?HT7R1~AYNOV.l2th,1959T CAMADIAN STATEMMAN. BOWMANVIL&E ONTABIO Lions View Demonstrafion In Lii em-Saving Equipmenf NEWCASTLE -- The regular and it was decided Lion Bren- anical oxygen Unit and tI meeting of the Newcastle Liails ton should announce at each tronic Ventilade an ele Club was held on Thursdaymetn th itsewl b machine which matche. theniNewcnsthe Cionunity hall rnaking before the club meet.s electronie impulses of th th 28Newbters amnd thll again and eaUl for volunteers mnan body working on th~ itr28 memorn the dMilrok club to attend with him. It was an- phrarn and rnaking ther itor -fom te Mllbook lubnouced he istict ovenorbreathe 18 Wo 20 times pei lIn attendance. Following the nouncd vstthe Dsctbov ebrnorute. delicicus turkey dinner served wId vsth ndthe ubonebaru- HesithPckrn by members of the St. George'saiy8tan thZoeCir HesitePikig Evening Branch, Lion President mani on' January 7th. A new ship Police had one of Cha. Mgi prsied ora mstmember, Lion Fred Bridson, machines and had save( Cha. Mgitpreide fo a ostwas ntated into the club by lives in the first year of interesting and informative Lion Ken Stephenson and Lion ation. Both- were drownin meeting. Lion Ernie Srnith reported Bih' Storks was presented with tims. The cost of thism about 150 chiidren had been en- a 100 percent attendance pin. equipped with a converi tertained at the annual Hal- Lion Dick Lovekin, intro- be used on 6 or 12 volt 1 Iowe'en Party and that the duced the guest speaker of the ies is $840 and the Oxyge: evening had cost the club $46. evening, Mi-. C. C. (Cam) Har. $400. There was some discussion with ris of the Wilson and Cousins Four mnembers celel regard to members accomrpany-1 ce., rmakers of Firefighting birthdays at this meeting, ing the District Deputy Gov- Equipment, who spoke on, and Maurice Pedwell, Jimn ernor Lion Brenton Rickard on! demonstrated the use of thej (CN[R), Brenton Riekard his official visits Wo other clubs' Stephenson Minute Man mec h- Ernie Smith. MM - B.eaver St. S., Newcastle, Ont., 'he VaNovember 7, 1959. ~eV- Mr. Gordon Agnew, ectrical Newcastle Independent. s the' Dear Sur, he u-1 In the Newcastle section of ie dia-,jthe "Statesrnan' vou published patient a letter from, Mrs. S. J. Brere- r Minl- ton deploring the foct that there was suoh a poor attendance of Tow.n- ex-servicemen at the receni Ethese church parade. She calîs it a ýd two problem, and most problems foper- can be solved by a little ng vie. thought, s0 I ask her not Wo be achine too harsh on the men who did toi- to J not go, and remember that those batter-i who were absent are either toc nr Unit, infi-m, or flot being regular church goers, do not feel justi- ertdified in going just when there brtdis a parade. Lions' I arn speaking for the older Porterd veterans, but this rnay also ap- Iadply to the men o! the more i-e- -cent wars, and partially explain r o1 why there was such a dearth W iof local men. Mrs. Brereton's charge of "gi-oas indifference" la hardly warranted. Le- The service in the Commun- ity Hall on November llth is a 'enagel different moatter in that it is non-denominational and per- .'hon.. ..,O nll haveo,,. o e Mi-. and Mu-s. Reg. LeGreslay andt Mrs. P. F. LeGresley visited in Peterborough on Sudy Mbrs. LeGresiey Su., stayadfoc two weeks visit with her broth- er Archdeacon C. W. Balfour and Mrs. Balfour. Mx-s. Addie Tink and Mu-s. Perey Dewell o! Hampton visit- eï ast weak with Mu-s. Fred Couch Si-. and famîly. Mr-. and Mrs. C. J. Agnaw and daughters Carol and Kathie o! Port Coiborne were weakend visitors with Mu. and Mrs. Gor- don Agnew. NEWCASTLE- The Newcas- the Comniunity Bowling Alleys g0V away Vo a good start