TT*~qnAV AT!f~. 2Tth. 1O5~ TR~ CANADXM~ STATESMAN, EOWMAKVILLE, ONTARICI PAG SNVINTEtN Keep Thin Plastic Away From Childreàn A caution te parents: dling there, cutting off air intake, 'rhose polyeth , lene bags which and causing suffocation.1 So far in Canada 10 deathsi preserve your food. keep drydu osfcaintrbtetr cieaning and laundry dustproof pdue toasufoction attinbute9 te and serve many useful purplatihveoure red esin 199 - esi the home, should never be a smaîl figue re seliy Jestna hlrn when compared with the cout-1t Ieft ~ ~o nercilrness thousands of child deaths! As with so many products o due to auto accidents. drowning,' recent scientific progress, thin electrical mishaps and poison- plastic should be treated with igadee mteigb wisdom and caution. Just as is, anbddeng stheulrlng by electrical fixtures, refrigerators. lost b egpr. ticulrly il- patent medicines and cleaning cate that an additional hazardj fluids, which have bc-en such a bas joined the rankF - one boon to cornfort and health in "ch will heur watching ln, recent years. have become a equal measure. ntormal, useful part of every household, so will plastie - if simple solution-commun Sense the samie reasonable precautions Heeae om bai.c- are taken to ensure the Safety o-esrusfrsa sef1 of chiIdren. .mpnsteine rlhorme ueo Remnember. none of tiiese sci -plsiinouhme Thin limp plastic film suchP *ntific discoveries are menaces as that used by dry cleaners to in themselves. Il is on]y through protect garments and blankets carelessness or lack of informa- hudnvrb sda àè tionon he artof arets hatshift cover for crib mattresses' they become dangerous. or pillows. Special covers ô No plastic material ever at- heavy gauge plastie are design- tacked a child. Instances . o ed for this purpose and avail- I suffocation by plastic in eery able at most stores. case have been due to misuse epti lsi usaa by a ADUT. n sone ist-frorn childreni. the saie as you ances, mothers have re-used plastic material originally i- woulcl poisons. matches orý tended to protect dry-cleaned Tkains I ldrit s toy. t clothing, as crib-mnattress or pi1- Tanoce hlrnnyrt lowcovrin'~ Inothrs 1* place plas1ie bas over tlhe ed b'ïgs %vere actuallyve to orWhen this thin plastic ma- children as playthings. Or lefl terial has served its original around the home where they purpose discard if safely. Eith-I could obtain tbemn. er burn il, use it as a garbage! Here Are The Facts wrap or lie a knot in it before Danger to children lies ini the throwing into garbage contain- tact that this material is conl-i er. pletely air-tight. If placed in! Tlin plastic is a great ad- an infant's crib. the thin fabrir v.anice in home coivenience and may be attracted to the babys- sanitation - use it ivisely and: face by static electricity, anîd safely. Holiday Ends in Death for Americai The body of Arnold Raymond TIaylor, age 49, wh'h since the fatal accident on H-igliwày 401 an Monday, Aug. 17 was rest- ing at the Morris Funeral Chapel here. was shipped on Wedneq- day afternoon on the CNR train At 5:03 o'clock ta bis bomne in Siiithtown, N.Y. Mr. Cora Taylor. widow of thie dead man, andc their son Frank, age 19. accompanied th e body on the sad joîîrney to thefr home in the United States. A daufere faced pâelvis and ugter, Elaenagtue 2eliswho arm le stili a patient In Osha. wa General Hospital. It la ex- r eted il «111l be some weeks efore she %»iIl be able ta ne- turn home. The accident huppeîîed a bial! mile east of the Ontarlo-Durîsani Countie-, Line on Highway 401 ât 3:50 oclock on Monday after- noon. Eyewitnesses stated that the 1956 Plymnouth %vas east- baitnd and suddenly went out of HJAMPTON Wright, serving in the Mission Field of Nigeria. A duet by Mtisses Joan and Ruth Marvin, "The Church in the Wiidwood" was much appreciated. Mrs. Helen McHold acconipanied these young singers on the pi- ano. Mrs. Fred McConnell was pianist for the hymns. The meeting closed with prayer by Rev. A. W. Harding. The social -hall hour brought the ever welcome cup of tea, sandwich, cake and, as an ex- tra treat. chocolate ice cream served by our hostess and lunch committee. Mrs. Lloyd