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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1959, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANA1~1AN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO ?HURSDAY, AIIO. 27th, 1959 Recreation Dept. Children Present Annual Varie! y Night The Variety Night presented by the Bowmanvil le Recreation Department in t.he Town Hall Auditorium on Thursday even- ing was an outstanding success. The show was excellent, end the sections staged ty the diff<r- ent playgrounds received much applause. The Chldren's Theatre Show "The Land of Jesters also scor- ed a hit. It was directed by Verna Foran and Murray Wal- ker. Congratulations are due to the directors, their assistants, the fine cast, and the author of the playlet, Pamela Walker. Douglas Rigg. director of re- creation for Bowmanville wel- comed the large audience to the second annual Variety NJght. He lntroduced Murray Walk- er, a member of the playground staff. Mr. Walker pointed out that aU the Playgrounds had participated in the preparation of the show. Hie called on HeatherWebb mnd Audrey Spicer to announce the Ontario Street Playground's section of the program. A pret- e young maorette, Brenda nn*g, started the entertain- ment with a sniart demonitra- tion cf baton twirling and drill. MONEY AVAILABLE FOP NORTGAGES RALPH S. JONES Barrister and Soieltor a simcesSt. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 lier attractive white costume had a wide blue tasseled sasb, blue and oran ge bow tie, and matching shoulder ribbons. Her head band was surmounted by a blue oetrich feather and an orange one. Donald Bickell and Larry Hellam as stunt men gave an exciting disphay cf Tadian Wrestling. They were weih mnatched and each showed prowess. Barbara Brown and Ray Crombie introduced the Mem- criai Park Playground num- bers. The first was an enjoy- able guitar sole by David Ed- mondson. Nancy Edmondson and Joanne Brernell aise pleas- ed the audience with a delight- fui vocal duet. Murray Waiker announced the successful candidates whe had passed the tennis tests, and presented them with crests. The recipients were Gerry Falls, Robert Large, Irwin Colweli, Pat Vinisb, Caroline Reader, Patty McKnight, Barbare Cromn- bie, Linda Steele, Stephen Witherspoon. The anneuncers for the Lion3 Centre Playground's presenta- tien wereLinda Brooking and Merridy Mutten. Mary Vander- meer and Gail Hobbs sang "Su- gartime" deiightfully in perfect tempo. An exhibition of baton twirling by Betsy Phillips and Lynn Hellyar was well done. Tbese girls looked chic in their majorette outfits. One wore blue trimmedwitb white and silver, and the other red with silver. Warm applause aiso reward- ed Linde and Dienne McFeeters for their singing of "In a Cas- tie on the River." Real talent was shown by Gail Hobbs, Bet- sy Pbillips and Lynn Hellyar as they sang "Played Her Gui. tar". Gail Hobbs' pantomime, "Catch A Falling Star", was also cleverly entcrtalnlng. Bey Cowling presented the Archery Awards. Ron RIchards won thie Archery Shield, and crests were won by Wayne Burgess, Tom Carter, Stephen Burns, Gai Mul.holland. Eliza- beth Braden, Larry Perris. Bill Small, Robert Large, Nelson Fowler, Gerry Falls, Glenna Frost and Caroline Piker. Golf awards were recelved by Ji Arnes, Bobby James, Ron Hooper, and Larry Hately. Bey Cowllng aise made these presentations. Connie Osmond and Terry Black announced the enjoyable number presented by the