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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1959, p. 16

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PA~ 8~TEEE TEE eAWAnIAN R~A~NAW ~W*WLI~ I~WAUU'I ~z ~ M. - - Tut 8EVr. Su, leu Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duives- teyn, Burketen, wish te announce the engagement ot thein daught- et Nellie Maria, te Mn. Bernard L. Hooyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnn Hooyer, Bowmanvllle. The mamiage will take place, Sat- urday, Octoben 3nd, at 3 o'clock in Emimanuel Retormed Church, Whitby. 36-1* Mr. and Mns. Hary R. Akey wish to anneunce the engage- ment ef their daughtcr, Donna Margaret, te Edward Arthur Faircy, son et Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Fairey. The manniage wii take place on Saturday, Qatober 3rd, 1959, at 5 p.m. in Trinity United Church, Bow- Blanville. 36-1* * Mn. and Mns. James C. Ceyle announce the engagement of thean youngest daughten, Danla Marlene, te Lloyd Bedford Lowery, the yeungest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hartweil Lowery, Kirby. The wedding will take plce In St. Andrew's Presby- teinChurcit, Bownianville, on Saturday, Octeber 17, at 3 p.ni. 36-i Mr. and Mfrs. Hendrik' Jan Kiefte announce the engagement cf their daugitter Henny, te Mr. Andrew James Strikwenda. The marriage te take place in the Rehoboth Christian Retormed Church, Scugeg Street, Bow- manville, on Saturday, Septern- ber t at 3:30 o'clock. Rev. A. W. Schaafsma officiating. 36-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg, Bowmanville, Ont., wish te an- rieunce te engagement et their eldest daugitter Karen Eliza- beth, te John Edmiond White (Ted>, son o! Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence White, Maple Grove, Ont. The manrage wifl take f.lace on Saturday,.Octeber 3rd, 159 at 7 o'clock p.nm. in Trinity United Church, Bewnianviile. 36-1* Deaiths BURFORD--Suddenly, at New- castle, on Thursday, August 27, 1959, Eva May Burford, aged 54 years, wife et the late Albert Bunford,' and dear niother et Alberta (Mrs. Theodone Cal- vert), Omenice; Barbar-a (Mns. Robent Black), Orono; Gnace (Mns. Paul Ridel), Peterborough; Elizabeth (Mns. Donald Henry), Laketield; Winston, Peterbor- ough; Jacqueline, Onono, and' grandchildnen. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bewmanville, on Monday, Aug- uÉt 31st, at 2 'clock. Interment Riverside Cemetery, Lindsay. 36-i Notices Miss Hodgins' office will be elosed until September 8th. School Buses to Donevan Collegiate Tues. Morn'g, Sept. 8 0». bus wilI bave Hampton at 8 a.m. fromn Barrons. Store eorner, proceed south te the fffth, thon west on the flfth te, tbo Town Lino, south on the Town Lino toi Ne. 2 Hlghway sud thence te the school. Anoihor bus wilIl lave Bow- manville at 7:40 and preceed by way et 401 te Countice Road, uorth on Countice Road te, No. 2 thence west on No. 2 HIgh- va-y. A third bus will boa-vo Bow- mmvis at 8:20 proceodlng west «n No. 3 Hlghway. studonts will decide whlch bus- os will b. meut cenvenient. Al grades go ai, the same Urne the flua mornlng. They should arrive ai 9 o'olook and wiIl be through for ihat day at 11:30 School Buses to Bowmanville High School Tues. Morn'g, Sept. 8 the routes Win ho omentlaliy ibo mare as luit year. The bus- v« iMako tw ivps on the Ains day. Grades 11, 12, 13 $#Mdu la tb o roning ai 9 *'ebek and Orade 9 and 10i i I. .VJ cLU iJU CARNOCHAN-In loving me- mory of a dear husband and father, Grant Carnochan, who passed away September 3rd, 1952. I think of hini in silence, His name 1 oft recall, There is nothing left te answer But his picture on the wall. -Lovingly remembered by wife Esther and family. 