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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1959, p. 9

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"RURSDAY, NOV. 5th, 1959 ff UA waubFWEMfl Auft.fl VnJM .ONTARIOPG NN Plan to Run Candidates President and Treasurer Resign from Rafepayers1 Due to Personal Reasonsla (Continued from page one) one receipt. The president saic ated total would be $345.50 and that he was sure a receipt must Darlington'a would be the be gîven legally, if somebody isaine. had not received one it was The coet of building tlie Dog prabably their cwn fault for Control Centre was $8,026.61 'not asking for a recelpt. and the truck cost $675, neI James Coyle put the question continued. Operation of the that if a dog runs across other Centre te the end af October peoples' property, is it legal was $1,152.87, a total expendi- for Mr. Hoskin ta catch the dog ture af $9,854.48 for titis year, onri*tis other property? Mr. lesa possible credits (Sept.- Oct. Hannan asserted "A dog cannot chureto Darlington ai $691). be picked up an any private T;5dleft the tentative net cost property. A lawn is private Itoý Oct. 31st at $9,163.48. The property and the Dag Catcher budget aflowed $5,000 for this cannot take a dog there un.iess projeot, so the net deficit flot the owner has telephoned and provided in the budget is $4,-. asked him to do so. He cannot 163.48. Mr. Hannan toid the even Jean over while standing meeting that the predicted ap- on a sidewaik and catch a dog. proximate cast for the Dag Cen- an arxy lawn with his long net." tre -is $4,200, a littie more than He claimed dogs can only be half a min picked up when they are on "Our maney spent for other sidewa Iks, roads or other pub- people's dogs. What are the lic praperty. duties af Dr. Wheatley? I think ToherÏe president of the h sthere just ta do away with BwavleRtepayers' Asso- a feW dogs, a couple af hali ciation aiso toid the meeting days' work a week, "Scatty that the executive h.as request- Nickerson remarked. Mr. Han- ed Town Council ta hold a pie- flan informed him that hein-bîscîte an the Industrial Cam- tended te make inquiries about mission at the caming Munici- Dr. Wheatley's duties. pal election. "lIt shouid be put "Where do the fines go?" Mrs. ta a vote af the people whether McNulty asked. "Is the milea ge or flot they want ta have an In- partly covered by the fines ai dustrial Commission," Mr. Han- $2 per dog picked up? How flan said. inany dags are taken up and Mrs. Jack McNulty, a mem- îhow many people pay $2?" Mr. ber af the executive, asked if Foran told her that the Town the industrial Commission or Council receives monthly re- the Industrial Commissianer Ports oni the matter. was meant. The president re- PArs. McNulty aise wantecl to plied: "The Industrial Commis- know if receipts are given on sion, without a commission payment ai the $2 fines. She there would be no commission- told of one persan who had er." raid she paid $2 on three separ- Request One More Doctor at. occasions without reeiving James Cayle spoke ai the re- i Attention... i DAIRYMEN Hamptonl Milling Co. is now Mixing and Handlmng a complete line of Swift's Dairy Concentrates t. mix with your own grains as well as.. Swift's Gro-Mor I4-6%. --Dairy Ratc-ion and Dry and Freshening Ration These Feeds are Ail Blended with Molasses by our new Molasses Mixer. DROP IN AND SEE JOHN BURROWS Hampton Milling Co. Phone CO 3-2221 