- - w ~wrww ..........................................................~7 PAGE LEIGHrtWI THE CANADIAN STATR~MAN ft* ~TA IO fff~flY (!P *h ses------ ~-. -C, --LU RiWrth-q I .i rvni#rlv -nfi*z 1 4,,-s1-im ..., 4..., 1 MJAALAIù COLVILLE-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colvile wish to announce the birth of their daughter, Brenda Lynn, on October 4th, at Me- inorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 41-1 DREW-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drew (nee Lilah Hess) are happy to annouince the arrivai of their son Randy Edward, 6 lbs., 10 ozs., on Tuesday, September 29th, 1959, in Oshawa General Hospital. A baby brother for Donnie, Debbie and Kenny. RUNDLE - Joyce and Bll Rundie are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Mary Claire on Sunday, October 4th, 1959, at University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mchigan. 41-1* Marriages LUXTON - FALLS - On Sat-i urday, Oct. 3, 1959, at 7 o'clock,1 in St. Paul's United Church, Bowrnanville, by Rev. Harold Turner, Marlene Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Falls, to Earl John Luxton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Luxton. 41.1* Deaths McCLELLAN, G eo r ge - At T1oronto on Monday, October 5, 1959, George McClellan, beloved husband of the late Louise An- drexv, dear father of George A., Toronto, and Donald E., Lachine, Quebec. Resting at the chapel of Morley S. Bedford, 159 Eg- linton Ave. W., Toronto. Service~ on Thursday at 10 a.m. Inter-1 ment Bowmanville Cemetery,j 12 noon. 41-il NIXON, James-At Memorial Hospital, 1Bowmanville, on Mon- day, October th, 1959, James Nixon, beloved busband of Mary E. Kelley, dear father of William Henry Nixon. Resting at the Funeral Home o! North- cutt & Smith, 53 Division St., Bowmanville. Fanierai service wîil be held on Thursday, Octob- er 8th at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 41-1 PATTON-Suddenly, at Oshawa Genemal Hospital on Thursday, October Ist, 1959, Mary L. Best, (forrnerly of Orono), aged 64 years; wife of Percy David Pat- ton and dear mother of Manson, R.R. 1, Orono; Ray, Kingston; Carman, Whîtby, and Ross, Oshawa. Service was held in1 the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow-j manville on Sunday, October 4th at 3 o clock. Interment Oono Cemetery. 41-1 In Memnonra HANCOCK-In Ioving memor of my dear wife Nora wbo pass- ed away October 12, 1958. I cannot forget your smiling face, Youm happy, carefree ways; The smile that wvon so many finds In those happy bygone days. One of the best the world could owfl, Youm cherished smule, your heamt of gold; Aways so good, unselfish and kind, What a wonderful memory you left behind. -Sadly missed by husband Eg- erton and family. 41-1* WILKINS, George Blake-In loving inemory of our dear fath- cm who passed away October lOth, 1934. Heavy is our hearts today Memnory brings you back oncel more1 To the times when you were« with us, To the happy days of yore. -Always emembemed by son Roy, daughter Nina and George. 41-11. WOOLNER-In loving memory of a dear mother, Martha Wool- ner, who passed away Octoberl 31, 1941. Always a smile instead of a frown, Always a hand when one was down. Always truc, thoughtful and so1 kind,1 Woîiderl'ui memories she left, behind. She suffered patiently and long, Hem hope was bright, hem face was stmong; The peace of Jesus filled ber breast, And in His anms she sank to rest. -Ever remembered by daught. cm Barbara and son-in-law Aime Dupuis. 