»Aa 01.W- AA!N5A MA.UWMVL NAÎ UHD ,AG.UlOSw I¶ox'enoeCaughill wlflviait !ILndaHsptiufe1 rol fieal iOshuwa and L ied- W ha t hes Say Ii ad>x.Jh .Wb Bank of Montreals Business Review muda viitors, witii Mr., io cr~r r and Mrn. George L-awuon, Jayr, Bu jil Own H g School red nti itit and Pattie, Mèrkham; Mr. and In nIM .LvreMses o Business Recovery Encouraging Mrs. Ted Bons nToronto; Mm. iMr. and ?,&a. Thpe. Hodge further appeasement wlth the population of four hundredanedonTusyevig and boys and Mrs. Darcy, resuit that a echool for Clarke and more. If a school were towhnpetsndfinuc- Canadian business recovery aiso larger outlays for services! "Gradually, mjch Influencez "1 The moderate Pace of the Blackstock. vislted relatives in Township has been ruled out. be built by a Township School oeapesntenngThs lien been following an encour- and non-durable goods. Total as social security payments anid recvy, while reflec ingi Oshawa on SundaY.ThIoteCae asbndu ara w ldosbysttofwomdehiaco psbe ag gatrn uin th iscoumrotasrs by 3.2 residential construction that part the lack of over.all growth 1Mr~. and Mrs. Robt. Bell, Mrs. to selflsh interests of munici- as a three hundred pupil schoolarwrhyotetan ote hal 1!9i59, according to the' per cent in the last three typically u n d e r p i n a sag- j Ethel Wilson, Oshawa, vilted. pal councila only. This interest which could lie added toc in acmufiy Bank of Montreal's Business nionths of 1958 and by a fur- ging economy have given place in export trade, lias also re-1 with Mrs. Pearl Avery on Sun- hms affected the proper lune- couple of years. Such a school Etrm doutardht Review for July, just issued. ther 2 per cent in the first, to the more dynamnic forces of flected the virtual absence Of1 day* tioning of the Board and lias could give a good curriculum aeplyn ao ihgres "I onrstt ayarao.qare o 95.demand for consumer durable Igeneral prce adv.ances and the' Mr. and Mrs. Ovu Smith brought forth conditions which jwith numerous options. The Ilws lwrcosc i wIn the nttia vear ago quarero 1959. e U goods, inventory accumulation1 achievement of further produc- and Chris, Oshawa, Mrs. Susie are not i the interests of area standard of education in the kidbedecainasriu whrength ereini ytial eviene c eronlLione and business capital investment1 tivlty gains. It is recovery or'l Van Valkenberg, Mr. Ted Van planning. Unfortunately the s chool could lie maintained afieha.odnainarr- strngthofenoe potty th isoY Su pporting the higher level'i tihat generate new production: ample and solid footings," the Luven, Peterboro, were Sunday arca suffers as lias also the a high level as it has been in pre ihnafwmlso ac o!s eonae actii of consumer spending was ai and income. B fM eiw oclds visitors with Mn. mad Mrs. Jack students. the present Township school in e.Igusorahecae yeoadron, ths e ofMgratfy furtiier increase inipersonai in- Bo 1.. ocue. eea pnino cdOroflo. i h ev nwalls m broad frtthe ofM corne which, after payment o!f _Smith.____A______________opinion___of__a_______ dirportionesf rose Townnhip has If the action of municipal tr The gnoss national product, directo oftaxesshi hroseri to veanheannualr l for the first three months of rate cf $23.2 billion. $550 mi.