YRtUI~AYNOV. 12th, 1939 1THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVÏlE, ONqTAJO PAGETIU LOWERY - COYLE cal princess styled gowns pale blue brocade taffeta ov Baskets of white 'mumns spr:n- crinolines and featuring a laij kled wîth w.hite pem 'murns blue bow at the back. They ca formeal a lovely setting for the ried cascades of Pink carnatioi double-ring ceremcny perfOrrn- on a w;hite background. ed by Rev. A. Scott in St. An- MiJhLo rytegoo drew's Presbyterian Church, r. ohnLwe tegro Bownianvile, n Satrday r uhesr, was best man and t] Bowmnvileon atuday Oc userswere Mr. Reid Cochran lober i7th at 3 o'elock wlien Kirby, cousin of the groom azi Dans Marlene, daughte~r of Mr. Mr. Jm Coyie, the bride's bri and Mis. James C. Colye, be- hr carne the bride cf Mi. Lloyd tFrtercpinhl tt Bedford Lowery. Mr. Lowery Meoriather Cltion helaltht Je thie oungest son cf Mr. and bMie'mohPr clhoe ti Mrs.Rèrwel Loery Kiby.blue silk sheath dress wil The wedding music was play- black accessories andl corsag ed by Miss Leta Bragg whlo of pink cbrysanthemumis . T1 eiso accompanied soloist Mr. assist the groom's mother wa Ross Metcalf when he sang "0 in a grey sheath dress wit. Perfect Love" before the cere- wine accessories and corsagec rnony and "Because"l during the white chrysanthemums. slgning cf the register. For the wedding trip te Nia The bride, given in marriage gara Falls, the bride change by ber father, was lovely in a te a sapphire blue suit wit] white waltz-length dress cf bro- black accessories and corsag cade lace in front. while the of white chrysanthemurns. Mi back flowed graci4ulIy into a and Mrs. Lowery will reside i chapel train cf laiyers of net. Bowmanville. Her veil was cauaht te a haîf- Prier te her marriage thi mnoon shaped headdress cf bride was feted at several par sparkling pearis and she carri cd ties in her honour. Mis. D. Il a cascade of deep pink roses Alldread, Ontario St., was host and white shasta 'munis. ess for a miscellaneous shower Mrs. Jack Siebarth, a sister A miscellaneous shower waý of the bride, was matron cf aise held by Mrs. Lyall Lowery honour and Mrs. Jack Parker, Orono. aLso a sister cf the bride, was Mrs. V. Vanstone, Bewman bridesmaid. They wore identi- ville, and Miss Lyn Stephenson Newcastle, were ce-hostesse: MEMORIAL HOSPITAL for a miscellanecus shower a WEEKLYREPORT Mrs. Vanstone's home. A kit. WEEKY REORT chen shower was heid by Mis For the week cf Nov. 2 te 8, W.Tenkin, Oshawa. inclusive: I The presentat.ion cf a lovely table lamp was made ta thE Adenissions ---- - 57 bride by the choir cf St. An- Births-4 male, 5 female - 9 drew's Presbyterian Church, Discharges -------- 68 Mrs. Trudy Sailows was host- Majo opratins 12ess for a presentation at the Manor operations 12homeof Mrs. F. Siebarth wher Xnmeprgecy ----- 17 e t f fBrcekdale-Kings. Emegeny teatens ----- 1 1way Nurseries presented their Visiting hours 2:30 to 4:30; former co-worker with a wal. p.m. andl 700 ta 8:30 p.m. nut coffee table. refreshment Pep si- Cola tlie d. .Iaes Smith Beverages Limitedi Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOU MUETA CRAZOR! WHAT A BOY AT $34*745 USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY BUDGET PLAN $1.00 wili hold any articles until Christmas MARR'S Jewollevy 'IMG STEET WEST BOWMANVILLE MANVERS STATION1 Mr. andl Mrs. Worr andl Reg, Canpbellcroft, were Sunday guests with Mi. andl Mrs. Alvin Olant. Mis. Alfredl Johnston is stay- ing with Mr. anal Mis. Knox MacLecal anal