41-1 Notices If the owners of the follow- Ing cars do not dlaim their cars and pay the charges against them by October 3lst, 1959, these cars wtt be sold for scap. Chevrolet- Ontario 395389 Studebaker- Ontario C71066 Dodge- Ontario 106554 Ford- Ontario 892652 B-A Service Station, Newcastle, Ontario. 41-3 S$100.00 REWARD for information leadlng te the Arresi and Conviction of the person who releap;ed dog frein chain on my preperty. J. A. HIOSKIN 93 Liberty N. B owmanville %.,lllllj iuV uAlitb Dancing every Saturday night in Pontypool to the music of the Northern Ramblers. 39-3 A turkey supper will be serv- ed in Yelverton Church Hall on Monday, October 12, comnmenc- ing at 4 o'clock. Admission 1.50 and 75 cents. 40-21 The Newtonville W.A. are holding their annual bazaar and afternoon tea on Friday, Nov. 13 at 3 p.m. Admission: Adults 25c, chlldren 15c. 41-1 Plan to attend St. Paul's Evening W.A. Annual Tea and Bazaar and visit the new Christian Education Rooms, Saturday afternoon, Nov. 7th. DUTCH hoard. Phone MArket 3-7216. 41-1* FRESH honey. Phone William C. Parsons, MA 3-7059. 41-1* QUANTITY of storm windows. Phone MA 3-3797 after 4 p.m. #' 41-1* ONE Coffield washer, good con- dition, $25. Phone CO 3-2332. 41-1 COLEMAN oil heater, good condition. Phone Orono 9 r 4. 41-1* A NEW Connor eIectric wash- ing machine. Phone CC) 3-2562. Tea or coffce, 25c. 41-110 DeKALB pullets, leying. H. fCPedwel ecate Bazaar and Penny Arcade to 3856. 41cstl. -1on be held in Community Hall,1 - -_____________ Enniskillen, Wednesdey, Octob-l WATER for sale. Delivered. cm 28th, 8:00 p.m. Verîety of! Phone Cliff Pethick, COlfax jbooths. Lunch served. Sponsor- 3-2131. 36-tf , cd by Enniskillen Service Club. 41-3 'EIGHT-foot meat dispiay cool- er, Toledo meat scale. Phone Catholic Women's League isIC 3-2692. 41-1 holding a bezear and tea in St COLad1o uncgo Joseph's Hall, Liberty Street conditindbestof frer. Pon South on Saturdey, October 10, citiMA ;3.3786. 41- Phon from 2 p.m. Door prize of$.0M -76 1f doneted by Scugog Cicaners. ONE cook and one box stove, 40-2.i one bed chestemfield. Phone -IMA 3-2724. 41-1* Rev. and Mrs. H. Stainton I____________- Courtice, will be celebmating BOY'S C.C.M. skates, sizc 7; their 41th wedding anniversary Tweed jacket, sîze 14. Phone in the parsonage on Tuesdey, MA 3-3200 efter 6. 411if October 131h froni 7:30 to 10 .-- p.rn. Ail friends weîcome. ONE giml's snowsuit, one 2-piece 41- suede outfit, both size 2, pink. 411Phone MA 3-2827. 41-1* Eastern Star Bazeer and Tea, HARDWOOD and light wood 1Lions Centre, Friday, October stv lnth$1prlod I23, 2:30 p.xn. Homebaking, 'iIone COlfex 3-2275. 41-4* [aprons, candy, fancy womk,ý country store, parcel post, used STOVE wood, mixed with bard- ciothing and draw for cedar wood; good Princess Pat cook chest. 41-3! stove. Phone MA 3-5496. 41.1* Woodview Community Centre MIXED hamdwood, $35 load 2 -Monster Bingo. Twenty games cords, resewed. J. A. Cascad- -twcnty dollars; five games- 'den, Omono, 35 r 9. 40-3 tbirty dollars; $150 jackpot' and!- -_________ two jackpots et $250. bioom CARROTS for table use, and prizes. Next Monday, 8 p...,feezing, also feed. Robent Ste-; Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf phenson, Newcastle 3741. 41.1* Plan to attend Pontypool L.O. B.A. Penny Sale, Orange Hall, Friday, OctQber l6th at 8 p.m. Draw for many valuable prizes. Tickets, 25 for 25c. Prizes on display at Curtis Hardware. Everybody wlcome. 