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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1959, p. 5

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THUESDAY. Alla. OtJi. 1959 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. OHTARTO PAGE I'IVU Wed in St. Joseph's Chiurch*I Wed in Newcastle United Iwaist-Mrs.* Balson; Life-saver contest-Mrs. J. MacNabb and Mrs. K. Cavenly; Birthday near- est picnic date-Miss Lula Rey- nolds; "Passing the tea towel" jwas won by Mrs. Smales' group; Dropping clothes pins in nulk bote-Mfiss Florence Wenry; Quoits - Mns. Thelma Ben- nett and Mns. T. S. Mountjoy. 1>The weather was perfect and ijthe lovely cool breeze from Lake Ontarto helped make It a very pleasant afternoon. Our Institute are nvited to visit Maple Grove Institute in the evening of Aug. 10. If more people drove right, more people would be. left. People who borrow money to get themselves out of the rut usually end up in the hole. BTURmAN - ROWAN TaIl standards of pink and white gladioli fonmed a loveiy setting in the United Church At Bethany on Saturday after- noon, when Rev. R. R. Bonsteel Performed the double ring ceremony uniting in marniage Éleanor May Rowan, daughter of Mr. and Mns. Clarence Row- an and Kenneth Wilfned Stur- mnan, son of Mn. and Mrs. Wil- fred Sturman of Seagrave, Ont. t,,iss Ann Moreland of Joyce- elepayed the wedding music and accompanied Mrs. Adaj Urry, Toronto, aunt of the bride, singlng the "Wedding Prayer" piion to the cenemony ind "lil Walk Beside You" during the signing of the re- gister. Given in marriage by her Father, the bride was lovely in a- waltz length gown of em- broidered white tulle over sa- tin. designed with a full skirt, stnapless bodice and matching jacket with long sleeves, but- toned down the front and Pe- ter Pan collar. Hen elbow length veil of nylon net was caught to a cnown of seed pearîs and she carried a cas- cade of red roses and white carnations. 1Miss Jean Robentson of Ud- ney was her maid of honon, wearing white ongandy em- bossed with aqua flowers, de- signed with a harem ski-t, fit- ted bodice with rounded neck- lime, tiny full sleeves, with aqua cumbenbund caught to a butterfly bow nt the back. The bridesmaids, Mifs. Jack Guthie and Miss Barbai-a Mann. both of Peterborouh wone gowns of the same desi!gn in white and pink. Each car- ried a bouquet of pînk and white munis. Liitte Sandra Sweetman of Courtice, niece of the groom, was wearing white nylon aven taffeta, made with full ski-t, fitted bodice, white cumber- bund and buttenfly bow and she carried a basket of muiti- coloi-ed flowers. Lee Sturman of Seagrave was groomsman for his brother and the ushens wene Howard Rowan, Ellott Lake, brother of the bride and Leslie Sturman of Seagrave, brother of the groom. The reception for about 701 guests was held in the Sunday School hall, where the bride's mother neceived wearing a dness of beige and grey flow)- ened polished cotton. with white hat and accessonies and corsage of yellow and white mumis. The groom's mother, aLso receivîng wvas wearing two tone rose polished cotton with white hat and accessories and corsage of white carnatons. Leavrig on a moton trip through the north eastern Un- ited States the bride was wear- ing a pink and grey flowened sheath of satin finished cotton with matching jacket and a rose duster with white hat and accessories. Hen coisage was of white carnations. on return they wil live at Seagrave, Ont. t - The world's'most luxurious soap Il Elizabeth Arden's lovely, memorable fragrances -Blue Grass and June Geranium. These custom * milled Soaps-cold cream base, lanolin enriched and scented with rare French essences I Every Elizabeth Arden Soap lathers richly and easily. B AND SOAPM IWulaJG"L 2.25 ...... now 150 BATH SOAPSrgwv.gda3.0..... naw 200 * For a ".r limited lime only! JURY & LOVELL PHONE MA 3-5778 BOWMANVILLE 4 p a x- Mr. ad Mrs Ernet Josph Rahotteshownabov Me.Th r o an heso f Joseph Rateshoeweabo, and the late Mrs. Rashotte. -Photo by Bowmnanville Studioii6:.',> j .,~:............. .....i~ 1 Trousseau Tea white artificial roses and carriedJ Mr. and Mrs. Barry Emmett Hicks are shiown sign- Mrs Clrene Rwanentr-cascades of pink and white jing the register following their marriage in Newcastle tained with a trousseau tea for