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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1959, p. 6

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't L- - -. - - -- t.- Ar r~ ~ - -. Tm CAMADIAN SAEMn ovWMANVUIS MAM Imu MSAT, OCT. 804 95 Speaker Deplores Tendency' To Worship Colo ssalism Suggesfs Littie Things Besf Tii. Bowmanvifle RtryIth, î7tl, and 1Mt, the presi- Club wMl hold its annuel =Intr- I dent, George Vice, announced mati=na Weekend on October at the luncheon meeting held I ~i~iORDER NOW a 0 4 and assure your home of having.a stcady uupply of heat ail winter! USE THE BEST LIQUIFUEL FUEL OIL Fineat Quality Steve and Furnace Oil for safe, economical heat 4m> Meter.d Deliveries Prompt Delivery 24-Hour Service IStephen FuelsI C.&R.YâasBowmmnvfl. Phone MA 3-5410 PALMOLIV SRAVE CREAMd 48e Wildroot Cream OUl Bath for 65C 98c PEPSODEN'1 TOOTR PASTE Plastc Flaahlght AM for 98c 630 BRISK TOOTH FASTE 1 Bail Point Pen BAh for 63c IF 9se COLGATE TOOTH FASTE Multiplier Pencil Box AIl for 98c Vacuum 63e sise osec sise 1 Tubes Bottie NoxZema Lustre Creme Ipana Paste 790 2 for 99o 79o 990 TAKE For Children Extra Vitamins Scott'm Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 VI-Cal-Fer - 1.95, 4.95 Haliborange 1.19, 2.10, 3.49 One-A-Day Multiple edTr--Sl Vitamins 1.49, 2.75, 4.49 , 8.15 8Mead1.T5i-V 95-S4.- Ralibut 011 Capsules 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 Mulcin -__ 1.95, 3.25, 5.50 NEW GELETTEDristan ADJUSTABLE RAZOR TABLETS 1.25, 2.25, 3.75 OuIy 1.95 SPRAY_____ 1.25 Gerilol coniains Vi fami ns and Minerais 1.35 - 3.29 - 5.49 COWLU NG'S PHON19 ~FI RIA 3-6 DRUG STORE TwSSE ]ROYAL :' Tais THURS. TO SAT., OCT. 8 - 10 Natinee Saturday 2 p.iu. "The Keffles on OId MacDonald's Farm" with MARJORIE MAIN Extra: Disney's "MEN AGAINST THE ARCTIC" Color Travelogue Complete shows at 7 and 9:10 SUNDAY NID-NITE ONLY, OCT. Il Aduit Entertainment "The Black Scorpion" with RICHARD DENNWING and MARA CORDAY and "The Curse of Frankenstein" lu color, starring Peter Cushing NONDATI, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12-14 wm~eiuEsîm Imm~.'NAmS by the club on Frlday at the Flying Dutchman Meon Holel. He spoke of the successful In- ternational Weokends held by the club in former years, and of the intenesting studonts from different counîrios whe had been weekend guesta cf Roter- ians here. A. A. H. Strike lntroducod the guest speaker, Rev. Clin- ton Cross, rector of St. George's Anglican Church, Osliawa. Mn. Strike told the club that Mr. Cross is kept busy in lis chosen vocation, and has a parish with 1,500 farniles. Mr. Cross is a member cf the Oshawa Rotary Club, and is well known as a speaker, Mn. Strike said. Ho pointed ouI that duning Mr. Cross's vacation lest sunirnr ho addressed four Rotary Clubs. The speaker told cf being in- vited by Tom Palmer te speak to the Bowmanville Rotary Club. Mr. Cross montioned that he has sympathy for a prcgnem chairman, because he tee las served in that capacity. He ex- plained that he lad received in- spiration for lis address tram lis morning mail. Obsessed By Colosallsm This age is obsessed by col- ossaiism, Mr. Cross stated. Quantitivo bigness is the mark of the days in which we live, ho added. Ho told cf a letton he had received trom his Bish- op regarding a large sum given by the diocese in a good cause, and anothen bItter trom another parish church bearing the slo- gan "lLet's Make This the Big- gest Year in the HisIony cf the Parish." The noxt leIter opened by Mn. Cross was a request from the University cf Toronto to serve on a tund raising crn-, mittee. Il contained the Infor- mation thoro would be a drive la naise $21,500,000 because by 1965 tle