41-2 St. Andrew's United Church, Millbrook, wil celebrate 77th Annîvemsary, Sunday, Oct. 18, with services at Il a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker is Rev. W. Franklin Banister, D.D, of Kingston. Visitors cordially welcomed. 41-1 Kendal Unitcd Churcit Anni- vcrsary Services, Sunday, Octob- cm 18. Rev. N. T. Holmes, Har- mony, at il; Rev. H. B. Neal, Millbrook, at 7:30. Speciai mus- ic armanged. Ladies will serve turkey supper, Wcdnesday, Oct. 21, from 5 to 8. 41-2 Help Wanted APPLE pickems. Canadian Fruit Farni, Newcastle. Phone 2357. ____________41-1* CLERK for local retail store. Apply Advcrtiser 987, c/o The1 Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvilie, Ont. 41-1 LICENSED mechanic. Guar- anteed wage. Apply Frenk's Garage, 72 Scugog, Bowmen- vile. Phone MA 3-3231 after 6 p.ni. 41-1 FEMALE switchboard operator for permanent position. Ex- perience not essential. Remun- eration whiie training. Appiy phone Co. Ltd. 41-1 GIRL for genemel housework in Toronto. Modemn home, ail con- veniences, char kept. Must be fond o! childmcn. Liberal wage. References. No objection to ex- pectant mother. Apply Bres- lin's, Bowmanville. 41-1 AVAILABLE at once-Rawleigh business. 1500 families. Only reliable bustiers need apply. Good profits to willing workcrs. No experience needed to start. 1Write today. Rawleigh's, Dept. J-140-Z, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. 41-i BE your own boss! Earn money the first day, with a profitable agency consisting of 250 pro- ducts including cosmetics, tonics, vitamîns, food products, bouse- hold necessities. Commission and bonus. Exclusive territory in your area. Write for free details. Familex, Dept. -6- 1600 Delorimier, Montreal 24. 41-1 WANTED PIN BOYS EARN GOOD WAGES DURING COMING SEASON Apply Manager LIBERTY BOWL LTD. BASE ULE 40-4 Pets for Sale ONE deer hound and beagle pups. Caîl after 4 p.m. Phone Co 3-2687. 41-1 FOUR part Spaniel puppies, anc month old, threc female, one male. Free to good home. Tele- phone CO 3-2475. 41-1 BLACK Labrador Retriever, maie, 7 nionths, reasonable. ,Telepbonc Blackstock 96-3 a!ter 1.16 p.rn S. Gof!, Burketon RR 41-1441-1*1 COAL and wood furnace, $40. Electmic ange, '$15. Both in good condition. Phone MAýrketi 3-5212. 41-11 BLUE nylon snowsuit, size 18 months; girl's three-piece pink coat set, sîze 2. Telephone IMAmket 3-5089. 41-1* FINDLAY Duplex, burns coal or wood and gas. In good con- dition. MA 3-5621. 40-2* CIRCULATING heater, burns wood or coal, brown with ivory trim, $15.00. Phone MA 3-5129. 1 ~41-11 KEYS eut automatlcafly, wbile you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, bard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf LIGHT blue Gendron baby car- riage, excellent condition, mat- tress included. Phone MArket 3-3080 aftem à p.m. 41-1* MARY Maxim sweaters. Any pattemns. Adults and teens, $25, children'a $20, tots' $15. Clarke 2231. 41-1* 8" TABLE saw with stanýd, ¾ horse heavy duty motor, shaper attachment, $95.00. Phone Co 3-2552. 41-1* IArticles for Sale POTATOES. Phone Blackstock 82 r 11. 41-1 iBABY'S chrome rocker, like new. Phone MA 3-5141. 41.1* CEDAR rails cut in stove lengths. Phone CO 3-2494. 41-1 IF you have dlean 6-quart bask- ets to scîl, cail MArket 3-3246. 41-1* FRESH water service. Phone IMA 3-5835 or Whitby MOhawk 8-4172. 41-4 TWO pairs Girls' figure skates, sizes 9 and 10. Phone MArket 3-3066. 41-1 DOMINION upright piano in excellent condition. Phone New- castle 2841. 41-1 FRESH-killed turkeys, 12 lbs. up. Allan Macklin. Telephone CO 3-2684. 