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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1959, p. 13

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?EmRSDAY, NOV. 12th, 1959 TECNDA TTSA~ OMNILOTUOP'ETITE week's paper, sao keep Saturday I Nov. 28th open. en s Team Standings lm Men-Major Bowling - Tcam W L Pts l 81Janzen ___ Dr. Keith "Slip" Siemnon had! 111, Murray Tighell5. IR. Oke ____ games of 238, 248, 310 for a 796 Bill Oliver's low triple of 395 R. McKnight_-___ 'total ta win the high triple prize. went ail the way to win the O3borne __ Sr the night. Slip is having one booby prize. Murray Tighe wzis B. Oke ----- hi, best years ta date an dia close second 404, Keith Sha ck- D. MeKnight aés taken aveu top spot in the leton 418 and Ted Miller 432. Perfect ____ averages with a respectable 247. Frank Samis' team set the Gay- Jimn Castle a newcomer to high 3 game total for the seast,'l' re Bown-tanville, gave Dr. Slemon 3542. Their single game of 1317 Halirnan a neal battie for high 3 games. was high for the night. SautAs Jixn bowled 789 made up of 201, Alley Chatter Drobbns - 294,294 Itloos th wa Catle The officiai opening of Liber- i8 bowling that he will be a big ty Bowl will take place on Sat- BaLesll asset ta aur league. urday, Nov. 28th and Manager Lsi Seven other bawlers made George Flliott is working hard Piper the 700 brackct. Elton Brock ta make the opening a success. Averages came Up with 779 for his beSti The masking units in front Of Namie Gam( effort aif te season, Reg Hearle the pins are in place. The foul Dr. K. Siernon 9 754, AI Osbore 746. Old reli- line is operating and we un- able Pete Dobbins 719, Dcputy derstand ncarly ail leagues are Pete Dobbins 9 ]Reeve Jack Brough 716, Jack going ta abide bytht icedAI 0Orborne 9-__ Parker 704 and Roly Coonthes îight. We really believe this will Bud MvoseS ----I 702. help everyone to improve his' Dr.ip.ru-nd-----e ---I Reg Rearle and Dr. Slemon game. AbePierl---- 9 werelte only bowlers to have Arrangements are being made Reg Hale ------ ---9 a 300 game, bath finished with, to have one of the top men's im ast Ki .-.------9 31(. team from the major league in.JakD arMknigt- -- _9 The low bowlers again cap!- Toronto ta take part in the Jack Parok r9 tured the limelight with some grand openin.g. BoxvmanvileEto Boc----- weak - bowling, George iGen. ill be sending te best fro -n Ted ]3aginell -------9 eral"' Joncs had the winning our league to bowl against them. Ed s lie - -..9 low score, 94. Captain Hauik Many people will be on hand MorLlie ----------on __9 Janzcn had 96, Bill Oliver 198, ta take part in the cerernoni ýs olvVnte 9 Jack Munday and Bruce Milne and the executive of Liberýy Clarerce Olre----- - 8 ________________________Bowl Ltd., are exe p tin g a large rtEle9 Igturnout. Si Trewîn9 s AU D V I More details will be in next Hn1 Palmer ---- 9 01]EF REE Lm- -______Frciik Willbams ---- 9 SF- OR W-FAIv ---K&l------- - 9 RELIE PC R -Frrk LWins-----9 E-T ïFA T ELI F OR Jhn Ford -------------7 0 4 24-Hour Service Phone MA 3-5410 Interested in a New Home? then make this comparison test and save 25%,or more! Question: Which of these fine homes is custom-built? Answer: Neithier. Each is a superbly maîîufactured Homne by Sunnibilt. SUNNIBILT HOMES fiave that look of lndividuality. Choose from a wide selectioîî for erec- tion on any shape or size of lot. SUNNIBILT HOMES are styled for attractiveness, luxury and eticiency af space. They're arch- itect designed, planned for con- venieut living, and available mn Brick Veneer or Wood exteriors. SUNNIBILT HOMES are eco- nomical. You get 255, to 30%" more home per dollar than any conventional Iy built honme. Pre- planning and pre-cubting eliiiiin- ate waste, save construction time.