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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1959, p. 7

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?RURSDAV, NOV. l2th, 1959 T~ CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTAEIO UAf!V @VVU!W bln. Mine Colwell is spend- gthis week wittb her daugh- ter, Mrs A. J. Lymer, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. G. Evers, Scu- gog Street, left by 'plane Tues- day to v~isit their familles in Holland. Misa Mary Lewis and Mr. Hartley Lewis, both of Univer- sity of Toronto, were home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holm* es visited relatives at Streets- ville and Brampton for a fe'w dlays recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bil Stuckey, Guelph, were Sunday guests af their aunt, Mis. Harry Smith, Queeriv fireet. N4. a#d Mrs. Sydney Ven- ton spent a few duays last week with their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Mlurdock, Hamilton, Ont. Mr. Fred Vanstone, Queen's UJniversity, Kingston, sp en t the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mis. Morley Vanstone, Beech Ave. Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa, Mi ss Tucker Couch and Mr. Walter Sentan, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mis. Wallace Holmes on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Greenfield, loiberty Place, recenîtly spent several days with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson, and baby gtrandson in Montreal, Que. Miss F. M. Galbraith, King St. East, bas returned from a three week's visit with friends in Toronto and while there at- tended the wedding of ber cousin Miss Olga Staîker ta Mr. John P. Màtthews. :Goodyear Service Pin Dmn- lier for active and retired em- ýployees who have completed 25 years of service with the com- pany will kbe held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Saturday evening, November l4th. 'Miss Margaret Gobeen and her room-mate at MeMaster University, Hamilton, M i s s Sandra McKenzie, were with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Gernet Goheen last week- 4bd. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Varcoe 01Oshaiwa and Mýr. and Mrs. ~ert Syer have just returned Ir m the 22nd convention of the Internationial Refrigeration 4ociety beld in Atlantic City, of whidi Mir. Syer is a mem- ber. Mis Chris D'awson, Peter- frrough, area home teacher fôr registered blind persans, ifpenit a day last week with Mis. Clifford Trewin, arranging sale items for the Blindcraft sale ta l_ýe held the enid of this month jM Bownianville. 4Attending the Central Area 14omn'sInstitute Convention held in the Royal York Hotel, IToronto, last week were Mis. qeorge AlIjhin, President of 1Ibe Bowmaniville Branch, and XrsI Mel Wiseman, President West Durham District. L/Cpl. and Mrs. AI Falls, *ho have been in Gerrnany with the Canadian Armed For- Ces, returned ta Canada Wed- liesday morning, November 4th. À&t preserit tbey are 9taylng vith her parensts, Mr. and Mrs. N.E. Kennett, Queen Street.j Mr. anid Mis. Russ Willianms o!Niagara Falls, N.Y., were in tôwn last weekend visiting re- latives and friends and while here were guests of the latter'si brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1- Williams, Church St., and af L- Mr. and Mis. P. Greenfield, i. Liberty Place. Mr. Walter McMlflan of -Belleville, Sales Promotion Su- ri perintendent o! the Ontario Hydro for the East Central Re- gion addressed the local staff on the sale of electricity on Tues- rday morning. Mn. R. W. Wal- tens is mianager o! this areh. While in town Mr. McMillan visited wit}i Rev. anid Mrs. R. VR. Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Anderson, Cameron, and Mr. and Mis. O. Richmond, Town, left Bow- manvihle on October 17th on a motar trip ta Texas. Wbile there they visited friends in *Waco and Dallas for ten days. On their retunutrip they visit- ed Mis. Richmond's sisten and family in Pennsylvaria, arriv- ing home on November 6th ai- *ter a most pleasant vacation. The officiai syllabus o! the 141h annual Peterborough Ki- wanis Music Festival ta be held May 9th ta May l7th, 1960, has just been issued. Closing date for entries is Feb. 29, 11960. If interested, and you wouid like a copy of the syll- abus, write ta tfhe Festival sec- retary, Mrs. A. D. Vaisey, 644 McKelr St., Peterborough, when a copy will be mailed ta you. His many friends will be happy ta know that Mn. Pat 1 Yeo is now convalescing at home. As the nesult of an ac- cident w'hile niovinig a log with a tractor at tihe golf course, Mi. Yeo was a patient in Mem- anial Hospital here until Tues- day of this week suffering sev- ere bruises. It is expected thiat it will be about four weeks un- tiI Mn. Yeo la completely ne- covered. Col. and Mrs. L. T. McLau- ghlin, Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Run- dle and Dr. and Mis. Geo. W. James were ln Oshawa Satur- day as guests of Col. R. S. Mc- Laugblin at bis annual "Chry- santhemum Tea" at bis Park- wood residence. He was as- sisted in the reception by four of bis daugbtens, Mrs. M. Eil- een McEachren, Mis. M. H. Turner of Canal Gables, Flor- idia, Miss Isobel McLaughlin and Mis. C. C. Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Wessell's Sunday company litenally drop- ped from tihe skies wben Mn. and Mrs. Bruce St. John and three of tiheir diildren flew from Graven hunst, where they live, ta the Oshawa Airpant. There they were met by Mn. Wessells and Denise. MT. St. John, who was a Flight-Lieu- tenant in the RCAP during thc lagt war, pilots bis own plane and recently he and lus wife netunned from a flying trip to Nassau. Last Saturday evening Mr.1 and Mrs. Alec Lyle aud Mr.1 and Mis. John M. James at- tenided a buffet supper held in1 honour o! the Bar Mitzvah o! Richard Breslin, son o! Mis. M. Breslin and the laie Mn. Bres- lin, which took place that mor- niing at 9 o'clock at Beth Tzedecf Synagogue, Toronto, wvhen Ri-, cbard read a portion o! thet Haiftonah. Thle buffet supper was held at the home of Mn. aud Mrs. Les Green baum, Wil- lowdale. Mrs. Gneenbaum, the C former Pearl Breslin, la Rich- i ard's sister.r Mms. Andnew Devitt, Li erty St. North, received wo this week o! Uic passing o! b REHOBQTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanvil.e MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. English EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.mÀ. Dutch SUNDAX SCHOOL AFTER MORNIG SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 am. every Sunday, CFRB Trinity United Church1 Minister-Rev. Wn. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. B., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING SERVICE à"Whaf Is God's Ànswer?" 12'.10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 p.m. - EVENING SERVICE The Jack and Jil Cluab under the leadership of the Presidents, Mr. and SMrs. Bob Stevens, will conduct the Evening Worship. The speaker will b. Mr. Robert Sheridan Music by the Club 8ui - YOUNG PEOPLE!S UNION. EVERYONE WELCOME ib- ord her Il I siaerinlaw, Mmro.Ebt. G. Dknon, at Santa Monica, Calif. on Navember Sr&. Mrs. Dickinson was the forminer Frances Cci4ley and was born at Haydon. Around 45 years ago she vecanie a valued mem- ber of the Statesman office staff where she was employed for a numben o! yeans. During her nesidence in Bowmanvllle she was an active and conscien- tous worker in the Young Peo- pIes societies of the Metbodist, now TrinÀty United Church. After ber marriage ta Mr. Dickinson they lived in Ton- onto for a while ibefore moving ta Hollywood, Calif., where he was a successful carpenter contractor. On bis death sever- al years ago, she witli ber ad- opted deughter Lorna, moved to Santa Monica, where she bas resided until her passing. Mr. and Mrs. Charlcs H. Carter, Silver Street, neturned last Saturday afternoon