40-2 ONE Masscy-Harris 2-fummow tractor plough. Phone MArket 3-3098. 41-1 SWEET cider, 50c galion. Bring own containers. Brenton Damch. Phone CO 3-2045. 41-11I COB corn by the ton, froni the field, after lSth October. Phone'j Clarke 3112. 41-31 GIRL'S white figure skates, size 7, good condition, $5. Tele- phone MA 3-3102. 41-1 FACTORY hardwood cuttings, $10.00 and $5.00 per load. Tele- phone MArket 3-5069. 41-1 ONE large size pressure cooker, new; smali garden tractor, trailer. Phone MA 3-5835. 41-1 QIL stove and double bed with spring mattmess. Phone New- castle 4491 after 6 p.m. 41-1* APPLES for sale, delivered. The best varieties in any quantity at reasonable prices. S. C. Allun. Caîl MA 3-3246. jON sale now, 210 lb. square No. 1 quality three-in-one shingles. Black, red and green, $7.95 a square. Phone MA 3-5212. 41-1 HOLLAND Bulbs, top size. Van Belle Gardens, 3 miles west of Bowmanville on Hîghway 2. Open Thanksgivîng Holiday un- tii 9 p.m. MA 3-5757. 41-1 DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf TREAT y o ur Thanksgiving guests to good old-fashioned apple cider, 85c a gallon. Mc- Intosh apples, $1 and up. Bring container. D. G. Kemp, Middle Road. 41-1 HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock o! batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Lîmited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-3305. 7-tf CHRYSANTHEMUMS, ail col- ours. Van Belle Gardens, MA 3-5757. 3 miles west of Bow- manville on Highway 2. Wc will remain open ahl day Mon- day, Thanksgiving Holiday, until1 9 p.m. 41-1l TWO-iec cbesterficl uiitp ELECTRICAL Repars-Prompt n davenosfo $149. Chrome service to electrical appllances,I kitchen suites froni $49, 3-piece large and small. Lander Hard- bedroom suites frmr $99. Space- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43..tf savers froni $49. Trade-in ai- lowance. Murphy Fumniture Co., SAVE an lumber. direct from i Kng St. W., MA 3-3781. 411* Mil to youi. Phillips Lumber Co., KinmgÜnt, Ontario. Phone1 ONE thee-burner coal ail stove L17 r 11. 13tf with aven, 1 sawing machine, 2 circuler saws, 1 mandrel, 1 WHY FEEL OLD? Ostrex Tonic beit, 1 Acnie kitchen stove, 1 Tabiets help thousands o! men, pîgeon-bole dcsk, 1 library table, women past 40 feel younger. 1 large plant stand. Caîl Hamp- Only 69c. At ail dmuggists. ton COlfex 3-2111, or Black. 41-1 stock 91 n 2. 39-2f COLEMAN space beater, auto- GUARAINTEED Nursery Stock mnatic thermostat control with -Evcrgreens, Shnubs, Trees, etc. blower. Wouid beet 4 to 6 Excellent selection. Van Belle noorns. Phone MArket 3-2372. Gerdens. On Highway 2, 3 miles - ~41-1 west o! Bowmanvilce. Open INSULATION, blowxng metbod, until 9:00 p.m. Monday, Thanks- 1 . giving Holiday, for your con- with rock wool. Workmanship venience. MA 3-5757. 41-1 guarenteed. F r e e etmts -- --- Hemmy L. Wade. Phone Clerke, USED Equipnient-Internation- 2420. 39-tf al Farmahi Cub Tractors, three ito choose fmom; Massey-Hammis BACKZACHERbeumatic pain? î"22'> Tractor, Massey-Harris Sciatice? Ask your druggist ",30" Tractor, John Deére 3-fur-. about Rumaceps today. Start mow plow, on rubber; John Deerej getting relief. Thousands have. Sub-Soiler, 2-furrow Massey1 benefitted. 41-1 Plow, 2-furrow Case Plow, 3- GLAD)IOLI bulbs. Digging lime point hitch; Treil Cultivator, bargeins direct fron f ield, Sept.j Messey 13-disc Seed Drill, 3- 28 - Oct. 10 only. Dm. E.W. section; Smoothing Hýarmows Sisson, 100 Liberty St. North. with Draw Bar. Special Fin-1 Phone MA 3-5604. 