* Homes, Summer Cottages and CÇarages.1 peulFAS PUtODUI5LIS. 1345 Dufkerin Street Toronto, Ont. - LE. 3-8587 W.luINlyS , PuM. - S& ~I 4 Pu. Yoti can further eut costs by do- ing niuch of the work yourself if you wish, or by actintg as your own. contractor dealing directly with sub-trades and makir<g your own price arrangements with them. -W Con,,enient Credit Temns. -X N.H.A. anid V.L.A. approveci. -W 100 mile FREE delivcv Io ste. -W C.uaantccd erection service availablc. IHIREMI A SUNNIBILT STRUCIURE TO SUIT EVERY PURPOS ... Warehouss Workshops, Service Stations, Schoolrooms, Storage Sheds, Mtels. Cabins, Bothouses, Dance laULs. IWrite for FREE NOIMEl ILITERATURE or send 25e forI Icomplete Home Catalogue. E ISummer Cottage Catalogue (25c) E IGarage Caalogue( Free) INfme .................................. I ... ............d........................i îCity......................7-. . I... .................. B..13 -2 - JFrrl Lowle ---- ------- Jolin Stainton --------- 9 Jauk Brough i 9 Russ tialiman 9 Don Gilhooley .----- 9 George Stephens 9 Morley Etcher------- 9 Cuth McDonald----9 Mel Dale --------- 9 Harry Snowden - --6 Russ Laite -------9 Frank Samis 9 Bill Westlakc 9 Jack Gay -9 Bob Martyn 9 6 6 6 ries 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5' 475 5241 623 623 81 247 241 2'3 2218 227 227 213, 216 211 213 219 213 212 211 209 209 2047 204 206 203 2034J 203 202 203 i 202- 201r 200 Recreation Revi ews Beginners' Skating Class A beginners skating class for children eight years old and un- der will be sponsoredr by the Recreation Department in co- operation with members of the Bowmanville Skating Club. Classes wil be held every Monday afternoon from 3:00 ta 5:00 p.m. The classes will be hcld for approximately 20 weeks starting on Monday, Nov- ember 23rd. The cosb for the skating class wil be $2.00 for the complete season. If you are interested in hav- ing your child take this class please register at the Recrea- tion Office or by calling Mr. Aif. Samelîs, MA 3-3454. Parents are invited to bning their pre-schoolers down at 3:00 p.m. Supervisors will be on hand from 3:30 p.m. on and will also help instruet the children with their skatingr if needed. Girls' BWoombal If you are bebwecn the ages of 9 ta 14 inclusive and inter- ested in playing broombal please register at the Recrea- tion Office in the Lions Coin- munity Centre before next Thursday, November 19th. The games will be played on Mondays from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. and there is no charge for ne- gistering for this activity. The only equipment requircd is an ordinary house broom and skates. Sweaters will be sup- . lied bv the Recreation Depart-. I ntroducing Jack Hughes of CTC - - --- - - -- - - - - - .... . .. Above is pictured Jack Hughes of thaq »âles staff of Dcal Canadian Tire Associate Store. See Ja* f.>- 11 your kating and hockey equipment. They carry mà complete re of boys' and girls' hockey and figure skates. Teenage BowlingI Last week it was reportcd that the boys might be well- advised ta pick Up a few point- ers from one of the girls. May- be the young fellows did take some pointers, or perhaps they didn't appreciate taing a back seat ta the girls. Anyway, Law- ell Highfield roiled 296, 214 and 273 to rack up a tremendous 783 triple. Highfield's 296 effort also led the single parade, fol- lowed by Jim Moorcraft 256, Jim McKnight 249, John Carter 231, Dave Mann 230, Tommy Callan 228 and 201, Tom Mason 223 and Mike Charles with g00 and 205. Meanwhile, the girls were well below par, Linda Brook- ing's 480 total was the highest, followed closely by Jean Ther- tell 479, Helen Vanstone 477, Virginia Brown 477, Brenda Oke 475 and Connie Osmond 467. Virginia Brown and Linda Brooking were bath over 200 wîth scores of 213 and 208, res- pe'ctively.