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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1959, p. 9

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I TTMMSAy, AUG. Sth. 1959 In Magistrates Cour (Written by A. Kurb) Oventirne parking was worth $6.00. Two ovenloads, one $38.00 one $23.00. Failure to stop for a stop ign, li whlch Uicernotorist Was observed skidding 286 feet, then vaulting a 5 foot high cm- bankrnent and flouting hrough thc air for 27 feet, striking a fence and finally coming te rest with only $27.00 damage to us car cost a mon $17.00. No other vehicle was involvcd. The mon was day dreaming. You are a lucky man, com'mented the court. A yeung mon who has elils- t.di as an apprenticc soldier op- peared for sentence on a charge of Bncaklng and Entering and Thcft 0V t te Orono Refreshmcn't Booth. He was rernanded out o! custody until calied for sentence. Commentcd Magistrate R. B. Baxter, "This Is one offence I ,cannot dispose of by woy of fine. N'eu had no record before th.is offence. Now you have one. You may go now. As long as you behiave yoursclf, you will neyer b. callcd by this court for sen- tence. To be vulgar about it, kcep your nose clean." Two young married men, both with families, both represented by different Counésel, pleaded Guilty to a charge o! Attempted theft of a wheeL and tire, urider the value of $50.00 and to dam- aging the car under the value of Fifty dollars, the property of Williis Fowler, 34 George St. Bowmanvilie. Constables Phil- lips and Bird received the cali via radio. Proceeded to the scene and Constable got out of the car. Saw a man run south to Well- ington Street. Gave chase and apprehended the man hidirig under a parked car in a drive- way on Wellington Street. The no-draft had been smashed. The front wheel had been jacked off the. ground. The accused's car had had a flat tire anid he had no spare. Counsel pleaded for the mag- lstrate to give the. boys another 7EEVSII 5a E2 RVI1C E oJ MA333INYlAYi1 chance. 'They need stnong su- pervlsory advice and help," he said, "they should also be kept apart." The magistrate rernand- cd them out of custody Vo ap- pear for sentence on Sept. lat, a pre-sentence report will b. obtained. "There Mas been a large cpidemxc o! this sort o! hing here tuis yeor. I have had te deal with it sevcnly. There lu no reason to steal. You both will remain at home in O"hiwa ev- enings. You both will be kept separate and apant. If the police * find you in> Bowmauvilie, you will geV absoluteiy no considier- ation here." The magistrat. con- tînued, "You arc a young mar- ried maxi, there Is no reason for you te ake your cousin's girl- f riend an y place. You both have records. You are skating on very thin Ice. In other cases o! thisi xature,wc have been very se- vere.. N'u may go now and de not forget a word I have told you."o $100.00 and costs o! $11.00 for careiess drîving was metcd out to another young man. H. had pleaded NoV Guiity. Was r.- presentcd by Counsel and after the evidence of one witness, changed his plea Vo Guilty. H. had forced another vehicle. into the ditch at the. overhead bridge. The boy's father speaking on his son's ibehoif, said, "I have neyer seen hlmn make an error in 6,000 miles o! driving. I am nervous li traffic and hlicdoes ail the driving for me. Conunen- ted Harr R. Dcyman, Q.C., County Crown Attorney, "The father is nenvous in Traffic, the traffic is nervous with the son in it." Magistrat. Baxter, askcd the man what he would have1 donc I thetroffic hadn't part- cd and let hlm In. "Just kept going. There wouid haove been a collision if the cars hadn't parted.'» Magie trate Baxter in- impos- lng penalty said, "This rnay have been an errer in