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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1959, p. 14

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PAGE FOTJRTEEN 0 I AAIN3A &*iMAuq. OILwm&rVUILP4, UPIAPU HUSAYOCT 1t 9 1,Bhrths CORNISH-Gerry and Y children of Mr. and Mrs. Cornish, wish to announcè birth of their baby siste: Monday, September 21, 19, ROFFMA-Mr. and Mrs. M R. Hoffrhan (nec Ruth Jarx Ellwood City, Penn., are pleý to announce the arrivai oft daughter on Friday, Septeni 25th, 1959. A sister for Anc Jimimy and Ward Jr. 4 SYMONS-Kelvin and Marg, are pleased to announce arrival of a son, Ian Clare, Monday, September 21, 1959 South Peel Hospital, Cooksv A grandson for Mrs. A. Harding, Welcome.4 TAYLOR-Allyn and Kathl are happy to announce arrival of their daughter, E erly Jean, on Wednesday,S tember 23rd, 1959, at Memo Hospital, Bowmanville. A bi sister for Linda. 4c ZEKVELD-With thanks God, Mr. and Mrs. Anc Z veld wîsh to announce the bi of a baby boy, born Sept. Terence Andrew, a- brother Anne. 40 Engagements The engagemfent is announi of Sandra Arlene Fergus daughter of Mr. Roy Fergus Nestieton, and the late M Ferguson, to Mr. Noci Mev Morton, son of Mr. and M Melville Morton of Oshawa.7 marriage wîll take place Blackstock United Church October l6th at 7:30 p.m. 4C- The engagement is announc of Ethel Yvonne Seymci daughter of Mrs. Kate Seymo and the late Mr. Joseph SE mour of Bowmanville, to a Rowland A. Robinson, - son Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson Bowmanville. The marria will take place quietly Saturda October lth, 1959, at 4: o'clock at St. Paui's Churc Bowmanville. 40 Deaths M~ary, .Sid èthe ýr on 59. 40-i Ward mes), eased their Erea, 10-if garet1 the ',on R, at ville. W. 40-i leen the Bev- Sep- orial babyc [0-1* 9 to Zek- P irth F 22, for 0-*c iced _ ýson, G ýson, si M'rs. p* 'ille - iIrs. B The b in p onY tced d Dur, R. iour fo ;ey- M Mr. - Of C of g8 aeg ch, ý0i Ko CLEMENC-At her residence 95 Qucen St., Bowmanville, on Monday, September 28th, 1959, Ada Elizabeth Rickard, in ber 84th year, wife of the late Thomas H. Clemence and loy- ing mother of Ewart, Osbawa; Lillian (Mrs. Archie -Glenney), Newcastle; Marjorie at home and Phyllis (Mrs. Bruce Ross), Gait; dear grandmotber of Ed- ward, Jimmie and Shirley. Serv- ice was held in the Morris Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, Sept. 3th at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 40-1 COULTER, Lillie May-At Me- rnorial Hospital, Bowmanviiie, on Friday, September 25, 1959, Lillie May Coulter, beloved wife of the late Frank Smith Coulter and dear mother of W. Eari Coulter (New Toronto) mnd Vera (Mrs. J. J. Flett), Bow- manville, in her 82nd year. Rest- cd at Northcutt & Smith Fun- oral Home, 53 Division St. Serv- ice was held on Monday, Sep- tomber 28th at 2 p.m" Inter- ment Orono Ccmetery. GIBSON, Elmer John-Sudden- ly, at Lindsay, on Saturday, September 26, 1959, Elmer John Gibson, of Blackwater, Ont., dearly loved busband of Verna Van Nost, dear father of Mar- ilyn (Mrs. Ross Smalley) of Sandford, and Keith, brother of George of Taunton; Irene (Mrs.,ý Edgar Prescott) of Burketon, and Leslie of Columbus, in his 63rd year. Rcsted at the chapel of McDrmott-Panabaker, Port Perry, until Il a.m. on Tuesday, thence to Greenbank United Churcb for' service at 2:30 p.m. Interment Pine Grave Cemetery. 