36-1* NICH-OLS-In loving tnemory of a dear father. We treasure still with lovei sincere Beautiful memories of one so dean. -Ever nemembered by Marg, Jack, Betty, Ken. 36-1* ~'Ll~TFF-ar1and Jacque. lioFitoff (nee Ciarke) are t>oudt announoe the arriva) c~a son, Charles Stephen, on Monday, August 3lst, 1959, at Elliott Lake Hospital, a brother for Michael, Veronica and Margaret-Mary. 36-1 lffl.LS-Ralph and Judy are happy te announce the birth ef thear son, David Bruce on Aug- ust 21, 1959, at Memorial Hos- pial, Bownanville. A brother lrNancy and Joseph. 36-1 SNOWDEN-Jo and Donothy (nee Hardy), are happy te an- Iiounce the birth of their son, Robert Bruce, on August 23rd, 1959, in Oshawa Genenal Hos- pital. 36-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Kil- patrick, wish te announce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon Laverne, te Mr. Roy lrvin Miller, son et Mrs. E. Mill- er, Halifax, N.S. The niarniage will take place at Trinity United Church, October 3rd, at 2 p.m. 36-1 WILCOCKS - In memory of James Arthur Wilcocks who passed away August 31, 1958. Those whom we love go out o! sight, But neyer out of mimd; They are cherished in the hearts O! those they leave behind. -Remenibened by John, Eileen, Kenny and Sharon. 36-1* Cacrda of Thanmks We wish te thanlc our friends of the community for their presentation on Saturday, Aug- ust the 22nd, at Nestleton HalL Eunice and Hermnan Rodman. 36-1* The Executive and Directers of the Cartwright Agricultural Society wish te thank ail those who helped with the Biackstock Fair, this year. To them isl due muait et the credit for a suc- cessful fair. 3- Comning Events Reserve November 4th for Enniskillen W.A. turkey supper. 36-1 Bethesda Cemetery Decoration Day will be held on Sunday, September 13th at 3 e'clock. 36-1 Dancing eveny Saturday night in Pontypool te the music o! the Northern Ramblens, cern- niencing Sept. 5. 35-3 Draina Festival, Onono Town Hall, Septeniber 11 and 12, 8:30 p.m. Seven ene-act plays. Sponsored by Durhami Central Agicultural Society. Admission 75c and 50c. 36-2 Woodview Cemmunity Centre -Monsten Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars; five ganes- * thinty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Bann, Oshawa. 46-tf Prenatal Education Classes- The faîl series of prenatal class- es will start at the Lions Centre, Bowmanville, at 2 p.m., Wed- nesday, Septemben 23, 1959. For fuiriher information telephonie Northumberland-Durhami Health Unit, MArket 3-5661. 36-I Bingo, commencing Friday,i 8 p.m., Sept. 4th, 1959, at Me- meniai Park Club House and each Friday night. Cash pnizes. No prize per game less than $4.00. Two jackpots et $25.00 eacit. Aise euchne each Wed- nesday atennoon at 2 p.ni., startig Sept. 2nd, 1959. Ad- mission 35e per persen. Cash pnizes. Everybody weicome. 36-1 Notice ta Credlitors AND OTHERS Creditors and ethers having claims against tce Estate o! Catherine Houston (ethenwise known as Catherine Duffy), late et the Town of Bowmanville, in the County et Durhami, are rcquired te send fuil particulars of such cdaims te Utc under- signed, solicitors for the Execu- tan on or betone the latit day et Septernber, 1959, atter which date tce estate's assets will be distributed, having regard anly ta claims that have then been received. JONES & GREER, 130 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario. 36-3 Nursig Home The South Haven Rest Homne -Licensed accommodation avail- able 'for up or bed patients. Phone Newcaatle 4441. 