U Viait To Windsr Business ]Directorv Another place with imuport -_____________ ant histonîcal associations visit- ed bythe leylands was Wind- Âccouniancy fson Castle, which bas been a royal residence fon 400 years. RAT J. DILLING Mr. Heyiand and Ails wife aise Certifled Public Accountant enjoved a cenducted tour et9 hrciSre Windsor Castie. fie told cf sec- Akt386 mng tAie great state dining-room,MAkt381 and dcscribed tAie wondenful, WM. J. H. COGGINS crystai chandeliers li tAla room.! Chartered Accountant They are six feet acrosa and,, Second Floor bctweeai seven and eight feet New Library Building long. The immense table waa Cor. ]King and Temperance Sts. sunrounded by 120 chairs. Phn Ikt331 While in tAie castie thcefiey- I PeeMne - lands saw a buge bedroom with TALE, FRIEDLANDERI, a beautiful painted ceiling, and 1 KNTER &* CO. historic portraits on thc wala Accountants and Auditors TAey were told by Uic guide ILicensed Trustee lI Bankruptcy that during the war when 84 King St. E.- RA 5-1621 Qucen Elizabeth II, then Prin- Oshawa, Ontario cess Elizabeth and PrincesB. L. Yale, C.A. Margaret were li residence at Ir. Fniedlander, B. Cern., C.P.A. thie castie, they played badmin- ONTEIT- MONTEITE- saw thie chaik marks o et hrt dAconat badminton court they uscd 15 Slrncoed St. N Osw which have been left on thie 13 A 55t.27,Osaw 110cr. Bowmanville - Çall ZEnith 45750 At 1tAie reof Ails visit to artuaem Windsor Caster, tAie Reubenl Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. Roomn was being repalntcd. fie A B. Montelth, B. Coin., C.A. was imprcssed on lcarnnng of -G. W. RicAil, C. A., R. I. A. fier Majesty's attention to de- (Licensed Trustee) taîl. Qucen Elizabeth Aad sel-,I G. E.* Trcthewey, C.A. ectcd tAc colour scheme for this R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. famous neem, and made cer- tain that thie exact shades of - thie colours ahe had chasen were C hi r oprac bcîng used by tAie painters, AiePraci c stated. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. UsdFor Cock-fighting Ofc: Chinopractor Te speaker expiained thatOfie Windsor and Eton are pnactic- l5 Elgin St., cor. cf Horsey St. ally one town. fie toid cf Ails Phone MA 3-5509 visit te Fameus Eton Coilege, Office Heurs: By Appelntmnent thie renowned school, where many noted figures li Énglish D e n t ai history were educated. Mn._____________ Heyiand told cf havîng lunch in DÉ. W. M. RUDELL. D.D.S. thc towa inl a restaurant bchind Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 1 a baker's shop. It was called 40 King St. W. Bowmanville "The Cockpit" and long ago Offce Heurs: tAie premises Aad really been 9 a.m. te 6 pan. daily used for tAie oid sport et cock Closed Saturday and Sunday fighting. Office Phone - MA 3-5790 vi ll1 Ages Ride Bicycles House Phone - Newcastle 3551 another day tAie 1fiylands Dit. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. vitd Cambridge. Tbcre they Office in Ails home Iwcne amazed ta sec an enor- 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville mous collection cf bicycles, Aie Office Heurs: said. The streets were filled 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily with people of ail ages riding Phone MA 3-5604 bicycles, and bicycles were Clcsed Wednesdays and Sundays iparked se thickly on thie side- walks that it was difficuit i DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. some places to find room te Office pass themn. 23 .