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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1959, p. 20

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TM CAAIA3 STATEMLN, EO*UMNVnlL. OUTARUO ux I n 111 JIAIJJULI MIss Franoes Potts, Jimmie McDonaid, Mrs. Frank Kenne- dy and Tommy, Collingwood; I-I. and Mrs. T. Smnith and and family, Burketon, Mr. S. Hooey, Tyrone, Mr. and Mms. E. Cowan, Essex, Mr. and Mrs. C. Myles, Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts and Mrs. W. Martin. Visitors with Mrs. W. Thomp- son were Mr. and Mrs. C. Young, Mrs. W. Short, Oshawa, Mr. Lloyd Thompson and Ter- ry, Mr. and Mrs. T. Elgie, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Osmond and family, Mrs. Roland Thompson, Dawn and Heather, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cowling and family, Salem, et Mr. and Mrs. George Tabb's. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gage, Thornhill. visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim and family. Linda Sharp, Enniskillen, Is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and' Ross Ashton's home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ander-1 son and family, Port Hope, atI Mr. and Mýrs. Arthur Trewin's. Mr. and M~rs. W. Blackburn, Carol, Dougie and Dale, and Mrs. K. Cowling, called on Mr.: and Mrs. Walter Blackburn, Don iýls, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton,. called on Mrs. L. B. Wiliams,, Bowmanville. Mr. Delbert Martin and Mrs. J. Potts visited Mr. and Mns. D. Adams, Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm, Allison and Bill, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilson, Lakefield, Sun- day. Mrs. Arthur Read, Lynne and; Mr. Henry Ashton visited re-; latives at Peterborough Sunday.1 Mrs. Ross Ashton and Bar-1 bara, Mrs. Edna MicLaughlin, Burketon, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright Mss. K. Cowlin.g spent Wd nesday with Mrs. J. Cowfing, Salem. Mrs. Read and Lynne were recent visitors of Mr. and Mis.' Bert Ashton, Toronto, and at- tended Olive Rankine's recita at the Conservatory Concert Hall, Toronto. W.A. October meeting wil Ibe held Thursday evening atl the home of Mrs. Arthur' Thompson. Mrs. Wesley Thomp- gon is i charge of the pro-1 gramme. Sunday Sdiool Sundiay morn- Ing at 10:30 o'clock, Church 1 Service at 7:30.f Glad to know that Mr. C. W. Woodley has returned home' £rom Memorial Hospital, Bow- mnanville. KEN DAL Mr. anid Mm-. cari Langff, Linda and Debbie spent the, weekend at Cache Bay with her parents, Mr. and Mbrs. A. Couroux. Mr. and Mis. Metcalf cf 13urke's FailUs were with their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Meteaif, on the Sixth' Line. Mrs. Black of Courtice vis- Ited her dauglhter, Mr&. Bob Youngman. Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- Donald, Roy and Terea were guests of her mother, m.r. Sel- leck, at Oinemee for the week- end. Mr. eind Mrs. Eddie Cour.. oux, Ray and Marie were in T1oronto Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore. Mr. an~d Mss. A. Colan, Ham- Ilton, spent the weekend with her mother, Msýs. H-attde Mart- inell. On Sundey they ail vs' ited Ms-s. Martinell's sister, Mrs. Bray I Port Hope. With Mrs. Wm. Mercer Sun-' day, were Mr. and Mrs. Vance' Allen and Terry, Mrs. Ted Coatham and family. The public school pupils en-, joyed a holidny Friday while: their teachers were attending the Teachers' Conventions at Huntsville. Th