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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1959, p. 13

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PAGE TBXVrMU rmflmA17. iz 'GsIK TEeNDA TAEMN OMNVLE NA Ste phen's Fuels Down Surplus in Deciding 4, ýGame of Semi-Finals Eight runs in the first inning gave Stephen Fuels an 11-5 win over Surplus Sales in the third1 and deciding game against1 Sulus Sales, Tuesday night1 at ~e Central School. Surplusi took the best of three opener1 12-O, but the Fuels won thei second encounter 6-1 to force the rubber game. Ted Dadson walked to open the first and scored on a double error by catcher "Snuffy" Hunt. when he missed Don Masters' tjiird strike and threw wild into left field. Jim Allun and Don Gilhooly walked to load the1 bases, and Harry Snowden de-' livered a run-scoring single.1 When Laurie Garbe walked to, force i a run, Dan Girardi1 came on in relief of Ted Hoar to pass Bob Abbot, forcing in the Fuels' fourth tally. Jiggs ha your son or daughter attendlng business sehool this fal? If the3' are help them get the grades they need by purchaslng a Family Typewriter Only $1.00 down Av. hable at The Canadian Statesman Agents for Remilngton Rand Business Machines y - DANCE AT NIGIIT IN RECREATION Jack Keating's Orchestra 166 Ring Si. E. Iowmaavulo CENTRE BEAUTY CONTEST FOR CARTWRIGHT SUMMER QUEEN I Open to Anyone over 16 4 Good News for Bowmanvil ROBSON MOTORI OPENS SPECIAL TUN SECTION Is your car motor giving peak performai wheeze or groan when yois tramp on the gas pedal? Does it chug and die when you stop at a ight? Ho, are you getting as rnucb as you should? For you. n section in our shop, devoted entirely to tuning up n operate to custoniers' satisfaction. carried the tying run acrou the plate - with soine sharp base- running. Carlson pitched for Cobourg and also was two-for-three at the plate although he had mound troubles and was re- ning. The catcher, Kernaghan, went two-for-three to aid the Cobourg cause. Because of O.B.A. playdowns the dates of future games were flot decided at the time. Co- bourg is playing Richmond Hill t and have won the first game.: Bowmanvillc has flot received I word of their opposition but* Ajax is the expected foS. Orono Downs Local Girls Friday Night Three f ifth inning runs broke up a close bail game, as Orono took the first game of a best- of-seven series. 4-1. against Bowmanville, for the League Championship, Friday night in Orono. Bowmanvilc opened the scor- ing in the second. when Marie Cooney singled, following a pi of walks. The homesters 'knot-. ted the score in thé fourth on a walk and a double by Arm- strong. Singles by Baskervîlle and! Cooper, an error and Reid's double, accounted for Orono'si fif th inning scoring and the bail game. Armstrong threw a six-hitter to get the win. while Marg.1 Pickard allowed five hits in tak- ing the defeat. The second game goes Friday' night at the Central School, here.i T.B. Assn. News Resuits of T.B.. Survey In Durham County f 1 Cowling hoisted to left ta score another run, and Jack Bond looped a single over the infield to plate two more. Dadson, up for the second time in the in- ning, doubled to score the eighth tally before Girardi retired the next two batters. For the balance of the contest, Girardi gave up only three safe- ties, as the Fuels notched single markers in the second, fourth and fifth. The losers, paced by Hoar, collected a pair of runs in the second, and single tallies in the third, fourth and sixth frames. Dasnplayed an outstanding game i centre field, making seven putouts, with a couple on fine catches. Left fielder Bond was cailed on ta make but one putout, but it was the most sen- sational grab of the nght, as he went up against the fence to rob Hoar of extra bases, and double Maxie Yourth off second. On the play, base umpire "Dutch"' Halîman called Yourth safe, but was overruled by the plate ump, who called Yourth out for leaving before the catch. Jack ("Snarly" by requestl Parker and Yourth were ejected from the game for arguîng the call. Dadson paced the Fuels, with a homer and a double to account for a third of their bits. The losers collected 10 safeties off winning pitcher Snowden. led by Hoar.. with a single, double and triple, and Ron Pollard with a pair of singles, The first game of a best of five series for the League Chanpionship between Ken's Men's Wear