Vin- cent Massey PlayKrounds. Sweet little Nancy Cowle gave a charming recitation cf "Lit- tle Bo-Peep." She looked a pic- ture in her dainty white and, blue costume and holding a tal white crook adorned with a large blue bow. Brenda Virtue's skllled ren- dition of <"Home Sweet Home" anld other lovely selections on, ber accordion received much favourable comment. As did the beautiful solo, "My Lamnp," sung by Christine Tlghe. The Franklin Park Play- ground's numbers were. an- nouneed by Marilyn Houslan- der and Alex Wiseman. A smiart drill tearn directed by Bill Cobban went throughi their paces and arms dril ith mili- tary precision. Two attractive- ly cos!umed majorettes, Maui- reen Martin and Jili Nichols, gave a fine demonstration of advanced baton twirling grace- fully. The camping awards were presented by Verna Foran as follows: Senior Boys, Stephen Burns, Larry Perris, Wainel Burgess, and John Cunn~ing- ham. Junior boys, Paul Char- bonneau, Ronnie Therteil, Mi- chael Bedford; Girls- Denise Wessels, Virginia Osmond and Sharon Burgess. Resuits of the Field Day held BETHANY Miss Lynda Hall, Wbhitby, spent the past week with M.. and Mrs. Carl Smith. Miss Evelyn YcKinnon, Mon- treel, Que., is home for vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.1 James McKinnon. Mr. -and Mrs. Geîald Mulli- gen, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Gerviri Mulligan. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Monk, San- dra, Brian and Barbare, visited with Mr. A. H. Monk on Tues- day. Cerolyn Smith, who has been a patient in Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, errived home on Thursday. Dr. John Clark and family cf Niagara Falls, N.Y.. visited with bis mother, Mrs. J. J. Clark duîing the past week. Mr. and Mis. Clifferd Carr, Detroit, Mich., were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr on Thursday. The Teen Town Club held a successful dance in the Town Hall on Friday night. Miss Emily Grîffiths, Buffa- lo. N.Y., visited with ?&r. and Mrs. Creighton Caîr on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McGill. Mr. and Mss. J. Ahren and San- dia, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ter- mina, al of Toronto, were gucats with Ms. and Mss. Vin- cent Jackson on Saturday. Mrs. Lloyd Capstick, Sharon and Robert cf Uxbridge, spent the past weck with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mirs. Milton Wea- therilt. Mss. Marie Yonchus, Kitch- ener, is spending this week with her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mer- tichenko. Time: 8:15 p.m. fMss W. Teeple, Boen. Treas. Phone MA 3-5856 recently were announced by Mr. Rigg. Memoriai Park won i h S o lBd 9 points. Frankln Park came se- A cd wlth 294. Other scores cent Massey, 242; and the Lions A sellmeigc h alnt Cenre23. Durhamn Courity District Hlgh cf the w Crests were won by volun- Sehool board at the Bowman- and Ne' teer leaders who had given the ville High School Thursday ville gave znost assistance consistently ngtwsdsovdfrlc fiyt i durlng the season to the play. ih a isvdfriaackormcf ity eb a quorum.evisoi asnvihles MérialdaprvisorGas follwsnd Because cf the urgency cf three ai DemialmPark , V i ncpend business, the date cf the regu- school. Davld EdLoraneson; Vncant lar September meeting bas been- MeasseyMLorai ntarogStneanadvanceci te Sept. 2, in Orono. Dalsy Reader and Pat Rich- The meeting was cfle e L ards; Lions Centre, Randy De- consider the ratoso muni- well. cipal