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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1959, p. 18

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* --.....~-. t TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVULL, ONTARIO rflUBSDAY, AUG. 27th, 1959 Bïrthsf Cards of Tha-ks f Articles for Sale~ Articles for Sale BICKLE-Bob and Shirley (nee I wish to express my sincere'ONE 7.50x16 8-ply truck tii-e.1 RODNEY oats. Newcastle 4146.1 Bate) are very happy to an- thanks to Doctors Gill and Mc- Phone MA 3-2124. 35_______________ nounice the birtb of their son, Kenzie and staff of Mvemorial- -I Robert George Jr., 8 lbs., 61½ Hospital, Bowmanville. for their WATER ton sale. Deîîvered.DOBEbdszinrpig ozs., August 23, 1959, at Me- kindness and help during my Phone Cliff Pethick. MA 3-2736. mattress. Phone MA 3-7049.. morial Hospital, Bowmanville.'stay there, not forgetting the 4-f35 1* A brother for Diane, Katby and!1 many callers and cards receiv-- GRLSsidee.et,8-10 Sharon. 35-1 ed. Bert Parker. 35-1 FORAGE machine, blower and Exeln1odto. Mre _____two forage 'wagons. Russel 3ce5932. odito35-1ke BROWN-Fred and Mary (nee We wisb to express our sin- Stainton. 35-2*1 - Adams) announce the birtb of a. cere thanks and appreciation to 40-AE fthehdmxd son on Fiday. August 21. 1959, our friends of Hampton for the, POTTED 'munts ini bloorXi $1.0040BAE oftrhe mxe at Memonial Hospital, Bowman- lovely gift of a bridge set and eah.Mr. E Pssnt Phone gran 3ra-2o8we .aac vil.Mother and son doing'to al] those who made it such MA 3-3527. 35-2 Pso.PoeM -81 well. 35-1* an enjoyable evening pior to QUANTITY baled stnaw. Phone FU-unrgssoe ½tn oun moving to Bowmnanville. 1MAO3-2184 er tiî Sunday7%then EDMONDSON - William and Harland and Ruby Trull. MCîAx 3-2494. 35-1ay he stove coal. Apply Mrs. J. In- Dorothy (nee Ellwood) are 35-Y< j __________-___ fantine. 30 Division St. Phone' happy to announce the bintb of SEVERAL good steel beds with MA .3-5592. 35-1* a baby girl, 7 lbs., 7',ý ozs., June I wish to extend thanks to springs. $15 cach. Dressers, oe 7/2hp SotAwte Louise, on Satunday, Augusti Dr. Ewert and nurses and staff 1$5 each. MA 3-5655. 351ON 712hp ct-wae lSth, at Memorial Hospital. of Memonial Hospital duringi- 35-1 outboard motor, new. One 15' Bowmanville. A sister for 1 my stay there, also thanks to SCN u af a, square Peteriboruhcdrbaj Marcy and Howard. 35-1 relatives. friends and neigh- bales. Gocfrey Bowmani, En- refinished. A-i condition. Bar- boums for their cards. gifts and field. Phone MA 3-2839. 35-lt;!gain. Phone 2131 Newcastle. FISHER-Bil and Joan are enquiries about me.- - - Jack Holmes. 34-tf happy to announce the birth ofi Norman Brown. CORN silage. Delivered to farrm. their son Frederick Mervyn, onl 5-l Apply Donald Boyington a July l3th, 19539, at Memorial; Stokely-VanCainp, Whitby. A T N A Hospital, Bowmanville. A baby îI wouuld ike 10 thank Drs. !3-*In.-Oil1ed - Rernired brother for Raymond andl Kath- Rundie. Underwood and Ewert, LARGE size baby crib. natural leen. 35-1 staff and nurses of Men-onial wood, spring miattress, good as Hospital. neighbours, fiends new,; $125,00. Phonie MA 3-5615. Moved MeCARTER -- To Mary (nec and relatives for kindnesses 3 Southey) wiie of John P. MLVc-, shown during r-ny stay as a!