THO LSDA'T, SEPT. Ird. 1959 T~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVff.Y.E ONTAWTfl PAaU ~UVNM - ~ I Social& Phone M Mm IrF. T. Tighe is visitirj her daughter and sonin-la,% Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. OsbornE Brown Street. Miss Joan Luxton, daughte of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lux ton, enjoyed a trip west t Winnipeg, Man. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Dale havi returned from a pleasant two week vacation at Hotel Britan nia, Lake of Bays. Misses Laura and Jess:t Loucks of Toronto were week end visitors with Mrm. W. 0 LaBelle and Miss Laura LaBell. Mr. and Mrs. S. Stewart, Div. ision Street, have returnec from an enjoyable seven-weel holiday spent in the Britîsl rsles. Mr. Marshall McCoy of th( Bethlehem Steel Mine, Mar. mora, is a guest of his cousun Mrs. C. A. Bartlett. King St .Eý qt. Mis5 Ma;d-(i Dawson is visit. lu" Uc ocsins. Kenny anc p ýe- taiaid also hei gi-an ino'cier and erandfather iiI"c'îdlv wel t Mr' and Mrs. Harlani n1.forrnerly of Hamptoni. Mr a AdAlrs. TruLi now resicleai 20J Flett Street, Mr. and Mrs. -Murray Tabt and family, and Mr. and Mrs, James Murdoch and family spent the weekend camping at Crystal Beach. Madoc. Mr. and Mrs. William Cator. Windsor; 11r. Albert Cator and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cator, ail of Toronto, visited their moth- er, Mrs. F. Cator. recently. Mrs. Norman Allun, Centre Street, returned Tuesday from a two-week visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Langie. Ot- tawa. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pickard, Kingsville, Ont., recently visit- ed bis brother, Mr. Albert W. Pickard, at the latter's summer cottage, Williams' Point, Lake Scugog. Mrs. Norman Smith, JackmaT Road, who accompanied Mrs. D. M. Palmer, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, Toronto, on a n-otor trip to Halifax, has returned home. Mr. Lloyd Forsey and his father, Mr. George Forsey, Sr., have returned after a plane trip to Newfoundland where they attended the funeral of the Iatter's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock and Bian spent a very pleasani holiday at Ellswood Cottage on Silver Lake, Ccboconk, Ont. Victor la feeling much bedter Sfter bis holiday. Congratulations to Miss Mary Ituth Osborne wtio won a Blue RibboBt in. one of the pony classe. et Blackstock Fair last Saturday. Mary Ruth's mount is owned by Mr. Lloyd Atchi- son, Newtonvifle. Mr .and Mrs. Gordon Martin and Doris and Karen McArthur have Just returned from a trip St. PauI's United Church Minister Rev. H.A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist Uns. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M, L.C.CM.1 11-00 a.m. - TRINITY and ST. PAUL'S CONGREGATIONS WORSHIP IN TRJNITY A'Cordial Invitation te Al T r nity Uni Niinistes-Rev. Wrn. K. Oî-ganist--Mr. Arthur Col] ke, ta 3- ve 0- e. Je k e t. ýd r r. id r. at ib S. -e n ýr ri ]Brampton, and Ms-. John Pal- lard and Miss Audrey Kenty of Streetsville; Ms-. and Ms-s. Bob Shupak and family, Toronto; Miss E. M. Hoimes, Os-hwa, and Miss Betty Jean Holmes ar Newcastje wes-e reoent visitons of MT. and Ms-s. Wallace Hol- mes.I jCongratbulations ta, two B.H.S. students, Robert Allun, son of Mr. and Ms-s. Clane Allun, I1R. 