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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1959, p. 19

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TkWJWDAY, OCT. 2zmn, 1959 * Cards of TSk I wlah te express my sincere thanka te Dr. Rundie, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital for their cmr whilo I was a patient there. Aise, those who sent flowers, fruit, candy and eards. Wyilene Wilson. 44-1* 1 wlsh to thank the dociors and nurses for their kindness and care while I was in Port Perry Hospital. Aise my sincere appreciatien te the many friends and neighbors who sent gifts and cards. Mrn. Milton Fisher. 44-1* i,,psh te thank aur many r% vefrlends and neighbours for their beaujiful fierai offer- ings and words cf sympathy and the palîbearers for their kind.' ness. We would aise like te thank Rev. Luchak, Dr. Mikios and the nurses and staff cf Me- morial Hospital, Bowmanvillo. Adam Panas and Family. 44-1 i would like to express niy heartfelt thanks toalal my friends, relatives and neighbors for the many inquiries, gifts, flowers and cards sent te me during my recent stay in the ]hospital. Special thanks te Dr. John Dymond and the nurses and staff e! the Port Perry Me- marial Hospital. Marion Ginn. 44-1 Auction Sales Cattie sale, 450 head Aber- deen Angus, 350 stockers and feeders, 100 grade and Pure- bred cews and bred heifers, Lindsay, Saturday, Octeber 31, Lindsay Sales Arena at 1 p.m. A. C. McTaggart, Sec'y-Treas.; Malcom Bailey, Pres. 43-2 The undersigned auctioneer wiil seil by public auction for Public Trustees the household, effects cf Mr. Howard Pye, at bis residence, Enniskilien, on Saturday, November 7,' 1959. Sale at 1:30. List cf articles at later date. Terins cash. Clf! Pothick, auctioeor. 43-2 Auction sale cf livestock, im- piements, hay, grain, furniture, the preperty cf Chas. H. Gra- ham, Lot 119, Cen. 2, Cartwright, 5 miles south-east e! Black- stock, Saturday, Octeber 3lst. Sale ai 1:00 p.m. Terms, cash. 0. Hyland, clerk; Ted Jackson, auctieneor, Port Porry, Ont. 43-2* 1 have received instructions àomthe executors o! the estate ,e the laie Mrs. Frank Coulter, to sel by public auctien, Satun- dlay, Novembor 7, at 1:30 p.m., at ber late residence, 127 King St. E., Bowmanviile,, a 3-piece cbesterfieid suite, 7-pioce wal- uiut dinetto suite, both like new, bedroom and kitchen furnîture, electrie st 0V , washer and vacuumn cleanen, Axminnter rugs, lamps, dishes, glaasware. Terma cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 43-2 On Saiurday, November 7tii, ai 12:30 p.m., an auction sale o! high grade Scotch Shorihorn catilo, imploments, bay, grain, a 1947 Chev. sedan and a 1953 Pontiac sedan in Ai condition, the property of the Harvey Day- Idson Estate. Location, N.H. Lot 7, Con. 12, Township of Manvers, 1/ mile East o! Janet- ville. The following la a lisi o! new and nearly new machinery: Case 4-bar ide delivery rako on steel, Case 17-teetb cuitivator on rubber, 38' cross bale elevat- on, hay or grain; International nianure spreader, 2-wheel, on rubber; Ottace drag harrow, 4 sections; 3-!urrow 10' heavY bearf Massey plew and a dual wheel trailer. Torms cash. R. John Payne, auctieneor. 44-2 The undersigned aur.*goneor wiil sel by public auctibn, the househoid effects for the estate of the laie Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, aise Uic farm, consisiing of? 100 acres, 11/4 miles nortb o! Enniskillen, on Saturday, Oct. 31st, consisting o! a Gurney cook steve, Hot Point electric refrigerator, Cornet 21" tele- vision, studio couch, kitchen table, 6 chairs, 2 rockin.g chairs, writing desk, small radio, wash- ing machine, New Williams drap- head sewing machine, 3 beds, 3 dressers, 3-pioce bedroin suite, riew Coleman où heaier and 200 gallon -tank, new G.E. vacuum cleaner, coffee table set, Snider plane, chromo chairs and table, 6 dlning-room chairs, 2 sinali rugs, several mats, steel fonce poats, cedar rails, saine bard- wood, quilts, fruit jars, and xnany ether articles. Ternis and condition o! praperty givon day of sale. Furniture, cash. Sale ai 1:30 p.m. ClM! Pethick, auc- tionoor. 