40-11 JEFFERY, Rev. Charles Blake --Suddenly, at Willowdale, Rev. Charles Jeffery, late of 168 Parkview Ave., Willowdmle, (in his 86th yer), belovcd husband of the 1mbe Lillian Robson, and dear father of Mm-s. Grant Lin- ton (Dorothy) of England, and Howard of Bowmanville, and dear grandfathem of Judy, and Stephen Jcffery. Frîends may eall aI the R. S. Kane Funeral homo (Yonge St. at Sheppard Ave.) Service in the chapel, Friday aI 10 a.m. Intemment Bowmanville Ccmetery. 40-1 MITCHELL, Leonard-Sudden- Iy, at Bowmanville, on Mondmy, September 28, 1959, Leonard Mitchell, beloved husband of Marion Huffman and dear fth- or af Julie and Wayne and, Leonard. Rested aI Northcutt & Smith Funerai Homo until Tuesday, thon ta Miller's Fun- oral Home, 326 Augustus St., Cornwall. Funcral Mass was held on Wednesday, September 301h aI 9 a.m. Interment St. i Columbus Cometemy, Cornwall,I Ont. 40-i1 'TENDAM-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Thurs- day, September 24th, 1959, Hendrik Tendamn, aged 42 years, beloved husband of Elizabeth Tendam, Newcastle, Ont., and dear father of Agnes, Helen, John, Tom, Bll, Marianne, Henry Bort, and Diana Shirley. Mr. Tendam rested at the Mor- ris Funerai Chapel, Bowman- ville. Service was held in Reboboth Christian ]Reformed Church on Monday, Septembes' 2th at 2 o'ciock. Interinent Bowmnvie Cemetery. 40-11 Articles for Salý TV, 21", good condition, Newcastle 3681. ELECTRIC range and smal heater. Phone Newcastle WATER for sale. Delivg Phone Cliff Pethick, CC 3-2131. BOY'S skates, size 13; gray versible skirt, size 16. MA~ 3-3755.4 LADY'S Beaver Lamb furi size 16, good condition. Pl MA 3-7105. TWO Continental beds and wardrobe. Phone MA 3-: after 5 p.m. LIGHT wood, in stove m lengths, $10 per load. Pl COlfax 3-2275. MVAC's and Woolf Rivera, bushel. Pick your own.1 Johnson, Tyrone. ONE Winchester repeating sý gun, Model 12, like new. TI phone CO 3-2418. 41 TWO prain outfits, i blue pink, sîze 18 months. Like v Phone MA 3-5048.à YIXED hardwood, 35 loadi cords resawed. J. A. Cars( den, Orono 35 r 9. 3ý M'IXED hardwood, $35 loai cords, iesawed. J. A. Carsc den, Orono, 35 r 9. GIRL'S one-piece nylon sr suit, 2-year size, like new. Tg phone MA 3-3725. 4C BOX spring and mattress, dot bed and dresser, slightly u5 Phone MA 3-7265. 40 FINDLAY Duplex, burnsc )r wood and gas. In good c, fition. MA 3-5621. 4 %ASPBERRY canes, Lathz r faîl planting. A. L UapIe Grove, MA 3-2109. 4 EDAR trees for hedges; ,uge Remington auto-load sh ,n. Phone MA 3-3073. 3 UG, 9' x 12', in excellentec tion, aiso felt pad same si vrs. Frank Dorland, CO 3-24 _________________41 [EYS cut automatlcafly, wh ,u wait, at Mason & Dale Hai are, 36 King St. B., Bowni 11le. 46 VATER, hard and soft, dclivt d. Prompt service. Robert 'ale. Phone MAU 3-5476 or 1Y. 5805. 31. IcINTOSH- apples, $1.00 bus]. nd up. Bring containe weet cider, 85e gallon. D. :mp, Middle Road. 4< ..ECTRICAL Repalrs--Proxr ýrvice to electricai applianct ge and small. Lander Har are. Phone MA 3-5774. 43. A~VE on lumber. direct frc i1l to you. Phillips Luml oK.inmounit, Ontario. Phoi rr 1. l ANGE, good cooking aven ar ,k for hot water. Bargai àone Mrs. F. Cator, Manve ad. Phone MA 3-2360. 40. [REE-piece station wagon SE ivy, size 3, and snow sui Lvy, size 3. Both in good coi ion. Phone MA 3-5260. 