and Stephen Fuels goes to-night at the Central School diamond. Juveniles Tie Cobourg 6-6 In First Game Trailing 6-2 at the end of the fourth inning. Bowman- ville Juveniles rallied ta grab two runs in each of the last two innings to rob Cobourg of a anc game lead in the best two-out-of-three league finals. As a result of the Wednesday night tic both of the remaining games will have to be played. Jim Moorcraft went ail the way for Bowr-nanvile showing considerable wildness compared to his usual performances as he walked five batters and dlaim- ed only seven strikeouts. Mloor- craft compensatted offensively as he went two for three and ow about mileage v'e have a brand new notors to, make thern NA 3-3321 & 3-3322 Ali Prizes Rotary Fuir Go to Port Hope People Port Hope Rotary Club may pected rAi hd failed te ma- have grossed as mnuch as $1300 terialize. from the annual street fair, held One of the rnost popular P'iday to raise tunds for club1 booths, the coconut pitcht, gave crippled children activities. out its entire stock of 200 coca- Club oflicials said late hast nuts ta eagle-eyed local pitch- night thtal crowds had been ers. Rotarian Doug Bullock ad- slightly better than in past year niitted the booth had to stay and exprcssed relief that ex- open a tew minutes late so that -~ bis wife and twa friends could' throw the last balla to cdean Heil Drivers aue fai aganized by a cmmaittee hae by Harrison ,Replace Rodeo Milne, assisted by Ted Lcy p Otuer oommittee members were A. J. Balhett, Archie Ward and IPort Hope Fair Jim Reynolds. o Winners of the draw which Por Hoe Arieltual O-was a etrofheaiwr. PortHop AgrculuralSa-deep freeze, Ernest Lake, 9 Har- cletir overcame same of. its court Street; lawn furniture, S.! problems this week by engaging- Bradley, 66 Hope Street, bicy- the Lucky Hell Drivers as an cle, Mrs. A. C. Morris, 15 Vic- outstandingc attraction in COU- toria Street South; dlock radio, ntead 0f appesannfr- eetreJmierl, V94erieSreet; 4 neao f it ian nualfi etty. e me. 94 ie tret;47 day night, the da=n car and Shuter Street. rod and reel, mptorcyche stunt artiAts wilh Ronald Sproule, 98 Sherboumne p0. on their performanceon Street. i 'I~îrs<i v e n;ng. There will It was the firrt timne in manv bd fio action on the grounds, onI years that ail prize winnems ;anday 1 werc from Port Hope. -adlei Thursday practicing for it. Frn- day affernoon we helped a fewv of the chilcfren decorate their bikes for the parade Friday night. So wlth the last week full of special events we finished off a verv successful summer play- ground. VINCENT MASSEY By Connie Osmond Being the last week of Play- ground we wvere quite busy this week. On Monday evening the children enjoyed a wiener roast, paid for by our winnings from Penny Fair. on Tuesday wc spent the whole day on Arts and Crafts, working on Indian projects, which are displayed in Ken's Boys' Wear window. Wednesday was our field day and Vincent Massey came 4th in the playground standings. Our star at.hletes were, Chris- tie Tighe, Heather Moore, Lor- raine Hodgson, Janey Cowle, Cathrine Etcher, Susan Etcher, Susan Meadows, Virginia Os-1 mond, George Moore, Doug Hayes, Danny Cowle, Joey Mc- 2.3 Lens $38.25 TURRET 2.3 -- -__$69.50 1.9 - .. $79,95 We carry Ail Camera Accessories and Supplies Hooper's Jewellery and Gift Shop 29 Ring St. E. Bowmanville r GEORGE DO IT" with these Smart clothes for smart boys at pre-school savings NOW! Everything from jackets to jeans for tykes to teens! Top-notch value.! BOYS' SHIRTS J uven ile Gi ris tat the incidence of tuberculosis 15 very much diseases. Drop Opener Recreation Department -Take Secondi agonlRudU dpedtefisgaeoBowmanville Juvenile Girls p I best-of-three series ta Dixiep Lamne Clark 11-9, at the Me- marial Park. Saturday, but pro-! LIONS CENTRE !WEMORIAL PARK Camp. They swamn in the creek tested the loss, because of an umpres ppret oo rlig. Th Linda Brooking B abr rw and then we served them sand- 'With the bases loaded initeparud theew. lot of hehatweofpagon wiches and bought them POP sevn thc, i upire ao e a frecommotion and excitement over was a very busy onc indeed. wihtemnj egtta runtoscre i suteofa tor e c events of the week. On Monday and Tuesday was spent Penny Fair. Wednesday was pla wichmae te hîr ot.Wednesday, there was a field preparing for the big field day our field day at Memorial Park, That made the score 9-7, but the1 day for