44-1* Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS ][N THE ESTATE 0F HARRIET JUrLIA EVANS, laie o! tho Town cf Bowmanviile, iniUic Couniy of Durham, Widow, De- gased, who died ai Bownian- ~le on or about Uic 15th day . Sepiember, 1959, Intestate. The Trustee Act, R. S. O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Crodiiors and others havlng dlaims ag ainsi Uic above Estate are reqlulred te send paticulars and full proof thereof te thé undersigned on or before the Ag ti day o! Nevember, 1959, Ufier whicb date the asseis of r1e Istate wiil be dlstibuted bavlng regard te Uic clama that h- vo thon been received. IATED ai Bewmanviile, On. t* o, this l4th day of Ociober, 19-.9. Lawrence C. Masen, Esq, Barriater and Solicitor, 30 King St. W, P.O. Box 29, Bowmanviiie, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrator. 423 - - - --- , - I Notice to Creciitors A" OTHER INi THE ESTATE 0FPRMA MILDRED KERSLAKE, late of the Town of Bowmanviile, in the County of Durham, retired prac- tical nurse, deceased, who died at the Town of Bowmanviile, on or about the llth day cf Sep-. tember, 1959. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required te send particulars and full proof thereef ta the undersigned on or bef are the 25th day of November, 1959, ater which date the assets cf the estate wil be distributed having regard te the WiUl and the dlaims that have then been received. DATED at Bownxanviiie, On- tarie, the 20th day of October, 1959., LAWRENCE C. MASON, Barrister and Sôlicitor, 30 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ont., Solicitor for the Executer. 43-3 - Notices TAXE NOTICE that I will not be responsible for debts of my wife Christine Taylor after this date. DATED this 9th day of October, A.D. 1959. Melville Taylor. 42-3* MEL MOORE Building Inspector wlll bo ln his office in the Public Works Depi. Monday Io Friday at the followlng heurs. 8 ta 9:30 a.m. 3:30 to 5:00 43-2 Town of Bowmanville Clerk's Notice of Firsi Posting of Voters' List Voter' Lists, Munlclpality of The Town of Bowmanville, Count>' of Durham Notice is hereby given that I have cemplied with Section 9 of The Voter' Liais Act and that I have posted up at my office in the Town Hall, Bowmanviilo, on the 28th day o! October, 1959, the iist of ail persons en- titled te vote in the said Munici- pality at municiptkl elections ad that such liai remains thero for inspection. And I hereby cal! upon al votera te take immediate pro- ceedings te have any errers or omissions corrected according ta law, the last day of appeal be- ing the l2th day cf November, 1959. Dated this 28th day o! Octob- er, 1959. R. B. REYNOLDS, Clerk, Town o! Bowmanviile. 44-2 Township of Darlington Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Votera' Lisis, 1959, Munlcipallty of Townshlp et Darllnzton, County ef Durham Notice is hereby given thai I have cornplied with Section 9 o! The Votera' Liais Act and that I have posted up ai my office ai Hamipten, on the lsth day of Ociobor, 1959, the liai o! 'al pensons entitled ta voe in the said. Municipality ai municipal eloctions and thai auch liai remains there for inspection. And I hereby cail upon al votera te take immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or omissions cornected according te law, the lasi day for appeal be- lng Uic 29th day o! Ociober, 1959. Dated ibis !ifteenth day of Ociober, 1959. W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk, Township of Darlingion. 43-2 mW DOMORS ma ED Rtepaire RADIO and television repeirs. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 KIng, St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, toalal makes. Sanie day service. Televisien Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIES and rewxnding, arm- atures turned, to ail makes cf electric 'motors. Higgon Elec- trie, 38 King East. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf REPAIES to ail makes of sew- ing macines. Free pickup and d eti veg. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA 3-7231. 