- v.. - .'* t' PAGE TW19LVB THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 'I~UTT~flAV A DG. 2 - th, lu# -- - - - - - -- - 0 0 0 *SPORTOpICS By Framk Mohun MA 3-72»4 HOLIDAYS FINISHED Puiled up in the driveway of 4 Meadowview at 9:20 p.m. glowly made way Up 10 door of darkened house, inserted key in lock, and entered with partner and lwo accomplices, namely son fast asleep and tired dog. Partner (that's my wife) and I were dog-tired too. What do you know - another Uncle Miltie. Time is now 10:35. Car has been completely unloaded, and following a cold shower, this reporter, wîth his holidays over for another year, decided 10 attempt writing this colum-n. Wial do I write about? I don't know how lhe sports scene siapes Up, no M'i write about my holidays. What an easy way 10 makej money - go on a holiday and tien write il up in a sports column of ail places. However, I did find out a few personal sportîng items whlle I was away. I can't bowl, can't golf, would neyer make a long distance swimmer, and can't water-ski. Neverthless I can row a boat, and if there's any miniature golf course looking for a pro - here I amn. By lhe way, we went to Sauble Beach for our holidays, (15 miles from Owen Sound). Il certainly is a wonderful spot,! with lots doing if you so desire, and miles of beautiful sandy beach and safe swimming, if you want to take il easy. There is a flue nine-hole golf course and driving range. about a mile from lie beach. Afler driving a couple of iundred U balîs, I was sure that I'd neyer slice a bail again. The first lime à out was pretty good for me - a 94. But lie next lime, the slice relurned and lie score went te 99. I did corne very close te gelling a hole-in-one on a 185 yard hole, and had witnesses on the green te prove il, but nobody in Bowmanville wiil believe Ja'~ me anyway. When lie guy lu lhe next cottage asked me wiat ~ I shol, I craftily showed him lie 94 card. So he's only been golf- ........... ing for a year and shows me a 91 score. The dog must have faith lu me, because he dug lie clubs out of lie sand wîerc thcy Bowmanville's Juvenile Olympia basebali team were buried, and I declded that I may as well bring them home, have had a good season in the Lakeshore League, finishing in first place af ter good compelition f rom the other teams. Speaking of the feilow next door, he is the advertising While waiting for their first opponents in the O.B.A. play- manager for the New Toronto newspaper, and, must have con-, downs, they are playing Cobourg for the league tille. The lributed some news hiniseif, being the falier of three sets of team includes, front row, left tb right: Dave Cryderman, twlns.1 Ken Coverly, Ross Turner, Ray Crombie, Don Bagneli, In bowling, 1 rolled my usual steady below 200 game. How- ever, in one gaine, strikes ini the first three frames broughta 200 score in sight, but 193 was all I, could get. Miniature golf - now there's my game. Went one over par on the par 45 course, aided by three holes-in-one. Very tired, so better wmnd tlii up for the present. Wil! write again next week. t f t t t TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS The draw for the Bowmanville Tennis Club Championship play hma been posted on the bulletin board at the courts. Time limita have been set for each round. Everyone should gel oui and play their games as quickly as possible. If you don't make the deadline, your entry wlll b. scratched ln order to keep things rolng. HAD YOUR STEERING CHECKED LATELY ? -. 0f ail the cars we've taken in V as trades in the last month, only . .. .. .. .wo went through without a "front end'job f on kin oranother. Evnthe most careful drivers hit Sa curb once in a while .. . Most of us drive over some pretty rough roads at times. Even the best Sroads have a few bu.mps. What does ail this lead up to? 1 think the most neglected part of Bill Steven nearly ail cars these days is the front end. We drive mile afler mile, and the steering has to get pretty bed before we think about it. When a car is new, front wheel alignment us set accurately to give you maximum steering ease and minimum wear on your tires. Buinps and holes un the road ... hitting curbs . cause shocks to whole front end. These shocks can in turn cause inaccuracies to develop i your alignment. As wheels get out of line, steering gets harder . . . wear on front tires increases . . . and the farther out of ie the more the wear. Il is good practise and sc'und