university will have 20),000 students, the speaker said. Heotold of reading lu Timo Magazine lIaI with the intro- duction cf the new llttle cars by tle 'Big Three' automobile production will out-top ail pro- vicus years. «,Bit Shat" a Compliment? "Part cf oun lives is involved with immenseness. People some- I imes think the bxggesî is the best. The desire for the largest and most powerful car is stnong lu many. They feel things cf importance are big, Mn. Cross explained. Ho nemarked that the term, 'big shot' is reganded by meny people as the highost tornm, of compliment they can give. Immenseness la a Ruse Hoe referned te Paul TileY, an outstanding philosopher, who claimed in lis recont book, "The Cisis et Our Age"l, that aIl the glitter cf immense size is a ruse by which this age tries to coven ils innremptiness. Ho talked cf the great days cof ancient Greece and Rome. Gibbons lu lis "Decline and Feul" gave as one et the main reasons for the passing ef the greal Roman Empire, tle tact lIaI il lied gnown toc> big. Ho quited Pliny, tle accurate Rom- an historianý «"Beizig unable la make things beauliful, we made thembig." We Like To Blame Others "Somne people like to blarne1 everything on the United States. They would say we gel our1 our ideas cf largenos fncm the9 Amenicans. We like to blame others. Adam blamed Eve forI oating the epple. Eve blamed the snake. We blame the Unit- « ed States for industry, the Arn- industry, and aise fon our phil- osophy cf life." i "I do not think we cen blame oun neighbours te the south for oun ideas of hugeness. They corne froni cur own sense cf insecurity. People teel they have te belong te anme- thing big," Mn. Cross stated. He pcmlted cul blet this idea runs lhrough al cf modern society., classroonis similar te their own. Mrs. Wi. O'Neil urged tle teachers te propane candidates cf intermediale grades fer the Trustees and Ralepayens' Pub lic Speaklng Contest. This is lu ho leld in Nevemben. Mr. Wm. Lyceît, principal of Solina School, rocently spent two daysata a Traffie Safety Worksliop. He pointed ouI thati every citizen la nesponsible fer the safety of children. Mr. T. &. McEwen, Inspector for Durhiam I, lu lis lelk te lIe teaciers, stressed at least fivel minutes deilv be given le sing- ing for enjoyinent. The October meeting wilil be beld at 1Ramptoe, day things of li., h. toJ.d th. Rotarians. A Sile Averti Incidents M.r. Cross told the Bowman- ville Rotary Club cf an Inci- dent in the trip made by the late Sidney Smith to the Par East when lie was Minister of External Affaira. He said that at the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan there could easily have been an international In- cident because of the irritation of a heavily armed guard, but that Mr. Smith had averted the danger by a ltle thing, a smile -and handshake. Sermons In Stones "No matter how big Yeu are, if you undorstand a wayside flower, you will understand ail," Mr. Cross asserted. Hie added that Shakespeare had found «sermons in stones and good in every living thing.' He old of Jesus Christ liken. ing the Kingdoni of Heaven to a grain of mustard seed. Mr. Cross reminded his hoarers -that when Jesus was asked by his disciples who would be the greatest In hoaven, He replled: "Whosoover humbles himuseif as this littie child is the great- est in the Kingdom of Heaven.' Mn. Cross advlsed the Rotar- fans neyer to forget that the meaning of littie things niake for true life, true Rotary ser- vice, and true friendship. Morley Vanstone moved a vote cf thanks for the wonder- fui message he had brought the club. George Vice, the pres.i- dent, added his thanks tb Mr. Cross for his inspiring address. rOut of town guests at the