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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1959, p. 5

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il. a àa- M K 9. - aa- -99I 33 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 PAGE 17V! TEE CAKADIAN STATESMAN.. ~flWMAN~71?x.v P%~.WPA ~Vf~ .1'HURSDAY, NOV. 12th, 1959 "We Don't Wanf If" Council Perplexed Qver Surplus Money Specia Us in PERMANENT WAVES Wived by: JOSIE DEMAINE FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Ret. $10.00 $75 For -_$_7.95 Reg. $12.5095 For - - 9.95_ Rteg. S50 19 For 11.95_ SPECIAL COLD WAVE ai $6.95 Mfr. Huyck wiII be here on Irues.. Wed. and Fri. to do the steam and regular waves Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck's Hairstyling Sfudio 67 King St. W., Bowmanvllle *An unusual problemn con- fronted the Darlington Town- ship Council at its meeting last week, nantely what to do with money it has in its treasury, doesn't want but isn't sure how to get rid of. The trouble started when Mis. B. Budai, Secretary of the .arlington Township Ratepay- ers' Association, asked council what they intended to do with the money that had been paid in land separation taxes under a by-law which had later been rescinded. Mrs. Et;dai stated that 45 people had each paid $400 i land separation taxes to the township. To further conripli- cate matters, she continued, others had paid' $400 whien buying and the sellers had in turn neyer paid the township, because the lots sold were from registered plans. Reeve Roy Nichols explained that in the latter case these people did not, in effect pay the land tax but had merelv paid to the seller an inflated price for the property, andI there wvas nothing the township could do about if. However, he stated that in' the other cases where people had paid the township, the dif- ficulty was in knowing who f0 return it te. He said he wasn't suie whether the money should be paid to the person purchas- ing the lot or the person paying the tax. Mrs. Budlai contended that the simpiest way would be to return the money to the peo- pie with officiai township re- ceipts. Deputy Reeve Garnet B.] Here's the best in heating comfort RED TRADEM~ARKED IFAM OUS READING ANTHRACITE You con be sure you mre gefling the world's fInest hard cool! Rememberthora 15 economy in quality. AsIr for it todayl STOVE- NUT - PEA BRIQUETS FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW PREPARE FOR COLD WEATHER AHEAD! STEPHEN FUELS RADNG PHONE MA 3-5410 fJIgua Office at C.N.R. Yards NECCHI for 16 0 *NEW! Bult-in automatie threader *INGENTOUS! Instant automatic buttonholes *FABULOUS! Over 200,000 embroidery designs e PRACTICALI Automatic darning and mending 2,800 Dealers in North America Lifetinu Cuarantee Bond Priceastart at $1 09.00O "You can buy a Necchi for as littie as $2.00 per week" I4ECCHI SEWING MACHINES <CANADA) UMITED HIGGON ELECTRIC LIMITED MA 3-3305 Police Chief Bernard Kitney Donated Blood ta. Red Cross Police Chier Kitney of Bowmanville was lured by our photogrýapher into serving as a model in these sequence shots at the Red Cross Clinie for blood donors huire Iast Wednesday, Nov. 4th. He is shown here iver'iN.-iin his blood grouping test from Mrs. EBo-;;mary Sweetman with Miss Lynne Bagneli assis4it-ii. At the far table, Mrs. Don Marsden and MJrs. Be-ity Spry are record- ing names of thedno. Chief Kitney is relaxing while bis good red blood flows into a bottie on the floor. Red Cross Aid Mrs. Shirley Shaw keeps an eye on the Chief te make certain no complications upset the situa- tioln. .Followitig the blood donation, whichli(', Kitnoev says abvays rnakes him feel much lt%! he is gîven a cup of lea and saine cookies to restî)iu him tu normal. At left is another blood domna. INrs. W. M. RÙdeîI. ie-president of Bownmiiiik and President. Don Marsden at right is compaT.Iiîvý reactions as he also was a donor. Rickai'd said t1iin,_s had been funds out.» compica'jd x he-n tac' land st- gei wt th paratvn)itax had firsi been le- 1CoAgilo reeing i the rc'e,- v'ed býut nov th-ut tile by -law Cuclo rdSihsgct had been rescinided the po*i ed that the township fie )atý tion was worse than ever. He from the Denlt. of Municipal Af- foreawambg oherthîgsfairs if the money can be paid cort a,c modether in tu back and if so, "pay it back disposition of the mone. 1 and let them fight it out." One wonian, Mrs. Robert Jar-. Mr. Rickard protested that vie. of M-ýaple Grove. shouted, since the Dept. of MLunicipal "Tht'~notdp o vu. hat,, Affairs had neyer been consuit- between the buver and the seil- ed in the first place on whe-. er. You know wc can settie it. ther they