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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1959, p. 13

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THTIRSDAY, AUG. Oth, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANV!LLE. OUTAW PAGE TH~TEUR Memorlal Park By Ray Crombie This week because lest week's special event was nain- cd out, we hcid two special events. The first special event was held on Wednesday atter- floofl t a swimming hole be- hind Edmondsou's. Wc wouid like at this time te thank Mr. Howard Edmondson for thc use of bis properti'. The othen special event, a doll show, and model show, were bcld on Tbursdey after- noon. The wininers wcre as fol- lows: dol! show: Bride doîls: Nelda Gould and Linda Marris; Assoîtcd dalls: Sharon Dadscn, Cathy' Curtain and Beverli' Fer- 4guson. The winncrs of the rnodel show werc: Peter Tordiff, a U boat, Philip MacDonald: missile launcher, and Grcg Cordon. The major proportion of time bas been used in planning arnd car- rying eut bbc plans in prepara- tien for the fifth annual Penny Carnival sponsored by the Bow- inanvJlle Recreation Depaît- ment. Vincent Massey By Terri' Black On Wednesday afternaon thc children ai] brought comic books te the playground te read. Whi]e reading them, cook- ies and freshie were served ta help celebrate Heatheî Moore'% biuthday. On Tbursday rcfresh- ments were brought to, Uic park to celebrate bhc birthday of Larry and Jeff Hodgson. The parti' was enjayed bi' everyone. Thanks go ta Mis. Hodgson who supplied thc refreshments. Par- ents are again remnded that Penny Faii is this Thursdai' nîght, August 6th, Lions Centre By Liada Brooklng Our fourth week on the plai'- graund proved very successful with lots of fun and games. On Tuesday aftennoan, at long lest we had oui field day. Wc ar- ranged it into three different age groups tram 4-7.,7-9,9-11. In standing broad the wncers werc Bobby Jackman, Terry Nichols and Beatty Buekier. The winneîs of the wheelbar- raw race were, Peter Buckleî and Greg Brooking. The wln- ner of the orange race was Terry Nichais. lu the bubbie blowing contest, Sylvia Mit- chell was the first to blow a bubble, and Gail Hobbs was the anc who blew the biggest bub- bic. Terri' Nichais won the tua- GOLF SET 44.95 494 WORTH $70. Dist«anc nd Contrel through maximum power - for the beginner or thos. shooting in the. Iew 80's ...- big savings, toc. loadcd with feetures . .. it's a qualîi'y designed set te give you the "teed" and confidence of a pro. uGajf Pridc" grips; Triple chrome piated simade irons; Famous "TIruc Temper ertýstp-down shafts.. Deep feced woods ef Peroimmon, ebeni' DuPant finish. 3,5;7,9 irons and 2-way putter; 1 and 3 woods. Men's R and L hand, Ladies' R.H. Sets. COMPLIMAENTART CLUBS Smp.r.Dslmxe 1.01.1 MaIoh Set AI Nelion aud Lady Nism Ragstand mod Auto. - @puphed. Ai aboya, but %vitI, Iprvemd itop- dd.w abtLeathar wowoud euthioned guade52 "p.--COMPLEMENTARY CLUBS tnera@u-No.'i not lneludad ln above. Each .- - tnWooda-No.'a not lnclnded in aboye aebdu - 9,e-lt Pttchl« n.gd Sand Wedqee. Saa 160 Church St. Bowma nyille 65 6.95 0.95 7.78 pète jump. The. klddies race was won bi' Derlene Rowc and David Preston tic). The bal: boon contest which was tbc first te blow up and break a balloon, was wen bi' Grcg Brooking. Wlth Penny Fair coming up on Thursday' Aug. 6tb, mani' tickets had ta be sold so we ran a conteat. The contest was to sec who could sel! the most tickets, with Darlene Rowe winning bhe one dollar prize. Frîday provcd te be the most enjoycd of thc week. We al wcnt swimming, 2 leaders and 27 children. We left et 2:00 and rcturncd at 4:30. Merridi' and I would like ta Uiank Messrs. Bucklei, Camnpbell and Brooking for taking thc children eut and bringiug tbcm baclc. Penny Fain la this Thursdai' and we hope cveiyonc will corne