councils« te the board's Mr. arg Theenertinng lalet"Te ast request for approval cf a Gloria ai Theandc eters," wg pas ot hebuilding program. The board were Sur Land f Jeters,1 wa mos asked for approval cf a 400-pu- Mrs. F. C amusing. The cast took theiripli schoîl in Darlington and a Mr. an parts with ability, the costum- 150-pupil school in Millbrcok.wreS xng was appropriate, and the wr u Pace cf the show well timed. Tw@ Approve Mr. Robe The cast in the order of their Approval cf the board's pro- Miss H appearance were: Butcher, gram has been given only by Mr. and Deug Firth; Baker, Barbara the Millbroolc and Cavan coun- Mrs. CI Cronie; Candlestick Maker, cils. The Hope and Clarke coun- farnilY Carol Ruiter; Jailor, Michel Ai. cils took ne action and the Gabriel, ken; Elf, Bonnie Mathewson; other four councils gave partial Mrs. Lawyer, Betsy Pbillips, Two approvai. Audrey Jesters, Paul Charbonneau andl Port Hope approved a school and Mrs. Linda O'Connor: the Queen, in either Bowmanvilie or Dar- son, Eux] Susan Quinton: The Four Prin. iîngton, raising the capacity to guests of cesses, Shawn Leddy. Wendv 1 700 in its resolution, but did Miller. Stephen, Avelynne Lycett, and; net approve the Millbrook Mr. Sta Sandra Robinson; Princess scho1. spent the Lovely, Pat Chant;, Boy witb iNc asi.Bwaniion ents, Mr. Scissors, Rickey O'Connor, Girl Necste owa-ll n Many -with Pins, Eleanor Aiken. m¶711 rix TT IDoris Martin, who assisted T R[ Murray Walker and Verna Fo- ran with the direction of the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park, playlet, presented each miem- CeCîle ai-d Douglas. returned ber of the cast with a crest fol- homne troni their holidays after lowing the performance. Doris visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mer- Martin was alse the pianist for 1 e Hooper. Edgeley, Sask., Mr. the show. and Mrs. Staniey Kellogg, Re- gina, and Mr. andi Mrs. John Business Dire ctory BrcRussell Abet rt. and ______________________-,Mis. George Carson, Orone. Mi. avidMrs. Gordon Hill and Accouniancy fam'ily, Hannon, visited Mr. andM.r-s. A. Hill. Bert and RAY J. DILLING j Harold remainea for a week's Certified Public Accountant holiday. 93 Church Street Mis. R. Burge3s is spending MArket 3-3861 a few days with ber sister, Mis. Gertrude Stephens, Wiilow- WM. 3. H. COGGINS dale. Cbartered Accountant Mr. end Mrs. M. Bird and Second Floor Janice, Brookhin, were Sunday New Library Building visitors of Mr. and Mss. J. A. Cor. King and Temperance Sts. liosevear. Phone MArket 3-.3612 Mr. and Mrs. C. Bennett and son, Eganville, were Sunday TALE, FRIEDLANDER. evening guests of Ms. C. W. HUNTER & CO. Woodley. Accountants and Auditors Mr. and Mrs. J. Reyenga vis- Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy ited friends at Hemnilton and 64 K.ing St. E. RA 5-1621 St. Catharines. Oshawa, OntarioI Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear F. B. L. Yale, C.A. and Esther Anne and Mr. E. A. Friediender, B. Cem., C.P.A. Rosevear cf Cobourg, visited MONTETH -MONTETH IMr. and Mis. A. Lighthe, Port- ROTIEHL- O& E1TH Iland. Chrtered ACO.nat Little Jennifer Yeo cf Hamp- 135 Siniced St. N Osa Iton is staying with ber grand- 135 imco St.N., shaw parents, IvI. and Mrs. J. A. RA 5-3527 1 Rosevear, while her parents, Bowinanvifle - Cail ZEnith 45750 Mr .and Mrs. M. Yeo are on Partners: ahldy Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C.A. arholidy . Atu abr A. B. Monteith, B. CernA. Toronto, weîe weekend guests G. W. Riehi, C. A., R. i. . cf Mrs. Florence Scott, Mrs. G. cE eTree ) Barber remained for a few . . TLightfoo, C.A. days' visit. R.