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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1959, p. 11

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THURDAYOCT.lst.¶9.T ?HEC-AIADI" ISTATICSMAN. BOWMANVILLEr, ONTARIO PAGE ELETVEI Popular Local Couple Honorted by Fri ends on (heir Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Walton --e NEWCASTLE-A large num-i ber of relatives and friends of1 IAIA ir. and Mrs. George Waltonj Evening W A. khered in the Sunday School Auditorium of Newcastle Unit- Meen Pasd Church on Stra vnn M eetng Pans or a surprise party and presen- tation to honour themn on the occasion of their 25th wedding C ard Party anniversary on Tuesday, Sept. NEWCASTLE - The regulhr When their many friends hadl meeting of the Evening Braiidh gatlhered fromn near and far, Mr. of St. George's Wornans Au<,Iî- and Mis. Earl Walton xvent for iary was held i the par sh the couple to bc honoured who hall on SepLember 23. The -ere attendling a silver wed- meeting opened u.ith Prov dng anniversarv dinner honour-i and after the Mâinutes oftt a ng another couple in the vil- previous meetng were real lage, and brought themn to the and the roll calied the officeii churchi where they were met1 gave their reports. by iheir bridesmaid and grooms. The Little Helpers' Comuitv, r man of 25 years ago, Mrs. Jack announced that the Little Žesbitt and MIr. Aif Graham. ers' group would hold a nieet-i bey were led to the platform ing from 2.30 to 4.30 or tl of the beautifully decorated hall afternoon of October l3th 'n th to the strains of the wedding parish hall. march played on the piano by1 There was soi icuso fI rs. John M. James where theyi a letter received fuom the Ne( - ( ere preseted with corsage and castie Recreatioti Committee i baranoiee by their littie1 , galinieesSusan Walton and1 asking for the lhelp of tlau , Branch in organizing a Seni.,.r aura Ferguson. - Reeve Douglas Cunningham acted as master of ceremionies -~ for the evening and spoke of Dunreoth and George as life- lonIg acîjuaintances and welcom- V ~ cd Ilîcir friends on this happy Cilizenis Club in the village and1 a carci party was planned fori * - the evening of October 7th in 0V- the parish hall. . ~ Th in eeting ivas brought to .~ ~'~~3~ :/i a close with the serving of re- S jfre.hmnitts and a social tirnec toget her.E Free!, lFree! BLACK DIAMI STAMPS with every purchase of at Vigor Oîl SERVICE STAT Under New Management - Don J *- Assisted by "Chick" Richards of B * "We Specialize in Personal Se CORNER 0F MANVERS R, AND FIFTH CONCESSIC Phonie 1MA 3-2919 Double Siamp Day Every 1I -Corne Out and See Our Display Complete Lubrication at a -Reasoni ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PRICI STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN AN%4f AT THE STATIOi. OPEN EVENINGS A a OND Del egates Attend Conference NEWCASTLE - The thirty- seventli annual confereace cf the branches of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church in the Durham - North- umberland Deanery was held on Thursday, September 24th. Delegates froin Newcastle at- tendiag were Mrs, D. R. Dewd- ney, Mrs. P. F. LeGresley, Mrs. John Garrod and Miss B. Mcm-. tosh frein the Afternoon Branch and Mrs. K. Stephenson, Mrs. Alf Garrod and Mrs. E. J. Bel- sey froin the Evening Branch. Details of tbe event are con- tained in another columa. SwimAwardS Wii Be Made On Saturday NEWCASTLE The New- castie Recreation Committee are holding a special night on Saturday for those who toak part in the Red Cross swirn- mina classes during the suai- mer'and for ahl those interested in water safety in the Sunday Chch. hall of the United he redCos ilbemk ngThe Radardssta those mwno wnthem anadswil be howin movitefims n watl esafety. n he fimornin te R ecrea IthoeCmitte ithe holding reg oitrtion for thoe wolding retotdingonfohsrucin. R-i gîstatiodncwingbenfrcindRe- foutr arnd up.inforth Lion fo e o ndSaurday temons Rfrm on10 turdy 12in The lasss10 il beheld1a. aTuheaylassft ernooncommech Saturdae fo'cloan will encon- dut oed by Miss awvl e on-h Harey DaningsAaeylth Havey Parntsng shing to re gishaer.Pheirs chin buto who gisare unable te aten obtur-o dr ay m orningsenud onat Mrs.Deum Cn in ham onMrs. MSan