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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1959, p. 7

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?RUESDAY, OCT. 2otb, 195S TEE CAKAD!AN STATESMAIf, BOWMANV1LLE, OPITAITO PAaU flEV~W Mr. and Mis. Orr Venning gratulations te Statcsnian Edi- visited ai Mr. and Mis. George toi, Emerities Dr. Gee. W Black's, Blackjstock, on Satur- James, who celebrated bis 73rd day. birthdiay on Wednesdlay (yes. M&W jean HcJnXçhil, itch- terday), and our best wishe ener, was a recent guest ao! for continued good hcalth anÉ her cousin, Mis. George W. many more future "Happ3 james.Birtbdays". Dr. and Mrs. Jam. nu~ is.Fian Thmp-es ailso celebratcd a weddiinf non and Mynle of Ashburn, On- anmiversany this montix. tarin, visited Mr. and Mis. Orr Cogratulations te Maste Venuing Sumday. James (Jimmime) Hughes, elde: Mr ad Ms. onad Ribbson of Mi. and Mis. Fred Mi. nested Mis.on BadetobHughes, Toronto, and grand. lft yesterahy oilBradenonson of Mis. George Pnitchard thelonida ere otheyil sen Town, who was advised this the inte menbs.week be had been awarded the ,J4s.ElioAnderson, Well- prize for the Highest Acadenic 1~nStreet, spent the week- Standing in Grade VIII. Jams eiiBeilevile visitingMi is now in Grade IX at Oak and Mîs. W. G. Andierson. Park Junior High Sehool, Toi- Mr. and Mis. Alvin Joncs, ente. Port Hope, were supper guests Mr. and Mis. George Pin- o! MT. and !Ms. Clifford Mack- gle, Ottawa, spenit the weekcnc lin andc Marlene Sunday even- with his sisters, Mms Sarn ing. Glanville and Mis Jack Glan- Mr.anid Mis. G. W. Fitchett, ville, Elgin Street. Mi. Pingle Susan andc Bert, Toronto, were is amrong tihe few, yes, thue very Saturday visitais with their !ew remaining employecs o: aunes, Misses Elizabeth and the Dominion Orgain and Piano Carrie Painton. Company before the turn of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Preston, the century, where he served accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. his apprenticeship as a piano Leo Goulah, motored toen- tuner. For over 35 years he ton Saturday, October 24th., opeiated a large anid success- where they attended the Peter- fui retail store for musical in- non-Thempson weclding. struments and electrical ap- Mr. and Mis. Wilbert Teeple plances, retiring a year ago. left tuis week for Iowa where Hec also was a member of the Mrs. Teeple is attendiing the city council for ten years anc Grand Chapter o! Iowa Ses- flow enjoys bis well deservec sions as'Grand Representatmve retirement. for Ontario Order o! The East- Mis. Jack Hately and Mis. arn Star. Pat *Yeo werc co-hostesses on A numnber of cousins who Wednesdiay, Ocet. 21st., whct Visitied with Mis. Cale and Miss thcy enteitained at Mms. Yeo's Stella Blackburn on Sunday home, 16 Southway Drive, in wcre Miss Elizabeth Knight, honour of Mis. Earl Luxton, Fenelon Falls, Mi. and Mis. nec Marlene Falls, a recesvt Harvey Hardy and is. Se- bride. Twenty-five fricnds and ward Dwsn on relatives were present when Re.dow so. e Jbin r. D. Wrigli, Mis. Hately O et.wan edMis. Fr e J onand Mis. YeO Piesented Mar- Mi. and Mis. Donald Williams, see a ta be id ourechirs Cburch Street, on Sunday. Rev. seabe waningor airsve Joblin was guest speaker et thée brdwaigalvy 125th Anniversary Services o!f osg orne n ht St. Paul's United Church. 'munis presen'tcd te bier carl. ieî in the cvening, expresse<I The following chlldren were ber thanks. Winners o! the received by fübe Sacramenst o! contests cnjoyed during the Baptism at the inorning ser- cvenling were, Mis. H. Murphy, vice at Trinity United Ohurch Mis. T. Cowan, Mis. Austin on Sunday, October 25tb, 1959, Stevens and Mis. Elmer Ali. 'With Rev. Wm.L K. Housiander dread. In charge o! the service.: Mr. and Mis. Ward- R. Ho!!