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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1959, p. 8

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PAGE ZIGET TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO THUBSDAY, AIJO. 2711I, lOBS sV DOROTHY BARCR Tht grieat yellow 1 In the bie rnouniair recalled how tht e lit druni ueemed to hb blue velvet backdro by Glen Miller's BE needtd ta complete] me was the wtl-knc ail-tit favorite Cocktails". But thtee mauntain air ihat iii curtains in my cabin Park Lodge ont nig July, was al] thtei needed. Afer my trip frai ver, when thetihrill ing fronu my train iN Fraser River das ihrough a cavernous the sea, I didn't ti. could be anything t beauty. I was mi hadn't yet seen Jasp rnaon hungi The Lodge itatîf is in a jew- n sky as I el-like settiîng of grtensward, electricalby- gay flowering annuals and a iang on tht lake as eereald green as the p afiected bow on Paddy's pig. This ne- and, AUl 1flecis on a calrn, ear day, tht y bewitch army af iri trees that mrach own Miller up ta ftue snow-capped peaks "'Moonight of the mountains which circit xhileraiing tht Ladge. uttered tht Tourisis work hard ai seeing -ai Jasper all there la ta, set, and I was ht laie in no exception. I even worked Loxicatian I hard ai relaxing on tht wide 'stane tennace overloaking the mn Vancou- turquoise blue swimming pool. af watch- It's difficulitato make onestîf window tht lie oui on a white wroughti mon h madly suncot while imagining whai ;valiey ta il must itel like to be wiihin nink there a hundned odd feet of the An- o top this gel Glacier. istaken, I There is oniy ont way ta er Park. satisfy this klnd ai curiosity 1 NOTICE Fail Term Classes will commence on Trues., Sept. 8 at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Last year 135 Young people registeredand were able to secure positions in Local Business Offices. Demand for Business College Graduates increasea .ach year.. REGISTER NOW! Enrolmeni is Limiied. FREE BULLETIN Available. CLIP AND MAIL COUPON Please send FREE BULLETIN and ail particulars regardimg Business Training t.: Naine Addrem . Telephone Grade Attained in High School ________ Miss Snowden was asslted in opening tht gis by Sharon Gimbleti and Shirley Both- well, and ihanked those pres- ent for remtmbering her in this way. Margaret wiil b. rnarried ta Leonard Goodmur- lyhy laier ihis month. Mrs. L. Hindmnan spent a pleasani holiday with Mr&. L. Truil ai William's Paint. Mr. and Mrs. Manford Goad- murphy. and chldren have ne- iurned from holiday. ai Siadow Lake. Mr. and Mnfr. 3h Laveriy and iarnily spent tht weekend ai a cottage an Lake Erie with re- lalives from Toronto and Wel- land. Mn. and Mn~. William Hawk- shaw and fanuily and is~s San- dra Snoden, al ai Kitchener, spent tht weekend wlth Mr. and Mr&. Alan Snowden. u: OBITUARY Tke But Bsêk Iý&Oet M"w~ Heres ont very heipful handbool that wil hold tht inerest of evMr member of the family. .. a Bof M Savingt Account paasbook - which can be your pass port go better living. ha dith ideal boak for those who look ahead and plan . . . et tht whole story by visiting your nearest B of M brandi. Open a B of M Savings Accaunt for each membe of the famdy £oday. Bowuaavill.Brancha Oshawa Branch: WÔ*fWGWITR CAMADIANS 1M RANK oIr MONTREAI4 JAUM S EL4.,Ma£« lAMESl UcCANSH. Manme ?Vtt*V WAI.K op I!FF SIM-CF '1817 B. A. GALBRAITH Following a lingering iltne!ss Herbert A. Galbraith ai 74 Scu- gog Street passed away in IMémoaliHospital, Bowman- Iville, on Augusi 4th, 1959. Born in Cartwright Township, June 21, 1884, the son ai the latMn. and Mrs. David Galbraith of Blackslock, he spent ail his life on a larn in the district until his retiremeni in Bowmanvllle 13 yeans ago. WIhile on the farnu he was an active meni- ber of Cadmus United Church and since coniing ta Bowman- ville, of Si. Paui's United Churcu, Bowmanvlle. Predeceased by bis firsi wlfe, Florence Montgomery in 1919, bi& second wife, Ada M. Allen, survivez. Aiso surviving are ane daughier by his firsi marriage, Marjonît (Mrs. Cecil Neals) Pt- t erborough, a stepson, Lawrence Allen ai Oshuawa, and live grandchiidrtn, David, Ruth and Paul Neaba and