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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1959, p. 9

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.~ N . TRURSDAY, OCT. 2gth,, 1959 TEE CANADTAN STATMAN. EOWMANVRLE. mITARTO FAUU NU~R Many Changesf in. Refleci as to Aid S 4Says Bank of Commi AFAMILY... . and ail famîilies need the protection of life insurance. Fortunately the proud father Inew that the Sun Life had poicies to fit every 1f e insur- ance need and already a) his wife and child are assured of an IncOmr nl the event of his death; b) he and bis wife wil have an incomne to add to bis pension if be survives to re- tirement age; c) funds will be available to send bis littie girl to college. Banner Passant Representative MA 3-3258 53 Brown St. Bowmanvllle SUN LIFE OF CANADA *Contemporary taste andi ris- ing living standards are eflect- ed in the rapid decline in 1 'M2 and two-storey dwellings, andi the gradual rise in floor space, according to the current Com- mercial Letter published by The Canadian Bank oi Commerce. At the same time, modern fash- ions in housing, which permit fewer bouses per acre than the older styles, plus the trendi away from thse larges urban centres ta the new suburban developments, pose grave prob- lemrs in regard ta the financing of ronds, sewers and other ser- vices in many municipalities. Sustained prosperity andi ris- ing income, coupled with more liberal mortgage - financing terms in the post-war era have been key factors in stimulating housing demand, the Letter says. Immigration andi a high net rate of family formation have also playesi their- part in maintaining the building boom. Between 1946 andf 1958, more than 11/4 million new residen- tial units were completed, and older structures were convert- ed into some 56,000 duplexes and apartments. The current year's program may see the completion of another 150,000 structures, bringing the post- 1945 figures to nearly 11/2 mail- lion new units. During the past ten years the average cost of a one-storey dwelling financesi under the National Housing Act bas risen from $7,379 to $14,263. The size of the average bouse in this category bas increaseti from 8771 square feet of floor space to1 For Best Results. g Tay OUR "AMODERNCAMA S onE, A tmac WUO DRIMV I PNACED MCARm ti i YEÂONEDCWAfCA R WASH The car wasb that gives you that gleaming wax finih. LUBRICATION OIL CHANGE CAR WASH FISK TIRES ~and BATTERIES il E N S j Laughlln, Grant and Neil. MU ,,gjg '~g, gg Itend leevlng for Florida short- ~ ly, the family held their Christ' 0r6 J hua UM FiJ r also proeset- 1Mr. iuiiuLIrds and Mm Fred 'ifnaM a-' Jiy and Mr. and Mim Jim Moo Laughlin and tamily of Union- M.and Mms John Wa]koean erce Letter faiy 3omme 1,094 square feet, and building, Anne anad Kenneth, Purpie 1MU.1 costs per square foot have gone1 Mrs. Edna Gibon and Mr. Air-. up from $7.62 to $10.56. The 1 th~ui GibsOn, Port Perry, wero 1rising cost of land-$570 for the îSeturday evening dinner guesta average single-storey house in 10f 1Mr. and Mms Mervy*i Gra- 1948 to $2,463 i 1958-is the hem and Roy. third large factor in thee in-I i.SA.1eftadM. cresedcos ofhoumg.David ]! left last week to Tiiere are already signs o! spend the winter in Richmond changing trends in Canadian; HM. housing from the pattern of MranMmRyM auh enriier postwar years, accord- 1 li and fmrsly w lUcIugh- ing ta the Letter. Apartmnents adfnl eeSna eand other tenant-oceupied guests-of BIT. and Mmn. Harold dwelllngs have taken Up a. MéLaughlin ead family. increasing proportion of new Mrs. E .Crawford, Oshawa, housing construction in recent is spending a few &Myswlth her years, and pt stage of rent re- cousin Mrs. Norman