ail the playgrounds.! of all the parks down at Mm starting at 10:00 a.m. This in- locl lsss cme ac takna iAlthough aour teams were nWot aal on Wednesday. Beanbags-, cluded practically aIl the child- the count iii the eighth, onlly taeo ucsfl he i h-qot, ehrai i-a cri-1 ren ontepaground. Thurs- have Lamne Clark score twice in toscesute l h- uis ehral i-a ntepa th fna rae a ae hedi-roughly enjayed it. Thursday cket, voleybail, and softbail day night was aur Talent Night Iputed win night was Talent Night, Gail 1 were aîl played. Later, there at the Tow.n Hall and we spentq win. * ~~Hobbs and Mary Vandermeer were freckles, widest grin, and ______________ Monday night, under the1 singing, Betsy Philips and Lyn bubble blowing contests. Mem- floodlights in Dixie, Bown'an-1 Heilyar with their baton dis- orial Park edged out Franklin ville blasted thc Lamne Clark; play, Gaîl Hobbs doing a pani- Park by four points for the," E clb 5- a ite tkea1-0, tomime, Diane and Linda Mc- championsiùp. On Thursday lead or tie the series 1-1, pend- Feeters singing, and Gail, Bet- we phaycd games and gave a ing the outcomc of the pratest. sy and Lyn singing. They ail wiener roast for the playground The score was ticd 4-4 after five made a wonderful performance. youngsters with the money innings of play, but the locals The week days on the whole which had been won framn the broke loose for seven runlsi were normai with quiet games Penny Carnival. It was tho- the sixth,' and addcd four more being aur main pastime. Also roughly enijoyed by cveryone in the final trame ta take the this wcek we riad some very and to climax the afternoon, we win. go objecta made for the In- had a papsicle party. A Variety Karen McMurter was the in-iln contest. Show was presented at the . .. dividual star, pitclîing the com- On the Friday night, there Town Hall Thursday night. plete game, and batting in four I was parade with all children Each playground donated two runs on three bits. Barbara' participating. or three acts. Nancy Edmond- Hughes was the big slugger FRANKLIN PARK son and Joanne Bromeil sang,l with a homer, triple and a By Marilyn Housiander and David Edmondson playedý single. Elva Reid suppiied ai At the field day held on Au- Uic guitar. Our volunteer lead- single, double and a three-bag- gust 19, at Memoria]. Park, ers this suniner wcmc Gail, ger to accounit for the rest of Franklin was very successful. Knapp and David Edmondson.J the runs. We came second with a total, Ray and I would like teo thank~ The Bowmanvillc Girls play- of 295 points. Our drilil teamr n parents for their co-opema- ed ast night i Dixie, and a uiider the direction of Bil Co- tien during the summer and to' loss would mean that there wil1 ban, and our two majorettes re- Mr. Rigg for his help. The chl-' be a strong possibility of aneth- J presented Fmanklin Park at the dren have been wondcrful for er game here at the Memoriali annual Variety Show in the we enjoyed ourselves immense-' Park on Saturday. However. a Town Hall on August 2nd The IY. wmn would definitely put the drill team consists of Paul ONTARIO ST. SCHOOL locals in the next round. Parker, Doug Parker, Larry fLe and Jamie Cobban. By Audrey Spicer We used thc înoney that wc Our hast week of playground' won at Penny Fair for a corn was very active. Tuesday after- roast and had a very enjoyable noon we took our children; lIe!afternoon. i down ta the Crearn of Barley LTD. Bantams Beat Napaneel 'LTDO 'n Playoff Opener 5m3 Bowmanvilhe L e g i a n naires but gave way to Pyke in the built up an early 4-1 head, and second.F3 ke proved himself went on ta down Napance 5-3, ta be quite a bitter, picking up in the first gamne of a best of twao 0f the lasers' three hits, tbree Bantam O.B.A. series, at bath for extra bases - a double the Memorial Park, Saturday and a triple. nigbt. The Legionnaires scored once ýE IlP Jon Hancock was the star of andthdesirsgtwec in the second, the game, hiolding the visitors adaddsilsl h hr to tree itswbih coiec n 8fd sixth. Napance colhccted three safeties at the plate, i n gemresith scod cluding a tbree-baggcr. Paulsîtadeith Muttn ws nght n sep ith The next game goca in Nap- Mutonwa rihtinste wthanee, this Saturday. If Nap- r a single and a double. ae is u hr n ei-i ce? Does it knock, Vanentine started an the ing game wiil be played here Is it slow starting? mound for the Napanee club a week fram Saturday. MEN'S