THURSDAY. AULi. 2'tfl,1959________________________________________________ est and plumpest. Into a very colour. When the second coat is Canadian shopping bag he dry, peel off vour tape and you would pop a cijcumber .wt have perfect stripes! whiskers. or a vegetable that. f ~ a i'r ' e o r You might want t neti fi looked as though its brocoli lnlumtefor r veri (~~p~~ AU 1mother had had an affair iteeitgfor withalo- <IL a mustard plant, for it was a (U1tIlb A4 th) eariing fb r rg abloomn on its firm. green head Witnb X-Kr wangfreu. t î J with gay yellow flowers. If you are decoratinLg for a C. rseodd ihmyPn yung ni, who st ih wa o ,na r ll' uitute rlsof ter re fer n- Trailing me with his pockets Tedy uuiZt car. This offense took place on lti il o ih rfrt chases, my escort witb a very victed on Tuesday of riding a Road. An older man was fined ine fabrics such as dotted Swiss tolerant air suggested we stop 1motorcycle at 66 miles an hour rmaero Cotycw an stpe cttn fr for luncheon at "The World*s aiong Scugog Street, was refused o. 1, tne Scuog oad, cushiond hsted oy. s o 8 V D O R O T H Y A R K E R M ost F m u h n s e t u i e t a i i i y M g o N o. 1a , to c g oul st. B u he t er i i by o il rant", or so its proprietors strate M oore, Lindsay, w ho re stimony s o wed on hat an ac- lu tky t th e youx b oor gh irha f liked to boast. We sipped our presided in Bowmanville Mag- ceien hhaped tatas a -ultj bi toen oo Andluekier In the area of Hastings and of the Canadian National Rail- weak green tea with our mouths istrate's Court this week. ofdet h ayhenmas ad o sutil, bi s a re nhad uker- Pener tretsIn ancuve, was i Vacovervolnter-upsde own an ehwedat The accused had been fined structed traffie by the parking~ ated it especially for him! B.C., is the third largest China- ed to be my guide. I have since, pieces of sweet and sour spare $40 and costs or 21 days in jail. of bis car. town on the North America n wondered whether lue thought i ib heaped on a platter a1lmos Evîdence given by a member of Thdrvroalubetuc Continent. Here 15,000 Chinese I looked like a over for a as large as the table at whic.. hedrorewa iovcedof avingrivrute reside and expand their coi- session in an opium den, or the we sat. Serviflg us was a smiTleY showed that he had turned froni his truckc through Bowmanville S inercial talents, somne to great type that might spend her bot waiter whose erisp. wire-îike King Street into Scugog Street reeteparat fortunes, while dthers earn as tom dollar on a pseudo Ming Chinese hiair had been perman- and driven at an excessive rate rcnly with 13,000 pounds good a living as any average vase (there are almost as many, ently waved into an Elvis of speed towars the outskirt overweight. He had lbeen soo Canadian citizen. lJapanese imitations in tbePrsly duck back". i0sh on Te1-erodth;ped Byo stabile Plisc andol Re Vancouver's Chinatown ,s! Chinese gift shops as there are This is the sort of concession man pieaded guilty as charged. tkt the wnavle Polsceaesnad recognized as une of tne courea hns ae)frh i- h o aainbr sa When he asked for in the town oit Highway 401. ~ gn try's outstandimg tourist attrac- oted me with the solicitude of tics are making to our North1 which to puy the fine and costs A Young nman was convicted e i n tions. It has ail of the atmos- a patroniziflg father froin ilsopAmer-ican wav of life. They Magistrate Moore stated that he of careless drivmng and was fin- rn eeeax t av yhe oits iaic nts ae cn u eoeI o h hpigasie okand rîl fh-I did not have any sympathy for cd $20 and $2 costs by Magis- Separifte School boards repres- phe is Ainie nt t erpon-t, t fore1go hesopi ion exteriorIv. but will forever hlm. The Young man had been trate Moore. Constable Pi fomdt a.inlw n reIvstdteofc fternanl lto h utomsandi hi- 1entative, bas submnitted bis re- foredtoCahdanlas ad rg Ivisiedth ofic o te enaîI o 'hei frefthrs - oa danger to many lives and for lips testified that this man hadj sgnation from the Durham *àegulations. Thev are rated on weekiy newspaper "TIhe Chin- f foods ofher freat ers uS this reason the Magistrate point- be rvn ot n Dk onyDsrc îhSho the coast as excelient citizeiis. ese Timnes". A round faced Chin- wivli 1. 