- Daniel Franucis and David ma1n, son Waid Jr. and new John, sans of Mr. and !Mis. baby daughter Sally, Pennsyl- Ronald F. Allen; Danny Law. vania, spent the Weekend wit rence, son o! Mn. and Mis, hW Prent, Dr andMrs.Ronald Bîock; Patti lau, dau- bergep aren s, Dr.n i Mvis. ghiteî o! Mr.and Mis. Elton Gteo renW. JamePord Hoe. Brock; Sandra Gaifl, daughiter itc frend inPor Hoe. o! Mi. and Mis. Arthur E. Mi. and !Mms.Cbarley SY- Brooks;* Joel David, son of Mr. Mions ef Essex were guests a! aid Mis. Frank Burns; Lànda _mi. Harry Smith, Qucen St., Marie, daughter o! Mr.and Aduring thc weckend; Mis. Mis-. Willdam Edward Buttcry; /,.?Srnuith"s nephew and bis wife, Vicki Lilian, daugh t er of MT. and Mrs. Jack Symans of Mir. and Mis. Fred Cawle; Ken- Leanuington, wenc also week- neiih Ediwa.rd and Peter John, end guests. sons o! Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Mr. and Mis. Jack Jacques Hagerman; Laurie Gall, dau- mnd Deug, and Mr. and Mis. ghter o! Mr. and !Mms Lyle Reg Scotland, ail o! Toronto, Hooper; Donna Marie, daugh- were guests last Sunday a! Dr. ter o! Mr. and Mis. George and Mis. Keith Slemon. Miss Joncs; Carol Ann, daugheî o! Bey Jacques returned home Mr.anid Mrs. Robert Mitchell; witlu her parents after a week- Martin Fiedenick, son of Mri. end visit with Miss Virginia aid Mis. Maurice Preston,. Blenvxi. Mre. Percy Meekla, Fincîla Ont., has neturned home after Bperoding twe wctiks' holiday Bi@@a with her son, Mr. anid Mis. Clifford Macklin and Marlene, High, Street. Last Friday she D onors was thic iucky wimiien o! a 1ev- (Contlnued tram page one) ely cedar chettanid contents et thue Eastern Star Bazaar.. You will aise be told NOT WeekendTO SMOKE fron this point until Weeendguests with Mi. you have left the Community and Mis. George Thiasher, Centre. Smoking Imnuediately King Street East were Mis. afteî the donation is Uic worst Thiashers aunt, Mis. F. A. possible thing You can deanid Miller o! MinneaPOlis, Minn. will only tend te make you feel and ber son, Dr. Foil Miller faint. o! Pittsburg, Pa. Dr. Miller has just reccntly returncd Ater you bave finishcd your from lccturing in Switzerland Pop or juice You will be called and Ialy.by a Red Cross Nurse and pro- asic Itay. Iceed ta, the bed where yeu May we offer beartiest con- 1 give youî donation o! blood; a rTrinity United Church Minister-Rev. Wm. Y, Houslander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. 11 A.M. "Earlh Saielliies Declare the Glory of God" 12:10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7 P.M. - 'You Don'i Know the Haif of If" A FRJENDLY WELCOME TO AL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Stroet, Bowmavil MORNING SERVICE e-O@Wa.m. - Enfl EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. Duteh SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNIG SERVICE "Back To. God Hour" Broadc' ast CM..% Oshawa, at 3 p.M. evey SU""a 9:3& a.m.everySunday, CRBM Ebenezer"s Berean Class Celebrates 5Oth Birthday .0 - I.iEbenezer Church Ladies Ber- V. ean Class celebreted their 50th d annlversary on October 17th at s- g2:30 pan. in Uic chuîch. es On Octaber 17th, 1909 thc la- Lj dies in Uh ic nfed Bible class >YI decided te organize a class o! 1-,their own. They chose the name fg Benean, mcaning diligent stu- dent o! the Bible. Clasa pins .r weîe chosen, many o! which r ce woin by the charter mcm- ýbers on thc Golden Anniver- sary. The Berean class contin- -ucs te meet evciy Sundýay morning for Bible study and ionce every two rnonths te plan !the wark for ohurch and com- munity. A comniittec o! four, Mrs. k George Annis, Mis. ROSS -Pearce, Mis. Arthur Gay and Mis. W. R. Pickell seaiohed oui dmatter o! from, five te 10 n minutes, following which one L- o! the tnained nurses from aour lown Bowxnanvile Hospital wil Y escoit you ta the resting bcd >f whcre you will be. asked te nest for five minutes. SFollowing this yeu will be guided to another roarn where fyou will be provided with cof- fee or tea and biscuits. The whole procedure sbould only last a haîf-bour; and 30 >minutes frorn the time you 3enteîed the Lions Centre you eshould be on your way borne d happy te tbink that you bave d donated blood wbich will surely save a life in the future. fPlease came ta the clinic on Wednesday, Nov. 4th, if you are nbctwcen the ages o! 21 ta 65, ,and if you bave been free of s yellow joundice since you wr a year aid. iTbirty minutes o! your time utmay mean a whole lifetime for disomeone's child. n Ab Mavin, y Asst. Publicity Director, Bowmanville Chapten, Canadian Red Cross Society. P.S.