Ann-Marie and Lawrence Allen, Jr. Tht service was heid in the Nonlihcutt andi Smith funeral home on Augusi 6th, conducted by Rev. R. C. White of New- tonville United Church. Inter- ment was in Cadnuus Union Cemetery.. Palibearers were Chanles Smiuth, Russell Mauntjoy, Mar-- waod McKee, Os-car McQuade of Carwright and Creightaa Deviti and Keîth Porter of Bowmanville. The vtry lage number of beautiful floral tribules were indicative of tht love and ts- teem in wbich deceased was held. Those fi-on a distance attend- ing tht funeral inciuded Mn. and Mrs. Fred Carscadden and Miss Helen ai Thornbury; Mr. Arnold Carscadden ai Edmon- ton; Mrs. George Carscadden, Thornbury; Mr. and Mm-s. Wil- ,lis Ilutchison af Clarksburg; Mn. Harvey Nom-ris oi Aven ing; Mr. and MiZs. Wilmoi Chip. chase of Glen Huron: Mr'. anud MVrs. Cliffard Jones of Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Neala Sr. of Pt- trboro4i Vyou've an eye for'beauty, Fard Galaxie has i ini the elegantê of its Thunderbird lines. Besides ils beauîy, Galaxie is priced low, buit ta save your money in many ways. For economy, choose between a lively Mileage Maker Six that can deliver 24 miles ta tht gallon . .. or a V-8 ihat gives full power an regular gas. And, tht standard Full Flow ail filter reduces ail changes ta once every 4000 miles. Beauty and savings are indeed yours in the Ford Galaxie -... waiting G Ford Dealer's now. Take a Galaxie out for a drive--oon! Fori Galaxie 131XC or V-43 aOR A UTTU B auTNa USUD CAR OU TRUCK, S" SURE O suSOIE 4won OumIESKECTONS, For Oshawa & Whitby Districts Seaway Motors LIMITED 200 Dundas St. W., Whitby For Newcastle & Bowmanville Districts Carveth Motors NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO found and that la to sgnup L13uth Brln musac.me' M i hionepoes u in he ighy cloufulbroh-urg s E - ayo 18exn l muit. <>f~ h iheEdior they can single otCN fi tevergy aredour utllned uu! obo x - a o ker Hill is visiting wii&i her citizen to sit in on these meet- ur ttetasprainds Thorndyke cousins; Ron Mur- Bowmanville. ont. ings is beyond me. He mnay not ure ai tht transportaton dek5 N io f Wainright, Alberta, August 18, 1959. even own property in town of the Lodge. f' f i>f fll EJ C spent some tirne recently wltbIthe Editor. even though a ratepayer. By ~*~hs<~m ~jmgTpie aainStts~,wtiat means of elimination was I found too, to mny delight. 1 îoefre going est t tht rifle Bowmanville, Ont. this selection made? Dots tis that the oid breathless thrilil of Cobourg lost ont of ita Îbes- ofu tremendous benefit to the: shooting at Otawa. Mr. and DeaSi , privileged ratepayer report to time in my life when a ride known citizens Tuesday, Aug. town and as a public servanti Mrs. Ed. Skinner and faniily A ha t vtetRaepayrs' ssocatiofor on a roller coaster met iny litbh with the audden death of he has been everv.ihing one1 of Oshawa visited with Mrs. H. the outspoken stand taken by sai t h citiz ny ae lnfm teenage longing for exciement, Roy D. Dodge, former mayor could aak for." Brooking, Port Britain, on Sun- you with regard ta the practice ao tetw nafra. e ifr cit was flot dead by any means ad warden of tht United Coun- The mayor went on* day. Mrs. Kate Chapman of introduced by council whereby zebou d be 8<> ired acitd With a dare-devil University te iNrhmeln n "His publie relations were Orn n Ms tetDvdo own matiers are cut and driqd i aoiyiruhtemdu tuet(tuyn taeadc-Durham. o oot alda .Bro-1p ti nytruhtemdu stor) at (tdgt welof te ass rocg.assrîkn ihexcellent. Ht used a good deal co Toron ale ai.Bar- at special meetings - who ofaitht press that this cen 1>. dor)aned sihee flgbutht desi- Ma.kide ailmetrlice Snay ithofjudgment ini approaching the cohsSndyeem. excuse me-thue proper tern most accurately accomplidieti. licd iau serigstedan e-ua n wa taentMonato Cuna- public and had a way with hlm Mrs. E. Barrowclough attend- used b»' council should beatusimgeho dsord t lciurvs swer relivd ail, goodbugDsrctGnrlHo when collecting taxes, of neyer ed tihe executive meeting of meetings of the Board of Works reports of those meetings willl ,icre booki "Crl, whaadleod btar, Disrct h e l Houspi- arousing the slightest animuos- Co'bourg. Presbytery