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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1959, p. 15

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- - * -- - - -- L - -- , S #A -htCAW.~A-~~DW ~AAlw lrieu ÀTIlyt.ir ? i~mA ?d J.fUFM5AY. AUG. DM, 1959 TM ~~~1 AIA v£~~è J~ AA& News i j Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Dr. and Mis. Wrn. Brown and 1 Leamen and visited Mn. 1 onto, vWoted is. 'Iornton wil-M daughter Cathiy, Guelph, vlited 1$..eran .., W on relatives and friWeter nd inniiyrson les wek.Mr. and Mis. Wm Grady anid 'Mms Alex Elliot, Mms.Pous Iaa wek.familly are hoidaylng at Kushog Elliot and childien, Mis. W. ar n re VictrManning Lae.Wrians and soniorrrnfront PrsulePark. I<> hswekt oiayi n ir.R .Lgan, Mr.an Mr.i. Cooper, Oshawa; -Mr. the Geargian Bay district. Mis. Norman Allin and fauiily. Chas. Cooper attenided the fun-i Mr. and M.A.~,s~ i n i. IH. Staples haâ i eral of their unele Mr. Herbert Mary's, the former Miss Marion charge of thie regular morndig t- Gilbanlc in Woodbridge on Thur- Warder, Bowmanville,whe service at Orono United Churchi »day, July 30th. Mr. Jack Coop- their wedding trip called on her ls udy e.adMs ai er, Oshawa: Mrs, O. S. Cowan, cousins Mr .and Mr. E. J . Logaenhliysfrte Mi. and M's ln oprpi Hamm. month of August. their respects on Wednesciay ev- Mrs. La Vaillant, Toronto, enmg. spent last week with lier par- A( Mis. J. J. Cornish and John ente, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Steven- A M ~ J T wlth Mi. and Mis. Gardon Lea- e.adMs .W .G n .L meni and family, Scarborough. , Too ndtMe, sTieW, P.i. An. Mr ndMs.AmotBulck res ornovsie M.an "ta a Report Mfr. and Mrs. E. R~amnev visited Mis. D. G. Hooper Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey and MiU. and Mis. Robet Hancock, The Club Cumes Alive iamlly, Sunderland. Helen and John, spent Sunday 'he Senate of Canada, an Carol Chatterton is with her with MPrt.o and is. Al an - august body that seems to evoke grardparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. cock, PoritinHope a egy. uch merriment among pîac- Chatterton while her mother ~is Mr.i vitngdorsaE.fewt aday tical. politicians, is maing news in Memorial1 Hospital, Bowma.n- M.adMs E etadagain. ville. family are on two weeks camp-~2 It's often said that the Sen- Mi. and Mrs. Ross Gilbart and ing trip. ate la a chummry îetired gen family spent last week in French a~~~ i.Ena Oe lxc' lb ihno particu- - River District. tndeframilyhave mroved Into lai excuse for existence other Mr. and Mrs. W. L .King are Bwnervhome SatisfomonMil. than to provicie tht party in on two weeks holidays. eBotret ndSr.ic ation on Mictorpower with a convenient shelf Mr. and Mis. Albert Mitchell StetadM.anii.Hc~ on which to place its more yen- ~ and famnily. spent the long week- 1Bowmhen wo recentyoltihe omenable. supporters. end at their cottage near Picton. faersohave moento cthe hom In truth, it's only seidom that, Mi. and Mrs. John Connollythisorenty actd the 1,OO-a-yea-for-life bri- andi Christine, Toronto, visited Mis1 aio10, ey oi gade in the Red Chamber risesi . Mr. and Mrs, O. S. Cowan last oto spent the weekend with to defend itself and dispute week. Mrs. Fred Brimacombe. the contention. KayandGeoge lar, Nw- Mi. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass But recently the Liberal rna- I Kay nti eore Clrk. ew-and son David, Rochester, N.Y.nteSnaea i tonvllle. visiteti their aunt, Mis. who attended the Coates-Raine' jority i h eaea d Gus Wilson., Mn. Wilson and ednyj rn Uie hangover fromn the days of that~ tamily, Eight Line. icli on July 25th, and h Party's ascenciancy in the Housee Mi. andi Mis. Joe Walker and ofreturnedckd p t famlly aie on a holiday motor! ta Orono on Civic Holiday to at-of Commans - kick. Oed u thean trip.tend the annual Taylor Fasily ghed criasdof hell.overthme an- Mr. and Mis. Nixon and fam- MeissMajoieHide.Toon d Conservative governmient ily have mnoved into the Marri s Mrss an rs has W.oo- supporters, the Liberals initiat- APartients- formerly occupied spetCvcldywto;Mretia îaî-reaching study of in-, by the McKarney family who setCvcHldywt i flation and its effe-ets. have ieturned ta live in Osh-,adMs hs on.B-xin Vainir the Tories pleaded awa. vildE. that this wouid serve no good Mi. nd Ms. m. Mtchll ~~ ~purpase. Adalaong they Mr. and Mrs. m. 