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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1959, p. 1

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-I r r Auto -Bodly Shop Ablaze 6 of S Council eo Approval of a 500 to 700 pupil High School in Darlington and a 150 pupil High School'for Millbrook was given by a vote of 6-0 at the meeting of the eight municipal councils in the Durham County District High School Area held. at Bowmanville Town Hall on Thursday evening. The Township Councils of Clarke and Hope abstained from voting. The Councils of Darlington, Clarke, Newcastle, Hope, Port Hope, Millbrook and Cavan attended the meeting at the invitation of Bowmanville Town Council in an attempt Considerahie damage resulted from this fire which bjroke out Thursday after- moon at Snuffy's Auto Bod-v Shop, King Street West, Bowmanville. Proprietor Seth Hunt, shown in separate photo, said he believes the blaze may have started from the compressor. He was in the building at the time and managed to get a car out, but was unable to reach a tractor in another section of the structure. Bow-- nianville firemen had the blaze under con trol in less than an hour and, this week, Mr. 1-unt was again open for business. ~ T~k ~ Form Junior C Hockey Club Seth "Snuffy" IHunt Two Cars Damaged in Accident ut Cawker's Two cars were involved in Both dTivers and John Gra- en accident on Liberty Street velle, Oshawa, a paseger .in North in front of the residence the Oldsmobile, were treated of Wesley Cawker at 11.45 on by Dr. Keith Slemon at Mem- Wednesday morning. A 1959 anial Hospital for minor injur- Chev. driven by Davidi Warren ies andi released. Damage to the ]Durgy, 59 Russell Hille Road, Chevrolet amounteti to approx- Toronto, collideti with a 1959 imately $300, and there w.is Oltismobile backing out of the about $200 damage to the Olds- Cawker driveway. The Olds- mobile. Corporal K. Freethy of m~obile was driven by George the Bowmanville Police De-' Allen Auld, 1022 William Street, partment investigated the acci- London, Ont. dent. §Pwices' MOM'S NEW MISSION - The future of Mom Whyte's proposed new mission on Highway 401, west of the present location, appeared not too bright this week. Her husband, Bert Whyte, reported that fund-raising meetings across Canada had not been too productive of financial assistance. $10.,000 is necessary to make the down payment on the property. Mrs. Whyte is in the U.S.A. at the present tîme. t t ti. t CLERK RESIGNS - Port Hope's veteran town cierk, Arthur Mark, submitted his resignation to council on Monday after completing 30 years service. He has served duning the terms of nine mayors. t ; t t t JUVENILES PLAY HERE - The second game of the Juvenile O.B.A. semi-finals will be played here at 3 p.m. on Satuirday at iVncent Massey Park. Bow- manville lost to Napanee in the opener last weekend and wilI be out to tie up the series. t t t FIRST FOOTIF.-%1,1 - This Friday aftern'oon, the first football gane <t the scason will be held at B.H.S. xvhen Pickenin i, I li1Y oui senior squad. The game is expected ta st,:tround the 3:30 mark.* Next Thursday, Oct. 'W. -l.O iawa's Central School juniors wîll play B.H.S. juniors here. tt t t OUT 0F SEASON - Last xveek, we received a shock when a visitor to the office brought several raspberries which had been growing on Harold King's bushes on Duke Street. Guess that warm weather fooled some of the plants. N,17ATCH FOR GRACIE- Today, the weatherman Swarned we may feel a bit of Hurricane Gracie's wrath with heavy rainstorms and some wind. It doesn't seemn too long ago that her predecessor by the name of Hazel created considerable havoc around these parts. We shall hope Gracie is kinder ta us, although ta date she has been a nasty one in some parts of the U.S.A. ft * tf t t- SOON BE IN ACTION - After rnany delays and frustrations, it now appears that BowWpanville's new- est bowling alley, Liberty Bowl, wilI soon be in action. Look for the opening announcement in next week's peper. In the meantime, it might be wise to get hinbered up. Bowmanville wilI definitely have a* Junior 11C" hockey club this winter, it was de- cided at. a meeting at the Flying Dutchman last night. The league willIinclude Lindsay, Cobourg, Port Hope, Brooklin, if they can obtain release from the league they played in last year, and an Oshawa Juvenile