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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1959, p. 10

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U'A~E TKI~ TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, OUTARIO Four -Durham Teams ln 4 - H Competitions At Guelph- Last Week Two huudred and sixty-eight teains represcntmng 11,438 4-H- Agicultural Project members toek part at the Annual Cern- petition lu Guelph on Fniday, October 23nd. Young people taking part lu this competi- tion lad te complete their own 4-H Club Pnoject iu whioh they were< taklug part satisfactonily at home and iu addition were asked te judge four classes o! livestock and aflswer questions based ou 4-H Club work in One low premniumn protects ail your possessions with the JL-NEW PLAN For more information, eaUl yrour Acadia Agent today 1 STUART B. JAMES INSURANCEC King St. E. Offie PhoneIM REAL ESTATE Bowmanvite Residence MA 3-5493 general and the specifie project in which they were a member. Four teains were present at the» competition £rom Durham County representing the Dur- hamn 4-H Dairy Calf. Club, Dur- ham 4-H Swine Club, Durham 4-H Grain Club and the Dur- ham 4-H Tractor Maintenance Club. The largest competition of the day was the Dairy Competi- tion with 87 teams taking part. The high team in the competi- tion was from Peel County, whiie Durham Team placed sixth. The neinbers were Har- old Yellowlees, Enniskillen and Lorne Tlnk , Hampton, R. R. No. 1. In the Swine Competi- tion, the winning team was Lambton while Durham Coun- ty placedi fourth. The teain members in this competition for Durham were Donald Welsh and Grant Glaspeil of Bowman- ville. The Durham County Grain Team consisting of Marie Kent, Newcastle R. R. No. 2 and Bruce Stainton, Bowmanville placed fifth in corupetition with thirty-one teams while Well-1 ington was the winner in that compgtition. In the Tracter Maintenance Club the winning team was the Belleville Collegiate 4-H Club Team, while the Durham Coun'- ty boys beiag. Fred Hoskiu of Port Hope and Loran Pascoe of Bowmauville placedi twenty- seventh. The Durham County grouP was under the direction of Glen Larmer, Durham County 4-H Swine Clu1 Leader and A. O. Daîrymple,ý Agricultural Re- presentative, Durham County. MORRISHI The unity of tAxe church members of Welconxe Charge has been fully demondtrated during past few weeks when Anniversary an>d Thand-offer- ing Sundays were kept. On each Sunday friends joined with frieuds lu worshiP and thanksgivin4g and again were present at supper, bazaars and other social events mn conneet- ion with these special Sundays. We of the church at Morrish are indeed rateful to Our many Retai lors may obtain suppli6s by calling SMITH BEVERAGES LTD. 3-5530 Church St., Bowmanville ALuthorized bottiers for Schwej>pes products ln Bowmauville area Free!1 Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every urchase of gas at Vigor Oil SERVICE STATION Under New Management - Don Guitard, Prop. Assisted by "Chick" Richards of Bowmanville "We Specialize in Personal Service» CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone CO 3-2631 Double Slamp Day Every Tuesday - Corne Out and Seo Our Display ot Gifts Comploe Lubrication at a Reasonable Fric. ASK ABOUT OURSPECIAL PRICE ON TIRES STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITIY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDATS Port Hope who camne to almwe'Mic ne.I's Hi & S aud njoy eut tUme o! Thanèr- 7%e recent Turkey S;uper H ur Insurance was a big succesa lu every way - a bountiful home cooked The regular meeting of Mit- couxitryside supper servedi piping hot to chefl's Corners Home andl taken duri over 200 guests is somethingte Schooi Association was held home in 'E be proud o! servedi by atten- recently with Mns. Willam Ne- by Mr. -Ali tive young ladies congentai mis proilding. Mri. Arthur It wasd company and a Penicct fali day * Peeling read* the minutes of the would be1 ail conitibuting to makO tAis luit meeting and Mns. Harry ing, Nov. event worthwhile- we thank Dyler gave the trea.surer's re- Thompson you ail. port. gle