40. UE and white Gendron cai ige, excellent condition; con nation 3-speed record playE U radio. Phone MA 3-7048 40- -1W evi rec 3- M àar Si, Ki se lai SÉ mi Co 17 tai Ph Ro TE na, na, dit BL ria, bin anc 40 43 4 re 36 40 28 4C 38, BE 40 40 s, si 2n 11 lot )-2 ;i 0- ,er 01 ýes r e nd in. ers lit, ta- -j INSULATION, blowing metbod, with rock wool. Workmanshilp guarantced. F r ee estinuates, Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke 2420. 39-11 ONE lady's Legion Auxiliary uniform. with extra skirt, in good condition, size 40, $15.00. Phone A 3-3297. Apply 27 Liberty N. 40-1 GLADIOLI bulbs. Digging lime bargains direct fmom field, Sept. 28 - Oct 3, only. Dr. E. W. Sisson, 100 Liberty St. North, Phono MA 3-5604. 39-2 USED coal or wood fumnaoe, ý$30.00, excellent condition; misa oul fumnace, $25.00, good con- dition. Cowan Equipmenî Go., 134 King St. E., Bowmnanville. Phono MA 3-5689. 40-i GiET the jump on old man wint- er! Sec us for froc ostimates on "Carbayes" Aluminum Doors and Windows. You will be amazed how econamical they are from Cowan Equipment Co., 134 King St. E., Bowmanvilie, or Phone MA 3-5689. 40-tf 4-SPEED Electrohome record playem, 2 rollaway beds with na.ttresses, 21" Hmlicrafter teic- vision, gumanteed; 17"1 Addison elevision with new picture tube, 4-bumner gas mange, coal and wood cook stovo, oul burning cook stove, Quebec beater and nany other bargains at Lav- rty's Bargain Centre, 59 King St. W., MA 3-7231. 40-i FLEMISH BEAUTY Grade No. 2 P EAR S 0 t e Q bus] i leN, without the container 40-1 >red. [fax 6-tf 're- 'ket -oat, aonc 40-i one 841 40-i 3od ,one 3ert 0_ ý.t- ele- E )- I xw. 10-1i îd- b m3 Lw3 le-- -c Ule Fo ;d. ri 1* 9 oal - A [mi Pl rd, $1 0-1 6 - sa 12 Ci Et- -2*- -O0 ze. 2 65. bf -le1 ,-- tc -tf iel - 4 Pt d- P 31 rs -JO] j( 1MA 134 Articles for ScaI NEW mufflers to fit ail mcg Phone MA 3-5756. QUAKER où heater, meci size, good condition. 01 9 r 17. 4 FRESH-killed turkeys, 12 up. Allan Macklin. Teleph GO 3-2684. APPROXIMATELY 300 bus Gary oats and one small si of corn ensilage. RA 3-991 ALSCO - Canada's outstanÉ convertible storm-screen wi ows and doors, railings. Lc Allin, 1 Prince Street,. 41 ONE Case forage baryes complete with corn attachmi $285-00. S. S. Morton &ç Farm Equipment, Bowmanvý !M'IINTOSH apples, fancy gr, 2" size, ideal for children, per bushel; extra large Mcmn $2 per bushel, without cont. er. Wilfrid Carruthers, 227S gog St.4 DO your own floors and ru, Rent a sander, floor polisher rug cleaner (shampoo metht from, Lander Hardware, 7 K St., E., Bowmanvifle. Pl( MIA 3-5774. V {EARING aid service. Test service and complete stock batteries and cords at Higk Electric Limited, 38 King St. Bownianville. Telephone1 3-3305.1 ONE 71/2 h.p. Scott-Atwa outboard motor, new. One Peteriborough cedar boat, j refinished, A-i condition. B. gain. Phone 2131 Newcast Jack Holmes. 34 AXMINSTER rugs, 61 x e39.95; Sealy mattresses, $39! ilatform rockers, $39.95; des" P1.95; kitchen suite, large tai ichairs, $99,00. Trade-in spa( ;ver $19.50. Murphy Furnitu o., King St. W., MA 3-3781. 40- 'NE three-burnercoal oul sto rith oven, 1 sawing machir 1circular saws, i mandrel, )elt, i Acme kitchen stove, 1geon-hole desk, i library tabi large plant stand. Cali Han on COlfax 3-2111, oir Blac tock 9r 2. 