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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1959, p. 1

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Merchants Plan Reeve Places First Colfax Cail Big 3Diay Last Thursday evening, an enthus- iastic group of Bowrnanville Merchants, meeting in the Town Hall, voted to stage a co-operative "Town-Wide FESTIVAL 0F VALUES" on Thursdlay, Friday and Saturday, September 24, 25 and 26. This is an outcome of the June 25th meeting of the Retail Merchants Section of the Bowntanville Chamber of Com- merce at wbich was appointed a plan- Pning committee consisting of Mrs. M. Breslin, Chairman; Art Hooper, Bob Kerr, Bill Tate and Cal Breen. Adopting the recommendations of Shopping Mrs. Breslin's committee, each Bowman- ville merchant will be invited to partici-. pate. For a nominal fee, each participat- ing merchant wili be given a number of colourful, eye-catching posters for bis store windows and interiors te identify him as a member of the co-operating group. The group will also sponsor a full- page advertisement in "The Canadian Statesman" issue of September 17th, and it is also hoped to stage a free street dance on the evening of Friday, Septem-. ber 25th. Each participating merchant wili do Festival whatever suppl&inentary advertising he sees fit, and ail wili feature worthwhile bargains so that the three days will be a true "Festival of Values". One merchant has indicated that he will present an attractive gif t to each customer, others are talking of a few "super-bargain" items, and others of store-wide price reductions. Whatever each may do, Bowmanville and district residents can look forward tc' tbree days of vaiue-packed shopping; se watch this paper for further news stories and advertisement& Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 105 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1959 lOc Per Copy NUMBER 38 Nie SCOTI SELLS One of BowmianvilIe's best kept secrets came to ligit' Tuesday af ternoon when Norman J. Scott announced that be had sold Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries. C rw ih r h local caes ae ~SoCE eT. Banting, well-known C t r2h il C locl nrseý,-an;Joh E.Chester and Ian H. SmithI botb of Toronto. They will take over immediateiy -with Mr. Scott,: continuing in an advisory capacity for up to a year. The news wvas broken to the large staff of employees at quitting time on Tuesday, just a few hours alter the deal had been completed. NURSERY ose "ûmer Que>e.n." The average citizen niay not have noticed that big events were taking place ln Hampton on Saturday evening and early Sunday. but these three men were right ln the thick of the action. It was "COlfax Night" when the new Hamnpton telephone exchange went into operation at 3:01 on Sunday morning. This photo was taken somnewhat earlier when Reeve Roy W. Nichols of Darlington placed the first officiai cail to Mayor Lyman A. Gifford of Oshawa. Albert S. Pinn, Central Office Fore- rnan, is demonstrating how the interiinked strings wil be pulled at one time to put the exchange into operation. Oshawa District Manager John Lowry, lef t, and Mr. Nichols are interested spectators. ÇBits and1 (Pieces XEW GOLF COURSE - A rumored change of prop- erty was confirmed on Wednesday. Lloyd Crago told The Statesman that his 200 acre farm, west of Bow- inanville, had been soid to the owners of the Rouge Hils Golf Club. They ivili take over the property Aipril Tt of next year for the purpose of constructing yet another golf course. That wil make two in the Bowmanville area within a year. It neyer rains but it poums EXHIBITION SOCCER- Tonight, soccer ?ans wMl 4aVe an opportunity to see another fine 'exhibition of skill when the outstanding Italia team from Peter- borough will nieet the Hooper's Jeweiiery teani froni Bowmanville at Memoriai Park at 6:.30 o'clock t t t t t. MOM TOURS WEST - Last week. Mom Whyte left for Winnipeg where she is continuîng her efforts to raise $10,000 to take up the option on a new site close to the provincial park on