judge- ment, but we cannot permit er- rons in judgemenit oday. Thene Is no excuse for it. You were pleasure bent. Most o! the peo- ple who corne before me are. They go tcaring down the. high- way, tliey have no place to, go and no patcular time Vo geV tirere. You are the type o! chop who shoulal b. put off tue higb- way. Alternative Vo Vthe penalty la twe mnontis lI gool." "If yo>u corne bock befone me again, you. will receive the maximum penalty. You have had your chance. I hope yen have ]eorned your esson." Police tnailed a leaing rad- loVeor froin the scene o! su- acci- dent andl arrested the driver for "Failure te Stop at the. acene o! an accident andl wiVh havlng liquor i o place other thon o rcsidence. After heaaing the evi- dence, tue Magistrat. askeal tue man why lie lefti tue scene. 'I gel scarcd. IV was my first trne lu an accident", replied tue ac- cuscd. "I point eut te you that the. penalty la a maximum oi $500.00 on 6 mnths ini gool on botLh." 'I might tell You that the Hit sud Ruxi driver is net Iooked uon with avur ,y per- son luautorlty." "Nemay Ihave inJured sornebody or kil- led sornebody whexi you hit that parked car. You didç't know. I have the least respect for the erson.wtio cornmitts this vio- tion f! the law. <"Penalty wau a total of $71.00. A local youth was remanded untfl Friday, August 7th at Co- bourg for sentence. He was con- victed o! being li possession of stolen goods. He had trled te seli the tire, worth $20.45, for $3.00 at a local garage. The Chie! Constauble stated the marn did not wan<t to tell hiu who stole the tire as thc mani was afrald that when he geV jo the Reform- atory he would have been beat- en up for being a squealer. He won't live wltfx hi. father, be- cause his father Is too strict. A stolen credit card la belig lxî vcstigated. "You are liable to two yea.rs for thus offence.'l "How wlU the insnates lu the Reformatr know you squeal- edqueried -te Magistrate?" "Thy% av wysoffirdng out", onsweèred the pnisener. 'II wifl rernand you to FnPiday until I cool out a bit," enswered the Magistrate. A speeder, who thougut th Town Police oui y had& juriadic tion within thei. imits o! Vh Towni of Bowmanviic la waik ing today. Police ichased hir from Liberty and King Streel east Vo the 115 lnterchang( There the O.P. Police wcre pat kcd and he slowed up. Sp..d were up Vo 100 miles per houi H. had been noticed p>y the pat roliin-g officers standing up o hlms motorcycie. '"He oid Vth Court that his speedometer wa noV working. Commented th Court, "You will lcann acceler aion by your f cet. N'eu have th attitude o! o smart alIec. Y<i need Vo be deait with li a go<i flrm mariner. I will take you license. You will waik unt Septeniben lot anyway. N'eu b bock hene then and I will deâ with you. If you are found on motercycle In, thc meantIn, you wiil regret i." The bo asked tue magistrat. about g.t ting hàs motorcycle home. Hi wonehtp replicd, you drovei down here. You wifl push1 bock. N'eu moy go now. Be bac] on September lat." Unânecessary noise, tire aqucal ing, cost $7.00. Two othen speei iig charges cost $17.00 each. Inflation Hits Beer Prices Nickel a Case Been aV Brewers' Retsi Stores will go up five cents dozen Saturday morning, R. 1' Hilimer, presîdexit o! Breweh Warchousing CQ. Ltd snid V4 day. Mr. RiUmer said that evei with tie new price change. On tarie beer pricea will stil t the lowest lni any Conadiai province. "Si 'nce 1950, whili cost o! oluher goods, os showl I Vhe governient's Consume Price Ind-ex, went up 22.4% Vhe priceo! beer lu Ontario lncludlng tiie new Increase, hw gone up exiiy 10.3 %Ilie 801<d The increase wiil net be di rcctiy reflectealli the price ln. cluding the. bottle deposit, pal by tue customen