4, Bowmanville, an-d Peter Ry ruolds, son of Mr. andMs-s. H. K. Reynolds, R.R. 2. Bowman- ville. TIse Ontario Department of Education recently aunounc- ed that Robes-t and Peter- had Mr. and Ms-s. Dan Dudley each been awanded- one- afi-the have returned fs-arn attending new governasent scholarships. theiu- son's wedding lns Prince Titis is the first year titese Albert, Sask. Their daugistes- scholarships have been obtain- *Jane, wisa bas ibeen nursing at able. Robert wiII enter ps-e- Cedars af Lebanon Hospital, Med Seitool, University af Tos-- Los Angeles, Calif., ueturned onto, this Fai]. with hen parents and has jois- Judging frons the uumber et ed thse nursing staff of Kingston townspeople wiso paid a visit Generai Hospital. ta tise new premises o! Deniher- Mn. and Ms-s. Walter MeMillan, tog's Ciothifig, Mr. and Mu-s. C. Douglas and Jimmy of Belle- Denhertog had a very successi-ul ville spent Iast Fsiday with Mss pening last Friday. The new MeMillan's Parents, Rev. andi location is Most atts-actively de- Ms-s. R. R. Nicholson. At 7:15 carated using Palest pastel blue p.n. Ms-. McMiilan was inter- and softest confetti yellow as viewed oves- Radia Station the colons- scheme. Seves-al con-, CKLB, Oshawa, in connectian guatuiatos-y baskets af flowers with bis wonk withs thse Hydiro added their beauty ta this gala Electric Cousinission. occasion. These wes-e fsrn Koja Trading Company, Toron- Ms-. Thomas Park attended the ta; Jan Kok Company, Toronto; Depantinent ai Education Music H: L. Osfus Sales, Toroanto; Cous-se held in Toronto. He at- Dyksts-a's Variety Foods, Town tended a special acceles-ated ciass anidMs.M.LfanlTw. which allowed him ta take two Mr.M .jgel on years' wos-k inc summes-. Last JMs-. ansd Ms-s. David Park,' week he received a certificate Thomas and Glenna spent thel from the depas-iment whichr last twa weeks with Ms-. and gives hum credut ln Elementany Ms-s. Robes-t failey in Windsor. and Intes-mediate Vocal Music While thene, they wes-e enter- -Type B. tained by Rev. and Ms-s. S. R. Ms-s. Jack McNulty returned Hendes-son. Rev. ienderson by Trans-Canada Ais-unes on1 took them far a tour of Walken- Sunday fs-arn Downen's Grave, lVille where his chus-ch is lo- Ill., U.S.A., witese she attended, cated, and also showcd them the wcdding of ber niece, Miss: some af thse athes- beautiful Heathes- Mac fBrown, ta Fr-ank structures in this district. Mr. Carl Watson, Jr. Thse bsidei and Ms-s. Jack Timm took thse a daugitter of Mus. Geore i Park family ta Green field Vil- Brow andthelate Ms-. Borge. lage ]acated just outside of Bownerand tit e s-sonDetroit. Here la found a won- foumes smme neidntsofdes-fui nuseuuss and a town caves-mg 250 acres built by Henry Fond Sr. Many. inter- esting and itistorical reies are found thene. An exampie is fed h ur h 1the labratos-y and ail tIse in- teCurhventinso5f Thomas A.Edsn all presere iteir original1 Housiander, B.A., B.D. surroundings. Ms-. Bailey and 1iMs-. Pas-k also went fishinx but lison, Mus. Bach., L.R.SA1L were flot successfuli i catching any large anes. Eves-vone en- joyed many sunny aftennoonsi swimming in Lake St. Clair. 