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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1959, p. 2

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P ICTH ANAA 1A4 "A~@t . EWIM1T~n'AT HRDY U.2ti~ onymously by some writers. To trn a pin and earririg set in them, Pride and.. Seif-conceitffy~e( g i g f j y sterlig silver. sterling cuff menreis a moern and true MEE~ E~ relish dish with silver deposit. example of this light-hearted DA *The idehak and apomepreaion Neyer Be e of Seif-conceit. teI 2ak ad préitin ome ealo urs ag.the C eltv brate 2.5th A nni5rsar group being joined ),y baby rCue ndlfSudury, Ontarro. Kimberley Anne, daughter of uelnusuallte Mr. and Mvrs. Keith Smith and Sef-C n etda lady living in South Carolina, A fanly luncheon party held be present. The bride wore a famiiy of Lindsay, Mr. and granddaughter of the couple, TaIk ~~~~U. S. I omit her name. The let-, at The Acres on Su.nday, Au- dress of turquoise printed s~ik M.rs. Douglas Carruthers, Jane adMs uyFse fKn Wekyter reads like th-s: ut1,i oorote25hwhcrsg of pink carnations. John and Bill- and sister, Elsie, dal. BNRev. R. R. Nicholson "Silice the Woric's Fair,.1l; wedding anniversary of Mayý- The formality of coats being Mrs. Roy Lunney and bier bus- have had an intense des-ire toi or Wilfrid Carruithers and Mrs. dispensed with due to the ex- band, Bowmanvile. An uncle Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers' go to Canada. Silice 1 donLt Carruthers was a Most enjoy- treme heat, the grooin's bou- and aunt of Mrs. Carruthers, were married in Western Unit- have rnoney, I wo l ketoabevn. tonniere of white carnation was Mr. E. T. Corkill an-d Mrs. W. ed Church. Ottawa, on July 25, In riearly al communities 5:ou and were very self-conceited. I k. 1 do thelloxin toe- -tablehe event.. ad will finci people, who think of1 St. Paul in writing to tne,. An anniversai cake prettily pinned to his shirt pocket. Dalzell, Toronto, were unable 1934.b teRe.JA. ad thesevesmoe iýglý,'than Church in Rome. says: "I i tremeiy well: Play the piano, iced in white with décoration s With the couple for the hap- to attend. dell. an old friend of the bride's themseives ore higblThy, 'v fm ofc.1tl vr- the pipe organ. cook. decorate! of pink and silver and sur- py o&casion beside the groomi's As the honoured couple rose family. Mrs. Carruthers who is tuoe-eeigoe of mvofficue. I eil ver homes. sew. 1 amn thirty -threet rounded by pinki tuile and sil-t parents, were their daughker to cut their anniversary cake, a radutenuse reeiedbe an ~ve-weenîg sel-e~tecm anc f s-oi' numer wh ias od \-I ,ýiess1a 1ver lace torrned ,ne centre piee Bety Mr. eih mtho M.Cauhrs haed îîringat into Geea T bey are prouci a ii ffi u self-im portanit. that lie is not t , rears oS itlOdM . ar uteE t anervonei sain stnysn ra to lve ithandto orkv'-t o .hii mr.o i. . fthn good-looking. Aii, how. 1 Iook of the table. Pink caridies and Gait , and l-r usband: their members of the family for this Hospital and holds the degree eaus livei th and t wo, " al'eSýli tîý ht to t nk:néimsît tak vounger than 1 i ar. 1 have a lpbois fvnk and rose. son Robert, Bowianville, and pleasant party. H xlie of Registered Nurse. Slie is the beas1hytîktevaes eogtt tik ems aebeautiful oilxo adamlwbwsoy.H epand Muc btte talioters Olýr îa sane view of himself."l Later well built. NZ a nd arnt o carnations add accents of Miss Pat Foster, Kendal; Mrs. tihat on the actual anniversary1 former Margaret Hughes, dau- thmurceertha oers. Ohfrom n, inthesta chte muveset Or orcolour. C arruthers' sister. M\iss Edna date of their wedding. July 25, ghter of t,.