41-1 ance Te rns. Cowan Equipmcnt1 Co., 134 King St. E., MAn&.kett APPLES for sale, Mcîntosh,13-5689. 41-1 ý Snow, Beilflower, Toînian Sweet,3 Spy. Price $1 and up a bushel. Also apple eider, 60c a gallon. A T N E Free dcivery. Albert Pos, 1 N EN A Orono. Phone Ooo23 afterT 6 p.Oon 23741.1 À iInsialled - epairedj GET the up n ldmacwint Moved on "Canhayes" AluninuniDor Sale - Towers - Salde and Windows. You will b amazed bow econornical they 40' stmuture Installed wlth are froni Cowan Equipment Co., Crown rotor and ali-ehannel 134 King St. E., Bowmanvile, or head. Reg. $150. Salq prico Phone MýA 3-5689. 40-tf $115 -- _-LEN &LOU'S.T T URKEÈY S .,IW%àbw ,0-1 UN.TVn« CHOICE QUALIT ALL WEIGHRTS, PHIL FINNEY MAPLIE GIROVE MArket 3-5058 âi w veri y zo a MA 33-t2 Personal HYGENIC supples - (Rubber goods> mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with prico list. Six saniples 25c, 24 saniples, $1.00. Mail Order De p t.T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ce., Box 91, Hamn- 41-1 iton. ont. 1-52. Work Wanted_ CARPENTER work - roofing. Phone MA 3-5212. 41-1 PLUMING, heating eaves- troughing, free estimates. Har- vey Partner, Tyrone. COlfax 3-2281 or Orono 1722. 37-tf wim ouc conroi I FOR cbimney work, new or ONE MASSEY-HARRIS 22 mrepair or any brick, block or Recoditined.Makeau ofer.concrete womk. P.O. Box 1083. Recndiioed.Mae a ofer iCaîl L. Turner, Phone MA One CASE 6' TANDEM DISC 3-5820 or 3-560)5. 30-tf Three 2-FURROW PLOUGHSI WHITEWASHING and digin- SPECIAL FINANCE TERMS j fecting stables, etc. Free estim- phoeslarwok 421urte.Tele- A. J. (A L) H O A R kis Nwonil. Bmtf R. R. J5, BOWMANV1LLE Anger Construction Co. Phone CO 3-2625 LTD. ________________ 41-1 Chimneys Rebuit and Repaired - Brick - Concrete - Carpentry LGenera1 Nome Freez9.rs Phone Roy Anger MA 3-2273 33-tf 239.5 UPPlasiering flenairs FulIy guaranteed, including QtIC'R SERVICE 3-year food spoilage warranty.ý STUCCO A ND NEW WVORK Easy instaliments arren-,ed R. L. T.A T if d~i ~ ¶[ t ~ ,A3~' 1. %ý9 Phone MA 3-5573 Bowmanville Frigid Locker Syslem ~~YOUR ESS6U p~ ~ISTRIBUT R Cars for Sale 1/2-TON steel box, $35.00; '47ý Chev., $30; '51 Pontiac, $75.! Phone CO 3-2589. 41-1* 1955 G.M.C. 3-ton truck, prac- tically new motor and tires. Tele- phone MA 3-5758. 41-1 1956 CHEV. Belair bardtop, V8, automatie, radio and white walls. Phone MA 3-3156 after 5:30 p.m. 41-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802,1 collect. 2-tf 1959 BUICK, 2-door hardtop, fully power equipped. Cash, trade or ternis. Up to 36 months to pay. Phone MA 3-7218. 41-1* '58 PLYMOUTH hardtop, V8 with torquef lite transmission;, mcd and white, all extras. A. Wray, 205 King East, Apt. 4, Bowmanville. 41-i * Save Mloney ai Dave's Shoe Repair FAST, PROMPT SER!VICE 26 Ontario St., Bowmnanville CORNER KING and ONTARIO 24-tf PLUMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHIING TONY BAARS Mor-Sun, Powermatic, Morrison Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - O11 66 King St. W. MA 3-7127 BOWMANVILLE ____________________ 20-tf OSHAWA TV TELE VISION AERIAL SALES INSTALLATION and REPAIES Phone Bowmanville Oshawa MA 3-5919 RA 8-8180 BILL AND BOB LEASK 39-tf FOR YOUR PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING NEEDS Contact Central Decorators G. Smit, Darlington Blvd. R.R. 4 Oshawa RA 8-6809 G. Prins, R.R. 3, Bowmanville MA 3-2282 402 Livestock for Sale 500 BARRED Rock pullets, 4 rnonths. Blackstock 76 r 2. 41-1 TWO Jersey calves for vealîng. 