29-ti zuucs lor baie CLEAN seed rye. Phone Orno 30 r 5. 36-2* STRAW. W. Fice, 109 Waver- ley Road. 36-.1* TABLE potatoes. Phone D. Craig, Tyrone. 36-1l BOY'S 26-inch wheel bicycle, good condition. 39 Duke Street. 36-1* FORAGE machine, blower and twe forage wagons. Russel Stainton. 35-2* POTTED 'munis ip1 bloomi, $1.00 each. Mrs. E. Passant, Phone MA 3-3527. 35-2 BOX for 1/2 -ton truck, closed in, deors on back and side Nonm Hayes, Orono. 36-1* ICORN silage. Delivered to fanm. Apply Donald Boyington at Stokely- VanCamp, Whitby. 33-5* SUNSHINE electric nangette, autoniatie oven. In first class condition. Phone MA 3-5856. 36-1* USED Simplicity garden tracter, piow and cultivator, good con- dition. Phone MA 3-5950. 36-1* TWO girls' winter coat sets, sizes 3X and 4. Excellent con- dition. Phone MA 3-3127. 36-1 SAVE on lumber, direct froni mili te yeu. Phillips Lumber Ce., KIQmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. l3tt KEYS cut autoniatically, whîle you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E, Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robent H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf GIRL'S nylon snow suit, size 12 and girl's fail coat, size 10. Excellent condition. Telephone MA 3-3406. 36-if GLADIOLUS, cut flowers for ail occasions. Daily hospital deliveny. Mrs. Ernest Passant. Phone MA 3-3527. 27-10 COLEMVAN où burnier steve with pipes, good condition; Monarch ceai furnace, good con- dition. MAU 3-5484. 36-1 ONE student's all-wool blue- gray tweed sports jacket, size 16-17, $10.00; excellent con- dition. Phone MA 3-5942. 36-1 ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service te electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MAU 3-5774. 43-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Wonkmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf DO youn own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) freni Lander Hardware, 7 King1 St E., Bowmanville. Phone MÂ 3-5774. 20-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock et ,batteries and cords, at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-3305. 7-tf1 STORE equipment - Three showcases, two chests et dnaw- ens with large mirrons, ladies' mannequin, plastic hangers, wire hat stands. Phone MAnket 3-3801. 36-1* ONE 71/2 h.p. Scott-Atwater outboard niotor, new. One 15' Peterborough cedar boat, just refinished, A-1 condition. Bar- gain. Phone 2131 Newcastle. Jack Hoînies. 34-tf USED Case forage harvester, with cern and grass attach- ments, good condition. Palmer, Moton Sales, 20 King St.E.1 Bowmanville. Phone MArket! 3-5487. 36-1 ANT ENNAE Installed - Repaireli Moved Sale - Towers - Sale 40' structure lnstailed with Crown roter and ail-channel head. Reg. $150. Sale price $115 LEN & LOU'S V 31 Waverley Road MA 3-3942 33-tf .et mo+uEL 0-1 SL Attrcles ror baie WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Cliff Pethick, COifax 3-2131. 36-tf H-ALF-TON steel box with fend- ers, parts for 1947 Ford truck. Phone COlfax 3-2589. 36-1 DeLAVAL creani separater, 500 lbs. capacity, used short tume, good as new. Phone 15 R 19, Orono. 36-1* SPECIALS: Chesterfield and daveno suites froni $159. Space- savers froni $45. Kitchen suites froni $49. 3-piece bedroom suites fnom $99. Trade-in ai- lowance. Murphy Furniture, King St. W., Bownianville. MA 3-3781. 