'Mitchella Spence mieeting in Toronto Ada]a are visiting ini North Ba- n on Tuesday afternoon. suspected the Grits of trying taoi Ottawa this week. Mi.MyCrcdnad put one over for the express t Miss Berthea Cain returnsgitrMyAn.GnePare purpose of embarrassing a fiee- home t1his week £rom five wesAbra omryo spending government, and aummer course i Peterborogs have been visiting Mi. andoirs, making political capital. Mr. andi Mis. Wn. Robinson R. R. Waddeli for a few davs. However, the Liberals lid' spent last week in the Georgian, Mrs. Keitis West has returned their way, and with solemu as- Bay district. home after convaîescing wiffi surances that thse seancis Pou Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leameri e aetM.aMs t- be undertaken i i a nonprti Jud an Pal, carorogis Iitage at Cavan, Mr. arudMis. A. a way, thse Senate finance , open t the weekend With Mr. WII. E. West. 1comniittee, composed of 36 Lii>. Mi. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper erals and 14 Conservatives, iii- with Mi. and Mis. Harold Awde, cluding a Consenvative chair- Scarlet-uniformred in The iatemau old anset ta work. The ialeman old Toronto, visited the latter's mo-f itafwtes m- a colorful impressive em at Warkworth. pressive. lncluded wiere six, ing ta be a popular attracti À i ollwing~iues. Mr. and Mis. Ross Taylor and enor anesicumgGv Red Coated Guardsmen pres family, Ottawa, spent thse wee-enrJmes Coyne of the Bank' Reg. Edmund's Store. Bethany end wilth Mi. aindi. Casof Canada, economists, insur-i via Confederation Square ar Zobnson's Drug Store, Newcastle Taylor and attended the T ay- neeprs nutiliti-tePaeTwr T. Enwright. Newcastle lor Family Reunion. vsmn e.lbrlaes MsGea. rowtheî andi Jainie, and researchers, faim spokes-. 3. Brown, Newtonviile f Newcastle, spent Sunday with man andi financiers, endi at the ence delightfully general n Porter's Gen. Store. Newtonvînle IMi. and' Mis. Chas. Wood. I express suggestion of a Consen- scope. Despite this littie bit of C. Pethick, EnniskillenMi tM.H<>dHn k vative senator from Alberta, a tenden-footed politicking, the T. M Sinio, EnieMr.e and M rsly, areldeville, Social Credit theorist. For two 1 report cantains valuable foad Mr. andi Mis. Robt. Hancock. months the hearings continued.! for thouight - for the govern- P. LU Byam. TyroneMr elMfapsedwy Most 'or the bîtefs -fe11 into a 'ment, for business- and. iftdus- G. A. Barron, Hampton 1 i elMfa ast wypatr fcneainc j try for the wage-earner and the Trufl's Store. Courtice fSatuidand tevenfcng. Auguat latfe A. E. Ribey, Burketon j at Princess Margaret H1-ospital fainat t fetwtshueie 1Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock- Toronito. after a lenghty illness' management andi labor under- It may not stop inflation, but Keit Brdle, Pntyool Funeral was on Tuesday, rm standably. split over whîch aide! given thse circulation it deserves, C.B.Trrll roo rnoUntd huc. ev asil conitributeti most substantially, it will help to create a public C. B. TyreiE, Ooon officiateti. TheScalCe theorist. awareness of thse danger that Wm. Turansky, Kendal Eh ScilLonitthorstcjan do harin to the Canadian lienderson's Book Store, Oshawa Mr. and Mis. Fred Mattaàhied MiL .Bre omrD-eoon nftr er o Hiouse That Jack Buili andi family, Simcoe, Heather MrI.D yn, om tehjeooyi utr er o R.R. 4 Oshawa Wilson, Rochester, N.Y., Mi. an puty Minister of Economie De-, tis alone. the Senate of Can- * * Mis. Jin Lamb> andi Karen, Toi- velop'ment In thse Aberisat ada deserves a sainte frnm, _________________Govennment of Alberta.. hati' thinkîng Canadlans. - Bowinanvilleother ideas.F#*4 - ~wmavile -Gel ~ 1. j, lone among the experts, hei capital Hill capsules Rickaby's Ltd. - "Big 20" Cet ashi u-day blamned inflation on "a defici- Bc nts nw hla W. J. Ber y ency i the publ-1c's puîchasing ,Bkinteswy hl o Jack's Smoke