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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1959, p. 7

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THURSDAY. AUG. 27th, 1959 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVU Mr. and Mis. S. Black. Terny aud Janice are vacationing in Marquette, Mich. Mir. and Mrs. Normian Creep- er, Toronto, were necent visit- ors with bis brother, Mr. Loine Creeper. Mr. and Mis. Hartley Cole, Maianu and Timmy, Acton, vis- ited thein aunt, Mrs. Hariy Snith. Mis. F. A. FItchett, Montreal, Que., is visiting ber sistens, Misses Elizabetlh and Carnie Painton. Mr. and Mis. John Carter, Kitchener, spent Satunday witb Mi. L. B. NichaIs wbile ou thein way to Montreal. Miss Mary Fagan has ietunned from vacationhng in Grande Priule, Jasper Park and the Canadian Rockies. Mus. Nellie Wigg, Toronto, la visiting ber daughtei and son- in-law. Mu. and Mis. Stan Moi- tison and family, Horsey St. Mrs. Charles Cassin and son Dan. Bolton, wene recent guests o! her sister and brotheî-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Mlan H. Osborne. Mr. and Mis. F. A. Osmond, Virginia and Tracy. Orchard View, recently retuned fnom a two-week vacation at Black Lake. Mis. N. S. B. James and Mis. Majonie Cunningham are bol- idaying with Mu. and Mis. S. R. James at their cottage near Gooderham. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ristow, Oshawa. and Mn. aud Mis. Ray Bowmanville Baptist Church Nelson St. near Liberty Pastor Alfred C. Bell 10 bo 10 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 ar.- MORNING WORSHIP EVENING SERVICE a ib a Bey. Roy Vanderlip Pastor o! Cobourg Baptist Chunch will be the guest speaker. A cordial welcome awaits you at "The Churcb That Cares"' Lathangue and John spent ar enjoyable vacation week al Hall's Lake, Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mason daughter Carolyn and Miss Bett: Smith recently spent two week at a cottage, Long Beach, or the shores of Lake Erie. Mr. and Mrs. James Martin Maureen. Ken, Paul and Wayni are bolf'daying with her uncle, Mr. and Mis. James Greenham, Port Huron, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert KerT Bob and David, and Barney Hawthorne were on a campilnj anid motor trip last week hr the New England States. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Camp- bell, lan and Ruth, Ottawa, were weekend visitors witl Mis. Campbell's parents, Rev, and Mrs. R. R. Nicholson. Miss Eleanor Maguire bas re- turned to St. Hubert R.C.A.F, Station after a four-day leave with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Maguire, Brown Street. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Munday, 12 Wellington Street, celebrate< their 6lst wedding anniversary on Monday, August 24tb. Con- gratulations and best wishes! Mr. and Mis. Gordon C. Mar- tin and Doris accompanied by Karen McArthur left Friday foi a motor trip througb the Gaspe, New Brunswick and Nova Seco tia. Mrs. E. Ferguson, Mrs. J Gregor and Mis. F. Skinnei have returnied to Rumford Maine, afteî a visit with Mr and Mis. A. H. Davis, Kinj Street. Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs Orland Plummer, Mr. and Mrs Stan McMurter and Mn. and Mrs. L. C. Mason attended thE closing exercises at Camp [p perwash. Mrs. W. L. Paterson, Concess. ion Street, bas returned fronr a tbree-week holiday spent ir Kirkland Lake, Moosonee, MoosE Factory, Ontario, anid Rupert'i House, Quebec. Mr. James Patenson. son ol Mrs. W. L. Paterson, Concess. ion Street, preached the sermor St. PauI's United Church Minister Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 11:00 a.m. - TRINITY and ST. PAUL'S CONGREGATIONS WORSHIP IN TRINITY A Cordial Invitation to Al Trinif y U nited Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., LR.S.M. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP "Good News For The Anxious" St. Paul's andi Trinity Congregations worsbip in Trinity A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL Dowmanville Daptist Church Nelson Street near Liberty Pastor Alfred C. Bell invites you to attend our FAMILY NIGHT This Thursday ai 7:30 p.m. sharp wiih #1Uncle El" in charge He wiIl be showing slides on Guatemala and carrying on his regular children's programme. (See write-up on page one). Bring the whole family to "The Churcb That Cares" REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. - Englisb EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. - Dutcb SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MOBNING SERVICE ""Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB. Oshawa. at 3 p.rn. every Sunday 8:30 amn every Sunday, CFRB cSocia/l& [ers ofnul Phone MA 3-3303 Mr. and Mis. James Elliott, part of the interesting prograrm Brandon, Mantoba, have been that bas been planned. The visiting thein nephew and niece, Public is invited to attend. Ex-Mayor and Mis. M. J. Elliott. Before returning to the prairie bot and sticky, but the busiest province they also visited bis couple, in oui opinion, bas beeri sister, Mis. Fred Brimacombe, Mr. and Mis. C. Denhertog. Last Onono, and lis brother, Kr. Saturday, their daughter Helen David Elliott, Toronto. TheI was married to Mr. Harry Van- Elliotts were natives of ClarkeI debeit. On Tuesday of this Township. It is also interesting week Mr. Denbertog accompan- to note that David, who is 92, ied by his daugbter, Mrs. C. and James, who is R.0, had flot Kss motored to Montreal ar- seen each other for 60 years. riving back in town by six Recently Mrs. T. S. Holgate o'clock Wednesd'ay morninig. The received a magazine clipping purpose of this "'fl-ing" trip fnom ber niece, Mis. Gertrude was to take Mn. Denbertog's Barnes, nee Hall, of Burbank, father, Mr. D. Denbertog, to Hollywood, Calif. The photo Montreal where he sailed last shows littie Alan Conneli and Wednesday (yestierday) on the bis dad Keith Conneli. proprie. "Seven Seas" for bis home in ton of Cneam of Barley Park, Rotterdam, Holland, after a witb thbe marna Ilama and ber visit of several weeks witb bis baby Dewdrop. Mrs. Barnes, son and family. Mr. and Mis. whose home at one time was at Vandebeit bad included visiting the corner of Division and Montreal in their honeymoon Queen Streets iu the bouse now plans and were on hand to bid occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Don the latter's grandfatber bon Morris, wa.s inquiring as to the voyage. Finally last, but not location of the Park. Mrs. least, the Denhertogs who have1 Barnes, no doubt. wished to cbanged the location of their1 ascertain the location so that store are. and have been, work- she could visualize. in ber mem- ng feverisbly nigbt and day to aries of the town, the site oi ;bae ail in readiness for the the present park. opening thds Friday, August 28, at the new location in the pre- SummTer is a time when we1 mises forrmerly occupied by ail seem to be extrerne]y busy, ' Marr's Jeweller. a Alex. We Deliver . at St. Andrew's Presbytenian wl Çhuieh, Kirkland Lake, lat Popu k.' Newsoester ihai Surklay mornin ini the absence oft Mrs. John Miles (nee Nellie (Continued from page one) Must Have 100 Members D Williams>, her daughter Ger- Club Executive Membership in the Associa- feli( trude and two grandsons, The executive of the