as Cc We are sorry to report Mrs. TUr. C. Dudley was present Mxs. Gill Dawson Beebe lied the isfor- at the meeting to explain andi attendence tune te slip and faîl at home answer questions eoxcerning lu-I month cf breaking an arm whieh as we surance for school clildren. Refreshm pensoixelly know can be very Mrs. Michi painful for severai long weekî. Movlug pictures of Engllsh commitjee. We sympattuze with her lu ts noadaccident. E rc Mr. Ne an Ms JsseScuitherpe at Egg rod cesentative o p th oe relatives and fri- Duncan CI ends o! the latbe Mrs. Staples ngave a spl andbi. esse euthv t ustR egister ue mo on iersdnso! Welcome gof the a and blorrish. Tbey were weli Canaciisu egg proclucers were o! Spode knowu te many in eaoh com- warned today by thxe Agricul- ginning. munity. It is with sorrow we turai Stabilization Board that DiunerwmN record their passing.- they wlll flot be lnU lne for de- duced int Mrs. John Egas was honour- fîciency payments that may be from the ed by a large number o! Dutch made uniess they are officiai- first manu friends who galtheredi at thxe l registered. by two bri home ou Su.nday to offer birth- spkannfi cBodednyd day wiÈýhes to their friend. As spkm.an frdn theBaons crs todg is the custom lu Holland it was admn ggrigstiosesogu "Open House" ail day, flower.i &cross the country are report- mule. This andgifs wre reentd b th ig producers' marketings, but been hupri fandl giter etresniei>ytAethat inany o! the producers years. £amlyaftr etunig'rom have ne -registration number Josiah church service at Cobourg. We and therefore cannot be iuclud- Icedi to t, add ou.r good wîshes te the ed for participation in the fed- the trade number. ea rc upr rga. wt m MTs. D. Haines is a patient ee rc upr rgan ihW in Peter'borough Civic Hospital This program, whloh repla- pottery yai awaiting surgicaî treatmnt- ces the policy of direct pur- Copeland we extend our best wishes and chases o! eggs by the Board, from thte hop fo a peey rcovry. went into effeet October 1. 'tah Spode hpe or weedy rcaoquiet aI An egg producer may be elh- papers linj farall'owe', en was a quiet -gible for a deficiency paynxent from whhc fai atMoris, ter wee jston Grade A Large and Grade famous cl a !ew grotesquely dressedi cail- A Extra Large eggs up to a made. AUl ers, mosty aduits, the chldren 1maximum o! 4,000 dozen lu eue done and were conspicuous by their ab- ier firiugs are sence. No doulit thc diamp, dark To qualify for any paymients evening added te the hazards that may be miade, every owncr of highway traffic, keeping cf a flock must be rcgistcred many indoors -ad the registration number During the week there were must lie shown on each ship- severai Hallowc'en parties for mient of eggs te the grading children te enjoy. This fine cus- station. tom is spreading andi is se Producer-graders marketing muc i better than children eggs produced frein their own wandening arcund at night es- flocks direct to retail outiets pecially in thc èountry where for te-sale te consumers should there arc !ew if any lights fer similarly use registration nuin- guidiance. bers. Regular Churcli Service will Ail registered egg grading ibe resumed on November 8 at stations have a supply o! regis- 10 a.m. Sundiay School follew- tration application cards. in~g at il a.m. Rally Day Ser- vice wil lie held in Sundey School on Sunday. November Nesleton Station 15 h a 1a.m. ir. Farmers Looking for Two Singers The Junior Farmers met lest Wednesday evening in Orono. The meeting was opened with a sing song led by Jim Cryder- man and Helen Ku.,ox. The minutes o! the previous meeting and of the executive meeting were read. We discuss- ed gettixxg up a ladieâ, trio or a mixed quartette for the Junior Farmers' Conference in Janu- ary. We have yet to find a soprano and a bass singer who is interested. The report on ticket sales proved that sev- eral books have been soldi ai- ready - The club was dlvlded Into five groups and the programme was panel discussions. The var- ied topics ranged from "Dcci a city girl make a good farmer's wife" to "Is a grade ten educa- tion sufficient for a farmer". .The