economy to have wheel alignment checked regularly. And il also pays to keep an eye on your front tires to see that wear does flot develop on one side of the tire. Bring your car in now. Let our factory-trained mechanics put your front end in tip-top shape. When ail parts of your car are kept in f ir:;t class condition, you gel more economical driving and more pleasure from your car . . . and when you want to trade you get a better deai. AS WE EXPECT THE 1960 MODELS IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE ALL USED CARS ARE BEING SOLD AT Greatly Reduced Prices And Remember.. it pays to huy from a certi- fied dealer, where ail late model cars are guaranteedL r Jýecreatioi By Doug Playgrounds Seven weeks oi summer fun, cam e 10 a close lest Wednes- dafor lie six Bowmanville playgrounds as the youngsters converged on Mcmoriel Park for an cxciting day of tourna- mnents and special events. t Points were giv en to tie var- bous winners aI the end of the day Memorial Park playground stopped lie list with a total of 299 points. Franklin Park stood second with a close 295 points, efollowed by Ontario Street wih 267 points. Back of lie. top tirce were Lions Centre, Vin- cent Massey and Central. The champions of the day, Memorial Park.,xwon an impres- sive array of isI and 2nds. This park took first in volîcybail, boys singles tetherbeil, boys and girls doubles tetherbaîl, softball, tug-o-wer, frccklc cou- test, widcst grin. They placed second in lie boys singles been- bags, boys doubles beanbagas, Igirls tin cen cricket, and girls tetierball. jSecond Place Franklin look it place in boys end girls singles and doubles beau bags, boys singles quoits. In addition IFranklin pîcked up second place in volcybail, lug-o-war and *widesl grin. Ontario Street won first iu girls doub'2es quolîs, girls si-n- *gles tetherbali, and collected se- conds lu girls singles and dou- bles beau bags, boys singles quoits, girls singles quoits, sof t- baIl, boys singles letherbail and jgirls doubles tetherbaîl. Lions Centre won boys and girls lin cen cricket, boys dou- bles tetierbeil, buible guru Icoulest, and placed second in Isingle girls tierbali. Vincent Massey placed firsl lu girls singles quoiîs, boys dou- bles quoils and pickcd up sec- onds in girls doubles quoiîs, freckles, and bubble gum. Wiuding up lhe day' s pro- 1 gram was a bubblc gum scram- bic. Swimniing jListed helow are lie resulîs of the Red CrOS3 Tests held aI the Boy's Training School and tie Cream of Barley Pool. Minor Basebal In lie final Atom Basebaliý game scheduled for last week the White Sox won lie chemn- piousiip by default when lhc Yankees did't have enough playens t f ield a teem. Tic Cardinals wil receive the lea- gue wluuers cresîs. Crests Due to an unfo0rtunate delay tic crests and ribbons sciedul-1 cd 10 be Prcsented tb lie win- ners lest Thursday cveniug at the Playgrouud Variety Nigit 10 lie wiuners in tie various events and activities, have not yet been receivecd. They will be presented bticth winners as soon as tiey arrive et lie Re- creation Office. Beginners-Girls. Bowmanvile-Christie Sam- lis, Rit Van Heimingu, Wen-1 Lewis, JoAnn Woodward, bnda Výirtue, JoAnn Pingle, WL4TIa Rypstra, Marilyn Sta- plelîýn, Ann Laliangue, Sic- ron <uily, S uzanne Kelly, Pa-i tricia \Fair, Barbare Cowan, Beatrict Ormiston, Gail Sellers,1 Barbarâ Crombie, Karen Bell, 1 Susan tý.iinton, Diaune Miii-! son, 01l'gàa Wereszczs-nski, Wil- me Výani'e: jent, Deborai Be- vesloc, _K y ox, Penny Pin- gle, Caroi relind, Hilda De- wildt, Terr cksrom, Pat- tricia Ricih ' onnle Mati-! ewson, Sia vx(Ledy- Tyrone-Ela e Anuis, Char- lotte Annis, 1v garet Janczyn. Newcastle Pauliine Brink- man, Dalene owen, Candy Storks, Marger Werry, isa- belle Pearce. atharyn Ahl- &dredJanice R aid. Bever. nER 9evw*ws ilas Rigg [iy Rickard, JoAnn Shaw, Eliza- LIbeth Pearce, Noreen Greenley. M pie Grove-Bonnie Beech. Salem-Kathy Twist. Beginners--Boys Bowmanvile-Kent Cleland, Jim Maguire, Obie Rypstra, Tracy Osmond, Paul Parker, Doug Êayes, John Lockhart, Paul Charbonneau, Tauno Bax- ter, Gordon Janczyn, Jim Col- well, Ailan Andrews, Ian Me- Quarrie, Doug Sleep, Bobby Welsh, Dennis MacDonald, John 1Brimicombe, Gord Woolsly, Pe- ter Hoirnes, Danny Hooper. Newcastle - George Lees, Hans DeGooyer, Gordon Allun, Hugh AJlin, John Lees, Grànt Williams. Hampton-Russell Bax, Ken-ý ny Rice. Junior Resuits Bowmanville - Lana Morri- son, Louise Maguire, Robert Large, Donna