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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1959, p. 3

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~~r-'~ Vt" fl~W~oe1 ~ - r - ?HIURSDAY, OCT. Ist, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, ONTAPTO PAGETHK VANDE BELT - DENHERTOG1 silk with V-neck and sil ah, A setingof witegladiori matching velvet head bandsand fSettina of t e acgoudin 1 veil, - and carried yellow and formd aprety ackrouid n iwhite 'muras. Two of the brides- Rehoboth Christian Reformed maids, Misses Nellie and Joan Church, Bowmanville, on Sat- Van Herringen wore frocks oif trday, August 22, 1959, at 3, emnbroidered yellow orgaxiza C'clock when Rev. A. Rumpf of over yellow taffeta with bouf- Cobourg united in marriage fant waltz-length skirts and Helen Clazina Denhertog, dau- boat necklines coming ta a point glter of Mr. and Mrs. Corne- at the back. Bridesmaîds Misses . us A. Denhertog, and Mr. Har- Joanne de Wildt and Beverley' ry Vande Belt Jr., Mr. Vande Wright were ini waltz-length Beit is the sonl of Mr. and MrS. gawns of light blue silk over Barry Vende Beit Sr. blue taffeta with embroidered The wedding music-was plaY- taffeta bodices and round neck- *d -by Mr. Henry Vande Kooy. lines. They wore velvet head- ý ,j W earn* a t et t legth gow n bands and veils ta m atch their Swie Cantily lace over net dresses and carried bouquets of ~d taffeta, the bride was given pink and white 'mums. Pe..h marriage by her father. Tne The flower girl was in a light skrt of the gown was designed blue nylon dress with short with back interest of lace an puffed lesan erida iet tiers. The square neckime bs stolweees n and are a of the bodice, which had a V- bake ofwhtepik ad el back, was sequin trimmed and lwmns the long sleeeves came to The groom's brother, Mr. points over the hands. A pearlI Fernand Vande Bell was best and sequin crown held tuie man and the ushers were Mr. bride's finger-tip veil and she Dick Denhertog, brother of the oerried red roses and white car- bride, Mr. Jim Koss, Mr. Grant nations. Wright, and Mr. Dick Langerak, The bride's sister, Mrs. j. a cousin of the bride. ]Kass, was matron of honor and For the reception held in the bridesmaids were Misqs Joan Memorial Park Club House, Li- Van Heerîngen, Miss Nellie Van berty Street, the brides mother Heeringen from Toronto, Miss received in nylon over blue Beverley Wright and Miss flowered silk with corsage of Joanne de Wildt. The flower red and white carnations. To girl was littie Miss Marlene assist, the groom's mother chose Dorsmnan and Master Casey embroidered blue nylon over Denhertog, the brides brother, blue siik and ner corsage was was ring bearer. of pink and white carnations. Ma's. J. Koss as matron of For the honeymoon to East- honor wore a waltz-length ern Ontario, Montreal and Ot- dress of rose Brussels lace overI tawa, the bride donned a light _______________________ -blue silk princess styled dress *and corsage of red roses and Air, Rail or Steamship 1 white carnations. on their re- TIYC KE T S :turn the bride and groom wil TOEVERYWHERE Ireside on King Street East, Consult 1 Bow-manville. J URY & L Ov E LL I The brîde's grandfather, Mr. 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 D. Denhertog, wvhose home is Bowmanvllle in Holland, was a most inter- ested guest at the wedding. MAR R'S Jewellery KING STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE DAVNRmGE - SOUCE Marriage vows were solemn-1 ized at St. Andrew's River Heights United Church an Sat- urday, August 29, 1959 at2 p.m. when Enid Anne, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wreford F.,i Souch, formerly of Bow.man- ville. Mrs. Souoh was Gertrude Morris) of 369 Ash Street, be- came the bride of Arnold Wil- liam, son of Mrs. Wesley Bain- bridge of Edmonton, Alta., and the late Rev. Bainbridge. Dr. W. M. Grant assisted byl Rev. J. W. Bainbridge afficiated. 