froma most enjoyable five-wcek visit ta Eugland. The primary ob- jeet o! the trip was for Mn. Car- ter ta attend the International Exhibition of the Baking In- dustny beld at the Olympia in London, as the only officiai representative o! the National Council o! the Baking Industry o! Canada. Whiile there Mr. and Mrs. Carter visited the lat- tens three nieces at Bexley- Heath and Cambridgeshire and aiso Mis. Cartcr's sister whc resides at Buckhurst Hill, Es- sex. Tfrcy journcyed ta Good- mayes wherc a Rotanian friend makes bis home and traveiled ta Broadstairs, Kent, ta vipit a Canadian baker wbo reccnthy sold bis business in Canada and now resides in Enghand. Mn. Carter's impression of En'g- land today is "one of amaze- ment, more titan anything else, at thbe prosperity apparent aven there." The people are having marc prosperous times than even before in Mr. Canten's memory. Mn. Carter says "If Bowmanvilhe mérchants could only get shoppers out bere as thcy do there, it would lie a wonderful thing. The shopping crowds are terrific". Mn. and Mrs. Carter toured the County o! Kenit and attended Qanter- bury Cathedrel on Trafalgar Day when they heard a very impressive service in memory o! the Fast Kent Regmmenit e'lhe Buf!s" and the, Quccn's Own Regiment o! Taraon to, Canada. AUl in all it was a very informative and higbly inter- esting trip. Blood cliaia a it n; y (Contiuued from page one) Spry, Mis. Geo. Young, Mi. D. Marsd en sud Mn. E. Rundie. The nurses wbo kept a watch- fui and sympatheticecye on the occupants o! thc rcst beds: Mrs. A. F. 1McKenzie -and Mrs. S. Rutherford o! Orono, Ms. T. Buttery, Mis. J. Emmerson, Mira. R. Hetherngton, Mrs. K. H-ockin, Mis. D. Petens, Mira. T. Relider. Dr. E. L. Ewart and Dr. H. B. Rundie who wcre on call in case o! emergencies. .& W. W. Bagneli, assistcd by Mis. L. Lucas, Mn. E. Brad- ley, Mr. E. Gniffin, Mr. H. Je!- frics, Mr. D. Marsden and Mn. D. Williams wbo provided transportation for the donors wbeu necessary. The members o! the Ladies' A.uxiliary ta Brandi 178 o! the Canadian Legion, Comrade E. Rundle, Conirade E. Brown, Oomrade J. Firth, Canade A. Fletober, Comnade M. Lawric, Comrade R. Osbone, Conirade R. Overy, Comnade R. Pankin, Comnade H. Wallis, whosc ne- fresbingc tes and coffee and checry talk sent the douons on their way knowi-ng their tume hiad been well spent. Thle tes table, tastefully decoratcd with wvhite chrysanthemnunîs, red carnations sud miniature Red Cross fiags, added muc-h ta the rclaxed atmnasphene of Uic Icunge.1 Mr.. W. 1. Smith who donated the soft drinks and cooler; Mr. D). Milligan of the IGA store whbo donsted a case o! juice and the A & P store a cash voucher. Mira. Sweetman, Miss Cona- cher and Miss Henry snd thein taf! fnom Red Cross hcsdquar- tes in Toronto wbo handled the douons with sucli efficiency and gond humour. Youn Red Cross executive hopes that; tus successful clinic will be the finst o! msny such efrnts lu tbe future. Each and every anc who taok part in this clinie must have gone home ulled with a sense o! a job weil donc and an obligation paid in part at least ta those lss fortunate than themselves. c t 1 t c c t t] sl I e: e, CI fi IN p Newtonville W.I. Members Go ta Toronto1 On Weduesdsy cvening, Nov- ember 4th, the Waomen's Insti- tute held a card party in the Newtonville community hall.* 'Ple pnoceeds will be uscd ta help the hall committec whicb bas financial difficultica. There were 14 tables o! eu- cire sud Uic following wcrc Uic prize winners: Ladies hlgh score Mrs. C. Brown, genthe- mana higli, Mr. Alldred, snd lucky pnize wincrs, Mirs. Mill- igan, MIrs. R. Trim and Mr. M. Barrie. There la to lie another party this month and the W. I. bopes for a gaod attendauce. Several ladies from Uic New- tonville Institute went by bus ta the W. I. convention in thc Royal York on Tbursday. These were, Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs. M. Sarnia, Mrs. R. Farrow, Mrs. Milligan, Mrs. McCullough, Mrs. S. Lancaster, Mrs. Ferguson Mira. Sowden sud MIrs. IL Or- Dr. Vaughan Is Guest Preacher Large Con gregations Attend Trinit y' s 124f h Anniversary Trinity United Church was filled to capacity on Sunday for the 124th Anniversary Servicesi held in the morning and in the evening. Rev. Harold W. Vaughan, M.A., B.D., Th.D.,I D.D., Toronto, was the special' preacher at both services. Rev. W. K. Housiander, pastor of Trinity Church presided. