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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1959, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIM< STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTAIUO THU7RSDAY, NOV. 12th, 1958r Re igion for Today Have You Stopped Growing? A Weekly Talk By Rev. IL R. Nicholson One of tý most searohingt questions any man can ask hlm- self is this. "Have I stopped growing? Arn I keeping alive my capacity for further devel- -opment? Arn I standing stili or arn 1 pressing fcrward with i.ncreasing zest?" Many persons today are in grave peril, but t'hey do floti realize it. They manifest some, s:gns of life, but they are stand- ing stili and niaking no prog- ress. They have lost ail inter- est in the living world around them. Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfeli in his book, "ýWhat Life Means To me," says that "Men can be dead while they live," and that "éexistence is not life." Over. two hun.dred years ago, Vol- taire, the great French poet and reformer, declared: "Marty-men die without having lived," and, alas, this sayin.g is also true in th is twentieth century. The simple-minded brother who in prayer-meeting said, "Lord, we thank thee that we are yet, we humbly trust, alive", was not so far wrong. An American writer, George Trask, described a man who, far along in life, looked like on Egyptian murnmy, had no moral sensibility, and for half a cen- tury showed no sense of God or religion. He had no more public spirit than a mud-turtle,J no care for good roads or schools, good laws or order, who seemed to have no love even ELECTRIC LTD. ** CONTRACTING REPAIRS * E a REFRIGERATION -ELECTRIC MOTOR - SALES - SERVICE T.V- RADIO - APPLIANCES j e 'e for bis own kmn-m a word, he hati ne apparent interest in 1anybody or anything anti the verdict which Mr. Trask pro- nounceti was that the iran bati been deati for fiftY yeais, only ithey hati neglectedti t bury him. 1 We hear frequently of "the L deati line" in the varieus pro- fessions. It is the tinwi in a man's life, when be f ails te keep abieast o! bis age, when be ceases te grow. Then it is 1that he lags behin in the race c f life, anti bis services are ne longer requireti. Growth is the vital andtIin- dispensable thlng in all life. Growth is life itself. The mom- ent growth stops deatb begins. Wateh the rose in your garden un! cia its beautiful petals. Tihere is incieasin.g life just as long as the grewth anti develop- ment cf the flower gees on. When its growth is cempletc, when the rose, full-blown, has openeti its red beart te the sun, prouti in its perfect loveliness, alîeadv death is beginning, anti soon the petals fail. We are taught in the Scrip- tures that grcwth is a tiuty, which must net be neglecteti. One o! the wisest ceunsels of the New Testament is this word o! St. Peter: "GrTow in grace ant ini the knowledge o! oui Lord anti Saviour Jesus Christ." What dees it mean te grcw in grace? It may mean many tbings. Dr. R. E. Speer says it may mean grewingmin fondness for those things which, please Gcd, in the likeness cf the character o! Goti, in frienti- ship for Christ, in kintiliness, anti consideiateness of spirit, in fiientiliness anti tentierness o! feeling, in ripeness anti gentle- ness andi gracicusness o! char- acter. One way to help alcng this growth is te remember St. Paul's counsel: «'Let yeur speech be always with grace." It is sati that there are se many Christian men anti we- men, who make very little pie- gress in Christian life, but an earnest, true Christian man neyer stands still. He is con- stantly grcwing anti progress- ing. As th years pass he in- creases in kncwlcdge andi wis- dem, anti grews rich in exper- lence anti in the grace o! Goti. Alexander the Great crieti b- cause there were no more woîlds te conquer. Thank Goti none of us today are in suchj a bopeless position.I There are innumerable worltis for every brave young man anti woman te conquer - the vast1 worlds of religion, science, lit- erature, philesophy anti social service. Man is made I the Image of God and bas within hlm untolti possibilities