44-tf REPAIES te ail makes of re- frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; milking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limited, 38 Kting St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf Nursing Home The South Haven Rest Hm -Licensed accommodation avail- able for up or bed patients. Phene Newcastle 4441. 29-tf Tenders Wanted TENDERS for the sale of the. building and site of the old Newtonville School wiil be re- ceived by the undersigned, up te Mondayi,Nov. 16, 1959. The lewest or any tender flot neces- sarily accepted. Mrs. V. M. Gilmer, Sec.-Treas., Clarke T.S. A. Board, Newtonviile, Ontario. 44-2 TENDERS are requested for the position of caretaker of new Lord Elgin School. Duties te commence with oPening of school in January, 1960. Writ- ten applications, stating age, marital status, qualifications, etc., must be in hands of Secre- tary-Treasurer by Nov. 7th, 1959. Bowmanville Public School Board, S. R . James, P.O. Box 1030, Sec'y-Treas. 43-3 Tender for Sale of Car 1 - 1954 CHEVROLET - Blue 2 Door Sedan, complete with heater, defroster and undercoating. The above car may be seen at the garage at the United Counties Building, William St., Cobourg, between the.heurs of 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.ftx, Monday te Friday. Tenders for above car te be received net later than 5 p.m., November 9, 1959. Tenders te be mailed te Northumberland-Durham Board of Health, Box 20, Cobourg, Ontario, and te be marked "Tender for Sale of Car". 44-1 SOLINA Mn. andi Mis. Bruce Mont- genoery were Suniday tea guosta o! Mr. andci lrs. Bruce Taylor andi sons. Little Miss Barbara Miller o! Brougham, ih visiting Mr. andi Mrs. John Knox andi farnily. Rev. Walter A. Logan will tic guest minisior atUic Thank- of!ering service on Sudy Novemben 1, at 2:30 o' clock.: Special music wiil ho provideci by theo choir. Bradley's Sohool Hallo 'e concert will be held on Frl- day night, Octoher 30. Ail those in costume admittedI froc o! charge. The Wornen'a Institute baz- aar was a great success andi well attendeci. Procceda were $380.00. Misa Lena Taylor o! Bown-anviile, offlcially openeci the hazaar. Mr. Chas. Allen, Bowman- ville, visiteci Mr. andi Mrs. Wes Yellowlees andi sons. Mrs. H. E. Tink visiteti on Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell andi famnil y, Hampton. Mrs. Bruce Tink visiieci ber moiher, Mns. W. A. Ormisten ai Brooklin. Mrs. E. R. Taylor entertain- cd Mr. andi Mrs. E. Larmer, Blackstock; Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville, anci Mn. andi MIs. E. Crydernan on Mn. Taylor's birihday, October 22. -Mn. andi Mrs. Siti Pediar o! Stayner andi Mrs. Walten Ra- hme o! Tyrone visiieti Mn. and Mrs. Frank Westlake'a Sr. Mr. andi Mrs. John Broome andi farnily, Tyrene; Miss Ruth Pascoe, Peterborough, wer e Sunday guests -o! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome andi sens. "Mr. J. Dyer, Oshawa; Mrs. Glen Glaspeil, Zion, viaitoci ai Rao Pascoe's. Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon Pas- cee, Gaît, were weekend gucats o! Mr. andi Mrs. C. Pascoe. Mr. andi Mrs. J. Knox andi family, visiieci ai Wn. Knox's andi H. Malcolm's ai Brough- am'. Mr. and Mis. E. Crydernan wenc Sunday tea guosis o! Mn. andi Mrs. J. McMinn, Wbitby. Constable andi Mns. Ken Strang, Ottawa; Mr. andi Mns. E. Larmer, Biackstock, wene visitons witb Mr. andi Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees andi family. Mrs. N. Woiien was a recent guesi of Mrs. L. Evans, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hackaday and daughters andi Mis. Sid Heckaday visieci on Sunday wîth Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowling, Whihy. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pascoe, Gai-t, wcrc Saturday evening guesis of Mr and Mns. Stan Millson. Haroldi Ycilowlecs andi Lon- ne Tink, represcnting Durham County 4-H dairy cal! club were placed Ilthf oui o! 87 clubs in the provincial inter-club Judging compeition helci et O.AC. Guelph, on Widay. Mir. Chas. Allin, BownAn- ville, visitoci at Miý. and Mrs. Wu. Yeliowleeo Md Dom COURTICE Bey. Haroldi Stainten per- formeci the Sacrament o! Bapi- tisn on Sunday morning ai Ebenezer UnitedCi hurch When the !oilowing were christeneci. Lisa Betb Ellioti, daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. CYarie ElleIot; Donna Jean McKnigbi, daugb- ici o! Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McKnigh anid Peter Normian Meicaife, son of Mr. and Mis. Alvin Metcaifé. H. & S. Fint Meeting The West Courtice Home & Sohbol Association# belc i s first meeting e! the seasen ne- cently wiib President Mr. Erhce Duihain presldivg. The znin-I utes o!flthe lest annual men n were reaci by Mvi. W. Nilad Mrs. Donald Thomn rca the treasurer's annual repor.J i was announced "the i Grade 1 moihers tea wiauld bel' held Oct. 22 et 8 .m. Mem-: Rev.- Fred Joblin Returns Former Pas for of St. PauI's Pre aches Two Inspiring Anniversary TYRONE Mr..and Mrn. Chas. 3o4ra, Bwan i1,vIsited t h e i r daughterPle..and Mrs. John Broome. Mr. and Mrs. George Sears, New Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary. Grant Glaspeil, Bruce Stain- ion and Loran Piscoe took part in Uic Inter-Couniy Judging ai Guelph lasi Friday. Albert and Art Edwards, Wel- land, recently visiied their si- or Mrs. T. Scottiand Mr. Scott. Mr. and Mis. H. Phllp, Miss Jean Philp attended the Dodi- cation Service ai Shilob Churcb on Sunday and were guostS O! Miss Noule Muiton, Coibonne. Mr. apid Mra. Jin Parka and son, Peterborough, ývisited Mn. and Mrs. W. Park. Mr. and MrÉ. John Broome andi family visiieci Mr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Broome, Selina. Mr. andi Mrs. W. Carr andi daughter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Carn- eron and children, Long Sauli; MU. andi Mrs. T. Scott and fain- ily, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood andi farnily enjoyeci a turkoy dinnor on Sunday ai the homeofo!M.' andi Mrs. Herb Cameron. Mn. and Mrs. A. His visited Mr. andi Mrs. G. Hilis and fain- ily, Hannon, on Sunday. Mr. andi Mra. J. A. Rosevear andi Esther Anne, Mr. andi Mrs. Murray Yeo andi Jennifer visit- od Mr. andi Mrs. Gardon Larm- or, South Monaghan. Mrs. Lorno Phare wbo bas been very ill, la slewly impnov- ing. Mn. and Mns. Herb Rundie, Mrs. S. T. Hoar were receni visitera o! Mr. and Mis. A. His. Mr. F. L. Fox, Pasadena, Cali!., spent the weekend witb his sister-in-aw, Mrs. M. Han- iton'on Sunday. Hon. George Wardropo, Toronto, was dinner guesi o! Mr. and Mrs. M. Ham- ilton. .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winning, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Vintue. Saiurday evening Uic Cern- rnunity Hall was filleci for the presontatien for Mn. and Mra. Gabriel Kovac, when they were presented with a plat!orm rock- er and a mirror. Dancing was enjoyeci along witb a delicioti, lunch. Mn. andi Mrs. W. Rabm ac- companieci Mr. and Mra. Cleni Rahni and chilciren and visiteci iheir daugbiors Mn. and IMrs. Alex Porger, Hamilton, andi Mn. andi Mrs. M. Smiley, Fnuitland. Explorera Elect Officers Election o! officers. Chie! Ex- plorer, GraceMoore; Vice, Anne Skinner; Keoper o!fithe Log, Janico Taylor; Keeper" o! Uic Treaaury, Norma Davey; Pres Reportor, Charlotte Annia; Pian- lis, Charlotte Annis, Anne Skin- nor andi Doreen Wright. Regular expeditions are- on Tbursday afier acheol. Games wene enjoyeci. Nexi meeting in the form no! a Hallowe'en Party. Teachers' Meeting The North Dalingion Toacb- ers'. Gnoup met on Tuesday, Octobor 20, ai Long Sauli School. Presideni lMiss Valda Kocins conducieci the business ponioci. Mn. Lycoit reporteci on the Sa!oty Prognan. Sa!ety Pray- ors were subrnitted by eacb teachen. Mrs. M. Colley reportod on a four-day Conference in Re- ligieus Education whicb she haci attonded in Belleville during the aummer. -The firat meeting o! Uic "Tyrone Classy Cooks" was held Oct. 20 ai 7:30 ai the horr, o! Mrs. Lloyd Skinner. Thise.unit we have twe leaders, Mrs. M. A. <Arlone)' Yeo, andi Mrs. L. (Shirley) Skinner. These two were present plus 10 girls. We opened with the election o! officens, as follows: President, Jean Baker; Press Reporter, Esther