and cnjoy bhc prognams the Recreetion Director, lead- ers and children have planned for you. Ontario St. Seheel By Heather Webb On Friday, Juli' 3lst, Ontario Street School's special cvent wes Indian Day. In the moi- ing wc heiped bbc childuen make Indien bead-dresses, necklaces and bracelets. Oue of the supenvisars decided ta have a bubble guni scuamble for a change. To ber surprise, two childien met her with two huge bags ot peanuts wbich belped meke aur Indian Day a littie more speclal. Evcryonc, I teel, bad a good time. Franklin Park By Marilyn Housiander The theme for Penny Fat- ails year is bolidays of the ycar. Each playground bas been essigned different holidays; Frankln bas Easter. This past week we have begun planning oui floats lu tbe parade. Late Thuîsdey appuoxirnateli' 45 childicu startcd eut for Jack- man's Cncek for a picnic. Some of bbc childrcu went in swim- ming before lunch but we al had te retun 'borne as lb began to rein soon atter. FranklinuPark I& Bv Alex Wiseman During bbc pat week the weetheî being se bat, bbc trend bas been ta quieter ganes es- pecllli'tbbcones from tbc Treasure Cbest with checkers and besebal bbc favounites. By watchmng bbc childîcu et check- ci-s, 1 tee! that tbey will be a challenge to parents in tbc neari future. Crefta bave been well donc by al, particulerli' eue day whcn tbey made "Get Wei, cerds for Marilyn wbo was MI. On Tbursday atteinoon everi'- on e enjcd aupopsicle party hfch coled us off frbcrs of bbe atternoon. Don't foîget the "'Penny Fair" boday, Aug. 6th, as pre- parettous bave been underway for some tîme and we hope ta sec ail parents out for bhc pa- rade and cvcning. Arts and Craft By Linda Brooklng Since Verne bas been ver' buai' with Day Camp I arn at- ternptiug te beach bbc arts and crafts class. Lait week we taok burait eut ligbt bulbs and cov- cred thein wibh newspapers to make cassonnettes. Mi.' Rigg helped me eut ver' much lu mi' tirst attempt wibb this elone. The following wcek, tbc childien made Plester et Paris molds and while tbey dnicd, we crecked bbc ligbb buiba and galli' painted bhem. By the ime this was donc, oui molds werc dry and we pelnted thein. I would like te t1u&nk Canal Ru- ber who stayed and belped me dlean up after. I realli' enjey teachiug these classes and if auyone wou:d like ta corne, it is et 10 e.m. on Tucsday nioinlngs at tbc Lions Centre. This week we are painting i-sters for Penny Pair so lct's sec evenyone eut., MORRISH 7%e annual Sunday Sehoel ptcnic was held an Tbuisday, IJuli' 30th at 6:30 p.m. et Slyvan IGlen, the weather was perfect Iand ab_,out 50 eildren eccoin- peuled bi' parents and teaciiers spent a ver' pleasent turne, swlmming was enjayed bi' many juniors watched aven by the senior clasm, e hcanty supper was pîcpared bi' teechers con- sisting et. coid nicats, salads, pics, cakes, seft drinks, teea an a generous helpiug af ice ci-can ta round out an abund eut meal, games wcre played races were run with prizes ewerdcd. Non- wlnners recclvcd chocolate bers, a heavi' showcr of rein preven- bcd Uic few lest races ta be run off insteed there was a race for shelter and lu a ver' short time the Gicu was descrted and ii-ed children were on tbc way home. Transportation ta and frein the picnde was provlded bi'Mi-. George Herness, superintend- ent, Mis. Fred McConnell, Mis. Lloyd Marvin, Mis. Rair'y Beck- etit, Mis. Helen McHolm, tee- chers and Mrs. Harold Osborne secictery-trcasurcr mani' bhanks tri al those whohe bcped lu ani' way towardz bbis meit aucceas- fl picnie. Regular diurch service wes resurned on Sundai', Auguat 2nd at 10 e.m. Uic Rev. A. W. Rai-d- ing lu charge bceking ver' ne- freshed atter bis vacation, tbc engregatîon was wmallcr than usuel mati' usul' piesenit are sU!! on holidays, we also raissed be childrcu's choir, Miss Joan Mervin accompan!cd bbe