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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1959, p. 11

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TT-TVc"4V. ATTG. 27th, 19~59 7/CI&cd/ def Gordon Àgnew, Ediior Public Meeting on Monda y Could Decide Future of1 Community Bowling Alleys NEWCASTLE- A committee of inteiested citizens have been waiking for same weeks now on a project ta provide health- fui recreation for the citizens of the village and district and at the samie time heip to make the Newcastle Commu..ty.Hal self supporting. This cammrittee have been offeîed a good price on foui bowling alleys taken fîom the Martyn Bowling Aiieys, Bow- manville, and knowing the i- terest taken in bowling by many citizens of the village and district, thought this wouid be a good pîaject for the base- ment of the comrnunity hall. The alleys could be opeîated by a bowling comrnittee in con- junction with the community hall board and would thus bîing much needed revenue ta help pay for the upkeep o! the hall, while at the samie time providîng recreation during the fali and winter months. 4 Ihas been repoited these1 alescould be purchased and1 ialle and neady for use by mid-October if acted upon im- mediately so the committee, at a meeting held on Tuesday evening decided ta advertise a public meeting in the com- miunity hall on Monday even- ing, August 31, to find out how many peisons in the village wouid be inteiested in the in- stallation o! a comxnunitý bowling alley it the hall. This leaves the pîoject en- tirely un the hands of the people o! the village. If enaugli inter- est is shawn at Manday's pub- lic meeting the alleys wiUl be puichased and instailed ready for use it raid October, but if too few people tuin out to the meeting ta discuss the project and Its value ta the village, then it will be dropped. See you at the hall on Monday eveningl J lewcasdle Social and1 Eersonal Mir. Milton Payne of Mon-, Mr. and Mis. Charles Scott tiea.t has been visiting with his' o! Harcourt visited with Mr. sister Mrs. C. Ferguson. and Mis. R. A. MacDuff and Mis. Florence Pearce and familY last week. Mr. Douglas Pearce of Willow- M- ad Mis. Peîcy Haie dale visited with i. and Mus. spent Tuisday night in St. Albert Pearce and f amlly on Thomias visiting with Dr. and Wednesday. IMus. J. H. Haie and faînlly. Mi. and Mis. A. R. Randaîh Mus. Myrtle Moffat of As- and family o! Smithville vis- quith, Sask., has been visiting ited with fiiends in the village with Mi. and Mis. George Alun, last week. and Mi. and Mis. W. F. Rick- Mr'. and Mis. Douglas Wallace aid and calling on fiiends in and family of Fenwick visited Orona. with Mi. and Mis. Harold Mi. and Mis. F. J. Ricard and Couch and family last Thurs- family spent last week va<ca- day. tioning at a cottage in the Hali- Miss Juid- MacDuff spent a burton aiea. couple of d ays last week visit-' Mi. P. A. Jackson of Aiiiston ing with Mi. and Mis. Carl svitn wthM.ad r. Bickle in Newtonville. Gesrvisitin ihM.adMs Miss Claie Pearce and Mrs.P.Gog ln Pearce cf Orangeville are houi- Her many friends will be daying.. with M. and Mis. Al. 50i'y to leain that Mis. J. G. beit Pearce and family. Godfrev is seiiously iii, and is Mi. and Mis. Frank Hoar and a patient in Memorial Hospital 1 family spent last weekend vis-. in Bowinanville. jting with Mr. and Mrs. Llo ' d Miss Patricia Dobson of Col- Stephenson and family at their lingwood is visiting this week cottage near Belleville. with Mis. Cecil Ferguson: SPECIALS IN USED CARSI 1950 CHEV. COUPE 5-Passenger. Very good mechanicaîly 1950 FORD 4-DR. SEDA1e - One owner, 53,000 original mileage 1952 DODGE 2-DR. Very Good Car $350 l $295 $ $495 Waterworks ;Test Drilling Underway NEWCASTLE-Drilling equip- ment was moved to the pro- perty of Roy Ball on Thu.isday Of last week where test driliing for a village wateî supply was started on Friday and it is re- poîted a pipe had been sunk about 10 feet on Saturday. It is reported the delay lnt starting as repoited earlieî was caused due to the operator be- ing on vacation. Now that the operattr is back and the equip- ment set up and waîking iti shouid not be long until we have more news Of the water- woîks system to report. EIAYDON (2 miles east of Enniskillen) PUBLIC MA 3-2730 NEWCASTLE-In two gies played in the local paîk on the weekend the Newcastle Mer- chants taak their first playof! Newcastle Playgroundi Report By Susan Gra.y On Monday of this week there was no playground be- cause of rain, so we decided not la have a special week. Instead we hadl a field day on Fîiday. On Friday we started by playing saine of oui favaurite gamies and had a stoiy. Then, because it laoked like ramn, we staited the races eaiiy. The winnei's o! the races were'as follows: Plain Races- Bra dley Harris, Greg Gray and Biilv MUcCullouigh. Backwaîds 11ae-Betjv Pieisinzi. and Nor~- iniaiTiion. Thîree-leggcd rlrace7 -ieii DeGoover, and Gladys Mlin. Hopping race-Deborah Adair. Crawling race-Jennifer Gray. Wheeibarrow race-Nor- man TiUlson and Gary Majen. We had just finished oui ra- ces when it began to rain se we let the childien go home. THE CANADIAN STATSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO visiting Miss Sharon Scott. Ke-' evening with Sister Terealta Strutt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Peth- readingts were given by Mms F. dron. who is holidaying with her par- ick. Mrs. Strutt is improving. W. Werrv, Mrs. R. Virtue and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoit ,ni ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Liptay, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Red-i Mrs. L. Ashton. Misses Susan family, Oshawa, Mr. Bert Nor-! Havdon. knpNwate eercent Wear adBtyJn Wer manMis Shila Noran, Mr. nd rs.Ada Shrpvisitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. favoured with a piano duet and u ttBowmanville, were with Mr i. td wth r.and ,Mrs. G. 1Pehck. M R G I~%r; L Lamb a piano instru: Phn 61 Ms. 0. C. Ashton and Char- 1 -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland Mr. and M.rs. M. Stainton, took, The quartette with Mrs. E. in 0ttawa. and Mrs. Clark Werry, Trn eon Lake. aitsn humorous verses Mrs. E. A. WerrY and Bettv ta. IMîss Catherine Hawlev' Pe- set to music and escorted the *Jane, Mrs. F. W. Werry, Mis. -Miss Gloria Sadier, Nestle-j terborough, is spending the guest.s of honour to the plat- e sLo kWes Werry and Mrs. Allan'ion, spent a couple of days with week with Misses Sandra and form. Mo NcGill read a well Ie L o Bac& Elsie Bail at Mrs. Harold Wer- On Suinday Mr. and Mis. F. i. and M.rs. Allan Werry Clarence Stainton,BetWry ryshm rdyeeig onaccompanied M.ad r eetcailers a r n hstr lsadMiss Rv MrIetHmr MasLer Ce- M\Is. Lloyd Siemon of Haydon. Mis. Jim McLaughlin's, Burke- MeGili made the presentation 10 Years Ago in Newcastle cil, Misses Marion and Gloria who visited Mr. and Mrs. Har- toni. of a bridge set and a pair of Autuet 25,. 1949 Hunter visited Mr. and Mis. C. oid Wilcox, Victoria Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech, table lamps. An event of unusual local in Ferguson. The girls remained: Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm n ic n ane a Grant Werrv made a presen- terest took place on Saturday! for holidays.î and Aliston, Haydon, were Grove, spent Sunday evening tation of a silver tray, cream evening, August 20, 1949, in the Mr. Harold Spry. Rochester,. Sundav caliers at Russell Grif- witht Mr. O. C. Ashton, Lois and and Sugar set on behalf of the United Ohurch Suhnday School N. Y., visited aver the weekend'fin*s.. 1 Mrs. E .C. Ashton. Enniskillcn Soccer Club. Fol. Hall, when a farewel1 party and with Edgar Wright's. M.isses Mis. H.arold Evans, Brant- Mr. Vein Rutz, Huntsville, lowing the presentations Don- prsetaio ws ivn o1i Doris Wright and Cheryl Row- fard, is spending a few davs called on Mi. and Mrs. A. Lead- aid and Elenor made very fine arn M.rs. wAE Mielo and an returned ta their homes wt with .Mr. R. Rowan and fam- beater Tuesday evening. speeches expressing their ap- andir snsAprior elheir dr-hlm. Whien he returned home ili Misses Marilyn, and Donna Miss Lois Ashton, spent a preciation. To conclude the ture for their new home intaRhetMisKrnSy Yellowlees are holidaying witlh few days with Miss Carol Cox, evening everyorie enjoyed a Kigson Te ev W W Pt-accompanied him. Misses Grace and Anne Run- Providence, social time on the lawn,,in- teron asthecharmn fr~ Mr. and Mys. Herman Haaiss die Hr n.Mis. P. F. Bradley. Oshawa, cliuding ire creain and cake telargeagathercin an for.