Cana- tion of Canadian Clubs means gift Messrs. John and Richard Miles, di.an Club of West Durham for the local club will be sent f ive clut Syracuse, N.Y., were guests this 1959-60 is as follows: Honour- or six leading speakers, who of] n week of Mi-. T. S. Holgate, any President. Mis. A. Withen- are making a coast to coast tour Het Dvson St.I spoon; President, Mrs. Ken- of the country, and would flot IBoM ttDMr. and Mis. Wm. Dunu, To- neth, Werry; first Vice-Pie, be available to local clubs any the i rot, eewekndgetao nt, Mis. Lawrence Mason; other way. For the f irst !00 A isronther, Mn. and Mistanof 2nd Vice-President, Mis. Fred members of a Canadian Club Osi . hs bothr, r.andMrs Stn-Stevens; Honourarv Conrespon- $2.00 of eàch membenship ice trod Yiley Dunn. Hg t hyas visited Hig oherMSt. Tbeyas ding Secretany, Mis. Loine AI- is sent to the association. As The ni 1 Dun, bis amtent iMnseSsa lin, Assistant, Mrs. Walter Rey- the membership increases the clud orial Hospital. Secnetany, Mis. Nelson Osborne, continue affiliation with the Fox Arthur Hestuer, Neil Hooey, Honouiary Treasuren, Mis. Wil- Association of Canadian Clubs I jass e Tom Mason, Bruce Ogdeu, Nicky bert Teeple. Committee mem- a club must have at least 100 TI Carter, A. Plunsmer, Donu Kerir bers are Mrs. Lawrence God- members. auci 'and Ji. Bosgraaf, all students dard, Mis. M. L. Roenigk, Mis. It is intenesting to note that sele of Bowmanville High School,I Claie Allun, Mis. R. G. Cowie. if Bowmanville had not already thei have returned after eight weeks IMis. M. Staples, Mis. Ivison bad a Canadian Club, it would was Yiat cadet camp, Camp Ipper- Munday and Mis. C. H. Dudley, not now be allowed to bave One lst 91wasb. the organist. fonmed here. There is the Can- mar Mvi. a.nd Mis. Ray Dilling, Founder Born Here adian Club of Ontario County A C hurch Street. îecently spent a The first Caaadian Clu b wa on the west and the Port. Hope ju- week's vacation at a cottage, onl formed lu Hamilton, Ont.,inC adn Club on the east. ha Potash Lake near Bancroft. Mr. 1892. Col. Charles McCullough AIl new clubs are fonmed frTw( hDiling's sisten, Mi. and Mis. was the leading spirit in its districts such as the Candiar ]ucl Jim Burns and Jurdy, Peterbor- formation. Last autumn a bis- Club o! the Saguenay, t]eCa-Mec ough, accompanied Mr. and Mis. torical plaque was unveiled in adian Club of the Niagara Dr. and Mis. P. E. Ineland lic Library building commem-. decided to bave the newly or- and daugbten Pat, Toronto, who onating the birth of the foun- ganized club here named the have been summen residents at der of the Canadian Clubs, Col. Canadian Club of West Dur- thein cottage, East Beach. for McCullougb, ln Bowmanville. bam, as it is expected the Iseveral years, necently neturned About 38 years ago a Woxn-mebsip vll edaw j À! from a six-week trip to Eng- en's Canadian Club was orgaii- from the enti.ie district. ( jIland. Scotland, France and ized in Bowman-ville. Previous- -Switzerland. ly The Bowrnanville Menes ges IVisitors with Mr. and Ivis. ad i Club b1 a beengfon Lions Asked Os] Gordon C.Martin were: Mr eadasami ieendn lub.aryin YMis. Alec G. Martin, Tommie asatndonen lb adDonnie. Newcastle, Mr. and Though the y' as the Bow- To Contribute onl Mis. Frank Bingham and Col- manville Woînien's Caniadian nuau -leen, Toronto; Mr. and Mis. Club has given leadership an-d ATlJ Iîi;q ' James Clarkson and Heather., intellectual stimulus to the At BIDoou ni'C ec x insalpar laroe. ttoe members of the executive have Plans for the celebration of boty r' 1iClay la been women of marked abili- the Bowmanville Lions Club's ton D.and