organ-. lat on piano, in addition Joan sang ver' sweetly "The beauti- fuI Gardeni etf rayer" wbich wai much appreclabcd. lhe theme et Mr. Harddng's ser- mon was thc need et Spiritual rest, quiet bours spent in cern- mnuntan wit.h God- a restful pesiod epait liom thc hectic' rush and noise cf odai- "A quiet wilk witb God" should be Recre ation Department Playground Round Up WESLEY VILLE No news Items were report- cd lest week. Thene was only anc and it was being rcportedi bi' all pepers,radio and TV. Now that it îs over we would like to sai' thet edded te the deligbt ef local people et sec- ing bbc Queen and Prince in thieir own communiti', was pnide in Part Hope. It loakcd ver smart and te oun knowl- edge net eue unplcasaut inci- dent marcd a ver' wondcrful weekend. That didn't just beppen and cvcryonc connected witb ar- rangements is ta be congratu- iated. We wonden haw many people fan tram home thougbt of Port Hope witb longing dur- ing its big occasion. At leat ane lady away tram bbc home of ber childhoad for about 501 years wrotc that she lisbened ta bbc broadcast of tbbchcurcb service and felt a gi-et tbnill ta know "God Save The Quen"' was being sung for ber wbile she was actually prescut lu old Port Hope. Not ail of Wesieyvillc's rest- dents were present. The oldest, said he did not necd te go, for the Quecu came ta sec lim in hsdrcam. He talked with ber and ber children pleyed with hsdaut board in bbc shed. A ver' pleasaut dreain, and it was an occasion boa wheu some et our common expressions werc truc. On Sundai' morning one lady felt she was baking a long time te get reedi', automatîcel- hi' said, "You'd bhink I wes get- ing i-cadi' ta sec Uic Queenl' and then rcalized bbe tuuth of ber saying. Dry weather Is 50 lovey it la tee bad it dees se much harm, but fields and gardens are centuinli suffering, end if e wcll is total watei supplyi', b 1 Iisky ta use too much ta water gendens. H-arvestlng of grain bas aliedi stantcd. Soin. tom- atees arc sunbunning. Thene wcrc only 42 at Sun- day School but al beachers werc present and wben thc Bi- ble ciess boek a litble too long discussing bbc enigme of why there is se much sufferirig il- lustrated bi' bbe str' of Job, Marie Austin took thc fcw extra minutes ta beach the littie cnes te sing a hymn. The be- ginners, thrce and four year olds, sang witb happy' vaices and eyca aparkling witb de- light. Holidays are aver for Rev. A. W. Harding and church ser- vice was bcld li ic ecvcuing. In bis good sermon, Mr. Hrd- ing compaicd Uic leisureli' lite cf Jesus with oui bectic lite today when we thInk we have ni t five minutes of ý- -,v o I Ini the Mail Baci the aim of ail christians inwhichr te fird rest and peace formd andi body so necessaxy te cp with oui' daily round of duties Thei service closed with hys0 681 4Unto the bills aroud do I lift Up my longfig eyes" and Benediction. Sunday Sdiool was held at il a.m. There were 30 present, It was conducted by the super- intendent Mr. George Harness School on Sunday, August 9th, will be held at 10 a.m. inntead of il a.m. it being Decoration Day at Union and Welcome Cenetiaries. Mis. Minnie E. McHolm spent a few days with friends at "At- wood Qaks' Gore's Landing, re- turnin.g in time to join ini thje Sunday School picnlc. Mrs. M. E. McHolm and Miss M. Beckett were supper guests of Mr. anid Mis. Harold Payne, Port Hope, on Sunday, August 2nd. Miss Elaine Anderson is ho!