__ F._______________C.A. _ Pet Woodley ceiebrated ber biîthday on Mondey. h wa C hni ro p r ac 11c two years old and hedas her guests, Darlene end Kerry Sel- lick, Travor, Glen and Shelegb G. EDWIN MANN, D.C.. Ivurpby. Ofc: Chiropsactor Lorraine Rosevear has secured Office:a position at Toronto Dominion 15 Elgin St., cor. cf Horsey St. Bank and sterted Monday Phone MA 3-5509 morning at Bowmanvifle. Office Heurs: By Appoîntment Mr. and Mrs. W. Park, Ce- cile and Douglas, visited rela- D en ia itives at Peterborough Sundav. ___________________-visited Mr. and Mra. J. Mur- DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. doch, Bowmanville. Ofc:Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. -W. Bomnie Office Heurs: 9 a.m. te -6 p.m. a WESLEY VILLE jClosed Seaturday a-nd Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 I feaches continue te be very 'House Phone - Newcastle 3551 poptlr spots these bot deys DR. . W SISONL.D.., 1 andi seven littie girls-Gloria DR.E. . SSSO, LD.., .D.. ad RthNichols, Wenda and Office in his home Gwennie Ford, Laurel and 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Danya Hill and Valerie Austin Office Heurs: lieda happy time et Nicbols' 9 a.m. to 8 p.ni. daily beach cn Wednesday afternoon. Phone MA 3-5604 Besides the fuxn ini the water Closed Wednesdeys and Sundays they had an inteîestirxg timne watching weter skiing et Port DIL C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Britain shores and several boats Office from there and Willow beach. 23 .-ing St. E. - Bowmanville Tbey had a& regular naturahists' Office Heurs: euting, tee, for e large king- 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily fisher flew past them several Closed Seturday and Sunday- times, three blue berons put on Telephone: Office MA 35459 a fiying demonstration. then lit in the tops cf teil trees te show L e g ai off their landing gear, and nearer home a cuckoo made a rare appeerance; they found a STRIKE and SIPRIKE 1 nice fluffy mullein leaf, tee, Barristers, Solicitorâ j. and tested its efficiency in miak-! Notaries Publie I ing rosv cheeks as girls of an- 1 W. R. Strike, Q. C. i ether day did. A. A. H. Strike. B.A. Fourteen girls of the nine te 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvîfle! twelve age teck part in a trea- Telephone MA 3-5791 sure bunt on Tuesday night. LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. There were three teains all go- BarseSoliciter ing off in different directions te Barte blie find lhidden chues and xnaps and King St. W. - Bowmanvilie finally articles te be brought Phones: Office MA 10-5688 back. The team led by Gwen- Residence MA 3-5553 nie Ford was firat back with _________________________ahi correct articles, Valerie Aus- MISS APHA 1. HODGINE' lin and ber girls weîe tied but Barrister, Solicitor couldn't get through the lest Notery Public fence ini time. A song wes one Temperance St. - Bowmanville of the items requured and the tearm sang "He's got the Whole . RICHARD LOVEKIN World in His Hand". Afteî tx-y- U.E., B.A_, LL.B. 