Ursday evening an Offic- iai Borarrd meeting fort44-Ne- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson and Mr. and Mss. Ken Saper attended the funeral Sunday of Mss. Mary Best wtio was killed ini an auto accident. The service w-as in the Morris Chapel, Bowmanville. with in- terment in Orono Cemetery, MNrs. Neya Little and Mss. George Glanville spent the weekend with MrT. and Mrs. Aylward Little at Markharn. Mrs. M. E. Foster is visiting Mrs. Short in1 Brantford. Mss. Chas. Ibompson andi Arthur and M&;9. G. Cathcart visîted Mr. andi Misa McBride in Cobourg, Sunday. Mrs. Earl Smith returned ta Mrs. Thomp- soni's with them. Mrs. Edith Ferguson was with her mother, Mrs. Swer- brick part of last week. Miss Carolyn Foster of thie General Motors is holidnylng at home this week. Kendal Anniversary S e r- vices are being held Sunday, October 18 with the Rev. Hatzmes af Harmony at il andi th~e Rev. Neai of Millbrook at 7-30. Special music 18 being ar- ranged Don't forget the good turkey supper being served by the ladies Wed. Oct. 21. I '<(c v Such Value! Low Pricedi GirI's Short Sîeeves Blouses *Guaranteed washable cotton *Szes 7to 12 EXTIRA, VALUE DAYS W SAI NDS"SAUOAY, OCOBER 101th Flannel* Lined for Eittra- Warnth Boys" Chino Dress Pants WesternSeca Target Sale, en. 1.79 9 Value 09 Just one cf two Iovely blouses are sketclied for you ber. * * a perfect mates for slimsý, fumpers or sklrts. . choose from applique or embroidered designs on fine white coffon *..sizes 7 to 12-1.79 value-Target Sale- Ea. .99 Speclal Purcliase! Suy Tw"-Save Mo-re! GIRL'S LINED SLIMS " Guaranteeci washable Corduroy * Kasha lined " Sizes 8 t0 14 Target Sale, pair Value 2. 2079 2 for 5.00 Colorful, smort looking, goad wearing and warrm are these Kasha lined Carduroy slims ...printed stripes in colors of Black andi Charcoal, Black and Red, Block and White, Black and Blue, and Paisley or fancy check deiigns . . . haîf boxer waist style in girls' sizes 8 fa 14 . . . sidie zipper clasing. . Targot Saie-Pr. 2.79 or 2 for 5.00 Smert FoU and Winter Warmth BOY'S TWO PIECE SETS " Double elbow shirts * Jeans lined ta match shIrts * Full boxer waist * Sizes 3 to 6 Special Purchase Target Sale, Set 2,069 Shadow Panel Front BATISTE SLIPS Target Sale, emch ~White 0117 7<1 2 for Sires 32 to 42 107 9 3.5 Itou. 1.98 !Mispy batiste siipt with lace trimmed hem and lined bras top . . .fi,. gored skfrt for good fit plus shodow panei front . . . white only . . . sixtes 32 te 42-Reg. 1.9E-Targot Sais-l§. 1J"- fer 3.50. Smerity styled flannelette shirts end matching lined *washable Corduroy jeans ... shirts have double elbows for longer wear and jeans corne with ful boxer waist, zipper front and two poc- kets.*. chaos. from Red, Royal or Charcoal . . sizes 3 ta 6 .* Special Turgot Sale, prîce-Set 2.69 *Sizes 6 to l : 2 9 ' An Ideal pant for FalU throiigh Wlnter wear because they are warmly flannel Ufned .. . regular waist style wlth four pockets, two with buttan down flaps ..'beit loops and cuffed legs ini proportioned lengths ... ail the featurés boys like ... colotin: Charcoal with Black &tripe . Sizes a to, 16. Imported! Sale Priced! Fine WaIe Corduroy Fast cooshrget Sale COIOflYard * Twelve shad * 36" wide.9t Corduroy, thé ideal fabric for sportswear such as slaexcs, ]a kets, slima, jumpers, children's ovýerails, etc. . fast, color to washing-36" wide* Inexpensive, Practical Floor Brighteners - Sale Priced! Viscose Scatter Mats * 100% Viscose