36-1* ATTENTION FARMERS! USED EQUIPMENT INTERNATIONAL FARMALL CUB TRACTOR with Mower and Plough FARMALL SUPER "C"' TRACTOR with 2-row Cultivator MASSEY-HARRIS *122"1 TRACTOR MASSEY-HARRIS "30" TRACTOR ALLIS-CHALMERS ««C" TRACTOR JOHN DEERE 3-Furrow PLOW on Rubber JOHN DEERE SUB-SOILER FORD 2-Furrow PLOW 3-point Hitch 3 Rubber-tlred TRAIL CULTIVATORS SPECIAL FINANCE TERMS Cowan Equipmeni Co. 134 King St, E. MA 3-5689 36-1 Cars for Sale BLACK 138 Fond, exceptional condition. MA 3-5278. 36-1 1941 FARGO hait-ton truck, $75. Phone COitax 3-2668. 36-1 '53 STUDEBAKER Commander V8, autoniatic, excellent con- dition, $600 cash. MA 3-7275. 36-1* 1954 GMC three-ten stake truck. Wiil sell with 15' rack ~or without. In good condition. Phone COlfax 3-2521. 36-1 1954 BUICK, good condition, one owner. Phone MA 3-3154 before 9 ani. Any tixne.Satur- day and Sunday. 36-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months te pay. For personal service at your home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, coilect. 2-tf FOR NEW FORDS * and Guaranteed Used Cars Cali JOHN STTJTT SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. RA 3-4683 Oshawa Residence MArkei 3-3174 9-tf BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Just East et Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 0t CARS FOR SALE 1959 METEOR Demenstrator 2- Dr. Hardtop. 1955 DODGE 2-Dr. 1950 FORD 2-Dr. 1949 STUDEBAKER 2-Dr. with overdrive 1958 INTERNATIONAL V2-TON TRUCK Cowan Equipmeni Co- 134 King St. E. Bowmanviile Phone MA 3-5689 1 36-1 Livestock for Sale TWENTY-TWO Holstein heif- crs. Average 700. TelephoneJ COlfax 3-2521. 36-1 FOUTRTEEN 7-week-old wean- ling pigs. Ernest Hockaday, COlfax 3-2708. 36-1*j HOLSTEIN hefer with a heifer cal! at side, two weeks old. Austin Turner, Newcastle.j 36-1*1 75 PULLETS, starting te Iay. Wyandotte New Hampshire Hy- brids. Francis Jose, Newcastle 3266. 36-1* Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, te ail makes. Same day service. relevision Service Ce. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned, te ail makes et electric nietors. Hliggon Eiec- tric, 38 King East, Phono MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIRS te ail makes of sew- ing machines. Free pickup and dellvery. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA 3-7231. 44-tf REPAIRS te ail makes of me- frigerators, domestie and com- mercual; milking coolers. H:ig- gnElectnie Lirnited, 38 KingJ t. LPhi»o MA 3-3308.2-il nleip wanteci REGISTERED nurses, full or part time. Seuth Haven Rest Home, Newcastle 4441. 36-1 'WOMAN for general house- work. Telephone MiArket 3-3144 inl the evenmng aiter 7 o'clock. 1 36-if LICENSED mechanic. Apply in person te Mr. Fred Owen, Roy W. Nichols Garage, Courtioe, For Ment ROOM, unfurnished. Telephone MA 3-2717. 36-1 ROOM, centraily located. Tele- phone MA 3-7094. 36-1* ONE rooni, would consider board. Dial MA 3-3971. 36-1* FIVE-ROOM house on No. 21 Highway. Phone MA 3-3961. 36-1* e Li a l r %ougeyo, mmr.nn.ncfimoii, re erborough, Thursday, September lOth, from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. or Frlday, September llth £rom 9:00 arn. te 5:00 p.m. 36-1 CLERK - TYPIST (Female) Required by ONTARIO HYDRO BOWMANVILLE Reply b BOX 1060 BO WMAN VILLE Work Wanted F4XPERIENCED clerk - typist, full or part Urne work. -Audrey Burns. Phone MA 3-5905. 36-2 PLUMBING, heating, eaves- tnoughing; free estimat4.s. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. lM 3-1~240 or Onono 1782. 