39- ANTENNAE nsIalled - Repaire Moved ýae - Towers - Sal 40' structure Instalied witii Crown rotor and ail-channel bead. Reg. $150. Sale price $115 LEN & LOU'S TV 1Waverley Road MA 3-394 33-1 ATTENTION FARMERS! JSED EQUIPMENT] INTERNATIONAL ,ARMALL CUB TRACTORS Three to choose front MASSEY-HARRIS "22" TRACTOR MASSEY-HARRIS "30" TRACTOR )HN DEERE 3-Furrow PLOV on Rubber »HN DEERE SUR-SOILER 2-Furrow MASSEY PLOW 2-Furrow CASE PLOW 3-Point Hitch TRAIL CULTIVATOR eSSEY 13-Dise SEED DRILI 3-section SMOOTHING HARROWS with Draw Bar PECIAL FINANCE TERMS man Equipment Co. LKing St. E. MA 3-5689 40-1 Th, Schoi for dustr Massd 111001 Ions. 7, 19 tions, Treas ville. .1 dols. ýdium rona 40-1*1 lbs. hane 40-2 ýsaf tack 26. 40-i1 ,ding ,orneN i,0*1* ýster, nenkt, Son,f ville.a 40-1p ýado, *, $1 Ltosh tain- Scu- 40-i gs- 13 ýr or Lad) iong :-tf ting tof 'gan . E., MA 7-tf ater 15, just ar- 4-tf 9% ci L95; sks,- ble, ice- P ure ~1 ne, 66 ble,- rip- )-2f TE IN le - FC G. 42 G. AR le LOne Thr ~A. 19 i1 YOUR ESSOU .:$Z:DISTRIBUTOR FUEL OIL-GASOLI NE* dOToR (AL - GRkââSES renders Wcinted Oe Bowmnanville P ubl1i c ool Board roquires tenders the supýply of Light In.- ximi FuelOU for Vincent sey School. Approximately O gallons annual consumnp. ini delivories of 4,000 gal-. Tender in writing by Oct. 59, stating price, specifica- ietc., ta S. R. James, Sec'y- LP.O. Box 1030, Bowman.j .worc Wantect CAPABLE yoting woman will- ing to care for small children while mother works. Phone MA 3-5260. 40-i PLUMBING, heating caves- troughing, free estimates. Har- vey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax 3-2281 or Orono 1782. 37-tf FOR cbimney work, new or repair or any brick, block or concrete work . P.O. Box 1083. Cail L. Turner, Phone MA 3-5820 or 3-5605. 30-tf WOMAN wishes to care for young children through the weck while mother works. Good place for children to play. Tele- phone MA 3-5254. 40-1 WHITEWASHING and disin- fecting stables, etc. Free estim- ates, mll work guarantccd. Tele- phone Clarke 4721. Bert Tomp- kins, Newtonville. 36-tf Anger Construction Ca. LTD.' Chimucys Rebult and Repaired Brick - Concrete - Carpentry Phono Roy Anger MA 3-2273 33-tf Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf Save Money ait' Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SERVICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmanvilie CORNER KING and ONTARIO 24-tf 'LTJMBING - lE ATNG EAVESTIOUGHING TONY BAARS [or-Sun, Powermatic, Morrison Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - Oil M King St. W. MA 3-7127 BOWMANVILLE 20-tf OSH-AWA TV rELE VISION AERIAL SALES NSTALLATION and REPAIRS lowmanville M<A 3-5919 1BILL AND BOB Oshawa RA 8-8180 LEASK PR YOUR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING NEEDS Contact Central Decorafors iSmit, Darlington BIvd. R.R. 4 Oshawa RA 8-6809 Prins, R.R. 3, Bowmanvllle MA 3-2282 40-2* Pianlo Tuning RTHUR Collison. Telephone LArket 3-3900. . 38.-tf Articles for Sale TRACTORS NlE ALLIS-CHALMERS W.F. teconditioned and guaranteed ONE FARMALL SUPER A wlth touch control ONE MAS SEY-HARRIS 22 conditioned. Make an offer. ne CASE 6' TANDEM DISC ree 2-FURROW PLOUGHS J. (AL) HOA R Cars for Sale 1951 FORD Pickup, V8, good condition. Phone MA 3-5246, R.R. No. 3, Bowmanvillc. 40-1* 1957 STUDEBAIKER, four-door, overdrive, radio, washers. Less than 25,000 miles, one owner. C. R. Bickle, MA 3-3847. 40-i '55 FORD standard, '55 Ford Customj '57 Pontiac sedan, '51 Mercury, '54 Ford one-ton, '53 GMC one-ton. .MIA 3-5756. 40-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For personal service at your home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Mators RA 3-4494 - les, lA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Just East of Wilson Rd.