Mis. C. W. SIen-on, ties, who have spent mach tirne 25th Annivensary wene discuss- ges. Mr nd Mrs. W. S. Staples, in planning most intenestiug ed at the dinner meeting of the IN 9Town, and Mir.and Mis. Alec meetings. club held in the Lions Coin- telei Staples of Brandon, Manitoba, Speakers Hard to Procure munity Centre on Monday two weîe weekend guests of Dr. In recent yeans, however, evening. Ralph Mclntyre, the avai 1Harold Slemon's cottage. Lake du1ocagn ie tle immediate past president. was for d Erie. Tbey also visited Mi. and came increasingly difficuit toI appointed chairman of the 251h ,als< eMis. Boyd Sietuon and family, procure top speakers while A vraycmiteadtenr -Niagara Falls, Ont. continuing as an independe'ît members will be the past pre- rurs On Saturday, August i.5tb. club. Last spring il was decid- sidents of the Bowmanvilie 0 -Vincent and Antoney Mollo. ,r, ed by the Women's Canadian Lions Club. ma3 n' Flett Street, and Adrian Demari, Club bere that the tiMe had Bob Mutton, the Lions Club whi 1Waverly Road, local Sea Cadets, come to make a momentous representative to the Bowman- ofî flwfo atnt iny;cag. Te wavle ville Red Cross Society, gave stal Nlwov cota They wîSidny neturThemenoCanaian lub wa report on the activities of the equt s Noa Soti. Thy wll etun Woen* Caadia Clb ws oganization. The Red Cross rat' on Fiday, August 28th, aftr the on1y indepenclent Womnen'sB 1 oosClncwll b o >f two weeks of instruction at the Canadian Club in Canada wb'ch îîeld in Bowmanville on NM- cabl Pri ce dwad nav l b s. j b d fot either ioined the Asso- ' Mi andMis BobW'fl~ dation o! Canadian Clubs, orbe 4tad50vuner sr n M.. an Mr BobWillaums, folded up. -Cheryl and Lynu bave returned The Association of Canadian from a two-week vacation. The Clubs in its present fonm was C MEIIEPI Ifirst week was spent with Mis. organizcd in Montreal 50 yasCM E TV pc Williams' sisten, Mi. and Mrs. ago. The 40 Canadian ClubS John Cattran, Sarnia, and with then active in the country came another sister, 'Mi. and Mus. Roy togethen for the fîîst Confer- Falls and Wendy, StreetSVille. ence o! the Association of Can-i. Last week they visited relatives, adian Clubs on Septemnber l6th in Port Fenny. and l7tb. 1909."' The ollwingmemers f te LI 1926 a permanent office IBowmanville Branch, Canadian was set up lu Ottawa by the Cancer Society, will act as Association of Canadian Clubs. guides, etc. at the Art Gallery, an'd a National Seciet.ary was Canadian National Exhibition, appointed to work under the next Weduesday, September 2: direction of the National Exe Mesdames J. Vani Nest, Stan cutive dnawn from the Cana- SPECLIAL VALUES Ai Dunu, O. Plummen, H. Murphy, dian Clubs across Canada. E. R. Thompson, Stan McMurter, jIncorporated ln 1939 B. Syen, J. Slemou aud H. Saun- Thle Association o! Canadian ders. Clubs was inconpoiated by Spe- Miss Daima-Marie Palmer lias cial Act o! Parliament in 1939. îeturned to Belleville aften a The late Sidney Smith, Secre- three-week vacation with her tany of State for Extennal Af-l parets, r. ad. Ms C H.f airs, wbo for many years was R LE M 1 Palmer. They speut one week Chancellor of the University of fat Hall's Lake. Haliburton. Just Totonto, was a former presi- THE PERFECT *Ipion to vacation Miss Palmer dent o! the Association of Cani HAIR DRESSING comletd er ffiiaionwit îadian Clubs. The Rîght Honour- -i able Vincent Massey, C.A.. Gov osn er Kingston Ontario Hospital. Miss ernor-General of Canada is the'S~ Palmer is in- the third yean aro0o1heAsoitio oe her nuîse's training course at Cadatrn oCluebsscia o Belleville Hospital. IP and1 feb. Mis.W. B Saris, odEl Following a vote