teamt which willI play exhibition games -in this !oap. Prizes Won 'Last Weekend Good business was reported by most of the local merchants who particîpateti in the Festi- val of Values promotion last weekend. Several merchants wha' ad- vertisecl special draws reporteti large entries for the prizes which were won as follows:, Lloyd Ellis Shoes' draw for a Mearine Weekenti Case was won by Mrs. John Puk Liberty St. N. Ken's Men's and Boys' Wear hati shopping bags with $1.00 buis enclosed in every tenth bag. Two of the winners were Mrs. Walter Frank and Mrs. Vesna. Breslin's Ladies' Wear gave each customner a baIl point pen. They also held a dTraw for a ma ntel radio which was won byMrs. N. Tkatch, 155 Church St. The draw was made by Alex McGregor. 1The Surplu Store draw for a 25 merohandise certificate was won by Mr. R. J. Burley, R.R. 2, Oshawa. Sheppard and Gi Lumber Co. tiraw for a set of three tables was won iby Ron Pingle, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Pearson's Smoke Shop draw for a Timex wristwatch was won iby No. 47 as advertised on the classîfieti page of this issue. Clinic for Blood Donors Open Today Residents in the western areas of Courtice anti Darling,- toi) Township adjacent ta Osh- awa xiii be asked ta support the October Blood Donor Clinic ta be held at Saint Gregory's Auditorium on Simcoe Street North this Thursday, October 1l, between the hours of 1:30) - 4:00 p.m. anti from 6:00 -9:00 p.m. Clinic officiais have express- eti concern that the successful record of the September Clinic wil not be duplicateti this time because the current level of volunteer donor registrations is running about,150 behinti the September pace. For the first time since the monthlv clinirs were started in Oshawa over 300 pints were receiveti last mont.h. In view of the chronic short- ages the Cîinic has experienceti ail year coupleti with the very heavy demands upon the ne- serves of the central blooti bank the free transfusion sexvice is stili faced with a serious crisis. Clinic officials are hopeful that if the September pace of 350 pints can be maintaineti over the next severa?. months the blood bank shoulti be out of danger. Volunteer workers, church and service organization repre- sentatives have been exerting IspeciaI efforts ta solîcit ail-out support for the Clinic this lune. Citizens have been remified that adequate supplies of biood speil the difference between life anti death, "perhaps your if e!" OUR APOLOGIES! Due ta mechanical diffi- culties several budgets of correspondence and other a Ils Agreeon Hagh Schools to f ind a solution to the High School build- ing prograrn. Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers was elected chairman of the meeting. Members of the United Counties Consultative Committee, William G. Stewart of the Ontario Depart- ment of Education, A. H. Strike, Chairman of the Durham County District High School Board, Walter Reynolds,* the secretary, and Clare Allin, chairman of the Building Com- mittee, were present. Clarence Oke, Assist- ant Bowmanville Town Clerk, acted in the absence of R. B. Reynolds, Town Clerk, due to illness. "It is important to get on with business. Bowmanville Town Council was responsible in calling this meeting regarding the High School situation in the hope of resolving differences," Mayor Carruthers stated. He suggested that each municipality have one speaker. He called on Reeve Reade Budgé, Port Hope, chairman of the Consultative Committee of the United Counties Council, for a report. ~be. tMbtan Durham Countys Great Family Journal VOLUME 105 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER lst, l95l 10e Per Copy NUMBER 40 BOTH QUESTIONSDEFAE Dar lin gton Ratepayers Plan To Enter Siate of Candidates In Coming Township Election There was a large attendance at the meeting of ,the Darling- ton Ratepayers' Association on Saturtiay evening. The Darling- ton Community Hall, Hampton, whene the meeting was held, was filleti almost ta capacit.y. Considerable criticism of the Zoning By-law was voiceti. Bob Tremble, the president, presiti- eti.