at the Retai Store, £%&. Hilîmen naid. "Th( increase will cerne aboi thnough a reduc tien n luth Warehouslng Company'& depcý oit charge on tue botties, fror 30 cents to 25 cents a dozen Tii. gnous pnices whieh the consumer will pay at tue store will remain unchangcd, but ie wiii reccive 25 cents a dozer rathen thon 30 cents bock ou his empties." Mr. Hilinr addcd tiiot cus Vomers in possessioxi o! bottiec at the olal deposit note would have until August 8 next Vo ne- turn tiem Vo Bnewers' Warc. housing at Vie 30 cents a dozen rate. North Nestielon Mn. and Mrs. George Bowers Mr. and Mis. Fred Day, Mr and Mrs. Malcolmi Emerson visileal Mr. and Mifs. Ottc Bragg, Bowmanvile, on Thurs. day evening. Tic fnienals and ncigiibors ci Mrn.sd lira. Cecii Wilson and Gwen, cnjoyed a pleasant even. ing recently, viewing Eunice'i beautîful wedding gif s. SuE was mnarried on Juiy 26 to Mn. Herman Rodman, Little Bnit. ain. Mr. andl lis. Lawrence Mal. com andl fomiy visiteal le: mollies. lis. Sami Brooks, Bow. manvifle on Sunday. Miss Pcggy Brown, Black. stok, isiedMiss Anna Sam- elonSunday. 'Mi. and Mss. Melville Sam. ebis sud girls, Oshawa, visited bhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Samels on Sunday. Tii. fienals o!fVthe laVe Mrss Bateman, Caesarea, were shock- ed to hear o! hem sudden pass- ing in Port Penny hospital on Sunday mroning. Mn. Kexi Mason, Chippawa, visiteal Mn. and Mss. Malcolmi Emerson, on Thunsday. Mr. Ma. son 1, Vie sole aurvîver o! Vie crew o! which Vheir son Ralph was navigator. They were shol down ou a fllght oven encmy Vrritory on December 26, 1944. Mr. sud Mi.. Lawrence Mal- colm and !amiiy sud lins. Brooks call on Ms. anal Mis. Ted Hoar, Maple Groove on Sunday. lin. and lins. Fred Toma and Mr. and Mlis. Lloyd Siemnon visiled witu Mnr. anal Mn. Raiph Sadlen sud Mr. Williams on Sunday. Mr. and Mss. Bruce Witheniy, Whitby, andl us parents, Mr. andl li. B. Wituerly, Plaster Rock, New Brunswick, spent Monday with Mn. sud Mis. M. Emerson. SGail anal Bannie Mlcolm re- turneal home fnom a visit with thein uncle and ount, Mr. and' Mns. J. O. Van Nest, Bowrnan- ville. ic- ats F deration Recommends PAGE NDIU e0 Government, Abandon Ifs Deficiency Payment Plans Thie Canadiaxi Federation of Agriculture ln their semi-an- nual sessions in the Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg, recom- mended that the Federai gov- ernment abandon ito plans for a deficiency payment program of supports for eggs. The re- commendations of the meeting were: 1. That no de! iciency psy- inents system of egg support prices be estabhished. 2. That at the earliest pos- sible Urne the rnandatory pro. visions of the Stabilization Act respecting eggs be repealed. 3. That a program of market price supports for eggs be de- Canada Pa Higher Sale, 1fixitely netained, but that these supports be set aV a level that wlll noV provide incentive Vo the Integrator, or induce per- saitent over production. 4. That because iV would ap- Ipean tuat the lowerlng of sup- = ot suffiientiy in eastern Cnada would, if frelght diffen- 'entials be retained, result In excessively 10w supports in the western provinces, the mnankèt supports In future b. establlsh- cd on a flot support pnice at ali main assernbly points acros Canada. I5. That In planning action on m'tanket support pollcy, the gov- Si ernment 'make forward an- rckers Has ýs, Lower Net :,Tii. Annual Report o! Con- cents Vo producers and retain-! ýsI ada Packers Limlted for its cd only % o! one cent profit.. Ir.I fiscal year cnding March 25, This is only 1/8 o! a cent per ,t 1959, was reieased today and pound of product sold, and ne- on shows a new high in sales of flects difficuit opeiating condi- he $541,416,000. The figure for Vthe tions in the meat section o! the ,as prcvious year wos $486.122.000. business dunlng thie year. heiNet profit was $4.734.913, a W. F. MeLean, the President ýr- 1 light decrease from the r're- o! the company, peints out that he vious year's net profit o! $4,-tiis level o! profits, if continu 01, 972,803, and was equivalent eiwui etpovduarosn )d 910 ! 