Rosevear. We, decided te have our meetings on Tuesday nights and we'd bave iwo people te bning lunch. The 4-H booka were given oui. Arlene read Uic "Club Re- quirernents": "Working Proced- unes", "Dishwashing" and "Ab- breviationa". She tolci why food isl import- ant. It la becauso h bheips us grow andi wo neoci food te keep musi have the graclous spiit o! Gad in our hearis ai ail Unmes and ail Uie whoois o! the eartb wili be breught te-, gethen by Goc in His chunch. The musie inUth e mning was very inspiring witb organ- li Mrs. Rota Dudley playing an organ prelude. The choir sang "'The Lord la My Shepherd" andi guesi sali, Miss Norma Bowen o! -Oshawa, sang "The Earth ia tbe Lord's" in ber beautiful contralto voice. Rev. Joblin's evoning sermon enititieci "The Word o!fGci waa a challenge te ail premsent Ho saici thc word e! thc Lord was rare theso days. Today we are privilegoci te bave the besi translations o! thc Bible av- ailable, mid yot we don't read. them su!ficiently' te under- stand andc realize that thc word o! the Lord is precieus. The speaker sinossed, tthai; readinig God's word should be part o! our daily lives. We muai corne te bolieve these words and. know tUati h laGoci speaking. Goci haci the propheis write these words so that we might know Ho is real andi ready te belp us. The speaker saici it now waa the work o! the minisien to rnake bis congregation under- stand tUic word o! the Lord, but Uic congregation muai ce- .The 125th ann&versary of St. Paul's United Ciurch was cele- brated Sunday, October 25th, with overflow congregatiens attending both services, The enlightendng messages cf a fer- mer St. Paul's minister, the Rev. Fred H. Jeiblin, B.A., B. D., cf Westbore United Church, Ottawa, made this special oc- casien a memorable one The minister, Rey. Harold Turner, was presenit and pre- sided at both services, mnitre- ducing Mr. Jeblin as the min- ister at St. Paul'a 1942-43, be- fore- becoming a Ohaplain in the Armed Forces. Mr. Joblin's fanilly is well known here as his granidfath er was choir leader at Trinity United Church for many years and his father had attended as a Bowmanviile boy. In the evening the con- gregation of Trinity United Albe ri Morion Dies Suddenly At Clarke ,Farm Mr. Albert Merton, a lifetime resident o! Clarke Township and Orono district, died sudden- iy yesterday at the farm pro- perty now occupied by bis son Richard. Mr. Morton was well knewn in the community and district through his connection with, and interest in the Conservative party. About three years ago Mr. and Mrs. Morion moved froin the farm property te Orene. Mirs. Morton is the for- mer Hazel Lowery. Aise surviv- ing are a daughier Adele (Mrs. A. McGill), a brother George and a sister Mary (Mrs. John Morris) al cf Orone. At the tineocf going te press funeral arrangements had net been completed. (Written by A. Kurb) Tuesday, Octeber 27, 1959 This was pheasant day li court. A radio announcer fron Oshawa and two youibs, a 17- year-old andi a 15-year-oid, paici fines o! $25.00 andi coats for illegal bunting. The two youths were ebserv- led bunting on Baker's aide roaci in Uic Township o! Danlingien. They were obsenveci picking Up a'deaci phoasani ihat haci boon abat andi biddon along a lino fonce. Date was Oct. 3rd, be- fore the open seaaon. Thoy dici net'bave licenses te huni. Wben quesiioneci they saici iboy thoughi the season was open. Wben akeci why they bici the birds, they tolci the gaine warden that they didn'i know who ho was. Wben quesieneci by tbe court they claimed Uiey abat on impulse. The radie announcer baci been driving soutb on Courtice Roaci Soutb. Ho observeci a pheasant cross the roaci in front o! the car in whicbhoh was a passenger. The car siopped and hoe gai eut and blasted the pheasant. He went- over and had a look at it and as A was bady blewn apart, left it there. Magistrate Baxter warned that the nexi turne they all would be fined the maximum. "'There isn't much te be said about people wl4o hunt eut o! season." A tale o! 