Hampton, Ont Interested in a New Home? then make this comparison test and save 25% or more!I Question: Which of these fine- homes is custom-built? Answer: Neither. Each is a 8uperbly manufactured Home by Sunnibit. SUNNIBILT HOMES have- Ihat look ai Individuality. Choose from a wide selection for erec- lien on any shape or size ai lot. SUNNIBILT HOMES are stylet! for attractiveness, luxury andi efllciency ai space. They're arch- itect designed, planned for con- venient living, and availabie ini Brick Yeneer or Wood exteriors. SUNNIBILT HOMES are eca- nomical. Yen get 25% te 30% mare home per dollar than any coaveational ly built home. Pro- planning and pre-cutting elimin- aIe w4asle Bave construction Umne. You can furtýier cut costs by do- ing much ofi the work yourself if you wish, or by acting as your own cantractor dealing directly with sub-trades and niaking your awn price arrangements with themn. -X Convenient Credit Term.. 4C N.H.A. and V.L.A. approved. it 100 Mlle FREE dclivcr, ta site. .CGuaranteedcdrecion serice availablc. TIIERE'S A SUNNIBILT STRUCTURE TO SUIT EVIY PURPOSE ... Warehouses. WVorkshops, Service Stations, Schoolrooms, Storage Sheds, Motels, Cabins. noathow3es, IDancc, Halls. whefher you're ready to build now ... or just in the, planning stages ... you'Il be dollars ahead if vou Iy am mail this important coupon todayi CaMOM9 blrgese prefdal'<eor Of Homes~, Suunwr Couog sand Garages~ 1345 Duffri, Shoot T.voe., Ont. a LE. 3"587 -USE HIS eOU-O 'Writ e for FREE HOMEI ILITERATURE or send 25e forI Icoxnplete Home Catalogue. E ISumumerCotageCaftalogue <23c) E cGamp ca"alg.je(Ie>Q a 1aMe.. ......... BO * 1 d st y ls or n ýr Li 9 e e r s i ý t estigato the possibilities ailf tain-ing candidlates. If such ai Ma nmilee wre to apvach. 't n about be-coming a candi- ho te he would give the malter and side-ration, he said.. Val ho president was authorized; S appoint three niemben te' voli nm a conmmiltee te mci me-n. de ai o the association te stand Pa& council. Il was stateci that was Dwould ho necessarytla nove -Joh 1second the Ratepayen Aps- Jv iation's proposais in Town MnU nril . Mv. Coyie suggesled J. 1 ,an entire alate of candi. Em 1quest macde ta the Bewnian- Lville Medical Association by the Ratepayevs' Association that provision ho macle for more than one doctor te ho in town during the summer months and on weekends ta cave for the needs ai the people. Mns. Oke, the secretary said the-re haci net bee-n a wvilen' reply ta the roquest, but the Bawmanville Ratepayevs' Asso- ciation had been tld that the Medical Association wanted a1 more de-mnite statemont an the malter. Mr. Coyle reportec that bath Dr. H. B. Rundie and Dr. Stor - e-y had e-xpressed their willing- ness to sit clown wilh several representatives af the Bow- manville Rate-payers' Associa- tion te discuss common prab- le-ms and attemnpît tofmd solu- tions. The president promisec ta look m ttins. A report on the satisfactory fînancial stale-ment ai Me-mar- ial Mrena was given by Mr., Coyle, the representative ai thei Bowmanyille Rate-payevs' As-' sociation On the Ave-na Board. I Mr. Coyle is aise connectec with the Town Hockey League andi the Goodyear Hockey1 League. "This indicates the Are-na will have a ye-ar in the black instead oi the red," Mr. Hannan remarked. Town Einplayees Salaries The president re-ierred te ai letter sent by the Association la the Town Hall asking ifor- mation ve-garding the salaries ai