Marvin and Mrs. May Bebee. A vote of thanks to these ladies, guest speaker. and al]Who helped with the prograni, _yas pro posed by Mrs. Mortoil men- derson and carried unanimous- I Regular church service was held on August l6th. The Rev. A. W. Harding od.iciating. Miss Elaine Anderson was soloist. Sunday Sehool as usuel on the loth and 23rd, with an average attendance, Mr. George Han- neâs, supeintendent. conduct- ing. Congratulations ta Mr. Jan Egas who was honoured guest at a birthday party_ given by hie familv on Saturday, Aug- ust 22nd. Guests were present from Toronto, Newtonvlle, Wooler. Port Hope and Mor- rish. Several o! aul, young people have been busy helping fa strawberry and raspberry pick- ing and are very pleased with the financial result. Tomnato and tobacco fields are calling smre o! the more experienced pickers ta help out. AppleF are the next on the llst. Ail honour to these active members of aur com- mun.ity. Reception at Kedron Honors Bride-to- Be On Friday, August 21, Miss Elsie Bail, Oshawa, whose en- gagement to Ronald J. Werry was recently announced. was guest of honour when Mrs. Har- old A. Werrv and daugliter Jeanine entertained 'over 100 guests at their home at an af- ternoon and evening reception. Guests were welcomned at the door by* Misses Marilyn Love, Toronto, and Donna Hoskin, and by Sharon Love and Jo- Anne Hoskin who were ~ charge of the guest book. Re- ceiving with the hostess and feted guest was the mother of the bride-to-be, Mrs. I. J. Bail, of Uxbridge. Pouring tea durlng the af- ternoon were P'etchet Werry, Mrs. Everett liove, Mise Werry and Mrs. flow, ard Hoskin of Oshawa. In the evening Mms. Bert Luke and Mrs. T. C. Smile, bath of To- ronto, presided at the services. The table was laid wlth a eut-work cloth centred with pink roses, and white gladioli florets. mrs. Mleredith Moffatt, Oshawa, Miss Doris Batty, Brookli and Mrs. John Glover were hostesses. Serving the guests in the a!- ternoon were Mrs. Maurice Jebson. Beaverton, Mrs. Leiand Love, Toronto, Miss Caralyn Batty. Brooklin. Miss Betty Hoskin, Oshawa, and Miss Elea- nor Mountjoy. In the Mrs. Ewart Nichol, Mrs. Nel- 1 tmas *board, tbuch banda. son Greentree, Miss Audrey The false forget. the foe fôrgive, Tiffmn, ail of Oshawa, Mrs.1 for every guest wlU go and Bruce Searle, Mrs. J. Starr and every fire burn low and Mis. Douglas Love assleted ini cabin empty stand. serving. Forget, forgiv'e, Mor 'wio may Guests lncluded nteighbours- say that Chlstinas day mnav to-be of the honoured guest and ever corne to host or guest friends from Oshawa, Eldad, Iagain. Ennisklllen, Blackstack. Brook- IT<)u(h hands! lin and Uxbridge. From further William Henry Harrison "Adi- distance were Mrs. R. H. Wy.. rondack" Murray - John Nor- lie, Mis. Gilbert Gibson, Mrs. tofl's Vagabond. Robert Hancock. Mrs. Milford Shepherd of Pres-, ton. Caf!~ Vaur , D..L. I Ah. friends, dean frietids, as; years go on and heads* geti gray. how fast the guests! do go! Touch hands, touch hands. with those that stay. Strong hands to, weak. aid hands to Young, around the Chris- ONTARI~O n Tourust conitrai. lb ewerved onte the south slhoulder of the road then back acroqs the highiway ta the boulevard where it f urned overi three or four times. Mr. Taylor the highway. et Dr. Charles J. Austin. Bow- 1manville. Durham County Cor- oner, pronounced the v.cti dead at the scene o! bue lacci-i dent. Death was due to a fractured skul] and brain lacera- tions. The body was taken ta the Morris Funeral Chael in bANIL Bowmanville by the . orrisTalr ae1,diro!tec. PulcB OWMNILEpsa Ambulance whlch liad been cail- ed ta the accident. O.P.P. Constable Bruce Tilson. a iaylortigte 1drro the acciden.ublac notice is hereby given, that in accordance with the provisions of The Liqu1or Licence Act, and in pruneo his mother. Mns. Cora Tavlor.I aby-law passed bv themuipa council of the Town -of Bowmanvllle on the Ist day of lune, 1959, 1 relquire the presence and his sister, Elleîî, were taken 1 uiia ta Oshawa Gexieral Hospital byi of the voters ai the Town Hall in the Town of Bowmanville on the lBth day of September, 1959, et one o