> OSHAWA CARS FOR-SALE 1959 METEORf Demonstrator with automatie trarsinission 1955 DODGE 2-Dr., $400 down 1950 FORD, 2-Dr., $75 down 1949 STUDEBAKER 2-Dr. wlth overdrive, $75 down 1958 INTERNATIONAL 1/-TON TRUCK ICowan Equipment Co. 134 King St. E. Bowmanviiie Phono MA 3-5689 40-i Livestock for Sale 200 BARRED Rocks, 1 year old. Live or dressed. MA 3-5250. 40-i1 200 DeKALB Leghorns, laying 50%, and 100 Highlines. Must seli. Phone 3856, Newcastle. 38-tf 200 DeKALB pullets, just start- ing to lay; also 35 year-old White Leghorn hens. Newcastle 3856. 40-i SEVERAL shearling pure bred Shropshire rams. Cyril Mum- ford, Lot 28, Con. 5, Hampton. Phone RA 8-8960. 40-2 HOLSTEIN heifer springer. Custom ploughing or cultivat- ing donc. Vernon Asseistine, R.R. 3, Bur-keton. 40-1 YORKSHIRE boars and gilts. Advanced Registry breqçding. Will register. Gerald Brown, R.R. 4, Bowmanvillc, MA 3-2841. 40-1* [DEAD and cippled farm stock, picked up promptly. Tolephone COlfax 3-2721, Margwill Fur Farm, Tymone. 37-tf SHELL OIL CO. of Canada Ltd. HAS AN ESTABLISHED SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE 180,000 GALLONS For Information Write to N. E. Dysarf Box 985 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN P. O. Box 190 40-i R. R. 5, BOWMANVILLE 1 L ost PhneCO3-65 I AMOND ring, vicinity Dr 40- MA 3-7182. 40-1* Tenders Wanted DEPARTMENT 0F LANDS AND FORESTS ~,y-&&-0 - ---- ------.JLVOIUO Deparîment of Lands and Forests, Lindsay unfil 12:00 nmon, FRIDAY, OCTOBER M1, 1959, A Deposit of $25.00 -must accompany each tender. Deposit wiil be returned on unsuccessful tenders.. Buildings may be Inspected upon request by arrangementi wlth the Superintendent, Presqu'île Provincial Park, Brighton, or Foreman, Serpent Mounds Provincial Park, Keene, Ontario. Tender formsanad conditions of sale respecting nine! cottages sud six other frame 'buildings at Presqu'île Provincial1 Park, sud eue cottage snd eue other trame building at Serpent' Mounds Provincial Park, may be obtained tram Department of Landsansd Pares, .Lindsay. or Park Office.i The hlghest or, any tender - net uecesssrily accepted. D. Re WILSON, District Forester. i9-2 Help Wanted APPLE pickers. Phone C 2811. MAN for plumbing and he work. Some experience r sary. Phone 87 r 2 Blackç LICENSED mechanic. P. Frank's Garage, 72 Scugog,1 manville. Phone MA 3, after 6 p.m. THE Bank of Montreal has ings for staff, both maie female; 5-day week, full benefits. Apply in persoi 'phone Mr. Bell or Mr. St er, MA 3-3368. HAWAII. Housing cons tion. Long jobs. Top pay. around work. "Constru News" 30c and addressed velope. FMCO, Box 132, dina, Wash., USA.d MAN to manage the Newc Memorial Arena and make Apply in writing stating q fications and salary expecte Newcastle Recreation Conr tee, Mrs. Stan Brown, Secre Newcastle. RAWLEIGH- business now in Townships Whitby Darlington and Bowmani Trade well established. E, lent opportunity. Ful Write at once. Rawleigh's, I J-140-189, 4005 Richelieu, M~ real. HOUSEWIVES - With children back in school, your free time to carn Avon. Neighbourhood territc now available in Township. Hope, Clarke and Darling Write today to Miss K. I Kean, 528 Gilmour Street,1 erborough, Ont.1 START a business of your with a permanent year-rc way of making money. quality products including mctîcs, culinary extracts, sp: floor polish, tonics. vitar ointments, cold -'tablets, assure quick easy sales, C mission and bonus. Opening your surroundings. For dei write to Mr. T. Gardner, D -5- C.P. 58, Station C. Mont 24. 