Higbway 401. It is under- stood she has been granted a month's extension on the option she holds on the property. i. t t t t STEEL 'CGES UP - On Wednesday morning, a large crowd of citizens helped construction workers to erect the steel for the Laskaris building on Temperance St. The sidewalk supervisors offered ail kinds of advice, but the contractors stili went abead on their own. No officiai word yet on the occupant of the building which will open in October. t T T f MOTOR STALLS ICE - Roy Neads started the annual effort to put ice in Mlemorial Arena this week, despite the extremely hot weather. Everytbing was going fine until one of the motors broke down " and delayed proceedings for severa] days. No word bas been received on the officiai opening date, but if this weath- er continues, the building should be a popular spot for skaters and those -who just want to getcol Voters' Lisis Posted for Liquor Vote Votera'l ists have been posted in thse Town Hall and in each polling divi- sion in Bowmanville for tise piebiscite te b. iseld here on September 3th under thse Lîquor Licence 4&ct. The"e are thesemre lists au were used lh i te Proviuclal Ei 1 e o tien in June. The enumeration for the~ above lista was taken in Ma.y. Anyone who has ta- ken up residence in Bow- mauville since tisat Urne and before August-- lst. willbe eligible te vote on Wedniesday, September 30. provlding their names are given te R. B. Reyuolds, the Returniug Officer, at tise Town Hall before Sat- urday, Septeniber 12th, se that they nay be enunier- ated. Tihe two questions te be voted on this month are: 1. Dining Lounge Licence. 2. Lounge Licence. The Commufflty Advan- cernent Association is up- holding thse affirmative side o! the vote. The opposition is being ta- ken by the Bowmanville Citizens Committee. It is understood that both as- sociations are engagcd in preiiminary o r g a ii ization at the limsent time. Brookdale NurseriesOwnership Chang Mr. BantLing will take over as joined the Bro0kdale el-ganzas- prejdent of the companc ai-£ tien where lie was in charge: xii also ha;ve charge of pro- of the wholesale division. ducticsn and iviholesale distribu-I He has been active in coin- tion. He has had co>nsiderab.1e!mtnity affairs as a member of experience in this field. He 'lie Lions Club, President of came to Bo-wranviliei 1950 Bowmanville Cliamber of Coin- upon graduation from the On- merce for two years, Presi- tario Agricultural Coliege and dent eft the Lake Ontario De- took over as branch manager velopment A£s'n. for two years, for the H. C. Downrham- Nursery and a member of Trinlty Unit-I Co. Ltd. Just a year ago, li e d Ohurch. He and! his wife, L yn,, have leur cuh.e, Keitiu, GrlGregory and! Roger. lan H. Smxth, tlhe new gen- erail nmnager of the fi rm, was Sborun iBrampton, educatedi s chools tixere and graduated from Osgoode Hal In 1955. He has been apar-tnerin a Toronto 'law firrn since graduation. He S and his wUfe, Julie, anud their two sons, Malcolmn, 4, and! Douglas, 2, have a.hea4ytaken 2 up residence ini NewSostle. John E. Chester, secretary of (Continued on page seventeen) __ Post Office HLaour Day Elmer T. Banting Port Hope Fair Opens Tonight Tonight, Saturday, and Mon- day, devotees or rural agricult- ural fairs will have an oppor- tunity of really enjoying thein- selves. The recIdess HeU .Drivers will put on a show at Port Hope toniglit and, on Saturday. the main fair wil go into action, il xiii be com-plete with midway, horse racing, displays and live- stock showing that bas gained Port Hope an enviable reputa- tion amonig fair loyers. Port Perry will hold their fair on Monday and, in the mean- time. the fair dIrectors at Orono are working bard preparing for their extravaganza the fol- lowing weekeiid. Drama fol-1 lowers shotuld rernember thEy one-act play conipetition Sep 1 llth atid l2th. 4 es Hands 'the fltllowlng wl be tise Post Office Hours for Labour Day, Monday Sep- tember 7. 1959. Lock Box Lobby 8:00 General Dellvery, Regis- tration and Postage Stam- pa- 8:30 A.te, 10:30 Moner Order and Sav- Ings Bank Business Nil. Street Letter Box Col- lection- One Collection. 