Woman's Department. be as they are bandiçd arcund thtin bus on , the ontandlroa , mornig.H was 63. îay ty of tht people lhe went ta ste. Association ai Roseneath last For saine Urne there has been town by word of mouih, and athuhtweea toy. cer- Mr. Dodge is survived by his "He was an honorable and Thursday afteiiioon. the feeling ihat members oi beak out they will. ain ke thu h t pschlog o wift, tht former Stella Malty; honesi citizen and his death council seem. to be forgetting 1 thought 1 voted for sart, a so, Dugls, nd wo dugh coes s athat they are servants of tht sensible men-but by their ae- rnaking his passengers believe a soneDoulafthndttw daanh-acams as aIgrma bbow to th thywr etn hi oe' ers, Donna and Mrs. J. R. town." YELVERTON sctzesoud i e the towad tins iar wndrig worth. If te bus went btrserk Jones (Marie), ai obourg. Cobour'g Town Clerk, J. B. pAe indornantai ail plan on ont of tht hairpin turns, it Tht funeral arrangemtents were1 Ewart, who worked with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Frrank Glasberg- and decisions made or thai they was comforting ta know thut ta be made when Douglas Dodge in many capacities over en and family and Miss Cobie contemplat making. I believe @ME QfUTM "Dr. Carl" would be abet o0Dodge, at present workmng in tht ytars, described him taday Glasbergen (a niece), enjoyed a they wouid expeci this from MONUMENTS A»! practise some of bis bard won tht Hudson Bay district of as "ont ai tht iinest men I have motor trip ta Algonquin Park on_______________ knowledge. northern Ontario, was contact- ever mnet."l-Examiner. oayMAKR knwldg.ed Mo_________RI To get in training for this A native of Baltimore, Ont., Congratulations ta MIr. and ing witb er granny, Mrs. Anne 41 mor e citng tnp I ook a r. od e w S ht on ai r.M rs. Hugh M cGill who will be Ledman. ý moreunt t igneriCanyo I asinMrs. Willia a dgt snof. m LLt ILor were) celebrating 55 years Mrs. Sarah Thatcher is spend- jUL~ assured that an ibis route there long carteer in municipal ai- of marital bliss on Monday. Aug. ing a few days with the Bal- OF STAFFOI were no tWiSty mrads or quxck iaisbgan134we le1o adDy omte 7th. four Moores. E BROS. draps ta take my breath a y. iwsfirsî elected ta town catin- are ripening and ail crops are 1Mr'. and Mrs. Nornman Wilson, spednafwdy ithr Now I can't even gaze from 'te 1 cil. Ht became deputy-reeve in in great need of moisture. Thei Anne, Norma and Barbara are issednÀ e aswi e top of a step laddti' let alone 1937 and was reeve in 1940-41. very few who still thresh their enjoyîng a whole weekend wih cunstWlormaagiBr s-ara,.MIYdni down a rocky cavern of 1841 teNra el fMrdl.Nrev. LodenBarbr M NUMcoStd fetsawhn e adwalked j Warden lnI942grain are busy at it, most of tht Norman Neals ai Markdate fet awe ehd1the comnbining is done.Mancr. Rte Sil o afford Eros.tseric o and canme to a lutile wooden 1the United Counties in 1942 and 1Benniece Besi attended th wOs haen H tindayvn ing Sunda a YletoisWh bridge. 1 stepped aboard hesi- reeve of Cobourg again tht fol- Baulch-Rose wedding in Port wt h .H tnos hrh 1 ~On Friday a.m. on thieir way _Miss Linda Rowan returned Monuental Worus tantlv. When 1 heard water; lowing year. In 1945-7 hie was, Hope on Saturdiay afternoon. t oka oac ames rmvcto iQi-oLc 8Ona i .Wib pounding beneath mny feet ai mayon. Froni 1954 until his; A cabin cruiser was in dJf- of Pontypool, Mn. Frank Glas- on Saturday. SSDaa t . wb what seemied at least a mile death.lhe vas tax collector. ficulties off the shore near \Vil.. bergen, Frank Jr., Kees. Car- Tht Ray Robinsons and the Phone Whltby away, 1 remembered a sign on Apart train ihs work with low Beach last week and had ta1 rie -and Cobie wene involved inl Floyd Stinsons aitended Peter- Mhw -5p tht pihwa, 'Recue ope totwn council.. Mr. Dodge was be pulled an shore for repains. a car accident ai junctian oai11i5 rug TanIMOwh -5 Tht Chalet"! 