- dlaying with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. R~oss Anderson of Cobourg. Mr. Neil Anderson is spending part of his vacation at home im- proving the site of his proposed ranch bouse and building a stor- age anid tool house before takinig a trip west and U.S.A., his nia- ther Mrs. Frank Anderson will accompany him. Second Day Camp Big Success By Verna Foran With thirty-nine delightful girls, lunches, and courage, we braved our second week of Day Camp. It was very successful. We began oui week with in- troductions, opening exercises,I an.d the choosing of tribes and carnpsites. Denise Wessels was the chief of the Apache Tribe, Sharon Burgess the Blackfoot tribe, and Virginia Osmond The Huron tuibe. Immediately they began work on their forts. Af- ter a complete day of games, * swimming, archeuy, arts and crafts, and singing, we checked the campsites and the Hurons 10 points, Apache 7 and Black- feet 7. On Tuesday ,we had a sleep out and twenty-four giî>s stay- ed with Bey, Verna and Barry Cowling. Thanks go to Mr. Cowling. We suîely had a won- derful time. We had cookouts with the tribes getting points for their campf ires. Thursday evening was Par- ents Night and the children learned square dancing and the Virginia Reel. A planned pro- Igramn was presented. The win- neus ta -date were the Black- feet tribe who again received 10 points for their camnpsite. The Hurons got 9 and the Apache 10. Total points were the Black- feet 41 points, Huron, 40 points,, Apache 39 points. 'The three best campers were Denise Wes- sels, Virginia Osmond, and Sha- ron Burgess. On Friday, our last day, we had a field day and the final points were as fol- lows: Blackfeet 88, Apache 72,1j Huron 63. Finally, we packed Up every- thing that we had accumulated during the week and started for home. We wish te thank al those girls who partîcipated and who helped make the week s0 very successful. Knowing What To Do With Lawn Clippings The weIl-worn coutroversi' ot wbat ta do witb lawn clippings epines up everi' summen. And ne one scemis to kuow the an- swer. Lewn specialsts cf the Ont. Dcpt. of Agriculture admit that a finm rule does net exist. lb la the actuel condition et bbe lawn at cuttiug-bime blet tells juat whet la te be doue witb Uic clippings, they sai'. Most people do leave the clip- pings ou bbc lewn.. This is cor- rect if you follow a reguler, frequent mowlug achedule and leeve a fcw clipplngs cach time. Howevcr, under -certain condi- tions, not raking cdipngs might cause bhc grass"'enjury. liere are &omne cases wbeu lb will pai' to cart away Uic clip- pingi: Wben bbe grass lu wet et eut- bing ine. Ani' wct cllpplng gether lu clumps and block bbc passa ge af light and air to Uic undenlyiug burf, whlch mai' then smather and rot. Wben the clippings ar ese. peciaily heavi'. When bentgrass ls Uic main comonenteof bbe lawn. wbcnuthe clippings are ful et cnabgrass and seed beadaj. Remaving thein will check iel spneed. Reasous for lcbting thc clip- pings remain depend on Uic beat and >'our soil. Clippings settie down near grass roots and suppiy a mulch whlch cools bhe soi! and serves as a spongi' layer for rebaining waben. De- caying clippinga suppli' nutri- ents duriug the sumnien. And if you live bi' a vacant lob, wlnd-blawn weed seeds will have difficulty working through the 'barrier of clippings. 344 Spadina Bd,. Toronto. Good Mornlng Dr. George, Last week 1 received a Brownie floral card from my niece, Mrs. Ormniston, Enniskil- len, witb that poem "How Old Are You?" As I memaorized it my mind flew to Bowmanville when visiting the Werrys on Horsey Street acrosa from you and would also slip Into your office for a chat. And now as 1 read about the Martyn Family Album ln the Statesman of June i lth and tbc interest you have created by It I realize that though you have graduated fram civlc and news- paper editor you have chosen a most helpful occupation, even if not remunerating, by calling on senior friends, shut-ins and sick folks. There la nothing more helpful in lite than the human touch, the hand that says by action, "I arn tbinking of you, 15 there 2nything I can do to make lite more picas- ant?" So: "INo matter how the years go by- No znatter how the birthdays tii'- You