-. late Rev. J. I. these egotistic inembers, wno sixteen, he adids: "Instead of, <p~my nei cîr ol e* asruhrs aets I. uhs of Ottawa: M-Vr. Carru- fie and M1rs. Carruthe'rs badi Hughes and Mrs. Hughes. are proud, conceiied and vai, being ambitious, associate withti ie\, do" an r.W .Cruhrte older bïother and bis planned a cruise Up the Great and usually are '.ery disagrec- humble folk: neyer be self-con- Dsrbn e ubn, she ugog St.. Bowmanviiie, were wife, Mr. and Mvrs. Ralph Car- Lakes, returnilig by motori al.It is sad that frequently ceited." (Rom. 12.:3, 16. Mof- Dsrbn irhsad h host and hoste.ss at the lunch- ruthers, New York City: a tbrotîgh the United States. Iti1 It is a beautifu] necessity of able.~~~~ writes: "He is noted for bis 'lu- 1con, both happily being able to' younger brother. bis wife ad was then decided bày members orntr olv oehn. tbey are not conscious of their fatt's Trans.). anorannanurarcrlovevone I bave own weakness and sn. Many persons today do not l ever known to the late Wili of the family to defer a fai- Douglas Jerrold. It is evident upon reading t,,,é think that "Seif-Conceit" is a1 Rogers. People. dogs, and chul- makes a mnan mol-e unpopular. but because of their self-conceit ily partyut.lAugust whe e.pisties of St. Paul. that ".le sin to be feared. In fact. the5' dr-en love Iii".' and n-o fault -which we are more Itlhey cannot co-operate wilth Mr. Ralph Carruthers aiid his early Christia'n cniurcih abourd1 do not regard il as a sin al ai. She further reque.iled thal unconsciaus oli in ourselves. others in Christ-ian work. (But wife. the former Winifred Gam- - edwitb such memoers. w'ho The,, look upon it anis- as an h letter be pubilislied ln t-be And lhe more w-e have it Dur: these saine peopie are easy to bri of New York who were -' Y.' eaused much trouible and did amiable weakness, which eveiy- hope that lit woid secure work elIves. the more we dislike it work Nvitb, wher, they are per- marnied last November. couldi lone ought to excuse.iiy cile compsent e.kngte great harm.oeouhoxcs. for lier in Canada. The Mavo flohers. mitted always to bave their own psnt akn te*.. The Apostie in wniýtiîng nese Such personis will be aston- decided to table te, liter. buit "Accorinaî, to Christian, tea way) anlso be copé. words of warning, "Neyer bec ished f0 learn that today some; Iatrif- i was pibli-hd as requesf- chers, the esseiiiial vice, the uit- Now the virtup opposite to After a deiicious luncheon at seif-conceited" was thinkir'g of theologians and Christian scho- cd. iîiost evii. is Pride. Unchastity, Seif-conceit in Christian morais, The Acres, ahl were invited toG the teachers of trc Jews. tne lars, consider 'bhs Seif-conceit '.atauig sifctetaniger, grc-ed. di-,;ikenness, ai-idj is called Humility. This is indis- 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rovyt wisemefl, the '3bbis. scribeýs the nmost heinouIs of al sins. It th~ isleî-re;ear hc I i t i-rev 'ticslupnabe t eev Chitir.-%uley I-,rSret hecre and Pharisees. T îev were oron dl as another naine, calied Pride. violis that th-e wiitPTýl* gt~thog h psi alwoet eteget fhnu vr r ofterkoldeadwl. V Tes o, ansaeuets-, ey - nh'1'of b~sl.Witii al Pnirle: tha't tue de\ý-il becanie Christians ini Philippi: "Do no- senied w'th gifts including a; _____________________________________________--the charnîs. talents. abilities the devii: Pi. leacis to everv tbing from seifishness or coli-siver coifee pot in ANelon pal- and attractions sýhe claimieci o other vice: it Î_ the comnpléte ceit, but à,n humility couint Griv..e vour youn, uossess. it is surprisiiw that s1ie anti-Goci .stiite of mmid. t is others better thnr vourselves. L.bc-osho F O N Ddid not seure d' lucrative and pi icle whrhhsbCCIItlie ch:cf Lt, t c of s-ouloo19 not only b a us dry dean ti F O U N ED ~~~satisfs mg position in lier oxvn cauise 1, miser;'i everv nation to his own interests, but also to 5ha ans1 i ry ea h cont ry. and eveî'v failit .vsiinec the,- the interests ofý otberý-." Phd I them sparkling Tne Apostle Paul >iy:'e world bcegan.' 