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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Sep 1959, p. 3

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TTD0TIJAV CWbz ' a. r4 1~ E AAINSAEMN OMNILOTROGEE GOOflMURPHY - SNOWDEN White gladioli !ormed a pret- ly setting in Maple Grove Un- ited Church an Saturday, Aug- uit 29th, aI 3 o'clock when Margaret Ethel Snowden, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snowden o! R.R. 3, Bowman- ville, became the bride o! Leo- nard Allan Groodmurphy, Bow- manville. Mr. Goodmurphy is tie son o! Mr. and Mrs. Al- jbert Goodmurphy of Sowcrby. Ontario. Rcv. Harold Stainton was lic oficiating clergymani and Ms. Wm. Laird played lie wedding music. Mr. Ken- neth Mayberry was soloist. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a gown of white nylon. The floor-len- gth tiered skirt was topped by a long sleeved lace jacket. A sequin trimmned Juliet cap held her finger-tîp veil and she carried a cascade o! pink roses and white carnations. ' The brides cousin, Mrs. Gar- ry Pettit, was matron o! hon- aur and two o! the bride's sis- ters, Mrs. Wm. Davidson a.nd Miss Sandra Snowden, were bridesmaids. Littie Miss Nancy Rogers, the brides niece, was flower girl. The attendants' streel-lengli dresses, with harem styled skirts, were o! white nylon with blue motifs. They wore matching blue feathered hend- dresses and blue shoca, and carried cascades o! yellow shasta 'mums. The tiny !lower girl'& dres was an exact minature o! the adult attendants' gowns and she carried a basket o! yellow shasta 'mums. Mr. Raymond Goodmurphy, a cousin o! thc groom, was best man and the ushers wAere -Mir. William Uavidson, brother-mn- law of the bride, and the SCHOOL OPENING' CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL ONTARIO STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL VINCENT MASSEY PUBLIC SCHOOL will re-open on TUES.. SEPT. 8 ai 9Sa.M. AJI pupis attending are requested to b. ini attendance at that time. Ail chiidren residing wilhin the town limits are eligible for admission to Grade One if they are six years of age during 1959, and te Kinder- garten if five years of age durmng 1959. -Proof of Age je Required - Pupils who were transferred in June or who have since moved, wili .go directiy te the school they wiii be attending. Ail pupils in Kindergarten to Grade 5 and living north of the C.P.R. track will attend Lord Elgin Schooi whcn it opens inter in the fali. These wiii register at Central Sehooi, Tuesday morning, where temporary accommodation wiil be arrang- ed for them. Pupils who have not yet been registered or who are transferring in from other schools wiii register with the principal of the ichool they wiii b. attending. KINDERGARTEN - A letter outiining kindergarten arrangements has been maiied te ail registered pupils. A. M. TIONPSGN, Supervising Principal witl' a . * pARi PEN ANDF ""The Campus JOUTER - m m AS DVEIRTISI $1, s.5 ms$.9 5 TWIN SET - - - $3s09 5 PENS -.--$9 Iridium Tipped Nibu Goid-fiied caps White or Yeilow Two suzes ________ MARRES JW King Street West I PAGE TM ED ON TV i en ýsheaticwith maching .duster, jwhite picture bat and white accessories. Assistlng, Mrs. Nash was in a navy and aqua flowered silk print, white pic- ture hat and accessories. Bath îwore corsages o! pink rose- Ibuds. IFor the wedding -trip te Lake Placid, N.Y., the bride travelled in a medium blue silk sheah with white access- ories and a corsage of pink roses. On their return the bri-I de and groom will reside at PE S239 Montrave Ave, Apt. 1 Severai parties were held $1 ,. 