1 stili pefr1v ed out he would flot give hlm Street. HiCa a oe ou <1j Distlric t ihiscweek. soei-black and rmv soare ribs roast- te xratiereuetcar a. f otrl a d ski e O3uet boardi a ere hswe.1 I decJded ifier 1 lhad viitedi esc boy volunteered oei-teetatm eusdt pyofcnrlndkde 13eti to th s ors t he clse formation, but not much. He &f with sage dressing. He s g etd ta e s i ls ars e oil P rIThe resignation has not yet tuthsorof ithet.Pacifie fonded the dime 1 had paid motorcycle. tuppartes Cicean, tbat al one neeclcd to for tecretisu.a1rt-1l~TTT A fine of $20 and $2 cuits also crossed the road on Duke e Mr. Devereauxis eisgnation eîJoy tho, expe-c-i:ece was a' cd in thie hieroglyphies of his STilVLL ee!eidaais ancn treet again and crashed against would reduce to three the nu- native ongu, nd beamed gaist amncorv n- i ie pone Ytetw strone stoiraeniiaid an open ive ogu',énd en i cnt2 m.aîdMr À obu a i victed of passing another vehicle a chimney on the side of a ber of Port Hope representa- - \ Nhireobu oac,*n1 a cuarve while rvn hi house. Constable Phillips stated,cunloeapitdb tc tir.,!eci his peopteron haviîu MI--. Cliffoci dFujik attended ai - - p---cublc iol nebloiird a ubyi eii i ta of m inav-1fuetaii eeti a tziniîî' picilie ai ErnaSaturday. nth p arlic s ho olhard.ueb membî u le 1aï ut he oitg Chinese. Douglas Jui.. M.aî r.Jc ak oni[ t lbl o e s~ia u nrOtli l The spublic scliool Pulc etîn Dprtnrî s eme 0 nrFd raled end.Ovn on. v cating the largest number of - Prliame ii "eceitci'dirrer guests at Miss Iln Me.nxory of Leonard Joblin, Nestieton ppi ntedsrc sette Nwe mactlehe roundics of iatiVe By MarionTalrF d o napitm.,adtà miarket shops and thuse design- Mr. and Ms.Orire Fails and mm ple osprt el -L ~ 1~ ed to1ue hetouia dllr arnlv weBlun a ckdnne The song of aligels, was your voice. tboards. I yÇ ~riglit ont oi any purse. 1 thinki tM.MrtvVBak- AI] loved you. there was no other choice. i Port Hope couiieil appoinýteesi the nios eth fsnina tedne c k c n \1s.E he n You lived al-d died at home with God,1on fthe Durhani board are W. C. the ort crethe mely ons M. an Mr. E.Shir sai 'Keyes and J. T. McCreery. A I %vhere barbecnied dueks and M\iss L. Shiier. Toronto, <peut Where, oh where, is a stronger rod? vacancy left by the resignation geese. highlyv gla,.ed and coin- the weekend ai MUr. Lloyd Hai- The fight you tought. the course is i-un.of H S. ifel svra picte w itil ,eadý, aad feet il ]xel' The faith you kept! 1 cannot wecp. months ago bas .not been fileri. 1 uver boxes ol dried and salteci MIr. anci M.Nrs. Clifford Reid oetocetia or lne .E rne stepbi fish. heads, fins and ail. On an L'and iaughiter visited Mr. E. Gra- L Th ometof y, bth as oustone, W.sEhool banrd pinte publexa 1 ai jacent- __ - _ sepin _______ er. uftactured wares at ridiculou.s Third Liie bad enab le to holdii,,m Osham-a hJýiw eek. coidhave saved niyself sev- HaIlowel. Convention O nl O nes o P t o Sprouts q reldars1 I found to ïny Recentiy Bob Fails. Lyn or nt T ol. :,rastomishment that there hurst Lorige. Toronto. noe ar ostandard prices in Ch!