--3- Sale - Towers - Sale, Carter at Toronto General Hos- ! patient there. SAVE on lumber, direct from pital on August l6tb, 1959 al Larry Conners. iil to you. Phiilips Lumber 40' structure installedl with son. 34-if 1 35-1 Co., Kinmount, Ontario, Phone Crown rotor and ali-channel 1 117 r 11. l3tf head. Reg. $150. Sale price SMITH-Lloyd and Lillian (nie; Bill and Doneen Lake wisil ESdtaîomtcîy~hî $115 Cowling) are happy to announce 1t extend their sincere thanks L EN& LOU'S TV.ly, hil the birth of a son on Augusti to their friends. neighbours an-d you wait. at Maison & Dale I-ard- L N & L W V 2th at Memoial Hospital, Bow-I relatives for the many beautiful a. 36 King St E.. Bowmian- 31 Waverley Road MA 3-3942 manville, a brother for Mar~- gifts and cards received on the viîlle. 46-tf 33-tf guenite, Donald, Mervin. Linda occasion of their twenty-fifth and Ricky. 35-1'* afniversairy "At Home" A WVATER, bard anîd sofi, deliver- special thank you to those wond- 'ed. Prompt service. Robent H. Cars for Sale E g g m ns enfui friends who s aaby5Cae0hneM -57 rMA Engaemens cpabl Cae.hPoneeA.3547-or 31-tf!I'37 PACKARD 6. Corne and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Albert'iwuclk t hn i GLADIOLUS. ciit flowers fordrvil$6.M 3-2135* Fisk wish to announce the en- .1wud ietota l yal occasions. Daily hospital ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. gagement of their daugliter friends and neighbours for their deliverv.l. Ernest Passanit. Save 20%. Six months to pay. Claramae Elinor to James Hecr- lovely cards, gints and flowers Phone MIVA 3-3527. '27- 10 For personal service at your bert John McQueen, son of Mns. received during my brief stav _ oecl saaR -82 M. Stark. The maniage will; in bospitai. Also Dm. McKenzie,. FRESH cider ai-d apple8 for trollect. 2-tf take place in Newcastle United'1 special nurse, Mns. C. Farrow. sale. Bring containers for Church, September l2th at 3:30 iand the nursing staff at Me- apples. D. G. Keinp, Middle FOR NEW FORDS P.m. 35-1l montai Hospital. Bowmanville, Rd., Bowmanville. 35-1 and Guaranteed Used Cars _____ for al their kindness. - Cali Mr. and Mrs. Ernest V. Gray, Mrs. Pearl Hutchinson. ELEC'TRICAL Repais-Prompti Janetville, announce the en- 35-1 service to electnîcai appliances, 1 JOHN STUTT gagement of their youngest large and small. Lander Hard-i SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. daughter Dorothy Isobel, to Mn. We wish to tbank relatives, ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf RA3483Ohw James Fredrick Allun, son or frîends and neighbors for thein A- -68 shw Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Allin, many acts o! kindness and ex- 'INSULATION, blowing method, Residence MArket 3-3174 Bowmanviile. The marriage pressions of sympathy sbowius witb rock wvool. Workmanship i9tf will take place on Saturday, during the illness and death of guaranteed. F r ee estimates. BU NOSLL G Setebr helthinBac-Mn. R. Cecil Collacutt. Special 1 Harny L. Wade. Phone Clarke _UIGO SE LN stock United Church. 35-l*; thanks to our frîends and!2420ý 39-tf' _______neigbor in ampon fr teirWHITE gas ran~ge with h-eaingl T ed Campin Motors For Rent Work Wanted Rearl Estate for Sale 1 PATMNT Pon Mrkt YPNGathome, reasonable J V nN s 3-5542. 35-1 rates. Phone MA 3-3069. 32-4J.V nN s SIX-roomed bouse. Telephone P,~LUMBING, heating, eaves- REAL ESTATE BROKER 1 MA 3-5143. 35-l* troughing; free estimatus. 118 King E. MA 3-32301 -Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA Two nice brick bungalows on HOUSE, eight rooms and bath. 3-'1240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf Orchardview. Ail conveniences, W. G. Bowles, Nestieton. 35-1;ITROadetro it one 3 bedroom, other of 2 bed-1 FOUR-roomed apartment, down- ing, paper hanging. Caîl Melle' e roorm bnalw stairs. Phone Blackstock 115. Rozema, MA 3-2584, R.R. 1, Five Groom freame bngalow, _35-1* Bowmanville.342 Seven roomn brick on Welling- FOUR'large rooms, garden, nice WHITEWASHING and dlslnfect- ton St. Ail conveniences. Nice lawn, No. 2 Highway; $35 ing stables, etc. Free estimates, dlean home. monthly. MA 3-2453. 