of development. The glortous thing about a mn'!s life ia that it neyer reach- es its completion. It neeti neyer stand stiil. The unfolding beau-; ty, the increasin.g richness may! go on forever. Old age is not a! stopping place; it is a perioti when the richest life is possible,! wtien the sweetest fragrance mey be given out te the worlti. Old age is a tisse for the gatb-I ering Up o! the filness of al the years that are past, andi ex- tracting from them the ripe blessings whioh youtli can neyer give te mankinti. Olti age is not a time te stand stiil. It is the time when the eoger seul cf man presses on te the more abundant lif e, here andi ncw, andi then on te the consummation cf life anti te the triumphs and glories cf the Kingdem cf God in the world beyonti. Here is Karle W. Baker's lit- tle poem with its plaintive plea: "Let me grow lovely grewing old, Se many fine thin.gs do- Laces anti ivory anti golti. Anti silks need flot be new. There la healing in olti trees; Old streets a glamor held, Why may net I as weil as these Grow lovely, gîowin.g old?' SALEM Oui community, as were many ethers i this aiea, was deeply satiteneti on Monday morning by the tragic death o! Mis. John Broome andi the critical condition of ber tiau- ghter. Words ans se inadequate at this time te express our sin- cesTe sympatby te ber husband, Mr. John Broome anti family, te bei parents Mr. anti Mis. C. Johns andti t other members of her !amily. Her cheery dis- position and ber willingness te belp in any way she was asketi hati made ber many fni- ends by whom she will be gre- atly misseti. Sorry te report Mr. Lawrence Squair a patient in Memorial Hospital. Best wishes for a speedy tecevery. Mr. anti Mis. Bruce Little anti f anily, Agincouit, were recent visiters with. ber sis- ter, Mr. anti Mis. K. Shackle- ton. Mr. anti Mis. S. Buttery, Mis J. Lancaster attended Harvest Home services at Newtonville on Sunday anti were dinner guests of Mi. andi Mis. Siti Lancaster. i&. andi Mis. L. Welsh anti family were Sunday visitons wîth Mr. anti Mis. L. Savery, Oshawa. Mr. andi Mis. L. Runtile anti Betty Lou were Saturday even- ing visitoîs with Mr anti Mis. M. Marchant. Mi. anti Mrs. F. Blackburn spent the weekendt with Mr. anti Mis. A. Leary anti Mrs. ,Ken Lucas, Napanee. Mrs. Lu- cas anti baby retuineti home witih them for a visit. Cartwright Council Agrees: - Province Should 'Assume 100 % of-WeIf are Cosîs The regular meeting of the Cartwright Municipal Council was belti at 1 p.m. on Mjenday, November 2nd, with ail mem- bers present. After several short interruptions the meeting began anti the minutes cf the last one read, interrupteti anti debateti at length. The clerk was criticizeti for recording hearsay, anti Reeve Bruce Ash- ton stateti that hearsay bati ne place at a public meeting o! council. The minutes were car- rieti on motion of Deputy Reeve Bert Gibson andi Councillor Lawrence Malcolm as having neither errer non omission. The Roati Superintendent re- poiteti on ditchîng at the Philp property on Scugog Road (for- merly Caesarea School Ijouse) and at the Reach - Cartwright Beundary (at the Heftyzer pro- perty). Mr. Geo-ge Bowers was present anti received approval on a request for Municipal As- sistance in precuring a Regis. tereti Deeti for part of his pro- perty (fermerly C.P.R. right of way). A letter frem the Township o! Crowland requesting Coun- cil te appioye their Resolution te the Provincial Government,ý that was passet in their meet- ing cf Sept. 22, 1959. They re- comrnended that Public Welfare be taken oveî 100 percent by the Government in Ontario. Councîl a!teî discussing the facts that the Provincial Wel- fane men always seemeti in fa- veur o! increasing relief te ne- cipients anti appîoving same to almost a-11 anti sundry, unani- mously approveti the Resolution anti forwarded a ccpy te, the Minister o! Public Welfare, on the motion o! Deputy Reeve Gibsen anti Councillor Tnewin. The Municipal Winter Works Project was again discusseti and the Cleîk was requestedti t make application te, the Dept. of Municipal Affairs for apprev- al o! approximately $2,500 woîth