- a visit aihome with hi- par - r ntIoge o l naon. Eachi shopkeeper ba-" ents. Mr. ard Mrs. Len InUs to rage MThe snakebird or water turlcey. bis own scale and evaluation of Monday afternoon Ted Starl is aroreCoh 1s Canadian doctor ýaid re- Anit ncireasingl lrg nm a fisher elIosely related tu the cor- how nuch the tourist !S Woth entertained a tew friend.,s atj Elizabeth Knox, Miss Colleene cently that a "'staggering numn- ber f poato gesnovi morant, gets itF namne from its wie rw in hn is store, h.hom111e. Hutchiinson. and Mns. Myr ber)of instrumients and, other kîo h trk0fpvntg long, flexible neck. The bead is 1 observed that men eviderit- Ms' airm ura-Hopps were delegates tnrice0r lf npainswb-p te rmk sfprouting.they armed with a daggerlike bill, which ly do ail the shopping for the ville. .seu udywtm M.recent animal meeting of the dies after operationsý. .î'use a e rmcal koutn a Mal- it thrusts forward as a snake wouild t'Chinese domestic tables. WhIere andi Mrs. Hoia.rd Farrow. Federation of Women Teach r H. B. Hilton. aiociate cie Ha eide.nonauMl strke Wih sngl trus i cn ithrewere gaskets of weird -Uar dMr .RseSavers soito edi oo-necHdave p,.rea lsh. If alarmed it can, vegetables displayed openly on Mr and -, rs. John Murphy Mr. to last week ai, the Royal On- dicai Protecive Aisoîation, Meth -da prayed on in sarcely a vpdinnewmfo- er aeIomebut beuor log isa hun r Foeetab lie s werpddan tri- ha r n-taMdiss uy g heni. Terain aches ai te1 ede,35sogC ie1 avs i he l d Stops caeul onggovrer vekn. rnhI nai Departinent of green bean to select the crisp- eneIwie anatr.Ot,- n.u becAriutre h chemical ivas Dr. Renneth Mcaa. j the plant'so E1ctin AI] "resulted ini trouble". "le f wîer .t i thWl Pe etbers&L Bus Tour EruaMtors Consultant to Gen- told a joint meeting of the <aû fo up to a perevTetate * ~~~~~ I ~ ~ erl otrsLtd., Topeka, Kan ainadBikhMdc ~ s.y ya.Teptte as, who je considered t àn.adBi1hM icl A. tens firm and useable un- OS AW W OD PR DU TS 1 n oy d 1amnong thc bcst public speaker The cI ymo n £ndiitbrd I til the effect of th,- chemical OSHAWA WOOD RODUC S En oyed y ;in. tile unitedi STtaatonrd~ilbrdt finally wears off. -understand how forceps coîild 'The chemnical is easy te apply iNS Y UL cl roube left behind insideabody but topotato plants -1» hflie îld. c~îvr '0 U ocal roupthere ae vra operatis ýAbout 6 to 64~ pounds of thel By Amiy Tait ïStart Campa*here the s th s chemical powder. mixed in 80, 1 , to 120 gallons of water per acre, On August 8tîî at 8 ar.ti. 36 Ài 1Asa id. are spraycd on tlue plants just passer.gers left BowrvnanvLr:e oyv a rn Ag a in si The number of ae where before harvest and after the Ganlon's bus. We hiad lunch at atce er otwssali potatoies are fully formed. It is Coliingwood, then Up the Blue copaionwthth ume imlportanlt k> apply the chenu- Mountains to the Scenic Caves. PlastLic a ooprtns cal after the potatoes have Sm ofteprychxnbed, In Canada ;sponge counts reache~d full blom, and after weomemdefinmose opsrty .b tubens have been set and tormi- down 1ad«ýers and ropes nto Next nionth. the ont rÎo the operating nursing staff "but ed: In no case should it be ap- the raves. To verify this thev Satel 5 Leagie iwîll wage a ns- 1 mtmstesrenpae pidwe osbgnbtr brough np le aîî droped iltional canipaign tu îvarn agaiiust I too great a reliance on the staff browys and die. Poateinn- dowen lunr eeâ:s.the i h îdoliv tue danoc.s o" tlun plast'i doinx the courut. ed for ,eed should flot be treat- have been verv acceptable. 