9 :for the bride Drior te bher mar- * nage. Mrs. Rýay Sellers was * hostess for a miscelaneous - shower held at her home, Hunt 1 St., Bowmanville. A personai shower was held by Mis. Don Robertson and Miss Pal Ro- bertson at the formers home in Oshawa. J s-C i e~ve ELLERY ~ ~ A comnrunity nijacellaneous B" y in sutiha y shower wes held in the Sun- -tlecro day Sahool Rooni of Hampton ML &caron T #SH O P United Church and the girls of Bowmanville GCeneral Motors, Oshawa, held SMIT B EVMRAGES LTD., M24Cburch St.. BowmanviRe, Ont- in Oshawa. cKi rh.delve into this system, andoptn,3 de 3 students For the eceflot nearliny ail students are com- each valued at $200. In ail, Maple GTove Church the bri-' ltn colteeete. $,0 a en*pn yFd de's mother chose a printed peigsho hr ihr" $,0 a ensetb blue silk dress with beige a-, Mrs. Irvine feit that greater eration in this prograin. u~ 'i r cesoresandcosae o yl-leadership must be provided by Miss McLeod announced that M UCLE MENIi lesoi amnds.corsasesof te women teachers working cose- the foilowmng young women groomi's mother was in pink! ly with trustees, parents a1nd will be receiving bursaries thisa" lace with white accessories and;hmead c 1o association yeer: Annie Grant, John L. wore a white carnation cor- groups. Forster Collegiate Institute;. sage "Teachers conscious of their Windsor: Margaret Hill, Sault <' ' responsibilities as leaders are Ste. Marie Collegiate Institute, 1 Following the reception the sensitive of the service trustees Sault Ste. Marie; Sandra J.~ bride changed to a beige sheath 1 are rendering. School accom- Mlddlestead, Eastwood Col- with rnatehing three-cauarter ... modation is strained to the ut- legiate, Institute, Kitchener; " ' length duster, pink accessories' most and boards everywhere Joyce McNish, Parkdale Col- and pink rose corsage for theý are hard-pressed te keep up legiate Institute, Toronto; Shr i honeymoon to Eastern Ontario.............................wt xpansion. Trustees nuxn- ley A. Robertson, Jarvis Col- and New York State. On their ....... ..............ber among their ranks some of legiate InZtitute, T o r o n t o; return Mr. and Mrs. Good-' the most unselfish public spirit- Heather Walker, Welland Higli murphy wil reside in Oshawaf'~" On.ed citiz ens of the communty. and Vocational School, Welland; <Q. H.. la k poauible loi pro. ont.Tey gve freely of Urne and Dorothy M. Henry, South Por- lessi<,n.î mpgh4qitoesgo vaise Guests were present from n efforts, and they keep up with cupine Memorial High Sehool, treenomloes ,hw . Courtie. Pot Hope Lakeield ~ ~» ,modern curricula and building South Porcupine; Judith White- ,. i.bo? Kitchener, Petersburg, B3lack ein ed naseHI akSc- A. Gencral muscular develop. stock, Sowerby, T h essalon, "It has been predicted that ondary Sehool, Hamilton; Shar- ment and "know-how" are obvi- Sault Ste. Marie, Oakville, M . Canada will need 5,500 more on C. Lane, St. Catharines Col- ously nee¶ed touit heavy Toronto, Owen Sound, Spanish cl-ssro.msp.r.ye.r.o e te giate Institute, St. Catharines; wiis nlaidcosmd and Oshawa. next 10 years, at an annual cost Myra Scott, Stamford Collegiate study o! weight-lifting and de- The bride was guest of honof 200 million dollars. Ontario Institute, Niagara Falls; Laura tânmjn.ed that the theoretical ou a an slwes rortavwill ne a good share of these S. Judson, West Hill Collegiate maximm iift is somotblng lik, her mariage. rs. Do Dixoncurrent operating costs this McEwen, North. Gower, South 1,,out Op frp=fsloa and Mrs. A. E oomrphy forouns. iaisaion ace hostesses a misceil- ~~presents a big expenditure. Carlton High School, Richmond, MulofteItdwigtas. aeu hwer fore ate' "The public will provide and France Prest, Ivanhoe, peaded by the spinal columa. hom i Soery. eltivs t-cheerfuliy, though, if they be- Madoc High School, Madoc. Ibo rubbery pada (intervertèbral tended a