1 Mrs. Gerald Rogers presided at the organ. Entering the church on the arm of her father, the bride looked charming ini a gown of nylon sheer over bridal satin. The basque bodice featuring a scooped neckline, was given an empire look by the placing of a soft bow below the decolletage. Floral embroidery ln Swiss lace encircled the neckline. The very bouffant skirt fallîng into a sweeping train was enhanced by a banding of self fabric forming a garland and finished with sot t bows back and front. Her lheaddress, a matching cap trimmed with lace held her fin- gertip veil of pure silk illusion.1 She carried a cascade of pale pink feathered carnations and stephanotis. Miss Patricia Quinn attended as maid of honor. Bridesmaid was Miss Carol Bennett. They were gowned alike in pink el- bossed nylon with crushed taf- feta cummnerbund, finished1 with self flower -and harem skirt with bateau neckline and three quarter sleeves. They carried white shasta pom poms. Mr. Garth Johnson attended as best man. Messrs. Robert Johnson and Gordon Wylie ushered the guests. Fallowing a reception held at the Fort Garry Hotel, the happy couple left on a wedding trip ta the United States. MAPPLEBECK - OGDEN The marriage of Barbara Doreen Ogden and James Wil- son Mapplebeck, bath of Osh- awa, was solemnized on Sat- urday morning, September 12, in St. Mary of the People Rom- an Catholic Churoh, Oshawa. The bride is the daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Ogden, Bow- manville, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- son Mapplebeck, Oshawa. The Reverend N. J. Gignac officiated. The wedding music was played by Miss Jean Kola- dziej and Mrs. W. E. Kiinsman sang. Given in niarriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length princess gown of white brooaded satin featuring a widc V-neckline and long poînted sleeves. A tiara of rhinestones and seed pearîs held ber finger- tip veil and she carried a cas- cade of Queen Elizabeth roses and white pinocohie pom poms. Mýrs. Robert Coleshaw (Joyce), sister of the bride, was matron- of-honor in shrimp colored peau-de-soie with white silk orgaxiza trim. The other atten- dants, Mrs. Willard Joyce (Reg- gy) and Mrs. Owen MacDonald (Gail) were gowned alike in gold peau-de-soie wîth white silk organza overskirts. They ail wore white silk organza bats with a bow to match the colon of their dresses. The matron-of- honor carried a teardrop cas- cade of white shasta chrysan- themums with sprayed shrimp pinocchio chrysanthemnums and the attendants carried similar cascades with gold sprayed pin- occhio chrysanthemunis. Mr.. Otto Ferencz was best mani. Ushering were Messrs Harold Yarmola and John Fiai- ga. A reception was held in the recreation hall at the Oshawa Airpont. To receive, the brides mother wore a street-length dress of printed blue crepe with paie rose hat and gloves and navy blue accessories. The bridegrooms mother assisting was in pale grey shantung wýithj S MAff Ho5TES! She lnows today's trim modernes prefer lght refreshment. She serves today's Pepsi. Neyer heavy. never too sweet, it refreshes ihout filling. Plan to serve it at your party. Buy it ia the handly 6.bottle carton SMITB BEVERAGES LTD, M2 Church St, Bownanville, Ont. M rS.Act was passed Jan. 1st, 1947, Wed in M4anied rrove Pastor andMr iand thatth eCadin when they received hict- Bell n nor~uzenship papers were v e r y ABelH n r d by proud. Are we proud of these " granted? Do we try to kbe good 8 INAVE JU&T ONE TIIG- rewel I P rty parets, ta teach our childrenTODCAE right from wrong, to flelp them Members and friends c)f the get along with otiier people, a*> tieFOA 1fCÂLff&44/f Ba.ptist. Church gathered in the axud Rccept responsibility? mi W EA k ~ church auditorium on Satur- Are we a good friend and day evenmng te honour Paster neighbour, and are we willing.. and Mrs. Bell, who, after two ta adjust ourselves ta new year of part-ie service are idees, ta meet the ever chiang- Sleaving te take up residence in rn world? We must get out 'i Toronto. Mr. Bell is entering an,. vote and vote intelligent- his final