luncheon meeting were Re Wynn, Brantford, and N.Rih ards, Kenneth Coulter, Haroldi Sproule, ail of Oshawa. Business Directory Àccouniancy- BAT 3. D1LLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Churcli Street MArket 3-3861 1cor. WrtL. . COGGINS Chenlered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building King sud Temponance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Licensod Trustelu Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. Y. Fnledlander, B. Cern, CP.A. MONTEITHl - MONTElTE RIEHL & CO. Chartored Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanviile - Call ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Montelh, F. C. A. A. B. Monteilli, B. Comn. C.A. G. W. Riohl, C. A., R. I. A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Liglilfoot, C.A. C h ir opr ac i îc G. EDWIN MANN, DC. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St;ý cor. cf Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e n fa DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubiloe Bldg.r 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Houns: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 Heuse Phone - Newcastle 35511 DFL E. W. SIS SON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office i his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmnanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Clesed Wednesdays and Sundays DL C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S. Office 23 .L-ing St. . - Bowmanville Office Heurs: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L e ga1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitons Nolaries Public W. R. Sîrike, Q.C. A. A. H. Sîrike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - BewmanvIlle Telophone MA 3-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, HA." Barristor, Solicitor Nolary Public KlIng St. W. - BowmanvIlle Phonos: Office MA 3-5688 Rosidonce MA 3-5553 MISS APHA I. HODGINE' Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - BowxanvMle I. RICHARD LOVEKIN UXE..BA, LL. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. W. ]KAT LTCETF, HA. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices cf P. R. Waddeil, Q.C. Main Street, Oreno, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 pi». Saturday'. 9 a.m. t à p.m. Morigages 19ADIX HAMILTON - OEONO Phone 1 r 16 PirsI Mortgage Funds Residences - Farms Business Prepenties Opiomeiry KElTE A. BILLET! O.». 3ptornetrlst 141 Kine StE. -Bowmantille Office Hefurs: By appointment Telephone Mrket 3-3253 Monday LW Saturday 9 9a.m.to 5 p.m Wednesdays: 9 te 12 Tbiday evening ueny. Looks like wo'no safo aI Jack Bcnny's age breekeltfon a: while yeî. Guesta this week at the Hugli McGiUls were Mr. Clifford Mc- Gill and Mn. sund Mrs. Cliftord Synder. On Friday evening a gathering ef we Malcelm saI the Bec Malclis of Janetville te nre- cognize the 15t1 annivensery of Mr. and Mis. Viclar Mal- celui et Nesleton and toeon- joy the celoured alides taken dunirag thibmreoent nwor i p te Western Canada. A tew immxediate neigl bous of li. aud Mrs. Frank Glas- bengen were guests on Wednes- day evening te, spend an eujoy- able social evening te cern- memorate I*eir 25th wedding1 annivensary. lime 'bride and'r groom were necipients of a simoker. Mn. and Mms Floyd Stinson; visited Mrs. David McGliie et Saskatcliewan at the Geo. Pa- ges of Behany on StndyeV- exing. Mn. McGhie ta Mmu Pages sim. Str Dur. County Fed. of Agr. On Thursdaey ovening Du r- hamn County Federation of A g-, r=cuturO Me4t he homefi 1 YELVERTON 'Me Kaw""l P ox IHound Club lield a maost successful districttimal In the Peterbor- oughi ara wlUx headquanters at Keene. 