2 :3.4, R.S.V.). A new way to correct hearing loss iflcofl ver be self-conceited." Dr. Lewis ý,ays that iit uuarlt,' W ehveti prit or INow onfloos spicuously with flattering New Maico Hearing Dr. C. S. Lewis. Pi'ofessr>r at al those evils in thie world,; Humility. which is the sol it f i'i h p- ewwc- Glasses. Use your own glass frames or any siCa tînbrg bonivert'. is- r ebis hncch peopl e a}u dow to r 1 th. leanuW to ie vvih. niea"rl -.000 piieasanis were re C Iiffcrest design of your choice.- For further information fianity" lias art interesting more the resu!Y of Pride." Our life shall be or inspiration tose n twnhis.a boutand 6,000 71 KING ST. E. chapter e!ilitledl. "The Great, Pride or Self -coirt-if. is the'and biessing to others. toPtwshpONEot6,0 and our new "Guaranteed Hearing Plan", write to o efcnet."hr ~oetd~-L shca~w have; The Mount: "Biessed are th- are now roaming the two town - vice of which no man lun the ticl a high opinfion or ours;eivce htumble! They will inherit the forps world is free: wihev em-one týiîar we are so s<-'silive. o0 eartb." (Mýoffatt's Trans.). There slhould be good îrt.nting:f in the won]d loathes whe!i 1e outb'.so casl-.' offeded, so Humiity is oie of the fui- titis fali w-heu dthe inibers ofPI -P AN M ~~ H A IN ER IEwhich hardlv apv p1i. x aiflto ]ie iith. In neariv i s- ia okriowiedge ai have nurchased township i 850 Yonge Street. Toronto, Ontario cept Christians. ever inaiine - ail ebuirches there are workers. to service. Buit, do not for gct censcs go after ti-tese birds who LOR? that thev are gu lits'tbemselves. îwhio ire excellent iun manv re- St. Paul's earnert inju.nct.;i: become quite eluisive as soon as!j _____________________________________________- "There is no fault which spects. fuli of energy and'-zeal. "«Neve'r Be Se]f-coniceited." open season takes effecf. Spia~pT~I WY~K.L s vas rù' ] "I SERIC 3-88 oWAZ Send them )ff to School g Their Besi! k9gster an easy lesson in ood grooming by letting lieir clothes. We return . . fresh as new. Cleaners BOWMA NVILLE 9A 3-7061 )r 0 DELIVERY tNE McQUARRIE, Prop. IIowte rccaacage! Plenty ... if itý'- a Chevrolet! And it's easy to see why! Chevy brings you head-tuning, Slimline styling . doep-dow'n comfort and luxury . plus dozens of standard safety and convenience teatures that you can't even buy on most othier cars. Performance? Do yourseif a favor .. -drive a Chevy! That's when you'U reaily say, ",Wow, how t&rific San a Chevrolet get!" Kverything about Chevrolet is terrific! And easy it is to own. Visit hlmn today. See. price takes your fancy. your Chevrolet dealer can show you how and pleasui'e-test the t.errific Chevrolet that. Tiy Chevy s Ride Jt's velvety . . .uxurious ... breathtaldng! Chevv's broad, rugged Safety-Girder frarne and low centre of gravity grip you firinly, even to rutted roads. And Chevrolet puts big supple colt springs at each wheel (not jmst up front like most low-priced cars) to cushion every mile you travel. Try Chevy's Response Nine terrifie optional V8's or the wonderful Hi-Thrift Six (proved 10% moire econofl3ical than any competitive Six) pack the zip and go to set your toe a-tingling. There's an exhilarating new Chevy walting for you at your Chevi-olet dealer's. Drive it today. Try Chevy's Handling It's th, retest! Chevy's standard Ball-Raoe steering is sports-car keen for cornering, sharp turna, and effortless. fil-time control on straight stretches. Want to stop? Toe Chevy's Safety-Master brakes and Chevy stops- - Iast. Chevy is the best of sports - drive one and sSe. See Your Local Authorized (ihevrolet COiJITICE c ROy Chevrolet Wi Oldsmo] Just test-drive a Chevy once...and you'll know how terrific a car can get! Dealer -fr quick appraisal - prompt delivery! --------------------- 10 WNAN VIL bile Cars Chevrolet Trucks LE Imm#? THURSDAY, AUG. 27tàl4 109 mmr eÀvÀntAe qrATRqMATZ- IROWMANVMLE. ONTARIO

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