- A nominating committee was formed to bring in a slate of candidates ta be supponteti by the Dalington Ratepayens' As- sociation in the coming town- ship eleciçn ta be held in De- cember. Members appointed ta the nominating cOmmrittee were Les Coîlacutt, Bert Butiai, Isaac Hardy, E. Vice, anti Fred Gnif- fin. Dean Grills wis electeti a di- rector -of the association by ac-_ clainatioft. -'Tt *Îaâ decidedta t leave the election of a memn- ber ta the office of 2nd vice- president ta the next meeting of, the association. In discussing the Zoning By- Iaw it was stated that the raie- payers shoulti. be able ta finti out the exact cost o! this By- law and the amount paiti for the consultants services. Reeve Ray W. Nichols tolti the meet- ing: "Ask Walter Runtile, the Township Clerk. He will tel you in five minutes". A proposai that the Darling- ton Town Council shoulti be in- creaseti from five ta seven was approveti by the meeting. Other recommendations the meeting decitied to fonward ta the Township Council were: aboli- tion of the landi separation ax of $400 anti a refunti of al maney collecteti for this with interest; a minimum size house for the entire township, and a [minimum size lot for the whole township. Mrs. Bert Butiai, the secre- tary of the association, pointeti out that the council would have a record of the money paitl in the past as landi separatian tax, She also asserted that if the $400 tax maney was not spent for services iu the communIty from whichit was collecteti, the Tdwvnship Côuncil could aslk the Ontario Municipal Board for appraval ta use Ainl another part of Darlington. "A building code with teeth in it" was advocateti by Mn. Tremble, Dresitient of the asso- ciation. He stateti bis convic- tion that t he restrictions of such a code woulti prove more beneficial ta the township thanl the Zoning By-iaw. There were some compiaints Two 'Hon ored Guests Unabil o Attend Special Part y Sunday MSs. James Inkfantine and her nephew, Philip Canci'lla, were honoured on Sunday evening by a party given in St. Jaseph's Hall by 45 fellow panishioners ani friends. The committee in charge of arrangements for the event were the Rev. F. K. Ma- lane, parish priest o! St. Jas- eph's Roman Catholic Church, Tom Masterson, EdîwardTi ice, George Chard, Mrs. Lea Gou- lah, Mrs. Stewart Chisholm andi Mrs. James Fair. Mss. Infantine and ber ne- phew, Mr. Cancilla, who have been prominent members of the panish for many years, ma- veti from Bawmanville ta, take Up residence in Port Hope re- ceîvtuy. The party was planneti ta honour them on their de- parture, Father Malane stated. Iu a short address Father Malane told the gathering with regret af the injury Mns. In- fantine had received from a fail, anti that Mr. Cancilla was alsa iii anti uniable ta be pre- sent at the party. He explaineti t.hat this word hati been receiv- eti on Sunday afternoon, anti it hati been toa late ta, postpone the party lu their honour. He spoke o! the presenctation of gifts ta them which hati been planneti, and stateti that they would be sent lia them with the best wishes o! their friends present. The gifts for Mrs. Tu-fantine were a iovely Hummel import- eti porcelain statue af "Our Lady of tîhe Roses, and a beau- tiful Morroco leather handbag. The present for Philip Cari- cilla was a fine leather tra- velling bag. A pleasant evening was en- jayeti, and a tieiciaus lunch was serveti by the ladies. 1that it is difficuit ta find the Darlingtan Building Inspector when building permits are wanted. One member proposeti that insteati of having a man filling the duties of Building Tuspector as a part time job, a consulting engineer shaulti be, engageti on a full time basis ta look after building regulations. Reeve Nichais proposeti that the Building Inspector be ,n- structedti t spend two, houns in the morning, anti two haurs lu the afternoon in the Danig ton Township Hall, Ha=pon so people coulti know exactly where anti when they coulti get in touch with hlm« The Building Inspector re- ceives $2,800 a year for his work, Reeve Nichais stateti, He also pointeti out that the in- spector provides his own car anti gas. - Phony $10 Spotted. by Postmaster A bogus $10 bill was caught at the Post Office here on Tuestiay afternoon. It was de- tected by the a]ertness of Bow- manville Postmaster George Vice wheu it was handet inl with other blls for the pur- chase o! a money order. Bow- manville Police are inivestigat- ing. The phonly $10' bill was an excellent reproduction anti ap- parently must have -been the work of clever counterfeiters. The serial No. of the bogus $10 was SD0880509. Police Chief