taken among Banny W.d Bindy li Rody the membens af the Bowman- Bar an idylf riday y vie Women's Canadian Club plane for their home'in Even- last Apnil, the executive o! the ett, Washiingtont, aften speuding club met Eric W. Morse, Na- eight enjoyable weeks with ber tional Director of the Associa- parents, Mi. and Mis. Keu Cav- tion o! Canadian Clubs at a &Mm u erly, Hampton. While home luncheon at the Flying Dutcb- Iq BRYMoENm Mis. Sarvis anid hildren h'ad a man Moton Hotel. Plans were mi oh« nir eun ,i dewod very busy but happy time, as then made.for a Canadian Club thytaele houhmn for both men and women. This prlaftives and inend stn re- o! the dat the meeting relaive an frendsand re oftheAssociation of Canadian newing old acquaintances. Clubs held in June. Friends of Olive Rankine will be pleased to learu that, despîte M8 Il be needed, Mr. Mutton d. He called on the membens the Lions Club týo belp this )rthwhile project. Leu DeweIl on bebali of bis low Lions presented a baby Eto Maurice Preston. The b celebrated the birthdays Dr. Ivan Woolsey and Ron ýtherington. Ken Kilmer, )wmanville, was a gueSt at edinner Émeeting. A talented vocal quartet from >awa. The Raytones, was in- Dduced by Nelson Osborne. ie members of the quantet in- ided Murrav Osborne, the i, Ray Osborne, tenor, Barry x, baritone, and Ray Hatter, SS. The Raytones vleased thein dience with five well chosen lctions. A vote of thanks for eir excellent entertainmient is moved by Walter Rundie, tvice-president of the Bow- nville Lions Club. An expenditure of $60 was horized to help purchase a ihing aid for a local resident. vo dnaws wene beld. The cky prize winners were Ralph Intyre and Victor Miler. Haumpton Exchange Oontiuued fîom page one) Wp sfor calling between Hamp- A resident or Ontario who a-ind both Bowmanville and leaves the province to live else- 'îawa. wbere from now on will be en- For local calîs within Hamp- titled to keep lus Ontario Hos- nil will be necessary to dial pita]l nsui'ance protection, for y the five figures of the a perîod o! thnee months after Iber. he ceases to neside in Ontario. The new numbers are ail list- This ainendment 10 the Ontario in a supplernentary directory Hospital Services Commission entlv distributed to al Regulations was receîîtly an- nes and businesses in Hamp- nounced. This new provision ri and Bowmanville exchan- will enable people ta have time S. to obtain.allier hospital insun- Vith the opening o! the new ance in their new place o! ne- lphone office individual and sidence before their old. insur- I-party lines will be made ance lapses. iable in urban Hampton Dr. R. W. Ian Urquhait, rthe first time. Thene will chairnuan o! the commission, ;,be a sharp reduction in the bas also anîiounced that if a Lber o! parties shaîrng each resideut is prepaid fanther than 'ai Une. tlîree months when he leaves )pening thue new office cli- Ontario, he should advise the ixes an extensive project commission and auy premiumis ich bas included construction paid beyond. th.ree montbs will a new telephone office, lu- be nefuuded. He warned tbat llation in it o! dial switcbing Ontanio Hospital Insunance uipment and associated appa- will not be aUlowed ta overlap tus, and the building o! a anv Insurance whicb the ern- riplex netwonk o! wire and ployee may obtain. in bis new ble throughout the aiea ta be place o! nesidence before the rved by the exchange. thnee inouths bave elapsed. Employees To Pay More For Insurance Starting on September 27th thene will be changes in the Unemployment Insurance Act, regarding the contribution rates, the wage ceiling for the insura- bility for salaried