year ait Central Bap- ly, and have outside interests tist Seminary an'd feit he ibeside aur home. shouli devote full time te his This was a splendid paper- etudies. one everyone could understandý Avaried progrum wasen and a vote of tharks was me,- joyed consisting of the sing- ed for her address. A social ing of favourite hymns, a Bible haîf hour followed with Mrs.' quiz, musical numbters and Metcalfs group serving refresh- 'films, followed by refresh- mnents_______LD i ments ICONTACTING RPAIRStU Mr. and Mrs. Bell were pre- Teacher: Can anyone give me sented ith a hrome ing an example of poor economy? fIIRGRTO.EETI suite, coniplete witih matci Pupil: "I know a man who RE'RIGER- A ELE TSRIC higli chair for little Beth. Both took such extra long steps to MTV.-RADO-AP NE expresdtergetpesr save his ten dollar shoes that: and appreciation. he split his twenty dollari* ' In his remarks, Mr. Bell re- e 111 1 niinded his people of their high pant.______ and holy calling of Christian discipleshdip, and urged ffieiïita be faithful in their daily Çhris- H V O HEARD T IS N ? tian witness. He %bespoke for bis successor the same willing and loyal co-operation gîven ta The weary traveller was bored him. to desperation by his fellow The church will' niot soo passeilger who talked for hoursi forget Mr. Bell's deeply Spirit- about his knowledge of the ual and challenging ministry, world. ...............Mrs. Bell's outstanding ability FlnaIIy, he remarked: "Between Shon aov ar M. ad M~.Leoar Alanthe piano, nor their work onl us, My friend, we know every- behif f te yungpeole. thîng; you know everythlng ex- Goodmurphy who were married in Maple Grove United cept that you're a foal, and 1 Church on Saturday, August 29th, 1959, at 3 o'clock. Thelknow that'." bride, former Margaret Ethel Snowden, is the daughter NyI ýebes I o'r iem o a ee of Mr. and, Mrs. Alan Snowden, Maple Grove, and the; remember these remarks when groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goodmurphy of Eniy He the need arises . ust later Sowery. ng that night when you're trying -Photo by Mary's Studio t le.Btoetm o M rs. . Ho kinswon't have ta. lie awake nights M rs. . Ho kinsworrying about is who ta trust r~ III I jyour dry cleaning to. Jus W ed in ehobot Churc The regular meeting af Bow- us ta restore your clothes, andý C rci !manvile Women's Insitute was you'Ill have pleasant dreams. Carl Leslie Thursdiay, Sept. 24, with B.& . AG DA G. Alîchin and Mrs. J. MeachinB.& P TA Y in their respective chairs. Cor- FRD Y SA R AY OC B R 2-3 respondence was read from the RB Y A U D YO T B R 2 summer months. Mrs. S. Corden was appoint- ed delegate ta the W.I. con-Fi rvention in Toronto in Novem- Le-_ ber with Mrs. M. Wiseman as an alternate. Mms. L. GoodmanrW is the representative te attenc_______ Red Cross meetings once a >month in the Council Chami- ber. Institue has accepted an In- vitation te visit Hampton on ~.4 .IOctober 5 and also accepted an 1 96 invitation ta unite wll$ Maple Grave for their short course lon October l5th jj Mrs. G. Jontes reported on progress of quilts for Kopper ~, &:U~ Karnial in March. She said a W AL LP AP ER S numbr o iblckshadbeen > X . .. .. prprdadsm 4 soon we will meet and sew these .........blocks togetiher for aur quilt toipyse. HAVE AKKIVLL) Roll ealU 'How can 1 be a answered. Mrs. Dunu reportet BOTH STANDARD AND READY-PASTED ron t.he mette, " The deeds of today wili greet you tomor- Oe 0 e ape M. row". She said kindness and a smile go a long way anrd from which to choose à these tihings didn't cost us any- thing. Mrs. Goodman very capably introduced aur guest speaker Mrs. K. Hopkins of Maple Grove, presidenit of their Wo- ABERNETHY'S men's Institutie. Her topie wasPAN & WA LA R citizenship. AN & W LP PE Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vande Beit She began lier address by 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 BOWMANVILLE Jr. following their marri age in Rehoboth Christian Reform- giving a definition ofciie Dorsman