PAGE SIXTEEN 9CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVffLE, ONTAMO ~'MY7R~flAV fl<9' *h îm~m Farewell Party HeId as Family Leaves for Indic A farewell gathering was Mr. Banks served as principal Iield at the home of Dr. and for church-operated elementary Mrs. A. E. King, Nash Road, schools in Vancouver and Sid- Dýarlington, for Mr. and Mrs.'ny British Columbia. Hie nichard Banks and their daugh - auglit science as welI as being ter, Linda Lee. They leave on registrar at Oshawa Missionary Wednesday, October 6, for New College for five years and more 'York City where they will recently served on the staff of board a ship hound for Poona, the Whitby Higli Sohool. India. The details as to the The mission programme to exact ship and port of embark-1 which the couple will be giving a.jon are uncertain due to the their services extends into 185 S, rike of Longshoremen on the countries of the world and United States' eastern coast.' brings medical, educationai and Friends presented the couple spiritu al help to raillions, re- with many gifts and typical in-* gardless of race, creed or col- dlian foodi of curry and rice was Our. served andi they were given n a -_________ tive costumes to wear. Mr. Banks was recently ap- pointed by the Seventh-day Ad-i BETHANY ventist Church Mission Board in Washington, D. C., to head; A special Sunday School the science departmnent of Spi-; Rally Day service was held inl cer Memorial College in Poona, the Unitedi Church on Sunday India, for a terni of fiv- mormrng, with Mr. James Som- Prior to coming to Oshawa, merville giving the sermon. Earl Weatherilt, Sunday School 1 Supt., led the servie assisted 'hy Miss Lynda Davidson, Gartîh V Wilson and Murray Heniderson in reading the scripture les- sons and prayers. The choir, directed by Mrs. S. L. Spelier ___________________sang "He Whispered His Love t egreatest sponsoreci by the Boy Scouts g ift of il Auxiliary on Saturday atr les McGiil making his debut as an Auctioneer did a fine job of selling the many articles of- fereti for sale of f arm produce, furniture, machiniery, etc. The lunch booth at the Parish Hall of St. Paul's Anglican Church was well patronizeti, adding a substaiial suni towarde ex-, penses of tfhe Cubs and Scouts. William Sheen lias returned from bis vacation, enjoying a bus trip through Northern On- tario and the United States. At Sault Ste. Marie he visited with Mr. andi Mrs. Alex Lam- ibkin; spent the first weekend with Rev. William Fritz and Mrs. Fritz at Conniston, andi a day witih Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Chaseat Little Hocking, Ohijo. He visiteti in North Bay andi Sudbury, Buffalo and Syra- cuse, N.Y. He wen3t to see 'Man- hattan Isla'nd anti took the famous Blue Line Tour of New York City. In Washington, D.C. lie went on a conducteti tour, visiting the White House andi on Sunday atteniding the Na- tional Presbyterian Churcli, HELP THE BLIND HELP THEMSELVES When you support the work of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, you support a realistic program of Rehabilitation, Recreation, Residential Care and Research. CNIB's 4R Program 110W serves more than 22,000 blind men, women and children in Canada. In addition 60,000 victims of defective sight received timely treatment through an efficient Siglit Conservation Service. The Bowmanville West Durham Advisory Committee is conductingfils ANNUAL BLITZ CMPAiGN FOR FUNDS a on - Mon.. Oct. 19 7 Io 8p.z. GIVE GENEROUSLY AND GIVE NOW. If the volunleer CNIB