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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1959, p. 7

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-'e ?HURtSDAY, OCT. Ist, 195b THE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. ROWMANVII.LK OWPARTfl ~A é~ e Mr. anti Mis. F. Denby were , i Tbornhill lest weekend vis- kI ting relatives. Mr. anti Mis. Fred Martin, Toronta, wena weekenti guests of ?&. anti Mis. Ralph Amas anti Jill.. Mis. L. Smith, London, Ont., Was a weekenti visiter with ber son, M. ançd Mrs. Stuart Canti- ler anti Sandra. Mr. anti Mis. Arthiuu Covenly Viuiteti ber ibrother, Mi. Davidi Park, who is a patient in Pri- vate Patienta Pavilion, Toron. to. Mis. Etiith Henderson of Vancouver, B.C., 15 visiting ber cousins Mr. anti Mis. Archie Masters andi Mus. Ljillian- Mc- Malion. andiMs .Ctn n VJrs. RapCaeaniby a*Toroito aeWaieta eV- enng v ii is w t th r m - thar, Mis. F. Cator. '1&. Alfia Shrubb bas re- tuineti from an enjoyabla va- cation o! sevenal waaks in Eng- land whara be visiteti relatives anti many aid friands. Weekend visitais with Mis. C. Nesbitt weie ber sister,- Mis. Nan'a Woods anti Douglas, Toi- onto. Mr. Gary Nasbitt, Scar- borough, was also home for lhe weekand. Mr$. Ross Stevens, Scugog Street,' spant lest weekend in Smith FaIls, Ontarioaat a Christian Ediucation Confenenca repiasenting Girls', ok o the Oshawa Presbytary. Mr. and Mrs. R. Webber, ac- companied iby Mr. an>d Mrs. Wm. Beaeham of Dundas, spent an enjoyable weekend with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. S. Webber, Clifford, Ontario. Mr. anjd Mis. George Th.ra- aber were in Willowdale last Sundiay, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Verney. Mr. Thrasher and his host attended a foot- ball game in the afternoon. Mrs. C. H. Dudley attended the At Home Reception given by Mrs. Stanley Oborne for the new Dean, Mrs. R. D. H. -Heard, at Ontario'Ladies' Col- lege, Whbitby, onTuesday. Misses Margaret Emes, Gloria Maciver and Pat Pingle, stu- dent nurses of Ontaio Hospi- tag Whitby, spenit the week- end with Pat's father and mo- ther, Mr. and Mrs. Baden Pin- gle. b&'. Mex J. Campbell, Maple Grove, is spending tihe week- end in Montreal attendin.g a, forty years afterwards, regi- mnental reunion of the B'Iark lto Wateh Highlanders, 1914- vintage. Mr. ant irMn. Frank C foot a! Virden, Maitoba menly Mis. Chaules Kerr, pla Grave), ara visiting anti Mis. Laina Phare, Tyr andi calIling on aid frientit this cammunity. Miss Garai Maguire di tai o! Mr. anti Mis. J. 'Magi Brown Street, is atterx Teachers' Collage, Tara r Carol is staying witb beri ther, Mr. andi Mis. Athur guire, Scsx'borough. Mr. Gary Bagneil, wbi with the RCAP, is witb parents, Mi. and Mis. W. Bagnaîl, Scugog Street, u October 22nd,., whan ha leave for the RCAP base Coiti Lake, Alberta.. 1Mfr anti Mis. Chaules Ca Si. lat early yesterday m( ig (Wednasday) for Monti They lat Montreal by pl Wetinesday evendng for E land, where they wiil spen, month or s0 visiting relati, The Girl Guida Local As: iation helti a coffea party prasantation at the home Mis. Ralph Amas last Fnl monning in hanour o! Mis.1 Lucas, who bas completeti term as District Commiissiai Mis. Nelson Osborne Mis. Ralph Amas attendeti annual meting o! the Rai ilitatian Foundation fan Po myalitics anti the orthopae ally disabldatiat the new W, bury Hlotel, Taranto, last M~ day. Weekend guests with1 anti Mis. E. V. Hoar, E Stret East, wera Mr. and N James Parnell anti Mi.1 Mis. Henli Farnell anti fai ail of Toronto. Sunday call ware Mis. Charles Hoara Mis. Norman Millen andtihI ohldien, Toronto. Comurade Rase Bata, 7Z Commander, attendeti the nual fuill executive meetinig the Provincial Commandi the Ladies Auxiliauy ta Canedian Legion, wbichv belt at the King Etiwaut ic Toronto, on Saturday ai Suntiay, Septaniber 26tha 27th. Mr. anti Mus. L. A. MaieDoi al ware in Taranto last Satl day