BowCnnbeireghat triMe. SAIlBcornrespoece connet ed with asny ater concmn - ecretatnn t village shou becrmatiled iothe Nllesle Re- e ainCtomteNewcMrs.tan R Brown, secretary, Emily St. occasion. He spoke of bis happy friends and espeeially the com- association with George as a mittee who had made the ar- member of the Hydre Commis- rangements for this affair by sio an-hi wie'sassciaionsaying how happy she was that with Dunreae in the Lionettes thue bridesmaid, best man, and Club. sohoist at ber wedding were able A ladies' trio from Boxvman- te be present and regretting that ville composed of Mesdames Mrs. Hare was in hospital and Sam Black, Russell Oke and L. unable to attend. W. Van lYriel, accompanied by Johnny James, a long time Mrs. John M. James at the friend of George and Dunreath, piano, presented several selec- was called upon to speak to the tiens during the evening which gathering and said that his first were popular around 1934. recollections of George was The presentation address read when they were kids when by H. S. Britton outlined the George used to play hockey ln many ways in which this couple Bowmanvilhe, saying he was had benefitted the community really good but a fiery lîttie over the years, George, through devil. He said la later years hîs years in sports, community when he was in polltics he spent erganizatiens and in public of- a goed deal of time at the Wah- fice, having gene te the top inj ton home where he was always municipal affairs, and Dunreathi made welcome. i-le sald he had through church and service or- called there at ah heours of the ganizations and hew they are day and night and always knew stili serving the cunîmunity be was welcome and was ai- through their park and swim- ways asked to have lunch with 1-ing pool. them. At the close cf the address The speaker said in closing Percy Hare and H. C. Bonathan that any community which had unveiled the gifts presented by a couple like George and Dun- their friends as niementos of reath as resîdents was a very the occasion a Lazy-Boy chair, a fortunate cemmunity indeed for drop leaf tea wagon and a there was no finer. purse of nmoney. The happy Dainty refreshments were couple both respended, thank- served by members of the coin- ing their friends and relatives mittee in charge and everyone for the lovely gifts and the enjoyed a social visit together kind words spoken te thcmn. Ibefore the evening ended. George, in speaking of bis pub- Mmesothcmitein lielif, sid ie omptedincharge cf arrangements for thec three elections in one year an dj evening were Mr. and Mrs. woen twe cf thera and said that Percy Hare, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. his successes in publie life had iBritton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nes- been due te the help cf God and bitt, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waltor., his wife and the co-operation and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bon- of the people. Dunreath tbank-1 athan of Newcastle and Mrs. cd their many relatives and' Leslie Nichols of Bowmanville. flewcasdeh Ili Soci-lai andl £J)ersonaI Mr. and Mcs. E. R. Lovekin and Mrs. R. A. MacDuff and have returned home followiog, family and Messrs. Fred Love- a vacation spent et Williamns-,'kin and Stan Bowen. burg, Virginia, tvhere they were Mr'. and Mrs. P. Vyn cf Bel- the guests of Dean Woodbridge mont and Mr. and Mrs. G. Bar- cf the school of law at William ten of Carrying Place were gas and Mary Cellege. They travel- among the guests at the dinne-r g sIled through the New England party in henotir of the 2t States viewing historical sitos wedding anniversary of Mr. and and rcturned via New York Mrs. John Pluister on Saturday City where they spent a couple evening and renialaed over the of days. weekend. Mr'. and Mrs. George Allia Her many friends will be 'IO N speat the weekend in Woodsteck pleased te learn that the health 'I Nwhere they visited with their cf Mrs. Percy Hare i mrv uard, Prop. daughter and son-in-law Mr. ing and that she bas left Mem- owmanviîîe and Mrs. W. Magill.bsbc orial Hospital and is convalese- ervice" vîsiting with ber sister, Mcs, R. His many friends will be G. Wright in Toronto. sorr-y to eara tbat