are flot old." Yes, George, that does mean the importance of keeping alcut ta the needs of others, and 1 trust you may long live to give of yourself to others. One of my school teacher friends sent me tbe enclosed be quiet and listen for guidance. Mr. and Mus. Harold Best are spending a few days on a holiday trip and Mrs. F. Anider- son is keeping house for Wes- ley and Barrie. Carol Thorn- dyke and Berniece Clarke are visiting Mis. C. Payne in Port Hope; Nola Holdaway. Toronto, with her mother; Mrs. Lena Carby and Teddie of Toronto with bbe Harold Austin's; Lau- ra Hill of Ottawa spent the past week with E. Baîrowclough's and Barbara Garnet cf Mount Pleasant and Stanley Nichols of Port Carling with Mr. and Mis. Carroll Nicholis; Grace Anderson of Toronto was with ber sister Mrs. Clarence Nich- cils for the Qucen's visit. G. W. Spragge, Ontario Archlvist, vis- ited wibh Harold Barrow- clough's rccently. ZION Mis. Henri' Dart had ber ton- suls removed in Oshiawa General Hospital lest week. Sharon and Jante Fisher spent last week at Camp- William Thomson, St. Mary's, came down to bis sister-in-law's (Mrs. W. J. Trick, Oshawa) funeral and visited severaiI nieces and neph- ews around Zion. Laurie Stainton spent the weekcnd at Jùn Hambly's Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ètain- ton attended the Reynolds-Butt wédding et St. Steplien's United Church, Oshawa, on Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Ji-in Stainton, David anid Douglas left Satur- day niight for a few deays vaca- tion at Beluiont Lake as guests of Mr-. and Mis. Douglas Skinner- and f amily. Mis. Hans Geissberger Jr. la vacationing at Thessaloii Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Halliday a nd famlly are at their cottage et Cîowe Lake for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mirs. Russell Sonley, Port Perry, weîe Sunday visit- ors at Fred Carneron's. Master Jerry Moore, Oshaiwa, is visiting at Kcith Stainton's. Mrs. Eva Peiriins las returned to ber home ait Chesley. Mr. and Mis. Bernard Mc- Ewen, Palgrave, attended thc funeral of Mis. W. J. Trick at Oshawa on Saturdiay anid spent a couple of days visiting rela- tives and friends at Zion. Mr. and Mis. Ken Fisher and Kirk, Osliawa, were Sunday vis- itors with Pet ]Roberts. Mr. and Mia. Wes Cameron, had the weddAng supper at their home on Selburday for Mrs. Carn- ercn's brother, Don Flintoff, and his bride Violet McKeller. DEADLINE evexilng Comanunang 1-Te enter, mke thelueslat lbo. e# f* limericli îhowm. Enfileswilli b. judmai en flui,,rhythm cend thyim@,end moud be fluilia fit in wth the fist four e" Le*Itlim sbould 'thym@ wltl f luit In&. 2-Amy ifudent wba attended un Ontario pmb paecla, or ppuate alemenfate sb durlng 1959 may enter. 3-Childr.m of employez of MIS avigae,, the Ontauio Saficty Loague enod Raloih Cycle luduatihu <Canada) Ltd. comml et«fe. Whou aeeslng thMatet 0menoirveut seheel Remevmber theefHumber Ou@ Rules Loklkft, then look r4ght- Keep ALI. ura la aght- -l.,------:... . .. . 1tweeu twe parked <anuneye, ge And yeu'Il fhelp kéop eut aculdents kw. YoU'fl be »fer by fer Frein«Cah .cMlug utai -,...... ....... If t'a blycfl.g Y«enferlc Haro'$ a sale tub fer auch sgM ami 1bu" Wafch oaci, al ei nd aigu- Coel rianlnasfl- aul the way. This gurely in sevice more reai Ite heart tlius tuned te His ow- Can wield the weapons cf great- est force, And may plead around the Throne. And methinks whewe ut up yonder They will shine mon brlghte more clear, When gathered around tbe dear Master Because they were "shut in* here. -Anonymous. Depariment of Recreation Fifih Animal PENNY FAIR THURS., rAUG. 6th -Ihut..lnr poem and she won- dered if it could appear in somne newspaper s0 thet mare pepewould get a "lift" bi' lb ig .Se I'm scndlng it it on to Editor Johnny brusting lie will publish it. I