on Fi- day evening when the Reeve of the village, D. J. Cunningham eut the ribbon and rolled the fifst bail before an enthusiastic crowd o! prospective bowlers. The Reeve in declaring the aileys open said "IV is a great honour to open the Commrunity Bowling Alley and I amn sure t will be a source of enjoyment to all who corne to take advan- tage of it". He commended the commnittee on a job well done. He then cut the ribbon to officially open the alley and bowled the first bail, whioh in- Newcastle Sand & Gravel Pit Run or Crushed GRAVEL - STONE LOAM Phone Newcastle 3136 Newcastla residents raspE ed splendidly Vo the Blood I ors Clinic in Bowmanville wexek. Local representativa! the Bowmanvilleè and Disi Red Cross Society were r pleased with the response the clinie. Mr-. Percy Hare li charge of the blood don wbile Mu-s. Heu-b Gibson is Newcastle representative on Red Cross Loan Cupboard. Editoi's Note In the pl on page one o! lasV we Statesman, the young lady bc er was Marilyn Baskerville, Marilyn Cobbledick as stati last to was iors, the the hoto 'k's )wl- noV ed. cidentally went into the guttar. With the officiai opening ceramonies eut a! the way, citi- zens oîd and young ried thai- skil a ths dean and healthful rerain se new Va this com- munity and the alleys have bean filled Vo capacity aveu- since. The ladies' bigh score on opaning night was i-oed by Mrs. R. B. Riekard with a score of 197; while the Ganta' high score îvas i-oed by Brion Rowe wit.h 239. Winners of the Lucky Draw prizes were: Ladies, Donna Fer- guson, bowling shoas: Mu-s. Fioi-- ence Tilîson, Morian West and Betty Lees, cologne and free gamas. Men-Roger Goodwin, bowl- ing shoas; Ronnia Goode, Bil !old; Percy Hare, four f rea gamas-. Merrill Brown, four fi-ce games; Wallace Couch, dry claaning voucher. League Sehedule. Commencin.g Monday, Nov. 16t. the fellowing schedule will coma into affect: Monday-7 Wo 9, Ladies Even- ing Bowling League. Tuesday-7 ta il, Men's Bowling League. Wednesday - 2 Vo 4 Ladies' MUNICIPAL ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Village of Newcastle will be held in the Community Hall, Newcastle FR1., NOV. 27 1959, at the heur of 7:30 o'clock p.m. for nomination of candidates for the office of Ree've and four Counc- illors for the ensuing year, three members of the Board of Education and one member of the Hydro Electric Commission for two years for the Corpora- tion of the Village of Newcastle, in conformity with provisions of the Municipal Laws of the Province of Qntario. If more than the necessary number of Candidates are nominated (and a poil is required) the proceedings wiil b. adjourned until MON., DEC. 7 1959, when a poli wili be opened at 9:00 o'ciock in the Inorning and continue until 6 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day and ne longer, in each Poliing Sub-Division of the Village of Newcastle. And that at said Nomination Meeting Mrs. Nettie Butler, Village Clerk, shall be the Returning Officer. 0f whlch ail persons ane required to take notice and goveru themseives accordingly. MRS. NETTIE BUTLER, Clerk of the Corporation of Newcastle. I Afternoon Lea gue and 7 No. 9 League. Friday-7 te 11, Mixec gue. Saturday - 2 to 5, Te League. The alleys will be fI- open bowling Saturday 7 to 11, Monday 9 to il, nesday, 9 to 11, and Thu from 7 Vo 9 and two 1anes 9 to 11. Names of the teams bc~ Gordon Agnew, Ediior Phone 3621 -ee for froin Wed- Lrsday ýfi-cm will be posted in the bowling alîcys. Couples Club Open Meeting Veiws Films NEWCASTLE - An open meeting o! the Mari-y Maried Couples' Club was hald ln thej Sunday Sohool auditorim e the United Chuu-ch on WeFaes- day, Novembar 4th, whnM- Frank