Taylor. duction has nvw been reached Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Neay in certain areas. However, as ran ooioadMs apartment building is on the taiy rceW increase in the nearer suburbs aturdArcer itby, were of some cities, where high landi 1Er get f r.n prices have tended to discour- .W rhr age the building of private J ir. andi Mrs. Russel Mount-. dwellings. Thse co-operative ]OY visited MRrs. Cecil Ferguson, apartment house, owned joint- Newcastle, Thursday. ly by the tenants, is a relative- : Mrs. Wilbert, Archer visited ly new feature whic-h appears Mrs. Thos. Bowman andi Mrs. to be growing in popularity.. Cecil Ferguson, Newea s t 1 e, The birth rate, af ter reaching Thursday. a peak in 1954, shows signs of a 1r.adMsPec Coln temporary decline, and with thejMandaboys s.Pe udlylits future of immigration somewhat her parents, i. and Mrs. Rue.- uncertain, some sources of. sel Davidson, Raglan. housing demand mny slacken. Mrani r.Jm Gies However, net family- formation Mran isJm Gies is likely to rise within a few; and Cindy, Port Perry, were1 years es a result of the high Saturday evening gilests of wMi.1 birth-rate in the 'forties, and, andi Mrs. Perey Collins andi coupled with the sustained rise! failY. in personal income, will prob- i. and Mms. Les Gibson, ably give underlying strength Toronito, called on Mrs. Norman to the housing construction in- Taylor andi Mr. andi Mis. WiUi dustry. Taylor and were supper guests The industry, the Letter con- of Mlr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill. cludes, will enter the'stisMs.Cc!Fruo,1.ad with certain advantages which s,&. CSineyFerguson randi it lacked in 1946. including im- wreSdndey FegusaoanMrgialsi proved housing legisîntion, bet- ivre udygusso M. n ter pl1a n ni ng of develop-' r. Russel Mountjoy. ments, increased skills and the . Mr. andsir. Leslie Maount- benefits gained fromn the exper- JOY, Mi. and MTs. Russel MOU- ience of the most productive 151 ntjoy spent Monday with their years in its history. asiter Mrs. H. Grahiam and nie- ce. Miss Verene Graham, Tor. BLACKSTOCK Macla. Ross Duff, P. Romeril, PVgnCamp and Mrs. W. Ar- cher attended the Oshawa Pre- sbytery W.A. Autumn RaIly. in St. Pau1's Church, Bowmanville 1on Thursday. There were nine tables of euchre played at tjhe party in the Parish Hall Thursday night. Prize wininers were- Mrs. Ira Argue first for gents and, Mr. F. Middleton' second, and ladies first Mrs. Ed Harris, se- cond Mis. Thos. Hoidge. Several from here enjoyed the excellent turkey supper et Cadbnus Friday evening. A good many from here et- tended anniversary services at Nestleton Sunday and renewed acquaintances with Rev. J. E. Griffith, Who la not serving on the Dunsford circuit. Mr. and Mrs. Russel McLau- ghlin, Bowmanville, spent thse weekend with Mrs. Carl Me- Our 2mACCOUNT PLAN is Planned Savîng Use our Personal Chequing Account and our regulai Savmngs Account toge: her. iPay ail bills by cheque on a Personal Chequing Accotant. A 'quarterly statement will help you keep your ecords stmaight. The low service charges are prepaid. Your canceiled cheques are on fie if you ucd thon. 2 Kepyour Savings Accoun forsavng. Add to it fronu «Mz pay.As ur b S »owsýy ai pee m i mm j'Stark PlanneciSurna atoua aewbar ch fowj THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE mon m"TnoAN ffl ANCU COS CAA7A0OSm ySi BOWMANVILL BRANCH - A. L HOOEY, Manager NEWCASTLE BRANCH - J. C. PORTER Manager auto. Mrs. M. Waldon,, Uxbridge, visitesi Miss Eva Par'r and Mrs. H. Bailey, Saturday. M 1r. andi Mrs. Harry VanCam andi Arthur, visited I&. andi Mss. Glenn VanCamp andi fnmily, Port Perry, Sunday. Mi. and Mss. Chas. Albin andi Donald, Bowmanvill, and