-Foî infornmation tele- yphone any one o! the following: eBowrnanville - Don Marsden, [MA 3-3882; Ab Mavin, MArket CI3-3433. e Tyrone-Betty Spry, COlfax e3-2387. FOrono--Any anc o! Orone Red nCross Bianch. LHaydon-D. J. Cameron, COifax 3-2618. Newcastle-Helen Budell, 3551. Kînette Baoi (Continued from page one) turne, Gordon Sturrock as a j grndrnther; and Uic Most Or- ,igin1 i %&. and Mis. Boss Adanms fas a couple fîom, the Roaning Twenties. During the cvening a number o! pnizes wcîe alzo awarded for Lucky Spot Dance. The winners o! these prizes were unknawn because et tic time tbey weîe prescnted the dancers were still masked. The prises were donated by Jury and Lovell, Hoopcr's' Jewcllery and Gi! t Shop, Mason and Dale, and Ken's Men's Wear. A delicious luncn was seived. The committee in charge o! ar- rangements for the Masqucrade dance was headed by ?is. Gor- don Wilcox. Other members e! the comnuttee wcre Mis. Roy McMullen, Mis. Harry Colla- cutt, Mis. Arxt Hooper, and Mis. Fnankc (Sonny) Hooper. Durham Club I(Continued tram page one) Council Scholarship o! genen- eus proportions which will en- able hlm. te visit Ind-ia and Lstudy nieans o! aiding under- Ldevelaped countnies. lie chose as bis subject "The Colombe Plan",.lie demonstrat-. cd bis absoibing inteiest in the needls o! the people o! the Fan East whose standard of living is so fer below that o! Canada. lic sparked in the minds, of bis audience e kindred interest and an awareness o! the magnitude o! thec pîoblems which must be solved if conditions arc te be inipîoved. lie inspired us with a feeling o! pîlde In Canada which is giving e considerable amount o! aid te the solution o! these pioblems in Uic !orrn o! cquipment and technical as- sistance ithe building o! damis and roads. He pointed eut that Asiatic nd Afnican countries are in- clined te be suspicious o! such aid for fear it may leed te financial. or politicai domina- tion o! their country by thein benefactors. Thcy arc deter- mined to not retuin te a colon- ial status. For that reason Keith advised that Canada should ex- tend aid te Commonwealth countries wbere this fean would net show its ugly head. lie asserted that wc could and should 1. continue pump prim- ing by establishing systems o! communication and power de- velopment in these lands; 2. ne- lieve thc suf!cning o! the peo- pie by contiibutlng the excess grain crops o! oui prairies. Hie pomntcd eut that thc Dominion Govennent spcnds as much on storing andc subsldizing this produce as weuld transport it overseas and tiiat many Cana- dians would gain employnient; 3. meet tiese people without racial prejuice by scnding eut tchnical experts with a reaUly Christian attitude;, 4. encourage French Canadian universitica te, send leaders te newly-libei- ated French colonies nd 5. set such an example in tis pro- gramme as te make the Colom- bo Plan a wonld-wide organi- zation. He maintained that enough financWa aid te make an im- pression on the probleuns could b. secured if nations wouid re- duce their mWhtary axpendi- tu m 8"divan t theaMOout iJ t . old records to invite all mem- Sbers of the Berean class and they eLqo planned the Saturday programme. There were fifty- two original members, twenty- ifive of these are alive and were 1very interested in helping with the celebrations. Receiving the guests were four charter rneinbers, Mrs. Sami Vinson, Mrs. Herb Os- borne, Mrs. Chas. Found, Mrs. Arthur Gay, with Mirs. Blake Courtioe inviting ail guests to sign the guest book. President Mrs. H. Mackie chose for her opening the class verse: "And what doth the Lord require of thee, but ta do just- ly, and ta love mercy and tu walk humbly with thy Gzod?" Micah 6 :8. "Bless This House"l Eric Colwell Installed N.G. 1.O.O0F. Lodge The installation team from District 41 installed officers of Florence Nightingale Lodge No. 66, I.O.O.F., on Thursday, Octob- er 22nd