?!iUUSDAY, Oc?. Oth, 1959 TEE CAIq&D!AN STATESMM~ BOWMANV!LLE. oerr~mo PArIE 7?WEI~I~ The Orono )&. and Mr&. Grant Pawers andi daughter Wendy Lynn, Breadniore, Norihera Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, Scar- borough, visited Mis. Cecil Powers. Mr. and Mis. John Coryeil, Hamilton, visited her parents, Mr. and Mis. Harry Rowe on Sunday. Mis. Myra McCulloch left te. day by 'plane from Malton to &pend the winter in Bradenton, Florida. Mis. Harold Hodgson and Mrs. H. Marling, Toronto visit- ed their aunt Mis. Howard Wealsh andi ail enjoyed a trip .Q th o see beautiful foliage bf1und ay. The occasion was Mrs. Walsh's birthday. Mr. Jack Arnobtt has return- ed home froni spendintg the aunimer at his Bes Ranch in Nipawin, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Mitchell spent Saturday with Mi. aii Mvrs. James Belle, Orillia. Miss Bertha Cain attended the Women Teachers' Federa- tion of (Region four) Con- vention andi Banquet in Port Hope on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Bow1rnanville; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood attendeti Anniver- sary Servie in Lakefield Uni- ted Church on Sunday and were guests of Mr .and Mrs, Neil Wood, Mr. and Mirs. Morley Brooks, Picton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Midtlleton,, Mr. anvd Mrs. Bruce Teninant and sons. Randy and Craig, visited Mr. and Mis. Leo Had- der and son Brian, Toronto, on Sunday. Miss Clara Barnes, Dundalk, lias returnedti t Orono for the winter and is sttaying with her riephew Mr. Jack Arnott, Mrs. Arnott andi family. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harris, Scarborough: MU. and Ms. D. S. Harness- spent Sunday with the former parents Mr. afnti Mrs. Evertton Harris of Harwood. Mrs. A. Manning and Ellis, Oshawa; Mr. Edwin Manning, Toronto; Mr. Art Bell, Bow- inanville: Mr. and Mis. R. Virtue, Tyrone, visited Mi. and Mri. Jim Bail. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jakeman, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mis. Robt. Fluhres., Ston- ey Creek. Mr. Walter Potts of Garden Hlli passed away in his 8th year at tihe home e! his dau- ghter Mis.' Chas. Stapieton andi AN ELEC TP/C sV6TEMo CONTRACTINO REPAUjJs REFRIGERATION- ELECTRIC MOTOR - SALES -SERVICEI TV- RADIO - APPLIANCES Mr. Stapleton, Saturday, Oc- tober, 24tlu' His wife the form- er Jennie McMillian, prede- ceased him. Funeral was on Tuesday in Perrytown Angli- can Church. Intermentin the adjolnhing Cemetery. Mrs. W. R. Young, Bridge. north, visited Mr. andi Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mis. John Bigelow, Mr. Phîlip Bhgelow and son Allun, Port Hope, called on Mis. James Waninan, Sunday of last week. Mr. R. A. MeMillin, was a patient in Humnber Memorial Hospital, Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer spent Tuesday in Toronto. - Mr. and Mis. Jim Middieton visited Mr. andi Mrs. Murray Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edgar, Mi. and Mis. Elmer Mîddleton and daughters, Osh- awa. Mr. andi Mrs. Robi. May, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs .Jack Arnott, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan, attended the Hummel- Thompson wedding in Kings- ton Road Unitedi Church, Tor- onto on Saturday, October 24. Mrs. E. Windover, Minden, visited her deugrtter Mrs. W. L. King and Mr. King. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Miller returned home ïlast week from a train trip to New York City. Dr. and Mrs. T. A. Lucas, Lansing, Michigan; Mr. Doug- las Lucas, Toronto, visited Mrs. J. E. Richards on Sunday. Mis. Geo. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Henderson at- tendesi the Lunu-Mutton wed- ding in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville on Sat- urday, October 24th. Mis, S. Souch and Miss Eva Patterson spent Friday in Tor- onto and visited their cousir Miss Mary McLean. Mrs. Wm. Co>bbleddck return- ed home last week from a five weeks trip to the Pacific Coast. Mi. and Mrs. Stan Taylor ansd family, Oshawa, attended anniversa$.,r services at Orono United Church and were gue- sts of Mi. andi Mis. W. L. King. Mr. and Mis. Stan Payne, Bowmaiile; Mi. and Mrs.1 Newrý Harry Rawe visitied Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Milisoni, Lindsay. Mrs. Jack Watson is working in the Orono Branch cf The Canadian Bank of Commerce. Mi. andi Mis. Harry Mercer were supper guesis of Iis sis- ter Mis. Maty Luxon, Kendal, on Sundiay. Mrs. Viola Smnith>I who broke her arm is convalescing at Lirtonhurst Manor Resi Home, Ororio, ater several wesks in ville. Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Miler spent t he weekend with Mis. Hugh Mclntosh and daughters, Madoc. Miss Anu Best, Toronto, spent ths weeikend with Mr. and Mis. Horace Best. Mr. Ai! Astridge, Oshawa, visited trierais ini Orono last week. Miss Marilyn King, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mi. andi Mrs. W. L. King. Mirs. S. E. Rhodes and dau- ghter Miss Dorothy Rhodes, Toronto, have rented the new hous on Centre Street recent- ly built by Mr and Mrs. Ernile Stephens, the former Greta Cowan. Mr. E. W. Schauffler who fell and broke his hip has been a patient in iboth Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, an d Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. Denny Lynch, a native of Orono is now employed with Toronto - Dominion Bank inj Toronto after serving f i v e years in the Royal Caniadian Navy. Mis. Wm. E. Armstrong en- tertaineti at Luncheon andi five tables o! Bridge on Friday. Mr. Jack Hudson who i's a .,oatieiiit i Oshawa Hospital had major surgery thàs week. The W. A. Anniversary Ser-i vice will be held at Oronoi United Chureh, November Isi. The minister Rev. Basil E.E Long wiIl conduct this service. Remember November 4th for the Turkey Supper ai Orono United Church. Ses Coming Events. Evening Auxiliary Heurs Details of Glacial Age ORONO-The Eveninýg Aux- iliary met on Thursday evening, October 15 in the Sundayl Sehool Auditorium. Margaretl Arnott, the president, opened with a hymn followed by pray- er. She then read a poem "Talk Happiness". The minutes were read and the treasurer's report given. A letter wvas read from Doris Moffat thanking the Aux- iliary for the lovely cup and saucer given her. A nominating committee of three was appointed to select officers for the coming year. Fae Cornish, Aima Mitchell and Cathy Armstrong were chosen for this com.mittee. A motion was passed to send a letter of thanks to Mrs. Young- man, for sending the knitted bootees to us te send along to NEW DONORS NEED ED GIVE BLOOD NOW LIONS CENTRE - NOV. 4th China.1 Hîlda Tamblyn and Mis. Bair- stow were appointeti te go as delegates te the conference ati I Ebenezer in October. They - cepted on condition that they cach would have a car load. The meeting was then turneti over te Isobel Challice. Devo- tional was taken by Isobel, Ruth Aluin and Kathleen Chapman, the Thanksgiving theme being carîied throughout. Mi. John Ford sang two delightful solos, "He" and "Autunmn Leaves", ac- companieti by Joan Allun at the piano. Mrs. Baîrstow gave the study book on the West Indies. Rev. Long then introduceti the speaker for the evening, Mi. Witherspoon. His favourite top- ic being geogîaphy, he spoke about the Glacial Period ini Canada. How mining was such a wonderful industry iu Canada, due te the glacier leaving the minerais se easy te get ai. The Great Lakes andi oui hydre al trace back te the glacial period. This was very interesting and educational. He then spoke a few minutes on education andi the I.Q. of childien. Isobel Chalihce thanked Mi. Witherspoon for coming te us, and welcomed Mrs. Witherspoon as well. Atter the benediction lunch and a social hai! heur were enjoyed. During lunch Margaret Arnoti made plans for catering te a wedding on Sat- urday.-Times. ____- 1960 VAUXHALL CRESTA Available ln a new range of single and Vauxhail Cresta has a wider, deeper grille, ,and window. Col. Gamey Honoured By. As sociales Orono-On Monday evening, October l9th, Lt. Col. J. C. ,Gamey answvsied his front door te four visitera. When he and his visitors entereti the living room they tounti 16 other past and preseni employees cf the local post office who had sneak- ed lu the back way, te give hlm a "surprise party". A very enjoyable social even- lng was then lu progress. Dur- ing the evening Mi. Gamey waa presented with an engraveti desk set, a tobacco pouch andi a pipe rack fîom the pasi and pressut staff, lu houer o! his retiremeni afier 25 yeaîs as local post master. Mr. Gamey was taken by com- pete surprise but was able te repiy with a few well chesen words. A very enjoyabis lunch was serveti by the Iadies.