Miss Rose Quackenbush, Toronto, visited Mrs. Geo. Crawford andi Iv. and Mirs W. Pearce, Sun- day. Mr. aniM Mm Chas. Smith e e e e e I e e e e e e e e e e e e e e WUT OTESSAY An Integr Plan, right now, to lie in a Medallion Home. W. appliaioe comongwhen it 'a buit ... *esigned and planned to, malce room for a complet.e ecmt&ielaundry; a complet.e ecetrie kitchen. You'l find at leant one major êetrie appliance incuded in the purchae priSet a Medailion Home, Mid out"tsprovide for at Wd fm more. e * e * e * s * e * e * e * o * e e. e. e. e. e. se e. e. * e * e * e * e * e * e * e e rated Pion' ABl Tayyab, professor of geography at, the Uiniversity oi Tbronto speaking to the Regional Planning Association last week at Oshawa suggested a political amalgamation between Oshawa »nd Whitby and adoption of plans for a junior sire urban munici. PalitY from Pickerig to Bowmianville. He also suggested thal iritegration o!f fnctions, through planning ln order that costly duplicationq d&e- ft *1tI. Here hie fmentioned the formation ol one Industrial commission, one zoning by-law and integrated sewer and water systema. Such a system It was feit would act as a block to the Hfam- ilton-Toronto expansion which is now at the door of Pièkering and can only travel eastward. Oshawa and aiea is intent on holding its identîty and independent position. MEr. Millman of the Oshawa Planning Board stated that '49% can't help grow1-ng.ý' "Let's do it in the most orderly way we cmn for the generations to corne." The Oshawa Times added to this phrase '«and for.ourselves." We i Clarke Township will no doubt find that influences wlll slowly be feit from neighbouring centres such as Bowman- ville and that identity could drift away fromn the Township. Planning within oui own community on a community.basis and a more complete area plan for such services as education and hospitalization are needed. At present Carke supports and uses the hospital services and educational services outside of its own munlcipality. These are of no particular asset to our own municipality other than for a use basis It la a loss of identity for Clarke. 0 Again we stress that there must be a concerted effort for planning for the most efficient and orderly development of the municipality.-Orono Times. and Oliver spenit last week in Ottawa and Waterville, Quebec. Mr., and Mis. Alvin McGill, Lindsay, spenit Friday evening with Mis. Gea. Fowler. Mi. and Mrs. Ens! Bradbusn and boys visitesi Mr. andi Mrs. John Wotten Sunday. Mis. Geo. Fowler spent Mon- day with Mrs. Cecil Hamnilton. Mr. and Mis. Will Farder visitesi Mi. ansi Mis. Fred Bradburn, Janetville, Wednes- day. Mr. andi Mis. Carl Wright andi Mi. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low visitesi Mr. andi Mrs. Nor-. men MeNally, Coibornbe, Sun- day. MEr. andi Mrs. Leslie Grahxam, Millbrook, wese Sunday guests of Mr. andi Mis. Oscar Grahami. Mr. and io.~. Wilfred Gillis and sons, Millbrook,_..were Sun- day gueste af Mr. andi Mis. Ross Duf f aud fa.mily. Mr. and Mss. Theodore Wat- son, Canieron, andi chilsiren visitesi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brad- burn, Tuesdey. Mr. andi Mrs. Mervyn Gra- ham Visitesi Mr. andi Mrs. Don Grabsan and family, Millbrook, Sunday. MT. and ir. A. Dawson andi Sandra, Oshawa; Mi. and Mis. N. Henry and family, Janet- ville, visitesi oves the weekend with Mis. F. Bailey who is ill. Miss Jean Ihomnpson, Osh- awa, spent the weekend at hoe M fission Baud Mission Band met Tuesdey after school wilfh 18 membersi present. Opene i by learning thse Mission Baud Purpose and the African word. of "Jesus Loves The story of Baboi so far was revlewed by Bobby Me- Laughrin, after which Mrs., Butt read tisesecond