- Religion for Today Neiio been that Clarke should !ormcnilsae h atya s M.HryVnWrne e teeawsrnigaana-lion more than in the final Nefl n tain their own High School area an example of future actionstrdt otra ome i th ya, asrnnnga a a-quarter of 1958," the bank says ' ' and operate as suio. Due to it would point out that Clarke mte h a rie rn nual rate of $3 3.4 billion, which mnctrttels ea I. MnaniM.Trr oo th nent ppseet hsIwould lie better off if setup as olad was 2.1 pen cent above the pre- when lagertrasfer plasyeLnts TMr.riand* Mm. Trr olnthe uect ea .simuîatedbthei w naainwihte Sxefurlalyngad ceding quarter and about 4 per wan lwer trae axes cohe Q uettnibuf dte 'ghtec nce d bua s______________________ j woud aea ne outies1c h t ejy edaweshldy cent more than the average for and owertasei ion v I toNancy eind baby of! FlirAi, Mich., l avest o otd t.ee oigadvstigNrh 1958. the B of M observes. the major portion o! the ise in nI ae and Mrs. Tel Rahmn, Oshawa, family moved toeir n e n ow nhtenpuaIand othr cntes.MisesBe Howve. herie ii atthisosaleinom. heinietnateiiotnaM.lrtuTheien. hmetu Trnr roprt o tenandrseametrntthurdDinn Cuti, ety ot oupthsntbe nl tte ice cosyarhs1hmteTunrpoet n inadassnt ins i dFlrnc uri md corne entirely fron earned ,-Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Harvey, . Satunday. Township that an anea couldadLenMicllGora i- uoput ba fougote e entieI th nres hi er lcky and Mrn. Harvev Sr., of! be !ormed under the odtw orm thrheut the on- corne. which rose by 3.5 per A Weekly TaIk Bloomfield, visitcad Mr. and Miss Wilma Mauville, Oshawa,Io!_____________ amth eie aypinx~ cent asat wceko with leelsofthne .High Sehool Act.-Oreno u tp out that the necovery bas been o sarsito ihrleesB e.R. R.Nicholson IMr.E.Wo.Sent the pstwek ith Mr ledbyhihe cnsme sen- bt epîymnoansaenmer_________Mv atiMi. t1leand ndMia. wn Prtr.Murray________Porter._______ lng.e aderaales," tseaeviewnpoints.trews, Woodstock, retuxmed for Our Pastor Rev. R. C.Wht Wh mil durbe ugoo dscn- An equaîîy irnoortant factori Robert Browning, in his the plain, another weekc of holldiays with! was the'us rahna a-iD~TTVDll RSTSATO edmin lfo the fi uartr n ur 1 contributing to the rise la na- poeen, "The Bishop Onders His And ail things fade wa. Mr. andi Mns. T. G. Langfeld. moxuy United Church, Oshawa, PONHOMEO ingth fistqurte, hee were, tional output was a resumption Tomb at St. Praxed's Church", The profligate poet Byron,.'Mn. and Mrs. Ian Findlay, on Suricay mi o r n ing. Aftet NHETN o! inventory accumulation, in asks this profound question- out cf his disgust of life. wrotc: Toronto, and Miss Dorothy Han- church, Mr. and Mrs. White wene Several frora here attended contrast te substantial reduc- "Life, how and what i5i"'Cotcen he oy 'e ris, Toronto, spent tihe weekend entertained aet the home o! Mr. Deconation Day at McCrea s lltan unceI e tions of stocks in the finst hal!l This la the question o! theags hours have seen. witlu-Mr. anid Mxs. Jas. Hars. and Mrs. Fred Hoskins. Cemeteny on Sunday with Rev. i nwr o! 1958. -Men have always asked it, and! Count c'en thy days from soir-î Victor Bowins of Gainsberougi. Whiei epenieresonkew lwy, ilsaslitoaslonaas! frene Ivan RR reno ailyspet MnaaniMnyRx Tompon MtheguandreaherrBeh- Fortheultmae l deig V plant, equipaient and housing the world exists. And knew, whatever thou hast u ekn nTlsnugat niM.AlnJus, ait!Tn any adfnihdgomu have lagged behind other fornis The Bible tells us in the irst 1 been, Mlicheltzwho haein famie s.stB erthaeeknd gsta wit sic fer the occasion. Decoration u fiinc ntl M PW Cleevo.f spendin.g, there are signs chapten that God created man 'Tis iomething better flot ta lieFlzwo isbe '-MssBnha~Pa.services will lie held at Fallis that aven-ali capital outlays are li His own image. This means be." i da>ing in Nestieton retunned The anniual décoration dyCmtr nSnaAgs ARAK-OS Wl M O E <E expanding. Ii at, that man hsamd ti h rcp i l le;phyo! me lteem antiCgoh a ineservice for the NewtonvilcLela- 9, anti at Pontypool on Aug.HA NG UI - C wufflW "The mid-year check on the and is capable o! thinking.jIllfe? No! Net at ail! l ie oeatrhvn month's kcview cemeteny will b. held 16th. OUUIE initial survey e! capital invest- Consequently, mani is always worth living? O! course, it is, lholiday with lier n diaen on Sna at 2:30 pifi. ReIv. Mr. and Mnr. Gordon Kir) alCole OUR ment intentions for 1959 indi-1 seeking his Creator and is hu y? It iflo empty dream 'but aMn. andi M.ln. Rh!rrR. C. White will conduct the anc spcnding thein holidays by FUS. cates that the total valueogrfrtuh.lccarte divine neality! Lâfe la ful 0f Mn. andi Mrs. Lonnie Chap- 1 service azsistcd by Capt. Cales motoring ta the Prairie Pnov- work put in place may ameunit know andt t understanti. Heie beauty. power and joy. andi is, man, Paul and Jimmie, North 1 and thue Salvation Army band. inces and Mn. and Mina. Bennard U te $8,545 million, $224 million always asking puzzling ques- infinitely wothwhile to theý Bay, arc guests for a wcekwthI1ht more than was estimateti at the tiens: "'WIene did 1 corne man who makes it 50. We de- I ler parents Mn. and Mrs. Geo- Mr. and Mrs. E. Seniers and N~eal ave motoee o the Mai- beginning of the ycar and $128 from? Why am I here? What is clare with the poet Long!el- rge Bowers. - family o! Hamilton wenc Sun- [MMmems.MKe' mtillion more than was actual- there alter death? What is te lo Min. Russel Francis and Aller4 A. Tom. have meved into their nei ly spent iast year," the neview meaning o! Ille?" "Tell me not in mournful flli- Beaverton, brought MWrs. Jas. 1i oeteps ek sae.Throughout thie ages men bers., Thompson te make an extendeti The flowers i our c h omtepatwek I Retail Sales Hlgher have been inupressedtr b the! Lite la but an empty dreaniviit with thue Grant Thompsons. Sunday wcre in îoving mexnory Mr. George Brown l I"With business activity gen.. brevity -anti uncentainty of life. For the soul is dead that jCava Werry also visited lien o! Mr. Jake Haillowell placed - erally more buoyant this yean In the Bock of Job Illfe is coni- Ilumlbers.i grandparents. tbere by the tamily. than last, retail sales have pared ta a swift post, an eagle An things are flot wbat th îMr. and Mirs. Cari l ot en- jMir. Fred Hempstead, Cobourg, show a nsingtnen andin asting to the prey, a swiftY seeni. od a moton trip through tue cidce Aesrieh u tic first four months' compar- ship, a weaver's shuttle, a flow- Lies alLf sernt! nath country aven thie holiday church Sunday monning. Next ' LECTRC LTD () !son wenc 5.6 per cent higiier, er, a shadew anti to wind, and Leisra!Lfl anst weekend. Mirs. Davisan looketi Sunday thie service will be ta- ..TPRACTINOi teRsamiPA atae l the increase in the Prairie Prho-am ataetl, n h gaei ntisg al;fter granison Davidi Elliot. ken by Major Riussel Manning vinces b e ing particularîy landbneath, a dreani and' a Dust tluou art, to dust retuin- Mr adMi-s. Heman Rod- of Cobourg. large," the B o! Mi observes. Ail sleep. In Psalm 103 wc reati: est, man, (nee Eunice Wilson), ne- fMr. and Mrs. Henb Saules,- R CRIERATION-ELECTRIC types o! retail stores shaned in "As for man, hua days arc as Was not spoken of the soul' tjurned fniday evendàng Imom a Toroeit0o pe t Sund àwtl n MOTR S L ISA-SER IE te advance, with the m st hm- gra es s a !o e !te ted eute 'raetta her o nuy nuon t ip te thie St. Law- a t ia akElot 11T S R IEs as flos eh. or the nf iel eu t hge, a stht eernaofLa T.V-RARO- PPLIANCES pressive gains recorded b s liv and t. orth it , al i me which at , hest , i rnceSea a and t of <> a e n Sa Md".RvJanti Mrs.