Mr'. Norman *OAD Visitors with Nlr. and Mrs. Williams, organist at the Unit- )N Gordon Agnew during the pa-tt ed Church, suffered a heart at- tveek were Mr. and Mrs. Each tack on Monday and is serious- îAgnew and Teddy of Lindsay Iv 111 la the Oshawa General and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. WVil- Hospital and net allowed visit- 'uesday liants cf Bownaaiville.1 ors. Mr. C. R. Lovekin was judg-1 I iss Ida DeJong is a patient of Gif ts - ng maple syrup at Burks Fallss1la the Sick Children's Hospital able Price lest week. la Toronte where she under- Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Rudel vent an operation on Monday. E ON TIRES 'and familyv speat the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daly and in Guehph visiting witbh hs par- family were Sunday visîtors ÎbQUANITY ients, Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Ru- with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gould dell. and family. Among local cesidents attend- Mr. and Mrs. John Voutt and ~(D YS iag the Lindsay Central Exhiai- Neil of Concord, formerly cf tion on Saturday were Mr. arnd Newcastle, were in the villayqe J.ULrs. Ross Allinanad famnily. Mr. visiting with friends on Sundml. AppointManager to Operate New Alleys Gordon Agnew, Ediior Phone 3621 ing Alley. AU. Harrison bas had a great deal cf experiencel la the operation and manage- ment of bowling establishments havîng operated alleys la Port Hope as Lessee and Managerý for four years and was for seven years manager of an aJ.ley la Cobourg. His knowledge of the gaine both as a sport and as a business should be a real asset to the commnittee. It is the intention cf the coin- mittee to rua varieus heagues during the season: Men's League, Mixed League, Teenage League and a Rural League, with the possibility of a Ladies' After- noon League if there is suf- ficient demand for one. Aay member of the commit- tee wouhd be glad to hear from anyone who would like to assist in forming a league. Bail Season Ends for Junior Merchants Team Put Out by Merritton NEWVCASTLE - Our local1 junior "B" Merchants Basebal Club bowed eut of the O.B.A. phaydowns here on Thursday afternoon before a good crewd cf fans w'hen they were defeat- ed by the Mecritton teamn 9 to 7 in the third gaine of their three game semi-final series. These two tearrns put up a good series with the outcome a mystery till the iast baIl wag thruwrî, Newcastle taking the first 3 te 1 at borne and Merrit- ton taking the second 5 te 4 in , 12 innings in Merritton and te final fixture here last Thurs- day 9 te 7. In Thucsday's gaine Lefty Bob Osborne stacted on the mouad but had to be relieved by Ted (Kelly) Lane la the second innings. Ted pitched a goed steady game but bis teanti- mates being really keyed up for this game committeci six errors to Merritton's 4. The local lads got off to a good start scoring fîve runs in the first inning, but the Merrit- ton boys refused to give up and came back to finish the game on the big end of a 9 to 7 score. Newcastle hitters were ITed Lane a single and double, Bill Osborne a double, Dave McC ullough two singles, Gary McCullough twe singles and Mort Lake a double for a total of eight hits to the visitors' ten. Score by innings: RH E Merritton 030 003 210-9 10 4 Newcastle 500 011 000-7 8 6 Newcastle - G. McCullough, C. Trim, D. MeCullough, M. Lake, Bill Osborne, B. Abbott, T. Lane. J. Sinclai:, Bob Os- Borne, D. Werry, B. Westhau- ser, P. McCullough and W. KLEENEX ALL POPULAR BRANDS- SAVE 30e C IGARETTES Carton of 200 SPECIALS LPTON'S - SAVE 6c Tea Bags. of 6 SU NBEAM OR WESTON'S CHOCOLATE Layer Cake !Save 6c 39c Stokely Fancy - Frozen Kraft Cracker Barrel Save 8c POLY MILD ftunA e b. 4 3c CHEESE 12 oz. eut4 c WCTU Makes Protes t More Alcohol Outiets Now or at Any Time NEWCASTLE-Last weekend the work requlred ta prepare the basement cf the Commun- ity Hall for the coatractors to start laying the alheys' was coin- pleted, by iaterested volunteers who have been doing the work for this community projeet. It bas been rurnoured that some people stili beieve the taxpay- ers are geing to be saddled with the costs of these alleys, but that is NOT the case. The money bas been borrowed for the installation