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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1959, p. 8

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&j3» %ii&R MAfA W .U'A OIDA - a £ ,m V - £ V TEUBEDAT. OC concrete or ground - last 3 to 5 times longer. If's fire- retardant, too! Every piece deeply pressure-Unprenae with "OSMOSE" presrva.d tives, umcd iiin ad since 1936. Esso Heatig Equipment la gunranteed by Izuperial 011 and your Esso Heating Equipment denier will gladly arrange easy budget ternie-up to five years to psy. Cali hM today-ask about the newa Iow-cot-but fully guaranteed -Euo G-96 Furuace. (esso) ALWAIS LOK TOIMPÉRIAL FOI TRI RIST JMANVERS STATION (Tntended for last wcek) Mr. Barry Dunibar froni Sunrie, a studenit et Water- loo Colege, was tic speaker at thecheurch service oni Sun- day morning.. H. spoke on "the most outstanding eharne- ter I have ever met', taking bis text from St. Mathcw 16, verses 15 and 16. Next Sun- day the service will be 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrsl. Wm. Mag.il and faniuly, Barrie, are on va- cation with her mother Mrs. W. Bi'adlcy. Weekeid~ visitors- were 14r. and Mrs. Don McGre- gor and Sandy, Hamilton, Mr. and ers. Rébt. Baker* and fam- ily, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Horner and fainily, Pontypool, were Sundèay suppel guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Horner. We attended tic 55ti anni- versary service ait Cavan Uni- ted Churci on Sunday evening. Rev. Stanley Snowden was tic speaker. A men's- choir and quartette provided the music wit'h Mr. Fraser Carr at tic or- gan. Potaito picking fs tic order of tic day. With the heat and moisture tic potatoes have a second growth whici causes diffieulty on tic picker. Thce acreage bas licen considerably cut down this year ini Vis dis-I trict. iELIZABETH VILLE (Intended for last wçek) Ciurch services were beld on Sunday witch tic usuni ser- vices. Rev. Mr. Wright spoke. Sundlay sohool was held before church. Mrs. Knox spent a few days visiting in Winnipeg, Fort Wil- liam and other points recently. jMrs. May accompanied ber. They went by train. Mr. and Mrs. M. Walkcr, Mr. E. Powell and Mary Pow- ell left Fridiay to visit witi Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Peacock, Kapuscasing. Mr. and Mi1s. O. Mercer, Gwen and Bob spent Sunday in Toronto visiting with their daughters, Donna and Ruth. Several attenided tic Rose- neafli Pair. Others took lu the Lindsay fair on Saturday. Mrs. Knox and Mrs. Tick- son attended tic Euchrc at Ca- bourg Saturday evening. Misses Shirley, Donnaansd Gail Scott, Cani4Ybellcroft, vis- ited in tic village, Suudlay, with Misses Marie and Glenda Mercer and Suzane Thiekson. Tobacco iarvesting wound up on Saturday at Bilsmoz's tarm. More tree cutting agd tear- hIg up goes on, on our ronds. By tic raine, season we will bave lots af mud. Miss Darleni Thickson bas been âwarded anotier bursary. Tic Atkinson Foundation val- ucd at $40. Congratulations arc exended. Mre. McAUlister and Mrs. Thickson expect to go to Or- ana for the leaders' training course for The Supper Club of the 4-H club on Tuesday and Wednesday. Garden Hill are having a bus trip on Friday ta Toronto for tic laidies. Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrcw, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mildrw, Oshawa, spent the weekcnd at Sunnyside. Miss Marilyn Mul- weekend witi the Muldr.ws aI Sunnyside. With tic bridge out at El-I izabethville, it is vemy lin- venient for tic ones justi westj of tic bridge. Detour la to thce north or south. great welght and banged the i door behind lhim as he left the Iae house. Not s0 the young col- i A oured lad. He obviously feit InM g s r t ' o r sorry that the only homne the refrigerator could find was the mniddle of the dining room floor (Intended for sat week) and started pulling off the The aftermath of the obser- ed that the man'slilcense was stlcky tape that held the doors'vations of a 'Provincial Const- under legal suspension. shut while the machine was in able at the Orono Agricultural, He had been oonvicted of transit. "Loook lady, if you was Pair resulted lni a conviction Carelesa Drlving at Campbell- to call the cornpany, they'Il for 'Cheating At Play. P.C. J. ford on May 28th, 1959. He ad- send up a serviceman to take* Ricard had observed a number nitted receiving notification off the door. Then you can get of children playlnq a wheel and from the Department that is this here box into your kit- neyer anyone winling a big license was suspended. chen," he said as lie worked ' me. hywr ie r- He was convlcted. fined $25.