attending the wetiding Miss Elizabeth Mary Hl Smith andi their nephew,3 Douglas Mayers, at the Chui of the Rasurrection, Woodbi Ave. when Mi. MâcDougalm ona o! the ushers, The recE tion was halt iat Margari ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHIURCH Minister, Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist, Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 9:50 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 arn. - WORLD WIDE COMMUNION SERVICE 7:00 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP A WELCOME TO ALL The Salva lion Army 35 Division Street Saturdayr, Oct. 3rd Musical Programme JUNIOR SINGING GROUP BOWMANVILLE S.A. BAND GOSPEL MESSAGE SÇundaiy, Oct. 4th 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Brig. and Mrs. Stan. Gennery ALL ARE WELCOME Dowmanville Baptist Church Nelson Street near Liberty Pastor Alfred C. Bell Thursday Nighi m 8p.m. Sunday SCei 10 - Sunday School a.m. - "Sharing God's Glorlous KingdomW p.rn. - "Who is a Christian?» PASTOR A. BELL wgI b. proechlng at both servkcr t 'The Church That',Car..' csoca/ &£/-ersonal Phone MA 3-3303 1960 hepitdot He dded .guests of Mr. anti Mis. A. Leati that funthar stutiy is baing matie beatar, wben Mis. M. Allen, of the financial aspects so that oelebrated han 85th binthtiay thara coulti ha the most equit- anti Master Ross Leatibeater ala division o! assats anti lia- calabrateti bis 4th birthtiay.I I .iI bilities shoulti the division ha Mr. andi Mis. John Siemon! tiecideti upon. anti family Mi. andi Mis. John A 400-pupil school for Da ni Griffu n on Fa-ls.eepinc igton would lie outmodati l: ing et eb"- Royls fora it is completati Daputy- Mi. and r. o . McGilU Reeva Jack Brough o! Bowman-' were visitons with Mr. antid ville sttatid. "The boardi ad- Mis. Howard Gimiilett, Osh- j STICKS SETT;Eà? vocates going liack ta whara wa aLwa. staited. The Department of Mr. andtIrMs. Fred Wright, AT £OGI Education stresses bigger anti anti !amily, Maple Grave, ware 1I IS lofi bettan schaols. The aiea wiîî callers at N. E. andi Edtigr, Z ' not survive if we try ta please Wright's. aveîyo e a must face the Mr. andi Mis. Alleni Warry, 1 problem. I mova the municipal Sandira andi Sheron were with1 councils give permission ta go Mur.andi Mns. E. A. Warrny aixeati with a 500 ta 700 pupîl Mr. antiAtmi. C. B. "9gg sehool for Dariington anti a i50. Uxbridge; Mr. andi Mrs. A. L.1 pupil1 achool for Milbrook" IWaarn spent a waek's holiday' Reeve Nichais, Darhingtan,I motoning down through the seconded the motion, supported States calling on Mis. Robert by ail members o! bis cauncil, Bryan, Levittown, Penn., andi except Deputy Reeve Gannet' Mi. andi Mis. Harry Gregg, Rickaîd who was in B.C. at-1 Glenbuînie, Marylandi. tending Gooti Roatis Convention. Mr. Henli Rogers, Mr. andi Clarke Opposes motion Mrs. W. Morrison, Bawman- Opposition ta the motion waa ville; Mis. Margaret Riley, A of Clarke, wha gave the opinion an'-* Mis. W. H. Moores. that the councîls ware setting J U~r andi Mns. D. B. Kay, \ e Deve ithernselves up ta study anti salve ";r. Bil Kay, Toronto, wera e Deie t he High School building prob>. ruesd.or visitors with Mr. and COnIMW Boom, Oakwood Ave. lem. The counicils have enough Mrs. Adam Sharp. IMrs. Chrles Casin an son 1 problems of their own to deal Mis. R. J. Weeving, nom.- Dan, Boltion, and M&r. andMr. with and should leave the build- hiil spent Satunday with fier Harvey Wright, Susan and Pat ing program ta the Durham parents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. I Auora wer ~ ' County District 111gb School Moore. I week eendt i ieu" nlatBoard, he said. wethe moth, is. F"T.die to Coumcillor Ernest -Dent of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters - wirolae m on Fnic¶ey(P.Tom moion lrkaso spoke against the 1and farnily, Bowmianville; Miss row> for Arizona and Californ- ington and Millbrook. He stat- a.nd Mis. Ralph