told ber the Statesman had a ver' wide circulation ini Canada, as wcll as to many folks in U.S.A. and overseas. I'm sure she wouldi axpreciate a copi' of The States- man. Kindly remember me te Mrs. James .end any others who would remnember me iu mi' na- time Durham Counti'. Emma M. Werry Iiaw rani' there are et God'a dear eues, From day-unto-day "Shut In". Just toe le upen beds of sick- ness, 0f sufferIng and of pain. But God in His infinite wisdom Has seen fit te keep them there; Away from the dust and the turmoil, "Shut Ire' froin the worldly care. It mnay be Mie ounts them toc precious To mix with the countless throng; Tee fragile for common service --or Too fi-ail te fight with the Wrong. Thene may be a service fer sweetcr, That no other bands could do, For those, thus "shut in'" wibh the Master, A service more real and true. For alone in the quiet chember Dath the Heavenly Father bell Iu accents cf tendeîest comfort, Hew He doeth all things well. "Shut In" witl irumin the mnorning, Alone with Hlm thrOugh the day; "Shut lI» with Hlm In the CHIDRE'SPARADE ai 6:30 p.m. Community Picnic Bingo Rained oui July isi wilI be held ai ihis lime FIREWGRKS COME AND BRING THE FAMILY 4-Tbis enfui' must b. postmavrk.uSnot lofer Mlim moidnight, Auquat 12, 1959, ooud malled te fthe address on the entry blonk. S-Eaab vieomuast b. mailed wltiu mn etv biank or recrionable facslmile. Alil entîlea become the property of Elmer the Sofeil Clephont and cannot b. neturned. 6-Judges of thae ontest or. teacheri, wnItela and troff le aofety outhorities. The judgeV decisioni et. finloi. Keep sway from the streat wheou yen play. les. @mare to play safm--every dayl Juif show-off. and fols Ignore ulety talas L.uvioug fhe.curb ln a hurry ks bound te sanie drivera worry, Se wheou crossioug the rond WALK, DON'X RUN is oui code Te waik en the righf isn'f rlghf Whae you walk ou the roui--day ot nlght. On.h fikt cf the afreat Tee u wufch what you'il me*t . .. .b6 . ..-................................... OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK Elmer the Safety Elephant c/o Ontario Safety Leagne 1170 Bar Street Toronto LIONS CENTRE I I LOST If you have lest abillty ta hear properly yoD can find it again wlth new Maico Hearlng Glasses. So slim and compact they look just like ordinary glasses, yet they bring jeu a new world of hearlng. Use your own glanses or any design of your choice. For further Information on beoklet on "Advice to the Hard of Hear- lng" and aur new "Guaranteed Hearlng Plan", write t. NAICO HEARING SERVICE 850 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario MOTO-MASTER EXTRA-LiFI M MU FFLERS lew e4.8o0 *New Car QuaiIty I *Blowuit Proof SPECIAL VALUE "Fornwood" Autograph.d MTCHED 7-Club.EGIST.EE I E -AUGUST il FIN.AL ý,G A o for A TRIP TO CANADA'S WEST' w 1m1*10101à lgICpa.Ié i- ahafCee) lu. l ift flue oftiit chili nfet, BOYS AND GIRLS - HERE IT IS-. -the final po.. len my Llierick ConteetlThis one has six verses and it caver. &Il the. Elmer Safety Raies. Now tu up te you--complete ecd verse by making up the Lest last linos Yom cas think of. Be sure each last line nhymes with the f irst line of its 'Verse. If yours are judged the, b.st, youll win a trip te, Western Canada and you con take along ont parent, guardian, heacher or other aduit. HOW TO WIN ---- ---de" - -Ibis-- ---")- SIX-VERSE LIMERICK et 1 COflODIRD TIRE A iuLd . A111CIATE.1 STORE . NAME .--... ..0. . ... . ... .. .. .. . .... . ... ... .. ......-As <Pieus.piouS ........................................ s PHONI ............... SCNOOL .............s AuE..... >............. GRADE................... Sponsored by Bowmanville Kinsmen Club and The Canadian Statesman OMNO THURM AY, AlUG. M, 195 9 THE CAMAIDIAN STATESMM. BOVIUNVnJiM ONTAJW PAGZ TEMRTMM

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