Bowmanyille Municipal e- pioyees. Hoene-ad the foilowing information given i re-ply: Town Clerk, $6,000, Assessor,' $4,300; We-ifare Dire-day, $3,700 and 10 cents a mile for hils car; Police Chief, $5.000 andi $70 a month car allowance- WorksJ Superintendent, $5.000;, Works Foreman, $1.50 an heur; Dog Contrai Office-r, $3,000;, Assist- ant Dog Control Office-r, $1.15 an hour; Truck drivers, $1.40 an houri labourevs, $1.25 an hour; Garbage me-n, $59.40 ta $64-40 a week; Ce-metory Super- intendent, $3,500; Pvobationary Police Constables $3.200; 4th Class Coanstables, $3,400; 3rcl Ciass Constables, $3.600; 2nd Class Constables, $3.800; ist Class Constables, $4.000; Cor-j pOaa, $4.200; Sergeant, $4.500; office staff $42.50 te $55 a week;j Indusîvial Comnnissioner, $4,500, and $100 a month car allaw- ance-; Building Inspecter, $3r 100 and $65 car aliowance a inontdh, andi Re-crealion Direc-1 j ter, $4.500.1 Se-veral mombers questione-v the amount Oi meney spent an z the salary ai the Welf are Di- d rector andi the 10 cents mnile-age yi for his car. Mv. Foran pointec out that a certain portion oi m th maney spent on Relief is a recove-rable threugh Provincial b Government Grants. t] Mrs. Ne-Il Wilson, a member .' if the exe-culive, staled.: "I be- t] ieve the position ai Weifare Si Director was only ta ho a part tirre job. Saine-limes there are nly 14 an Relief here. Wh-ltIbyt E has a la-rger population andi ye-I fq th Tax Collecter theve leoks a ifter We-lf are." - I Tao Many polieel PArs. Oke remarked that she ai adi heard that one Policeman ýer 1,000 pe-ople was regardecd as usual. "«The Municipal Actn ;ys there may ho uone police-ti~ nan per 1,000," Prs. Wilson SI tated. PArs. Oke then asked P vhy Bawinanville has nune po. p] ce-me-n. v MAr. Fovan thon re-ad the Wol- lii are Director's Repoirt for Au- ox lust showing I-hal th'ere were S-1 ,7 people on Relief in July, two su tDplications we-re redoivec ine- ugUst, nane were accepted Ci id ernploymnent was founcifor e- wo. Six families were on Ro- je-l if that 'month, 12 Relief vo-l ipients were in Nursing Homes, se here we-re 372 indigent days. île me total cost ai Relie-f for Au-1 vi, ust was $1,479.17. This inelud-i dthe director's salary ai $308 le: r the month. Provincial sub- 1 or lies and chargebac<s provid-. in d $1,083.36 ai Ibis amoun, c aI the entire cast te ow- ianville was $703.81. Mr. Fo- n e-xplained tha.+he+irej-- dates be present by the associa-. I UE U mGoe mittee report at the next meet- 6-I e in o heasoitintebThree E tninProjects g6-8p held at Memorial Park Club- garet1 house on Sunday evening, Nov- Accunts amounting te $26,- have been vntute p e hrown embe 15h, rie teCounceil 420.39 were approved at the pare plans for the sewage treat- dis Nomination Day . November meeting of the Bowmanville 27th Pulic tiltie Comnisionment plant extension, the Scu- in, Mr. Hannan stated the execu- held recently ai the comis- gog and Mill Lane watermainStne tive were of the opinion that sion's office. This total includ- extension, and for the Easti The in the future probleins put for- ed Electrical Departinent ac- Beach watermain extension. executi, ward by members at general caunts ai $22,244.76, and ac- These 'projects were discuss- Mvs. 