35-1 ail work guaranteed. Telephone We have farms for your in- ________ _____-- Clarke 1321. Bert Tompkins, spection. THREE rooms, quiet, self-con- R.R. 3, Port Hope. 16-27 Two downtown b us i n e ss tained, kitchenette, heated, hot________________ blocks. Inquire at office. 35-1 water, adults preferred. MA!FOR cbimney work, new or 3-3973. 34-l* I repair or any brick, block or Ch THREE rooms, modemn, private concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. hries R-anine or-Cal] L. Turner, Phone MA REL ST E OK entrance and bath at fourcon 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf EL'IATlROE ers, Bowmanville. Apply Apt. 5, - Sacrifice this Rice Lake cot- 23 Temperance. 34-tf'C. tage, 3 bedrooms, large living- APATMET i NwtoviieAnger ConstructionCo room, kitchen, bydro, grand 3PRMN inNwovle iewboathouse and dc.Only 3 rooms and bath. private LTD. 135 miles. $1,000 down. Asking entrance, beavy -wiring. Phone' Chimneys Rebuit and Repaired only $4,000. This is little more Clarke 5 r 03. 35-1 Brick - Concrete - Carpentry than the price of the lot! THREE-roomed heated apart-1 Phone Roy Anger MA 3-2273 We hqavelt argeseloetono ment, beavy wired, separate3fgod uaty ars Fre- enrac adbah Imdit ___________-____-t- ample: 100 acre dairy farm, ex- possession. Phone MA 3-2436. cellent buildings, good dlay 17-t P1ateri~ Poairs loam, milk contract of 495 lbs. 1 Pastri Reair Bulk milk cooler. Priced at THREE-room apartment with QIIC SERVICE only $16,000. ligbt, heat and water, on High- STUCCO AND NEW IVORK 52 King St. W. Bowinanville way 2. Suitable for business R . T F MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 couple. Phone RAiffdolph 33 51. R. E. T A3T 303- LTrl _11..à v;,111i anate entrance. oul furnace, age and garden. Ilu village miles fnom Bowmanville. 3-2209. gar- nine MA 35-1 APARTMENT on No. 2 High- way. Not more than two childnen. Write Advertiser 975, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 35-1* FIVE-roomed bouse, hydro, tbree miles north of Pontypool, close to highway. Write Ad- vertiser 974, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 35-1* 4-ROOMED SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT WITH GARAGE 82% CHURCH ST. Phone MA 3-359q5 34-tf Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wil- great kimaness. ui w er lA1cn liam Vice, Enniskillen, Ontario, Mn.R .Claut dition: folding single cot. Mrs.IA349 Re.A Auction Sales announce teeggmn of aJ.are 3- Hyatt, 58 Hunt St.. Bownan-1 607 King St. East their daughter Donna Jane, toe ville. Phone MA 3-3807. 35-1* I (Just East o! Wilson Rd.) Auction sale of household John Francis Johnston, son of We wish to sincereiy thank___. OSHAWA furnitune, the property of Albert I Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston I ail those who shared our sor- DO your 0w-n floors and ru s- 10-tf Parker, Maple Grove, at the Tyrone, Ontario. The marriage row in the loss of a loving moth- Rent a sander, floor polishen or premises, Wednesday, Sept. 9th will take place on Saturday I er. We especially tbank Mn. rug cleanen (shampoo inethod) 1 at 6 p.m. Frank Stirtevant, auc- Setme 9 99 t3o'c1ocik Venon Ratz, Mr. and Mrs. J. fnom Lander Hardware, 7 King CARS FOR SAL tioe.51 in Eldad United Cburch, Solina, R. Ormiston, Mn. and Mrs. st., E.. Bowmanviile. Phone 1959 METEOR Demon!zfrator 2- Ontario. 35-1Lorne Lamb, and members of MgL 3-5774. 