ýntdCuc nStraJl 5h r.Hcs h her daughter Eleanor. prior t The groomn's brother, Mr. Allan Un dCuc nStra.Jl 5h r.Hcs h her wedding to Kenneth Str oats lcwtr besýt former Melveen Joy Fisher, is the daughter of Rev. M. C. man on Saturday. Iman and Messrs. iMilton and and Mrs. Fisher, Newcastle. The groom is the son of Mr. Pouingteain he ttenoo Carl Raine3r, Sunclerland . bro- and Mrs. J. S. Hicks, St. Catharines. wern M.rs. infre Strnoon thers of the bride. were ushers. -Photo by lreland Studio Seagrave, mother of the groom, For the reception hel iin the and Miss Florence Werr.v iChurch Suniday School Roomi Hampton, aunt of the bride. In i the bride's mother chose a floral the evenîng, Mrs. Donald Lowes sheer dress with white hat H m p on andnj y Showing the trousseau and pink carnations .To assist. Mrs. D ~ : th mnyloel gft wreMisCoates wore a floral printed g*Pic ic ut shé Beac the any oeson f Udney: Mrs. dress, 'blue hat and white acces- JeanRobrtsn o Udey.Mrs ,resandcorageof inkcar Wednésday, July 28, Hamp- Jack Guthrie, Mrs. Kenneth natris.n osg o ikc ton Women's Inst ittehter Sinclair of Peterborough, and ntos Palsy Centres, and the Societyi dabsan1ecrr Miss Joan Morton. For the wedding trip to East- for Crippled Civilians. , entabuton about fifty ladies Assistingz in serving the ern points-,t he bride changed The Society's Peterborough and enjoyed their annual pic- guests were Miss Anne More- to a blue n-vlon dress embossed office is located in Room 7, niec under the capable manage- land of Joycevile, Mrs. Doug- wihwiefoes ht ce-Cutn Bldg., 395 George'rment of the president, Mrs. W. lasGrha, meee Msssores and white coi-sage. On1 Street. N., Peterborough. Miss1 Barbara Mann, Peterborough, t irtun r n r.Coates Akiwetizie will supervise the. After a bountiful and deli- and Miss Joy DeGeer. will reside in Sunderland, Ont. Counties of Durhamn and North- cious dinner the afternoon was The bride. who attencled Clar. umberland. Haliburton, On spent in a program of races and ke Union Public Sehool. Orono, tario, Peterborough and Vic- oie3swthpzs.rpad COATES - RAINEY and Bowmanville High Schools, toria. jcnet ihpie.peae .s a graduate of Peterboroug and carried out by Mrs. Luther Pikan hiegldol orn Tahe' Cleg.He1 This 'Nursing Service is fi- Allun and Mrs. J. Burrows. edin an prett etigainon o centrer onltege interests nanced through the sale of Eas- The foliowving graines were Uied a rch oetin n Jly25 159 n d enr aond .fchurch choir ter Seals. erjoyed: Lucky number was Unied hurh e Juy 2, 159,andY.PU.activities. Mr. Coates, ____________________en con at 3 p.m. when Marlon Arlene a die attendant at Lake Simco won byMrs. Wre;GBen cn Rainey, daughter of Mr. and Industries. Beaverton, attended ts-r.Wre: Gesn Mrs. Neil M. Rainey, Sunder- Vroomanton Public School anid jconensDr aingofagMrs. W land, became tihe bride of Leon- Cnigo nMrokDsrc vcGiII ram îiy ntensof aper bofa g-Mrs. W adDavid Çoates, Blackwater. High Schools. I LoreNzonuie Kickn;g off so Mr. Coates is the son of Mr. Guests were presenit froin e nin IlI n -is oi oo ags andi Ils Joseph Coates, Black- Sunderland. Blackwater, Will- R u înFed i water. Rev. Basil Long, Orono, owdale, Lindsay, Warsaw. Whit-. was the officiating clergyman by. Oakv7ille, Beaverton. Can-IP t r o ug andt the organist was Miss Elea- nington, Bowrmanlville, Oshawa, Peterbo rougnAsu for Brabazon, Sunderland. Be- Rochester, N.Y., Newcastle andd fore the ceremiony soloist Mr-. Orono. On Satuîday, iuly 25th des- Glenn Allin, Newcastle, sang the On July 7th Mrs. jas. sraba- cendants and relatives of :ie 'Weddirig Prayer" and during zon and Miss Eleanior Brabazon, 'late Elizabeth Pritchard and theh sîgning of the register '«O Sunderland. entertained a num- Joseph MeGili gathered. for Perfect Love". ber of Blackwater ladies at a their ninth annual picnic in Wearing a floor length gown shower for the bride. Mrs. Fran-1 Jackson Park, Peterborough. o!white nylon organza, the cis Jose and Mrs. Wm. Moffat After a pleasant interval of ' bride was given in mariage by entertained at a shower at Mrs.Igreetings and social chit-chat' her father. The short-sleeved' Jose's home. Newcastle, on Julya delicious noon meal was en-, bodice, overlaid with embroid- 1th. In the afternoon of Jilx' joyed by aIl. ered white nylon or g