- Highfield's exce&ient -b1owling helped 'his team into fîrst place, by virtue of a 7-0 shutout aver Larry Piper's cellar-dwcllers. Jim Moorcraft's team slipped inb a second place tic with BROWN'S Brown's H. & S. Club held Iheir anmual Hailowc'en party on Friday night, October 30bth. Many and varied were bte costumes that adde4 ta the fun of thc evcmng.' ment. The three jud<ges Miss Ber- The basic idea ai the gamne is bta Cain, Mns. M. Sherwin,, Or- the saine as hockey but with ano, and aur local Mr. McWil- rnuoh less body contact and a liams had. a dlifficult task so, bail is used insteaýd of a puck. well werc the different char. Childnens' Craft Classes acters portrayed. Mr. Murray There are still some vacan- Payne did a fine job at thc dies for anyone inberested in piano for the marohingi atbending the Childrens' Craft Prizes weue won by bte fol- Classes held cvery Saturday, lowing: 5 and under girl, Susan morning at Memorial Park Club Simpson, cow girl; 5 and unden House, fromn 9:30 a.m. ta, 11:30 boy, Robbic McHolm, Chinese arn. boy; 6-8 girl, Georgie Simpson; Children's Theatre 6-8 boy, Garfield Payne, Davy The members of the Child- Crockett; 9-12 girl, Linda Cail; ren's Theatre are presently 9-12 boy, Saxnmy McReelis, In- workinÉg on a Christmas play dian; best couple, child, Patti eutitied "The Little Sheep of and Rickie Powell, as bride Bethlehem". and groom; ibest lady, Mrs. If you are interesbed in join- Wîldu Simpson, African hun- ing the Children's Theatre group ter; best- gent, Stan Couch, please feel free bo attend tItis grandmother; comic, Mus. G. comning Fniday, November 13th. McNair, hobo; best couple, Mes. The group meets every Friday May Sinclair and Mrs. Stan at 4;3-9 to 6:00 p.in. at bte Lions Couch as a Itorse. Commiunity Centre. Apples were passcd and bags Minor Hockey Mothers, Meeting of candyý were disbributed The first meceting of bte Baw- among thc children. Lunch was manville Hockey Mothers will served. 1 be held on Thursday, Novem- ber 201h iunbte Lions Commun it Cntestarting t2:00 E TO VLL If vo havea sonplaying E T N IL hockey lu the Recceation De- M orl rwosf partrnu Towvn League you arc r orl rwosf cordially invited bo attend this fered a heart attack an Tues- ineetin. day was taken ta, Memorial The 'Hockey Mothers have Hospital, Bowmanville, f or undertaken many fine activi- breatment. bies in the past few years on Mrs. Win. Mîlligan spent a behiaîf of Minor Hockey in Baw- few days with hec cousin, Mus. Manville. They boughb hockey Hickey of Toronito. pants for all three Little N.R. Mr. Wmn. Farrow has pur- L. teamns, crests for aîl boys chased a lot in bte Joncs sub- plax-ing m-inor hockey last year division, east ai Mr. Raymond and two sets of goal pads. Trim, and is planning ta build. Swimming Awards Mrs. Allen Clarke who has If you were unabie to attend been in Memorial Hospital, the Sxvimniniig Awards Night Bowmanvillc, wibh a severe hieid last Friday at bte Bow- hear-t attack rcburned home en manville Town Hall you may Saburday. pick up your awards at bte Re- Dont forget te W.A. bazaar creat ion Office in bhc Lions being held in church hall on Commnunity Centre. Friday. There are stili a large num- Messrs. HugIt Stapleton, Sid ber of awards in bhe Tadpoic Brown, Cecil Burley, Don Vin- and Red Cross Begînners class- kle and Trumtan Hendersn es ta be picked up. have gone deen huntlng. Choral Society About forby relatives and