1 1:00 - NIORNING WORSHIP "Anld Then They Went HÎome" St. PauI's and Trinity Congregations worship lin Trinity A FRIENDLI WELCOMIE TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanvâl. MORNING SERVICE- 10:00 a.m. - Englisia EVENING SERVICE- 7:30 p.m. - Dutch SUNDAIY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE ""Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB. Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 --m- every Sunday, CFRB Mm-. Jessie Pritchard bas setus-ned from a ths-ee-month visit to Eugiand. the land ai ber ibisti. It was Ms-s. Prit- chas-d's fis-st visit ta ber home- land since leavlng thene same 53 years aga. Site was accom- panied on thse trip by hes- sis- tes-. Ms-s. Eliza Bennett. In England they wes-c guests af their sister, Ms-s. Prudence Duckers. in Forge Fields, Wheel- ock. and visited teis- othes- Iths-ee sisters and three brothers. rThey jous-neyed ta Scotiand wlsere they visited Ms-. and Mrs. J. Lighterness, fornmerly of aiowmanviile, ansd also ts-av- elled titsougis Iseland and Wales. 'With ber, wlsen she neturncd, Ms-s. Pritchard brouglit a clip- ping from an Englisis news- papes- showing a photo ai Ms-s. Pritchard ausd Ms-s. Bennett *with a group af relatives. Also Ishown in the photo is a lovely *bouquet, wis-ed by Murs. V. Frsank and family, witich was Iawaiting them aboard thse "Syl- vania" at Montreal where they sailed for England. Tm OId FurIturo lido Cash witb STATESMAN C L A S SIFIED8 Phone MArket 3-3303 Record Crowd at Blackstock Watches O ut standing Fair ,W hile Sweltering in Heat "Thbe Cove," Bowmnanville Weot Mrand Mra. O. Gunvald (nee 0 D )e sonal Margaret St.acey) have neturned from an eight-week vacation in iA 33303Denmark where they visited the ____________________ ormens parents. Enroute to ta te Mritme Povices Dennark tiiey spent two days to he ariimeProincs vs'in Paris. France. On the re- iting their son Lloyd in Mont- turn trip ta their home in >real and Mms Martin% brother, Calgary, Alta.. they stopped in Alex McNeil, in Ottawa. Bowmanville for a week's visit Mrs. Roy S'windells, E-dnon.. with Mrs. Gunvalds parents, ton, Alta., is visiting hen par- Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stacey, Lib- ents, Mr. and Mns. ROY Hoopen,. erty St. North. Carlylse Ave. Mir. Swindells,' at present in Montreal, will ar- j The C.N.I.B. West Diham rive on Fiday and they wl Advisory Committee met à the remain for another week's visit. Lions Centre Tuesday évening wth nine members present and Master Paul Fonsey, littIe Mr. Bob Padders, District Field four-yeai--ald son of Mr. and Secretary attending. Alter the Mrs. Lloyd Forsey, Church St., business period. Mr. George although stull very tII, 's pro- Vice, campaign chairman, took gressing favourably in Osh'awa the chair from Don Williams. General Hospital following sur- The Annual Blitz campaign was, gery necessitated iy peritonitis. set for Monday evening, Octo-. Mn.. and Mms. C. A. McDonald, ber l9th, and District Teamn Dennis and Sylvia visited with Captains were appointed. Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald in; Mr. and Mrs. Manseli Stacey, Belleville and also with Mr. and Carolyn and Loran have ne- Mrs. John Kerry, Almonte, dur- turned from a month's camping ing this past week. The seaway trip through the Maritime Pro- proved to be a very interesting vinces. They camped at Na- part of their trip. tional Parks, Fundy, N.B., Stan- Mi-. and Ms-s. Fredenick Sharp hope Beach. P.E.I., Cheticamp. and son Christopher of Fishers,i Cape Breton and Acadia Na- N.Y., visited Mr. and Mrs. D.i tional Park at Bar Harbour. R. Alldread and Miss Mai-y i1 ev returned from Boston to Al]dread. Reg. N.. last weelz. Syracuse via tbe Turnipike! Marv bas r-eturned to her duties where they spent a few days at -Toront o Genera] Hospital with Mrs. Staceys brother. voloing lier vacation. MnIr Frank Bottreil. Carlysie Amiong those attending a tea Ave., probably the ibest known in the Queen Elizabeth build- pigeon fancier in town. was ing, given bv Ms-. and Mrs. most successful with his entries Harrv- Price. President of C.N.E.,t at the Central Canada Exhibi- î: on Monday fromi this area were tion, Ottawa. held recently. Out Ms-. and Ms-s. Bert Syer. Ms-. of 34 entries hie won 27 firsts, and Ms-s. George Alichin andi four seconds and two thirds. Mrs. Kenneth Werry. The breeds shown by hlm mwere Russia- Trumpe-tens, Mookees, Mi-. and Mi-s. Denver Dawson 1 Dragoons. Modenas, En.glish and their daughter Mardi have Pouters, Magpies, Lahores, Eng- returned from a two-week vaca- lish Carriers, Ringneck Doves tion at Grand fend, Ontario.J and White Doves. Congratula- where they were guests of MT-. tions Mr. Bottreil. and Mrs. Elmer Zimmer and family. They also visited re- Congratulations to Mr. V.- latives at London, St. Marys Cookson, of Maple Grove, on; and Stratford. his fine showing at the Ottawa Exhibition recentl-y. His wins Miss Pat Slemon. Colorado are: 2nd prize f illy toal; 5tlh Springs.. Color-ado, Major and prize bnood mare; lst prize Ms-s. J. Williams, Halifax; Dr. yearling filly; lst prize yeld and Ms-s. V. Williams, Oshawta;I mare; 3rd prize heavy draught Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young, Scas-- gelding-, best heavy draught' horough, and Miss Addie Syl- horse at the Exhibition; grand vester, Huntsville, wes-e visit- champion Percheron mare; Jr. ors this week with Dr. and Ms-s. Champion Percheron mare: lst C. W. Slemon. prize heavy draught team; 3rd -Mr. and Ms-s. Jim Pollard. pnîze four-ýhorse hitich. i s h Ir ai ki H G th i G ar ti og gr Si Cattle Classe Cattle, Shos-thorns: Bull, 2 yea-s and up, 1 Les Taylor, B urketon; Bull, 1 yean and und- es- 2, i Gamuet Rickas-d, Bow- manville; 2 Russell Osbonse, Newcastle. Cow 'gving miik os- in cal!, 1 Gam-et Rickas-d, who also captuned 2nd place; 3 Russell Osbo-ne, 4 Baker Tas-ms, Hampton. Heifer, 2 years aid, Gam-et Rickas-d lst and 2nd; Russell Osbor-ne 3s-d and 4th. Heife- 1 year and undes- two, ist and 2nd Gamnet Rickand, 3 Baker Fas-ms, 4 Gam-et Rick- as-d. Heifen calf, 1 Ricky Rickard, Bowmanville; 2 John Allin, Bowmaisvile; 3 Gamnet Rickand, 4 Russell Osbonse. Bull calf, 1ILR Osbarne, 2 Les Taylor. Shos-thonn Grades, ail prizes were won by Les Taylor. Aber- deen Angus, ail prizes won by Malcolmn Bailey, Uxbs-idge. Here- fard, aIl pnizes won by Rober-t Acton, Sun des-lan d eBeat fat ateer, 1 Bakoe Faris, 2 M. Bailey, 3 U. Taylor. herd, 1 Garnet Rickard, Bailey. fest 2 M. Sheep Classes Sheep: Leicesters, ail ps-izes won by Don Green, Nestieton, and Keith, Van Camp, Bur-ke- ton. Hampshis-es, ail pnizes won by Keitis Van Camp and Lloyd Ays-e, f owmanvilie. Suffolks, Shearling ram, 1 Don Green, and te remaindes- won by f oyd