anza, 15th Mrs. Clane Bagshaw was During the afternoon Presi-1 was designed with a sweet- hostess for a shower whenaIen Gordon Mighit welcomediiI heart necklîne embroidened with few Wilfrid ladies were rsiltona-daladtokcrgof pearis and mothen-of-pearl se- In the evening of the samne day. 1 a brief business session. The BIRTHDAY quins. Her matching mittens Mi's. Albert Wells and Mrs. Ross minutes of the previous year wereor elf ateial.A paniJewell, Sunderland, held a show- wr edb ertr uil ai-i sequins studded crown er for the bride.i Broxvnlee, and Mrs. Harold caught her short veil and she The teachers oni the staff of 1 Tait the Treasurer presented carried a bouquet of deep pink Sunderland Public School pre- the financial report. It was de-i roses and stephanotis. sented the bride with a silver cided te hold the -picnic on thle Mrs. Glenn Allun, Newcastle, casserole and hier pupils gave founth Saturday in Jul.1 1960,1 j& as mati-on of honour and Misses her an aluminum tray and tid- at Nicol's oval park, Peterbor-A P Barbara and Beatnice Coates, bit tray. The groom's co-workens 'ough. Blackwater, sistens of the groom, presented him \with a step-end The executive for next y~ear N T N as bridesmaids wore identical table and table lanp. IsasN STA NTrsietHnxe dresses of white nylon onganza On Satur-day, Julv l8th. the McGill, Vice-President, Lewis.C F E emihossedi with pastel flowers bride and ler mother were "at McGill. Secnetary. Esther C F E and fashioned. with square neck- home" to thein friends who Might: Treasurer. Ella Tait: limes, puff sleeves and bouffant wished to sce the brîde's gifts Sports - Ronal Ashton, Reva skirts. They wone headbands of and trousseau. McGîll, Joyce and Ralph Vir- 6-02 jar8 5 tue. Parks-Jean Armour and8 5 Jack Clarkson: Nomination -: Ama Ashton, Elsie McGill. 2.-oz jar 35Sc edical Mirror New Nurse " an~i~ id MIr. Rs hton For CraippMrd-oades m Mrsan DehMcGill! as received idequto athcriiig Bruce County Health Unit. Mn. Wallace Stainton, Toronto, m lov@ achmafy requircakca In preparation for her workI visited with Mr'. and Mrs. How- and lms of auch StteiitbOfas h as District Nurse with the On- ard Stevens. dren, she bas had several visît'ing with Miss Betty Wright. Q&wtiom dwrecwod 10 scom d 5i- months' expenience and obser-1 Misses Mary Jones and Don- 12-oz bottles 9mz P.O. Box 3%, Madiw.n Sq. vation related to the cane and: een McLean, Bowmanvîlle, spent SIL,,e in. .1Mm.Y vSb co m I treatiment of orthopaedic pa- the weekend with Miss Mary co~pta*d ii *W* oiuii ~ l tients. Some of this timne was Griffin. PonibI& spent at the Columbia-Presby- Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Veale have f tenian Medical Centre in New1 returned home to Gaspe' Ray62 9 Ut 'IU Yr n h optlfrSc tnhldyn ihhrprCNEMISTg Childi-en, Toronto. She has also ents Mr. and Mrs. Fr-ancis Wer -____________ 0 ~had field observation visits to i-y. Mfiss Jackie and Master Da- q % , em1 II5MWIA Variety Village. The Home for 1 vid Veale are remamniing for Incurable Childi-en, Cerebral the holidays. NEW WAICHES a jeweted movement - ~ . * hock-resistant *waterproof* *luminous dial *unbreakable ninspring, *anti-mognetkc *dustproof As litti. as ,47 Jewels, *27le $ee them at.. MARR'S Jewellevy KING STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE SnperR'9gb Meat Specils! POlte «.LEAN MtATY' SP ARE RIBS b39c PLAU - ~ solid Mm*t POT ROAS b j 3c Extra Lean V .4e - ,Ï MINCED BEEF - h3 3 A NNI VERSA R Y SPECIAL1S! Kraft Pure RASPBERRY JAM A&P Special Blend BLACK TEA Blue Package NUCOA MARGARINE Reg. jar 3o --SAVE lPo 2 9-or jars 49e Reg. 71&-SAVE le I-lb pkg 6 5 Rteg. 2-iba 55o-SAVE 11e 4 i-lb pkgs 9 9c 1115H FRUif & VECETABLES Carolina, No. 1 Grade, Elberta YelIow Fameetone (Approx. 2-be.> PEACHESobx3 1rdfr Marsh, No. 1 Grade, Tender Pau" CELERY STALKS 2 fr l 3c Ontario Grown, No. 1 Grade, Large Staked TOMATOES &0"99C Ail Pies ln This Ad Guaranteedwm w.u, Au. MI , 1960 WALLPAPE RS FIRST SHIPMENT OF 1960 PAPERS BAS AHEIVED WiIh More Expecled Daily- Pre-pasied and Regular Types J.a H. ABERNETHyY'S. Paint and Wallpaper Store 33 King St W.. Phone MA 3-5431 ELIZABETH ARDEN fo«p 4i/l PAGI PM TRURMAT, AUG. M, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOIVBUNVnýL& OIRTAFJO

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