o! biush cutting. Also Council recommendeti the Roati Superintendent try a mechani- cal brush cutter for a short per- icti on trial. The Remembrance Day Ser- vice was planneti for 10.30 Nov. llth as usual with the wîeath laying ceremony at the ceno- taph at Il a.m. At the iequest o! the clengy the Service will be helti in the Unitedi Churcb this year with the Rev. Philip Romenil in change. One cf the Silver Star Mothers bas been asked to lay the wreath which has again been donateti by the Provincial Governmentasa. rangeti by Mr. Alex Carruthe, Durham County M.P.P. Plans for Nomaination, whic-h * s for Novemiher 27th, Fridayl Lat 1 p.ni. were made and a ten- ,tative program arranged by L NG AUTT »council. The treasurer was in- structed to make up about 10- ILo F copies of the montly accounts, .Sih for -roads and general as a re: Gloria and Bob, Bowmanville, 1port for the ratepayers. were Sundlay supper guests of Mr. and Mis. F. G. Snmith. Council also requested a de-. i n r. tne ol tailed report of the sehools ex- adMrucedTr.Stneywith Mr penditures to November f irst, anid BMis.,GabreKovacsMan as approved by motion of Coun-an Mrs. oph ie Kovacs an VCil amTepnad.onclo Deepest sympathy is extend- Van amp.ed te Mr. John Broome, family Clerk was to write to West. andi relatives in the sudden brook Realty and tender the death of his wife who was in- offer to construct the long dis. stantly kle udyeeig cussed access roati to southwest killatet Sdayhevfueing end of Shingle Landing defined Madn edet he fnea as Sub-division No. 628 and No.Wdnedy 642 for the suni of $1,000. Road Mis. Orme Miller visited Su.perintendent stateti that her mother, Mrs. Robt. McClel- work could commence upon re- land, Tara, over tihe weekend. ceipt of the chaque. - Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson Mr. aveWilsn ad Melinwere Sunday diner guests of Sug.gitt were delegates for the stic.an Mr.WtnBck Curl ing Club and asked to meet sok with Council at this meeting Mrs. McLaggan and* family andi discuss a continuance of the spent Sunday with Mr. and arenea operatîng rprogram as was Mrs. A. J. McLaggan Sr., Port carried out so favourably last Perry. year. They stated that they Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cameron were unable to finti a caretak- anti family and Bradley Adams er who would look after the were Saturday evening visiters wooti burning heRter that was of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webb, present]y there and requested Newcastle. Bradley Ad am s Ceuncil to approve the installa- spent the weekenid with Ray- tion cf an cil burnin.g space mnond. heater. They felt sure that then they coulti carry on as last Mr. anti Mrs. W. Carr anti year if that change were made. Brenda were Sunday supper Clerk was te enquire from sev- guests of Mýr. and Mrs. Keith eral of the reputable dealers Hobden andi family, Kinsale. with regards te, the complete Mrs. Pat Wright, Kenneth cost of a goti used space heat- and Bobby, Bethany, weîe Thu- er installeti with tank, filter, rsclay evening visiters, Mr. andi etc., and warranted for this Mrs. J. Parkinson and famiiy, winter. Fenella and Mr. Norman Davis, Council discussed the dlean- Taunton, were Friday supper ing up of the Arena alter the guests of Mr. and Mis. Rye sale and Councillor Trewîn of- Gibson anti Sandra. fereti to supply the necessary equipment free if ceuncil would hire a man to help hi.m. On O IU R motion of Bert Gibson anti Law- O IU R rence Malcolm Council approv- eti up to $10.00 for some one te ALBERT W. HEASLIP help dlean up Arena if done On Saturday ,October 31, bef oie the 14th of November 1959, the residents of Janetville 1959. Also incorporateti in sanie and surrounding community motion was authority for the dérîe deeply grieved to learn hiîing of a carpenter to repaîr that a highly respecteti citi- the interior o! the Mrena. Paint- zen, a resident o! the village ing was tableti for this year. for over 30 years, in the person A report given by treasurer of Albert W. Heaslip, had pass- stated a balance cf better than ed away at the Lindsay Private $1250 plus other credits remain- Hospital alter enjeying good ed in general account for 1959. 