'W meetings should be in writing counts oi the Water and Sew- ed and it was pointed out that M- Vý and signed. If such probleins age Departinents aniounting te they wil be part ai the Win. conduci ýwere taken te Town Council $4,175.63, ail for the month af ter Work Incentive Program WOte ýthe member praposing them September. Il, was maved by Instructions were given to have lunch c should be present se that if W. Ross Strike, seconded by the consuiting engineers caui Briai counicil required addi4ional in- Milton J. Elliott. that the ac- for tenders for these undertak- be, Ly formation it could be suppled. ceunIs ho paid. This was car- ings when final approval froni oured aý Mr. Nickerson stated there ried. the variaus authorities is re- eral cot lias been a rumour that certain The manager, G. T. Van Brid- ceived. It was decided te re- ITLg. property in the neighbourhood ger, reported Ihat Proctor & quest tenders for bath cast iron PArs. H of Memorial Park, the V shap- Redfern, consulting engineers, and cement asbeslos pipe. hostesse ed land north ai the clubhouse-Mr.ani between Liberty and Ontarieoimade a Streets, is te be re-zoned £rom less fial residential te commercial, anoT ru k S rle e a d h peo ihat a service station or large A c de tA îev gas stora-ge tanks will ho plac- among ed there. "Thtis will not bower In BethU'iU7 ditihort my taxes, but will lower the on Satu value ai my property," he said. Michael James Harrington, a! Oshawa town line, there was given f( Mr. Foran told the meeting Bethany, had a fortunate escape another mater accident on Sat- whose1 he had inquired about titis ru- from injury ini a molor accident urday evening at 11.27 o'cbock . is an e nour. A mexnber of the Plan- onl Salurday afternoon, Oct 24. An unidentified driver emerg- afternoo ning Board said there is an ap- He was driving his 1954 Che- ec with his car suddenly from ceivedN plication for such re-zoning for vrolet pick-up truck on 7A a driveway forcing George Rab- Mrs. a service station, and it is te Highway a mile north of Beth- ert Trimble, 9%V King Street ghters be considered at the next meet- any when it was involved ini a West, Bowmanville, who was Howard ing ai the Planning Board collision with a 1950 GMC driving a 1953 Buick, ta swerve Miss whieh will be in about. a week1 truck. The latter was owned inte the path af another car. tice, wae and a half. by Almeda Farms, R. R. 2, The anconting car, a 1952 Che- Salurda Mv.Nikeso inuiedifBrampton, and driven by Nor- vrolet, driven by Donald James Mountjo: hi. was tesort inqprobleif man Ernest Smith. Stewart, 221 Highland Avenue, Ms wantec in writing. MU. Hannan Aiter striking the GMC truck, Oshawa, rolle over inte the guest of answered: "Not exactly. What the Harringlon vehicle went dilch following the collision. Luke, Ti we wanî in writing are argu- out ai contrai, and careened Damage ta bath vehicles writîng ments regarding property sur- across the highway. Il narrow- amaunted ta $1,000. Constable meclical 'eys, facts and figures repay- ly missed several parked cars Jin McDonald, OPP, inveslig- degree. ments that somebody thinksI and a huge elin tree, then slam- ated the accident. Mr.J should nat have been paid, or med int the residence of Bruce spent a:1 questions concerning sewers, Ryley, owner ai Ryley and home o tr instance." Sons, General Store. The ver- LLU.tlUJ. Stanley The president stated that he andah of the house was dam- Mr. Ri would see il he can -attend the aged consîderabiy. Michael Hurst and Jiminy was a wt Planning Board Meeting. Mr. There was approximately Jones received the offering at n~iece. IV Foran suggested that the tax- $650 