2:00. No Rural Mal Dellyez-y. Oniy four contestants Participated ini this year's contest at Blackstock Fair to estabiish the "Summer Queen' for 1959.« In front cf the grandstand, they appeared in bathing suits, later attending tbe dance in evening dress for the final judging. Bernice -Cochrane, 16-year-old Bowmanville Hligh Scbooi student, far left, received the honor this year. Her home is at R. R. 2, Burketon, and she is the daughiter of Mr.. and Mrs. Russell Cochrane. From Ieft to right: Jacqueline Tripp, R.R. 2, Port Perry, who came second; Evelyn Moore, Port Perry, third, and Edith Moore cf Burketrn, fourth. Head of Canadian Club To Broadcast on Radio Tune in Wednesday morning, --- Sept. 9, to ÇKLR, Oshawa, 10 a.m. te il a.rn., wben Mrs. Ken- unree neth Werry, President of the Canadian Club of West Durham T adMrs. Lawrence Mason, vice- oW president, xiii be interviewed [ Th.ree on Barbara Pollock's program. people Word bas just been receivedl October that Larry Henderson's soundi Rev. 1% film bas been locked Up in Mr. Ai Moscow but he will show the Mr. R. film which he was able ta bring ganist hom~e with hlm with livec pectivel metrSeptember10Lin hr. At tlhc executive mneeting early take pl this week it was disclosed that Octobe: already over 100 members haveý whent jondtbe Canadian Club of! Miss West Durham. It is hoped that At 5 ail who wish ta join will obtain Akey's their memberShlip tickets £romý placea rnemrbers cf the' executive be- Karen fore Septemiber 10, if possible' Coinui m i order te avoid delay and dis: brides-i appointment. by The Pri ze Porkers at Blackstock SBell Brides ed Same Day ee of the busiest lui Bowmanville on cr 3rd next will lie Vin. K. Hlousiaxîder, rthur Collison and Shine, minîster or- and caretaker res- ly of Trinity United ,e wieddings xviii place In Trlnity on cr 3rd, onie at 2 paxn. the bride wiIl be Sharon Kilpatrick. 5p.m. Miss Donna wedding xviii take and at 7 p.m. Miss Bragg xviii be wed. Ldently, ail of the to-be are employed e Bell Telephone In~ Magistrates Court ByA. Kurb Public Hearing Thurs. Sept. 10 On Restrictions The Ontario Municipal Board will hoid a Public Hearing ln the Council Chamber efthtie Town Hal on Tisursday afternoon, September 101h at tisree o dlock in connection wlth the application of the Cor- poration of the Town of flovrmanville for approval of Its Restricted Area, By- Law No. 1700. I Tise Hearint willI b. for ail parties supporting, or opposing, the approval of Itis By-Law. Copies et Asurprise announcement came on Tuesday w-hen Chester and Ian H. Smith, both of Toronto. Mr. Scott is malled to property-holders Normian J. Scott, owner cf Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries shown at right, sbaking bands with Mr. Banting, the new arf tis tOWflableOt thoes Ltd. cf Bowmanville, announced that he bad sold the president cf the company. Mr. Chester will be secretary Town Cierk's office ln tise Tuesday, September 1, 1959 Three men arrested in the early hours of last Saturday mnorning, by Bowntanville Po- lice were reïn-anded until Sep- ten-iber 8th. Thay were charged with being in possessiov of stolen gods. A fourth inan broke eut of the Bowmativiile lock uin and is being sought bv Police. Bail was set a,"I $2,000.00. Two yourig Oshawa men corivicted three wee:s ago of attempted thefttof a tire and wheel and wilfi dam-iage to an auto, appeared wîth.counsel, for a pre-sentence report. Both men have records. Subrnission by counsel req ucstedl a terra of Probation, as the men have neyer had a home untii no*w They were remanded fo months eut of custody for e ter.ce. Magistrate R B. Baxter pointed out, "The police and the courts repeatedly get Ooor-1 plaints when accused are con-' (Continued on page seventeen) 1 Don Welsh of Bowmanviile and these two gilts teck the judges' eye at Blackstock Fair on Saturday. He received the highest standing, 965 points, in the 4-H Swine Club. i inan zbt

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