miscellaneous shower iv ti eesr fo u Th 1996 xutv as d=)wc itbwe a4 given by Mrs. Garry Pettit children." Teachers should co- eîected by the delegates includ- bon. of the spino withs<anti adMrs. Wes Down at the, operate with boards in plann d rsident-Miss Annie Mc- pressuresUp 10 1000 pounda. Se ande accommodation andwdinpresent- Lennan, Sudbury: Past Pei- teprofessionai weîght-lifte homeof xs.Llod Sowdr',ing these needs for the com- dent-M~rs. Florence G. Irvine, coas nowhere near -1fhn Mape ree. munity in practical language B.A., Ancaster; Honorary Presi- cSugh ta crash the spins A Hay Ride and Mock Wed-"' said Mrs. Irvine. dent-Miss Edna Calder, Sault ding were enjoyed by relatives She suggested te the 600 Ste. Marie; lst Vice-President- Fflliu.g Prexlptbus h w W, o! the bride, with Mrs. Sain delegates who represent Fed- Mrs. E. Laurene Kilgour, B.A., dmSrig~o ao or Silowden as hostess, when a erations 20,000 members in the B.Ed., Toronto; 2nd Vice-Presi- beige card table and chairs province that the authorities dent-Miss Cora E. Bailey, Pet- ..4tu yg were presented. Darlene Rai- i should recognize the leadership erborough; Executive Secretary ney, Marlene McDonald and q4ualities o! women teachers and -isEizbt . alr ISFÎ sN9 CNWISTS Pat Briggs were co-hostesses encourage them to assume Toronto; Assistant Exec. Sec- for an office miscellaiieous positions as principals, super- reayls ath arwr "uI ~nSîIE IUWNNVILLI' shower. visors, nsetors, teachers' col- B.A., Toronto. Girls froin the Engineering lg masters, etc. Department of General Motors "0f aur 20,000 women teach- presented the bride with a ers, less than three per cent ________________________________ floor polisher and Kenwood are principals. 0f elementary HAVE YOU HEAR TH SON ?, blanket at a supper shower The very happy blonde lad shown above is one- school1 men teachers in the prov- Miss Janice Beech, M1&s. Alice year-old Donald William Albin, son of Mr. and Mrs. ince, a very much greater per Beech, Mrs. Haltby and Miss Charles Abn 19 Prince Street. Mr. and Mrs. F. Quack cet arcTpiciplors. rdis-'Uneth ati f i ol1 foroh a omunity miseseus ebush, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Aibin, R.R. 1, New- parîty surelv indicates some- si h hlspe,"ni i for cmuiymiclae tonville, are his grandparents. thing amiss." adtepiophr uile ihwr -Photo by Ireland Studio. Oshawa At the annual dinner held at la married. Then he'. Just the DREW WARRACK neth McFarland of Topeka, _______________________________________Kansas,_ he Ro ao H oD.n-s scontaaet prfuio f ovl>s to General Motors Corporation, WeU, there's another Joke about prfsino!lveysIn- '5 0 AI me Teachers KnaEuainlCnutn ed he ettng ora e ttAt hs aue tfhonou*r the poor, oppressed husbands. wedding which took place at vvom en hes award, an honor- Mostly, the opposite is true. The ed he ettng or prttyAty tebanquet th pesFeda o'clock on Saturday, August; Y iear r resiaen t V arn aymmerhpwsprsnesoo u spoiled te death. 29th., in the garden at the ito five Ontario teachers. Those asr u home ! Mr.and Ms. D.W.~ r~.I jhonoured were: Verna Mc- He gets loving care froanls.m . White, Hampton, Ont. TIe5 Laughlin, Winghiam; Victoria wife and the faniily ciothes get ceremony, performed by Rev. P a ic in ECIUCG Iiof Elleii Bell, Welland; Nellie Mut- Fred J. Reed, Hampton, united ton, Coiborne; Annie E. Ross, loving care at aur place. That's in marriage Gertrude Lorrene August may be known ta ficers and directors of the or- Midland, and Beatrice Borland, a combination ta make any some people as "dog days", but ganization. Mrs. Florence G. Norwood. Warrack, Toronto, daughtr of for hundreds of Ontario ele- Irvine, B.A., Ancaster, retiring Thirteen student-teacher nid marriage realy