Virtue, Sun- 199la, where she wUrl visit a bro-. ed that the pnimary need for a dy 199ther and her son Frank. They 'new. High School is in Clarke Mr and Mrs. Allan Wray, were guests of Mi. and Mis. Township. Bowmanville, were with Mr. are. Alan H. Osborne Brown Street. The time will corne when the andI Mis. Lorne Lamib. (for- r.C .WatnadMs Ma- Mrs. A. Cooke bas returned Bowmanviile - Darlington areaiMs .R atnadMs Mn. to Toronto ater a week's visit will have a full composite sehool Les Douglas, Kingston, were rne, with Mr. aind Mirs. George givig a choice of academic o Tuesday evening visitors with Ë in Thrasher. Other recent visitais technical courses for 1,200 pup-~ Mr. and Mis. H. Stevens andI with Mr. and Mrs. Thiasher ils, Mr. Stewart, representative Gordon. u were Mrs. Wm. Johnston, Oak- of the Ontario Department of Mr. and Mis. Glen Spry, Lgh- vifle; ys. Ele Radcliffe, ber Education pradicted. He men- Rochester, N.Y., were weekend Lire, daughten Miss Lillian Rad- toe the large population of visitors at Mr. and Mis. E. oding cliffe and granddaughtar Miss Dalngo and agreed there is Wright's. SadyRadlfeal f ae need o! a high school there. Mi. and Mrs. Roy Hunter, Mr a d T R adcl; iffeaid HrrfsN Although the proposed school 1 Grand Valley; Mrs. Bobbie Mc- and Misses Laura'-and Alicea fortMilbrof is smathn a Fala'd and baby D a v i d Depatmet o Eduatin avis' Mount Forest; Mis. Bert Hun- isHarrison ail o! Trenrton. e s, the department has gîven ter, Monk, were with. Mi. and bis A few weeks ago we pub- approval for the 150 pupil school Mis.C. Ferguson. W. ]ished an item congratuîating there because of special cii'cum- Misý. Howard Stevens and until Miss Jeanne Coulter of Poty. stances, he saîd. Cro pn h ekn will pool on the splendid mark ob- An amendment ta the motion wtr nd pet Cth R.weeken *. at tane by her whan sh re on the floor was made by Reeve ceived 87 % for the Grade IX W. David Higgon, Bowmaniville. tn, n st)n ite siîgig eamnaton astFeb He moved that a 10-minute re- Mis Mary Jones, Bowman- rn ary. We announced, at tihat cess be declared and each coun- vle a noa-îh us fr'time, that Miss Coulter had re- cil go into session and vote on with Miss Mary Gniffin. real. the motion. This was seconded Mrs. R. J. Ormiston was a oaeceived the Royal Conservatory by Councillor 0. J. Pressan, i'ecent dînner guest of Mis. laaSilver Medal and the Freder- Bowmanville. It was carried Milton Werry Oshawa. Eng ick Harris Scholarship o!f$"0. by a standing vote of 23-18. Veny sorry ta report that id a We understood the scholarship CligteRl Mrs. S. R. Pethick had another ives. bad been awarded for the high- ClIgth elopanation on Monday. We wish 5soc- est standing in the Province of Fallowing the recess for con- her a speedy recoveny. and Ontario. Howeven, we have sideration the meeting resurn-: Miss Doris and Master Den- *o! since leaned that it was for ed. The roll of the eight muni-i g Ahtn upe ilwr day the highest standing in Eastern cipal counicils was called. Those ý ends AshtonPuri HiCl ee Len Canada, which includes Ontar- who voted in favour of the,.500 eend gesston.TheCrest he o, Quebec, tthe Maritimes and ta 700 pupil schûol i Darling-.."have just celbae hi9t ner. Newfoun d 1 a n d. Congratula- tan and the 150 pupil school in lb1td hePt and tians, Jeantne, on this outstand- Millbrook were: Darlington,i birthday, "Congratulations." teing achievemenit. Bowmanville, Newcastle, Port thb- Th 4Hope, Milbrok andI Cavan. H Y O iho- Seiono Annual Friendshipj Clarke, Hope, Abstain H Y O :)lO- esionofGrand Chapter, Or- Both Clarke Township Coui-1 'dc- denro!fThe Eastern Star, was cil and Hope Township Councill Mr. Delbert Martin, Wells- rest- held at the Royal York Hotel,I asked for a littie more time ta ville, N.Y., is holidaying with [on1- Toronto, on Tuesday, Wednes- consider their vote. A few min- bis mothen, Mis. W. Martin andi day, Thursday and Fniday o! utes laten