20-tfI Dr. Hardtop. I bave received instructions Woeman's soc Uiton.Y ou r DMfa omiainelc 95DOG Dfroin Mrs. Richard Gîlmore, Lot he EnnskAsai n.ed Chucb ID oftcobntonee-195 OGE2D.9, Concession 1, Cavan Town- D eaths thoughtfulness. is appreciated Itrie, wood and coal, only $45.00.:1 1956 PONTIAC 4-Dr. ship, 2 miles south and 1 mile COLCTRbn ei _and will aiways b remembered. $65,00, oft4" lu good ang, Radio, low mileage w est of Milibrook, to seIl by CnOshAwa GenRoerHptaec on Harold, Joe, Ruth and Lander oHrndware &oEitinc, $300 down. Very smart- public auction on Wednesday, IsaaAGust 2ndospi1959,nAlice Stevenson. 35-1 MAnd3-5774. e Elctre,1950 FORD 2-Dr. September 2nd at 1:30 p.m., Robtur Cee ugClustt, belved959,__MA __3-5774.___ 35-1__1958 INTERNATIONAL bednoom, living-room and kitch- husband of Bertha Collacutt, Comiflg Events HEARING aid service. Testingi V½-TON TRUCK se fumiue, Filay Oal co dean father of Marie: age 75 service and complete stock of o e, dicsh, gssan, tc years. Rested at the Nortbcutt Dancing eveny Saturday night jDatteries at-d coîds at Higgon Co wan Equipment Tem ah orserve. Jack & Smith Funeral Home, 53 in Pontypool to the music of Ellectric Limited, 38 King St. E.,q Reid, auctioneen. 34-2 Division St. Service was beld the Northern Ramblers, coin-: 3owmanville. Telephone MA,134 onS.e.M 3569owmanvsleofiliestckan on Monday, August 24tb. Inter- mencing Sept. 5. 35-3i 3-3305. 7-tf! hn A358 utonsl ffn tc n ment Bethesda Cemetery. 35-1 implements. the property of 35-11 Olde Tyme Dancing, Satur- AUGUST Furniture Sale John Vcrhoog, Lot 20, Con. 14. _____day, August 29tb, Coldsprings.. spring-filied mattresses, S19.95:1I Pets for Sale nockTh ow ansipgo, to mils LANMr obs-At ber Ontario. Jim Fisher and Orch- space savers. $4495; chrome 1 _ ____nrho anntn nTus late residence, 610 Millwood, estra. Dancing stants at 9:00 kitchen suite. $49.50: Sealy 'TWO female Labrador Retriev- day, Sept. 3rd, 90 bead o! Hol- Reade Toronto, on Wednesday, 'i.ri.351 mattresses,- S39.95: cotiibiiiatioi er pupsfree. A. O. Timble, stein cattle, 38 milk cows, num- August19th,1959,Mdrtkorh battery and electnic portable R.R. 2. Bowmanville. 35-1 ber o! bned beifens and year- Auutlt,15,Mr obs Supper - Coldurkey, aine radios, complete with batteries,,Meoric W Cainn Past P1residentpios cakes, at the Unit-i $27.95. Ti-ade-in rocking chair, REGISTERED purebned Femalelg, pg, MCrîk W BCanaGoni asa1,lauht ds pie, Bakt ,Fi a11tractor (4 yeans), Allîs Chalmers ens f o! tlScotland, wfe obchoveedtcwn siteofelcircdGemCnh urcer, ,loBfac;kstock4,earFaineavDayt Me Gerg . angan ea ot-August 29. Aduits $1.50, child- icrm kthnsuts icti ema hperasCorbaler (4 yeans), eav ut c 34re .Lan a2dermoh refri gerators . space heaters. Iplîppies (rea:sonable). Phone Crikctvaonw Mc- en o! Kathleen (Mrs. Allan! nen 50c. 3-2 iMttrphv Furniture Co., King St. i MA 3-2993. 351*1 Cormick tracton manure spread- Stephen) o! Bowmanviile: Mary WoviwCmutyCnrW.MA -71.51*I_______________ er (4 yeans), good hune of fanm Frncs ndMjo Gore .-Monster Bingo. Twenty gamesý Livestock for Sale main.e oe hsi o Laing, Port Churchill, Mani- -twenty dollars: five games-' ATTENTION FARMERS! prdui b erd of Holstein cattie toba, and dean grandmother o! tbinty dollars; $150)' jackpot, and TC TT.trTI HOLSTEIN bulle year oîd. Roy vac nad.H.I T.B tested. Jack, Edwand and Jimmy. Senv- two Jackpots at $250. Door Ui.SED E U lr±'± T ± MeLauglilin, 17 r 3, Blackstock. vaccinatle nd blood e, Sd ice was beld in the chapel of ipizes. Next Monday. 