chapter. R oll was oalled by Blair Mar- k n. Mis Stuart Dorrell conduct- esi the worship service and John Larmer dedicetesi the of- tfering. Meeting closed with yprayer aftei- which the child-. rren enjoyed a gqâne., 1 Devitt's R.B.P. 398 Devitlu R.B.P. No. 398 held their annual Past Preceptors nighton Oct. 20 in the lodge 9room, Blackstock. L Right Worshipful Sir. Kni- ght C. P. Devitt as Worshipful Preceptor; Right Woréhipful t Sir Knight Thos. English, Dep- uty Preceptor; Worshipful Sir SKnight Herb Hooey, Chaplin-, Warshipful Sir Knight Les Brooks, Registrar. The iitiatory degree was eoeaferred on Sir Knight Claud Oliver. After the meeting, the mem- bers sat down to a turkey ban- quet with mols, peas, potatoes, cranberries, pickles, pie, cheese and test in the Recreation Cen- tre, servesi by a committee of the members. W.A. Meeting The W.A. of St. John's Çhurch met in the Parish Hall, Thurs- day, Oct. 15. After the opening exercises considerable businesh was deaIt with. . Mrs. T. Langfeld gave a rt port on the opening, Oct. lst, of the new Diocesan building beside St. James' Ca'ýSedral, Toronto. Miss Eva Parr. report- esi on the Deanesy meeting at Ajax. Mrs. A. L. Bailey read a Dorcas letter telling what is re- Iquiresi for the bale to ibe sent the endi of6'ctoïber. ICanon ChaPerlin asked the ladies ta note the picture in 'Oct. 224h, Star Weekly of the Got um. TURKEY' ~ Ail Sizes te MWeet the Recus of nv «jery dinme, fable. new Bi*,op preadiW hi$ first sermon in St. James' Cathede1. Pemidsslon was iecei'ved from the Bishop te use the new An- glican Prayer Book as soon as it is available, The GA. was re-orgaxllEed with five niembers and Mrs. H. MeLaughlin andi Mrs. T. H. Shemilt as leaders This girls group tuo meet every Friday night. Closing prayers were- led by Canon Chaperlin, alter which lunch wes serv'ed and a social haif hour spenrt. - i ,Fmu Nj BY GLN RAEDAM. Freshly Killed Dressed and Delivered Oven Readf 49 9CLB. N.Y.D.ý Ail Churches -and Banquets Enquire for Special Prlces TOWNLINE, TURKEY RANCH OSHAWA Buy" RAudolph 5-4233 Are you dreaming of the day when you will have eveMy modem major éectrie appliance in your home? are builtwith your dreamsin mid!'. "e. e e e * * * * ~r~am~A * ~Xr~lINI.,J'1 ADO THE JOY 0F UGHT FOR L e e e e r 4 * e j. e* e -il t e i tee J t: e. e-e e. JVING! Imagine the convenience, the comfort, the safety of a home where ail the lighting is planned!1 That'a the truly modem lighting system you gel in a Medallion Home. No more "making do" with awkwardlyr-plaed electrie outieta. You11 have planned light for every activity centre in your home; decorative lighting to enhance the decoe of your rooms: and proper ighting in ali areas e that require the safeiy of light .. ohido n u 9 0e 0000 9 e e e e I e. Oo e. e. * e * e * e * e * e e e e o -e- i I e e 'e ADO THE SATISFACTION THJ FULL HOUSEPOWER GIVES! IAT A Medallion Home is ready ... right from the day you move in.. with safe, adequate wiring; cornpletely equipped with circuits, outiets and switches to enable you to live better electrically today and in the future. That's what full housepower meana to you and your family-the complete satisfaction that cornes of living safely, comfortably, the modern electrie way. De** 00 00000 I e, e- e e e e e e s e e e e e e e e e e e e e a e e e e e e e. e e e e e e e e e e e Medallion hom es e e e e e e e e e e e e UVE UN A MEDAUJWI HOME Tellyour buikier thatyou want a Medallion home FOm comPUT iNFORMATioN ON 10W you CAN OWN A 1MEDALUON HOME... CALE. YOUR LOCAL HYDRO OFFICE__ UIVE SETTR ELECTRICALLY 1 il-lm TRUMDAT, OM. 29th, 1959 1 0 M CANADUR STATMM. BOWMANVff.£& ONTAMO - MAý 9

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