in the local lodge hall. The new Noble Grand, Eric; ColweIl, was invested with the regalia of his office. The list o! officers appears under photo elsewhere in this issue. D.D.G.M. Donald W. Keeler conducted the uii-pressive cere- rnony, assisted by bis able staff, who were the recipients of mer- ited congratulations. A vote of thanks was tendered by D.D. G.M. Raymond Hutchinson, Dist- rict, 42, of the local lodge. Bro. Keeler, in bis reply, congrat- ulated the lodge on the calibre of officers and assured them o! every co-operation and assist- ance to help along a building project. He asked that special attention be given to reading by-laws and constitution. The newly-installed Noble Grand, Bro. Colwell, thanked the members for their trust in electing him. to the high office, and asked for the co-operation of everyone in the months ahead.i Past Grand's jewel was pre- sented to Bro. Everett Winacott on behaif o! the lodge by a friend and Brother for many years, Orville Bac, now resid- ing ini Seagrave, but still a mem- ber of the local lodge. It was announced that the Grand Master would pay bis official visit to District 42 on Nov. 30. saved to assist the Colombo Plan. He shocked us -out of our complacency by stating that In- dia bas 130,000,000 persans per- manently unemployed; that wihereas the average incarne in Canada per year is $1500, -in In-dia it is $67 or less; that 60 % o! the worlds population have not enough to eat; that 80 % o! the total population is illiterate and that among tbern ignorance o! the most elemented rules of hygiene causes untold deaths, and also arnang thein money lenders charge interest rates up to 200 %. The most encouraging feature o! this trernendous situation is that a young man with the mag- nificent qualities of mind and heart as shown by Mr. Spicer, is willing te devote bis fullest energies to trying to find a solution. This is a crusade which far exceeds i mmensity and depth any socia or educa- tional reforms of the past and is certainly in tune with AI- migbty God's desire and plan for His kingdorn In thanking Fred and Keith, Mr. P. J. Might quoted from the words of Jesus, in John 5 : 40, "1 arn corne that they might have life, and that tbey might have it more abundantly." He praised Fred, for bis mas- tery of the piano and for bis 'application to the practice ne- cessary for this mastery. He pointed that this was bringing a more abundant life to Fred and to ail those who were pri- vileged to hear him. Likewise, he sta.ed.tha Kueith was en-__ ThievesI Enter I (Continued from page one) On Monday night about 9:00 p.m. a sirnilar offence took place on the Taunton Road about 1 % miles west of the Scu- go g Road. Chie! Constable B. Kitney would like to point out that the cheapest insurance against this type of offence is to, leave a light burning when you leave the house . Y you *aie golngte bc away fera period of days, please notify the Police De- partment se that periodic checks of thie property inay b. made. At least Inave the key a your address whlle away wii* a neighbour in aider that you mxigt b. omztacted. 'v was beauti!u]ly rendcred by Mis. Clifaord Bundle o! Osh- awa, accompanied by Miss Ha- zel Rundile. Mis. Carl Down gave a very carefully prepared history o! the Berean clas, naming teaeh- ,ers and their memoirs o! the past years. Mis. George Annis as chair- waman, spoke a few words o! welcorne and then «called on Mis. Frank W. Rundie o! Oshu- awa, a charter member and un- tii 12 ycars ago a very faithfui member of thc class. Miés. Chas. Wight o! Bow- nuanville, was asked ta speak td thse Bereans as a charter ISoci'al & Ekersonal Phone MA 3-3303 i j Lt SALE r 1 at ail IDA DRUG STORES Prices Effective Nomday through Saturday, Octohr 26 Io 31 Refili your favourite bail point pens! Plastic "HANDYPACK" of 5 InkBALL PEN REFILLS Jast and last. Fit most standard bail point pens. Made in Canada. Minerai 011 On!y 29C I.DA. BRAND Halibut Liver 011 Capsules Reg. .2" 1.89 Reg. 1.15 89C Reg. 4.29 3,49 I.DA. BRAND COLD CREAM SQAP Available -in Pink or White. Contains Lanolin.' Regularly 