employees and the rate and duistion of benefit. Rates payable by both em- ployers and employees will be incneased. Provision will be made for highen contributions and higheî benefit for ail work- ens wbose weekly eainings are from $63 ta $69. The wage ceiling for salanied employees will be raised fnom $4,800 to $5.460 a year. Em- ployees paid by the bour, day, piece, or mile will remain in- surable iegaidless of the amount of their earings. Change Residence Regulations i ES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ND REMNERS FOR TRIS WEEK Mqa»Z# 9PEIA«' I.D.A. Brandi - 1/ Grain - 500's - SACCRARIN TABLETS Reg. 55e e e 39C 2 os. sise i Richard Hudnut Lanolin Plus Egg Creme Liquid Shamoop plus 4o.ss 2. 79e trial sis.eiz 2alue 10Regularly 75e 9 Colgate Instant Etiquet, Shave Bomb Stick Deodorani Reg. __7cReg. ___7c IPANA TGOTH PASTE 63e 2 For 99C Williams White Laiher Shave Reg. F> 8 65ce u 8 83e size LYSOL plus Cellulose Sponge Only 83c O'Canadian" North-Rite Gold Cap Bail Point Pen Reg.___75 1.00 _-. __ 75 I.n.A. Brand "Easi-Gio FLOOR WAX 75e sizc SILVIKRIN plu Giant Size- Regulari3 COLGME DENI PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McG regor, Your Local I.DA Drug Store SI ci SPtC pecial Offer! Ldelicately igtented vanisluing raideodorant. Stays crearngi .harmlesa to skin and lothing ... Try VITA RAY' EODORANT CREAM andL ,u'll neyer use anothert? EGULARLY $1.29 CIAL LIMITEO OFFER .95Ç Schick Safety Razor plus 10 Injector Blades 1.00 value - .-79c uss» Reg. 59e 0 45c, 2 Fo, 89c Two 15e size SACHETS - 75c; ly 63e 'AL CEEA!' 2 Fooe 99c Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 Legion Carnivu I (Continued froma page one) ville West Beach, 3. Occasional Chair, Mis. Ted Sheeban, King Street West; 4. TV Stool, Mrs. Wiliamn Bates, Jane Street. Comrade Jean Firth and Comrade Edythe Rundie of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Cana- dian Legion were the Co-con- venors of the Dnaw for the beautiful Doll with Wardrobe and a $5 bill. This was won by W. Malette, Oshawa. The Bowmauville Legion Pipe Baud led the colourful Cbildren's Parade fromn the Lions Community Centre to the Carnival. People ail along the route admired the fine vaiety of costumes worn by the happy children taking part. Immpdiately after týe pa- rade neached the Carnival in the Central Sehool grounds the judgiug of costumes started. The task of deciding on the best in each category was a difficuit one for the judges be- cause of the large numben of excellent entries. The judges were Councillor ai-d Mis. Ivan Hobbs, A. M. Thompson, Su- peîvising Principal of the Boxv- manville Publie Scboola and Mis. Thompson, and Mr. and Mis. Robert Kent. The winners weie: Original. 1 Terry Nichols and Lloyd Graham: 2 Cathy Westover; 3 Penny Jeffery, 4 Jenny Stoui; Bicycles. 1 Bobby Davies, 2 Heather Moore. 3 Georgae Moore, 4 Christine Tighe; Dol Buggies, 1 Janet Davies, 2 Ma- ry Tomlinson, 3 Olga Mary~ Wereszczynski. 4 Nancy and Vicki Cowle; Cutest, 1 Marily;r King, 2 Irene Reitmuller. Rosemany and Christine West- oven, 4 Debra Sheehan and Lynn Barclay; Comnic, 1 Doug Sleep andMîchael Etcher, 2 Tommy Stout, 3 Gai] Hobbs. Western, 1 Danny Sturnock, 2 Hans Reit- mullen, 3 Juil Nichols, 4 Diane Vîrtue and Brenda Virtue; For- eign, 1 Susan Butler, 2 Sandra Goodwin, 3 Daisy Reader, 4 Al- freda Joues and 5 Michael Led- dy. Anythlng will gîve Up its se- crets if you love it enough.- George Washington Canver. p ~1' ANDREWS SPARKLING EFFERVESENT SALT ýRUG SýTORES TRURSDAT. AlUG. 27th, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVM

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