pile 0 Cempieteiy washable * Non-skld latex coated backs * Two Popular uises * Fringed ends Six colors Bright te look et and sot to walk on are these inexpensive practical mats e . . oi soit 100% Viscose eut pile mat completely washable . .. Reg. 2.98-Target Sale 2069 i'c"' 5.00 Reg. 4.98-Target Sale 4,969 2 For 9.00 Thmeefaorite shers - Sale Prlced NYLONS .. l i frst quallty Fine firot quallfy nylons specilliy low priced f0 help you stock Up for fall at good Targot Sale sav[nga . . . full fashioned sheers corne witk fine dark Ieg slimmlng seams end seamîcass sheers in favorite nticro-mresh ... buy now for full, buy tw, or more pair and save more. FULL FASHIONED WALKING SHEER Turgef Sais ,a pair Faitf belge tenio shade. *Sires 9 to 1l *45 gauge-30 denier Dreis She il5 gauge-là denier SEAMLESS MICRO MESH Roty-care, Arnel* & Cotton -r o /~ ~OIA~/ Special Purchasel Savel LITTLE GIRLS' BLOUSES 0Guaranteed washable Value CSizes 3 to6 1.59 Target Sale, mach .883 CuteIy styled in guaranteed wash- able cotton with applique okr em- broidered designs on fine white fabrlc . . . sizes 3 ta 6-1.59 value- Target Sole.-Eu. .88 BLOUSES *Shtort steeve style *White 1& colora SSix«s 12 t. 18 Substandairds! BOYS' & GIRLS' CARDIGANS e 100% Orlon* 'Target Sale, ea. " Guaranteed washable I lrt e Sizes 1, 2, 3 2.f8f1r9 9 . and 4teo6x 29 Specially purchased from nationally known maker ta bring you Orlon Cardigans et good savings . .. girls' and boys' styles . . . in Red, Blue, Navy, Pink, Brown or White ... sizes 1, 2, 3, or 4 te 6x . .. defectas shght ... firsts are 2.98 . . . Target Sle- Eai' 1.79 -Du Pont Reg'd Trademark Reg. 2.98 Turgot Sale, e.. 2*69 2 for 5.00 short slseve blouses styled for poil 039 . h y a top moker in easy-car. Arnelb S Cotton fabric . . . aur repular 2.98 lit spec!olly priced f3r Target Sale oniy chos@ from oO.nk, Blue, Green, ilutrIe or White . . . sizes 12 te 18... Reg. 2.98-Torget Sale-El.269 er 2 for 5.00 "Reg. tradernerk- 055 2 for 1.00 .o69 4 for 2.00 Save 1.00 on Chenille Typel CDouble bcd size Reg. 4.99 eRow on row cf closelyTarget Sale, 0a. stitched chenille CFrlnged three ides CPlain colors3 ,9 bdcoverings on whicls yucnsave an extra dolrduring Turgot Sae . choose from solidi colors of Dusty R o s e, Sunshine Gold, Aqua, Bud Green, Cinna. mon or White *..fringed fhr;ee sides -. double bed size - Reg. 4.99 - Target sale - Eu. 3.99 Subs. of Reg. .59 Lin. "JllAX" IPANTIES &MR Smafm ore e Laffl *3 9 1.0 lh*& ew ' iworcaion f MryPef-.*e str.tcY bock ponel gives flei~le action a..no front or aidnu gves smooth O"mion . . .acetate elasUc e 69Wn nt bled or ciaf . . . Whhte Md <oto- slze-s imaU edig. e rge-Ee. j? Une-To sSole-I..-»r3 t3fer lm A Favorite Heavy Knit BOBBY SOCKS " Triple roll Targef Sale, pair " Relnforced Reg. f3fo heel & toe, .49 1.00 " White-8l to11 0f sot combed cotton in bullcy knlt, wlth Nylon relnforcedi heel end fo. for long wear s.a * triple roll cuf . .. white only-sixes 8% Io 1 1-Reg. Â49 - Targef Sale.-Pr. M3 or 3 for 1.00. * rirsf quallfy 4 ltes12ry». Stock vp now for cold woaîher chead whlle theres a good savlng a ho..e frome good select ion uof colors end styles ..sîzes'to fit girls and chlldren 6 ta 12 years- usuaIIy .69 te i .00-Turget soles. Poi J9 GET BALI TarelStale pair 400 noedle-15 denier Speclal Purchase of Children's MOoI Gloves & Mitts Trargt Sale, pal, .60.1.00,5 t Il THURMAT. OCT. M IM PACM TWER"

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