Hoar octed as chairman fou- the evening. nhe Rev. M. C. Fisher intro- duced the Rev. A. C. Moore- house and Mr-. Edmnond deFay cf the staff of the Berkley Stu- dio, Board of Information and Stewardship of the United Chureh o! Canada in Toronto. A worship service tape recorded in Africa in which 1%&. Moore- house had led the singlng was presented and the gathering joined in the singing of the hymns in English, whie the ape-recorded voices cf the Africans were singing it in their native language. The Rev. Mr. Moorehouse In- troduced two short films, "Where Trails Meet", and "A Lufe For Gueve" which deait with African life. Another col- oured film which had been pro- duced in Angola, West Portu- guese, Africa, last year was introduced and shown. It was entitled "I'11 Sing, Not Ca-y". Mi-. deFay operated the projec- toi- for the showing cf the films. Following the showing of the films a discussion period was conducted by Mr. Mloorehouse and the meeting closed with the sei-ving o! light refi-eshments by the cornmittee in charge to ahl who wished to stay for the social hotu-. No NHL Teams From Village For' This Year NEWCASTL-At its meet- ing hait on November- Si- the Newcastle Recreation Commnit- tee decidad against entei-ing Vams in the Little N.H.L. this winter due Vo hock o! coachas and tha small number o! boys la the varlous aga gxoups. The cammittea autborized the Ai-ana Chair-mon, Fred Coucb, ta puoceed with aitarations ant radacou-ating the ai-ana ant Oc- cepted thc tender o! Al!. Gray as ai-ana cai-etakai- and ice-mak- ai- for the coming winteu-. IV was decidadtot charge local eams $8.00 par houx- for the !ce with a charge o! $10.00 peu- bour for outsida teanis. Tha minai- hockey league and child- ran's figura skaters are given frac imeat Vthe rink. Prices for skating were'set 0V 35 cents for adulta and 15 cents for childi-an with a charge o! 10 cents being made fou- spectators duxing skating houx-s. Farniiy skating tickets will ba mode avoulable Vking in mothar and father and ail eblîdren 16 years ont under. Sam Buereton ont Tracy Emb- iey wau-e appointadtVo look after the registration o! boys wishlng te play in the minou- hockey league. MOKET AVAILAULE FOI NORTGAGES RALPE S. JoncS Darrister and S.Ultoe 130 King St. E. Oshawa lA 8-6246 ,Social anad fersonal 01 Di 1 ýs ;tl m ýhi ýe 01 1 te, Lshowing then. Let's hope so. Youu-s slncerely, r Mr-. H. Cutier Newcastle, Ont.. November 6, 1959. To the Editai- Newcastle Independent. IDeor Mr-. Agnew: I have read with much inter- est the latter submitted Vo you ton concerning the lack o! en- thusiasm--or should I say lack o! intauest-shown by the vet- erans o! Newcastle in the racant service o! remembu-ance at the Anglican Ohuu-ch. 0Vwhich. 50 faw o! aur local men took part that I have a natural constu-aint Wo add some commenta o! my own on this subject if space is available in the next issue o! the "Statesman". W-hile agreaing with her ln ineny respects, it does seem to me that this state o! affairs has aiways axisted heu-e and, were it noV fou- Vhe efforts o! the Bowmonville Bu-ancb o! the Legica Vo assist la any way possible Wo dispal the feeling of apathy that has been so n- ticeabie o! laVe years, then it is possible these annual parades will gu-adualîy be dispansed with. In years gone by I used to take great pride in pau-ading Vo church services with my own Legion Branoh inlaToi-entou-r attend the occasional Warriou-s' Day Pou-ode, but now, I do feel (as I amn sure others do) that tibose o! us who ai-e cier, and for whom the flight o! Vimne can neve- be turned back, au-e flot quite sa capable o! stepping it eut at soy 120 or 140 paces par minute aiongside some