Deputy-Reeve Sta- Mi. and Mns. J. Potts andI fam- Mr. last week. The following memn- pleton, Hope, announced that ily. Mn. Gordon Martin, Osh- ling bers5 of Durhami Chapter at- the Reeva a! Hope was absent awa, spant the weekend at the mrs. tandad: Mis. Edn- Anderson P. from the meeting, and Hope Potts home. and G.M. ai Ontario; Mis. Eva War- Township Council had decided 1Mn. and Mis. Ivan Sharp antI îily, ren W.M; Mr. Harry Freeman ta abstain from voting. He pra- IlLinda, Enniskilleni, were Sun- [JT W.P.; Mis. Me-ta Moffatt A.M.; miseti that the matter 'wouldi day visitors at Mr. and Mrs. anti Mis. Beth Teeple P.M.; Mis. lie brought up in a meeting o! 'Lloyd Ashton's. Ray Ashton, hei Vivian Piekard P.M.; Miss Vel- the Hope Township Council andI ma Gay P.M.; Mis. Velma Sut- voted upon thare. ton P.M.;, Mrs. Anne Stephen- Unable To Decide an-1 sP.M.; Ms uiePlnr Eventually the Deputy-Reeve COMPETITIVE P: an- P.M.;Ms. Edina Shaw P.M., ofa Clarke, Eanle Walkey re- *of Mis. Lola Freeman Mis. Mabel turnec1 to the Council Chamben. i the 'hei P.P.; Mis. Leola Thra- bas been unable to reach a de- was sher. Mns. Beth Teeple was cision anti will also abstain from )tel, introduced as Grand R e p - the vote. We will discuss the nd resentative o! tlhe State of! matter furthen and vote on it iL and, Iowa and Mis. Leola Thrasher. during a session a! Clarke;I was Ohairman o! Pages for Township Council," ha said. i )ug- the Sessions. Local residents Reeve Brown, Councillor Dent'CI tur will be interestedti t note that and the othar membars of the , o Mr. Edward Colwell was pre- Clarke Township Council diti lena senitedi witih an ESTARL Awardj not coma back ta the meeting,1 Mvr. (East.ern Star Trainding Award gaftar the recass. SPECIAL VALUES irhfrReligious Leadership) am. Chairman o! the Duha oue 1ntinig ta $250. Thirty-seven County District High Schol i aras o! tihase awardis were made Board, Mn. Stnike stateti that Acarig a th ilo the counicils would have ta for- Accodig t th Mitonmally approva the matter, anti rets Capadian Champion i its Te- promiseti that a proposai wiîîl.A SZ -'port ai the Inter-School Fieldi be sent ta thern by the boarti M N SZ Meet et Georgetown, i which just as soan as it is possible for' 111gh Schools vied from Ac- it ta holti a meeting. ton, Enin, Georgetiown and W c eI Milton, the latter school car- rieti off top hannoîs with 131 points, followed iby Acton with ENNISKILLEN 11l41/ points. Of panticular- in- tarest ta nlany o! aur reatiens Mi-e. E. Trewln, was bostess is the fact tihat Miss Gloria ta the W.A. on Tuesday aven- Purdy, tiaughter o! Mi. and i g, Sept. 22 and the meeting. Mrs. H. E. Purdy, Camipbell- openadi with the miotta and! ville, andi granddaughter o! cneed. Mis. W. Logan opened ï Mis. L. B. Williams, Bomn the Devotional witih a bymn. ville, was a promînanrt winneî andI Scripture reatiing, the. 51060 on the Milton taam. Gloria in told us the very interestin'g the senior girls, group was lst story o! Helen Keller. The ral in tihe 50 yard dash andi 75 yard cail was answared with numer- 18.-MELOSONDED F'OR tiash and 2nti in thea unnng ous suggestions for community 1P TD NT broati iump and, high jump. In* Prvement. Treasurers re- SU ER STEN T anothen part o! the paper ra- port was given by lirs. M. porting the Milton Higlh Schodl Habbs. Dareen Trewin favour- annul TackpranduField Dayet with a piano solo. Mr.W. DRYOR WET!, 3 3 evets he revous Frlday, Logan spoke ta us on Christian' LI(M BOX - 3-PLY,~. Gloria was awartied the Senior Education in the home andI Girls ChampàonghAtp. The Sta showeti a very goad filim Mus- ni tesman joins with Gloria's trating dufferent ohildren's liv- T u Fa IvsH It many friands in Durlham Coun- Ies at home andi at play. Thea orFmlysB ai ty hI xtending sincere con- meeting clasati with Thema, gratulations on ber prowess in Sang anti prayer. Gnoup 1 ser-,ýi m otn the aboya track and fieldi e,- ved ,lun~c al~mtai m otn ants andi now sback tothe Serice lb aieiet ciassroom for anather yeaIs ~Mis. E. Cox Wetinesday, Sept. TKEVTNN bazaar. Next meting wiil li Palmolive Shave Cream Brushless, Lathar or Menthol 65o plus 43c size Wildroot Cream-Oil c th 65c Schick plus 10 Injector Blades Value 79c 50 ,5 i69e size tube WILDROOT CREAI 1.15 Colgate Glant Size Shave Cream Brushless or Lather Regularly 65e 55C Williams "'White" Lather Shave Cream Reg.2Fo98 ... ________98_ 59C1 2.29 Leaside, spent tuhe weekend at his home. Mr. and Mis. F. Hepburn, Linda and Larry Ritchie, Osh- awa, were recent visitors of Mrs. A. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read and Rohbie, Peterborough, were overnight guests of Mr. and Mis. Arthur Read. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn and fam- ily, Salem, were Sunday visit- ors at Mrs. K. Cowling's andI Mi. and Mis. W. Blackburn's. Mir. Jim Graham, Garfield and Gordon, Bowmanville, called on Mr. and Mis. Leslie Graham Sunday. *Sgt. Bernard Houseman, Pe- tawawa, with his family on Saturday. Mrs. Houseman and faniily having spent some time with her 'parents, MT. and Mrs. C. Garrard, returned with her husband on Saturday to Peta- wawa. Mi. and Mrs. Frank Denby, Bowmanville, were Saturday evening visitors with Mi. and Mis. C. Garrard. Mi&. and Mis. Jim Martyn and fami]y, Bowmanville, visited Mi. and Mrs. W. Loveridge. Mi. and Mrs. Fred Cowling, Blackstock, Mrs. L. Prescott, Oshawa, called on Mrs. Rd. Me- Neil, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ken- nedy, Mrs. M. Kennedy and daughter, Mr. L. Tabb, Oshawa, Mr. T. Tabb, Orono, were Sun- day callers at Mis. H. Cross- man 's. Mr. and Mis. Ron Morrison, Dougie and Ruthie,, Oshawa, were Saturday vîsitors at Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Mýi. and Mrs. R. Vincent and Marie, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. R Rahm and family attended the Kawartha Field Trial on Sun- day at Keene. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham attended Lindsay Fair on Fni- day. Mrs. Rd. MeNeil visited Mis. Theron Mountjoy, Hampton, on Monday. Mr. Lloyd Ashton spent a few days at Lake Baptiste with Mi. Wm. Freeker at his cottage. CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 am. every Sunday, CFRB L I TOUR DRUGGIST RECOMMENDS MULTIPLE VITAMINS Each tablet contalns 7' essential vitamins. Coits les thon 44 a doa MUL¶PU ~AY VITAMINS GET FAST RELIEF with Reg. size 69e Economy 1,09 ihe Qu& baby povdefiea 7TBaby fndrn SIG 10Ooz. HospITAL SIzE69e 4ýioz. SZ 9 LB.T. Baby Powder Drugs Phone MA 3-57921 *1 Il t s LM-OIL 4.29 Trinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. Il A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP Sacrament ai The Lord's Supper ""The Bond We Need"f 7 P.M. - EVENING WORSHIP ""Is Il Possible for a Communisi bo be a Christian?"' A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bownianville MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m - EnglIsh EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. - Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE RICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Il I-Tt O] H AND REMNERS FOR TRIS WEEK A.S.A. TABLETS 100's, 300's 19c, 49c Washing Compound for household use TRI-SODIUM PHOSPHATE - 19c Palmolive Colgate Rapid Shave Bomb Instant 89C SaeBm phaeusm 43e size Wildroot Cream-i1 Reg. 98e size 89C 79c PASTOR. E. BOOMER Special Speaker from Colligwood I.DA. PRODUCTS Spot Remover --- 40c, 75c Minerai 011 - - - - - 55c, 1.10 SACCHARIN TABLETS % Grain 100's 500's 1,000's 20c 55C 79c HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 100's 250's 500's PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGregor, Vour Local I.D.A Drug SttàVe "Back To God Hour" Broadcast a zý-- 1- ;ý- TM CANADUN STATESMM. BOWMANVM& ONTARIO lue-or ir SUMI ISAFETY RAZOR

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