~ and Ronny. Bowmianville, Miss, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Preston, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. provided hy the Wearil family. S.e Dyredthe row ad MrnJ.a Reva McGi1I, vere Sunday vis-; Maple Grove, weîe with Mis. S. R. Pethick. Aln Wry in isow iimtaleGill. Mr. Albert Staiton, Mr'. and and family, were fflnner guests I o okwleetliy relIand boys were výisitois with and Anne, Toronto, Mr. and Brian, Kedron. your safety sig-nai. If you cook An gae o! softband wa stayd their parents in Toronîto . Fri- Mis. Charles Cathmoir, Osh- Misses Brenda and Donna wîlth gas. vour nase will auto- in at t oe lo a parkon Friay day evening. awa, were with Mr. and Mrs. Terrili, Hampton. spent týir tnaticallY warin if anything ever atteloa ar nFrdy Mr. and Mis. Arthur Jack- Howard Stevens. weekend with Miss Heather i4ets out of kilter. Whether it's evening when the maîried w0oj son and famiiy, Toronto. spent Mr. and Mrs. Russell Steele' and Dale Griffin. naitinive or nis curdelbeately men defeated the single girls, a few davs with Mi. and Mis. and Aleta Steele, Purpie Hilli.sicieolo sdlbrtl in a hard fought garne. The hit- [ R. J. Qrniston. Mis. Win. Reid, Orono, Nweîe Peeta'ond.itodcd teuilt o ting power of the married wa- M.adMs et egsn alr tM.adMs red A happyv event Friday even., youî protection The natural men showed up in the final in-1M and amily. Bomit eusnclle r osa r ndMs ing, August 21, in the Ennis- gas odor is sweetish, sickiv, nings to win the game 1511. and Mis. Donald Lee and fa.-i- Master Robert Slemon is bol- kiflen Hall wvas a commu-anitv miav even suggest theie's a The game drew a goad crowd ily, Miss Doreen Leighton, Mi. idaying with Jim and John Me- party held in honour of a polp- bLunch of skunks luiking around. and we dare say a large nuin- adMs ereLe savILuhi uiar yaung couple, Donald' Manufactured gas may sineil to ber of our readers either parti- iMri and Mis. Carl Ferguson, Miss Linda Robeits, Balti-1 Wearn and Miss Elenor Russell. hi-Il heaven like rotten cab- cipated in or watched the gamne.1 Mr. Leonard Bradley were with more. with Miss Kathryn Si e-! R. N., cf Oshawà, on their ap- bage. You may never experi- Remember? ***Mi. and Mrs. W. Ferguson. 'mon, Columbus. pioaching maîriage. Mr. E. A. ecre such "fragr-ant" sniffs, but Mr. nd Ms. IwinColwill Mr. and Mis. R. J. Ormiston Master Claie Ashton has re- Werry, capable chairman, weli. if vou do: open the windows. Mr adMi.hwnweîe Sunday tea guests of Mr. turned home froin Bowman- comed fiiends and relatives and glet out and rail aid. Don't strike and family had just returned and Mrs. Arthur Tamblyn's, ville Hospital after en appen- added same humor for the a mat ch. Thcre's no substitute home from an enjoyable trip toi Canibray. dix operation. evening. in tire safety for using your .the coast.I Miss Mary Griffin and Miss, Mis. Zack Adamis, Bowman- Mr. Werry then eailed on thec head anid, in this case, of trust- Pat Hoskin, spent Monda.v ville, visited with Mrs. E. following program. Splendid inig youî nase. It knows. Mrs. J. Hiler Wins Wellington Foster Cup At Horticultural Show NEWCASTLE--Mr. R. Heard o! Woadville was the judge at the annual flower and veget- able show sponsored by the Newcastle Horticultural Socie-1 ty in the Cominunity Hall on Wednesday, August l9th when Mis. J. Hilier won the Welling-' ton Foster Cup for the exhibi- toi winning the highest. num- bei of points un the showý. Though the number o! exhi- bitais was down considerably, Mi. Heard said the quality of the exhibits was excellent des- pite the hot dry weather. Mi.. Chas. Bîckle o! Bowmanville 1was the judge of the Window Boxes and Gaîdens and comn- pleted his judgin on Satunday, August l5th wht-. Mr. E. L. IBidson took bath pnizes for tiis beautiful garden and his twelve window boxes al lit full bloom. Mis. Hilhier alsoi took the T. Eaton prize -for the hlghest number o! points in the floweîi section o! the show and the Matchett Cup for the highest numnber o! pointsin the veget- able section of the show. (33) xvhile Wellington Farrow was a close second with 25 