clock in the afiternoon, tihe Osbawa Civie Ambulance.4 Mrs Taylor siîstained 'in- Standard Time, ai which time I will announce the naines of the persons appointed ta act for the Affirmative and for the 1juries t lier left leg. Ellen Tay-N ~tie"u-a te libb hodnudr" a L Yt'41.S1 < etiL lon suffered a broken pelvis and Ngaie esetiy uo hepl or hlenudrSection 6of theuie>.quor L.icence dtupon the aoalflngquetns fractured arm. and lier brof ber Frank was suffering fron severe i shock. ______________________ Mr. and Mis. W. B. Cunning-, han, Fenelonl Falls, spent the O RSl Wekn ihMr. a.nd Mrs.M R IS Are yon in favour of the sale of liquor tender I{arland Trull. The August meeting ofthie for consumption wvth nicals on licens, Mn. and Mrs. M. Symanyk J .A. was held on Wedniesday and daughters. Darlene and Pat, the - 19t.h at 8.15 p.m. în the of Wawa, Ont., spent last week home of Mrs. F. Byers. It would with Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers seem the holiday season is stili (Sr.). wlt.h us for there were only 13 Master David Shackleton, of members present, but with thce Salem, le spending a few days unusual number o! eight visit-j with hie grandparents, Mr. andI ors including the ftev. A. W And notice is further given that the Mns. R. Shackleton. Harding and Mrs. Harding. Itl oibote, Miss Kimu Harrison,, was a very worthwhile mneeting.: poli to be opened on the Colorespent tbe weekend The chair was laken by pre ¶ith ber grandiparents. Mn. and sident, Mrs. Helen McHolm.I Mme. G. Adcock, while lier par- The meeting opened wit.h hymnl ents, Mi. and Mis. W. Harrison 649 and praver by the Rev. A. were attending a wedding nt W. Harding'.SSc.ripture verses W North Bay. wvere read by M.%rs. Morton Hen-a Mrs. W. B. Sarvis and faniily derson: Lesson Thoughts bv 0 Ieft by 'plane on Friday for Mrs. Frank Anderson aima praY1 their homne at Everett, Washing- er. a vocal solo "When God'sý ton, alter spending several Love Cornes In" bý Miss Elainecfoo ocrI ei en a weeks with ber parents, Mr. and Ander-on and hynin 271 con-. from the hour o 8 'clok n te ' ' oo Mns. K. A. Caverly. who ac- luded the devotional part o!f companicd them ta Màalton Air- pro gram. port. T he minutes cf the JuIy tnect- Mrs. R. J. MeKessock, Osha. ing were rend by assistant se- wa, is spendlng a few days with retary Mrs. Harr-v Beckett andL S her sister, Mrs. Joe Chapman. àdopted as read 'and the usual L IS Mre. Harold Salter, Mrs. rail called. The t irst buginess i Rarland Trul] and Mrs. Hosken bogi owr vstea- Smih vand Mr . EL-orenzatnual Thanksgiving and Anni-W ST AR tr cttande, WilCiaEi' on tversary Sunday ta be held onWE T AR ther cttae, ilialis'Poit.Sunday. Septemrber 27tb, Therei last week. wilI be anc service only at IlFRPLLN SU-ISON o.1 Mrs. Caverly' spent tbe %week-1 arn.. niusic supplhed byNoaur emî wtbMrsu Ms. lbrti wn choi.r dlrected by M1m. AT OR NEAR COUNCIL ROOM, TOWN HALL Cole nt their cottage, LUttie ejýl, ven M olm, organist. Mr' n. ud Lake. T.Wra. iss[lsding reported lbe is await-i (1 Booth) N. HrstwereSumdyeve1in1g lita a repl from the proposedj diinner guests of! Mr.'aud Mrs. preacher at present oný Comprising se miucb of the West Ward as lies Sani Keane. Oshawa. b oia. Thanksgix-ing offeringf South of Wellington Street, and Second Concession MnI. as Ms . Caverlv. ieelop tLi ie ota ne, West of Temperance Street. Mrs. Sarvis, Roddly. Barry and ýsoon as Possible. Cinidy were guests at the honte The date for'the Fowl Sup- of Mr. and Mrs. Abert Cale.,PL' was fi<ed for October witb' and also Mr. and Mrs. D* . ç Mrs. I Iovd Marvin, convener.; FOR POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 2, Caxerly, Bowmanville. Thurs-j Our iext mieeting Septeinber' du t'. l6th ta be l'eld au the haine of AT OR NEAR MRS. S. GLANVILLE'S BOUSE. Mni. and Mrs. iMverNwîn Mount- Mrs. Helen McHolm. »oy enjoyed a C.N.R. toul- ta Two ncw Studly Book, are tù. 95 Elgin Street N. (3 Booths) Kingston and also an 80-miile1 be bought for Mission Bandý scenie cruise thnough thc 1000 and the proposed Youn g e- Comprising se much of the West Ward as lies North lolanda. ple's Union ta be starte next of