Rogers, Sandra Johnstone, Jill Ames, Lorraine Hodgson, Elizabeth Braden, Na- dia Quinton, Brian Saunders, David Puk, Douglas McFeeters, Ronald Simpson, Nelson Fow- 1er, Ann Martin, April Rice, Hazel Richards, Larry Simp- son, Ronald Hooper, Beth Crowe, Betty Welsh, Judy Welsh, David Burdett, Carol Reiter, George Sauinders, J a mes MacDonald, Dennis McFeeters. Newcastle - Wayne Hancock, 1nanny Harris, Terry Walton, George Hendry, Wayne Pearce, Stanley Cobbledick, Alfred Alldread. Tyrone - Kenny Murphy, I Michael Gibbs, Patty Partner.1 WJJL's lamblin' Lon Presents in Person HANK SNOW and his RAINBOW RANCH BOYS with a big, GRAND OL' OPRY SHOW TUES., SEPT. 1 Two Shows 7:30 and 10 p.m. Reserved Seals $1.75 General Admission- $1.50 Advance Sale Wilson and Lees RED BARN OSHA WA Terry Black, Sponsor Manny Mangos; back row: Assistant Coach Herbert Moorcraft, Barrie Steven, AI Cole, Grant Wright, John James, Larry Piper, Jim Moorcraft, Alex Wiseman, John Twist and Manager Tom Turner. Coach Ted Bagneli and Assistant Coach Bob Williams were absent. Juven îles Go One Up ln Lakeshore Finals Afer bclug icld to a 6-6 lie in the first game, Bowmanviile Olympias ovcrpowered Co- bourg 16-4 bo take a 1-0 edge ln lie best of tiiree series for lie Juvenile League tille. Tic third game was pleyed here lest nighl. The Olympias hammered 15 hits off lwo Cobourg pitchersi in Cobourg, Monday nigit, tc> subject thc homesters 10 lie severe pasting. A home run by John Twist and a two-bagger by Ken Co- verlcy plated a pair of first HAYDON Mrs. K. Cowling accompen- led her ncpicw Laurence Tabb on a motor trip t Kcnuilworti, New Jersey, wiere sic met her cousin who was on a holiday from England and whorn she iadn't scen for 63 years. Thcy jourueyed on 10 Florida and spent an enjoyable wcek with Mrs. Cowllug's two daugiters returning by way of Niagara Falls. Mrs. D. Strawbridge and fam- ily, Hampton, Mrs. Arthur Tre- wiu and William. were dinner guests aI Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lovenidgc's. Mirs. Anne Eliza- beth Mertyn, Bowmauville, is holidaying with Mn. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge. Mrs. M. Brownlce, Leaside, Mrs. G. Davison, Diane and Leo, Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Linda, Enniskillen, aI Mr. aud Mirs. Lloyd Ashton's. Mrs. Rita Tennaut, Toronto, spent lhe weekeud with Mr. and Mrs. J. Aikenhcad. 1V&. and Mrs. Ron Morrison, Dougie and Rutie, Oshawa, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. M. Ber- trim. Rena aud Kyle Grahamu arc holidaying with ticir grand- parents, Mr. and Ms, Leslie Graham. Mrs. Peter Singer, Swansea, spent a week with Mn. and Mrs. D. Cameron. Mr. Singer spent tie weekend aI tic Cemeron home and Mrs. Singer returnd home with hlm on Sundey. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family attended the Bradley picnic aI Orono Park on Sunday, and in the evening they ail were at a wiener roast at Bert Ashton 's ipark. Mrs. Cowling treated the' young folk to a wiener roast on Saturday evening. Mr. Milton Siemon called on Mr. W. Mark on Sunday. Mrs. Muriel Brownlee with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton on Sumday. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and fam- ily motored 10 Malton Airport on Sunday and visited E. Ward, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard spent Saturday evening witi Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrard and Mrs. Houseman. Mr. Jack Potts spent lie weekend at Collingwood. Lynda PolIs and Mrs. Thomas Potts came home with him. Mr. Jim Graham, Bowman- ville, called on Mr. and Mrs. L., Graham Sunday. Mrs. Howard Stevens, Ennis- killen, called on Mrs. Richard McNeil, Saturday evening. Olive Rankine (Soprano) will be one of tirce artists from i Royal Conservatory of Mujsie bo be heard on CFRB at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, August 30th. Miss Ran- kine leaves for England sept. 14th where she will be heard in a series of recitals during ber stay of six weeks. WealI wish hei' a salfe journey. inning m.arkers and the locals neyer looked back. Larry Pi- per doubled and Barry Steven homered as the, Bowmanville crew added two more to Iheir lead in the second. Eleven balters went to the plate in the third, as the locals capitalized on two errors and three walks, to score six limes, breaking the game wide open. John James and Piper doubled in the sixth for two markers, and four singles along