-Times. BETHANY Mms. Ina Gribble, Lamibeth, has spent the past week with Miss Laura Morton. Mrs. Gordon Woodg anid dau- ghter, Barbara, Ottawa, are visiting with Mr. Wellington Fallis. 'Miss Laura Fallis wenit to Princess' Margaret Hospital ln Toronto for treatmenit on Tu- Mrs. Clifford McKay, Ln don, visited wtxh Mr. and Mms. Ross Davidison on S'aturday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neals, Markdale, were gueste with MT. and Mrs. Ross Carr on Sundiay. Mrs. M. Yinney anid 'Ms. J. White- *ttendeà a leader «train- ing school in Orono for two days last week, taking a course in rug-making, Wheh they in turn will ddrect for Bethan(y Women's Institute members. Mrs. Hector Morton and in- fanit son are home from Civic Hospital, Peterborough. The Cubs andI Scouts attend- ed Divine service at St. Paul's Church on Sunday morning. The Cul, andi Scout Motiiers' Auxiliarv met at the home of Mrs. Roland Scott with. nine members present. it la intended to purchase a Tumbiin*g Mat for the boys and the secretary read information conicernng prices etc. Letters will te sent out to Mothers in the area in- viting them to join and attend Auxiliary meetings. Plans were madete vsit an Auxiliary in Peterborough in order to wid- en their knowledge of Auxil- iary procedure and activities. It was also decided to have a social evening in the neur fu- ture with husbýansds as guests. The November maeetinig will be held at the home of Mis. Mur- ray Wilson. Women's Institute Meeting The Bethany Women's InsUi- tute met on Monday evening in the Orange Hall with Mrs. Ad- dison Scott presiding. T he memýbers jo!ned in singing the Theme Song, repeating tihe Mary Stewart Collect and The Lord's Pnayer. The roll cal was answered by each one giv- ing a current news evenit, with 23 members present. Secretary Mrs. Ralph Pres- ton read the minutes of pre- vious meeting, also a leljter two-tone . color schemes, the new a new one-piece, wrap-around rear froii the Provincial President, Mrs A. Hlaggei'ty, conmuneninig an appeau to CARE. In this connection the memiers agreed ta send a donation of $5.oo te this organisation ta aid In the distribution of powdered milk in eas'tern countries. Mis. Pres- ton also read excerpis trom the Canadian Consumers' Associa- tien concerning "The BattIs cf the Trading Stampa"; "How t t buy Furs witii confidence". "The merits of the so-called. Wash andi Wear andi drip-dry fabrics.'l There was a further dis- cussion on the present tire- fighting equipment lu the vil- lage, which will be reportedti t the men's committee. As the delegaites previously appointed ta the Convention In Toronto on Novemýber 4-7 fourud it im- possible Vo attend, Mrs. T. Jeù- nings and Mirs. M. Flnney agreedto tbIe the Bethiany re- presentatives. Mis. Ralph Pres, ton will aLsgo attend as Dis- trict Presidenit o! East Durhami. Mis. Scott reporteti the at- tendance o! tive members troro Bethany at a meeting o! the Morrish Instituts held lu Port Hope, ai which she had given a taik and hlm. T. Jack- son giving a demonstration of handcrafts. !Mrs.' Presten ne- ported attending theschool for 4-H Club leaders ai Orono for twoc days earlier lI the month. "The course this yeacr ha called The Supper Club and the stu- dents will leain how ta pre- pare a wids varrlety o! s.upper dishes, both nutritional andi ec- onomùca.' Mis. Clarence Rowan gave a very thought-provoking talk on "Penal Rsform, Réhabilitation andti he need for changes lin Reform Institutions". "Nothing lias been more startling in our hisiory than the presenit Reformn prograni. In the early days the British colc'xies were fotxad y peQe ple who hati cenimitted crimes - mostly only minor cnes, but suchl were ths laws, that tihey were banisheti !rom, socistbr. "Canidians can, seau expeet ths blueprinù sof a new nation- al prison system tIiat will sub- stituts Referai for revenge. The real truth about justice in Canada Is that most o!fi con- sists ln catching lawbreakers, locking them away for a per- led of time andi then releasing them with a better than even chance they will again brsàk thts law ansi become repeat- ers. Justice Minister Fulton has sscured agreement of ths p'1p- vinces that soon ail perse Vs sentencet for ons year or more shail become inniates o! tedier- al insteati ot provineial pris-. ens. A National Parole Board will ibe set up ton ,ths autonia- tic parols review loîr every Lederal penltertiaryy humats. I cosis 1ess te keep a man on parole than iu prison, but more imiportant, paroles records o! 