1 o! ota saes. able reVurn on the capital In- urI The iower net profit for the vested,, non an' adequate incen- tii yean was duc Vo reduced profit ive Vo expand focilities Vo nicet be In the live stock accounts. For the gnowing needs o! Canadian ýa each dollar o! sales o! live stock consumers. o products Vhe company paid 80 ThReotsrssVi.idn Dy tity o! interest bctween the; 4- rmeat packer ond the >producedi lis H MPTONo! live stock. IV Is Vo the ad-: iV n vantage o! both Vo obtaîn the' suMr ad Mn. James Smalas highest selling pnice and thei k attendeal tue Golden Wedding lowest operating expense. For celebnation of lien mter, Mr. his part mn tue partnership, the and Mrs. Geo. Oliver, at Bright, packcn hou neceived oniy a mo- l- Ontario. Mns. George Davidien dcst returxi ou tue capital iu- d- of Pickernxg neturned home wit.h vested. thernifor a visit here. Hcavy shîpments o! cattle Mr. anid Mrs. B. Kiblens and froni Canada Vo the United f amlly attended a reunion go- States continucd, and pnices in thcning at the home o! uis par- thei firstt lai!o! 1959 wcre ents, Mn. andl Mn. E. B. Killens, higiier thon in the correspond- Whl1by, when tiwo o! Mn. Kil- ing months a yeor ago. The be'sbrthrs wene present- Report states that cattie for one from Alberta sud on. from Canadiaxi consumption are like- Montireal. , y te remain in modest supply i Miss Madre Prescott, Tenon- for Vhe nemainder o! 1959.1 te, spent the. weekend at home. H.owever, iV la likely that tuer. Li Miss Diane Tink, Solina, is will b. heavier marketings o! a spending a fcw days with 'her cattie liVthe U.S. lu 1960, wiiich Ar.I cousins Canelyn andl Douglas may well affect Canadian cat- ýs1 TI nu. Vie pricesaI t tîrntie. !%& M. andi Mr. Jee Galbant are In Vthe past yeon the meat Jholidaying with relatives at strlking feature o! tihe Cana- Moncton, N.B., and Prince Eld- dian ive stock industry lias en word Island. been the. enormous increase li n. Miss Linda Iilens has ne- marketing of hogs ince Octe- àe turnied from visiting with re- ber, 1958. Thi ncose was ex- in la ives at Wellnpgton. M1aster pected, but net te the ex Vont le Glen Kîllens la u'ow vislting wiUithtrai, ho developed, wlVh Week- 'M relatives tucre. ly marketings averagixig 157,- er Mn. andl Mrs. Vaneyk andl 000 lu the. current hog ycan. As o. chlxdren, Newtonivllle, visltcd a nesult o! tuus heavy produc- o, tien parents Mn. andalMm., G. Yeo tion, pnîces fell te the floor Eson Sunday cvexiing. pnice o! $25.00 per 100 lb. d. Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon Dunlop dressedi weight, Toonxto, i Oc- i- andl farnily, St. Catharines, were lober, 1958. ri- weekend guests o! Mr. anal Mn. Deivenies o! hogs have con-1 id Fred Holroydt. tinucalli excess o! domestie l Mr. Will Thompson, St. Mary's, consumptien and normal ex- c j vlsited wlth Mn. sud Mini. Sani port 3hîprnents, wîi tute result Lt Dewell andl calicd on otuer ne- Viol Vthe Agricultunal Stabiliza- c latives hene. ioxi Board lias purchased the. > Mr. aud Mrs. Hanny Mlii andl surplus lu the fonni o! frozen n son Peter, Montreal, Que., are ponl cuVe and cannedpork. Mn. n. speiding ths week wlth Mn. ,T.