damage ta Mr. Harring- the well-atlended Sunday Mr. ar payers of the neighbourhood be ton's truck. The.Ainieda Farms School. session on Sunday morxî- Susan, 1 iotifîed if re-zoning is in-tend- vehicle escaped with only $5.00-Mran damage. Constable P. C. Harle- ing-Albert; Wood, superinten- PAr. and Dd. Tihis is done in other towns, dent and Eleanar bonjy ,e contended, se that theyJ Maxwell, OPP, investigated Mountjey wlaeen coud igif whthr r et On Salurday evening at 10.15 pîaii . Bs' Clssooit awrence oul sgniywhthr r otthere was a collision at Trick- PArs. R..so aEsliîaIw1~d 1ey were i fvour ai such a ey's Corners on Highway 35 and the churcli service conducted ecl seve ýhange. the 3rd Concession ai Clarke. by the minister, Rev. Ronald tea hour, $17,000 Spent On Recreation A 1956 Ford awned and driven H. Love, W. L. TI "I want te make it clear that by Petrus C. DeWeyer, Lind- Next Sunday, November 8, tin Anr ve are net against the Recrea- say, and a 1957 GMC stake- the church Anniversary service amang tl on set-up. But up te $17,000 is' truck driven by Glen Henry will be held aI 10 a.m. when with ber ;ent an Recreation in a year Pollard, Streetsville, we-re in Miss liazel Rundle af Oshawa, llhompso iere. I know thal the Canadian the accident. There was $750 wil be guest soloisî. Thonipsa ýegion has danaled $450 to the damage ta the 1956 'Ford, andi The se-cto~r dinner was a plea- informatI ýecreation Commission this a $125 damage to the stake- sant e-vent ai Wednesday e-yen- 33 years rear. The-re are 450 playing truck. Constable Harle-Max- ing in the Lower Hall. The ta- abroad. ays in hockey, and the choral weil also invesligated this ac- bles, colourful with aulunin Thempsoi >ciely alse donates te Recrea- cident.- flowers and fruit, were laden witli mu. ion, we have heard. No re- on Highway Na. 2 near the wiîh a variety oi food that a tea. re-ation project is given away, Easlway Bowling Lanes, east crountry pet-luck dinner always Miss 1 ,et there must be approximate- seems ta provide. General y $20,000 and ,al ai this m7'.l?- chairman af the Sector Plan, nount is net spe-nI. There are TYRONE~j Bill Werry, expressed apprecia- uvenile delinquents over the tien te the Wom-ans Associa-. ge ai 16, but ne Picget or Ju- iev. Fred Jackson attendled tien ta Buttons flerists, and te 'emite Hockeyr Isn;ther H conference for Evange-lism in the Doubles Club who previded ntediae Hseb ey ornInteran- ammilton on Monmday. the meat. ie.it Ifsc i h ase sBwane The combined groups ai W.A. Rev. R .H. Love led In war- Ille.yfsh m iste cate te awill ho held aI the home ai ship. Aile-r addressing the ga- lace where full value for il Mrs. Aidmin Hoar, We-d., Nv hrig bify tegn-a net ecevec. Fndsmus beaI 8:15. Mrs. Chas. Naylor, Zion, chairman calleci on Derek Bar- rrongly placeci eomewfhere. I will be guest speaker. n-t rgaicara epe ruld like te know where this C.G.I.T. will me-et Thurs, sent the proposec plan for 1960. ione-y is going." -The meeting day night etl 7:30 i the Sun- Howard Farndale , visitatiôn ecided te have this matevin- day School reain. chairman, presented his teain estigated-. Thursday, Oclober 29, the caplains, Walter Davis, John FOR The pre-sident, Mr. Hannan, Exploremn helci their second Francis, Ross Lee, Orval Sel- ide some laudalory cone-nsecedition in the forin ai a lick and Harold Werry, Grant ate prsscovorage that had Hallowe'en Party, ailer theOP' adGlovnSrecer, chatiran, e-n givon te