ofi the youngai- veVarans and thase suu-ely ai-e the onea who should step into the gap vacated by those men cf former years wha, almost overlookad now, carried eut their duty lnao maxnaer sec- ond Vo none. While I do think that a churah rernamb-ance service Is a splendid thing each year at this time and I arn alla favour o! titis means o! reverent ex- pression o! oui- tboughts for those who have suf!ered the ravages o! war and Vo those in oui- midst whe have lovad ones rasting naw li peaca in well eau-ad fou- cemetaries la Flan- ders Fields, IValy, ci- aisewhera. Heweveu- I do think it is unfair Vo say--.as Mu-s. Brereton bas done-or aven suggest, th-at ab- sence fi-cm a church service o! th-is description could mean that one has so littie ta rerneinber and I cannot think it was meant this way. Many o! us do have un- pleasant memories o! the past that we carry with us from ane yaar ta anather and na end o! church '3èu-vices con serve ta refu-esh oui- minds concerning the most vivid of these tu-agie happenings. I think it must be agreed that those who went Vhrough actual combat dutiesj in front lune positions la both wars have the most bitter ex- pariences Vo bring ta mind such 1 as non-combat men con neveu- visualize and thesa ara the ones who have the lcast Vo u-emind tham o! the hou-iors o! wau-. Fou-! instance, Vo remînd me o! the brutality of the Huns o! the' Kaisei-'s Ar-my, 1 have oniy Va look aV the mark laft on my right leg put thera by a blow with a rifle butt by one brought up on rio calied Gai-mon "Kul- tui-" as it was known 45 years ago and this incident perpetra- tad by a prison guard well 1 schooled la Prussianismn, caru-ied out for no othar reasan thon the fact that baing almost in a stata o! coilapse after 10 leours o! bard labour with pick and shovel, I dai-ad te sneak a* rest ta st-aighten my back. In- cidentally, toc, this happened at the notou-ious prison camp o! Witenburg and the wielder o! tha attack bad Vhe inscription, on bis baît buckle-as they al id-"GoVt MVt Uns" or "God; Nith Us". Oh yes! Wa have things that con neve- be erased from aur memories and this is but one mai-e iýolated caose, theu-e are many, many moi-e. The boy o! !7-he gave his age as -19 Vo ensure anlistmant 15 oz. s tins 15 OZ. tins s 20 oz. s tins 3 8 oz. pkgs.A 3insoz.$1 15 oz. 8 tins 10 eo. Westinghouse - 25 - 40 - 60 Watt Light Bulbs -6- for Aluminum - Save 16e Wrop 4 25 I IGA roiW a rolls $1 $1 $1 BOWMANVILLE IGA ]Bowmanviile, Ont. !Aii grocery prices effective from Nov. l2th to Zlst while they hast. Ahi other prices effective Nov. 12, 13, 14. only WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES BURSTING fWITII JCY FLAVOUR Sunkist Oranges Dozen 3 Size 1383 Tender, Fresh Flavour -.UUS. No. 1 Brusses Sprouts lb.45c 21/ to 3 lb. average - Grade "A" Pre-dressed FRYING or ROASTI NGc CHICKEN29C Royal Guest 1-l. Pure Park Sausages ALL$ 1-lb. Table Rite Wieneru F I 1-lh. Table ale DologuaFO TOMS' IGA MARKET Nfewcaulo, Ont. i p a I lpuchase It for tihem. Ite Pire Oapt., Jula Bezublak, Doug. WRMarshall's Department has been 'Jose, Jm tpesn ihr C Ia K eSe ks present pumper and it was Bob Brown, Capt., Aileen De- thought this would be the mcost With, Lînda Roberts, Ricky economnical way ta take care of1 Pearce, Don Colwihl and Betiy The new Provincial Police and Ardele Pickei-ing, Alfie Al!