-n St. E. - Bowrnville fie tld of sceing a group cf Offce Rieurs: bicyclists approaching a police-I 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily man on traffîc contrai duty. The Closed Satunday and Sunday bicyclists went over the white Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Une on tAc road, Aie said. Im- mediately thc policeman stop-~ Le gai ped ail traffic, went aven tote c______________ cyclists, made them move te SRM and STRIKE 1 the proper p lace, then Aie waik- BaisrsSacts cd, slowly back and ne-started oaisesPulictr traffic. W.R. tne le Q In Cambridge they saw A. A.R. Stike, .. KigsCoiee haPel, which 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvllle1 la saîd te be moat perfect cx- Telephone MA 3-5791 r ample of Gothic architecture rin Uic worid. fie told tAie Ro'j LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. tanY Club et the beautiful in- Barrister, Solicitor tenion which has 12 exquisitel Notary Public windows around Uic walls. fieliKing St. W. - Bowmaaiville also spoke et the remankable Phones: Office MA 3-5688 f carving and tnacery used inide. Residenoe MA 3-5553 conation et thc chapel.0 Mn. ficyland stated that there IMSS APHA L HODGINP is noeleectricity used li Kings Barnister, SoUlitor College Chape! except for tAie Notar7 Public Auge pipe ergan. The chapel Temperance St. - Bowmanville la entireiy lighted by canies, B. RICHARD LOVEKIN r Aie said. Thie argan ia in a gai- U., B.A., LL.B.b iery, almost like a bridge aven Box 9, Newcastle thie centre part, Aie said. Phene Newcastle 2246 WAen Aie and bis wite visit- Cosltto by appointinenta cd Oxford Uic wcather was any- ny thing but pleasant. There was fi17 a continuai. downpour ef rain. %V. KAT LTCETT, B.A. lI Oxford tbey saw tAie many Barrister anid Solicitor noted celieges, and aise tAche- Xx I theoffices ef newned inn calied "Thc Mitre"l. R. R. Waddell, Q.C. The George And Dragon Main Street, Orono, Ontario flday, f(e 0p.n On a trip te DevonsAire the 7P-t 1 a Heylands stayed at a hiustoeic tioday. 9 axa. te 5 p. Ci inn in Bnixhain. liiis ÙMinnl caiied "The George and Uicor1 ge Dragon" and la partieu.larly i-f teresting for Canadians becauselcADIEnHAumITON - ORONOf General Wolfe spent his last Phone 1 r 16 t night li Engiaaid there before' Finit Mortgage Funda I leaving fon Canada and bbe Realdenees - Farina capture ef Quebec. Mn. and Business Prperties D Mis. Heyiaaid Aad dinner where Gencral Wolfe had breakias 0 OP i o m e i r y Replica of Mayflower _________Ji___ &6NO & TT.1'.Tfdl i Mrs. Brooks, Bewman-le, visitcd Mn. and Mms. L. Mai- colmn and family for a few days during tAie week. Mn. and Mia. Morley Shep- herd, of Calvin, Mr. and Mis. Ronald Churchill, Brantford, visited Mr. and bErs. Deug. Churchill and farnlly. Mrs. Sadie Hamilton, grand- daughter Linda, of Orona and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Powers, Pan- tYPOOl, wenre guests at Mr. and Mis. Wm. Armstrong's on Sun- day. Mn. and Mis. Chas. Aimas, Waterford, visited Mn. and Mns. Y-en M.inshall fer tAc weekcnd.' Mn. and Mrs. fiurb Swain, Mr. and, Mis. Bruce Ashton. visited Mr. and Mrs. Victer Malcolm Sunday evcning. Min. and Mis. Robt. Naylor and Barbara, Toronto, and Irene and Bruce Witherly, Whitby, aI Mn&. and Mrs. Mal- colm Emerson's during tAie weekend. NE WTON VILLE Miss Barbara Stapleton is ho1idaying with Mr. and Mns. Lennox Vasey of Port MeNicol. Mns. Wm. Nichols cf Port Hope, is spcnding a few days with AU. and Mrs. Sid Lancas- ter. SMr. anid Mis. Jack Elliott and Sdaughten Dcrothy, iett Tuesday for a meotntrp south of Uic border. Mrs. Victor Wagg cf Mark- Aam, spent a few days witA Mr. and Mns. Sid Brown. Mn., Wm. Jennings cf Detroit, visiîed M1r. and mirs. Cecil Sta- pleton. Misses Carolyn Gnayson and Elizabeth McCai! eof Valais, Quebec, sPent tAc past week with Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mrrs. Clinton Brown spent a few daya with Mrs. Pattersan of Orono. Mn. and Mra. fiarny Wadc ieft On Thursday to meotet tAie West coast. Mn. and Mis. Keith Buriey cf Cobourg, ac- companied thern as fan as Win- nipeg te bring back a new bus. Mr-. and Mis. Luther Davey