with James' second two-bagger, ac- counted for the Olympias' final four runs in the seventi. After pitching a hitless bail for tiree frames, J m Moorcraf t, wilh a big lO-ruýn cushion, let up for the balance of the game, allowing nine safeties. The losers bunched three ln the fourth and four in the sixth, good for a pair of markers in each case. Armstrong started on the mound, with H askell taking over in the second. Steven and Twist each collected three safe- per and James added a pair of. doubles as everyone in the line- Up got at least one safety. Carlson and Siater had two hits apiece for lie losers. SOCCER Hi - LIGHTS Final Junior Standing « GP WL T Pts Zion . 14 13 1 0 26 Courtice --14 'il 2 1 23 Soline -- 14 10 2 2 22 Enniskillen - 14 5 8 1 il Tyrone ------- 14 4 7 3 1l Maple Grove 14 5 9 0 10 Hampton __ 14 3 il 0 6 Bowmanville 14 1 12 1 3' Semi-Finals Home and home goals to ISoftball Star of Weelk I, TED DADSON Centre-fielder Ted Da'dson was selected as the Star of the Week, based on last Tuesday's game, which was the only clash during the week. Ted played a lot of outfield, ranging far to the left or right to make half a dozen put-outs, at least one ini sensational style. At the plate, Dadson singled home one run,, and scored another on a theft of- the plate. Runners-up for the Bowmanvill. Surplus Sales' Award were Clint Ferguson and Harry Snowden. Peewees Take Beating In O.BA. Playdowns Ajax, displaying fine al around ability, knocked Bow- manville out of OBA. Pee Wee competilion, shulting out lie locals 13-0 Wedncsdav nigil in Ajax, and taking a lop-sided 26-3 win, at the Memorial Park, on Saturday afternoon. Gerald Harness started on the hili for Bowmanvillc in both games, but gave way 10 Gary Akey in the sixth inning of the first contest, and was count. Game time 7:00 p.m. Thursday-Solina at Zion. Courlice at Enniskillcn Monday-Zion at Solina Enniskillen at Courtice. Hampton acted in the role of spoiers - junior league action, taking their third straight win afler il losses, a 2-1 win over Tyrone. Enniskilien lost to So- lina 3-1, but captured the final playoff rung whenTyrone was unable bo field a leamn for a sudden-death clash, Monday night. Front - running Zion, trounccd Maple Grove 9-1 and Courlice shutout cellar-dwell- ing Bowmanville 2-0. In lie senior division, last night's final game of the regu- 1er season between Maple Grove and Hampton, decidcd lie fourth and final playoff position. Hampton didn't play during lie week, but held a one point edgc, following Maple Grove's 1-0 setback 10 Zion lest Wcdnesday nigit. Tyrone edged Bowmanville 1-0 10 jump mbt third spot by a single point over Hampton. Salurday nigit, afler leading the pack ail seeson, Zion had to win one more and they did, blasting Solina 4-0. Courtice ended up second, just two points back of lie pennant win- ners by virtue of a 3-1 ver- dict over tail-end Enniskil- len.i relieved by Don MeMurter in the fifth frame of Saturday's encounter. Godfrey held the locals to a pair of hits in Ajax, while Huminiuk supplied ruost of the power, with three safeties. ln the game here, the visitors got, off to a 5-0 first inning lead, and had two other big innings, scoring seven in the fourth and eight in the sixth. Freeman was just about as good as God- frey, allowmng thrce uts over the distance. Huminiuk was again prominent with three more safeties, wvhile Crum also banged out a trio of base knocks. FUN FOR ENTIRE FAMILY AT CREAN<À 0F q BARLEY PARE With somelhlng new end different every vieil Il Featurlng ln the Zoo this week another baby deer (white fallow>, stili aa 11111e shy but getting braver daly... Bring your camera. Good animal pictures ean b. worth money and there le no better place to, gel lhem. Ask at the gate fer details. WASHING DONE BY ROTARY CLUB MEMBERS THE ORGANIZATION THAT WORKS FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN SAT., SEPT* 12 Robson Motors Ltd. Proceeds for Rotary Charitable Work BRANCH 178 CANADIAN - LEGION On bebaif of Branch 178, Canadian Legion, I wish to express our appreciation 10 ail who helped at the carnival and in sellig tickets on the car draw. Also we thank the general public for the splendid attendance and financial support at the booths. E. L. RUNDLE, President. Winner of the 1959 Oldsmobile: MRS. MARY KANE, Gananoque, Ontario. Seller of the winning ticket- MR. DON KEMP, Bowmanville, Ontario. Juveniles Await First Opponents in OBA Playdowns TEMMMAT. AI