- F r o d 'n r ve ne t Contract for polic1ng the village dread, David isnTom For oad Im p ove ent was accepted Vo corne into foi-ce Simnpson, Donna Ferguson and _____________________the fi-st of January. Detief Suchan. No. 6 Ben Dick- inson, Capt., Jackie Garrod, NEWCASTLE--Deputyý Reeve A letter was received fi-cm Paul McCullough, Wayne Flin- on the f ive step when by morn- Earl Walkey of Clar-ke Twp.,: thePublic School Board urging I tof!, Steve Barchard and Rob- ing our puttees would be frozen addi-essed the Newcastle village the council Vo do something ert Hagerman. to oui- legs and boot laces frozen council on loda evenî ng about the stray dogs in the vil -_________ stiff. With all due apologies to seeking their support for a pe- lage. IV stated they ai-e a men- the empranc fok w wer tiionthe Clar-ke council has ace Vo the children. The clerk the Tsmprance lfokte swen-reion and pi-esented Vo the was instructed tW write Vo the NorthN iestleion fui of rurn Vo give us a little Depatment o! Highways. -IV board explaining thaý the i-e- -feeling o! warnitl and this was seeks assistance in împroving, signation o! the dog catcher had Mrs. Malcolm Emerson wae oui- first morning ration afteri the Lakeshiore Road from New- been accepted in September mn attendance at W.I. conven- stand down. Sa in the final castle Vo Port Hope. Mr-. Walk- pi-ovlding the books and equip- tien in Toronto this past week analysis I can say Vo M-s. Bre- ey said the representatives of ment were rethrned ta the for three deys. reowhose courage in br- Township council had visited counili and he had been rioti- Soi-iy Vo report Mra. Ivv f eo, uig the Hope Township coundil and fied to this effect, Council ha Hooey is back in Port Perry -n thi c m ter forwyaudiato he was laying the plan before1 yet ta ueceive them sa council Hospital again. Hope she is bse comendedtamyrandmIran the Newcastle council for their i is unable Vo appoint another soon feeling much better. assure her and all concerned consideration. man. Mr-. and Mrs. Norman Mal- tthat my own absence from these With the building of highway Hiring of a new clerk was eolm, Tonte, visited MrI- and àannual evenits is net caused by 401, residents in the area be- le!t over for the 19650 council. Mrs. Chas. Fouls, Sunday. sany indifference or lack o!fi-e- tween Port Hope and Newcas.. It was feIt it was too laVe in Mr-. and Mi-s. Malcolm, Eçier. *membrance o! those tragie and tIe have few access i-oads ta the year for present council Vo son visited Mi-. and Mx-s. Frank~ neyer Vo be forgotten years. For the new highway and hie con-_Tftake a change. A letter fro!m Emerson and girls in Peter- me now it la rather a case of tended a good road between the Sceol Board requesti g ac- borough on Sunday. difficult home conditions for Newcastle and Port Hope was tien on the openin-g of the new Mi-. and Mrs. Ken Samells which over the yeax-s incx-easing needed and Government assist- street south of the school and and Anna, Mu-. and Mrs. Mel- r sacrifices nust be made foi- an- ance was given vei-bally at a receiving the deed Vo the pr- ville Sameils and girls, Osh- other's comfoi-t for which I joint meeting o! the Clar-ke andjperty north o! the scheol. The awa, visîted Mr. and hl.m. Ai-t feel sure Mi-s. Brereton under- Newcastle councils before the village solicitor said the trans- Pearce at Oakville. *stands es I know others do. road closing Îhearing. Newcas- fer was in pi-ocessa between him M.adMs ap alr There are always those whose Vle owns the connecting Iink in and Mr. Strike. Mlori and JMi.R Mr.h ade ability foi- understanding diffi- this road and councillors show- Mi-s. Wîlfred Williams weu-c culties o! others it lacking, but ed keen interest in the pi-opa-g Saturcl.ay evening dinner guests Lthese are in the minority and sal. Councillor Rickard propos- Teen Bo icers o! Mr. and Mx-s. Robei-t Sadler L hey ai-e usually too engrossed ed a joint meeting o! the Roads ~ I and Vivian, Bowmanville. in their own self importance committees of the three muni- Miss Joyce Hooey visited and conceit and have littie time cipalities with a Dept. o! High-k~r 'f- dn- Gloria an~d Janice Sadlei- on ta relax and give thought Vo ways engineex-. The matter was 8R'...