'arki 40-: atinl stock 40-]l Bow. e-323: 40-1 open. staf: inci ring. 40-1 truc Yeai ctior en. Me. 40-11 B ice, juali] d, tc rimit- tary, 40-1 open East, ville. ýxcel- time. Depi. dont- 40-1 your use witl ;ries gton. Mvac- Pet- 40-1 niund Our ýcos- mces, nins, etc., om- gs in !tails )ept. real SALES REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED To enroil Motor Club Member- ships lu this locality. The Ontario Automobile Association provides the fiuest lu Molor Club benefits. Pleasant wark that eau be handled either full or part-lime. Rush your name and addrcss for fullIinformation as lerritarles are being allotted uow%. Yau should have a car sud be from 25 ta 50, maie or female. Write Sales Manager, Box 817, Landou, Canada'3.2 WANTED PIN BOYS EARN GOOD WAGES Apply Manager LIBERTY BOWL BASE LUNE Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries 1 )N Counier Assist ants for NURSERY SALES Men or Women requlred for weekends SPRING AND FALL (Some knowledge of nursery stock required). Mr. Smifh - MA 3-3345 Davy Jones is the popular name of sailors for an cvii spir- ut or the devil genrally. ARTCLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR amN - HELP WAHTE CARS FOR SALE LOST - lOURD - ETC. Cash ato - - - 4c par Word with a minimum of 60C Must ho paid hy date oi insertion I charged. an additional 25c will b. added. A charge of 25c will ho moade for RUi replies directed fo ibis office. NOTICES - COMINO EVENTI AND CARDS Or TI(ANXS do a Word with a minimum of $1.00 for 25 words or lems.. Ourus . ENGAGEMENTB MARIAGIS - DEATItS $1.00 par insertion IN MEMORIAMI $1.00 plus 10c a lino for ver»e DUs1play Clahsified at $1.50 par Inch with a minimum of one inch. Additional insertions et the sornu rat e. AU Ciassified Ads must ho la tht, office flot lofer than 12 o'clock noon. Wednesday. Bend cash. stamps or xnoney order and sove money. Clip thIs out for handy reference OFFICE ROUEZ Ilonday throuqh Friday 8:30 a.m. f0 5 p.m. Saturday 0:30 a.m. to 12 Roon The Canadian Statesman Dial MArkef 3-3303 lm Oailild Ad Service -1 g S- -y ri .d If :r ir e Real Estate for Sale INSUL brick 16' x 20' bouse. Must be- moved. Phone MA PRICE 125 dollars-Frame cot- tage, insul brick siding, size 18' by 12½/' wide. Could be moved. Mrs. Chambers, Pontpyool, Ont. Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 6-room bungalow on a vemy beautifully landscaped lot. Hot water heating. Hardwood and tile floors. Garage. This is a very good buy at only $10,500 with reasonabie terms. 5-room bungalow on 13/ acres of gardon soul in a lovely coun- try setting. Oul heating. Al modemn conveniences. O nliy $11,500.00. Low down payment. Large brick home on Qucenl St., priced to seli at $1l,OO0.00.ý Terms availablc. 481/2 acre farm with two bous- es, located closeto Bowmanville. Price and terms arranged.40 Readl Estate for Sale McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and nistriet 15area icEeveoarde land, corner property, near Hampton. Only $300 per acre. i Easy terms. Modemn dairy fmrm, 190 acres good buildings, paved road, close to Bowmanville. Priced for quick sale. 3-bedroom ranch bungalow, priccd right. 5 per cent mort. gage. qj Wc have a large selectioqs farms, homes, acreages and b inesses. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3398 Bowmanville Leask Real Estate 10-rooîn bouse in Hampton on 3/ acre lot, 2-storey; new, weli built machine shop. This prop. erty is suitable for a rest home or snack bar. Make inquiries at our office. 6-room house overlooking lhe lake; sunroom, heavy wiring. One acre land, $6,500 full price with $ 1,000 cash. Terms lik. 1Pedweli Rel E-. e -room new bungalow on two .tea stt acres, tree bedroomns, tiled re 20arscos oLnsy kitchen and bath. This land 2010 acres ckloeta90idspry. may be sold off in lots. ýs du0ce swokbgodpo- Wc have farms, houses, 1lots, ~ du tive sou, level, no stone; Cottages to nu e us o ls. ýf insul-brick bouse, 6 rooms, bnk M. E. LE AoSKt it 1barn 401 x 100', $15,000. Termis. Mal EstLaBrke t_ 100 acres close to Oakwood, Renala St Browm uvii -house newy remodelled, bank 65On ar e t 3-5919 ii Ibarn 40' x 60, cernent stabling. Akt351 ri $11,000, small down payment. Sales Staff: Supertest -gas station andiFreddio L. Amnes » MA 3-3408 snack bar on 35 Higbwmy. 40-1 rSmali down payment and easy Ga station and snack bar,' De Wiih Real Estate Sheil service and car sales on 250 Acre farm, 120 acres 35B Highway close to Lindsay. workable, fiowing spring, bank Las t year's gallonage 70,000. barn wîth running water, silo, SThis is a rare opportunity. Reas- drive sbed, etc.; 8 moomed. home anable termis.1 with ali modemn conveniences, 9 room bouse in Orona, 3- 1 hardwood floors. Price $18,000 piece bath, oul fumnace, cook Iwith $5,000 down. stove, bamdwood and tule floors. 150 Acre famm, 35 acres hard. This must be sold ta close an wood bush, 100' x 30' bank barn, estate. $9,000. Terms can ho drive shed, garage, etc.; 7 roorn- aranged. ced frame bomc with 3-piece Nw4ro cotg clstabath, running bot and cold wat- Orono. Very scenic grounds oer. Prico $9,500 with $2,500 $4,500. Good termns. down. Mone to oan.50 Acre farm near Green. Monc ta an.wood, 40 acres workable, stream, R. C. PEDWELL, i3rOKER 75' x 65' bank barn, running Newcastle Phono 3856 wmter, drive shed, etc.; 9 rooni- 40-1 cd brick borne with furnace, running water. Asking $13,00 1~ Termis arranged. Peter Feddema *36 Acre farm near betn ville, li workable, 90' x30 REAL ESTATE BROKER bank barn, munning water, drive 100 acres, 7 rooin bouse, sbed, garage, etc.; 6 roomed large, barn, implement shed, home with 4-piece bath, electric hien bouse, garage, productive watcr heater, tije floors, etc. farm. Nice stream. Price Price and ternis mranged. $21,000.00. Easy ternis. 47 Acre farm on 115 Hîgh. 50 acres near Bowmanviile, way, 35 acres womkmbîe, bank buildings in good condition: barn witb running water, creek, gardon soil. Priced very eas- 3 hien housiqs, garage, etc.: 8 onabie. Terns. roomed home with water on 2 ½ý acres with small barn, tap. Price and termis arranged. near Newcastle. Price $1,500.00. 112 Acre farm near Brighton 4 acres with 4 moorn bouse, on lake shore, 60' x 30' barn, near school and store. Price drive shed, etc.; 8 roomed homo only $3,500.00, witb 3-piece bath, running bot 10 acres at Courtice, suitable and coid water. Prico $9,500 for rasphermies and strawber- witb $2,500 down. ries, close to schooi. Price Income home, semi-detached $8,000.00. Terns. brick home in Newcastle, close 5 acres at Maple Grove. Priced ta shopping and school. Dowa at $300.00 per acre. $1,000. Price arranged. 