the meetings ai endng exercises the minutes caimAvn pecer, malriafls teBowmanville Ratepayers' were re-ad and epproved. The sc hathen e-adi sa brief ssociation. He thon explained Roll OaU 'for, next week 's50 hat te plnre dnlo, n cfw iL he had a faveur te ask. He "What; we were for Hallow- "~w plan te do , , ndhwh we a dd that many people de net e'e-n", gaines anmd lunch weve pat do il and hmpew eplanh :e ta cee the-ir naines ithe enjoyed. la do it w om m e-ecn io th iper i co'nne-ction with opin- The appie picking In tis teplay com ie n mtion Cy71 is they have e-xpressed, or area has been cmltdwt the cengregation, andi suggest-. testions they have asked, at a wonde-ful crap, ions frein the floor woro receiv- meeting af the Bewmanville Tyrone Ladies conducteci thoe-ci for the betterment ai the 'A. The publication ai names Wership Service aI the W.M.S. function of the local church. this conne-ction tendec te Presbyle-rial at E e ne ze r, The Comn-unity Club spon- rot-tle discussion, ho pointec thoso artenmding were Mrs. J. sored a Hallowe'en party aI the Breome, PArs. F. Jackson, Mvs. Coinnunity Centre on Saluvday Mr. Hannan then asked Boryl R. Wright, Mirs. J. Cook, PArs. evening. Prizos wero awarded uhes, the Canadian. States- A. Hanilton anid Misà Grace ta pre-schoolers, Mary-Ellen ani reporter, if in covering fu- Smith. __________________ 'e meetings she would le-ave Sunday visiters o! Mr. andi eh naines ouI ini the newspa- PArs. G. Alidread were Mr. and x account. PArs. Hughes ex- Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Part Cre- miec that as the Bawman- dit; Mr. andi Mvs. J. Welsh and [e RPA meetings were pub- family, Bowmaniviile. À À 3. Macolm Emerson, TIiurs- The Onitaria Tank Regiment One owner. In exce F. Banquet aI Oshawa, Mrs. Har- mnday visilors et Malcolm 1 dy and Ge-rry visitec her sis- erson's we-ce Mr. and Mrs. ter, Mrs. Ace Abbott andi also . ce WiIhe-rly and SIe-phon, visiteci Pr. and PArs. Robert 1958 iCnev. ueluxe S~edan ity, Mv. andi Prs. Ecigar PAower's, Oshawa. eon anci beys, Don Milîs. PArs. Francis Hart anci dau- 6 6-cyL with standard transmissig r. and Mm-. Vic Malcolmn ghter's, Collin.gwood, were gue- 2-tone paint, wýhite wail tirci ec Mv. and Mrs. Lloyd sts at the home ai Mr. andi Mrs. One owner car. te-r Sunday e-venlng. H. Philp andi Miss Je-an Philp. r. Faste-r Veal, Detrait; Mv. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beck- PArs. Bil Wallace, visitecle-Il, Mv. Ed, Ke-ys, Oshawa; Mr. ~ C e oc amnd PArs. Chas. Faillas and and PArs. L. Alldreaci and Max- 194 hv. oac Hooey an Sunday. me, Tyrone; Mr. Dawson Beck- In good shape, no rust. r. andi Mrs. Art Pe-arce, e-lt and family, Maple Grave, Clean inside and out 'ville, visiteciMr. and Mrs. visitec the home oi Mr. O. LSaniels. Beckett, Sunday. Peedy recovery to Gwen A splendid Ha'ilowe'en Par- colin ln Bowmarrviile Has- ty was held at the school on 1;Miss Claire Weheli wii Friday aiternoon, tItis wee-k. acapable aid ta, Laurence Pour student teachevs, Jacquel- fanily during Gwen's con- ine DeI Guidice, Marcelle Sau- cence. viol, Lynn Huner, Hilare Har- RYw ives ai the late Mvs. Mau- Cellego are altending our scho- r 3ailey of Blackstack, who ai and slaying with Mvs. E., ls oie - Ce ed away lest weekend and Murphy andi Mr. anci Walter inlterreci Ponday iSt. Rahin. "s Angican oemetery. Mr. and MPrs. Gabriel Kayac, M M L E Cer siters witii Dr. Bowles and Mrs. Sophie Kovac, Long SaulI, Mackie wore Mv. and PArs. Mr. and Mis. Sici Martin, Osh- P oeM 4 Irown, Oshawa amd Edgar awa, 4e-re guests of Mr. andi son and foeily. à&. S. Gable. r Reglnald Davis and joylng ber new baby brotMia Rosnak. Shirley Stinson Dale Bertwin, born to parente obby MacDonald won the MAr. and Mrs. Murray ?