'health until six xveeks ago. Bills weîe pîesented and or- Mr. Heaslip, the elder sono! dered paiti on motion cf Coun- the late Mr. anti Mis. Thos. cillor L. Malcolm anti Council- Heaslip, spent his child*hood on 1cr M. Van Camp. The next re- the familv faim near Janet- gular meeting will be helti in ville (now occupieti by Mr. Ivan the afternoon cf Monday, Dcc. Wright). Later he was a suc- 7th if ne election or Tuesday, cessful farmer in his own right i Dec. 8th if there is an election. on the fanm occupied by his 1 Adjournment on motion of1 son), Mr. George Heaslip, and Councillor Trewin. retireti with his wife in the vil- 134 King St E. lage of Janetville. A kind neighbour anti Chris- tian gentleman, ne was a mem- ber cf Janetville United Chuîch and was an avid reader cf geeti books, the Bible in particular. The deceaseti coulti fluentlY quete Scripture verses te meet any need or situation that migbt arise. Mi. Heaslip, having serveti for a number of years in the capacity of Counciller, Deputy- Reeve anti Reeve in Manvers Coundil, maintaineti a lively in- terest in politics, municipRI, provincial andi federal. He priti- eti himself on exercising his franchise at every election, anti kept abreast cf weîlti affaira with the aid of hIs daily paper. The weil att'endeti funeral service for the tieceaseti, wbo was in bis 88th year, helti on Montiay, November 2nd, at Mac- key's Funeral Chapel in Lind- say, was conducteti by minis- ters of the Janetville circuit, Mi. Duff and Mr. Summerville, who brought a message cf com- fort te the bereaved. Left te mourfi the loss of a_ MA 3-5689 TH E SALE IS NOW UN FULL SWING OUR PRICES ARE RIDICULOUS HELP US TO MOVE -ý OUR STOCK! You Save Mon ey, we save the trouble to move if! - -- - I Stanley No. 2719 Garage Door Hardware ]Re$1 6.9 SPECIAL$1 o9 MlentioniFarmers 1 OnIy 220 Gal. G aIv. Pressure Tank Reg. $14500 $9 a ,0 SPECIALs950 I roning Pad and Cover Sets Reg. $1.95 SPECIAL $1.46 WITH FREE UTILITY BAG Roll Roofing RED - 18" WIDE Reg. $275 Rol $1,099 SPECIAL per roll LIMITE» QUAMTTIES PLASTIC Storm Windows NOW OnIy 29C WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES DRASTICALLY DISCOUNTED Used 40" Electric Ranges Used Combination Electric and Coal Ranges ReducedIo $ 2499 TE CAULKING GUNS WITH DISPOSABLE CARTRIDGE Rbeg. $2.49 SPECIAL sf55 Electric Frypan Complete with Cover and Cord Reg. $19.95 SPECIAL $15,899 WHILE THEY LAST Reg. $21.95 tPECIAL 15,819 t. j I j ~w(1 per vustomer> _ GENERAL ELECTRIC FEATHERWEIGHT IRONS Reg. $16.95 $951 WHILE THEY LAST Garbage Cans WITH COVEIL Reg. $325 SPECIAL COME IN AND SEE GIANT BARGAIN TABLE LOADED WITH flOu CflrriAIc SELF-STORING EXTRUDED ALUNINUN COMBINATION WINDOWS AND DORS for year-round home comfort and protection WINDOWS AS LOW AS $19.00 - FREE ESTIMATES - Cowan Equipment Company Bowmanville EVERY ITEM UN OUR STORE DISCOUNTED 10% to 50% Fb-mG aze PAINTS ~- 3 'W LS i e usoe>FIprcutm SPECIAL BLACK & DECKER 'Elect. Drills HUNDREDS 0F NON-A&DVERTISED SPECIALS IN OUR STORE-EVERY ITEM "ON SALE s2.61 3 'Il LAST per customer) 1 1 PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVn!At ONTARIO dear father andi grantifalhier, are oe daughter, Alberta (Mim Robert Wright) of Janetviie, anti one son, George Heaslip, cf Yelverton; five grantichild. ren, Helen (Mi1s. Maurice Nes- bitt) of Nestleton; John Wright, Bethany, Ont.; Lloyd Heaslip cf Germany; Kennetb Heaslip, Lindsay; Gordon Heaslip cf To- ronte, anti ten great grandchil-è dren. Jn Interment was helti at Jn etville Cemetery. Palibearers were Messrs. Alvin McGill, Lindsay, Ray McGill, Oshawa, Thos Kenny cf Shanty Bay, Ce- cil Johnson, Toronto, Newton Armstrong anti Wilson lieaslip cf Janetville. Friends attended the funeral from Toronto, Peterberough, Oshawa, Lakefield, Ham.pton.- Barrie anti Shanty Bay. To live is net to learn, but tiv apply.-Legouve. The spiritual sense of Lt!. anti its grand pursuits is cf itself a bliss, bealth-giving ar1M' joy' inspiîing.-Mary Baker Eddy% ýf 1 - - - --- - ý - -- - --%

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