family, Ancaster, for a few days. 1Mi. anal Mis. Harold Thomp- son, MVi. andl Mis. Jas. Boggs and Madeline, were guests cf Mr. ami Mis. Orlarsa Raine in Toronito on Sunday. Weekend visitais with is. W. Bradley weire Mn. anal Mis. Wm. Magiil ana l amily, Mi. andl Mis. McElroy, Barrie; Mn. anal Mis. Don McGregor and Sandy, Hamilton; Mi. andl Mis. Alvin Porter and family, Fallis Line. Mn. anal Mis. Don Gutîhîie, MilIbrook, weîe Monday even- ing dinner guests with Mr' anal Mrs. Fred Youngnan. A few frienals anal neighibours caileal in the evening ta honon Fred, on his birthdiay. Mis. Thomas Logan, a life- long rosident of Manvors, pas- seal away on Tuesday ni*glt, in ber 82nd year, in Millbrock Nursing Homne. Mn. Wmi. Duff conducteal the funerai service on Friday aftennoon f rom the home of lier son Mr. Douglas Logan. Inteiment at Fallis CerneterY. The symipathy of the communlty Is extendecj ta Vie famîly. Mis. Ernest Cavano is visit- iag witih Mr. anal Mrs. Ronald Pomeroy anal family, Have- lock. Mi. Wm. Duff was in charge of the service on Sunday mer»- ing, when he spoke on "The Kingdr>m cf Goal" anal its nea- ning. A beautiful basket cf white chisainthemunrs w er e placeal on the communàon table by the Logan farnily. Mi. Anche Galbraith, Toron- to, is on three weeks' holiays with lis mother, Mis. Duncan Galbraith. Mi. anal Mis. Onville Chal- lice, Orono, were Monday ev- eaing guests anal Mr. Wm. Duff, Betbany, was a Thurs- day supper guest with Mr. andl Mis. W. N. Porter. WORD TO THE WIVES IA smaal, very slightly damp- enoal now cellulose speage placeal in the crisper of-your refrigerator wihl prevent lettuce, celery anal other salad greens frd. Fo rcical ssistan c wit e.Fnor bcci asiso tayorcecay- youn cookiag problems, sentI yaun enquiries, wîth a stampeal, self-addressecl envelope te: Ana Bradley' Box 147, Toronto 9, Ontario. Wed in St. John's Anglican LUNN a MUTTON Tali standards of white 'munis and an altar bouquet of the sanie lovely autunin fiowers formed a beaut1rui setting in St. John's Anglican Ohurch, JBowmanville, on Saturday, Oc- tober 24, 1959, at 3 o'clock when Joan Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Floyd Mutton, became the bride of Mr. John Ernest Lunn. Mi. Lunn is the son of Mis. Ernest Luna and the late Mr. Lunn. Rev. A. C. Herbeit was the off icîating clergyman. Organist Mr C. Evans aiso accompanied of Mr: Keith Wood, the soloist, er who sang "'The Lord's Prayer", -ge -O Perfect Love" andl the Ir IlWedding Prayer"l. ons The bride, given in marriage by ber father, wore a bouffant riflooî-iength gown of nylon peau rie de soie featuring full length e, side panels of self material ruf- nd fies. The top portion of the bo- '0 dice was of lace trimmed with pearîs and sequins and was de- he signed with a Sabrina neckline. ie The long sleeves extended -ta ,a points over the 'hands. Her el- thbow length veil was caught to gea sequin trintmed leaf motif rcrown and she carried a bou- as quet of red carnations and h white 'munis with tiny pom ofponi 'munis knotted in the flow- aing streamers. ýd Miss Rena Dilling was niaid th cf honor and the bîidesmaids ,, were Mrs. Doug Woodlock, sis- Ln Mrs. , the groom's sister and Mr.James Lunn sister-in-law ie f the groom. The mai*d of hon- ror and one bridesmaid were in Fromance blue chiffon and the tremaining attendants in apricot r. chiffon. Their identically styled )s resesof chiffon over taffeta rwere fagliioned with very ful skirts featuring velvet ribbon -looped through