'the theft o! tools frein two workmnen- by another workman unfolded in court. Re- suit, the workman accused, a car e to, was 'convicted f steaing a35-foot electrical ex- tension cerd and wiih being in possession o! stoien goeds, the prepenty o! the second work- man. The Magistrate found him guilty as charged and verbaily chaatized hlm. "This is the mosi despicable of crimes, one car- penter siealing frein another Lcarpenter. I. agree with your Lceunsel that the conviction it- Sself la serieus. Ih ruins your Eastern Star Bazaar 1Well Attended Friday At Lions Auditorium. A delightfuliy arrangeci Tées1: and ,Bazaar was holci on Fn7iday afiornoon ai the Lions Con- munity Contre by the Durham Chaptor of the Order of, tbe Estern Star. The apaclous'bal was beauti!uiiy decorateci wlih autumni leavea, puxnpkins, and cornucopias. A largo number of people attondeci the enjoyable event. mns. Ecina Anderson, past Grand Matroni of Ontario Lodge, epeneci the Bazaar. She was as- sisieci by Uic Wenihy Mamaon o! the Durhami Chapien, Mrs. Eva Warren, Hampton, wbo of- ficiaily welcomeci ail thoso Who wero present. Mis. Anderson drew atten- tion te "Estarl", (The Esten Star Training Award for Bell- gieus Leadership), the prai oct o! the Durham Chapter for the ycar. I this conneciion she spoke o! Uic award givon Ted Colwell a former membor o! the Teaching Staff a! Vincent Mas- sey School bore, ai the Grand Chapter in September, which la o! particular local intevest. Grand Chaptor o!, the Eastern Star gave 38 awands Uiis au- tumin o! $250 each, Mra. Ancien- son-pointed oui. She staiedt hai the Worihy Grand Mamaon hopea te raise $20,000 for "Es- tarl" ithis yoan., "O0ther projecis we support arc the Florence Nightingale Homo hn Aginceurt aid our Grand Benevolent Funti, These last two projects are for the assistance o! our membens in Ontario," Mis. Anderson sa- ted. Mrs. Florence Tilsan, Newcas- tle, was the Tea convonor. The beautifuily appointeci serving table was centreci wiih mauve cbrysanUiemunis in a silver basket aid lighted by tai! mauve tapons in ràîver candie- sticks. Mrs. Lola Freenan, the secneiary, Mrs. Florence High- fieldi, MIs. May Garton, and Mrs. Hazel Gibbs presidoci ovar the teacups and the silvor tes services. Mauve 'murns i crysial vases decorated the tes tables. Thase who asaiste inh serving were Mrs. Florence Fergusen, Mrs. Bonnice Henderson, Mns. Fay Snyder, Mrs. Marg Dickinson, Mia. May Maindonaid, Mrs. Rutb Tlnk, Mis. Anne Stephen- son, Mrs. Emma Ruibven, Mns. Florence Tilson, andi Miss Vel- ma Gay. Mrs. Lola Freeman was ln charge of Uic ktchen. She was assisted by Mis. Jean Lobb, Mis. Zeta Dirning, Mns. Eliza- beth White andi Mrs. Marion Stacey. Mrs. Annie Bounsail, a char- ter mémber, officiateci ai thc draw for the hancisomne cedar chesi wilcli was filec wih a.fine selection o! linons. The fortunate winner was Mrn. Per- cy macklin, RoSenethOnit Mr&. Duaine Palmner, Pasi Matren, Was the convenor in charge of the Draw. Mrs. Ruby Cox, Pasi Matron, was the cashier. Mrs. Dorothy Parker and Mrs. Jessie Marr, Pasit Matron, were the convm~- ors o! the Apron Booth. The convenons for the Home Baking Table were Mrs. Mabel Bagnell and Mrs. Hazel Gibbs, Past Ma- iron. Miss Mary Jowell, Pasi Matran, and Mrs. Myrtie Court- ney were the Candy Booth con- venons. The Useci Clething and White Elephatit Booth was con- vened by Mrs. Mabèl Green- hani, Mrs. Audrey Martin, and Mias. Minnie Deeiey. The Fancy- werk and Neveities Booth was convened by Mrs. Both Teeple, Pasi Matron, and Mrs. Isobel Reynolds. The Country Store convenons wore Mrs. Florence Northeuti, Past Matron, and Mrs. Elsie Alldread, Past Ma- tron. Mna. Lola Thrasher was the convenor for the Parcol Post. USED Sermons- I oporato and be wiling te mc- cepi it. The present dey con- gregation dees net krmow or understanci the Bible, and It is bard for a ntinister to get res- pense A ninister is oniy as good as the congregation ho. la working wli. Mn. Joblin pointed oui that if we are not going te read the word o! Goc for ourselves wer muai beo ood lisieners, God's word muai be beard and un- dersicoci. Rev. Joblin ciosed wiih these words: "'Net only open up our cyca, but our hearta tee. and- accepi God's word as it h."9 Music in Uic evening consiai- cd o! an organ prelude by or- ganisi-choir leader Mrs. Reta Dudley, a choir anthen UAt Eventido" with Mesars. A. Mc- ~Gregor andi D. Willians taking sole parts. Guest soloisi, Mr. Ross Cotton o! Oshawa, rend- oreci two baritoe solos "The Lord Ia My Lighi" and "X Heard A Forest Pnaying"l. Beautiful baskets and golden vases o! chrysanthemrnuis on the platform added much beauiy te the services o! ibis special 1251h anniversary. A!