àoufl mr prize. In the 8-10 joy on October 17, at Odhwi Douglas Wilbur, Mar- General H~ospital. Maidinan and Ann Glo- Mr and Mms J. K. Glove: ere winners; 10-15 Years. and son Stephen, Strathroy 'iWilbur, John Davis; were weekend guests of M Mr. and Mrs. Ted Maid- and Mrs. j. Glover.' (twin babies> and Mrs. Mr. and Mms W. Snowdel yOgle received Prizes. and sons were ainong recer event was arranged by visitors with Mns. James Pen ive members, Mr. and gelly, and Mmlly. King City. f. Woodward, Mr. and Mfr. an Mrs. T. C. Sniillie V. Rosnak. Gaines were Toronto, were Sunday dinne: ted by Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mr& Harolc Davis. Dancing and Werry. coinpleted the evening. Mrs. R. Wray of Cedar Creel aLee and his bride-to- was a weekend guest of Mr rnda Farrow, were hon- and Mmrs Gerald Stinson. Rt a dinner party for sev- .iPles on Thursday even- rs. Laurence Allen and Memorial Hospital Farold Werry were co- es at the former's home. d MAs. Ronald Werry Weekly Report apresentation af stain- itware to the feted cou- For the week of Oct. 26 tc behalf of the guests. Nov. 1 inclusive: ýw Kedron friends were Admissions - 5 guests at the Port Cre- ]Births-3 mae, 4 female - 1 Le of Mrs, G. E. Farrow urday afternoon at a tea Discerges 6 for her daughter Lynda, Major operations 1 marriage te Bran Lee Minor operations - l vent of next Saturday Em er ge c r a m n s - 1 on. PArs. R. E . Lee re- gnytetnna -1 ,vith the bride's mnother. Visiting hours 2:30 to 4*30 Grant Glover and dau- p.m. and 7:00 to 8:30 p. visited Mr. and Mrs. ____________ 1Malcolmn, Brougham. M augiu Beverley Burgess, Cour- A PIT1i as an overnight guest on B . LNRA AR lr with Miss Eleanor 0y. Jeanie Werry was a )f Mr. and PArs. Bert Coronto, last week, while examin-ations for her laboratory technologist Jesse Arnott, London, few days recently at the ... of his daughter, Mrs - Ogle. ýeid Dickie of Nestieton weekend visitor with his ~~~~ Mrs. Gerald Stinson. nd Mrs. P. Veitch and L~ondon, were guests of 1Mrs. M. Walter for a ~ ' dvisit. MAr. and Mrs. e Allen, NewcastlIe, inner guests. Grant Lewis entertain- ýra1 neighbours at th r, on Friday when MrTauTes$ lke a doeon 7honipson, from the La- Whon covered with merioan Mission was ourwm.p. içh «eonm the guests. On furlough ,r husband, Rev. W. L. on, in Toronto, PArs. tion about their life for in Latin America and W2e1? A gifted planist, Mrs. on kindly entertained M .35 4 asical numbers prior to Diane Mountjoy Io en--_________ ICLOTHES THAT.. Look Relier Wear Beller èSend Them t. liffcrest Clean ers ING ST. K BOWMANVILLE PHONRE MA 3-7061 for PICKUP AND DELI VERT LORNE MLQUARRIE, Prop. 1956 Chevrolef Coach Locally owned car. Like new. Very dlean inside and eut. rn which to choose LL 2-TON STAKE nmplete motor job. i-TON PICK-UP elient condition. -l'1954 Chevrolet Sedan ion Clean, ini A-1 condition. M 1953 Duick SpeciaI Sedan Dynaflow transmission, custom radio. 1952 Chevrolef Sedan Complet. body repair and paint job. NICHOLS 1.1 Trucks CuITE Phono NA 3-3022 er I. er fc . ;5 7 '~ r '~ "M CAMAnTAM WrAqw-QUAW udumg à wvm v m à%,&Im à .

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