1ags ný such b dry polyethylene "ot ugosae aeo:ed. onDO U B LoErei a an, Grg e bdr cleaners. the dangers but a number seer-n1 Treated potatoes look an-d Theii norjunyaan, ýGe rHam, thme league's d- Iok-el this sort of thing couldt taste the saine as any othen we pinat du ro ai 6-30ou1drecorof child safety, reported eehpDntoteiwih1potato. The only difference iî arnivir a Tuelrmoryat 6:30rece y o heL;iey fa sverY unsfafe attitude ho! that they wîll keep looking like ~.m Hee deic .11dine> tic Industries that he hadl been! take." ime said. a potato should - firm and was waîtýig us aingteeTour- assured of coikiperation by or-: Dr. Hilton sugge4ed thal, ail sprout-free-n-much longer than nxuryLoc4n, havag bua Pi in all osflice other spoiigeg, slîoaild have a radio-, untreated potatoci wilL- V A L U E .oleip~rovnes and hy the Fetlerai! opaqje tagso that hy ol caewn Le ?vlr. E.nd Lodige,i press. television and radio. An uwn pa rt'. oa invîting effort wVil be nmade to lhave ail ou a-y'ohrprivate dock.r Ont ario hospitals--and possibly J ~ Q d rrt A 1 There we hid a splendid vic-w those ini other provine-gv lefu U d IUmateE of Georgian Bas' and the is- oîe.pmhes wrig~ ~-- - V I I I F OR YOU R mth1 pmhlt wninW h We then visiteri the Cral focation in Canada this year. H-owever, the draperies can be Shop where t was ver.v oleasz. 0f these, 10 were attribnted to short-juil to the sill-and in An unsurpassable At Your Convenience . . . iuî-Io set the ludian handi-1 plastic bsgs. a coarse, bigbt fabrie such as PR FREE HOME PL.ANNING TWO MODERN SHOW- craf*ts Ta eower vas very H-e said timat liie Leagne tad a. gay reri au-d white sbriped PR and ESTIATINC' ROOMS TO SERVE YOV gra-iL, du 36 peuple whio songlit to discuss the subjeet sailcloth. SI-R VCE t f!tcdtoi a bus and just with Dr. Smnirle Lawson, chief 11, sLlecting patterned fao- *HUME CONSTRUCTION iiarel in, 1 tiu:nk, lic alnîx'-4; coroner for Ontario, but that re,.tie r xeln o .-%ailbleatailtires DIISIN. om ple e swiillowed hi,- tongue, he oun- Dr. Lawsoi hari fot replied to Y01ungsteiss aiàsu arc huge -vail;tble Mat lteIIs, h So remod p tetad e sueoin afeodolar-oriher Sin pbli atentone-anPs. ened i bs nonîlu so wide. B'Lt: a letter from the I.ea-ue. cindtsorbilor aleri QUALTY IATRIAS hoe rmodllig, d- le sre as fewdolarsricer!Design with detaîl tends to con- AT REASONABLE ditions, and repairs In- when we departed. fousdo h dnesu h fuse thein; keep thec dccoraîing PR ICE S eluding ail tub-tradrs On our way baek froin Bruce - maberial, there had been sug. bright and bold. -Peninsula we stopped at Saubie 1 gestions that it could be ren- Aî lotgîe w ensitor th M OST 1 Beach for lunch, then to Oran- dered safe by perforating it.l. md male t i ngîl o! plywo MORTGAGES ARRANGED gevilie for supper. thog u Thi as nut lie cse members mitdesrewona legs. Ifl mihtW TH YO Thescner a; trogh heof heindnstry sidycsterday. whv e w-onleg cs.I it tn1a ngifcn. thk The polyethylene film uscd ho]stc red i tough, red dcnim. HEADQI'ARTERS FOR A14L YOUR BUILDING NEEDS we Canadians shouiri take mnord by dry cleaners is lesIban one A play table ean e arid rî f tursofthi knd ndrealythousanrith of' an inch tbick, It an old door on a piece of % inch see the beautv of our owfl tends t-o build up a charge ofpywo.Telg0fbthenu country. Tîere is notbîng to: statie electricity and clings to adplaY (.Tablegscan hbecgedou ________ t.any surface it touches, for lngerlesso-at- lie can Oshawa W ood ProductsforC lonne ger legswith thhe "a io Li' ited isuffoceation u nless perfra-ng Ioui ive ai t heices a Dowton shas Min ffceandShwromGel Cash To-day tu a child's face and produce polpounri of old furniture, you 84 SIMCOE ST. S- RA 8-461T OLRTC-RA 8-1611 For Old Appliances ftions in tlhe two sbeets camne formity by painting them a 9 TE PHO 0 ERVEYOUtogether which is most unlikelyr. bard wcaring whit.e enamnel. TLLEHON O SENE YU *throught In the United States, users To paint stripes on the draw-!i~î J BOWMANVILLE-MA32 e AJAX-ZEnith 2-9600 TATEsMA were advised bo tear up bbc crs of bbc furniture, first apply P.MS CT A TS M AFI EDN film. or tie a strong knot in it, a coat of your main colour. Youi DOIVNTOWVN OFFICE PEsRDYTL and