The Bowmanville Choral Sa- friends gathered at the home ciety under the sponsorship ai af Mr. and Mes. Cleland Lane, the Recreation Departmnent wi]i Saturday even.ing ta hclp themn hold ihieir Annual Christmas ce1ebrate their 25th weddin-g Concert on December llth arnd anniversary. The family pre- 12th. sented bheir mother with a The Choral Society have, vnist watch and dad witlt sPent 'lie last coupie af manths binoculars. Other gifts included preparing mnusic for bte coin- a silver cream an& sugar ser- ing concert, vice, and a purse of money. Tickets, may be purchased Congratulations ta Mr. Aflan frorn ans' member of the Choc- Chester Irwin of Port Coîbar- ai Societ 'v or eau be purchased ne and Miss Ruth Eiîlen Jack- at thie cloor on the nights ai the son of Keudal who wcre mar- concert.- ___________ ried at the Newtonville pan Howard Rundle's club, who pulled off a 5-2 upset over Moorcraf t. Don Bagnell's bowl- ers edged Doug Shirk's outfit 4-3 ta slip into third position. In the girl's division, Linda Brooking's Icague-leaders main- tained their five point spread, despite a 4-3 loss at the hands oi Helen Vanstone's crew. Vir- ginia Brown's bowlers blasted out a 7-0 victory over Canitie Osmond's last place club ta, move inta ýa second position deadlock with Brenda Oke's club. Karen Beauprie's teamn dropped a 5-2 gaine ta Oke, ta drap ta, third. Boys' Team Standings Pts U. Highlield -______16 J. Moorcraft _______12 H. Rundle _______12 D. Bagndi -__ __ _il D. Shirk ___-___10 L. Piper -______2 Girls' Team Standings ; - -- - -- ,Ptt l.B-rCôking 17 V. Brown _______12 B. Oke _ _ __ _12 K. Beauprie i H-. Vanstone ______ C. Osmond .3 age on Saturdlay, Nov. 7th. Rev. R. C. White officiated. Laten Rev. and Mrs. White at- tended the reception held at te County Golf Club at Ca- bourg. Miss Judrey Monlk of Tor- onto spenit the weekcnd with Mr. and Mus. Jim CiaswelL Mir.and Mrs. Marvel Lons- bury and family ai Fenella cailed at te parsonage on Sun- dIlay. Mr. and Mus. Raymnond Gil- mer and f amnily, Toronto were Sunday visitors with his par- ents 'Mr. antd Mrs. Frank Gil- mer. Anniversary Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Har- court and daughter of Port Hope witth Mrs. Gea. McCull- ough. 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beare of Greenbank, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey. Mr. anid Mrs. Herb Alexan- der of Fart Erie, andMiss Elsie Wallace of Toronito with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bonnett and family of Toronto with Mr. and Mes. Clifton Robb. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Paeden and family of Bowmanvifle with Mr. anid Mrs. Harold Bue- ley. Mus. Wilmot Prouse anid son Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Robinson and family of Stiarkville with M1r. and Mns. Melville Samis. Mrs. Geo. Smith and Mrs. Erwin Farrow of Newcastle with Mr. and Mus. Willis Far- row. Mr. and Mus. Earle McEwen and family of Peterborough with Mur. and Mrs. Cecil Bur.. ley. Rev. H. Tuttie Rev. and Mrs. R. C. White and members of the Lancaster ta.mily with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. Annlversary Services The Anniversary Services of Newtonville Uniited Church was held Sunday Nov. 8th, with Rev. H. G. Tuttie M.A., B.D.,D.D. preaehWng bathI morn- ing and evening. In the moun- ing he preached an "WiIl th>e Church Survive?" This was a powerful address ln which he spoke oi the sur- vival of te church in count- ries where it is being forced underground. The Church will survive if her members keep the love of God and man in their hearts and reniain a wit- Air, Rail or Steaihip TO EVEKYWHEEE constl JURY h LOVELLI l5 Kiag St. W. MA 3-5778 Hockey BOYS' HOCKEY ]PANTS - Great for looks and protection. Red or Blue Cotton Drill with White stnipe. Fibre fronts, well padded hips, laced crotch. 