PARKAS Reg. $17.95 ON $9 SALE$9.9 BUY NOW AND SAVE Friday and Saturday OnIy MEN'S Su burban Coats IVY LEAGUE Ail Colours Reg. $4.50 BOYS, IVY LEAGUE Dress Pants Stripes -Solida Wash - & - Wear Reg. $3.95 ON__$O5 SALE $10,95 Bowman ville Surplus Store 42 Ring Si. E. MA 3-3211 higher in that part of the population which, does not voluntarily attend chest clinics. The unfortunate part is that there is no way to make such attendance campulsory with the general public. The only thing we can do is try to, get out that 37.217 the next time. Right here we would like to say once more what a terrifie job our volunteers did. It was a treniendaus effort to get out the 62.8% which we did and everyone must be more than pleascd with the results. We know that Dr. Hawke, our Survey Chairman and President of the Northumberland-Durham TB Association- ini fact the entire Executive Council - is highly delighted with the Committees across the County who did sucb a tremendous job. Our next goal is to get out that 37.2%! Signed, MARGERY PEWTRESS, Executive Secretary, Northumberland-Durham TB Association. ITEMS 0F INTEREST Thlnk TB Is Lleke *d? Recent figures just re- leased show Ontario as having 2,148 TB patients admitted ta sanatoria in 1945 in con- trast ta 2,248 i 1958. Resolution Passed By The American College of Physicians This Summer: Resolved that thc public should be encouraged ta continue their purchase of Christmas Seals because tuberculos- is is stili the number one killer of ail infectious y Blackcstock Fair SATURDAY AUGUST' 29th HORSE SHOW - LADIES' WORK HAINESS RACING CAR REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES we don't require any kind of chattel to do this .. . just your signature on a promlissory note. Cone in and inquire to-day . .. You will be glad you did! Robson Motors Lumted PONTIAC - 'UICK - VAUXHALI CARS - GMC TRUCKS Knight, Doug Tighe and Larry Hodgson. Thursday evenftng was our variety show at the. Town Hall where Miss Nancy Cowle gave a recitation, Miss Brenda Virtue played two se- lections on her accordion, and Miss Christina Tighe sang a song. Miss Heather Moore and Miss Lorraine Hodgson receiv- ed their volunteer leader badges. On Friday we cleaned the school grounds and then got rained out. In the afternoon we had a popsicle party, and Mrs. Bruce Milne treated the child. ren to cookies and Freshie. In closing, this year's play- ground, I would like to say thanks to, everyone concerned, and that Terry Black and my- self have enjoyed working with your children immenseIy. On behaif of the Recreation Department and ail of the play. ground supervisors, I would like to take the opportunîty ta, thank everyone who helped ta mnake our programme so suc- cessful, during the past seven THE CANADIAN STATESWAN, BOWMANvnj.& ONTAIUO ý ittnTlign,&V- ATTM 27th. 101%0 The Department of Health bas forwarded tic Medical Report on the 1959 Durham County Tuberculin Testing and Chest X-ray Survey. It reads as follows: 1. Total number processed 23,484 2. No reportable disease or abnormality 23,221 3. Pulmonary tuberculosis 4 4. Other dîseases and abnormalities - 259 Includes: Pýrevious pleurisy - - 32 Abnormalitîes, heart & aorta 98 Tumors, including cysts - 2 At first glance. that niay appear to be very wonderful - and it is. To find only four cases of tuberculosis and 259 other discases and abnormalities in 23,434 persons is very good indeed. Before wc pat ourselves on the back, how- ever, we must pause and think of the 37.2% of our population which did not attend our clinics. There is very disturbing evidence that this segment of our population includes groups in whicli tuberculosis is highly prevalent. For Instance: Recently a Uiniversity in the United States conducted a mass survey - at first on a purely voluntary basis, just as ours was. Out of 10,000 students. 8,000 attended and four cases of tuberculosis were discovered. The Board of Governors was perturbed and decided to make it compulsory for the remaining 2,000 ta attend. From those 2,000 students, 10 cases were unearthed. Tt bas been proved over and over again Enjoy the Fun Ail Over Again... When You Take Movies of Your TRIP TO THE EXHIBITION FUN TO TAKE ... FUN TO SHOW FLANNEL Sizes 6 to 16 Reg. $2.95 $1125 BOYS' JEANS Sizes 6 to 16 Blue and Striped Reg. $2.95 BOYS' JACKETS Ail Shades Reg. $5.95 $2.49

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