6-tf FOR chimney werk, new or nepair or any brick, block or concrete work. P.O. Box 1083. Cail L. Turner, Phone MAU 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf WRITE WASHING and di*sin- fecting stables, etc. Free estini- ates, all work guaranteed. Tele- phone Clarke 4721. Bert Tomp- kins, Newtonvîlle. 36-tf Anger Construct ion Co. LTD. Chlmineys Rebuilt and Repalred Brick - Concrete - Carpentry Phone Roy Anger MA 3-2273 33-tf Plastering Reliairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf OSHAWA TV TELEVISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION and REPAIES Phono Bewrnanvblle 1MA 3-5522 Osha-wa RA 8-8180 25-tf Save Money ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanvile CORNER KING and ONTARIO 24-tf PLUMBING - EM EAVESTROUGHING TONY BAARS Mor-San Powerrnatlc, Monion Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - OUl 66 King St. W. MA 3-1127 BoWMALNVMLE 20-tf Harry Lee Laundry 19 TEMPTERACE ST. Phone MA 3-7021 BOWMUANiVgLLE, ONTf. MWs do Wot Wash - M"y, Et&. Pick Up and Delivery MONDAT TO STRA QUICE SERVICEC 1,-ti NICHOLS-In loving memory et our uncle Jack who passcd away Sept. 5, 1958. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, for they shail live fonever la Paradise. -Ever remembered, Lydia, Wil- nia, Bill, Reva, Bfi and famiy. NICHOLS-In loving memory of a dear husband Jack Nichols who passed away Sept 5, 1958. Tume takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back evemy leaf. Sunshune passes, shadows fali, Love and remembrance eut- live ail. -Lovingiy remembered by wife Dolly. 36-1* NICH-OLS-In leving memory ef a dean brother, John Robent "Jack" whe passcd away Sept. 5th, 1958. And se At was that on this day tce Lord God came te our loved one and said: "I have corne te take you home, my sen. Gnieve net fer those whe are left, they shail be comforted by the memories you leave with theni." Weil donc Thou Good and Faitittul Servant. -Tee dearly loved te ever bei forgotten, Millie and Bill. Recd Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale James Nixon McQuay and Kidd REAL ESTATE DROKER REALTORS Orono-8-room solid brick, 41 Members of Oshawa and vistrce bedrooms, %k acre, furnace,1 Real Estate Board hydre, hard and soft water,. Productive 200 acre farm near mnany extras. $2,000 down. i Orono, good buildings, would 5-room frarne house in. Mii- trade on home in town. Price brook, bath, furnace, alumirnun only $20,000 with ternis. doors and sereens. Modern, 3-bedroom brick 5-rooni insul brick bungalow, bungalow, good location, finish. with garage, garden. $1,000 ed recreation rooni, $13,600 wtiý4 down. Close to Bowmanville. ternis. 2 cottages in Pontypool, 4! Building lot on Highway 2 at' roonis in each, full price for Maple Grove, $ 1,350. each, $2,500. Ternis.1 We have a large selection of 20 acres, gravel pit, new fanms, homes, acreages and bus. b:ngalow, good returns for your'ineses. Cal nvestment. WALTER FRANK 65 acres luith creek, near 177 Church St. MA 3-3393 Bowmanville, good pasture. omnil 54 acres with twenty thous- Bo36-1ll and Chnistmas'trees, creek, ced- ar trees. Prîced te seil. 47 Queen St, Box 94' es el Ett Bowmanville MA :3-5682 es R alEte 36-1* 7rni hiirhi-- 4- Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 90 acres - 7 room brick house,i barn 40 x 85, good pnoducing1 farm; excellent location. Pnice $32,000.00. Ternis. 90 acres - 8 noom franie house, large barn, good stock fan,: rice creek. Price $22,000.00. easy ternis. 