canvasser misses you, donale hy mail, send to Mr. James Bell, Treasurer, Bowmanville - West Durham Àdvisory Commiltee, Bank of Monireal, Bowman- ville, Ontario. The Canadian National Institute For The Blind The Orono Mrs. James E. Richards, M.ndMrs. Lloyd Ilyles anrd aughters, Whitby, visitedi, Mrs. D. N. Myles on Sunday. Mr. anti Mrs. Orville Chatter- ton and chiltiren, Mr. and Mirs. R. Hancock anti daughter, spent Sunday at MIr. Bruce Chap- man's cottage, Balsover, on the Trent Canel. Mirs. Fred Tamblyn, 1&. andi Mirs. Carlos Taniblyn and Sha- ron, motoreti through. Algon- quin Park on Sunday. Mrs. Albert Mitchell and son Steven spent Tuesday with her parents, Mir. andi Mrs. Wm. M. Emorey, Wliitby. Miss Mabel Davy lu now staying at Lintonhurst Rest Home, Orono. Mir. andi Mrs. David Hicks, Hlarriston, Mrs. Norman Wood- ley, Tyrone ,visi ted Mr. and Mrs. D. G. HoIoper on Tuesday., was seateti just four pews be- hind Presidenit Eisenhower and Mrs. Eisenhiower. He also vis- iteti in Parkersburg, West Vir- ~ginia. On the rëturn triplie sopdin Toronto visiting witli M.anti Mrs. Elmer Sheckle- ton, Mr. andi Mrs. Kenineth Stubbins, Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Close and Mr. anti Mes. Nor- man frwin. Mrs. Milton Wright who lias bec» with AU. and Mrs. Allan McCombs at Libertyville, Ill. foc tihe past mon-thl, returneti home on Suntiay. Mms. Walter Neals and hler sister-in-law, Mrs. Laura Spe- irs of Toronto lias been visiting here for tlie past week, Mrs. Gervin Mulligan antiMrs. Donald Cathcart motoreti to North Bay on Friday to spenti the weekenti with Mr. anti Mrs. D. Deyell. Mes. Thomas Jackson spent Wednesday in Whitby witli Mr. anti Mes. Ross Hall. Mrs. G. E. Staples, Lakcfield, visiteti with lier parents, Mn. and Mrs. James MéKinon on Tuesdiay. Carolyn Smitli, wlio under- wenit surgey on lier riglit anm six weeks ago, liati the cast removeti Wednesdey at Sick Chiltieen's Hospital, Toronto. The operation proveti success- ful. Wayne Martichenko is in St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterbor- MisMarie Carr spent the *weekenti with Mr. anti Mes. Walter Ranmsay at Fowlers Cor- ners anti on Saturtiay was bri- tiesmaiti at the wcditing of their tiaugliter Joan Ramsay of Toronto, to Frank E. White, also of Toronto. The wetiding took place in All Saints An- glican Ohurcli in Peterborough. MAPLE GROVE IMr. and Mes. Ross Allia andi family, Newcastle, called on Mr. and Mes. Howarti Cryder- 'man on Suntiay evcning. Me. anti Mes. Cecil Jeffery visited Me. and Mes. Arthurl Pascoe, Oshawa, on Sunday evening. Mes. Tom Colliss lias return- ed home after visiting lier niotlier-in-law, Mes. Tom Col- liss Sr., at Hillsboro, New Brun- swick. Mes. Colliss Sr., lias been quite il for the last few wecks. Mr. anti Mes. William Bar- law, West Hill, visited Mr. anti Mes. Clifford Swallow on Sat- urtiay. Me. and Mes. Robect Grif- fiths, Davidi-anti John, aud Mes. Louise Phipps, ahl of Toronto, were Suntiay guests of Mr. anti Mes. Clifforti Swallow. Mr. anti Mes. Cecil Mils were the recipients of a lovely set of TV snack tables at a family party on the occasion of their 20th wedding anniversary. They were guests of honour at the home of lier sister, Mes. Roy Gootie, Port Percy, on Suutiay. Mrs. Chacles Depew, Bow- nianville, visited Me. and Mes. Neil Brownell on Tuesday. Me. and Mes. Cecil Rahm, Burketon, called on lier sister, Mes. Aylmer Beech, on Sunday evening. Me. and Mrs. Harold Orrisu- ton, Enfielti, spent Tuesday evening with hec