'Ilis two"1day trial was held to qualfly elght win- ning licunda for funther cern- petitien for au Ail-Canadien Olianpionship to b. held this year lu Quebec. As will ho seen fromt the ne- sults, hlgh honours for thus meet wen't te a local nesident of Manvers Townuhlp, cf Fleet- wood district, the efficient el- ectician and liound - huiumbng addiict Wilson Carron. Resuits cf meet are as follcws- Higliest General Avera ge. 1 Sheffields Silven Ansi Kirby- Wilson Carnor4 R.R. .1anetville; 2 Leadaway Donna- Johnny Puslicr; 3 Sheffields Blue Swnd- Harold "Hep" Shea, R.R Janetville; 4 Seillr- Ron Raisi, Tyrone; 5 Sllky Yazoo-- Clayton Beninett, Oslawâ; 6 Leadiawa~y Dan- Jae Haines, Oshawa; 7 Leadaway Flash- Wilson Carron, Jeneltville: 8 Susie Shillings- Bud Wilson, Bnooklin; 9 Banker's June- Jake Baker, Kingston; 10 Molly - Joe Haines, Osiiawa Hunting- 1 Sheffield's SiU- ver Ani Kirby, Wilson Cannon, Janelville. Triling- Leadaway Donna, Johnny Pusîcar, Kingston. Endurance- Sheffield's Sul- ver Ansi Kirby, Wilson Car- non, Janetviile. ICongratulations te aur two local nimnodis lu making such a fine slowinig and may good luck attend them at the Ail- Canadian Clemnpioniship Meet lu Québec. Menjy from Yelverton atI teuded tle presenilation held in Janelville C.O.F. 'hall on Sel- unday eveniug lu lonour et newlyweds b1r. and Mns. Wm. Suchick (nec Noreen Argue) now living in Oshawa district. The eveniiug wes pleasaintly passed in dancing witli music suppllod by local musiciens. Mr. EAirl Welker performed the duties ot M.C. (witli ari in sling.) Mis. Elmo Archer nead île congratuliatony address and tle presentortion w'as made by Gilbeirt McGill - a purse of money. ICongratulatioens toc, to Mr. and Mns. Harry Argue who were married last Saîuirdey. Yelverton W.A. met on Thu- nsday afternoocu et tle home cf Mn. and Mirs. Norman Wilson. Doris Rowian oonvened the De- votionial with assstance from J. Malcolm. Most cf business peried was devoted te plans for Turkey Supper te o bhld on Thanksgiving Mondey, Oct. 12; (seee rin~g eveuls). To as- sure en adequate supply ef fowl soie 700 Ibo. et turkey1 wifl ho purceshed (with a mono 650 Ibo. lest ycar we rau eut>. We advlse our visitera f nom a distance te corne early (be- fore clark) aud enioy a double bernelled trot- visuel, as wel as culinary. Thc troc sludded hls of Manvers are It hein vaniegated bes- au arboneal splendour guaranteed te enouse tle aestlietic ini the most pro- saic soul- even ours. The Novemben Meeting iu- vited tote heome of île Bal- four Moone's. Hostosses fer the delicious lunoI were Joyce Malcelin, Mns. Burton, Marjirie Stinsen anud Isabel Wilson. Eul- cen Malcolm conivened tle pro- gramn which included e readiing (Tunkoy) appropiate to the oc- casion,4 and a sing-soug led and aceornpanied by Margaret Heu- slip. The group experienced soie difficulty we'ne told gel- ting back to "Sclhool Deys". A speedy convalescence te Mr. Jimnmy Gibson 'doing time' in Port Penny Hospital with pueumenia and pleunisy. Lilcewise ta a former Yelver- tonien, Jimimy Speucely (son ot Mr. and Mis. Ted Spencely),1 who la iu hospital getting ar RED&WHUTE DONUDOM! BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS Green Peas, 12 oz. pkg. -- 2 for 39c Broccoli Spears, 10 oz. _______29c Strawbennies, 15 oz. pkg. 39c Green Spinach, 12 oz. pkg. -___2le "FEATURE" Dole - 20 oz. tin SLICED PINEAPPLE 33c "Golden Heur" - Assorted - CHOCOLATES box 89C Mn. and Mms. Howard Quani- fr111 rieur Kendral with a largo allendance ut Directons. Bus- iness included île finializiug of plans fer the. Annual meeting to ho held the last, Saturday et November at 12 a.m. aI Cayeu Township Hall with Cayeu W.I. catering to, a Iurkey dinner. President Bruce Taylor ne- ported on a member meeting le attenided in Septentuer in Toronto. Delegates sud sub- stitutes were niamed la attend the annuel convention Nov. 2- 4, lu Royal York Hotel, Toron- te; Aise delegates la a zone meeting lu Octohor lu Hastings County. Bruce Taylor was ne- appoinited tle officiel delegate te the member meeting fer PRODUCE Ocean Spray - Fresh SCran berrnes 1-lb. pkg. liC Butter Smo» Sweet Potaloes Table Queen - Goodi Pepper Squash Lb.