ît dealers in fuel, motor vehicles passeth over i ad iSt. James in tue kc. li iey otsh ndc t, Od- j . 4e ad M . antiSan1i1j ntaio, vislting Mn. antiMirs. R. C. White abtondeti a ta<mily adlumber adbuldng ma anti the place therof shal la to know Gti ant iai Son, 1 Clifforti Htz anti amiiy o!fPair- party helti a the home o! Mir. teniaIs. know it ne more." esus Christ, and iritimates 1 vhew, Penn., enroute. aniMr.Hol DvtonRse Epistle asks: 'F'or what is your ,lng of lil!.la in mortality. This : Mr. and' M.ns. Walter Law- neath. While thene Mir. Whitc Ilile?" Then lie answens the Ilife is but a achool, a place o! nonce returneti tram a trip -to baptized the followi.ng: Marris *question: "'It la even a vapon I prepanation, fon the langer Illie Watkins Gien, New York Stiate. Douglas and Cathermne Eliza- __that appeancth for a Uittle time beycndth te grave. 1Their da.ughter Sylvia Lawren- beth, chiiltire'n of Mr. and Mina. - M ~~andt ten vanislieth away." AnodGekphospur ce, Maiilyn Stirison anti their Hanoldi Davidson; Davidi Harold, U R St. James Ile la as evanescent' hAnti omdee phd a:"ispaerteaduer Miss Jean Brighit Of son of Mr. andi Mns. Josephi Day- F r e eF r e herd omeodysay Ilt i aiport perny are attending a ison; Allan Bruce, son of Mr. U.AC DI D and transient as the early bad thimg to live," anti replicti. week's course et luSmeltzer and Miro. Bruce Davitison; TRSaCnTdF CA E t OeAa OaBI 4'si nt adtolive. but it ir atnTirig coo tii-Jec«4Marie, diaughterofM.T U T C ' L C I MN "nlgm ichvanishes whcn the sun badt talive badly." Life l alden VaI1ey Camp, and Mirs.Reginali TimlirLic il nteea.r k.cpnuit oAevcat l , i i But these verses o! Scrlptiiie serving Goti and our tdllaw-, unsq e atu e e ehengOusei mi amounam $4)uwr F .....donetexplain ll.They do nmen we develop thc highest whomte ________efour____£ 1 fr3 o e STA M S tell u wat Id là aey haan ,anfid ou dep-MÂNVERS STATION aton o e asn miy with every ! îeom the time o! King Sole-, The W ~~ . EA mgute ho~ 'm i uhrzduvsmn o i pmorhasnf g ms~ i~ any pensons have becu Christian anti a great states- alternoon, July 30h, the vice 0atorzdî p ur ha e o g s i geaty epessd y te or-ma, a& ef usthsdepreanspesden MiA.tuestnson- Uîefttaadi usm atrows, trials and tragedies of our1 memorable precepti: "Be inspir-, the chair. 11w meeting oied >j,"yq &dy t "fWldS eanthly existence, andi have j d with the belle! that Ille in with a hymn f ollowed by theMNU " e., jtaken a despairing view O!Ilite.I a great anti noble calling; not Scripturc lesson reoti by Mira. KARKERR O!enthy av skd hi f-a mean anti grovellingtig A. Olan. Mira. Argue gave tue' «UM O C« O8E IEF MYA ti. question: «'la Ilite wonth 1 tuat we anc ta, shuffle nhoug to'pic an "RecoocLahnn]t ll SERV ICE STA TIO N his dismal conception o! Ille lofty destiny." fboo. 'flie Annlverany was dis- lUn4ler New Management - Don Juard, Prop. ail ages anti lands. In the Book la stîlîl ur question totiay.Watti.dt t ueat a Assisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowmanville o! Job we readt tat "Main, thait are yoii doiflg with the 1fe.! Mima Argue expleinet i fl need 1 wA 25 years servicewith Impnial 011lasborn of woman, la o! !ewjwhieui Goti boas ntrusteti '>ton loi dooa, h.mebes «eSpecialize in Personal Service" Book o! Ecclesiaistes la full cf -dare skDhedto, nt egosibtle- eTgE1L<jBrN I CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAI> ths despair o!Ilite. Everything :tho ersmyb on tyu A N D IF T B C O N C S SI O ]5 olti: the sun la olti, 1hI cl a i :B Ul ocal tores or de B cd Cro -ANone MA COCE29IO old, love ilaId. *"Vanuty o! van- BRKETON Mira. Jdlinston rend a letterOfn o uuM.na srr ,-,~5 iti M -21 es, ail la vanity." The deati unka!rm Ms.R. . an c ,ane better off than the living, 1 Mv. Murray Brown and Mr. tak rmM .R .Bn 1 DobeSa pDay vr Tus for they have donc with thus'George Wallen, Markhaim, cal- stel. At thiecdose o! the meet- 419 Dada St. E_ Ç. fwbi aywaisome thing callet Ille.. cd on, Mvf. anti Mina.R. Banc mng a lovcly linch wes served Pho îhitb - ConeQutad S .OuDspa o!Gts - Tereheaeaycfve-onTsa fatek. b~y th hosteauandi her assistants. ~m Î - CoplteLbncaio t Rasnbl pmha in "Ai i vaitanq v ex- i usav ofnastde, -olan- n. ndMi .MorhaC.wk 8____ _ 35a_____ folk met te wish Mum. Roblin from Yale University iwberc lii Gir>wn are reminded that thm ,uam uet b n 1Voe. a happy birthtiay. took a course. Mr. anti Mis. A. E. Ri-bey left Mr. andi MT«. Robt. Young- lit in order to vota. on Swiday to visit relatives In~ man anud ta"nwr oedt Ken- Millbank fon a tcw day. \of dal on Saturday. Cpe ftepooe lnw emie much needeti rest. Miss Sentira Porter, Newton- 1iso i.popedpa ilb afe aalnmso ?&'. anti Mrs. Harry Wad- ville, spent a wcclc with leienthe Preliminary Votera' List and will be availblea h fie dington, Toronto, have beenj grantiperents, Mr. andi Min. W. of ail Revising Officer., the. offices of the A»rclualRpe thie guesta o!f13&. andi Min. EarlI N. Porter. iettvsi ahapl rdcn ony Waddington for the past week. IMm. antiMira. Wm. Stiw nd sntafies la eah Pproduc Sing îty r tti.ofis Mina. Greta Baily, Oshawa, is family, Torontoe, are opemllng i.OtiaamPouc arengBrd spentiing a tcw deys at her the weekent i wth Mr. antiMro. home hene. Frank Denushe. Any growe whoee name doms not appear onthPelmay Mima. Dereen Tursibuil at- Mir, anti Mrs. Elino Rogers andVoea tcngeont.Vtr'Utbyppaign tendeti a lurâcleou ai Peterboro Linda, Port Doyen, are vlsltiitng eto teVtea Is on Fni<Iay. M.adMs éodTo pesa before the. R.vW.ng Officer prior to Agut2a,19 A nuniber from here attebd- v niMn.Hrlihopa. or the D)eputy Returning Office on Auguat 21.L 99frti ed te mdnigt so n Sun- 1yFamily Th!*s rm SweIIeaI y vnhg mat i "ho.d Becousel ioMs.eJonWottonagand - NEWTON VILLE Cut a hà . eia fda yu wlt haon Aher, . Ml Mnjdeà=mc Corporatiom Ri a kui1 and joint ownmera iapl octrs9 W= .jolunuton, Tyrone, recent- cSe la holidaylig wlth Min a t- au eist eunwowl oeo hi eaf s"44 OFKIeSIM he pwkj oèorIY.ridia Moore. ,e6se~~Mr andMu. raykAllaca, Mira. Rose Kinmnan, flaches- Appeais from Revmsng Officera' deciuons ay .indr Osaa er udyten, i spendmng a f ew don swith ipomsn or m writing to the. Ontauio Fara Produt aktn Moem à dh ithI. n d Mira.Wllfre Ccx-meoardtat its offices, Room 4«5, Est Biok arim Mr. anti Mmra. à% . Turnbufl luonue f rom Momoriui Hospital, Buildings, Towonto lufore polling day. L In. ~~were Saturday evenhng visitons' Bowmarivllle, on Saturday. I r'OUu.@ . with Mr. anti Mm. Brie Simp- Master Stewart Gilmer o! Tor- SErril DK V DL Mr. and Mir. Murray Abbott, a4uemenW, Mr. andi Mm na."a Bowmanville, are spendln aGilnuer. C . Mali CafmF .Rkein SOWMANYILLE t~~~~ew days wtu MW.atMx. Mms Marge Hait, Toronto, fa IlSOF.KB.Swa.S.rby BOWM NVILE Hwar Abbtt.spending a !ew desys wlth MT. Mnr. Strong, Jordan Stu., who, and Mina. Milton Kjibiall. tmbas baistlnx wilUîMm I&Ma.Bd Mr&a. ugsb» nd - -17 i 1 - - - ýý ýý 1 - 1 - - 'rwo &dam TEU MAT, AUG. 4th, l»' Tm C-4XAnuw STATmoiàs, gowu>ifvnaa ONTAM à