and the young gentleman, who was the ring- bearer, is Casey Denhertog. The bride, former Heleni Clazina Denhertog, is the ýdaughter of Mr. and Mrs.1 Cornelius A. Denhertog, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vande .eIt Sr.1 WEARN - RUSSELL Baskets of pink anid whitel gladioli formed a pretty setting1 in Simicoe Street Pentecostal Churcli, Oshawa, on Saturd&I August 29th, at 2:30 o'clock when Rev. James MacKn'Iigitj Al1ed ical iýro' Frequency May Mean Prostatic Enlargement X KIDNEYS A. 1 , Proitate'- Q.Pteaste discuss the trouble eider men have wutlh Ircque'nt tips to the bathroom. le thig caused by the prostate.anid if it continues wvill il dantage ltac Jcdney?-R. A. Frequency in older mnen is often due to benign (non-cancer- ous) enlargenient of the prostaie r with interference of bladcier ac- tion. As the condition progLress- es, more and more urine remains in the bladder after voiding until fnally there is more or Iess con- tinued fullness. This favors infec- tion of the bladder (cystitis) and the kidneys may become in- volved. Medical treatmnent s sometimes successful in the early stages of benign prostatic en- largement but the condition may progress ta a point where surgery 15 necessary. Bring your Prescriptions to us for promnpt servce and reasonable prices. C&M 4 e4 11 officiated at the marriage of Eleanor Jeaneue Russell, dau- gliter of MVr. and- Mrs. Herbert IRussell, Oshawa, to Mr. Arthur1 Donald Wearn. Mr. Wcarn is the son of Mr. and Mr:z. A. Laurence WQearn, Enniskillen. Mr. Bernard Walbank play- IDoiiald iVyers xvas soioist. The bridie. given in marriage by her 1:1 iher, wvas in white si 11k or ganza over taffeta. The Iboi-iff--Iit tiered skirt, inset withi adthe gathered bodice withi short gathered sleeves wvas styled with a lacc-edged scoopI neckline eniibroide,'ed viith se- q cuins and pearhs. A sequin jewelled tiara heid lier finger- tip veil and she carried a white Bible crested with -white gar- deisand stephanotis. Mrs. Sheila Gray as matron of honour \Vas inri mint green and the bîideads. Miss He- len Parroit, a cousin of the groom, and the groom's sister, Miss Lorna Jean Wearn, were in pink. They wore identically fashioned dresses of silk organ- za over taffeta wth very full and scoop neckline bodices ITheir headdresses were match- ing flower caps and they car- ried nosegays of pink and white roses. Mr. Bryce Condon, Toronto, wvas best man, ai-d the ushers were a cousin of the groom, Mr. Donald Acton, Brooklin, and Mr. Norman Gray. For the reception held in the Masonie Temple, Oshawa, the bride",; mother chose a royal blue lace sheath with matchingc picture bat, pink accessories and corsage of pink roses. Ta assist, the grooms mother wore a coppertone sheath with black and tan accessories and corsage of bronze 'munis and roses. For a honeymôon in the Un- ited States and Eastern Canada the bride changed to a beigel and tan sheath with beige dus- ter, matclîing accessories and bronze gladioli tîp corsage. On tlîeir return Mr. and Mrs. Wearn will reside in Oshawa. The bride, a registered nurse, receivcd lier training at Osh- awa General Hospital and at present is a meniber of its nursing staff. Mr. Wearn, a graduale 0f the Provincial In- stitute of Technology. is a nia- tor mnechanic. WA&TEX 0jVE-VOURESULTS NO PAINT GAN EQUA!. So smart you'Il lbe the envy of ail your friends. So tough you can scrub it - even with the strongest chemical cleaners. So quick vou can bang pictures and drapes in just 2 hours. e Rolon without fuss e Clean up with detergent and water e Ideal for beautifying imperfect surfaces e Deep, deep textui'ed beauty you can't scnub aut Chaos. from a 15 exquisite decarator-selected colouréwaaEO70- There is a WALTEX roIIiFLECKS dealer neur you. WALTEX X ntrnational Paint (Canada) Limited e A. Ramsay & Son Comnpany ABERNETHY Point & Wallpaper 33 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5431 -J. i D -- .1 ý . .- . - 1 L- ý

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