- 7c size 2 For 15C THANKSGIVING FEATURE!c RED & WHITE - 7 Flaveurs *ach JELLY POWDERS - BEST BUY - SAVE 6c BEST BUY - SAVE 9a Heinz - Fancy - 48 oz. tin Royal TONATO JUICE 2 For 57c Instant PUDDINGS 3 Pkgs. 29c BEST BUY - SAVE 2c BEST BUY - SAVE 9% Aylmen - Fancy - 28 oz. tin Coloured - Ballet PUNPKIN - 2 For 37c TOILET TISSUEC 4 wils45c BEST BUY - SAVE 4c BEST BUY - Rich, Tasty Libby's - 15 oz. tin Aunt Mary's 1 lb. size 2 lb. sîze FANCY PEAS 2For33c FRUIT CAKE 59c 1.15 BEST BUY - SAVE 4c E. D. Smith's SUNBEAM FEATURE Raspberry on Strawberry - 9 oz. jar Raspberry or Lemon PURE JANS -- 29c DANISH PASTRY Srpor29c Àdm e0-on /)- 1 ITHANKSGIVING FEATURES Reynold's Aluininum - 25' rol FOIL WIAP a 29c "FEATURE" Aylmer Manzanillas 6 oz. jar 8 oz. ice box jar Stuffed Olives 25c 39c "FEATURE" Rose Brand Polskl Ogorkl - 32 oz. jar BILL PICKLES 35c "FEATURE" Rose Brand - 4c off pack - 24 oz. jar BABY BILLS - 39c a- a 39c Libby's - Fancy - 25 oz. tin MINCEMEAT "Pride et Canada" - Burns' - 1%, NIDGET HANS "FEATURE" *Kraft - %, lb. pkg. VELVEETA CHEESE *"«FEATURE" *Ocean Spray - Jellied - 15 oz. tin *CRANBERRY SAUCE " 'FEATURE" Grimsby - 48 oz. Jar SWEET GHEMKINS "'FEATURE" Red & White - Silver Label "Deep Rich Flaveur" CO0F F EE - - i, lb. tin $1.39 33c 22c 69C l. 73c PASU am Fresh Killed - Grade "A" Young Hon - Oven Ready - 6 lb. avg. Turkeys lb.39c Swift's Pnemium - Grade "A"' - Cryovac Wrap Ahl Woights Butterbail Lowest 1arke, Turkceys Pie Swift's Pnemium - Fully Coeked SMOKED Shank lb. 49c HAMS Portion lb.539C Swif t's Premiurn - Fully Cooked - Hockless Smoked Picnics Ib.45c Swift's Eversweet - Sliced - 1 lb. sealed pkg. SIDE BACON - - - 59c Swift's Broekfield- 1 lb. celle bag SAUSAGE NEAT- 37c Swift's Premium - Bu&k Pack WIENERS - - - - Lb39C THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Wm. H. Tate MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING SU. - RAST 0F TOWN LMN ORONO - Cornish Marketeria BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market «-Jwm 1959-1960. A resolution re establidilng the definition of a bona-fide farmer is to ho forwarcled te both zone and 'annual meet- in-gs for consideraition. The su- ggested definition was one who received more than 1/2 his income from. farming. Our own opinion la that a sounder basis for Def. Payments would on- compass a-Il bona-fide farmr rather Q=ha a stipulated =h-m- ber of units from ail and sun- dry. Tom McCanus reported on a meeting of tihe Wheat Produ- cors ho had recently attended -as official delegate. ibe Exec- utiveofu Durham County Creani Producers were experiencing difficulty acqulrIzg lbe nanos et aU lhibm members ln erder to. uoîity about their Annual Meeting ou Oct. 30 aI Orono. Clarence AllUn neported on île Federetion displays et local feirs. A delicious lunch was served by ne hosts for whidh ttiey wone suitably thainked by Law.f rence Sîeples, et Littord. Law- nonce recently lad île misfon- tune of heving lis late mode! Buick catch ou fine causinrg considerable damage ta île ca- net te ment~ion the in- convenieuce oet hitcl-hiking on thie umility ot asking lis son if le could have lis car if ho were'ul using it. Reversal cf fortunes! a- > ý - - - --.. - ý 1 - --'U- 4

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