Ays-e, Hampton. Southdowns, ail prizes won by Lloyd Ar and Keith Van Camp. Oxcfords, ail pnizes won by Has-ald Skin- ner, Tyrone. Market lamb, shown by boy or girl under 10 years aid, lst and 2nd, Lloyd Ayne: 3rd and 4th, H. Skinner. f est flock, 1 Lloyd Ays-e, 2 Don Gs-een, 3 Keitis Van Camp, 4 Harolid SSkinner. Despite the intense heat, huge crowds attended t he Cartwright Agniculturel Soc- iety's 94th annual Blackstock Fair on Satur<say. The event was a decided success and the patrons enjoyed a vaniety of interesting exhibits. A highlight of the £air was the selection of Miss Cart- wright Sunune Queen. Miss fernice Cochrane, the lovely daughter of Mri. and Mrs. Rus- sell Cochrane, Blackstock, was chosen for tis honour._Miss Jacqueline Tnipp, Port Penny was second and Miss Evelyný 1Mos-e, also of Port Penny, was third in the contest. Alex Carruthens, MLA for the riding of Durham, officially opened the Blackstock Fais-. He congratulated the Agnicul- tus-ai Society and the Black- stock Fain Board for the ex- cellent arrangements for the day, and also commended the many fine entnies in ail events. Horse Show Pnize winners were as foi- lows: Liglit and draft liorses on halter: Brod Mare and foal, Elmer Lee Gelding or filly two years, Elmes- Lee. who ai- so won the gelding or filly 1 yeas- aId class, and the foal by the side of mother section. Heber Down. Bnooklin, won aIl] prizes for yeld mares, or gel-dungs. Commnercial Perch- eron on halter: Brood Mare and foal. I W. G. Shea, Sunderland: 2 Vie Cookson. Bowmanville; 3 Les Cochrane, Burketon. G-elding as- filly 2 yeans, 1 W. G. Shea. Gelding or fiIIy 1 year, W. G. Shea, 2 Vic Cook- son, 3 Les Cochrane. Yeld. mare or gelding Per- cheron, V. Cookson, ist and 2nd. 3 Keith Hobden, Brook- lin, 4 W. G. Shea. Belgian on haiter, ail prizes li this class were won by Len, Step)henson, Burketon. Road or cas-nuage hanse on halter: Bnood Mare and foal, 1 Leonard B]ight, Bs-oklin, 2 R. Saddler, Nestleton, 3 Milton Lacey, Millbsook. Two year aid cot ICare Vernon, Port P-er-ry. une yeas- aid colt, 1 Bruce Lawson, Janetville, 2 Las-ne Hoskin, Bunketon, 3 David frent. Bowmanville. Foal by the side of n-other, 1 L. Blight, 2 M. Lacey, 3 R. Saddier. H-arness Classes- Heavy draft team, Heber Down was the winner of ist and. 2nd prizes. Belgian team, lst and 2usd pri- zes were received by Len Ste- phenson. Percheron team,, 1 V. Cooksan, 2 K. Hobden, 3 V. Cookson. Commnercial team lst and 2nd, Russell Cochrane, 3 Elmen Lee. Roadster teamn, 1 Ivan Cochrane, Nestieton. 2 L.. Hoskin, 3 L. Blight, 4 Ivan Cochrane. 5 A4. Mann, Peter- bor-ough. Cas-nage team, 1I R. Saddler, 2 A. Mann. and 3 A. Mann. Commercial single hanse, 1 R. Cochrane, 2 Elmes- Lee, 3 R. Cochrane. Four hos-se hitch, 1 R. Cocks-ane, 2 V. Cookson, 3 W. G~. Shea, 4 H. Down, 5 L. Ste- phenson. Roadster single under 15% hands, 1 L. Hoskin, 2 L. Blight, 3 1. Cochrane, 4 B ill Reid, Orono. Roadsten single over 15 % hands, 1 Ivan Coch- rane, 2 A. Mann, 3 L. Hoskin, 4 1. Cochrane. Carrnage single undes- 151/ hands, 1 R. Sadd- .er. 2 A. Mann, 3 R. Saddle-, 4M. Lacey. Car single over 15%½ hands, 1A. Mann. 2 R. Saddler, 3 A. Mann. Commnercial single hor- se liglit, lst and 2nd, R. Coch- -ane,, 3 E. Lee. Gent's tus-n-out 1L. Hoskin, 2 A. Mann. Lady Driver, 1 R. Saddle-, 2 L. Hos- kin. Single road. race, 1 L. Coch- rane, 2 L. Blight, 3 1. Cochrane. Single i-oad race under 151/2 Lands, 1 Don Heath, Campbell. ford, 2n.d and 3nd, A. Mann, 4 van Cochrane. Roadsten team, 1 A. Mann, 2Ivan Cochrane. Single on rin, 1 L. Hoskin. Single on rin, heavy horses. 