- ter the evendng services, a vo- cepiion was helci in the Lec- ture Roon when i d fnienda o! boib congregatie n s greotod Rcv. anid Mrs. Joblin. reputation. Yeu are 37 years o! age. You are ne youngstl'r and you should know the di!- ference between right and wrong. I do net, agree with your solicitor ihat suspended sentence should be imposed, you are net a young lad. For the theft cf the electricai exten- sion cord the penalty wifl be a fine o! $50.00 and $35.00 ini costs. For being in possession o! the saw.that had been stolert frein the second workman the penalty will be $50.00 and $3.00 costs. Do you have $138.00? When he was answered in the negative, III will qive you oe week te pay, and if you de net pay, you wl.l spend two ,enths in the Ceunty Gael". On Oct. grd, Tonumy Tucker came te Newcastle fer bis honeymoon. On. Qct. 2lst, while stili honeymooning, he brought his bride andiliber iwo children te Bowmanville and purchased a new car for her with a Worth- less cheque for $2,650.00, re- ceiving the car and $47.50 in cash. He thon visited a local insur- ance agoncy and purchased in- surance for the car te the value o! $83.80. Both choques were worthless. Tucker, w1th an alias cf Kel- lar, is woli known te the Magis- trato and CI'oWn Atterrey, hav. ing been convicted ai Bnighton fer similar offencos. Ho told a fanciful tale 09 hallucinations te the court of being a man ef seme means, but it rollod of£ like the proverbial water. lie was remanded for sentence until Monday, Nevein- ber 2nd, 1959, at Cobourg. Ho laier requested the Magis. trate te sentence hlm today as his bride waÉ, Oxpocting her thîrd child and he would like te tell the truth -new, serve his trne and get eut and support his family. He was stili remand- cd until Monday te give the Magistrate ac chance te check iet the stery he told him on his last court appearanoe. For drivinýg ai 60 m.p.h., a local lad paid, a fine of $30-00~ and costs. He bad been chased t'hreugh town early one event- ing. "This will cost you an- othor f ivo domerits."' The lad told the Magistratethat ho hadi been in front of hlm three weeks age fer a similar offence. "You keep on and I wili sus- pend yeur license, besides the suspension you will receive for dernerits. Two mon were eacb !inedl $25.00 and costs o! $3.00 for h.aving a part bottle of beer each in the back e! the car while thoir wivos eccupied the front seat. They were steppod for defoctive lights. CAR bers were reniiinded e! HomeI & Sechool Council ai E. A.* Loy- cli School on Oct. 27. Mr. Dun-. bain reaci an article on "Mcd- iscopo' teiling hew Uiche uman body works. Two filme were shown by Mr. K. MeAilister nanoci "Answening the Chilci- ren's Whys" andi "Shyness". Re!reshments wore serveci by Mrs. C. Greentnce and ber cenimitice. H. & S. Oct. 2Oth Meeting Ceurtice Home & Sehool As- sociation met on Tues., Oct. 20,1I ai thec North Courtice Sehool. President Mrs. Jack Gay pro- sidoci. Boom ceunit was taken by M?à. J. Aldous a ad' !he"1baiV nens for Uic most moihers pro- sont wcnit to Mrs. Greer ai Uic bighway school andi a tiecocuni witb Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Ald'ous sharing Uic banner ai Uic North Sebool. Mrs. Greer spoke o! the succeas o! the Grade i tea andi thankeci Uic Association for liheir planning Uic evcniing. Mrs. Greer an- nounceci ihat there would bo ne) Christmas concert tii year, but sometbirig may tic planneci for Uic spning. Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, Visuai Aida chairrnan, was in charge for ibis meeting andi introclue- ccl Mrs. P. Raper o! Peterbor- ougb, Past chairman, for Visual Aidis o! Uic Ontario Federation o! Haine andi Sebool and aIse Mnr. Anderson alseo!o Peter- borough, frein the National Film Board. Mrs. Raper apoke of Visuai Aida andi o! Home andi School members as a group can bo conipareci te the hum-an body. The Preaident is likeneci ta thc heari. When she works overythirng works, also, if she stops everything stops. The vice-presidents are like arien- les, clearing troubles andi sert- ing thinga oui. Treasurersa are like the lun- ga taking in andi giving out. Secrctany like the back home; straight records and backs go together. Executivo mentions are as five finugers or tocs. The chairnen are like Uic righi arn, prograim chairman as thc left ari. The two iportant legs are mcmbership and pub- lications. Bars andi eyes- Vis- ual Aida chairman. Following the very fine taik by Mrs. Raper, she calleci on Mr. Anderson te show twe films "I'm noa fool with Fine" and " Foodt for Frecidie". A discussion foilowed on the Im- portance e! following Can- ada's Food Rules. Mia. Harry Gay expresseci the ibanka o! the Association te, Mrs. Rapor andi Mr. Aniderson and Mrs. Countice for poeepaning suclx a fine progran. Home and Sehool Couneil was announceed for Oct. 29,1 wben Mrs. Heard, Dean o! On- tarie Ladies' Coliege, will ho speaker. Courtice Association wiil serve lunch. The Confer- once was announceci te ho helci ai Pickering on Novemiber 2 1st, 9 te 4. Nerzt meeting wll Ie Nov. 17ti. 'This wil bc graduation night andi the athletic awands wiil be presenieci. Mr. Artbun Winier, Oshawa, fermer prin- cipal, wll be guesi speaker. Mis. W. Brown, Mrs. John Nor- ris and Miro. Welr were ineed a committee to look afier the arrangements. Nextchild heslth clinle 'wll be Monday, Nov. 2ud, ai Cour- tice Clhurcb, 1.30 te 2.30. The first of the Euobres ta be heici this year wil be on Fnldey, l3th at the Norih Courtice Sehool at 8 p.m. Ev- ýeryone la welcone. Lunçh will b. served. Try and make tbis a oucoewstu eveutlng. At thxe close of thie meeting Mrs. 14. Adair and ber coin- mittce senrnd lunch. 20 long St. EMt Bowmanvilo In Magistrmte's Courti BARGAINS W. must sacrifice these to make room for eur trade-ins on new 1960 models. 1956 PLYMOUTH V-8 4-DR. Power Flite transmission, radio. Runs like new. 2-tone blue. 1956 PLYMOUTH 6-CYL, 4-DR. Radio, black and turquoise. Clean. 1955 PLYMOUTH 6-CYL., 2-DR. Suburban. Radio. New blue paint. 1954 FORD SEDAN. Green. 1954 PLYMOUTH 2-D& NeW blue. 1952 NASH RAMBLER Small mileage. Runs like new. 1950 OLDSMOBILE 6-CYL. SEDAN Radio andi signal lights. 2-tone green and black. Runs good. 1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN A very good running car. 1952 FARGO 1-TON PICK-UP Palm*e' Motor Sales CHRYSLER .PLYMOUTH - FARffO SIMCA -DEALERS Churcb worshipped wih St. Paul'a andi thein minister, thc Rcv. W. K. Houslander,' assist- e in theUicservice. In the inorning Mnî. Joblin atirreci the large gathering witb bis topic "The Whinling Wheels", taking as bis text Uic words o! the prophet Ezokiel "And liook andi beholci I saw a wheei, and Uic wheel. . " Thke speaker said many moni lik Eekelsaw a vision and in wnitingtg iec te descnibe it se that we o! the proseni ceulci reaci andc get moaning frein it. Rev. Joblin likened th e churcb o! todiay as a wheoL. The bub musi be Jesus Christ with thc people being the spo- kes. Ho saici the wheel wasaa signi o! progross but siresseci the fact that tlhe wbeel muai keep iurnng amootly, if a spoke beacomes loose or falla oui the wbeel becomea unlbal- anceci causing h te bunip. This can happen te the ehurch if wo do net do oun ahare and re- main active. Sorne people like te think they *are close te the h ub, but worldly ibings andi suffoning do net toucb Uiem. Aise citiciain o! Uic chturcb makes the wheel squeak, we muai-' work togetiher, in han- mony, keepinig the wheel ouled andi running smnooibly. W e cci, THE rM4»ADffl STATESMN. BOWMANVff= ONTAMO fmmý . ý ýà-im ob"i. 1 fixa c if -PACM lqmjb-&-bm MA 3-M"

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