lasti Miîr. and Mrs. John A. War- mentary school womnen teachers, president o! the Federation, bursaries were awarded te. Carl Leslle rack, Toronto, and Mr. Derni's August is "Iback ta school". presided at the sessions. young wouîd-be public school Frederick Drew, Toronto, soni During the week o! August 17, In her presidential address teachers ini Ontario who are HA E T fve~!W1I.IL T P o! Mr. A. J. Drew, London, while 500 or more teachers at- she said that there is a real entering Ontario teachers' col- RAV wOS SRmw L0 11 0 England, and the late Mrs. tended the 41st annual meeting danger that the Canadiaii leges this autumn, it was an-DR CL NE NO ! Te bie. w.rn awieo! the Federation o! Wonien people would be panicked into nounced at the meeting by Miss D Y C E N D N W , Te bide w-arng whteTeachers' Associations o! 0n-dsain much o! the gaod i Frances McLeod, Oshawa, Pro- pure silk sheath with nylon tario, the 19,000 other niembers Canadian education ini an at- vincial Goodwill Committee chiffon duster and a white!'o! the Federation were getting tempt to copy Russian methods. convener. In 1953, it was de-- feathered cloche, was given in ready tà return ta their teach- "hiThev fail to recognize that cided by the Federation ta marriage by her father. Sheling posts. i hs system which arbitrarily establish a student-teacher aid ~/'~ carried red roses and white, Meeting for two daYs i assigns students ta courses via- bursary as part o! the general . /NSu.MA3-oo carnations. ' Toronto's Royal Ontario Muse-I lates everything for which we Iteacher recruitanent prograin o The bride's sister, Mrs. Mar-uni, delegates representative o! ilyn W!h.te, Hampton, as mat- i major urban and rural areas o! .ron o! honour, wore a street- the province heard key-note ad- length gown o! yelow silk ta!-I dresses by and reports by of- . ti- ae feta with a bouffant skirt and j t'l" 1 eeilnd recipie bolero jacket. She wore a NASH - AXFORD Swhite picture hat and carried a bouquet o! blue carnations. Before a pretty background: Litle Miss Janice Motyl o! O! w'hite gladioli in Hlamptoni Beardanore, Ont., the bride's, United Church on Saturday, niece, was the flower girl. Heri. August 8th., at 2 o'clock, Rev.1 dress, with a vei-y short full F. J. Reed united in marriage L ç % skirt wvas of white dotted Swissi Iris Evelyn Axford, daughteri trinamed with blue dotted o! Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Ax-1 Swiss. Her hat was of white ford, Hampton, and Mr. Wii-1 lace and she carried pink car- iiam Dean Nash o! Oshawa.ý nations. The groom is son o! Mr. and, M.Joseph Harhlt, Toronto, Mrs. Russell D. Nash, Meaford.. was bet man.ist and the soloist was Mis.. For the reception heid at the James Smales. home of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. The bride, given ln marriage White, Hampton, lhe brides her father, wore a white., DAY S modern people pack their pienie mother chose a street-length' bv stai charni gown designed, . dress of navy nylon and ta!- wiha mprrashadte askets wth lighter, less.filling food and feta and she wore a pînk car- skirt ended in a graceful cha-' nation corsage. pel train. The bodice was o! drink - and they look and feel better for il. Following the reception the' re-ernbroidered lace with short Pepsi-Cola.. too, takes tbis modern point.of-view. happy couple ie!t on a honey-J sîceves and a sabrina neckline.' moon trip ta Muskoka Lakes. Her fingertip veil o! tulle illu- For today's Pepsi is neyer heavy, neyer and on their returu will re- sien was caught ta a crown o!fo we.Pc pnfe atn fPpil e i THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BONVIIANVUJ..& ONTARIO ý qwÇnTRAnAv- IRMPT-, RrdL 1050

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