Shop Fe iOd IPIene power pool," wisich appeared 1i nid-Jaiiuary, wlhen Parliamient Rite's Smoke Shop EyIauRu to be thse old-line "Socred" oeets oplrfrcs Goheen's Handy Store througb aversion to the cîthodox bank- i vas for a dull. betweeni-elec- Jury & Lovefl E M N igsser.Tebaigcrtians session with rio major Oke's Sinoke Sisop 1 T oT E oMvA sing yItemaTiseheaîig car The !'lylng Dutchman C L A S S 1 F 1 E D S8 iecmitecm pwt sion the governinient faced the Wessels Store ried onhoeeianrcn wt t tlv cnovery. el apidsuccÏe Phone MArket 3-3303 report, and newhene in its24' trnoe aclain0 h Thse Statesman Officeî pages of findings was tisere a CF-105 Arrow prograin; the -~ ~ ~---trace of Sca'Cedtte lN e w foundland constitutional Dr. John Deutsch, a former As- crisis:abitr.rkenth sistant Minister of Finance at CBC'S French -network, the Ottawa who acteti as Commnit- Malt.on land expropriation scail- Modern te Cnsulantand dv'sen.cx-da]; the uproar over political te ae onsiltantat thse.exi- influence an thse CBC: and bit- ~ ~mittee didn't deem Mr. Byrne's jter charges and counter-charges 50 Ré iradidaOJW,<1 views worthy of inclusion. over thse construction of the St. Thene was an interesting Lawence Seaway. The pundits Co- s ymIpoiU-m, however, of thse1 w forecast a tirab session other expert evidence. Whlle no have gone into hiding. -Chah, ~significant on specific recom-, 0** e mendat.ions were made, theý Big changes are in the offing docuent rovdes useitlfor the Depaitment of Northern goveiximent is powerless wlth- 1 left atm, suffeneti when tise car Thermo-engraving eut the support of informeti tirivon by his father was in- <NASE LIDERNG public opinion isence its mes-, volvet in -ia collision about 6:05 (MASEDIXTERING)sage, directedti teMr. and Mis. p.m. Fîiday at thse intersection toolta and fseta like the fincet band engravrng.Ti. I'etteve Canada:-Keep thse brakes firni.. of tise 4th anti 6th Concessions have an elegance and iadviduality only the. fiaieuihaad «> ly on demantis for incneased of Darlington township. graving Cmu match f wages anti public services that -can't be balanced by increase I an, 5, anti Suzanne, 12, two Ther o.egravng ~Àt8D LEUIG> rodutivty.other childien and tise fathen C.. abo-e hv4fv. samedi a s D tzm aiG produiscit rvew icrpiiwere tic ated: for slight injuries iceesof prices, wages antid laerlasd @t e he copper plate that Makeshbndeugraving 00expcumv. <venment spending since Tise Gray vehicle came into A"TI TTs IEADY Wy&'IIN TRE WEEK World War Two, the report Collision with a dump truck f finds no specifie fault. It aims driven by Kenneth Hook of Of course y0u eau order matching enclosure cards. its message at the future. In Britignontis. It was statedth ie reception, reaponse. thank you andi at home cards, etc., fact, the only direct criticlsmn two vohicles met in the centre Select froni oui giant catalogue of flawlessly correc was carefu]ly blue-pencilleti cf tise neutral intersection and papers. Il distinctive atyles of Iettering. 'Wedding, before thse report was distribu- bath ended up lI the tiitc.h on prnced a low as 50 fer $9.00 and 100 fer 4115%<om ted. It hati refenredt t the"sub- tise noîtis east corner of tise expenditures, particularly on Damage to the Hook truck the part of the federal govern- was estimateti at appioximate- nl " wment". ly $300 andi to thse Gray vehicle Tise camrnittee, In its wis- at at>proxinmately $350. O.P.P. domi, decidedt t delete tise last' Constable Lexi James investi- .lght woids, Iemviz gthe af - gatedi Changing of, the Guard nembers of the lst Battalion, Canadian Guards perform -ony daily on Paîliament Hil11 in Ottawa that is prov- ion with visitors ta Canada's Capital th.is summer. The ýsent a striking picture as they march ta Parliament Hill md perforrn th cir precision drill on the lawn in front of Sing SL W. Lucky Mont real Man Has Narrow Escape As Car Plies Over Bank Luck waa with thse driver of 2632 Gonthier atrew Montreol, ýa 1956 Chevrolet on Fîitiay was - travelling east on No. 2 aflernoon because he escapeti Higisway when hlm car went deatis when isis car