'ing their skilet dîopping Box 9, Newcastle clothespins in e milk bottle and Phone Newcastle 2246 some singing, refreshments Consultation by appointment ended the evening. The bunt only. was held from E. Barrow- W. KAT LYCETT, BA. clough's and Mrs. Harold Aus- Berrister and Solicitoir lin saw thet ail cbihdren were Irn the offices cf safely home. R. R. Waddeil, Q.C. There were 51 at Sundav Main Street, Orono, Ontario Schooi with ail teachers and of- Friday, 7 p.m. te 10 p.m.ficcîs present, Scsipture was Saturday: 9 a.m. te 5 p.m._ sead by Valerie Austin. The gîeatest contmandment and "Who is My Neigbbour" was M orîgag e S the themne cf Mr. Harding's _______________________morning service. SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO tFx- emt aeams Phone 1 r 16 vanisbed, although Clarenice FiratMortage unds Nicholis saw one e week age. Residences - Faims With their absence rebbits are Business Properties becomning more plentiful., Mis. Annie Henrv cf New-! market and Miss M abel Davey! 0 p t 0rne ir y of Oîono, visited with Mrs. Har-! _____________________ ld Benrowciough lest Thurs-; KEITE A. BILLETT day.i Optometrist A visitor with Mis. L. Held-' 141 Klng St. E. - Bowmanville away was Mrs. Merjorie Cars-; office Heurs: By appointm.m* cadden cf Toronto, a formes Telephone MArket 3-3252 sesident of Wesleyville. Monday te Saturday Miss Annie Little of Eliza- 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. bethville spent a few days w:th Wcdnesdeys:, 9 te 12 her cousin, Mis. R. Best hast Thursday evenings week - TV setsi Piid on known tI citizens, Hampton, Mi progn gratulatic Cails Off Quorum tn ahi raised the size west end school te 700, ýwcestle and Bewman- ve the board the author- build It ini elther Bow- eor Darlington. Al tpproved the Mihlbrook )NG SAULT id Mrs. Fred O. Smith, and Bob, Bowmanville, inday guests cf Mr. and G. Smith. Ld Mrs. Donald Davey nday evening guesta cf )ert Sim. -lelen Partner, Oshawa; 1Mrs. Major, Mr. and has. Penwarden and witb Mrs. Kovacs and Sunday. Audrey HalfyrMs Halfyard, Barrie; dMr. ,Robert Halfyard and xlington, were weekend Df Mr. and Mrs. Ormei tanley Fletcher. Toronto, xe weekend with bis par- rand Mrs. G. Fletcher. people watcbed thel with interest last wee'k Mýonday when it was that oe eof our fermer Mrs. Doris Hlod n. was on the Dogh Red rain on Channel T. Con- ons, Doris. NE WTON VILLE Miss CherÇi Kalebabe of Te- rente, is holidayiug with lher aunt and uncie, Mr. and Mis. Francis Tufford. Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son and Peter and Mr. and Mss. Geo. Henderson of Port Hope, motored te Kingston for the weekend. Mrs. Mabel Leushneî cf Nia- gara Falls, who spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. J. T. Pearce, returned home on Saturday eccompanied by hec nephew. Mr. Philip Gilmer. Mr. and Mis. Cleland Lane and Barry spent the weekend with Mr. and Mirs. Wm. Weeks at the latter's cottage et Hewk- stene. 11&. and Mrs. Rey Hall at- Mrs. Harold Burley at the lit. tended thec Holt-Dobbs wedding ter's cottage et Dorst. at Orillia on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clif ton Robb of Mr, and Mrs. Clinton Farrow Montreal. wbile here. attended and Gien and Mr. and Mrs.: the Shakespearean Festival be- Henry Bowen end Darlene cf l Ing held at Stratford. Newcastle, motored to Lake Mrs ArnoldWade attended' Placid for the weekend. the School For Leaders held Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown at Whitby Ladies' College lest spent a few days with Mr. end week. Aika- Bromo- ANDREW'S £ NO Seltzer SELTZER SALT SALT f0e size I eritol - Vitamins and Raid Suave 2 for 790 63case Ipana 2 for 99o Roll-on Deodorant 89e Minerais 1.35, 3.29, 5.49 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamnins 1.49, 2.75, 4.49. 