21/2 acres near Orono, nice 6 Roomed home in centre of soil. Price $1,200.00. Bowmanville wîth 3-piece bath, $500.00 down for this 7-room celectric water beater, modemn insul brick home - 3 bedrooms, kitchen. Price $8,500. Termis. bath, furnace. One acre lot. Income home, 13 rooms which Price $6,500.00. could be made into four apart- $1,000.00 down for this two- monts, good water suppiy, extra storey semi-detacbed bouse, lot, heavy wired. Price $8,00 Asking price $5,500.00. with $1,500 down. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanviile 5 oomed home In Bowman- Phone MA 3-3644 ville witb mîl modern conven- Salesman: G. Blyleven iences, next to school. Attached Phono MA 3-5300 garage, patio, etc. Price $ 10,000. 40-1 Terms. 6 Roomed homo with running Ld wmter, 3-piece bath, heavy duty LS.Snelgrove CO.a. wied. Asking $6,000 with $2,500 down. 43 Park Rd. S. Oshawa 5 Roomed home, almost new, Orchardview Blvd. witb new oil fumnace, running N.H.A. Resale watcr, kitchen cupboards, gar- 5-room 3-bedroomn brick bun- mgo. Down payment $1,000. galow, oak and tule floors, 4- Contact piece bath, forced air witb oul hoating, aluminum storms and John F. De With screens, large beautifully land- eloan GnrlIsunc scaped and hedged lot, manyRetosu GeraIsuac fiowers and shrubs. Further par- Newcastle Phono 3341 iculars by caliing Keith Peters, Salesmen: RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 even- Donald Mountjoy, Bowmianville ngs.MA395 $ 6 ,5 0 0 F ull ri c e o s i D a v id s o n , B e th a n r 4 roomn bungalow witb 11/2 Phono 21 r 6 acres, garage, soutb section, 40-1 ternis. ________________ $7.600 Full Price m 4 room bungalow, hardwood Piano and neory floors, 4-piece bath, ail heating, livided basement, aîuminumin PRIJTE lessons in piano and ;torms ai-d scmoons, largo hedg- theofy. Mrs. Ronald. H. Scott. d lot. Cali Sid Martyfi, RA A.T.C.M., 98 Church St. MA -9810. 3-7246. 38-tf Ranch Bungalow B and iu uing-room, 9 x 16fi IL1 kitchen, 3 good bedrooms, forced LADIES - Sew Christmas gift air with oil heating, dividd i stockings in your spare time and basement, aluminum storms and earn up to $25 weekly. Write screens, planter with flowcrs Box 39, Appin, Ont. 40-1* and shrubbery, niceiy landscap- cd 100 x 150 ft. lot. Located on Nursing Home Edsal . Ave. Caîl Keîth Peters, RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 even- L I C E N S E D accommodation ings. availabie for lady or gentlesfan 100 Acre Farm at Rest Home. Phono Orono $5,000 down. 9-room brick 1771. 40-4 home, modemn kitchen, 4-piece bath, forced air with où heat- The South Hayon Rest Home ing, large barn anid umplementI -Licensed accommodation avail- shed, mîl in good repair, over 95 lable for up or bcd patients. acres workabie and 40 acres of'Phono Newcastle 4441. 29-tS fali wheat, excellent water sup- ply with trout pond possihilities, Personcal frontage on two roads, located just a few miles north cast of CHESTERFIELDS and oc Bowmanville. Co-op No. 329. chairs re-upholstered, to look Cali Sîd Martyn RA 3.9810. better than new. Go where oau We have a good selection of get the best for iess. For fee Homes and Farms in the estimates, froc pick-up and de- surroundlng district. , livery, caîl Modern Uphoister- "0 1 Ing. RA 8-6451, Oshawa. 33-il i si fl ti à lwr-- . R àýq r - . - - . - - - - - - - - 1 1 1. 10 1 Apply : q9rm CAVAnTAM -SpAqwwo»Alkl à%uýAýý Office Tenders Wanted

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