could colect the;. It's flot xvour worry." monev or rescind the by-law Mrs. Budai the'n asked that! ailowing it he doubted if the if the moneY was not going to Dept would give any advice be refunded what did the ý o,, on the roatter. ship intend te do with it. S'ne Mr. Nichols, however, pre- remincled counicil thai when the, vailed on the council to con- tax was first eIvk'd iP 'vas Sup-, tact the Dept. and fine out the posed to be used in the district iegality of the situation. He as- froni which it was collected, serted "have no fear, we w;ll but so far nething had been: gladly give it back,-we don't done. want it." Reeve NichoLs said that the township could flot give the iieneN- back %Nithout the conl- A WORD TO THIE WIVES sent of the Dept. of Municipal Affairs. If they did, hie coin- Sausages simniered for a mented, "we mnight well findIshort time before being drain- ourselves in a position like' ed and fried or baked in the Belleville. The monev is in a saine pan, will remain plurnp special township fund account and tender and won tspiatter and we cannot give township 1w.hen beig cooked. i Trinity WMS Luncheon A large number of ladies of Tninity W.M.S. and their guests, enjoyed an excellent Pot Luck Lunc-heon at the church Tues- day noon, Nov. 3rd. Mrs. E. Bragg's Group gave an inspiring Worship Service, using the theme, "The Comingi of thte Kingdom. of God". Mrs. Bragg was assisted by Mrs. K. Squair and Miss Ida Weekes. Mrs. L. Ayre sang the beauti- ful solo.* "The Lord's Prayer", accompanied by Mrs. R. Hallo- well at the piano. Mirs. M. Hut- chinson gave a report on Tern-1 perance. The offering was recelved by Mrs. M. Oke and Mrs. Rundtie and dedicated by Mrs. Bragg. Two very interesting papers were given on our Studv Book, "A.frica Disturbed", by Mrs. E. W. Sisson, and Miss S. Black- burn. Mws. S. R. James took the chair for the reports of the var- ious secretaries. A beautiful, "In Memoriam" prepared by Miss Leta Jackson and read by Mrs. D. Alldread, was observed for Mrs. Greeness, a life member of oui society, who passed away recentiy, at Strathaven. MVeeting closed with the ft'iz- pah Benediction. OBITUARY A resident of BowmanvilleLJ W for 50 years, Mis. Jennie Green- HIampj.,Fton ess, widow of the late Richard Strathaven Rest Home, 264 N.Ca g s T ,King St. E., Bowmanville onng s Tm October 20th in her 94th year. Bza Tedeccased i uvvdb f B z a three sisters and one brother, MeIs. Richard Guest (Edith) Hampton Womens Institute Vicooia, B.C.; Mrs. F. Stauf- met on Tuesday evening, Nov. fer -2ta.WîYeMan.; 3rd in the new Sunday Schooi %Is. S. Bigelow (ESy). Wi Haîl with the President, Mrs. nipeg,- Man., and Perey Taylor, 1 Wilfrid Smale. in the chair. The Victoria, B.C. ! tinie of the Bazaar on Friday. The late Mrs. Greexness xvas a: Nov. 13th was cltanged Io 2:3f3 member of Bowînanville Unýited pi, due to other activities in. Churchi and a life member of the contmunity. the Missionarv Society. The treasurers report we,ý Funeral service was held from given by Mrs. Chas. Warren Northcutt and Smith Funeral showing a good bank balance. Home on October 22nd at 2 Mrs. Merwin Mourntjoy gave p.m. Interment was in Bow- a report of the picnics catered. atianville Cemietery. to duning thse sumrncr. Palîbearers were Messrs. J. Mrs. Luther Allin took charge jH. McKeever. L. Mason, L. of the program for the East Jackson, J. H. Highfieldl, R. Group. Taylor and A. Taylor. Miss.Apha Hodgins. Bowmnan- ville, gave an interesting talk on Law and Miss Gail Bakej, KENDAL Solina, sang two numbers, "The IKENDAj Rose of Tralee" and "Spreada Little Gladness", accompanied Mrs. Earl Smitih has returned b.y Miss Norah Horn. Mrs.I to her home ia Norths Holly- .damnson gave a humorousj wood after spendinig the past reading, "My Get Up and Go 1 two months with her mother, Has Got Up and Went". Mrs. Mrs. Chas. 'Phornpson, and Ar- Knox verv capably thanked the thur and other relatives ln On- visitors and Mrs. Adam-son, for tario. their heip on the prograrn. The Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox and meeting closed with "God Save Audrey have moved to Enter- the Qucen" and lunch was serv- prise where they have ibeen i d, 1 To Celebrafe Ou r l4th running a lunch counter In the Sheil Service Station. Mrs. Cox Was in Meniorial Hospital for an operation on her leg but is now back on the job again. MU. and Mrs. John Bird and Dougie, spenit Monday of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perey Burley. fine turkey supper Wednesday evening at Elizabethvile while others attended the one at Or- ono.m Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- Donald, Roy and Teressa are at Omemnee with her mother, Mrs. Selleck, while George is laid off from tihe motors. Mr. and Mrs. Black -of Cour- tice visited their deughter, Mrs. Bob Youngman on Sunday. Bob bas joined the trek of deer- hunters to the north count'ry. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Gloria visited Mr. and M.\rs. John Thompson and Mrs. Mary Luxon, Sunday. Mrs. Percy Burley spent Fn- day with her mother. IUs. Vannatto, in Bowmanville. Mrs. Fred Falls spent Tues. day ln Peterborough with her daughier, Mrs. Albert Stewart. Congratulations and best wi- shes to Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ai- exander on their 63rd wedding anndiversary, WednesdaY Nov. 1 1th. Guests witi. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Langstaff f o r t h e weekend were her mother, Mrs. Vernon, Bobby Irwin and Che- ryl Vernon, Alymer; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Johnson and daugh- ter, Barrien Springs, Mich; and her uncle andf aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Crockard, Sarnia. They were here attending the Irwin- Jackson nuptials. Congratulations and b est wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Irwin, née Ruth Jackson, RN., 1who were married at Neo- 'ville, Saturday afternoon. The reception was held at the Co- bourg Golf and Country Club. Allen and Ruth will be resid- ing in Kendal. Miss Kathleen Jackson, nur- se-in-training at Civic Hospi- tal, Ottawa, and Tom Davis, Ottawa, were. down for the wedding and spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson. Harvey Weimeir and Ronald Montney of Bancroft spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Manders planing and preparing for their deer hunt- ing trip. Mr. Lander of Coldsprings was guest speaker at Kendal United Church Sunday morn- ing. He is stuoposedly retired after spend'ing 25 yrs. as a mis-, sionary amnong the Indians, but stilI fin-tds mucli f0 do. His taik1 on the Indians- wvhere they' came from., how and when they came here, and thse store of the mission work anotig them. was most interestine. 1He. cited many examples of their fine Christian life. Mr. bander had Ïbeen madle an honorary 0 e 0 Ann.*versalry we offer this e M1tATENT DIAIIOND SALE EVER! Special Purchase! Thousands of Dollars Worth of Diamond Rings froni 4 Carat to U-h Carats Offered at a Fraction of Theïr Usual Cost Because of Sligbt Imperfections! We bave been fortunate in purchasing a dazzling array of beautiful diamond rings .. . solitaires... 3-stone engagement rings ... dinner rings in white or yellow gold. While these diamonds arecflot up to our usual high standard, the slight nm.ural imperfections do hlot mar the dazzling beauty of these etopes and can only be detected Ly an expert. If îbey were first quality they'd sell at much b'gher prices. As rings are mostly one-of-a.kind, corne early for best selection. It's the opportunity iof a lifetime to kuy a diamond to last a lifetime at prices to suit your Budget. Each ring is covered by instirance for one year without extra cost .. . budget terins available. EFFECTIVE DATES Thursday, Nov. 121h to Safurday, Nov. 21si H OOP ER'5 JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE, MA 3-5747 Decorate Now! Have Your Booms Clean and Fresh for Winter. Use the KEKI Lines SUPER KEM-TONE for ncew or old plaster or over wallpaper KEM-GLOW Enamel for kitclien, bathroorns, woodwork, etc.. ini a large range of beautiful cotours. If You Prefer %,e e.au show * ou about 800 samples, botb djmIestic and imported, 300 papers are in stock. IMURALS give your roonis a look of distinction< CLEARING .. SCARFES THIX FLAT - SEMI-GLOSS - GLOSS Ail Prices Greally Reduced J. H. Abernethy's Paint and Wallpaper Store 38 King St. E. Bowmanville THE CMADUN STATESMAS. BOWILANVnrAt MwAlzin 3 M Khig st. W. Phone MA 3-54M 1 chieftain and displayed the blanket and feathered head- dress which had been present. ed to him on that occasion. The choir favoured with I'God Wil Take Care of You" with Mrs. Swarbrick at the organ. Mr. Lander was the dinner guest of Mrs. Thompson and Arthur, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lang- staff and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neal were back to Civic Hos- pital, Peterborough, to see Del- bert Langstaff and report he is coming along fine. Miss Margaret Hayden spent the weekend with Miss Jan@ Foster. Sympathy is extended to Mrs4 Wm. Turansky on the deh ot her father, Mr. J. Neville, iri Lonidon, England, on Monday, Nov. 2nd. Cet Cash To-day For Old Appliances through STATESMAN C LA S SI1FI1ED S Lr hoiie MArket 3-3303 1

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