- cLan states thart the pack- ie M. Meunitjoy. Ing Industry will de al l Inits re Mrs. Nelie Pettibone, Bramp- power te assitt the. govenrnerg ke ton, was o weekend gucît e!flier te dispose o! tuese surpluses Vo n, sister Mis. Rolandi Shackleton best advantage. n anal Mn. Shiackleton. Mr. andl Mrs. T. Wnay and Miss Bonuses Vo employeeo total- N. Hern vIsitedi Mr. andi Mrs' lng*1,186,000 wene cnedited -S Jackson Wray and g is Osh«Vo Employeco' Profit Sharing d awo, on Saturday evenîng. Plan, wliich siiowed an excel- 3- Congratulations Vo Mn. and lent Increase in value during >Mrs. Harvey W. Wilbur (nee Vie yeor. n Shirley Bradley) wtio were mai- nied inliiur churci on Saturday Iafternoon. Mr. and Mn.R. Sakeo Tom ato Trouble IShackleton'% Salein, durnxg the weekend. - In thie Garden . A goodiy numrnieo! ladies r. ad girbs assembleal ln Vie Garden omatoasmust look , churcli basement on Wedncsday attractive te b. enjoyed. Whio 0 evening o! bast week when Miss con enjoy a tomato Viol has t- Iris Ax!ord, bride-to-be, was been riddled with insects and thc hoxioned guest at a commun- disease? ýf lty niscellaneous shower. Te tue Horticuitural researchers o! d strains o! "Here cornes thle the Ontarie Departrnent o! L- Bride" as iii. enteredi the roo, Agriculture suggest Vies. fcw sa Iris was escorteal Vo an approp- nemedies that mîght prevent e lateiy decorated chair on the unsîghitiy fruit. pi-atien overwiuc hiulg ~ Fungua diseases sucli as eariy~ age white bell. bligiit, anthracnose, septonia i Pink andl white tissue streani- leaf spot and loVe blight may -ers Irung from the ceiling andb.hdincekyli.ueo r tinyr umbrelias andl garden fiow- dusts and sprays. Start about ers formed other decorations. Juîy 10 Vo 20, and repeat appli- Hen inother was seateal beside cotions cvery ten days. Make hen and a pnetty corsage was sure that the entire plant la pinno ahof th .Mn.:covcned.. t Wfflgd Srnale andl Mis. S. Ker- Dusting is more convenient sey asslsled lithre presentation, than spraying lu home gardens. the displaying o! teVii.qits and Dusts containing maneb, ziram acconipanying good, wisîes. or fixed coppen are suggestcd. After on expression o! thanks Special tomate dusts arc avail- anal appreciation for tihe maxiy able. wich often conVanin-. - ovciy anal useful gifts wos vol- secticides ou weil as fungicides.: -ced by Iris, dainty rcfresiiments Maneb, ziram on flxed copper 1were senveal and, an enjoyable fungicides alseo aer. arketeal as evening was brought te a close, sprays. Tii. age-olal favouite-I The. Prescott Fomiiy *icnic Bordeaux-causes blossom drop, wos iield lu aur park on Satun- but IV con be used so!ely after &ay. thre fruit sets. Here's tihe recipe Recent callers etthVe Iires. for Bordeaux: .011V home wene Mr. and Mis. First, dissolve about a haîf tWrn. Hemphill, Long Brandi; pound of powdened copper sial- Mr. anal Mn. Murray Prescott, piate in 3 gallons of water. sa, da] Mr Ne gui Sb 3 Lac ilnouncernents of Its intentions ee t 0 tuat tue production programs a o! producens may from now on J be undertaken lu full knowl- ve edge o! what the government's M policy lo going to be. a The. Board agneed thatth C.F.A. should appean before the t Royal Commission on Freight tel Rates and strongly pness its VI «case fer brlnglng te an end the ry tincreosing inequities to agri- culture, that general frelght bdt rate lncreases have caused. This he 3Presentation wlll also stress Uic M utmost importance Vo formers 1of the Crow's Nest Pais Rate an Pollcy, and Its place as a vital FÀ feature o! national policy for ]N Canada. R( Discusalng the. changes which da are expected te b. mode lu î.the pÀ hog grade sciiedule .at jome tinie In thie near future, the St C.F.A. Board reconmcended that fni when these changes are mode the. incentive Vo quolity produc- Sa tion be Increased by ralsing the ce, federai prernium. te $3.00 frorn iLe the present $2,00 for A Grade Hogs. 1V also recommended that o the federal prcmium o! $1.00 pi per hog on B hogs b. retained for a year and a haîf, after the M: grade sciiedule is changed, at î113 which tirne IV should aise be ýM removcd from the. B Grade, and' added te tthe A Grade prernium. ha The meetings continue through ac Wcdnesday and Thursday. W ENNISKILLEN a M.adMrs. Ab. Short, Seam grave, nrs. Hcnb Mills, Plea sanitvllle, Saskatchewan; Mrn. L Min. CecilMili, Maple Grove, iSa were caliers o! Mn. and M1ýns. c Bill Bcgiey. jMiss Bettyr Jane Werry spent an sorne holidays with Miss Sandra.