8 p.m., l NENTOA 35-1 Fr od ersne em the Huhphrcy Funeral Home, lRed Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf INTERNATIONAL_________ cash. Sale begins at 1:00 sharp. ________Avenu._on________ FARMALL CITB TRACTOR Reg. Jolinson and Ted Jacksonn, Ba2vicLEAvenue, on Saturdayg- Augut 2nd t Ila.m Iner- Atnual Pilgrniage te the ol.d with Mower and Plough 20LG RNpleslaiga i five months old. Phono MAnkot* adtioners; GrgmerEdwands ment Mount Pleasant Cemetery.. Hay Bay Church near Adoiphus., FARMALL 3-2887. 34-2* dGadGnaclksJi 35-1:town, Ontario, will be hcld on SU'PER "C" TRACTOR Bell on records. 34-21 _____ Sunda y. August 301h at lb nec -o utvtr 10DKL ultrayt Umphrey, Lila - At Toronto o'clock, D.S.T. The Rev. Wil- ih2-ayClivtr 5 CKall pushewsRAdy-1to East Genemal Hospital on Sun- liam G. Berry. D.D., Associate MASTRACTORISaften 6 p.m. 351* day, August 23, 1959. Lila Secnetary of the Board o! Evan- "2 RCO Thompson, beloved wife of the gelismn and Social Service,. The MASSEY-IIARRIS 112 SUFFOLK ewes, 1 ram, 13 late William J. Uniphrey and; United Church of Canada, will '130" TRACTOR lambs. Phone Newcastle 2136. dean mother o! Dorothy (MNrs. be the guest speaker. 35-1 ALLIS-CHALMERS iPe ter Konyk. -35 -1*1 Fred Green) and Ecina (Mrs. - TRACTOR . - uto aeo ITWENTY-TWO Yorkshire Pigsio Sleo William Thompsoti) both of DON'T FORGET JOHIN DEEItE 3-Furrow PLOW' six weeks old. Onville Hind- i Toronto: Jean <Mrs. Clarencenrm on Ilubber iman, MA 3-5225. 35-1* Gibson), R.R. 3, Bowmanitiville B A K T CK FAIR B idig Jon !Osaw.intinJOHIN LEEIIE SUB-SOILER!11 ane J hRfeshadwaSAT RDAY lUer29 FORD 2-Furrow LOW '150 READY telay pullets, No. POET SALE No. -o4o0 until Wednesday noti. FuneralOe Pa . 3 Rubber-tired phn lcsok4r1.3- own of Port Hope. County of service was held in Vom tO rning P raue 1 A M TRAIL CULTIVATORS 25 ANGUS cows and heifons, liDurham, being a clapboard, 4- United Cburch on Wednesday, l FNANC bull 18 months. Farm soid. God- room bungalow and a claphoard August 26th at .2:30 p.m. In- ____________FINANCE_______ frey Bowmnan, Enfield. Tole- garage located at the northern teren S. oh'sCeetry pone MA 3-2839. 35-1! edge of the Town of Port Hope] ___________ __________ o a ~qimni~HLTI Npongiscedsfes on the east side of Highway No. _____Twnsip.____________C._HLSTIN________adfes 28 at the intorchange onto I Me ramMiss Hodigins' office will be 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 cows. Apply Bihl Jewell. Tele- Hlghway No. 401. closed until Septenîber 8th. 35-1 phone MA 3-2987. After Sun-Saeobeelonteport BANKS, Alrd-In îovîng me- 34-3* day COlfax 3-2019. 351* on Thursday, September 3, 1959, mony o! a dean husband whl~of Dr. E. L. Ewert's office will 200 DeKALB Pules ui s at 10RM:0 ash., oal rTio. passed away Sept. lst, 1958. be closed froni Aug. 16 to Sept. îng te lay, also 35 yean-oldiChoque (cholque to be mado I Ho suffened much, ho earn-d 7 inclusive. 33-3 A White Leghornnliens. H. C. 1 payable to Treasuren of Ontario) his nest. - Podwell, Newcastle 3856. 35-1 together wlth a Performance1 The Lord took him home for Dr. Feiguson*s office wiil be Bn f$0.0 Ho knew best. closed during August, and te, 100 MIXED White Rocks, hatch- Boorfur$10inoratin,0.as -Even remembered, Wife Edith.: September 4t. 35l*~ ~,, ed July Ist, aIso, Dekalb, 101FofuheInomtnlas 35- * iAso Agsi8h.Dr0iso's UL TANK WOKK1f$!7 and 309 pullets, vanieus ages. contact: As of AguTt 8t.SDr. Ssson's MA 3-3961, H. J. Brooks, R.R. 3, The Auctioneor. 