the lace accen- tuated waistline and tied in a >front bow. Their tiny matching W9 It nylon net bats were gatheîed . L_ at the back by a velvet bow and y:ý 3they carried -cascades of white Lt and arica shata 'ums nd'M c f w.hite and blue shasta 'munis ' eta match their respective en- sembles. Mr. Fred Fisk was best man -and the ushers were the bride's ebrother-in-iaw MT. Douglas aWoodlock, Mi. Morley Richards and the grcom's brother, Mr. James Lunn. *The reception was held ln St. John's Parish Hall where the bride's mother received the guests ini a diess of blue lace over taffeta with pale pink ac-h cessories and corsage of pink roses. Assisting, the groom's mother chose a figured deep turquoise gown with dusty rose org accessories andl corsage of pale Col pink roses. stit Before leaving on the wed-co ding trip to Quebec City the Lod bride changed ta a taupe wooî suit with brown shoes and bag, E sapphire blue bat and gloves CorI and a corsage of white camna- "In tions spîayed with touches of PIO blue. Mr. and Mis. Lunn will tar3 reside at 39 Centre St, Bow- iar manville. thrE Guests wr ieetfromth Sohreider, Coîbore, Ajax, Osn- en' awa, Newtonvilie. Orono, Mil- Chu ton and Whitby. e' .Prior te lier marriage Mrs. eon James Lunn surprised the bride brin with a miscelianeous shower, eg andl the bride was guest of haon- a *= or at a shower wben Miss Rer.a tior Dilling was hostess. Mi. Lunn's gt co-workers presented the bride Ma and groom with a mix-master dent and vacuumn cleaner. thei Rising membership thiou -ganizations cf the Unil ounties, mainiy Women's itutes, bas given much uragement ta the Wome ixiliary of the Golden Plou alge. New memberships were 'doa at their November meý 9last night at the Gold Ongh Lcdge when the so rY read letters from Be- anville and Coîborne whE ree memborships were tak( eHustlei's Club, the Wot ,s Instituto, and the Willîl îrkers cf St. Andrev .îýrch. The Codîington Wol )s Institute has aise sent tribution anal delegates. T]t rigs the membership ta, fort rt. An organization. beconi nernber by making a don n andl appointing two de] tes. Ir. Bothwell, the superintei It of the Lcdge, mentionE need for a piano for the ne g9. He said that church. se 'would be Impreved in ti ffwing with piano music ar îy cf the residents cf t] g1 coulal attend, who cou] manage the steps te get1 chapel in Vie olden sectiei mentieneal the effect ild have on those toc wh d net leavo their beals,, aois te the corridors wer open and they could hea singing. Members promise lok for a good useal piano, 'e making of a quilt is ect ready to got under wa the lady residents. A setc ltdng franies was donateal t Loalge by a member of tih oPtimist Club, and the Aux ry voteal to suPPly the ma ils. Many cf the resident 'espent bours in thei nger days, helping te maki Is fer others, and are look< longingly at the quiltiný oes in anticipation of accu, 19 idie bours. winý vice new mai winj net the He W012 coul the left the toik Ti proji by t quilt thej Sorc ihiar1 teria have your Ing framý pyini edical Mirror Mountains May Trouble $So e. 1 amn poat 0. 1IMoa le v; Coloruado aboutmi<e yeor ago. WFhile Iere 1 amn btheed bf preàsaure i n y eaura, euadae, exhduaakjm, andR et imes, d0, cale braaahiug oad rapi hear eaut. CouMla tb. Maltbitud? -H. M. A. Most people can go fremmsa; level or a littie above te altitudes, of 5000 te 6000 fect with only, mninor difficulty. lNcre is lsually some car fulînesanad perhaps some slight shartness ef breatli but adaptation occurs quite ?apidly. Others may be affected Io a grester de. and may bave difficuity i making adjust- ments. Persens wth certain con- ditions, notably coronary hearti disease, abould consider the pas-; sible ili-effects et reSiding atI high altitudes. Specific advice, should bc obtained freon yourý physician. 