of Bethel Grove, visited Mni. and Mrs. Wmn. Stapieton. Mrs. Donald Elliott and li- fant daughter, have left Port Hlope hospitai and are staying, with ber sister, Mis. Ronnie Burley for a few days. Mis s Gloria Yeoman et Brant- fond and Mn. and Mis. fiarve"y rayeor of Bnuceficld, were ne- cnt visitera with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Brown. Mn. and Mrs. C. M. Jones and, M4rs: Cr. W. Joncs attendcd ai family birthday Party Aeld at i the home of Mr. and Mis. Cale-j man, Agincount li bonon et tAie! latter's mother, Mrxs. Neil Mac-! Dougali who an Saîurday, juiy' 18th was 90 years young. Mns. MiacDougaU is an aunt et Mns. Jones Sr. Mrs. Willis Joncs spent thie weekend with hen mother, Mis. David Merrill Dantferd. One of Uic greateat achieve- nents lin Caneadian ralnoading is tAie gnawth Ot piggy-back service in 18 montAis intOla coast-to-coast service. ing had te be donc on the walls before it will be ready for de- coration. BotAi church and Sun- day School were heid In thie Orange Hall Sunday evenung. Mrs. Swarbrick and Mrs. Doris Price were in Orono with Mn. and Mrs. Reughly a few days last week pnior te Doris' leaving for a check-up li To- ronto. Mn. and Mrs. Shirley Van- natto and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Vannatto, Port Hope, calied ta shaped harbour cf Aberdeen was described by Mr. Heyland. He also spoke of Ais visit to Inverness where .hAe purcxaed Forbes tartan in a shop own- ed by John Forbes. There are 1many -ieople cf that name in thie district, Aie said. TAie trip through tAie hl«h- lands will be long remembered, Mr. Heyland told the audience. He related thiimpressive sight of the Memonial to tAie Britisha Commandos standing in a hlgh- land glen in the countryside where these brave men trained. Back In London the Heylands saw the changing of the Guard at Buckinghamn Palace,.fie spoke of thie enommous statue of Qucen Victoria facing the Palace at the end of thie beau- tiful Mail with Admiralty ArcA inlathe distance. Canada flouse In Trafalgar Square where he and Ais wlfe registered on their arrivai in London, la a fine building, Mr. Heyland statcd. Hie spoke of Nelson's monument, Uic Na- tional Gallery and the Church of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, évhich are among tAie sighta of tAis square. Mr. Heyland also told cf the busy Strand froni Trafalgar Square te Fleet Street, and be- yond old Ludgat Hifll ta St. Paul's Cathedral. Hie told cf Whitehall lined with govern- nment buildings; Downing Street with tAc Prime Minister's ne- sidence eand the bouses of the, Chancellor of the Exchequer: and the Treasury building; and the Horse Guards Parade Ground. Many Fine Parka Thie fouses of Parliamenti near Westminster Bridge, tiel Abbey, and Londons spacieus Parka were also decribed by Mn. Hcyland. fie pointed out t.hat thene are two and a hait miles ef panks in the centre of London. He aiso spoke of the well known shops in Bond Street, a luxury centre, Regent Street Oxford Street and Jer- myn Street. Mr. Heyland paid tnibute to thie pleasant manner and heipfulness cf London peo- pie in giving directions to Can- adians trying to find a destina- tion,.fie advised the Rotarians that when visiting England it is worthwhile to have your wife wean a maple leaf brooch, be- cause thie English 'have a spe- cial feeling for Canadians. Tom Rehder, moved a vote of thanks to Mn. Heyland for his fine address. fie remarked that speakers seldom. can sur- pass the few members of the Rotary Club who gave speech- es durung thie ycar at thc lunch- con meeting, and pointed out that the worthwhuie travelogue by Mr. Heyland was an eut- standing instance. Out cf town guesta at thie luncheon meeting were Tom Dobbie, George Charlton, Wes Dlempsey, ýal of Oshawa, and Ed Miller, Toronto. KENDÂL The G.M. employees and their familles attended the mon- ster G. M. picnic held li Osh- awa Saturday. Free Ice cream, pop and rides were provided for the kiddies. A number of fine prizes were also given away. Miss Margaret Seens, Ottawa, and Miss Clara Seens, Peter. borough, visited with Mrs. ]Reg. Ellaott. Last Tuesday the Miss- es Seens. Mrs. EUliott and Joyce and Diane Little, left for a holiday at a cottage on Lake Chemong. Mrs. Mary Luxon, Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Mx&. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Gloria, spent the weekend at the former's cot- tage at Lake Kushog. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Perey Burley on Tuesday, were Mr. and Mrs. John Bird and Dougie; on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vannatto and daugh- ter Ellen, Port Arthur; Mrs. D. Vannatto and Cecil, Bowmnan- ville; Shirley Vannatto, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bu.rley and daughters. Mrs. Charlie Roach and fani- ily, Lakeview, visited Mrs. Ed- die' Couroux, Sunday, and are spending a few days with Mrs. W. Mercer this week. Mr. and Mns. Aylward Little and family and Alec Little vis- ited Mrs. Neva Little. Mr. Blake Alexander return- ed to Bowmanville Memorial Hospital last week. Mr. C. Holland ha. returned homne from Sunnybrook Hospi- tal after spending nearly a month there. Kendal United church is be- ing renovated. Last week a new ceiling was put on. Some fix- FEATURE - Miracle Whip 32-oz. Jar SALAD DRESSING - 59c FEATURE - Gattuso SALAD OLIVES 16-oz. Jar m-29c FEATURE - Club Des Billionaires %'s tin SARDINES --2 M'or 35c FEATURE - Kraft 16-oz. Jar CHEEZ WHIZ - - - 59c FEATURE - King's Plate Solid Light 7-oz. Tin TUNA FISH - *2 For 35c FEATURE - Hereferd 12-oz. Tin CORNED BEEF - 2 For 79c to Bowmnanville Thursday to Mrs. D. Vannatto and Cecils te sec MT. and Mrs. Bill Van- natto and Ellen before they lcft for their home in Port Ar- thur, Friday. Kendal seems to always be on tAie edge of the showers so the tobacco gnawers stanted ir. rigating last week. Most of the tobacco is looking good no fan. Mr. Fred Thompson, Edith and Albert, of Vancouver, spent a few days with bis mothet. Fer Desi Resuits.- TRT OUI Produce Tree, ripe Satin Brand SUNKIST ORANGES No. 1 Marsh Grown, extra crisi extra large heada LETTUCE ..... Homegrown No. 1 TOMqATOES - - - - - Mild, Swect, Green Top - Crisp, Flavourful No. 1 - large slcers CUCUNDERS . . . . . 3 For 19C Garden Fresh Rosebud - large bunch RADISHES - - - - - - £.S 5-lb. bag a 55C 2 Fer 15C a Lb. 19C1 large bunches m -' 3F,,,23c - Meut Items- Swift's Premium Smoked Shankiess FuIIy Cooked Picnics m m Swlft's Sliced Side Rindiess %/ Pkg.1 Premium BACON - - ne. 39c1 swift's Celle 1-lb. Pkg.1 - Best Buys BES" BUY -Heinz White Vinegar Btl 14c BEST BUY - Mazola 32-oz. .Salaid 011otl 71c BEST BUY - E. D. Smith's Pure il-oz. Tomato Catsup Bottle 2 for 3 5c BEST BUY - Van Camps Beans with Pork Tino 2Ifor 35c 13EST BUY - Blue sOFF Breeze Detergent Giat Pk. 77c Frze oosBirds Eye - lO-oz. pkg. Frozn FodsGREEN BEANS- - 27e Rupert Brand Silver Bright - IL. pkg. Bird. Eye - 6-oz. tin SALMON FILLETS -, . 69cORANGE JUICE-- 2 For 53c THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVIILE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET RING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN LMN ORONO - Coirnish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK, Blyth' s Market Swift's Premium Brown 'n Serve SAUSAGE - 6-oz. Package . Pkg. 35c Swift's Sliced Cello Wrapped 1-lb. Package i DRUG STORE L£-------------------------- take Mv. and Mrs. P. Bunley Mrs. E. Thonipson, and Arbhur.. lai a g Mu àm edi; PAGE six_ Tm QUADM STATJCMWM. 130y;BLSI;v]LtIL ONTAM TRU ODAY. 310LY 23r& »U - Premium WIENERS - - Lb. 45c 1