1 V. Cook- ;n, 2 V. Cookson, 3 L. Steph- mson. Saddle open, 1 L, Hosk- n, 2 D. frent, 3 M. Lacey, 4 L.McKillock, Oshawa. Pony Classes: Brood mare Md foal, Ray Cochrane, Ennis- New Di rector Swimmers Pass Tes ts :I.ý,**k, The following Beginn e r passed their Red Cross Swirn. ~"~ ming testa recently: Donald S Yourth, James Kitney, Lester SVanDriel, Jeffery Gilhoolev > and Phiiip MacDonald. ' From out-of-town, the fol- Slowing were successful, Wayne * ~ Hancock, John Pluister, Peter .. McCullough and Timnothy G-a.v Sof Newcastle and Edw ar d *s~ Wood of Tyrone. 3 Ms-s. Lorne Thornpson. Burke- ton. White bs-ead, 1 Ms-s. G. Brown, Oshawa, 2 Ms-s. F. Dayes, 3 Mss S. Moore. fBrown bread, 1 Ms-s. F. Dayes, 2 Ms-s. G. fBrown, 3 Mrs. S. Moore. funs, 1 Ms-s. G. Br-own, 2 Ms-s. S. Moore, 3 Ms-s. F. Dayes. Chelsea funs, 1 Ms-s. F. Dayes, 2 Ms-s. S. Moore. Banana layer cake, 1 Ms-s. G. Brown, 2 Ms-s. Dalton Dors-cii, Nestleton; 3 Ms-s. S. Moore. Chocolate chiffon cake, 1 Ms-s. Roy McLaughin, Nestleton; 2 Ms-s. G. Brown, 3 Ms-s. S. Moore. Angel cake, 1 Ms-s. G. Brown, 2 Ms-s. Harold IMcLaughlin, f unketon; 3 Ms-s. S. Moore. Light layer cake, 1 Ms-s. D. Dors-el, 2 Ms-s. S. Moore, 3 Ms-s. G. fBrown. Chocolate layes- cake, 1 Ms-s. H. McLaugh- lin,, 2 Ms-s. S. Moore, 3 Ms-s. G. Brown. Fruit cake, dark, 1 Ms-s. S. Moore. 2 Ms-s. Carl MeLaugh- lin, Blackstock: 3 Mrs. G. Brown. Fruit cake, Iight, 1 Ms-s. S. Moore, 2 Ms-s. G. Brown. Jelly Roll, 1 Ms-s. G. Br-own. Date and nut loaf. 1 Mss. S. Moore, 2 Ms-s. H. MceLauglilin. 3 Ms-s. A. Whitmee. Oshawa. Light cup cakes, 1 Ms-s. H. Mc- Laughlhn, 2 Ms-s. D. Dors-eh, 3 *Ms-s. G. Br-own. Tarts, 3 kinds, 1 Ms-s. Hans-y Van Camp, Black- stock, 2 Ms-s. S. Moore, 3 Ms-s. G. Br-own. Bran Muffins, 1 *Ms-s. H. MeLaughlin, 2 Ms-s. G. Br-own, 3 Ms-s. A. Whitmee. Plain biscuits, 1 Ms-s. S. *Moore, 2 Ms-s. G. Brown. Pum-i.p- kmn pie, 1 Ms-s. G. Br-own, 2 Ms-s. F. Dayes, 3 Mrs. A. Whîtmee. Raisin pie, 1 Ms-s. S. Moore, 2 Ms-s. G. Brown, 3 Ms-s. F. Dayes. Apple pie, 1 Mss S. Moore, 2 Ms-s. L. Thompson, 3 Ms-s. H. Van Camp. Chers-y pie, 1 Ms-s. S. Moore, 2 Ms-s. G. Brown, 3 Mrs. F. Dayes. Lemon pie, 1 Ms-s. S. Moore, 2 Mirs. G. ,Brown, 3 Ms-s. F. Dayes. Pine- [apple pie, 1 Ms-s. G. Bs-own, 2 Mrs. S. Moore. Salad plate, 1 Ms-s. G. Brown. Chocolate fudge, 1 Ms-s. H. Van Camp, 2 Ms-s. D. Dors-eU, 3 Ms-s. C. Mc- Laughlis. White eggs, 1 Ms-s. L. Tlomp- son, 2 Mrs. H. McLaughlin, 3 Les Cochrane, 4 Ms-s. D. Dos- nell. Br-own eggs, i Les Coch- rane, 2 Ms-s. H. MeLaughlin, 3 Las-sy Ashton, funketon. (Continued next week) _ The present hans- alone is nsan's.--Samuel Johnuson. If one wouid be successful ini the future, let itim make the most of the present. - Mary Baker Eddy. Thse future that we study and plan for begins today.