7<- m« the fuDmk mmr.1c M7 -y ec~ob youhave lia by ms- Md 7myou Bm va rea. mm e * Quetions dL-eted i. sciasseE&- #Or$. P-0. Box 396, MWadion.Sq. Ste., N. Y. 10, N. Y. wilI ha LiW co.porared la tis,.colunnsawhes possib*"" ugi itd In- en- n E re- ýet. lon w- ere en, ni- ing ru- a his es 'a-1 le- in- r- ,he nd rie LId ta n. it ho if L'e ai ay The president, Mis. Carru- [1 ,thors, reported that a gîoup of -members bad paid -a Haliowe'on - visit te the Home, and takea s 1 home-mado candy, wrapped in -!colourful black anal orange con- tainers. The parcels of candy -adapples were passed eut te .teinmates rm gaily docorat- ed Haleowe'en baskets. There was no decision for a *Christmas party, sinco the management provides a Christ- mas tree anal paîty each year. It is aise a tino when lodges, clubs and other organizations seen to shower the residents with Christmas treats. It was decideal instead ta senal each residont a gîeetîng card for Christmas, and remomber the birthdays later. Mis. Smith of the Provincial Departarent cf Welfaîe will visit the Golden Piough Lodge on November 30. A resolution 'vas made to hold the December meeting on November 30, when sho can attend and address the membors. Mirs. Smith ropresent- ed Vie Depaîtment at the ini- tial organizing meeting. - Port Hope Guide. St. Paul's WA Bazaar Has 01 St. Pauls Evening W.A. helci 0o their f ail bazaan on Saturday le Nov. 7th. The ministor, Rov. H. A. Treopeneal the bazaai. LThe Evening W.A. president, tsMis. George Grahami, andl Mis. irH. A. Turner, welcomed the ,evisitais. They woîe corsages of ~i'mums. JThe afternoon tea which was * helal in the Lecture Room was -Jcapabiy superviseal by Mrs. Francis Tbcmpson. The tea ta- ble was decorateal with a bas- ket cf 'mums anal candies. Those pouring tea weîo Mis. Robert Stephens, Mis. Otto Bragg, Mis. James Abernethy anal Mis. Wil- fridl Carruthers. Mis. Kenneth Hull solal tea tickets. Assisting Mis. Thonipson in the kitehea were Mis. Ken Me- Quarrie, Mis. Russell Hailman, Mrs. Clifford Purdy, Mi-s. Stan Hodgson anal Mis. Don Wil- lianms. Flaca tea table 'had a small vase of 'mums. Those who served weîe Mis. Robert Evans, Mis. Ronald Scott, Mis. Art Marjerrison, Mrs.Jack Hately, Mis. Deug. Kemip, Mis. Don Milligan, Mis. George Potter, Misses Ruth Hewett, Linda Hately, Cathy Lynch, Dorothy anal Marjorie Sommervilie, Marilyn Falls anal Lola Pring. Mrs. Otto Bragg, Mis. Ronald Scott anal Mrs. Dan Gdiardti played soft music during the afterncon wbich was greatly ap- preciateal by the guests. The nain corridor of the downstairs was the centre for the many attractive booths. Each convenor spent muoh time anal effort making their booth attractive. The candy table bad a tree decerateal with silver branches, candy baskets anal suckeîs hanging on the bran- ches. Mis. Luther Welsh was in charge anal C.G.I.T. girls as- sisted. Miss Margaret Cordon anal Miss Carol MeRoberts solal thain parcel pcst packages from a parcel post apron andal aso sold Unitedl Chuîch calendars for the Baby Band. Mis. Nanman Wilcox and Mis. Fred Smith bal a nice assoit- ment of aprons. Mis. Victor Jef- fery anal Mis. Ray Stainton had the children'a anal babies' booth