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M., was the organist. The Eiders for the day were R. Mut- ton, N. Mutton, G. McMurter in the morning, and S. McMurt- er, L. Nicholis and P. Passmore in the evening. The main floor ushers were J. Houck, J. Hay- man, R. Bowen, J. Markle, F. Jamieson and D. Wight. The ushers for the balcony were J. Allin, B. Woolley, N. Nîmigon and R. Burgess. Rev. W. K. Housiander wel- comed Dr. Vaughan, the special speaker, to the pulpit. He told the congregation that Dr. Vaughan is the secretary for the Board of Colleges and Second- ary Schools, and said he is also responsible for the continuing campaign to obtain candidates for the ministry. Dr. Vaughan gave an inspir- ing sermon entitled "Stones ôf Remembrance." He spoke of. the memorial stones used in the time of Moses, and movingly re- ferred to hypothetical stones of memory concerning the 124 year history of Trinity United Church. Dr. Vaughan also referred ta the value of Remembrance Day, Dionner ithe sacrifice and service of those the land for the present site of who had been in the arn'ed 1 Trinity United Cburcb. In 18561 services. He paid particular a Sunday School was added and tnibute ta those who had gtve!n a parsonage built. A uew their lives in the cause o! peace. church seatiug 650 was erected In the morning there was an lu 1870. During the year 1884 organ prelude prier ta the Caîl a union o! Primitive, Weslcyan ta Worship followed by "Holy, Metbodist, and Bible Chistîass Holy, Holy." There was a taok place, Mr. Housiander choral response to the Invoca- said. He explained that it be- tion. A hymn was sung follow- camne necessany ta enlarge Tnin- ed by a nesponsive Psalm selec- ity Church lu 1890. tien, the Pastoral Prayer and Ross Metcalf, A.R.C.T., sang The Lord's Prayer. the solos "There la No Deatb," The Scripture Lesson was tak- and "Thle Lord Is Myv Light."1 en from Hebrew 1l witb the The Scripture Lesson was tak- children's hymn afterwards. The en from Isaiah 6, sud the An- anthem was "The Souls o! the tbem was "Let Ail the Wonld". Rigliteous". After the Doxology, AUl the young people of the the Ladies' Quartette, Mrs. A. cburch were invited ta a spe- A. Merkley, Mrs. Stuart James, cial meeting fallowing the even- Mis. Gerald Brown, and Mrs. ing service. Plans were made D. R. Alldread, sang "«Remem- for the formation of a Young ber Thy Creator." Foliowing People's Union, and for activi- the sermon a hymu was sung ties during the comiug montbs. before the Benediction was giv- An executive will be elected en. wjtbin the next two weeks. At the evening service Dr. There will be a meeting for the Vaughan preached on "The For- young people aftýýr evening ser- ward Look." He spoke on the vice next Sunday, Novemberj responsibilities of members O! i5th. Meetings wiil be held after the church and reminded the church on Sunday evenings, and congregation that each one mnust there will be a social evening account for their stewardship Of hehd once a montb during the time. He based bis advîce on week. the cail ta Isaiah. Rev. W. K. Houshander, was Mr. Housiander outlined the the ohairman of thc young peo- bistory of Trinity United Church. ple's meeting. A singsong was He said that according ta his- cnjoyed, and a stimulating Bi- tonians the first neigious serv. hie Quiz was hehd. The Amica ices in this area were held byClb emeserdadc- "saddhe bag" preachers, mostly clous lunch. Methodists. In the year 1825 __________ Rev. James Richardson ahong with Rev. Egerton Ryerson were a in charge of the Yonge StreetG r' Pn e Circuit of which this area form- il Pn e cd a part, the mînister said. On August 25th, 1839, Rev. Egerton Ryerson dedicated a Und r Tractor chapel on the west hiill By March 26th, 18481, a new Wes- A ten year old girl was ser- leyan Methodist Church was ioushy injured hast Saturday buit and dedicated, Mr. Hous- evening as thc resuît o! a colli- lander reported. sien between a tractor and a He toid the congregation that car at Janetvil.le. Alexander Fletcher, one o! the Mary Lou Walker, o! Bhack- canly setthers in this area, gave stock, was taken ta Ross Mcm- Winncns of the semi-final public speaking coutest, spart- sored by the Durham County Trustees and Ratepayers' Asso- ciation, were announced Tues-* day evcning. The contest, open ta ehildnen up ta Grade 8, was hehd at Blackstock, with contestants coming !rom B.owinanvilhe, Cartwright, Manvers and Dan- lington Townships. The fîve winncrs, who wil compete at the final county contcst at Orono on Wednesday, November 18th at 8 p.m. wcre: Bill Depew of Central School on "Astronauts";, Peggy Mill- son, Baker's School, speaking on "Canada's Northland", Pa- tricia Adams, Blackstock, on "Superstition"; Janice Bycrs, Blackstock, on "Putting thc Beaver Back ta Work" ,and Gwcn Wraight, Ha mp t on, whose subject was "Hawaii". Others who took part in the semi-finais wcrc: - Howard Morton, Bethany, "Huskic"; Elcanon Porteous, Bethany, "The Bec"; Nellie Venineulen, Central, "Moses" and Elaine Becbee, Courtice, "Negroca". Judges for the event were, 1%&. Ross, principal o! Qucen Elizabeth; Mr. Kerry -sud Dr. Carson o! Osbawa. ed h anial Hospital, Lindsay, suffer- ing frein five fractures of the upper part of each leg, a frac- tu.red pelvis and internai injur- ies. Her condition is improving. The girl was apparently nid- ing on the back o! the tractor, driven by ber fathen, Joseph Walker', when It was struck from behind, as it attempted ta turn into a driveway, by ai car driven by Ross Pollard, 46,1 o! R. R. 1, Janetville. The tractor turned over after bemng struck, pinning the girl. Mr. James A. Fallis, of R. R. 1, Blackstack, a passengen in the Pellard car, was admitted ta Ihospital for observation but was later discharged. O.P.P. Constable Bruce Tii- son investigated. Public Speaking Semni - Finals At Blackstock Oshawa and District Joint Ae- tion Comnmittee ýat a meeting on Friday night, set Sunday, No- vember 29tb, -2:30 p.m. as the date far the Mass Meeting of Civil Servants lu this anea. The meeting wil be held in the U.A.W. bail. Thene will be speakers frora Ottawa, as well as local speak- ers. Matters concernig salar- les, collective bargaining sud fninge benefits wll b. discuss- COMPETiTiV PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I II UIi~TOREShL' SPECIAL VALUES AND REMMNERS FOR THIS WEEK PHOSPHO-PI ?b.e wv.,y une Way le RwmT 1mmuN 1I j (Continued from page one) -they could return ta their fam- rilies. Mr. Romeril spoke of one in-. 7stance where one of the Ger- tman solders was condemned ta sthe fîring squad for rape, an-d because of this there was only rone case in the five years of occupation, although there were 15,000 Gernian troops stationed there. "0f course, I admit, we suf- fered somiewhat, by not being able ta get in touch with friends, and the rationing of food, but we found the Ger- mans to be human like aur- selves. It was just the scurn of Gerinan society that Hitler chose ta ýaid him in hîs con- quest. Mr. Romeril stressed the fact that it is flot the ordinary folk who makq wars. It is those who are intoxicated with powv- er and the lust ta gain mare who mislead the ordinary peo- pie into war. Speaking of Remembrance, the speaker said, "We muit ahl rernember, especially at this time of year, there is more in life than just our own petty ways and our own doings."' Rev. Romeril was introduced