41-1 REGISTERED Suffolk rams. John Carnaghan, Blackstockj 13W. 41-tf MUSCOVY ducks for sale. Ap- ply Joe Redmnond, R.R. 1, Nestle- SIXTEEN feeder steers, eigbt Hereordstokerheifers. Phone MA3259 41-1 100 WHITE Legbom year-old hens, also 300- bushels Spys. fPhone CO 3-2675. 41-1 200 DeKALB Leghorns, laying 50%, and 100 Highlines. Must seL. Phone 3856, Newcastle. 38-tf ONE thousand one year old Leg- horn hens, 50c each. Nowak Chicken Fanm. Phone COlfax 3-2567. 41-1 ONE Holstein- cross Shomthorn 1959 METEOR, demonstrator, is-o tiwo year-oilhifrsàM with automeîic transmission; 3-2193. 41-1 1955 Dodgc 2-dr., $400 down; 1958 International ½/-ton truck, TWO registered, fully listed, ac- $200 down. Cowan Equipment credited Jersey heifers or cows. Co., 134 King St. E., Bowman- R. Stenger & Son, Enniskillen. ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 41-1 Phone CO 3-2328. 41-1 BUYING OR SELUN SEVERAL sbearling pure bred SEE Shropshire ranis. Cynil Muni- ford, Lot 28, Con. 5, Hampton. Ted Campin Motors Phone RA 8-8960. 40-2 RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 REGISTERED Shorthorn heifer 607 King St. East ýcal!, born Jan. 6, 1959. Vac- (Jus Eat o Wilon d.> cînated, 4H prize winnen. Apply OJS H aofWAlo R. Ted Watson, MA 3-5893. 41.1* 104!f YORKSHIRE boars and gilts. Reposscsscd Vehicle For Sale ýAdvanced Registry breeding.ý Will register. Gcrald Brown, 1954 Pontiac Sedan 3 Bo2anv1.e. 4A1-1 Serial No. 4206901855 1-_______ 1959 License Plates No. AZ40430 Eatr nal To bc sold by public auction te aten nai tehighest bidder at the [eeo lbPiSl STIRTEVANTS Auction Roo i ere u b allSl 33 Hall St., OSHAWA, Ontario, bcginnlng at 7:30 Ip.m., on Ptroog October the 15, 1959 EXHIITION GROUNS ART'S CAR MARKET Saturday, Oct. 17, 1959 [94-196 Chureh St., Bowmanvllle 15.3BULUS We - Buiid - Better - Customers 15 ovenmet Tsd3Pol) 41.1*25 FEMALES RePossessed Vehiclo For Sale (Bred Helfers - Cows with Calf Open Helfers) 1948 Mercury Sedan Governmont grant applicable on Serial No. 021H48-18992 33%,% ontel bull 1959 License Platep No. A36967 2% on utested bulle ['o be sold by public auction te Ail en ntres sted bl tho highest bldder at tho Healtb o! Animais Brancit STIRTEVANTS Auction Room, PrsdnM Cons 33 Hall St., OSHAWA, Ontario, Peillbroo, M ontnih beglnln at7:30p.m on Secretary-Teasurer, W. Mood October the 15# 1959 BirdsaII, Onario 4 - ART'S CAR MARKET Piano Tuning 194-196 CnhSt.. Bowmanvillo We- Build - Better - Cuetoners ARTHUR Collison. Telephone *>41-1* MArket 3-3900. 38-tf Real Estate for Sale UNFINISHED bouse with two acres, trout stnearn across back. One mile from Hampton. Phone CO 3-2462. 41-1* HANDYMAN'S Opportunity - 7-room borne, central. Nceds some repairs. Owner leaving town, must sell. Best cash of- fer accepted. For particulars Annan & Cook REALTORS Representative MARVIN NESBITT Nestieton Phone Blackstock 44 R il 300 acre farm, 175 workable, good bush, 2 barns, frame house, hydro. $20,000 with terms. 130 acre 'farm, insul brick house, large barn, $4,000 down. 100 acre farzn, frame house, modern kitchen, bath, hydro. New barn 46 x 68 with water bowls, stanchions. $7.000 down. 41-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and vIstrici 12 acres land with 5 room insul brick house, 6,000 pruned Scotch Pine Christmas trées 3 and 5 years old, located near Enniskillen. Full price oniy $6,000 with $1,000 down. 200 acre daimy farm on high. way, 10 room brick house, city conveniences, large barn, $26,000 full prîce. 