panel members showed that a lot of consideration had been put on these topiez es they argued bark and forth. The Blue Teain led lu some games while the Yellow Teamn prepared lunch. The next meeting wiil be In the form o! an oratorical conu- test so letsa sec everyone out. MANVERS STATION Mrs. Laaïra Horner took sud- denly ill, on Tuesday and was removedi to Civic Hospital, Pc- terborough, where she stayed for treatment untli Saturday when she returned to heri home. We ail wlsh her a speedy recovery. Mr. Archie Galbraithx, Tor- onto, spenit the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Duncan Gai- braith. We attended Pontypooi An- 1 uiversary service on Sun>day night.. The church was well fil- edi to hear a very fine sermon by the student assistant, Mr. Jas. Sommerville. A choir of local men assisted lu the ser- vice of song, witlh M.rs. Lily Richardson at the organ. The new niater on 'the avr circuit, Rev. Wm. Duff moved inMo the parsonage et Bethany, assisted at the service. We lied the pleasure of meeting Miss Mlary Webb of Toronto, Mr. Duff's fiance. Mrs. M. Baakerville and Miss Leatha Montroy, Toronto, were Saturday visitors and Mr. and Mrs. J. McKnighgt, Miii- brook, were Sunday dininer guests with Mr. ar4 dMns. W. N. Porter. Sunday guests of Miss Eve- lyn English at Miss Ruth Pro- utts' were* Mrs. Florence Stin- son, Marguerite aud Arnold cf Toronito. Visitons wlth Mr. and Mrn. Jas. Rarris on Friday wene his two sisters and a brother, Mns. F. Pollard and Ms. T. M. Ni- col of Madoc andi Mr. and Mrs. Findlay Harris o! Belleville.1 Mliss Dorothy Harris, Toronto, spenit thxe wcekend with her parents. Mrs. N. C. TvDrlow spent a few denys with Mr. and Mrs. 1F. Symons anid girls at Bow- 1mauville. Friends trust Mrs. Marlowezjoys,,<imprqved hea- ltLh. Mr. and bMs. Lionel Me- Eeown, Bruce sud Allen cf Moue Mual visitedi Mr. andi Mns. Bruce Hcaslip. Mn. and Mrs. John Grmndel and Pcrry moved. reccntly te, Ajax to ive. Arthxur Hulbert moved Sat- urdey imue his cabin trailer as a permarvent home. Mr. and Mvis. B. R. Kuiglit movedi on Moinday frSm Ar- thur Hylaud's house te An ap- artment in Port Perry. Mxi. Heaslip and Mns. G. Fonder on behalf o! thxe village prescnted them. with a purse of money as a parting gift. Msrs. S. MeOe bas gonàe te an apartment iu Oshawa. for the winter ndariMs. J. MeCal- den left Tuesday for the east Coast. To ail of tAes. friende whe have lc!t our midst thxe com- munity extends heartiest wish- es for good health andi congen- lai friencds in new surround- Ings. Mrs. Grant Thompson and Mns. W. H. Jolinston spent Wedncsday li Markhanx with the Jas. Johixiton femlly. Miss Gwen Wilson and Mis. H.. Sameils wene weekenid vis- Iliors audiMn. and Mss. Herman Rodmian Little Bnitain, and Norman Lyous o! Uxbridge, wcre Sundey guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Ceeul Wilson. Visitors wlth Mr. andi Mis. EUi Mairs were: Mr. andi Mss. Bud Virtue, Barry andi Donna of Bownxanville andi Mr. aud Mrs. Ivan Main and MJinile o! Erindale. Sundây vi sitors wlth the Grant Thcmpson's were Mr. G. Camipbll Robli o! Omemee, Roy Armstrong o! Graven- hurst aud 'Mr. and Mms John SIemoný Eniikllen. Mr. and Mns. T. G., Lang- !eld lefi Menday morning for Tempe, Fiorida, where they wlll speud the wintcr. A most succeseful, varlety supper was hcld lu the Pres- bytenlan Chureh on Fnlday ev- enlng. Mr. Karr, Assistant te the Bell Telepixone manager o! Oshawa preseutedi intenestxxg coloured mevies axnd Misses Cheryl andi Elaine Metcai!e aud David Hedge, pupils o! Mis. Lloyd Beacock, preseuteri pleasiug vocal, organ and pia- ne accordian mu.sic during thxe prograin. Sympathy luAsextenderi te thie family and frieudu of Mxi. Fred Balley whoie funeral was held tcday with interment I the Anglican cemeteMy Black- stock. Mr. and Mms Ernst erron, conducted the mornxiig anixi- versary service ini St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Mr. G. Campbell Rcbb o! Peterbor- oughi supplied on the Beityduff, Nestleton charge. silode Evening A most hxterestlng evening was held in Forrester'a Hall, Nestieton, on Tuesday, Oct. 27ht under thxe