went over thiaugis thse aillng alongslde of tise soutis bank of No. 2 Higis- thse highway just after he hati way just this side of the C.P.R. crossedtheui bridge. The car clear- bridge coming into Bowrnanvillo cd thse busises at the base cf tise on Fiiday afternoen. Tise acci- bank anti landed upright in tise dent happeneti at 4:15 o'clock. fieldi. IEmUe Sauvageau, age 34, ut Constable Johin Bird wno au- riveti quickly ait tise scene of S ythse accident rusheti Mr. Sau- WR AT OTHERSSA vagoau li the Bowmanville Police cruiser te Memonial Hos- pital here. Mi. Sauvageau was TREES IN 4THE SUEURBS treateti by Dr. E. L. Ewert. He KigtnWhig-Standiard hati sustaineti thice breken ribs, Kingateaa shoulder injury anti heati la- We have recently seen giant cenations, His car wag badly subdivisions in one American wrecked. city in which not one troc now On Sunday afternoon Mr. stands on land tisait was a dense Sauvageau was well enougis to forest before tise subdilvidens leave for Montreal with Don moveti in. Now sinaîl trees are Morris i tise Morris Company being planteti on tise street- ambulance. They left Bowman- a feeble anti belateti recognition ville ait 3 p.m. anti arrived at tise of a neet wisicis could have Maisoneuve Hospital, wheîe Mn. been magnificently met by thse ,auvageau Is now a patient, at use of a little patience anti caro I11îp.m. -anti somte careful laws. iigitily After having suppen Mi. Mon- backed-up. i ris lefit te neturn tu Bowman- ;In the Kingston aiea, general- ville anti arriveti back ait eight !!y speaking, tise saving of trees o'clock on Monday morning. in in subdivisions has been ex- thse early houns ise camne upon an enîplary.1 accident on tise highway near 1What the trees add to a resi- Gandtioque on the casitaide of dential aiea la incalculable, anti thc town. Ho stoppedth ie the people who nealize it most ambulance anti founti that one dircctly are those whose new of thse four people li the dam- homes are in a ticeles wilclen- aged car had been Injuroti. noms. Don Morris offeredt t take thse injuieti maxi te isospital anti was just putting hum Into the amb- A FAMILY MIX-UI> ulance when an Ontarnio Pro- vincial constable arniveti. Mr. 'Very, Pecultar Problem WbIeh Morris asked thc police officor the Reader May Try te Salve why ho teek so long ta get Tise following is tryfo thero, anti pointoti eut that ho life: aoyfo isatihat tise ambulance thene T niiniei awido whohadfor sanie time before tise police 1 niarrcruiseridappeareti. agown up daugister. My fatis- cruier peado o. aefo? er visiteti us often, anti fell i sVee d u onsa s ed. Ho wa love wlth my step-duheat eCntbease.H a manniti hr. T uh ec.ame momientarily bewilltered at tise jmy son- ier.aw, and my ep- îeeply: "Bowmanville," until Mr. i yn-,in- aw,, andm y t ..Marris am.lingly explaineti. - tflLÀfltSrbeL4amemvmothe.b _ cause sise was my father's wife. Soon after thîs my wife gave *birtis te a son, wisicis, of course, was my fatiscr's brotheî-in-law anti uncle, for ho was tise broth- er of my stepinother. My fath- er's wife also became tise moiti- e r of a son. Ho was, of course, mny brother, anti aise my grand- chilti, for ho was tise son of mY daugister. Accoîdingly my wife waa my grantimother, because she was my mothor's mother. 1 was niy wif c'a husbanti anti grantichilti at ene andtihie same tune, anti as thc husband cf n person's ý grandmother is his granifaithor, I wag nmY awn grantfaither!" Have You PRI.1 T.' e PROBLEMSIB Let The Statesman salve your commercial prinfing problems for you. Your prînfing requîrements will be given prompt atiention* by fullY experieuced and qualified prioters and pressmeu. *PRO GRAMS *CIRCULARS *PAMPHLETS *LETTERHEADS *ENVELOPES *DODGERS *BLOTTERS e BOOKLETS * LABELS e WINDOW CARDS e STATEMENTS e BUSINESS CARDS a RULE FORMS e INVOICES swMaaViil Ph... m 3-M303 The Orono PAGE TnTz 7BOYS W A NTE D For Summer Holiday Work <Steady> DROOKDALE- KINGSWAY NURESERIES e WEDDING INVITATIONS The Canadian Statesman COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPTO L-

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