Bernard R. Kit- iley warns the merchants o! the district and the general public ta be watchful in case other counterfeit money shaulti either be in circulation, or of- fereti. The bogus Bank of Canada $10 bll now at Bowmanville Police Station is an a.mazing- ly close reproduction o! tihe real thing. every detail on bath sides of the bill is an. exact replica of an original, Howeven the pîcture of Queeu Elizabeth does not stand out quilie as sharply as it tioes on real Bank of Canada $10 buis. The catin- terfeit $10O is very faintly smudged on one spot. Also the feQ] o! the bogus bill is siightly different from that of a real ane. Di ning Lounge by 46 Cocktail Lounge by 1.56 On Wednesday 3,124 people out of an eligible 4,141 went ta the polîs in Bowmanville. In a closely contested election the Dining Lounge question was defeated by only 46 votes. It had 58.7 per cent. Under the Ontario Liquor Licence Act 60 per cent is required ta win. The Cocktail Lounge had 50 per cent. There were 80 spoiled ballots. The Dining Lounge received 1836 out of a total of 3,123 ballots cast on ýthis question. The Cocktail Lounge had 1718 ballots in favour out of a total of 3,124 cast. Despite the inclement weather there vý4as a steady .vote coming in during the day at the 14 polling booths in the three wards. The Advance Poil was held on Saturday, September 26th. Polling Sub-Dlvision West Ward 1 West Ward 2 A' North Ward 1 North Ward 2 North Ward 3 South Ward 1 South Ward 2 Advance Poli Totals COCKTAIL LOUNGE, DINING LOUNGB Yes No Yes No 144 109 116 88 79 126 113 90 87, 143 116 185 120 157 45 1718 1406 Lost by 156 154 119 121 91 94 136 131 100 103 145 123 185 127 158 49 119 114 90 107 74 86 162 107 69 78 95, 34 59 71 22 1836 1287 Lost by 46 Two Durham Boys Win Calve's at Lindsay Fair On Wednesday September TuI the Shorthorn Heifer Sec- 23rd several 4-H Club membersI tion, Donald Rickard, Bowman- from Durham County competed ville exhibited the Reserve in t h e annual Inter - (Mub Champion Shorthorn heifer andi Show held in connection with teamed up with Ricky Rickard, Linday Exhibition. Newcastile and John D. AllUn, James Byers of Burketon, Bowmanville to place third in Don els, Bomanilleandthe group of three heifers. Also Grntlspi, Bowmanvlle.d exhibiting their calves at the Grat GaspllBomanill, 1 .show. were Gail Baker, Hamp- showed the second prize group ton with a shorthorn steer and of three Yorkshire gilts. In adi- Ralph Heaslip, Janetville with dition, James Byers gilt was plaed u te frstpnie goupa hereford heifer. pa an in t iividua John D. Al The members are to ibe con- li n Bowmavilleals o h itetAIgratulated on the way in vwihich in, glît. ll ls ehbi they brought out their calves his ilt.ta show and the sportsman like I the junior Holstein Caîf manner in which they conduc- Class, Lorne Tink, Hampton, ted themiselves. Brian Bradile y, Bowmanvile Following the show, the club andi Harold Yellowlees, Ennis- members -enjoyed a banquet i killen exhibîteti the second the cafeteria wlhere the special prize group of three heifers. awards were matie and later Paul Tamblyn. Orono alIs o in the evening they had free showed a junior heifer. In the performnanc:e. Following t hl e senior holstein heifer calf sec- grandstand peformance the an- tion, Bill Tamblyn, Orono, nual Caif Rodeo was held and Bruce Hendry, Bowmainville Ricky 'Rickard, Newcastle and anti Doug Jose, Newcastle ex- Ronnie Baker, Hampton were hibîted the third prize group of both successful. in brin.ging three heifers. Ken Stainton, home one of the six calves of- also exhibitet i hs hoîstein heif- fered ta fourteen contestants er. thîs year. Rain Postpones Tri-School Track Meet on Wednesday These six champions of Bowmanville High School will have ta right, Intermediate Boys' Champion Joe Bothwell, Jitnior Boys' Champion wait for their opportunity ta compete against athletes from Port Hope T ed Brown, Senior Boys' Champion Gary McCullough, Senior Girls' and Cobourg in the annual tri-school meet. It was scheduled for yester- Champion Virginia Brown, Jinterrmediate Girls' CI-mpion Sardra Chas- day, but due ta the ramn had ta be postponed. These champs were declar- kavich and Marg Pickard, Junior Girls' Chamhpion. ed at the B.H.S. Field Day on September 23rd and include from lef t ta é ÇR',ts and "i 1

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