~ Werry. Mn. s ad Mrs. Walter Ferguson gu acoompanled Mn. and Mrs. Carl lnq Ferguson ta Pic. Lake. l Mr. and Mns. S. R. Petulck accompanied Mrs. J. L. Swltzer Vi te hen home in GaVes Mills, Dî Ohio. Whfle luhere Mn. and Mrs. Bc Pcthlck attendel basebali game Ac o! tue "Cleveland Indiana" va. ne the "Baltimore Orioe.."lu Mr. and Un. Pcv. Veale, Bi Jackie and David, Gaape Boy, Mr. snd Mrs. John Borrowdale, OuM Os'hawa, vlslted wlth Mn. and 1Mis. Ralph Virtue. Mn. snd Mrs. Charles Gilkes, Newcastle, were Satunday night coller. o! Mn. and Mrs. Russell Ornùsiton. Mr. Don Wemnn spent a few d>lays with Mr. and Mn&. Russell at tuein cottage at Cobourg. Mrs. Cecii Wilson, Miss Gwen Wilson. Mrs. Herrnsn Sanelis, Nestîcton, vislted Mn. sud lins. Lorne Lamb. Mr. Howard Stevens and Mn. Gordon Stevens attended the fuxieral o! the laVe Mn. Clark: Stievens hcld et the Morris Fun-. ýera1 Ohapel, Bowrnanvilie. Tih. laVe Mr. Stevens was a former resident bere. Our sincere syin- pathy lu9 extended Vo relatives and friende. Mr. and Mr. Alian Dean sud Fredenxck, Toronto; Mn. P. C. Davidson, Oshawa, vlsited Mr. and Mn.. BPll Begley. Mn. enMr s. Allan Werry,* $5.00 down - jjYo LIKE THESE KELVINATOR WASHER 12-Year Wamrnty Pump - Timer - Fit. Reg. $199049.00 On Sale.*1 9 O GUERNEY Electric Stove Reg. $349.00 On Sale $13 9.00 Refrigerators 12 CIJBIC FEET Reg. $M2-.% On Sais $149,00 8.2 CUBIC "EET Reg. $319.0u~ff On Sais .$2 0 andra *and Sharon were Sua- ay d gner este wIihMr. and M. and 1fr.Ceci!lRoblason, rwtonville were Wednay ueutt of 1,. nd Mm .Adan Mr. mnd Mm . SWrig, Mms ack W e t, Stree vll;Mins olet rigMLondon, with Mr. Ld M.W.L Mor e. Mir. and Mrs. James Ox'chaiÉd, acota, North Dakota; Miss £11- en Reidel, Kitchener; Mr. and Er. Gamuet Towns, Barbara and oycc, Peterborogh; Mise La- eeOrchurd, Bowmmnvle; Is. Louis Lamb, visited Mr. ad lirs. Milto Staluton. Mr. aud Mn. Ral h Virtue lted Mr.acln. N m ari Mas- ru nd f1=ulansd -Misa Ruby rteet tii cottage at Car- eing Place. Mr. and Mrs. RusseU Orm- ton attended the Smith picule ild at the home o!flMr. and Ors. Hoakin SrnWth, Hampton. Mr. sud Mrn. Lawrence Weorn re on a motor trip to Prince Lwand Island. Nieses Elizabeth sud Lindia owou, Yelverton, spexit a few Ry. et the.home o!flMr. R. Owen. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke s p nt unday with Mr. and Mn. WIl- ,d Sanderson, Columbus. Mr. and Mn. Allan Werry, .ndr* and Sharon, were recent flers wlth Mn. and Mn. Pos ~e Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Begley en- )ed a motor trip to Gaspe 'ninsulo and the Maritimes. Mrs. R. Bottreli, Newcastle; Ers. Ed. San>dercock and farn- Y, Oroni, visited wlth Mr. and Ers. Carl Ferguson. Mr. and Mn.-S. R. Pethick ave returned home fnom Otilo companled , by Miss Nancy iood and Mxi. Phul Swltzer. Mr. and Mrs. Roy We4ry, De'b- àand Trudi, Hull Qu., are siting wlth his parents, Mn. d 'Mr. F. Wcrry. Master Leslie Wright, Bow- knville, in visltlng With Master awrence Wright. Mr. 