auspices o! Neqeo WomWens Instltute. Mr.MDavison, Presidetit of *. WLlatroduoeà tAie apek- Club Details ls and farmlands ring his trip to his Englanid were shown bert Eddie. decided a card party held Saturday even- 7 with Mr. Allan Land Mr. Oscar Pin- ochai.rnen. 1bank's class won the e banner for the October. ments were served by hael Nemiaz and her rat, Eastern Repre- of the Copeland and hina Company who l1endid talk with col- :vies on the making irliest of pottery and China froru its be- mare was flot Intro- t> Europe until '1700 Orient. Pottery was Lfactured in Holland others who employ- ceaf and dumb work- iard their secret for- Iby the way has not roved on in aU these Spode was apprent- the ibrothers, Iearned Sand in partnership i. Copeland began a ard in England. Wm. was a Tea Importer East Iad;ies and Jos- asaved the patterned ffing the tea chests [h some of the most china patterns were *processes are hond as many as seven enýecessary with two to three week's time requiredi to produoe a plate. A plate in~ each stage of the process of manufacture was exhibited asI were also beautiful samples of porcelain and bone china pla- tes. The pattern chosen by Princess Martaret was shown, anotther plate which was 115 years old and one which sold for $500.00 per dozen. Ail pn- ces were marked and place settings priced. There is no control over the quality of bone china but the aniount of bone in the finished product gives the quality. The more iboue the harder the plate is to shape and most operations are done by hand. Machines cau be used iu manufacturIng cheaper dinnerware. It was iii- teresting to learu that Spodie patterns are- neyer dlscontmn- ued, any part or separate piece may be replaced, three pleces were made recently to com- plete a 94-year old set for a customer. Mr. and Mrs. Rickaby o! Bow'manvllle diona t ed four 4eautiful china pieces as lucky ticket prizes whlch were won by Mrs. T. Graham, Mrs. H. Crawford, Mrs. W. H. John- NqONET AVAMLA1LE POUt NO RT GAG£ S RALPH S. JONES Barrister and Solleitor 130 King St. E.- Oshawa RA 8-OZ46 THUBSDAY, NOV. Sth ISU19 utoei and Mis. M. Fisher. A most tInvited to look ovr the beautie hearty thank-you was'extended fui saznples and enjoy cooki« to Mr. Neat for th.e very in- j and coffee served by the lisUtà teresting evening and ail were tute memnbers. Here's the best ln heatingcomfort RiÈD RADEMARKED FAMOUS READING ANITH RACITE 'Y@u coin b. sur* you amreftln the. world's fines# hard coil Rememberthere As .conomny in quollty. Asýw- for ft toclayli STOVE -NUT -PEA .BRIQUETS FILL YOUR COAL BIN NGW PREPARE FOR CGLD WEATHER AHEAD! STEPHEN FUELS PHONE MA 3-5410 Office et C.N.R. Yards DOION toc wen ousbo a yozrFribodli derful aucimt ctf iasty food Idem. la give Yomr paly tihe special bu" you want. Check the W i parly triatu 41 dglà, .. hop ai ycut neiqbcurbood DOMINION for dozna cf ciher auge gehtion&. Touilb. amazeti how qiSclI your parly Iai of -îhloge in gef wWl becompleted .. . cdelght.d ver the dis. covery "bt ycu Cul Food Ccoli ke 41 e>. Biscuit Feature Lusclous Tomato Flavour Montmagny Fiesta 2 Mb. pkg. Aylmer Fancy. 20 oz. fin Assorted Biscuits 59c Tomato Juice 2 for 29C Country Lae Apple Juice Buy One-Get One Free Ai reattEen Lquid Detrgn Both8e for89 48 o&. tin 10 Economical - Aveileble Only et Dominion Domino 2 oz. jar 6 oz. jar 8 oz. jeî Instant Coffee 3 3c 8 5c 99c Monarch - Lemon, Chocolete, Raisin Sponge Puddings Sliced - White - 24 oz. lbe! Richmello Bread 18c St. Williams Pie Ready - 20oZ. tin Apple Pie Filling 19c EACH 19C Pride of New Orleans Fancy, Shrimp 3 for 1.00 Allsweet - Regular Margarine 1 M. b.pkgs. 2 for 5.5C Devon Brand - Rindiesa Caldwell's BACON pk. 5 9 C IWENERS pk. 39c Ontario - No. 1 - SmaIl, Cooking A Treat to Bat ONIONS 1 b. -39yc BIIbsfo2« I9C Values effective li Bowmanville until closing time Saturday, November 7th, 1959 DOMINION STORES LIMITE») Ail merchandise sold et your Dominion Store Limited la unconditionally guaranteed to giye 100% satisfaction - (i i J E 1' MW IIM CAIqADL« STATESUM, BOWIL&NVILLlr4 01ÇTAPbM rAols TER

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