--Cles. tes- O. Fischer. The Venetians, ln about 1300, Wvere the flrst ta niake mnis-sors ef glass by backing thcm -witli a coating of mercury and tin. These quickly took tise place of earlier metal misrrr. Venem tiar mirror-niakers formed a! corporation to prateet the se- crets of tiseir nsanufacturing mnethads. If anyone carried the art into a fareign country hs nearest relatives were impris.' oned, and the corporation sent ==as a ofilnd and kM i bni i M CoMPTITIV PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE STOIE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDER FOR TRIS WEEK lîke KLEEN EX * DELSEY * ORES. IRADE MAlICE 2 ROILS 35c MA.E1 M PE OI ~~1j%~CECK$ BAD IAU FIGIMTSTOOTII DECAT NILK 0F NAGNESIA 29c, 49c I.D.A. Brand - 16, 32 oz., reg. 35c, 60e "VatI-1 iPound rol ABSORBENT COTTON . .79c Breck Nesile-Lite Shampoo Shampoo 12-ouace - for ail types hairI 1.75 _____ 149 i ______15 valus 1.49______valu. 98c size HELENE CURTIS Colgale Lanolin Dental Cream Discovery plus Multiplier Pencil Box 1.50 size 1.95 size Doth for 98c 1.29 1.69 Helene Curtis - Regular and Super Soft - 79c size SPRAYTMET *u.*u-59C Glant laWhite Rain Lustre-Creme Lotion ReShampoo 8CShampoo L10 __________98C '75e size Two 15c size SILVIEIN plu SACHETS - BoIh for 75c RICHARD IHUDNUT 1.25 size Light and Bright plus 2 ounce Creme Rinse 1.65 Valus 1.25 <'Canadian" Gold Cap Bail Point Pen 1.00 - 75c I.D.A. PDGDUCTS at Low Regular Prices Toilet Tissue - Pink, YeIlow, White -__ 2 for 27e Wax Paper - 100 ft. ral, 12 iches wide --___ 31 Paper Napkins - 70's - -- 1c, 2 for 35c SYONOR70aTOOis WWEN WET OR DbalCAS n-s MELOBONDED! SEGULA MAN-SMZ Protects Better Protects Longer New FEMININE NAPKINS with the Kimfon* Centre Vour cholce or 3 absorbencles Super, Regular and Junior (ifor the Junior Miss) New KOTEX Wondrform* SEL.? PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, We Detiver Your Local LDA Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 Swlne Show Swine, Yorkshines: Boas-, aveni 1 yeas-, 1 James Byres, Bus-ke- ton: 2 K. Van Camp, 3 Jim Coombes, Bownsanville. Boas-, 6 months to 1 yeas-, C. L. Mc- Neil, Frasenville: 2 J. Bynes. Boas- under 6 months. C. L. Mc- Neil, lst and 2nd; Stanley Bail, Orono, 3s-d and 4th. Sow oves- 2 years. 1 J. f yres, 2 C. L. McNeil. Sow, 1. ta 2 yeas-s, 1 K. Van Camp, 2 J. Bys-es. Sow 6 months ta 1 yean, 1 J. Bys-es, 2 K. Van Camp,3 C. L. McNeil. Tamwos-th: sows 6e months te, 1 yean. I Donald Bradbunn, Bus-keton, and the remainder of the prizes in this class went ta LeeTyl-r.Bunketon. TeSpeciai T. Eaton Company Trophy for the highest numben of points in the livestack class- es, cattle. sheep and swine, was won by Keitis Van Camp, Bur-ke- ton. Domestie Science D.omestic Science: Fruit loai, 1, Ms-s. Fred Dayes, Nestleton; 2Ms-s. Sandy Moore, Pont Pers-y; KM C-«ADL« STATESUM. BOWMANVnIX. ONTAMO PAGE SEVEN Michael Dore Stan W a d 10o w, President, Canadian Junior Bowling Coun- cil, announces the appomntment of Michael Dore as Executive Director of the CounciL He joins the Council with a wide knowledge of bowling and recreation activities in general. He was formerly a member of the Board of Directors of the National Industrial Recreation Association. For several years, he was Recreation Director for nearly 10,000 employees of Avro Aircraft, Ltd. With the rapid growth of in- terest in bowling among small fry and teenagers in well-con- ducted, organized b o w 1. i n g throughout Ontario, the Council is pleased to have Mr. Dore supervising its activities. lene*niiwd