'sud Mn. Allen Wenny, andra and Sharon, were re- nrit collersaot the home o! Mn. .d Mm, Bert Stainton, Aunoe, .d Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson, oronto. Mtasteru David and Brion Fer. ison, Bowmanvllle are spend. g a few deys with Mr. aud Er. Walter Ferguson. Milss GIsdyrs Hem. isa Ruby 'rtue, Toronto; Risses G&a2l arlene and Cindy Masters, owmanviile; Mr. aud Mns. [amn Sharp, were Sunday din- Br guests with Mr. aud Mns. alh Virtue. Mr ad Mrs. Gamuet Towna, ana and Joyce, Peterbor- gh; Mr. sud Mn.. Lorne Lamb, VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. BEST QUALITY 0*a. FUEL OIL STOVE OIL AT MOST REASONABLE PRICES For DeUv.ery PHONE OSHAWA HA 5.1109 11S BOND ST. W. OSHAWAI - balance over 30 months I U CAN GET A necessity on almost any farm, o good sturdy truck sayes you time, work and rnoney in a iiundred ways. If you're short of ready cash for such a profit-building purchase, FIL may be your answer. A B of M Farm Improvernent Loan can put a new or used truck te work for you on your farm very quickiy. Wby not talk it over with the. manager of your nearest B of M brandi nuis week? If your proposition is sound, you can get a B of M Farmn Improvernent Loan for any type of equiprnn t~ O N >'ou need on >'our farm. "1 M l-thf ir... his full name is Fartu Improve. mient Loan. Give i a chance te help fix up youvr fartn ... hes eo. comical, conven- ient, versatile. He can do almost anything in mak- ing your faim a houter fa=m B.ANK OF MONTREAL- Bowmanvil!. Branchs Oshawa Brandi: JAMES BEL, Manage JAMES McCANSH. MinaRe WORXIX6 WITII CANADIANS IX EVERY WALZ 0F LIFE SINCE 1817 Tm CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWML"aNV!& .OUTARIO 134 King Si. E. 0.a. RIGHT H IRE! KELVINATOR DRYER Automat& %eg. $269.00 g On Sai $179IY915 FRILIFS Television TRANSFORMER SET Ee.*mm. On Sals $199*00 Boit. $32.0 Osai $14 9.00 Portable TV iUIiI.$169,00 Bownanvilis M. 3568 NEW TRUCK? APPLIANCE BARGAINS M Cowcmn Equipment Co, FG 1 :VE PAGI mm Celery First Was Qnly A Medicine The. exuberant crunch o! cel* es2.,ý,ý arsound in those was. not alwiya o.Ii fot vea though celery was knowu as earLy a 830 E.C., wben Hom- or metoned it in bis Odyaey lis use wau mainly med cnl. Celery doos flot; aeem t. have been used as a salad until the seventeenth century, when the stalki and baves w ere sorne- Urnes eaten wlth an oiù dressing Iu France ini 1623, but Its use then was confined to flavorig Sinaflage, a plant riow mrfti- vated for flavorIng purposes, là apparently "wild» vebery, the pilan t that has been known as celery in the. Mediterranean countries for thousands of years. It growu in wet places over Europe, the Mediterran- eau lands, Asis Minor, the Cau- casus, and southeastward to- ward the. Hirnalayas. 1-t was rnentioned In Chinese wrtng of the f ifth century. Seventeenth-century garden. ers In Italy, France and Enig- land made the firet improve- ments of the wild type. They also found that much of the. too- strong flavor could be eliminat- cd, niaklng the stalka better for salad use, by growing the plants in late summer and fali, thon keeping them. Into winter. By the mniddle or the. eight. eenth century, wealthy familles In Sweden were enjoying thie wlntertime luxtiry 'of celery that had been stored In cellars. Prorn that time on, Its une as we know it today spread rapId- ly. We do not know what group of European colonlats brought It to North America, or when, but four cultivated varleties were iisted In 1808. were Sunday caller. o! Mr. and Mn. Russell Ormleton. Mr. and Mn. Russell GrlffIiý accompanied Mr. and Mns. Wal- lace Griffin, Heather and Dale on a mnotor trip over thei.we.- end to Port Dover and other points. Mrs. E. R. Walker andi faanily, Tlllsonburg, returnedl -home wlth thein for a week's viuit. Zr., Ral ,or steamuld TO EVERYWEEEE Consult JVRY LOVZ j j 1

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