1 wanted t e chairman o h recreation Ownens were froni Toronto and and County Road, Pontypool t down on my hands and knees commission and of the anena Whitby. iMillbnook. Although their car -- and cneep ta the safety of the board, and was president of tht uvs damaged beyand repair the nocky path as 1 had once done Lakeshore Basebali Leagut. In spitt ai dry gardens, -beau- Gasbre aiy wr x 7 fi~ ai Capilano Canyon in Vancou- He was an eIder af Tnînity tfuoara ngemt e uc Sntsofg adsd-îeeyfyuaei.sain ~ ~ ~ ~ W V~Sa esa. ver. Soon I gathered couragelUnited Church, and was super- j co rangethttchufch a urdayde wiîîhaut physical han. Tay OUR from mv fellow tuiss and! ineident af the chuch's Sun- Ont very lovely gruping made rmlfotnein scpg bekd r terigo th e day echool. He was also a mcm- us of yellow glads and staflaiMn. and Mrs. Frank M alAti the mountain brook dashed. of Odd Fellows and was active OugtNs n ter AeMacna . SuruE againat lus granite prison and in tht scauting mavement. broughi by W.A. group mem- Sor arreotifiea thee t wachil n al u f- IMr.Dode as redceaedbers Mrs. Kay Thorndyke andi BURTON suffered saime con- tiliywasa snglewiiàiowr bya aster Mrs Lara Lns-Mrs. A. Austin. Rev. Harding's 1 fusion in its spelling - guess aur ANESCAR \fA H clnigwith rveaano berry, and two brothers, win sermon was Ïbased on the humanj writing leaves something ta be WRITIq ',ari waah that gIves Y« in aiiny crevice of the rock. 1and Ernest. need fo a gueu s it cn redtsined. Another erron - ours TuS t gieamint wax finish. a Municipal and church oui- wit[h G thgie si oriis time, is that Mn. James Mc- Jasper Park fairiy breaihes i dais colîtagues and friends ta- daily lives. Sunday School was Gui was, so we're tald, thet& «LUICTO roac.Tti o nuult'day in paying tnibute ta Mn. i n arge ofth Superiniendent original inhabitant af thai villa, « TUE BALNCE! LUIC ATIOANG set Darby and Joan types 1Dod ge's service ta ftllow resi- Murray Payne and scripture was prion ta Mr. C. Staîker - (be- OLCAG walking hand ini hand along1 denii. read by Mrs. P. Snell. fart aur time). CAR WASHf tht pathway that surnounds Lac aol rutAfe yasag nihb- Yelverion enjoyed is liraiMKTEE Beauvert. Tht Lodge itself is' Myoy TrbufoAle w r ago ng a-reai taste ai moisture on Sait-I18 TRE siaffed by approximately six Mayar J. D. Butnet said Mr.hodflk*repc gup day evening. Parched pastures SN hunded o-ea fom uiveai-Dode'sdeat cae a a ir: empty ammunition shels drap- and roat crops shouid benefit as T'ES lies rght across Canada and 1 mendous shock" to aU. dfonplesnwscted well as wells. Several local am sure they 100, appreciate the "Roy had been ai great ser- over fieldis and lawns are quar- farmers have luad ta resori ta spectaculan moonlighi nights. vcetth twnfis ter inch strips ai brighi tinfoil. vc atetwfrta drawing waier while aur hog But perbaps the most romuantic memben of thetîown coucl No doubi they corne fram somne Milers were threaienîng per- thing 1 saw during my three and ai counly counil-then as plane equiprnent. caul otbefrce t omattpouto days ai bear and deen huniing mayor, and later as tax colec somne af the satellites shedding, ai de-hydraiedi park. with -a camera, waa the Young ion," Mr. Burnet sald. "Hi& ser- thi kin? Master Billy' Wilson and Prench Canadian who chipped! vice has ta say tht leasi been, Mr. Alfred Quininebi ai Ajax sitn1a iloMn. Geary a piece~ of the glacier froin the;j called ai Austins ibis week., this week ai tht David Wilsons. Angel's wing on Mount Edith Afred Jr. and Betty nernained Mr. Arthur Evans bas relurn- Cavell. "Il is fan my wife who MA L PDlTr th Arnold Austins for a'ed ta Acton ai Mrs. John Kings- I k' oldY- buny's aiter assisting Art Row- ibis trip and I take this home 1 ta her for luck". Well, some About 60 ladies wene present Cogautin t BbBn-nfrthsumr people collect amulets ai wood ai a niiscellaneous shawer fonrowciough who passed 'bis Grade Miss Nancy Moore as holiday- and stone, but ibis young man Miss Margaret Snowden, on cuddled i a red bandana a' Wednesday evening, Augusi piece of the Angel Glaciefo 1, in tht church basement. hisbelved Tht'- htJara isesJanice Beech and Ca- dots ta really sane people. Isn't role Greenhanu welcamed tht it wonderfui? guesîs and placed tht beauti- fully wrapped gis an the ta- b o bics, which- wene iaaitefully de-à IME CANADIAN STATESM", BOWILNvnj.& ONTAMO TRUPMAT, AUG. M, M. . PAGE ZIGHT

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