dL-pose of it as soon as its When thorough]y dry, use Phune MArket 3-3303 oreiaI purpase 1usd been rnaking ±ape in 'ong strip and 66 KING ST. W. NORTHLAND TRAML There's a dim winding trail in the land cd my drea!ns, And in fancy I wander at will, Through the sweet-scented woodland f111 alinosf it eema, 1 can hear the pines whispering still. The lakeis kserh1ne bv the qi<be of the traiL -As it mirrors the blue up above, And the tali trees along it, stretch armns f0to theky, As if toward a kind Father's love. Thcre's a hush and a stillncss where trees hemn vou in. Their poinled tips touching the sky, They make a cathedral. so cool and so dim, Giving solace to ail who pass by. -M. Cunningham. Unique Power by C. J. Harrig That h, the majority of wonk- In eanly August a canladian ers directly conccrned do nul ship deiverin-g a cargo of 2,-; support the IWA stand. Despite 500,000 pounds of Canadian- this, wlîerevcr il can, the uni made îuewsprint to the port of will enforce a boycott against Buffalo, New York, was met on, deliverv of t-be products tnc arrivaI there by an unusuai en- Nieufoundiand workers are voy-a Canadian nuember of biirniiig out. the -Inkernalional Woodworkers Who, it must be asked, can of America who, by setting, benef il from this policy? Cer- himself up as a one-nman pieket tainiy nul the wonkens, for if line, prcvented lthe unloading delivery of t-hein output remains of the newsprint cargo. lui doubt, sales could decline 1As lime IWA niember wag nu and jobs could be in jeopardy. doubt assureri before ue 1macle The soie purpose of lthe boy - his pilgrimage to Buffalo, lihe colt would seem le be an at- ,lotigslîoi'em'en's local there re- > temrpt by the union's offîcers to fx'dto cross evuil s one-nma.i regain lost prestige. And the picket line. In a siinuilar- situa-- fact t-bat une union can secure t-ion a British ship with a cargoi the direct -intervention of an- of Newfoundlamd newsprint bas other union tîhousands of miles ibeen tied up at thbe port uf, New away troim the scene of a dis- Orleans since late April.This, pute is a significant porîrayal be it tioted, is doue in the, nane of organized labor'q preicut of helping forest w-ikers in power. Newfoundland. The incicent ih une more piece, In the opinion of- evei s-ne of evidence that union leaders. but the IWA, the strîke called becatuse of the tradition of pub-- by that union iii time islald pro- lie sympathy for labor, have vince several monîlus ago is gained power that is permitted oven and donc wibh. The mien. to nu ut-ber group. -have long tzince been back at - --.- work in tlue woods and in the milii. Dock workes in New-i Whatevcr it ha your duty to foundiand wilI load newspin. do, you can do without ha.rrn and ships' crews will accept il. to yourself.-Mary Baker Eddy. --- -- -- 1 ý ... edi a 1957 DODGE REGENT V-8 SEDAN Power Flite, radio, white walls, 2 tone whit» and gold. A picture. 1956 PLYMOUTH V-8 SEDAN Power Flite, radio, 2 tone bine 1956 PLYMOUTH 6-cyl. SEDAN tRadio, 2 tone black and turquoig. Jý 1953 WINDSOR SEDAN t Automatic, radio. 1953 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN 1953 METEOR 2-Dr., V-8 1953 METEOR 4-Dr., V-8 1950 CHEV. Z-Dr. 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1 q5~2 FARGO 1-TON PICK-UP? Palmer Motor Sales 20 K CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTHI - FARGO SIMCA DEALERS King St. East Bowmanvile MA 3-1 S hall It Be Hl .5487 e & # SCHOOL or a ESS COURSE? >u'll Fînd a kINGTON -RAND A BLE VRITER HELPFUL JR STUDIES ý complet. stock of 10W models own orne for only $ 1.00 a week COME IN TODAY -a *tat afr-z--- r Remington Rand Headquarteri MA 3-3303 I THE CANADIAN STAMMAN, BOWMANVIIJAC, ONTARIO AT"ý ýeéL lgRIN i - t ýil PAGE MnaftýÈIM