Wellington Street and Second Concession Lino, Mr. and Mis. Clarence Allin i nth .rn 8 culue West o! Temperance Street, Beech Avenue and and famnily. Woodville. were re-I this session, The meeting was cent vlsitars with Mr. and Mrs. then turiied aven ta Mis. Edith High Street. Raymond Farrow. Brimacambe, who in turn in- Mn. and Mrs. Blake DeHani, troduced the Rev. A. Wr. Hard- Mise Diane Crawford. and Iîsat- inig as gucaf speaker. For the' er Brian Crawford. Brooklin, nexi bal! hour or more we en- and Mn. and Mrs. La%-erne Far- Ja«ycd listenîng ta the various row, Welcomie, were Sunday experiences sarnie humorous. of guests o! Mn. and Mris. Ray. aur guest when a voung student mond Farrow. in the Mission Field of Alberta. Congratulations ho Miss Mar- Timne was runninif out anid the 113-n Farrow who entertained a hour late as aur speaker con- fewv girl friends Manday. the ludcd the first part-we hope oçcaslon of ber ninth blrtbday. --o! his intereitin'g reminis- Misses Marilyn and Gloria cenCe. Varrow and Master Rager Fan- Mns. Brimacombe thon read And further that at Bowrnanville on row spont a few deys lait week part o! a long letter !rom our o ~ blo ~ ~ oe wlth their gnandparents. Mn. friends, Mr. and Mmi. Billý pen thI.Ae b lo boxes, add u te vtsc P- d Mns. Blake DeHart, Brook- Municipality of the Town of Bowmanville. lin. incero sympathy la extend- et, ta Mis. Cccii èollacutt and O hc l esn r eeyr 0fishiMhraeperslns aetheiebyhr O'death o! husband and fathen, o ifter a short ilines. UHeiwas a MA 3.3303 Given under my hand at Bowmanvi j gly nespected citizen of the v1age. The funeral service fer Ida eld he1h.Notheutt and Uu31 ville, on Monday afternoon, wath CIDA isterment at Bethesda. Hamsurton tiends also extend sYrn athy* to Miss Alice Creep tr, Toonto,(fanmenly a!ia GOD SAVE THE Q UEEN. ton), In tbe deat oo! er bo er ]Ber-t 1Ast week., Buial was 414 ehed adinlng lounge licence' sed premisesý A7y( àr ini favour of the sale of liquor under à lounge liceeùee for eonsumption én licensed premises? Svote will be taken upon the same questions, ln the mariner provided by law at a os 1959 until 7 o'clock In the afternoon (Standard Timne) at the followlng places s 0F POLLING PLACES: .NORTH WARD FOR POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 1, AT OR NEAR MRS. E. PRESTON'S HOUSE. 48 Chtirch Street (2 Booths) Conîprising that part of the North Ward lying South of Wellinîgton Street, East of Temperance Street te the Easterly Town Limits. FOR POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 2. AT OR NEAR MR. ALEX MAIR'S HOUSE. 64 Wellington Street Comprising that part o! the North Ward, Iying North of Wellington Street, East of Temperance Street, South of Lowe Street and Loyers Lane, éasterly to the Town Limnita. FOR POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 3, AT OR NEAR MRS. CLARENCE HALL'S HOUSE, 109 Liberty Street North (2 Booths) Cornprising that part of the North Ward lying East of Beech Avenue, and Hlgh Street, North of Lowe Street and Lovers Lane, Easterly to the Town Limnits. SOUTH WARD FOR POLLING SUB-DIVISION Ne. 1, AT OR NEAR MR. ROBERT KENNETT'S BlOUSE. 58 Queen Street (2 Booths) Comprising that part of the South Wàrd lying North o! Albert and Prince Streets, East of Tem- perance Street and South o! King Street. FOR POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 2. AT OR NEAR MR. FRANK COWEYS 91 Duke Street (3 Boothig) Comprising thât part of the South South of Albert and Prince Street&. BOUSE. Ward lying the lst day cf October, 1959, at the heur of 12:00 (noan) (Standard Timne) I shaîl yven upon the said questions and declare the result of the said vote in the said equired to take notice and govemr thernselves accordingly. 111e this 9th day of September, ithe. year 1959. ROBERT B. REYNOLDS, Roturnlng Officer. Plnted by Th. James Publishing Company Limite& BGWMaaV1I*l Ontario Mci a uuf riaivo For Tour Livoulock through STrATESMA N CL ASSI FIED-S Phone MArket 3-33013 RE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT VOTE Septeuîber, TH% CANAt)Làlf STATESM", BOMIAIM=P4 ÔNTAPM PACM simirnim llnnItSDAY. AUG. 27th, 1939