44 acres facing two highways good pastune fanm, plenty ofl wvater. Pnice $1 oo.O< pen acre. Sevenal building lots pricedj very reas-onable. 7 acres at Maple Grove. Price $300.00 per acre. Den't miss on this one. Two homes on Highway 2. Priced as low as $6,500.00 and $1,000.00 down. List with us for quick re- :ults. Phone MA 3-3644 Salesmnan: G. Blylevin Phone MA 3-5300 c I Peter Kowal 19EAL EST4TE BROKER GENERAL INSURIANCE »l King St. E. Bowrnanvllle Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J1. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Lovely 5 room. bungalow on 1% acres of ganden land near No. 35 Highway. This is a wel built and truly modern home. Land very suitable fer rasp- beries. Only $11,500.00. $1,000.00 down fon 5-rooni cottage at Cedar Crest Beach. Fully fuxnished. Full pice only $4,000.00. $6,900.00 full pnice for 5- room modern bungalow on No. 2 Highway west ef Bowmanville. Large landscaped lot. Ternis. Body shop in good.. location, deing a thriving business. Pniced te, seil. Equipped. N.H.A. homes te be built for applicants with low down pay- ments. Enquire at office. Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goeds) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelepe with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $ 1.00. Mail Onder Dept. T-28, Pipe Band Wins Prize Another award bas been wen by the Bowmanville Le- gion Pipe Band. On Saturday third place was captured in the Senior Band Competition ai the Canadian National Exhibi- tion Warriors' Day Parade by the local Legion Pipe B"nd The prizes wei-e awarded for music, marching and dresa. The Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band was tce only Pipe band te wla an award. There were 24 bands on parade. A rxumber of the -Moem o! Branch 178 of the Canadiain Legion, Bowmanvillc, acoom- panied the band to Teronto, and rnarched in the Warriors' Day Parade. 't r uii briexnuse in central location. new oul furnace with hot water heating, mantel, landscaped, roomy lot, attached garage. Finst trne offered for sale. Ternis. Restaurant in busy town, fully equipped, 18 stools, living quart- ers at near, bath nooni, oîl funn- ace. Excellent opportunity for ambitious couple. Terns. At Caesarea, log cottage with two extra building lots on, 1 water front. Good sandy beach. $4,900 for all. Ternis. SChoice building lot, 110 x 115. [Good location. Ternis. Make an effer. We have fanms, heuses, iots, bungalows, tee nunierous te list. Cail at the office. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvllo MArket 3-5919 Pedwell Real Estate 200 acres, close te Lindsay, 130 acres workable, goed pro. ductive soul, level, ne stene, la. sul-brick house, 6 roms, banlc barn 40' x 100', $15,000. Terns. 100 acres close te Newton- ville, 6 rooni clapboard bouse, hot and cold water, bank barn, 12 acres orchard, $16,850; smal down payment. Supertest gaz station and snack bar on 35 H1ighway. Srnai down payment and easy ternis. Gas station and snack bar,.. Sheil service and car sales, à~1 35B Highway close te Lindsay4,-" last year 's gailonage 70,000. This Is a rare oppemtunity, reasonable ternis. 9 moonm house ln Orono, 3- picce bath, oùi furnace, cook steve,' hardwood and tile faonrs, This must be sold te close an estate, $9,000. Ternis oa b. arranged. 6 rooni wintemized hous. ai Newcastle Beach, bot and cald water, garage, large lot, $8,000, with $ 1,000 down for quick sale. 4 ron bungalow on Hugit- way No. 2 between Oshawa and Bowmanvilie, enly $6,000 witb $500.00 down. Maney te bnan. a. C. PEDWELL, DROKER Newcastle Phono 3858 36-1 TENDERS Nov.