The October meeting of the Cadmus W.A. and W.M.S. met Plans have been made to at the home of Mis. R. Lainier hold a social evening at the Tuesday, Oct. 13. There were home of Mr. andl Mis. J. A. 16 members anal two visitais Turnbull, Fiiay evening, Nov- present. Mis. Sameils presideal ember l3th, at 8:30 p.m. over the meeting which openeal The C.G.I.T. will meet on with the singing cf the themie song anal the hynin "My Faith Looks Up te Thee". Mrs. Sameils offercal prayer H V O E and the Scripture Lesson was lm gîven by Mis. G. Johnston, the The policeman stopped the lady tepic being "Thanksgiving". The driver for speedlng through the minutes cf the last meeting amber iight. were îead andl approved. Mis. E. McKay gave the treasurer's "'Don't you know what the am- report. A motion was made ta ber light means?"' he demanded. pay all bils. "Why certainly, it means go Business cf the evening in- 11k. h ---, red Is coming."1 cludeal plans for the turkey sup- per anrd for the booth at Mi. Well, that's one way of looking Graham's sale. A motion was at it. But when it cornes to a made te serve hot dogs, tea, reliable dry cleaning service coffec and pie. most wemen don't take chances. Mrs Saeli rad he itea-Anal clothes costing what they tur ona metig o th Pis-do tcday who can blame theni? t u r o n a m eti g o t h P r s - T h a t's w h y I 'd lik e ta a s s u r e bytery Woman's Association ta every woman reading this that be held in St. Paul's Chuich, here at Bowmanville Cleaners Bowmanville, on Oct. 22nd. your clothing will receive only The nominating committce for the finest dry cleaning care pos- next montai is Mis. N. Robren sible. andl Mis. J. Fallis. The meeting closeal with a hymn followed by the Ivzpah Benediction. Mis- sienary collection was $. Is LE. COMMENNNCE? The pregram censisteal cf a ieading by Mis. H. McMullin; FERIDAYO NOV. a piano solo by Mis. K. Gray, andl a contest conducted by Mrs. M. Gray andl won by Mis. L. Fallis. UMM A doudcous lunch was serveal by Group Two anal a social haîf- heur spent. L-I b -~ - tipf. mmE f..107 f 1SCOLLEGI STRII 700»4%M A R DTHIS OE Carl Lemile K!ENT EXERCISES ,20O-8 p.m. ATA&~ Fano QuIivReg. 2 tins 25o-BAVE Se A&P TOMATO JUICE 420-oz ins45e Regular and Quart.n Reg. 2-Ibe 53o-SAVE l. MONARCH MARGARINE 414b Pkgs 95c Campbell,@ Reg. 2 tins 25o-BSAVE Se TOMATO SOUP 1oztn45 SUPER&*RIGKFT ME4r SPECL4LS LAMB SALE Reg. 55C - SAVE 6c LEGS SHRTCU 5HAN 0 R&N3cO LOINS PRODUCE SPECIAL Florida, No. 1 Orad, M'rd' S.dles GRAPEFRUIT sinE 96,S 1049c FRONTS FULL CUT LAMB in BASKET ROAST, CHOPS, STEWING CUTS ufpeern AU PaIe.. In This Ad Guarant..d Thr.ugI, Sataarday, Nevembêr l4th, lUe I - - .&&abmm 1 . prettily decorated with storts PO Y O L and white tulle. O T P L The horne-baking table was kept busy until al was sold Ie 4:30 am. fire alarm and was in charge of Mrs. awakened mqIst of our com- James Colville, Mrs. Ai Cuth- munity on Wednesday xnorn- bertson, Mrs. Bowxan and Miss iIg whenthe saw mill3eî<»g- The White Elephant and burned to the ground. he lss Country Store had a little bit was very heavy which included of everything and wa4 sold by a horse andl expensive motors. Mrs. Ron White, Mrs. Lyn El- Some of the green lurnier was dridge, Mrs. Ron Whyte and saved. For the tiie being Mrs. Bruce Lunney. Charlie is having is lumber gTfi onivas amery edatOln'deLubr a n red(, white and blue. Miss a new milli wll be in operation Lmnda Purdy was in charge. SOC»l. Mis. Don Boe was in charge of Local People will be