15 acres level market garden land, corner location, 5 miles north of Bowmapville. Only ,$300I per acre with low down payment. We have a large selection of homes, farms, acreages and bus- mnesses. Ci WALTER FRANX 177Z Church St. MA 3-3393 1 Bowmanvjfle 41-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER Let us show you tbrough titis attractive ranch bungalow, 3 spacious bedrooms, living-room, dining amea, sparkling kitchen, full basement nmke an interior that wili please you. 0f brick veneer, nice grounds and ln one of the better residential areas. N.H.A. resale. 5%½% mortgage. Full price $14,900. Congratulations to our sales- men, Jno. -Hilîs, who has.pur- chased a store in Millbrook, and to Len Hibbard who is the new owner of a service station and restaurant in Lindsay. Ouir best wishes go with them. Wc have an opcning for a full time salesman or saleslady. If you can drive a car, and are dissatisficd witb your present eamnings sec us! 52 King St. W. Bowxnanville MA 3-2453 Leask Real Estate 10 room bouse on 3/ acre of land, heavy wired. Good 2- storey double garage suitable for machine sbop. May be bougbt with or wlthout garage. Terms. 2-storey 6-room bouse in good residential district. New brick, 4-picce bath, ail furnace, bard- wood up and down, acnial. Und- cm N.H.A. This is a good pnop. ety. Owner is moving from too bicnunaow e gaoo rick bw g unalonw gar ae ne gas furnead hotat atter, finin bsed rceatio mminedclbeasmnt, car ined closyet alu Maur awngsfe.Mayeta. ak an0 offer. r tBlcsok 100 a bcr faruat Bactckd d-oble rick gbse, atahe adubengarage good barnostabl andt o be boe. Willfsri out- iht owmnermsorTisdef o os inm piet Bowanvll.Tislaagd farmharied tousesdi. ebu Wnchavce osue to b bul o chice otsfcend her N.H.A plan. Low down payrnent. M. E. LEASE Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvilh mArket 3-5919 Sales Staff: Freddy L. Ames - MA 3-3406 Pedwell Real Estate 140' acres with 44 purebred Holstein cows, fulll Une o! ma- chincry, including two tractons, new buik cooder, ail crops and feed, bank barn 40' x 100', silo, iniplernent shed, gaad house with ail furnace and bath, two miles froni Port Perry. .150 acres on Scugog Island, mostly workabie land, bank barn 40' x 60', 6 rooni bouse with oil furnace and bath, %k mile to school. Titis is early land and ne stone; fanm pond. Equip- ment optional. Contact Wmn. Heron BrookIli - Phone 13 50 acres with 2,000 feet 4ïver frontage, adjining Seagrave, on paved road; bank barn 40' x 60'. Insul-stone houa., 6 rooms, implement shed, some machinery and tractor. Owner bas other business and àa open for bout offer, must sel Consider house asp art payment. New rancit bouse ln Bow- manville. If looking for a homo don't fail to see this one. It la a beauty. W. have a large list of good farina, service stations, also Money to ban.I The South Haven Rest Home 13. C. PHDW WL, UKOKER -Licensed accommodation avail- Newcastle Phene 3858 1 able for up or bcd patients. 411Phone Newcastle 4441. 29-i Articl es forSale TRACTORS ONE ALLIS-CHALMERS WF. Reconditoned and guarantced ONE FARMALL SUPER A De Wiih Real Estate 100 Acre farm near Hastings. 80 acres workable, bank barn, hen house; 7 roomed home, heavy wired. Price, including machmnery' new tractor, etc., hay, oats, etc., $6,500. 185 Acre farm, near Millbrook, 120 acres workable, stream,4 35 acres wood, L-shaped bank barn with water bowls, steel stan. chions, machine shed, garage, etc.; 7 roomed brick home with ail modemn conveniences. Price $17,000. Terms. 