1 'LT MSE UE M1 Mr. Murray Noble, TAIT-In îovîng memory of a office will be closed until Sep-, w rtxrcU k Bowmanville.35* Baltimore, Ontario. Tait, who passed away Augitst. ___________ 32-4: E lpTL -34R dean 1u9n5nd0t. Jc obe s bieo oldy.IRoom and Board T pOneR 2 26, 1950. . ~Attention, ladies-AIl those "' __ --__ OI Fathen in Thy gracious keeping wishing to join Ladies' Major; ONE room, board optional. Dial Department of Hlghways, Leave we now our loved ene eaethsesncoatthM Port Hope District Office, sleeping. follow-îng: Helen Vivian, MA!A3-23.o51t3 Hope, StarNo.h -Ever remembered by %vife 3-7944: Essie Cox, MA 3-58721 , TWO boarders wanted, running TlpotHe, rntr 5o.8 Amy, son Jerry and daughten- beFone Sept. 5th. AI] tcams water, sbowen. Mrs. Duxbury, TephnTrer528 ln-law MynIle. 35-1 will bowî., early, 6:45 pa. il St. S., Newcastle. 35.1 DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS Mi ONTARIO WILLTON-In loving momory ________3. ~ ~ ' LARGE noom for gentlema 35-1 of Francis Evenoît Willton wbe' OMNIL Board if desired. 205 King St.I died 26th of August, 1957. ~ MA 3-3186. 3.* Personal -TeFaxily. 3-' Nursery School R' 'I _____________________and __d Nursin Home Openlng Wednesday. Sept. 16' Yui E SO iR o -or atd HSEFEU n d NursingUTo e 1 --DIS hairs re-upholsterod to look For information and enrolmett;LADY teacher wvishes rooîn and btter thanlnew. Go where y-ou The South Havon Rost Home -Licensed accommodation avail-' able for up or bed patients.] iboau Newcuaste4441 . 29-t MRS. ÎA N OSBORNE MdArket 3-3287 85-1 ~ NIQI Oit QI I - (.1<1 .V-,I -< Ward. PhonieNladoc 191, or estimates, froc pick-up aîîd do- Iwrite Box 99, Madoc, imimediate- livery, cail Modern Uphoisten- IY. 35-1'ig, RA 8-6451. Oshawa. 33916 OSH-AWA TV TELEVISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION and REPAIRS Phone Bowmanville Oshawa MA 3-5522 RA 8-8180 25-tf Save Money at 1Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanville CORNER KING and ONTARIO 24-tf PLUMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING TONY BAARS Mor-Sun, Powermatic, Morrison Webster-Atlas Dealer - (las - Oil 66 King St. W. MA 3-7127 -BOWMANVILLE 20-tf Harry Lee Laundry 19 TEMPERANCE ST. Phone MA 3-7021 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Also do Wet Wash - Dry, Etc. Pick Up and Deliveryl MONDAY TO SATURDAY QUICK SERVICE 6t Wanted ta Buy USED Woods etectric grinder. Roy McLaughlin, 17 R 3, Blackstock. 35-1 REALTORS Members of Osbawa and tilstrIct Real Estate Board New bungalow on large lot with attached garage. $ 13,000 with $1,500 down. Brick bouse on large lot, central location. $6,900 with $2,000 down. 98 acre farm on corner of two paved roads. Goocl build- ings. Asking $25,000. Terms. We have a large selection of farms, homes, businesses and acreages. WALTERFRN 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanville Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BOE 100 acre Cbristmas tree farm, brick bouse, small barn, 25,000 trees planted. A good invest- ment at $9,000.00. Termis. 44 acres, frontage on High- ways 2 and 401, good pasture, plenty of water. A real buy at $4,400.00. 14 acres at Mapile Grove, 7 acres bush. Price $300.00 per acre. Several lots and smnall acre- ages priced as low as $1,500.00. Commercial lot on highway. Price $5.000,00. New bungalow, not complete, good well. Pnice $6,000. Down, $1 ,500. Wanted for client -House witb few acres of land, i good location. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanvile Phone MA 3-3644 SDe With Real Estiei ALL kinds o! livo popltry1 200 Acre farm, 175 acres wanted. Highest prives paid. workable, springs, L-shaped M. FiaIt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 1 bank barn, drive shed, etc.. 9- 7 r 13 coliect. 