2 for 29e ____ 2 for 23c 43c, 87c Idasl T bi t sI.D.A. Brand A.SA. Tablets for relief of 5 Idasi Ta letsheadcheand enerl pan -300's, reg. 89e 9 dmafI.D.A. rn xtato Malt & Cod Liver Oil638c19 Ida ait15% 3, 6 oz -reg. 79c, 1.29, 2.29 6 c, 8,16 BABHPATS Agan on sale at rock-bottom prices! RB PENCILS in Pliofilm bag. Handy size- fot too big, not toc, imal Pack of six. Ail aue medium Small -Mdu ar soit and have eraser tUp. Extra* Large ]Reg. 29e pack Regularly 25o A H 5 2For 39c _________ 150 CLOTHSLGYPP DODDYPINSIdeal for Hallowe'en parties 33c Choose from assortedC or "Ishli-ut", too. You get two 25c cards of pastel colours Z5 0c no aped. 753 pins at a saving of 17o 0 t el a 9 Black or Blonde MiIk of Magnesia 16, 32 o& re.O3cc 29c,49 Saccharin Tabi et s 'DAgrand,39c, 59c Wax Paper 10f.rl e.3le 28c 2 for 155C Floor Wax "HEATMASTER" HEATING, PAD A good quality pad at an extra-low price - Regularly 4.95 __- OnIy 3.9 5 I.D.A. BRAND "UTILITY" HOT WATER BOUTLE Regularly 15 "Truvac" VACUUM BOUTLE Regularly 98e 79c Alex. We Deliver 45C 2 forS89C ADULTS' FIRST QIJALTY Tooth Brushes Imperfections in the stamping of the handles only make it possible te offer these brushes at a fraction of their regular price. 9Ce each PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McG regor, Youi Local I.DA Drug Store Drugs Phone MA 3-579ý member and aise as she had been the flrst teacher of the newly formed class. Then the present teacher, Miss Ann Holt, spoke. Miss Hoît bas for many years had perfect attendance at Sunday behool. She was for niany years a very capable pie- sident o! Berean class. Mis. M. H. Staples of Orono a oharter member, and Miss Louise Osborne a present mern- ber, favoured with two lovely duets on the piano whicb they played together tbirty years ago. Mms Mackie called on Rev. Linstead and Rev. Yardley, two former pastors, te bîing their greetings te the guests. Letters were then read by secretary Mys. Keith Ormiston fromn four former ministers' wives. M%&s. R. A. Delve of ,Hamnilton, Mis. Olive H., Wash- ington, Sarnia, Mis. Clifford Smith o! Port Stanley and Mrs. L. M. Sornervile o! Thorndale. Mis. Harold Stainton delight- di DRUG Tasteless, odourless, heavy grade I.DA. Brand - 16, 40 oz., reg. 55c, 1.10 ID.A. Brand "EASI-GLOSS" One.pound tin - reg. 59e L«-bm!b-ft --* mý_--wpm - - ed the audience with a lovely Sunday School activities. solo. Mis. Ross Pearce reclted Throughout the tea soft mu- ane of! her many lovely recita- sic was heard froma the organ tiens. The organ was played by loft played ini tuins by Mrs. the present class planist Mis. Gien Piekeil and Mis. Eric Lloyd Down. Rev. Stainton pro- Courtice. nounced the benediction. At.the Sunday service at The tea room in charge of 10:30' a.m. on the 18th the la- Mrs. Elnier Down, Mis. Her- dies bad complete charge. Mis. ma~n Sweetman, Mis. Wm. Hen- Mackie greciously welcomed ry, was taste!uily decorated everyone te warship and te with autumn leaves, yeilow shane the wondcrful talk given 'munis, and yellow candles. The by Mis. M. C. Fisher of New- tea table was centred by a castie wbo spoke on "The tbree-tiered anniversary cake Cheers", and alse te be witli which was made and donated us te rededicate aur class te, by Miss Ann Hoît. the ideals and service those la. Guests were received te, the dies set out te de se rxiany tea roorn by Mis. Gea. Annis, years age. "They bave been Mis. H. M. Mackie and Mis. truly golden ycars as these 50 Archie Muir Jr. golden roses symbelize here ta- Pouring tea were Mis. Rus- day.' sel Gay and Mis. Horai>e Han- Regardless of what thie fu- cock, charter members. Mis. R. ture bolds fer the Ladies Ber-. E. Osborne, charter member, ean Class, we may be sure that very bhappily cut the cake aller what the Lord requires of us thanking the people who had will stil be accornplished if spoken se hlgbly o! the late we do justly, love mercy, and Mi. R. E. Osborne's part in the walk humbly with oui God. m TEu -tSDAT, OM. 29th, 1959 TM CANADM STATESSUN, BOWIL&NVILL?4 ONTAMO PAGE SEVM

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