and it is hopeçI the project can be made a profitable one in which the Community Hall will colect the profits after the mortgage bas been paid off. Last week the committee ap- pointed Mr. Bill Harrison cf Port Hope as manager of the alleys which will be known as the Newcastle Commuaity Bowl- Gibson. Merritton - B. Stubbert, A. Barclay, W. Stubbert, T. Krool, J. McFaddea, T. Saxton, Hale, B. Hicks and J. McDoad. The Executive cf the New- castle Club, the manager, coach and players have asked us te pass on 4heir thanks toahi their loyal fans for the support given thein this past season. NEWCASTLE - The regular meeting of the Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union was held on Thursday, September 24 in the Board room of the United Church with Mrs. E. C. Hoar, lst vice-president in the chair as the president, Mrs. T. G. Sowden was enjoying a va- cation in Swîtzerland. The meeting opened with the hymn "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Af- ter the minutes were read and the treasurer, Mrs. Awde, gave her report, Mrs. Hoar referred to the September meeting of the village council when a letter was received from the Holti- benko Estate requesting the village council to give its sanc- tion b the establishment of 'a liquor store in the Holubenko property on Kin.g street. . Mfter some discussion by the W.C.T.U. members, the follow- ing motion was passed: "Moved by Mrs. M. C. Fisher,, and se- conded by Mrs. L. Milîson that' we register a strong note of protest to our Council against further outlets for beverage ai- cohol in our village, now or at anytime. The program committee au- pointed for the October meet- ing are Misses L. Trenwith and T. Ferguson. During the worship service the hymn "Take time to Be Holy" was sung,, and Mrs. W. P. Rodgers read the seripture les- son and offered prayer. Th e Clip Sheet entitled "The Alco- hol Problem", was conducted Al Grocery Features effective Oct. 1, 2, 3 When a cata- register 12 oz. Tin 9 2 lb. box2c Save 9c 15 Regular or Chubby 'rABLERITE - CANADA'S FINEST RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF BONELESS ROUND STEAKS or 70c ROASTS IL.7I or Rump Roasts SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE OR WING STEAKS or o ROASTS IL.80 FOR SPARKLING VITALITY - HONDURAS Extra Large SUNKIST ORANGES iExa113o'dzs45 SHOP AND SAVE AT Bowmanvi*lle IGA Ma rket DOUNAVILLE y ' ONTARIO Toms'IGA Market EwCASTLE# ONTARIO V /1 by Miss Ferguson with Mrs6 Awde and Mrs. Hloar assistinit. It revealed that in Ontario there are over 80,000 alcoholics. Bas- ed on North American estim- ates t 'here are about 7,000,009) drinkers in Canada who this year will spend close taoi«one billion dollars on alcohol in ts various forms. Because of the damage they do and the careý they need, alcohiolies will cost the various governments andI institutions close to $40 million this year. Alcoholism, commonly knowv% as "habitual drunkenness"l is a. disease characterized by an in- abiltty to stop drinking, an:i the victim is now descrîbed as an alcoholic. Medical science believes that 61,/2- of the drink- ing population are potential ai- coholics; that is individuals whck will be unable ta stop or con-, trol the use of alcohol, oncgb they have started. Aleoholics Anonymous is do.4 ing a remarkable wvork in heip. ing alcoholics overcome their problerns, but only about Il10% ' of all known alcoholics haye ever received treitment of any kind. Only those who are Wlil- ing ta receive help can be help- ed by the A.A. The Alcoholism Reseai ch Foundation is at 9 Bedford Road in Toronto, The meeting wvas brought ta a close with the singing of a hymn and the Mizpah benedic- tiôn repeated in unison. Gel Cash To-day For Old Appliances through STATESMAN C L AS SIFIE DS Phone MArket 3-3303 IGA "BONUS BOOSTER" TAPES .0 Each week a number of food features are selected as "BONUS BOOSTERS". you purchase these products you are given "BOOSTER TAPES" which have logue value of $2.00 each.- Just save these -in your folder with the regular IGA tapes. See this week's "BONUS BOOSTERS" below. HEREFORD SAVE 4c CORN'ED BEEF D)AINTY RICE -n E-zlxrj £"J£d y A"l THURSDAY, OCT. Ist 19,59 1 PLAà

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