-Rubber Ceo, Box 01, Hiam- SEALD TNDER dd d ilen.Ont.152 250 Acre tarin, good water SEALD TEDERS addess- supply, bank barn, with running te the undersigned and endors- 7 a 0watcr, drive shed, etc.; 8 rooni- cd "Tender For The Repaîns te VVaflLed Lo >.ilY cd home with ail modern con- Bnlckwork and Stonework, Fed- venicnces. Askîng $20.000 with eral Building, Port Hope, On- EXTENSION ladder, 26' or long- $5,0 00 down. tarie" wiil be receivcd in the er. Phone MA 3-3678. 36-1 98 Acre farm, 75 acres work. office et the A District Manager, 50 BLSo a tadlv able, 12 acres maple bush, L- Property and Building Manage- ered, Phone Newcastle 236i watesilobdriv nse, etc.; 8 ment Branch, Departinent o! 61wtr io rv hd t. Public Works, 385 Yonge Street, I________________roanied home with furnace, nun- Terante, Ontario, until 3:00 p.rn. RED claver, timothy. Submit niflg water. Price $10,000. September l4th, 1959.- Plans sample. Stewart's Scds, Bow- 1Tennis arranged. and/or Specifications can be manville. 36-t!' 50 Acre fax-m on 115 Highway scen and obtained at the office ----wîth streani, bank barn, running o! te A District Manager, at the HALF-TON pickup truck, 1953- J water, 3 hen bouses, garage, etc.; above-mentioned address, on 55 noe igo odton or"'- - on at the office of the Canetaker at Phone Orono 11716. Federal Building, Port Hope Ont. The îowcst or any tend~er ALL kinds of live pot- net necessarily accepted. wanted. Highest pnices paît.. 7à acres z~~ bank Departmnent ef Public Works M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phonie;barns-, drive shed, etc.; 8 room- R. D. Kennedy, 7 r 13 collect. 9-ti cd home with 3-piece bath, ru - A District Manager, HIGHEST pnices paid for used ;-ing hot and cold water. A7x- Propcnty and Building fumnture, appliances, television îg$5,0.Teîsaraga Management Branch. Iswn ahns t.As ef 15(j Acre furr-î. 35 acres hard- Toronto, August 26th, 1959. isean e chineetc.9 Kig selwwood Ibu., i, ý'x 30' bank DPW-58-192. 36_1 P anec MAn3-2. 59K- tf barn, drive shed, garage; 7 room- ,Phone___MA_3-231.________ ed home with 3-piece bath, run- Room and Bord LARGE room. for gentleman. Board if desired. 205 King St. MfA 3-3186. 36-1* Wanted to Rent FPM or six-rooni house or fan., Reply te Advertiser 977, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bownianville. 36.1* Wanted DEDand cnippled tarin stock, piceduppropty.Phone MA Tyrone.13-tf Lost iLADY'S wrist watch, Aug. 28. Valued as keepsake. MArket 3-5958. 36-1*, ONE pair qlasses in case. Re- ward for finder. Robert Cale. Phone MA 3-5416. 36-1 Personal CHIESTERFIELDS and odd chairs re-upholstered te;:ok better than new. Go where yu get the best for less. For free estiniates, free pick-up and de- livery, call ModernUpholiter- 1 n A8-6451, O.hawa. 33-16 ning water, Price $9,500 with $3,000 down. 112 Acre farmi near Brighton on lake shore, bank barn, drive shed, hen house, garage; 8 room- cd haine with 3-piece bath, nun- nîng hot and cold water. Pnice $9.500 with $2.500 down. 6 Roomed home in Newcastle with ail modern conveniences, nice modern fireplace. Close te scitool and 401 Highway. Price and terns aranged. 5 Roonicd alniost new home with où furnace, kitchen cup- boards, running water, garage. Down payment $1,000. Price arranged. 6 Roenied home, east New. castle, with running water, 3. ~eebathnoomn, hcavy wlred. eice$6,000. Ternis arranged. 