9-t! roorned brick home with mod- _______________________ 1_enn conveniences. Any reason- HIGHEST pnices paid for used j able offen accepted. fumnitune, appliances, television, 1 125 Acre farm, 85 acres wonk- sewîng machines, etc. Aisselo able, 18 acres mapie bush, 94' and exchange. 59 King St. W. x 45' bank barn, spnings; 9- Phono MA 3-7231. 42-t! noomed brick home with modern HIGHEST pnîces paid for live conveniences. Pnice $14,500 poultry, goose feathers. eather with $6 ,200 down. tics, cra irn, ags meal 36 Acre farm, near Newton- andks rafurs.Pono RAgs3-2043 sville, ah workable, 90' x 30' anshaw, clle.PoeRA324-tfbank barn, nunning waten, drive Oshaa, cllet. 4-tished, etc.; 6 roomed home with modern conveniences. Asking Personal $16.000. Terms. ______________________ 50 Acre farm on twe higb- HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber ways, 35 acres wonkable, 10 goods) mailed postpaid in plain acres wood, stream, bank barn, sealed envelope with price list. heu bouses, etc.; 8 roomed home Six sampies 25c, 24 samples 1 with running water. Asking $1.00. Mail Onder Dept. T-28,1$12,000. Ternis arranged. Nov.-Rubber Ce., Box .91, Ham- 100 Acre fanm, near Hastings, ilton, Ont. 1-52180 acres workabie, bank barn, ________________________ en house, etc.; 7 roomed home. RepairsPnice, including cnop, machin- eny and stock, $10,000. Terms. RADIO and television repairs 98Arlar,7 cebs wonk- Prompt service. Pick-up anni able, 12 acres mapiebsL deiivery. George's, 85 King st j sbaped bank ban, silo, etc.; E. Phono MA 3-5713. 29-tf 8-roomed home with furnace, - unning water. Asking $10,000. I GUARANTEED televîsion and Terms arnanged. radio service, te all makes.1 6 Roomed home in Bowman- Same day service. Television r ville, close to business section Service Ce. Phono MA 3-3883. with 3-piece bath, kitchen cup- 49-tf boards, lauudry tubs, storms _______________________and sereens. Double garage. REPAIRS and rewiuding, arm- Pnice $8,000. Terns. atures Iurned, te all makes of!, 5 Roomed bungalow wiîh aI- electnic motors. Higgon Elec- tached garage, patio, next to tric, 38 King East, Phono MA school, nico location in Bowman- 3-3305. 7-tf ville. Pnice $10,000.' REPIRSte il ake o!sew 6 Roomed home, east New- ingIR macins. ro pckup ofnci castle with running waten, 3- di miv e . Lavreey's argain i piece batbroom, heavy duty Centre, 59 King W. Phono MAwîe.Pie$00. oms 3-7231- 44-tf 1 5 Roomed almost new homo near Courtico with oul furnace, REPAIRS te ail makes o! ne- kitchen cupboards, nunning wat- fnîgorators, domestic and cern- or, garage. Down $ 1,000. Price mercial; miilkiug coolers. Hig- 1 arranged. gon Electric Limited, 38 King 6 Roemed home in Newcastle St. E. Phono MA 3-3305. 7-Il with ail modemn convoniences, nice modern fireplace. Close to Helrp VVanted school and new 401 Ilighway. r' Price and terms annanged. 12 Roomed solid brick home E xperienced in Newcastle which could be easily convertod into 4 apant- monts. Good water suppiy. WAITR SSES Extra lot. Price and ternis ar- Wanied nned. Contact Part Tinte Fuli Time; John F. De With Good IVages, Benefits, Etc. Re îtor and General Insurance Apply Newca.stle Phone 3341 flîifpyn~n alesmen: Flying D ichma I Donald MountJoy, Bowmalvllo MA 3-3950 Motor ofel oss Davldson, Bethany J1. J. BOURKE - MA 3-33731 Phone Z ri 35-1 1 & 85-1 Real Estate for Sale Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. L. Bowmanvllle Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - à. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Reduced for Quick Sale! 2 bedroom bwngalow, large living-room, dînette, beautiful kitchen, bath. forced air heating with oil. Large landscaped lot. West of Bowmanville on No. 2 Highway. $6,900.00 ful price! Hurry for this one. Lovely 5 room furnished cot- tage at Cedar Crest Beach. Boat and motor. Only $1,000.00 down. 48 ½f acre farmi with 2 hous- es. This is located north of town on good road. Some fruit trees, bernies, etc. Priced to seli. WANTED-Nice bungalow in, mnedium price range for cash buyer. New N.H.A. bungalows for sale; buiît to your specifications in the moderate price range. 35-1 Pedwell Real Estaie 200 acres, close to Lindsay, 130 acres workable, good pro- Iductive soul, level, no stone, in- sul-brick house, 6 rooms, bank barn 40' x 100', $15,000. Terms. 100 acres close to Newton- ville, 6 room clapboard bouse, bot and coid waten, bank barn, 12 acres orchard, $16,850; small down payment. Supentest gas station and snack bar on 35 Highway. Smail down payment and easy tenms. Gas station and snack bar, Sheli service and car sales, on 35B Highway close to Lindsay, last year's gallonage 70,000. This is a rare oppontunity, reasonable terms. 9 room bouse in Orono, 3- piece bath, oul furnace, cook stove, hardwood and tile floors. This must be sold to close an estate, $9,000. Terms can )be 4 room cottage at Maple Grove, nîce grounds, $6,000, $800 down. Money te blan. Hf. C. PEDWELL, BOE Newcastle Phone 3858 Salesmen : Maurice H. Pedwell Phono Newcastle 3851 Wm. A. Heron Phone 12, Brooklil E. Jeffery Phone 238, Coiborne Leask Real Esiate 6 room brick with stone tnini bungalow on Frederick St., landscaped, 3-section basement, bot water heat with oil, alum- inum storms and screens, broad. loom on living and dining- room, large kitchen, 3 bedrooms, attached garage, double paved driveway, large lot. This is a new extra special bungalow. Terms. Grocery store with living quarters attached, new wiring, slicer, scaies, pop cooler, meat cooler, cash register included. Stock at invoice. Owner selling due to il bealth. Full pnice $5,000.00, cash $2,000.00 Bal- ance easy tenms. 7 room brick on Queen Street, 4 bedrooms, fireplace, full base- 1ment, garage. In excellent con- dition. Pniced to sell at $12,500. Reasonable terms. We bave farms, acreages, bouses too numerous to iist. Cal at the office for information. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MArket 3-5919 35-1 Help Wanted SINGLE man for dairy farm. 3851, Newcastle. 35-1 ELDERLY lady for store work. Phone MA 3-2753. 35-1 RELIABLE young girl or lady for baby-sitting while mother works. Phone MA 3-3752. 35-1 LICENSED mechanic. Apply in person to Mr. Fred Owen, Roy W. Nichols Garage, Courtice, or Phone MA 3-3922. 35-2 MALE and female-at Canadian Canners, Port Hope. Free transportation. W. S. Staples, MA 3-3938, Bowmnanville. 35-1 MAN wanted: Unexpected change causes vacancy in Bow- manville. Splendid opportunity for year-round incomne. For de- tails write Rawleigh's, Dept. H- 140-917, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. 35-1 ARE you satîsfied wîth your present income? Would you like to seil the finest fine on the market sucb as: Vitamins, ton- ics, household and farm pro. ducts- High commission and bonus. Write for catalogue and details at Familex 1600 Delor- imier - Dept. A-4. Montreal. :35-1 I HAVE a Secret. 1 arn a home- maker working evenings only, 8 - 10:30 p.m., and earning $8.00 per evening. I do not canvass deliven or solicit. No investment. Our company i s addin three ladies to staff in Bo-. manville and district. Whoar I? Cail Mrs. Carr at MA 3-2758. 35-1 Wanted DEAD and crippled tarmn stock, picked Up promptly Phone MA 3-2679. MargwiâFl ur Farr PAGE XIGHTEEN 1 1 -.fflm l"d" 1

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