sister, Mrs. Aylxner Beecli. Me. ant iMs. Jim Laverty and lfamily attended the Rosary1 Mirs. John Morris, Mes. Geo. Morton spent Mondiay with Miss Edith Bennett, Bowmanville. Madison Hall receiveti word re the passing of lier bro- ther, Mr. Ediwin A. Best in Vic- toria, B.C., on September 27th. Mir. John Patton is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmani- ville. Miss Joyce Jones had a mis- cellaneous shower for Miss Shirley Harding, bride-elect, last week. Mirs. Mary L. Patton, nec Best, wife of Perey Davidi Pat- ton, passed away suddenly in Oshiawa General Hospital, Oc- tober lst, following a car acci- dent last Wednesday evening. Funeral was on Suntiay after- noon. Interment ini Orono Cern- etery. Rally in Peterborougli, on Sun- day and called on Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boyles. Mr. and Mirs. Cecil Cullen anti family andi Mr. Leo Green were also present at the rally from Maple Grove. Mr. anti Mrs. Leslie Fawcctt anti Murray, Mrs. Elwood Faw- cett anti Johnny, aIl from Mea- fond, were weekenti guests of Mr. and Mes. Dawson Beckett. Mrs. Fred Bailey, Gait, is spentiing a few weeks with lier son, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Balley anti family. Mr. anti Mrs. Chiarles Green- liam and Carole were present at Bnitigenonth on Sunday, when their grantison, Russell Green- ham, of Bowmanville, was bap- tizeti by his great uncle, the Rev. Leslie Hardy at Bridge- north Unitedi Churcli and wene dînnen guests of Rev. and Mirs. Hardy after the ceremony. Mrs. T. J. McGuîrk Sr., Mac Tien, spent last Sunday andi Monday with Mr. and Mirs. Tom McGuirk and family. Mrs. John W. Noble has re- turned home from Bowman- ville Hospital after being il with bronchai pneumonia. Mr. and Mes. Cecil Mils, Mr. anti Mrs. Howard Bradley at- tended the football dance at Newcastle community hall last Friday evening. Sorry to hear that Mrs. L. C. Snowtien lias been quite il andi wc wish her a speedy recovery. Evening W.MLS. The Evening Auxiliary of W.M.S. met at the home of Mes.i W. H. Brown. Mrs. John Noble was in- sales Offl P-.ox o raàww4q -1 vou.Ie, News Editor Mers. J7. E. Richards returned home Saturday froni visitingi in Toronto. Mr. R. E. Logan returncd home last weck froru Civic Hospital, Peterboroughi. Mrs. A. E. West returned home on Monday froni a plane trip to the Western Provinces andi visiteti Mr. andi Mrs. Earl West andi family in Edmronton, Alberta, andi Mr. and Mfrs. Art Etter, Eston, Sask. It is unticrstood that Dr. R. A. V. Arnold, M.D., lias returu- ed to Toronto after working i the Orono-Newcastle district for the past ycar. Rev. Donald M. Mathers, M. A., B.D., Ph.D., Queen'a Theol- ogical College, Kingston, will be the speaker at Orono Unteti Churcli Anniversary Service on Suntiay, October l8th. charge of Worship ServIce. Mrs. Ted Foley reati froni Senipture anti Mrs. Noble led in prayer. The new Study Book was in- troduceti "Africa Disturbed" and the first cliapter was given by Mrs. Noble, Mes. W. H. Brown, Ted Foley, Mrs. Steve Doyle andi Mn. H. All- son. A closing prayer was led by Mes. Noble.. President Mor. Steve DÔyle conducted the business perioti. Rol cal l sowed 15 members andi one visitor present. Min- utes of the last meeting were give by rs.Morley Flintoff; in place of the Sccreta.ry. Trea- surer's report was read bUy Mrs. W. H. Brown. It was announceti that the Autumn Rally will be lielti at Ebenezer Churcli on October 29. Birtliday money was collecteti.0 Mes. Bert Snowden was ap- pointeti