12 Roomed selid brick home. ini Newcastle which ceuld fié converted inte 4 apartments. Good watcn supply. Extra lot. Price and ternis arranged. 5 Reomed bungalow with ai. tached garage, patio, ail modern conveniences, next te school i Bowxnanviile. Pnioe $10,00. Contact John F. De WiIh RaIor a Md Geal UInuseu Newoaate Phono un salosmen: DenldM IuMijy. Dovmamvill MA 8-39»8 Ph.,» 31 rn4 HIGHEST pnices pald tomlilve poultry, goose teathers, feather ticks, scnap iron, ra gs, mnetalsi and raw furs. Phiono HIA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-tf Auction Sales SALE ACL D PLEASE WATCH FOR NEW SALE BILLS. JOHN VERHOOG, CANNINOTON 36-1* Tim 1 De With Real Estate dJAA ~&ia HEATED, thnee-noonied down- stairs apartment, kitchenette and bath, centraliy located, washen service. Phone MArket 3-5277. 36-tf WINTERIZED cottage, one mile froni Tyrone. Rent free in e- turn for caretaking services. Offered te retired couple. Tele- phone RAndolph 5-4612. 36-2 5-ROOMED spacieus apartment, heated, oentrally located, lots of cupboard space, $85.00 per month. Apply MeGregor'. Hard- ware, 95 King St. W., Phone MA 3-3386. 36-1 3-ROOMED upstairs apartment with heat and water supplied, separate hot water and hydre.1 Sink, range and eupboards la kitchen. Private bath, se~ entrance; on Hîighway No: 2. Phone MA 3-2248. 36-1* 4-ROOMED SELF-CONTAINEDj APARTMENT WITH GARAGE 821/2CHURCR ST. Phone MA 3-3595 34-tf Tenders Wanted ..,** rn.ac '~UNFURNISHED housekeeping jWHO is interested in making noni, available new. Phone $10 te $15 a day seiling quality MA 3-5786. 36-1* 'produats of a reliable finm, over TOros etd airoi 70 yars in business? Write t w trm, pnate; etrance Rawleigh Dept. 1-140-0E, Mont- hM Ate-3801. 36ntance real. 36-1 MA 3-3801. 36-1*_____ BE a nioney maken! Seil in a 3ROE apantmcnt, unheat- protected teritory our complete cd, centnally located. Phone, line of cosmetics, domestie pro- MA 3-3562 after 5 p.m. 36-112 ducts, vitamins, tonics, alimen- THREE noonis, modern, pnivate tary pnoducts, fan pnoducts. entrance and bath at four cern-4 Higit commission, bonus, trial ers, Bownianville. Apply Apt. 5, period, ne nisk. Free catalogue 23 Tempenance. 3-f and details on request. Fani- ilex Dept. A. 1600 Delonimien NEWTONVILLE apartment, 3, Montreal, Que. 36-i roonis and bath. Pnivate en- -trance, heavy wiring. Phone OPPORTUNITY KNO)CKS Clarke 5 r 03.362 Aven calling wemen to service In and around Bowmanvllle FIVE-noom apartment, heated, area. Experience net necessary. self-contained, bath, and garage. We train you. Representatives ;One block froni four corners.f working only three days a weeki Phone MA 3-3330. 36-i earn good Income. Write for interview, no obligation. FURNISHED rooni, central le- MISS K. MacKEAN ication. Kitchen pnivilege. Ap-n 528 Gîlmeur St., Peterboreugh, ply Advertiscr 976, c/e Canadian 36-1 Statesman, P.O. Box 190. 36-1* ,ARE YOU THE MAN? SPACIOUS, self-centained 2-9 The applicant selected will be bedrooni apartment, s ec o n d ýgiven the immediate opportun- floor, heated, newly decorated.v ity ef earning better than av- Cail MA 3-5544 atter 3 p.ni. ýerage commissions and an ex- 36-i $ cellent promising career- This THREE-room apartment with tl As full or part-time and involves light, heat and waten, on Higit- city and rural selling.- If YOU way 2. Suitable for business P are honest, ambitions and drive couple. Phone RAndolpit 3-3051. a car, corne An and see Mr. Jack352 1 1 Min. . TM CAICACUN BTAIMRIWAV. BOUIUAXVBJLML Cý ý

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