points. Mis. S. Allun won second prize for the hic hest numnber of points in the show and was also sec- end inthtie number of points In the fioweî section. JuVenile Section The Newcastle Lions Club Plaque for the highest number of points in the Juvenile section o! the show was won by John Cunninghamt. (2) Neil Allun and thîrd place was a tied be- tween Arlene Aluin and Fian- ces Hoar. Competition was more keen tItis year in the juvenile section and especially so in the garden plots which were judged last Satuiday. The prizes donated by the Newcastle Lionettes Club and the Horticultural So- ciety went to (1) Neil Allun, (2) Arlene Ailin and (3) Be- verley Rickard with Janice Rickaud, Ricky Stephenson and Wayne Hancock îeceiving hon- curable mention. Sweepstake Iinners Sweepstake Gladiolus. Donna Oughtred; Sweepstake Aster, Mi1s. Huiler; Sweepstake Dah- lia, Mis. F. Butler; Sweepstake Zinnia, Mis. B. Rickard: Sweep- stake Rose, Mis. F. Butler. The Massey Cup presented ta the exhibitai with the best dis. play of house plants was won by Mus. S. Allin. INPORTED DAILY FRON NIAGARA VEE'FS PEACHES Heaping 6-qi. basket m SPECIAL' ECONONICAL SPREAD REGULAR TULIP MARGARINE LB. 19C. ALL BRANDS CIGARETTES CTN. sI09 9 LIMIT TWO CTNS. TO A CUSTOMER Values effective at your Dominion Store in Bownlaflville, August 29th te Septemher 5th OMINIOP4 - amu mmum gamin the South Durham League f rom Kendal by a score o! 9 to 3 while the Newcastle Lions Juvenile C team went down ta defeat on their home diamond when meeting Well-1 ington in the fiust game o! the O.B.A. playdowns. The Newcastle Menchants Junior B team will play thelu first garne in the O.B.A. Play- downs here Saini day afteînoon at 3 o'clock when the Ganan- oque teant will be hene. Fans will be veny much interested in this game as the Junior B teain is made up mostly o! last year's Juvenile C Ontario Champions with a few additions fîom Bowmanviile thus raising thein to B categcory. It wiUllie interesting to see how they will inake out lit this new rating. Go Mode rn NEWCASTLE - Duîing ne-! cent yeaîs it has almost been, impossible te convince the youngeu generation o! the wea- ther we used to have un the good aid 20's when we were kids. This year the weatheiman has been giving us a hand ini showing the youngstens what that weather was like with is cold blustery winter with piles, and piles of snow and a dry. HOT SUIMMER.1 Well we think they are con- vinced, but whethei they are or flot if anyone knows the: weatherman, will he please ask hlm to send us back some o! that modern weather we had' in the good ald 501s. ENNISKILLEN Sumxner visitois with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs included Mi. and Mis. R. J. ChantIer, Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mis. Ronald Lee, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Thomas Broad, Mis. W. G. Rodman, Linds.ay, Mr. and! Mus. Walton G. Pascae, Bow- manville and Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Bîoad, Mïdland. 4 Mir. and Mis. M. C. Brown, Bowmanville, Mir. J. Osborne, Courtice, were Thuisday even- ing visitais o! Mr and Mrs. A.; Leadbeatei. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doland,! Mr. and Mis. Geo. Orwin and Rodney, and Master Bob Scott,i were Sunday visitoîs at Mu. and Mis. Bruce Iuwin's, Gilchrist Bay. Rodney rernained for a vacation. Miss Donna Gail Irwin, is 10 Lbs. (wilh $ 10.00 order) Ail merchandiso sold eay Dominion Store is unconditio.5j guaranteed f0 give o 100% SATISFAC! / 1014 PAGE ELEVIM Two Newcastle Teams S5plit Playoff Gomes Special This Week! 1951 PGI<TAC SEDAN LSACRIFICE $99.00. USED GARDEN "EQUIPMENT MAXWELL POWER MOWER, Deluxe, 18" cut, stand-up start, Practically new-- - $ 75.00 GRAHAM'S GARAGE STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE S5PECIAL' RICHMELLO ICE BRICKS *c EACH SPECIAL! FOR PRESERVINO TIME MEETING TO DISCUSS COMMUN ITY BOWLING ALLEYS to be held in the NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL 011 Monday, August 31 at 8 p.m. The future ai Ihis project depends on YOUR altendainre c UT .ý..Fý 0 010 C.OSTS AT OMINION a qem a %W a qlar a a V43P v w 11 -- ---- --,- - ---- -- -- --- ' CRE M

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