- away at instailing the drip tray! emth le operator after their 00oand $3.00 costs. License was and unpacking the patent ice-; spin of the wheel. The wheel furtiier suspended for 6 months cube equipnient. [wvas seized and P.C. Ricard tes- and the Magistrate coxnmented: t It's a good thing I amn used tified that the wheel was de- "The longer you do sIlly things L tomyeliad y eactions toj signedinsc a manner, so like this, the longer you will, suchsitatins.I neer ven1 tat t wa imossbletO sop e wthot alicense to drive." blanched at the prospect of re- at the big prizes. It cost 25 cts. Then the magistrate notified moving a partition to correct. for each spin. the police that the man was the folly. But my family lives1 The accused rfused to go well known to hlm and he ln holy terror that there'll corne Into the witness box and testiCy wasn't the innocent littie thing a day when mother won't be on his own behaif so the Magis- he tried to make the police be-1 able to figure her way out of trate ruled that a case had beee lieve.1 a dilemma and she'll probably made and registered a convic- A Bowmanville man was con- be stuck with a horse or cow tion. vce ffflgt eiiiS residmng in the living room. vceffiigt eana Fortunately, on my list of The accused stated that the the scene of an accident. Hei rescuers I have a sympathetic wheel was 40 or 50 ycars' old had run into the back of a carq Norwegian carpenter who has and had recently been purchas- stopped for the. traffle lights at1 the patience, and imlagination ed from a mnan in Oshawa. The King and Liberty Streets. He1 to deliver me out of these tight Magistrate asked the man if h. was fincd $50.00 and costs of1 spots in which I so oftén find could make the wheel stop on $10.00.à inyself.; the gold bars whpre the big Evidence was that lie lookedi Two weeks later and with prizes were displayed. at the damnage and then told the $500 less in the bank, I saw the He replied that if thc officer owner of the car that he hiti refrigerator installed ln thc kit- couldn't, he couldnt. H. 15leaded thnt it was only a scratch andi chen. But the process was a for a Minimum penalty as he tien drove away. I protracted evolution from a was a pensioner with a broken His defence witness stated1 tiny -apartmnent-type kitchen to back and a number of cbld- they had been drinking in New-c a wonderful -country one with ren and that he hadn't worked castle and had about three copper pot lids hanging by the in tbree yca.rs. beers -and he couldn't remnem-E stove, a cookie jar in bold evid- Crown Counsel H a r v e yr ber an accident. The maxi se- ence where, my grandchildren Brent, acquleseed stating that cused refused to testify on is1 and neighbourhood youngsters the important thlng was. the own behaif.t can reaoh it and a stool to confiscation of the wheel. Pen- The Magistrate scathlnglyI perch on, where I can peel, for alty was $20.00 and $3.00- costs. denounced the convîcted man j elly and apple butter, the' ap- A Campbellford' 20 ycar old in no uncertain terns. "'You pies as thcy faIl froni the trees maxi was just golng to get sorte left the scene of the accident. in our garden. None of thus bad gas for his friend's car. He was You didn't give your naine andt been possible i the little two- stopped and checked by police address as the law requires.1 by-four kitchenette. because tiere was no tail ligÏits Today you brought this witness There probably is a moral to on the vehicle. Hecouldn't pro- here for one purpose only and this story, but I dont kno duce a Driver's Licence. Wien that was to commit pcrjury forc exactly what it is. I have found Police checked with the motor you. I arn coneerned. You let 1 that most distressing situations vehicle branch of the Depart- hlm b. the. fail guy for you." It often turn out to good advan- ment of Transport, tbey learn- Tie warrant will be beld until t tage. I either uncover somie new type of human kindness and. sympathy, such as that colour- cd boy dlsplayed, or I learn a lesson ln tolerance wihich Is the chief ciaracteristie of my car- pentcr. Ccrtainly any bulider who can understand niy gesti- culations as I wave my bands around and say, III warit a drawer there for the bread and a sicif over i that corner for the copper mugs," necds a great deal of tolerance. ~hrough tii. subway and that he ville Ccmetery. was paying too much attention to onoaning traffie and didx't October 301h. If you don't psy the fine by, then, you wU1l go to, Jail for 10 days." A speeder who nid 'If I was dolng 70, tien I should be charged wtth dolig 70. We shouldxi't b. ahown aiy 'e il- ency,"ý-was convictcd dfi- cd $20.00 and $8.00 costs. He, was critical of thie Police for trying to give hum. a break. He had pleaded Not Guilty to the charge. Magistrate Baxter i his Judgment stated, "«Putting a uniforrn on a man doesn't make hlm, any differexit. It