*LJ o J Ir Sunday. the matters I have brought for- left over for fuxther considera- ij Mr-. ald Mrs. Ralph Sadier ward. To sumn up then, let us tion when Clai-ke bas heard Nove ber 1. visited Mi-. Earl Bi-own, New- have a continuance of constant fromn the Dept. of Highways. t' onbrook, on Sunday. reminders o! the futility o! war Chie! Fr-ank Milieu- and AI- NEWCASTLE - The teenage *Mrs. Grant Campbell and as a means o! settling interna- bei-t Naylou o!f the local volun- bowling league bas been or- famidly visited heu- parents Mi-. tional disputes and this suriely eer Fire Dept. addi-essed catun- ganized and wil commence andi Mrs. Steward, Tor-onto. can be helped along by oui- cil on a proposai put fox-word playing on Satux-day, November Miss Virginia Maekie spexil church leaders and others. Un- by the members o! the Depart- 14th with bowling fi-rn 2 Vo 5 the weekend with her granit- til we dispel that feeling. o! ha- ý ent Vo ake care o! the over- p.m. Teenagers wishing Vo join mother Mx-s. Mackie and Dr. oui-an fellw eu n kn for nid*ad on the village fi-e Vtruck, the league or any o! those llsted Bowles. wurongs, p e ormd c ed-acfd recommended the purchase below who wish ta drap should Mu-s. Annile Meckie with bier i. bol! ton truck Vo carry the contact Sharon Hanccck before son Deug Mackie visited Mi-. ver corne Vo oui- hearts oi- tO auxiliary fire-!ighting 1 equip- Monday, November 16. The en- and Mi-s. E. Brown and ether the worid. 'ment. T he motter was duscussed france fee for the teenage relations in Oshowa on Frlday. In conclusion, Mi-. Editor,, I a some îength and a motion league la $ 1.50 which will be Mr. and Mrs. V. Malcolnm lowig etha eroacondlyor_ a passed authorizing Vhe fire used for the bowling banquet spent an enjoyabie Sunday ev- vluable me a nd sachlng me committee Vo investigote the' and awards at the end o! the ening- listening te a sermon vauae teuan hafrithms truck li question -and Va pur- season. by thei- former pastor, Rev. latter. For yourself an d M e sasm a e o We- Teaam No. 1, Nancy Stephen-CarceFrso atBck Agnew, mysel! and family sen~d $10 son, captain, andi Fay Rudmnan, sokAnvrayadlVri you oui- best wishes and hope Fi-amen 'had axplined if the Scottie Rudell, Don Rudmian, thie evaning with Mr-. and Mrs. Yeu will continue well. council would pux-chasa Vhe James Rickard and John Brid- Heu-b Swain and !riendÉ. truck, they would paint and son. No. 2, Sharon Hancock, Mr-. antd Mrs. Malcolm Emer- SincereIy youi-s, f ix it up, ald the i-cave said if Capt., and Sandra Cobbladick, scn attensled the funeral on Jesse A. Allen, the fireman weu-e willing Vo Danny Harr-is, Jon Fisher, Monday of their laVe cousin, North Street, give of thair time Vo put the Douglas Gibson and Gary Me- Jack Coulter* o! Millbi-ook, Newcastle. tr-uck into shape, council should Cullough. No. 3, Larry Pearce, Ontar-io. Itewcasle KETC UP 320 oz$1 KETCHUP bottleý IGA Choice - Soa 17e Re eve Rolls First Bail To Open New Alleys ln Comm unit y Hall 9. -g 4, id k r 'y 01 Di 1 ýS ;tl m ýhi ýe 01 1 te, PEA CHES Stokely Cream Style - Save 16e CORN Sunrype Choice - Save 24e Apple Juice Canadian . Slices Kraft Cheese Solid White - Fancy - Save 5c -Saico Tuna-- Save 16c IGA Choice Peas A ylmer - Save 25c Tromato SOUDu 6 7 TRURMAT, Nov. 12th, 1059 Save 24e IGA Wax- Paper 4 A $ Iish or Beef - Save 16c York Stw - - 4tinszs Yorlc Ste 15tios. Robin Hood - White, Choc, or Ginger - Save 24c Cake Mixes - 4'p] i«&-s 1 PAGE ILZTM