Missionary Monthly se- creta.ry for -the coming year. Mirs. Ken KCulinke will be i charge of the next meeting, which will be lield in thle church basen-ent on October 22. The meeting will be i the form of a masqueratie party and each member is asked to bring a frienti. The meeting closeti with the Mizpah Benctiiotion. Don Brown showed some in- tenesting homne movies, some of a previous Evening Auxil- iary meeting. Lýunch was ser- ed by the group in charge. Country Couples Club The Country Couples Club met at Maple Grove Churcli on Tliursd.ay, Oct. 1, with Presi- dent Howardi Cryderman in the chair, andi a gooti crowti present. Mr. and Mes. Bill Marchand and K.IthCrago eonducted the de- votional period. Some very interesting slides were show» of the Whitby Dun-. lops' hockey team in Oslo, Swe- dený, by Mr. Marchand. Rev. F. J. Jackson of Tyrone enter- tained with sleight of hand tricks enid a trio of Mrs. Lloyd Down, Mrs. Wes Down and Mrs. Murray Osborne sang. A lunch of pumpkin pie and wtiipped cream was serveti by Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormniston, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott and a social time was enjoyed. 1954 FORD SEDAN 1953 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN 1950 OLDS. SEDAN, radio Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH SIMCA DEALERS 20 King St. East Bowmanville M 3u3303 fer -mu LURic ~ETHANIFULI, SON, THERE'% ALWAY$ ÇQSOOV WORSE OFF TPAN SATURDAY EXCURSIONS to Good going and returning same Saturday only. EXCURSION PARI PROM: Belleville . $4.65 Bowmanville . $1.85 Cobourg . . 2.90 Oshawa . . . 1.40 Port Hope . 2.65 Whitby . . . . 1.25 Corresponding fores from intermediate points FULL INFORMATION FROM AGENTS CANADIAN NATIONAL CANADIAN PACIFUC fTAxi Phone MA 3-5822 STE VENS' TAXI "Safe, Satisfying Service"~ ALL PASSENGERS INSURED 100 King St. E. Bowmanville BOWNANVILLE HIGE SCHOOL REGISTRATIONS Aduli Education Evening Classes Tuesday, Oct. 13 and Wednesday, Oct. 14 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The following classes will be held provided the registration is sufficient - minimum registration for any class is fifteen. - Fee $5.00 per course No refunds at the end of the term. Commercial Subjects-- Typing, Bookkeeping, Stenography Home Economics- - Sewing, Foods Industrial Arts ---- - Woodworking English Basic, For Beginhers Physical Training for Ladies and Men Any Academic subject at intermediate or advanced level will be offered, provided the demand is sufficient. WE NEED USED CARS Just a Few- Left at BARGAIN PRICES 1956 PLYMOUTH SAVOY V-8 SEDAN Power Flite, radio 1956 PLYMOUTH 6-cyl. SEDAN Radio. Like new, black and turquoise 1955 PLYMOUTH 6-cyl. SUBURBAN 2-Dr., radio. New blue paint. FARGO MA 3-5487 L I rec". u ritf ub&a uj tur. Eddie: feImr holding up afactory?" Sheila: "~You are, Eddie-both of vou are!" Boys:s «How corne?" f Sheila: "'Because 80 man>' ené;&iieetîs au contractors chose your Plain End Clay' Pipe, an all-newfactory had to be buitjust to make enough couplings tofili orders. So this coupling mean a factory, see?" ÜSE PLAIN END VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE FITTINS & COUPLINGS Ne baidnts Ne exfllliism Rh.i.Pod IMua Pla End P4»e fie. 4» te2e' NATIQNAL SEWER PIPE LIMITED xle, ee&£me& Li, ON?. &snW sIsF eJ\11 TV Sheppard &GILrber Co. Limited 96 King St., E. Bowman~iIIe P~ne MA 3-5715 à 0WON& 1 M" . i ii« THU tsDAT. OCT. MIL leu w lh is is a faaorv?," swàto 96 King St, E Phone MA 3-5715 Bowman*ýille t