26 ta 36" waist 3,75 zizes. Pair . «YOUNG CANADA" BOTS' SHIN PADS - Fibre knec caps with strong cane in- sents over thick feit. Worth $2.00. 9 Pair .......@9 Gomr for BOYS' HOCKEY STOCKINGS - Leafs, Blue a nd White; Detroit, Red and White; Cana- diens, Red, W hit e and Blue. 13 ePair ........13 BOYS' HOCKEY TOQUES -In Maple Leaf and Canadiens colors. E& ........ .85 1Tonmorrow's Stars BOYS' HOCKEY SWEATERS&- Dress like your idoll Au- thcntic crests and calons foar Maple Leafs a nd Cana- diens. In sizes 2m89 SHIN GUARD - Pro - sbyied. W i t h taugh plastic knee cap and padded leather roll below bte knee. For ages ta 14 ycars. 16" over- aill 3.15 Pair ........ Comfort and Protection "YOUNG CANADA" BOYS' HOCKEY GLOVES - Solid leather palm and fin- ger nolis. Anznoured cuifs. Rcd and Blue finish. Wonth 1898 $4.00, pr. - MASTERCRAFT YOUTHS' GLOVES -Solid Icathen wibh armoured thumb and molded fibre cuif. 3 large nolls on back. Ideal fanrte 9 ta 12 ycar olds. 1l" 0 overali. Pair U YOUTHS' SHOUL- DER PADS-A must for thc player play- ing in an organized league. Ail-fibre construction. F u 11 y quilted; "roured biccp p a d. Worth dollars mare. Big value ...42 !CODRDIOD TIRE) 160 CImurch St. Bowmanville iIUiq1 WI!WlUW TO EVERYONE WNho buys a self-storing stanin door NOW! We make this offer ta illustrate aur confidence in our wondcrful pnoducts. SAVE OVER $20.00 by calling COLONIAL Home Improvements 134 Simncoe St. S., RA 8-851 COLO ORDER NOW.0 and assure your home of having a steady suppiy of heat ail winter! USE THE BEST LIQUIFUEL FUEL OIL Finest Quality Stove and Furnace Oil for safe, economical heat Metered Deliveries Prompt Deiivery Stephen Fuels C.N.R. Yards Bowmanvile whether you're ready ta build now ... or just in the' planning stages ... yau'iI be dollars ahead if yau mail this important cou pon todayl Beginner's Skate Outtit This is the outfit that mokes it csier to Ie.arn how ta skate. With "bullt-in" ankle39 supports ta aid young ankies . . mci- tube "easy-to-stand.an" skates. Hockey4 PAIR style leather boots . . . buit ta take iti Fbr Oirgs White Soot z the 3 to 7 year olds. Sizes 7 to 11. BeyWleack 11O0 IITE CAlqADL4B STATESBULS, BOIVI&ANVnJ..& ONTAIM PAeZ THMTEM neusing organization, greater 1 people trying to be truly Chru- the evening service, whidi was than denomination a nd i nj stians or Christlike. enjoyed. which there i ne colour bar. The ladies quartette from; Yellow 'mums added their Mr. Laurie Stapleton sang a tTibiy United Church, Bow-1 silerit message throughout the fine solo and the choir sang manville, provided the music in day. two mnthtems asslsted by Mrs. Wm. Weeks of Toronto. The family of the late Rev. Thomas Wallace gave offeringi IE T G L L platles in mremory of their fa-. L E T BO L . ther. These were dedicated byBaeLn the pastor, Rev. R. C. White.BaeLn Ne reminded us that tItis churvh wes the memorial of Rev. Wallace who had, with the corigregation, rebufit the Aly vial o Several of the Wallilce fam-Aly viai o ily were present; Mr. and Mrs. He leaner Miss Elsie O Walce rs arl Cuý,jOPN BOWLING Mr. and Mns. George Bearé, Mr. aind Mrs. Douglas Wallace: and children, and Mrs. Barbara! Gi-singer, sister of the late Mr., vr a Wallace. In te evening Rev. Tuttie, spake of Chistians being a pe-PH N MA356 culiar people in the time of]P30R A -56 Paul for their Christ-ikees and tItis was stili tirue in those ______________________ P[ly a i lu1'!i iLaf

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