sorry to the many African violets. learn that Mr. Jack Couiter Jr. The doli table really stood of Milibrook Passed away re- out with its well-dressed doils cently. Deceased was a son of in brides' and bridesmaids' thie late Alfred Coulter whwo dresses. Each dress was well resided here for years. displayed standing up on tiers Alx ubratne u of boxes. Many evening dress- Alag ubrtendth es and complete outfits were Presentation and dance for Mr. made by the convenors, Mrs. and, Mrs. Laverne Curtis on Thornton Anderson and Mrs. Friday evening. Jack Parkin. The annuai election of of- The Christmas atmosphere cf ficers of LOL 82 was held on the downstairs corridor was a Wednesday evening when the pretty sight. Many of the table following officers were elected. settings and gifts were made Counity Master Noel Beardsley by the convenors, M.rs. Bert was present and the following Syer and Mrs. Victor Miller. were elected: W. Master, W. Christmas stockings and snow- Bro. Bill Morrison; D. Master, men were arranigedi on a fire- Bro. Clifford Fallis; Chaplain, Place . Mrs. Jack Welsh was in Bro. Maurice Bradley; Rec. charge of the large assortment Secy. W. Bro. John Pâyne; cf cards and gift suggestions. Treasurer, Bro. Harry Van Wi- The niembers of the W.A. eringen; Ist Lect., W. Bro. wish to thank ail those who Clifford Curtis; 2nd Leet., W. took part or assîsted in any way Bro. Lloyd Clark; Marshall, wîth its success. Bro. Clifford Gilbank; Commit- teemen,, Bros. Fred Graham, W & Loyd Brown, Bob Brown, Paul I A Mucha andl Percy Biggs; Trus- C arnus W A tees, Bros. Falis, Curtis and HM FoId Lunoch and coffee were en- * joyed after Lodge. 1 1 A w Mr. and Mrs. John Ernest Lunn pictured above 'ere married in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowman. ille, on Saturday, October 24, 1959, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. unn, the former Joan Elaine Mutton, is the daughter of [r. and Mrs. Floyd Mutton and the groom is the son of /rs. Ernest Lunn and the late Mr. Lunn. -Photo by Rehder fomen's Auxiliary of joIden Plough Lodge Increases Membership à 1 1 1 Wednesdiay evening, Novoeibee 18 at 7:30 p.m. A number frorn here attend- ed the chicken pie supper at Blackstock Anglican Church on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mac- Donald and family, Bowsnen- ville, visited Mrs. Greta Bailey on ThUrsday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell and Mrs. Ethel Wilson, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Pearl Avery en Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Triec andi Mîss Lois Monrey, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Esther Carnochan. Messrs. Lloyd Beech, Fred Tabb, Ray Degeere, Doug Fer- gu1son motored to Arnstein,, Ont., last Wednesday on a bus- iness trip. Mr. AI Reid, Mr. and Mrm. How'ard Abbott and Carol mot- ored to Penetana last Sunidey. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weston and famuily, Maple Grove, Mrs. H. Lee, Nestieton, were Sundev guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wa.yn.,i Weston. Mr. and Mm. Robert Carter and famiy, Whitby, were Sun. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adamis. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and faînÙIy were Sunday guests Of Mr. and Mrs. CYrus Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Coate8, Uxbridtge, were Suncsay, guegta of Mis. A. Carter. Royal C onservatory ol Music of Toronto MIDWINTER 1 m 1 ivilli ivl=wiiiig 1 - * 1RTTuvrrrnv