'gomng atrgight' are better than for those mades te serve oui full sentences beh-ind bars. 1%e correotional planning commit- tee's recommeniat' s will ca- ver sucli problems as whait new types of pisons Canada shoulti have; whether existlng parole supervision services, mostly provideti by volunteer agencies are adequats; ths separation o! young offenders; and work therapy, training, psychdatrlc help and other measures tor the rehabilitation, o! prison in- mates. "It la hoped. that Vhey wll aise tisai with assistance for Vhs prisoner uipon relsase. How ean the ex-convici get a job" How oan he re-adjustinl a se- cieiy wtileh views hlm witih suspicion? Thes are very real problerns for the man with gond intentions te go siraight. He needa skifld help, but if that hslp la succesaful, i is worth far mors than any saaies it may ceai. More mnoney wiil be needied tor personnel a ndt facilities t e train inniates te a new way of life. "Itis means fliat Canoaa@a awakened tu the tact that oui prisons do net reform inmates, but more prébably manufae-' Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Yard, Main Office and Showroom COURTICE MA 3.2130 mmffl OSHAWA- WOOD PRODUCTS ~I N w % %,'- I ,x7I I You,' Guscoempony does flot FREE .mploy door-to-door soiesmen FREE elpoecnvossemFor C Ja BURNERflcee y the OntarioFuel S à"b.g 1yu hseNtue > gus equipmeflt ccii or write SERVICE the Soles Deparimt of Downtown Office Showrooum 84 SIMCOE ST. S, OSHAWA RA 8-1817 tures crinal. It la a known fact that three out of every four return ta crime on re- lease. The project merits ev- eyone's support. Watch your njewspapers MY~ a further Fau- tex report."I Mis. Rowan menitioned - the four presen't Ontario Reforma- tories at Guelph, Miznico, MIII- brook and Toronto; the fîve Industrial Farms at Burwash. Montieth, Burrit's Rapids, Fort Willam and Burtch; two train- lng centres at Brampton and Burtch; tiwo special treatment centres at Mimico andI Guelph; live training sehools, ai Bow- manvîlle, Cobourg, Guel1p h, Uxbridge and Alfred, tiiree stiaff training schools at Gait, Toronto and Dovwview; also the county jails, local jails etc. telling something of the indiv- idual characteristics of each place. Corvtinuing, the speaker said "Attention should be call- ed toc the tact that the enrol- ments in ail the. Taining schools are et an aUl time high level. Why is there an in- crease in juvenile delînquency? What can we do about i? Youth Is capable o~f wonidieful self-sacrifice and courage if properly motivated. Human be- ings of ail aéies need recogni- tion, secturity, affection, andi the thrill of achievement. The qust for the fulfilîment of these natural urges is the mo- tivating tactor in all human endeavor. They need our great- er understanding. Two societ- ies who are doing a great deal of good in the rehiabilitation programr at present are the Elizabeth ry Society and The John Howard Society, with their After-Care program de- signesi to provide former In- Everything Io imprevo Jour homo and botier ypar Iivlag. For qualify, saviagi and comploe s olution, zoo as zoom! OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. hwý stitut1oSl Incnates with direc- tion and practical assistance to aid in their rebabilitation."1 The speaker wus thanked by Mrs. R. Carr, v.4bo chalred the progroin on Historicel Re- search, in the absence of qroup leader, Mns. Ross Davidsàn. Mrs. Thomas Jackson ex- p1àined the evening's nidtto: "We reap the reward of our Grandmother's d ee ds; aur childTen reap the reward of ours". Mrs. John White r'eeda poem "GrandAmother ". Miss Marie Carr sang 'Do You Re- member?" A Prize for the oldest mem- ber in attendiance at the mneet- ing werxt to Mrs. Willigm Cav- azio lucy cair prize to -Mrs. Harry Ryley. During, the so- cial heur lunch was served, by Mrs. M. Flnney, Mrs. W. Row- land, Mms J. White, Mvrs. C. Rowland and Mrs. T. Jackson. Tne November meeting will be heId at the home of Mrs. Ralph Preston and wifl eature Citizenship and Education as the progi'am theme. -TRUIMAY, OCT. 29th, 1959 THE CARMUN STATESMAX BOWMANVffl..X ONTAM PACM JL-IETM