8.75 lVanpole's Extreot 1.50, 2.75 Phospholecithin --1.75 Tri-Vi-Sol - 85c. 1.65, 2.95 Poly-Vi-Sol 1.10, 2.10, 3.45 Beminal Tabs - 1.75, 3.75 Alphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 Kan Kil Bomb Fly-Tox Bomb 890 - 1.39 75e JOHNSON'S For Hay Fever BABY POWD19R Dristan 1.25, 2.25, 3.75 2Fo 1.33 Dristan Syrup 1.25 73c JOHNSON'S BABY OIL Co-Pyronili- -__t225 2 For 1.29 Pyribenzamine - 65c. 2.301 1.95 size now - $1.29 89c Colgate Tooih Pasie and Nylon Haîr Brush Ail for 89c COWLING'S DRUG STORE PHONE KA 3-5693 wu mr TRUSSES EUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.....UU.qUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV BEST BUYS SAVE 7c - Heinz - Full Assortment Baby Foods lOtinsl.0 SAVE 4c - "Tasty, Nutrltious".- 12% oz. pkg. Nabisco Shreddies 2.5c SAVE 7c - White or Coloured - White Cross Toilet Tissue 4rolIs47c SAVE 10e - Liquid - Johnson's "For Brighter Floors» SAVE 18e - Liquid - 10e off pack - Gt. Size Jim Dandy Cleaner 71c SAVE 4c - King's Plate Solid - Light Meat 7 oz. tin TUNA FISH - 2 ilor-35c SAVE 4c Miracle Whip - 16 oz. jar SALAD DRESSING e 43c1 SAVE le - «FeaturiO Culverhouse Choie IPE As 20 oz. tin 4 For 59C SAVE 4e - Wagstsffe'm Orange and Grapefruit MARMALADE 24 oz. Jar 33c BAVE 4e - "Feature" Libby's Tomato CATCHUP Il oz. bottle 2 For 35c SAVE 4c UFEATURE'l Supreme - Sweet - 16 oz. jar IXED PICKLES le 23c1 SAVE lic "FEATURE" Gem - 1 lb. pkg. MARGARINE 4Lbo.89c "SUNBEAM BAKERY FEATUIRE" Iced Cinnamon Buns 12 For 33c - Fresh Produce 1 Quality Meats- Suni-f avoured Clapp's Favourite - 6 qt. basket PEARS On tario - Yellow - No. i small ON 10N S 10-b. bag Swift's Premium - FuIly Cooked HOCKLESS PICNICS Lb. 45C Swift's Eversweet SIDE BACON Swift's - Sliced PORK LIVER - Sliced- lb. pkg. Lb). 59C 0 M Lb. 23c Orioe - By the plece BOLOGNA - e Lb.9c Swift's -.4 Varieties in 1 Pack. PLATTER PAX 43c 49C Rich - Vitamnin Packed SWEET POTATOES 2 Lbs. 19C Refreshing - California Sunkist LEMONS - - ooz.49c BIRDS EYE ORANGE JUICE, 6 oz. tin -_-_ - 2 for 53e FROZEN FOODS DINNERS - Chicken, Turkey or Beec 9 THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KiNGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN UNE ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - BIyth' Market ROYAL* M3='8 TRIS THURS. TO SAT. - AUG. 27 - 29 MATINEE SAT. 2 P.I'! WO. A UNIVERSALINTERNATIONAL PICIURE Also "Ama Girls" - Disney Color Travelogue Two complete shows at 7 and 9:10 NON. TO WED. - AUG. 31 - SEPT. 2 "lMam'pzelle Pigalle" Starring BRIDGITTE BARDOT also "She Gods of Shark Reef?' Filmed in Hawaii in color Aduit Entertainnient THE NEWLY ORGANIZED CANADIAN CLUB of WEST DURHAM announces its coming season 's programme with such outstanding speakers as: Sept. 10 - LARRY HENDERSON Oct. 22 - BRIGADIER CYRIL D. QUILLIAN Nov. - TO BE ANNOUNCED Jan. 7 - MAJOR-GENERAL W. B. S. MACKLIN, C.B.E.I C.D. Fol,. 15 - ARTHUR L. PHELPS, B.A., F.R.S.C. Mar. 8 - ALAN JARVIS Apr. 27 - MME. SALANGE C. ROLLAND MEMBERSHIP OPEN TO BOTH MEN AND WOMEN MEMBERSHIP FEES: $4.00 Single; $7.50 per Married Couple ADMISSION BY MEMBERSHIP CARD) ONLY Tickets may be obtained from any member of the executive prior to the meetings or at the door. m 79c, Place: Lions Community Centre Mrs. K. Werry, Pres. Phone Newcastle 2114 A lInMMAY, AUG. 27th, 1950 - THE CANAIDIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMLE, ONTARIO PAGE Sm

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