doesn't mean that h. can't niake a mis- take. I have seen a good many policemen corne and go i my years on thc bcnch. I don't get to know them, too well, but I get to know them well enough and through my experience I have found that neyer would they commit pcrjury in order to get a conviction for speedlng. The aceused didn't know the officer was behind hlm. He wasn't watchig tihe speedo- meter. The. eccused evaded niy question when I asked hlmn if he was watching bis speedome- ter. He ztated that lie was kceping an eye on his oil' gauge and that is next to the speedometer. The officer tried to give him a break. H. didu't want it. I arn satisfied tint he was going 70 miles per heur. He will have the added penalty and thei- creased demerits."1 Councl for thc accused stat- ed that the Subway on Liberty Street north was "A horse and buggy relie. Tee narrow and Iwo vebicles cannot pass in 'i. Ris client was convicted of Careless Drlving and- fined $15.00 and oosts of $8.00. An accident had occurred at the intersection of Liberty and Third Sts. TIie second car in- volved was stopped on Liberty Street waiting for traffic to 2lear ln order to make a ici t hand turu. The aocused stated that he accelerated ta get uLh.t haIlived in Cornwall, Ont., San Diego, Cal., and Bran- don, Manitoba. Si. was boru lxi North Au- gusta, Ont., the daughter cf the late John B. Davis and Asenath Johnson Davis, and was niar- ried ta David Lewars ticre in 1888. Her busbnnd prcdeceased her by sanie years. She is survived by tire. sis- ters, Mis. Edua Bowrnan, of North Augusta, Ont.; Mrs. Gis- dys Code, ai Madison, Sask.; and Mrs. Lillian Carter of Spo- kane, Wash.; and five grand- daughters, MIrs. Betty Mazz.e, Port Arthur, Mrs. Irene Erivk- son, Kenora; Mrs. Violet Dixon, Vickers' Heights; Mrs. Alice' Azshland, Oak Rldges aud Mrs. Rita 'MeLean of Stouffville. Tic funeraýl was from thec Morris Funeral Home, Bownn- ville, with servic-es ln tic cha- pel conducted by Bey. A. C. Herbert. Palîbearers were Erie Davis, Lloyd MeLean, Earl Trull, Angus Truil, W. Thor- burn and Charles Reid. Interment was lu Bowmaxi- -9.cSEV o mum MUAN iA3S !oWMqNy Announcing the new CANADA SAVI NG BONDSi Better than ever!1 CASHAW..E ANYTIME AT FULL FACE VALUE PLUS EARNED INTEREST: Canada Savings Bonds are both a mo8t convenient method of saving and a saf e investment with mnany unusual advantages. If the need should arise, they can be cashed at any time, at full face value plus earned lnterest. They're like dollars with coupons attached. HIGHER RETURN THAN EVER BEFORE:- Interest first year 4%/, second year 4V40/, third year 4%o, next six years 5% plus bonus of 3% at final-matu rity. Average interest yield if held to maturity is 4.98% per year. AVAILÂBLu IN S DENomINATioNs: Coupon Bonds are available in denomninations of $50, $100, $M0, $1,000 and 85ÀM lI fully registerod forn4 $M0, $1000 and $5,000. NEW LIMIT-$20,OOO PER PERSON OR "STATE OP A DECEASED PERSON: The limit to holdings of this new issue that may be registered in the name cf any one individual, or in the name of an estate of a deceased person, is $W,000. Each member of a family may buy up to this amount. AVAILABLE FOR CASH AND ON ERASY INSTAL. MENTS: On the Monthly Savings Plan, you make a down payment of 5% and pay off the balance in convenient instalments. On the Payroll Savings Plan, you purchase your bonds by regular deductions from your pay. ORDER. YOURS THROUQH THE PAYROLL SAVMNO PLAN WHERE YOU WORKI OR THROUGH YOUR BANK. INVESTMENT DEAR. STOCK EROKE R UST OR LOAN COMPANY. toc late to &top.sW. Martin rcturned Magistrate Baxter pointed home on Wedncsday having out tint the care rcquired on! spent a few days with Mrs. the higiways today was much, George Ferguson, Oshawa. greater than ten years ago.! Mrs. John Tabb,,Mrn. Smith, Speed hia& icreased. Cars have 3&f. and Mrs. T. Tabb, Orono, - increased and drivers have i- Mr. L. Tabb, Oshawa. Mrs. LiI.. creased. Therefore your care lie Prcscott viaited Mr. and M(m must b. incrcased accordlngly. Gerge Tabb, Sunday. lMrs. Arthur Read and Lynne visited Mr. and Mrn. Bert Au-. OBITUARY -ton and family, Toronto, on Rankine', recital at the Con- IMS. BLIZA IL LEWAIRS servatary Concert Hall on Sat. Thc funeral took place Sept. urday evening. 19 of Mrs. Eliza Mrim Mi» Haydon Thank-offering ser- nie) Lewars who died ln Bow- vice on Sunday evenlng was manville Memorlal Itsiti well attended. Guest miniater, Sept. 16, in lier 9lst year. Mrs Bey. Eldon Linstead, Port Par- Lewars residcd for ncarly 3U0 y delivered a fine message. years in Courtice, and prior ta1 Special music by Haydon choit. TRZ r-&RAnlAlqr XTAI IMMA18 CT eth. lm H-AYDON w e .. w wffl mm un w Mwvg(gu

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