100 Acre farm, near Newton. ville, 95 acres workable, creek, L-shaped bank barn, dmiveshed; 10 moomed home, hard. floors, heavy wired. Price and termi arranged. 50 Acre farm near Green. bank, 40 acres workable, streamn 75' x 65' bank barn, water on tap, drive shed, silo; 10 roomed brick home with furnace, run- ning watem. Asking $13,000. Ternis. 200 Acre DAIRY FARM, 140 acres workabie, stream, L-shap- ed bank bamn, drive shed, ce- rnent silo, milk house with bulk cooler,' etc.; 10 roomed brick home with all modern con- veniences. A sk i ng $2 5,000. Terms. 365 Acre DAIRY FARM near Coîborne, 275 acres workable, stream, 2 barns with water bowls, steel stanchions, milk house witli bulk cooler, drive shed, silo, etc.; 3 houses, modern conveniences. Has to be sold te close estate. Sem.i-detached brick home in Newcastle on 66' x 132' lot. Close to shopping and school. Downs $1,000. Price arranged. 13 Roomed solid brick home ýwith extra lot in Newcastle. which could be made into apart. ments. Close to main street. Down $ 1,500. Price arranged. 5 Roomed home ini Bowman- ville with ali modemn con- veniences, fiext to school. At- tached garage, patio, etc. Price $1,000 . Ternis. 6 Roomed.home with running wvater, 3-piece bath, heavy duty wired. Asking $6,000. Low down payment. 5 Roomed, almost new home Aith ncw oil furnace, running Arater, kitchen cuphoards, gar- age. Good size lot. Down $ 1,000. Price arranged. 5 Roomed, almost new bun- galow with attached garage and alI modern conveniences. Asic- ing $10,000. Termns. Contact John F. De Wilh tealtor and General Jnauranee Newcastle Phone 3341 lalesîpen: Donald MountJoy, B.wmanvlf MA 3-3950 Bon Davidson, Bothany Phono 2r 6 Piano nd Theory PRIVATE lessons ln piano and1 theory. Mrs. Ronald H. Scott, A.T.C.M.. 98 Church St MA 3-7246. 38-ti Nursing Home ~ L IC EN S ED accommodation available for lady or gentleman at Rest Home. Phone Orono 1 Recal Estate for Sale Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INStMANCE 99 King St. E. Bowman'ville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J7. A. Barton MA 3-3098 14 acres of good garden soi - and bush. Close to school ancd transpotaio. rced to soul. Loey7-roo home on Quee St.Ou urnce. h is value with reasonable terms.X' i3/4 acres with beautiful ranch bungalow with ail modern con- veniences. Priced to, seil at only $11,000.00. Low down pay. ment. Wanted! $3,000-00 second mortgage for 5 years at 8% on $16,000.00 bungalow. No bonus! Buy your cottage now at a cut price! 5 rooms completely furnished. Boat and motor, fireplace. At Cedar Crest Beach. Only $4,000.00. $1,000.00 down. 41-1 Peler Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 142 acre farm, il room frame house, large barn, implement shed, garage. One of the best farms in Clarke Township. Se. us for information. 20 acres with cottage, facing good road. Ganaraska River for 80 mods. Very scenic property. Price only $6,500.00., 13 acres at Courtice, 6 room frame house close to school. Price and terms arranged. 7 acres at Maple Grove. Price $2,250.00. 2%½ acres near Orono. Asking price $1,200.00. Building lots in Orono. Priced at $850.00. $500.00 down for this 7-room mnsul brick home, In good con- dition, oil furnace, hardwood floors, 1 acre lot. F uil prico $6,500.00. $1,000.00 down for this 5-room semi-detached house; bath, very central. Price $5,500.00. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanvjfls Phone MA 3-3644 Salesman: G. Blyleven THE.CANADIAN STATESMAN. Bt- -1 1 j 1- ,-4TAMO THUMMAIr. OCT- fth- mm