by Chairman George Graham who said that the speaker had been born in Liverpool, Eng- land. He had served in the Bri- tish Army duning First World War. After diseharge he had entered university and upon graýduating had entered the ministry. It was while minis- tering on Giuernsey in Channel Islands during World War II that lie found 'hiniself a prison- er of the Germans. Since then he has served bis church in Ja- maîca before coming ta Canada' where he now ministers to the' congregation of Blackstock Un- ited Churoli. Branch President Ed Rundle, in bis introductory remarks, 1 welcomned, the capacity crowd of veterans, and thanked Poppy Chairman Frank Burns ýand bis helpers for the grand job they had done in the poppy canvass which bad concluded that night. The president introduced the bead table guest.s: Comrade Ab. Mavin, Past President; Wmn. Smith; Padre A. C. Herbert, Glen Lander, President Lions Club; Roy W. Nichols,Reeve of Darlington; Murray Larmer, President Kinsmen Club; Gea. Graham, Chairman; George Vice, President Rotary Club; His Worship Mayor Carruthers, and Rev. Philip Romeril, guest' speaker. Chairman George Graham moved a vote of thanks ta La dies' Auxiliary, addressing bis remarks ta President Florence Knight who convcned the tur- key dinner and also decocrated the stage. President Knight re- plied. Presentations were made ta three members who have mov- ed from. Bowmanville and were, considered by membership, ta bave contnîbuted faithful ser- vice ta the branch. Each receiv- ed engraved Ronson lighters: Dave Hilton, presentation being made by Jim Firth; Charles Stewart by Jack Rice. The third mem ber, George Hacking, was unable ta be present. The opening ceremonies con-! ducted by President Ed. Run- dle were very inspiring for this occasion, and as Last Post and, Reveille were s*ounded, with1 ligbts dimmed, the stage cu'-, tains were slowly pulled back revealing a memorable sigbt ta any veteran. A replica of the clraped casket of the unknown soldier with steel helmet and poppies with the words: "Lest We Forget" standing in a square formed by four posts and con- riecting cord. Truly the mean-! .ng of'Remembrance. AUl joined in Toast ta Her' Majesty The Queen and Padre, Herbert said Grace. After diii-' ner all enjoyed the entertain-! ment prepared by Comrade Ab.: M4avin when be introduced Art~ L.ennard, a ventniloquist, who had the gathering roaring with deligbt, and Yvonne Tnibodeau, an accordianist, who led the boys in miany aid wartime 1 SYRONGIR TOO WREN Wr! OR DRY BICAUSU irs MELOBONDED! 1 EGULAR 2 For 43c MAN-Sizm 2 For 65C e ' I *ALSj Spot Remover Toile! Tissue --- -2 For 27c I.D.A. Brand - Pink, Yelow, White - Reg. 2 for 29e Friction Toy Car with Family Size Colgate Dental Cream - - - 98c Etiquet "Pink"' - Reg. 98c Deodorant Stick ---* *79c J&JDaby Oil Reg. 75c 2or 1.33 J& J Baby Powder Tet. 75e 2 For 1.33 Economy - 48's Regular - Reg. 1.86 Klotex - - - - - - - - 1.69 Lady Esther - Reg. 1.19 Four Purpose Cream -*--.89c 10 Schick Injector Blades with Schick Injector Razor 1.00 value 79c Williams "White" Lather - Reg. 65c SUAVE CREAN - - 2 For 98C Trial Size Bayer Nase Spray with 87e size Bayer Aspirin Tablets - 10s 87c1 COUGH and COLD REMEDIES Alka-Seltzer ---39c, 78c Anacin Tablets--- 26c, 53c, 85c, 1.29 Bromo-Quinine Tablets 59e, 89C Buckley's Mixture 59c, 85e Buckley's Cinnamated Capsules------------ - 45c, 89c Bufferin ------------- 39c, 79c, 1.23, 1.89 Bronchida Cold Capsules 1.25 Bronchida Cough Syrup 85e Bronchida Chest Rub ------------___59e Idaphedrin Spray - 95e Drops 65e Idasal Tablets 39c, 89C Pertussin 75c, 1.25 Pinex Concentrate - -------85C Pinex Prepared- 65c, 1.00 Wampole's Kold Bamse___________ 1.25 HELPS REMOVE SMOKE AND SURFAEý STAINS ,7q!4CicKls BA I RI ATN *F1015 TOOTH E CAT like t KLEENEX * DELSEY * TISSUE$ 1%».AD MA mm PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. We Deliver McG regor, Store Phone MA 3-5792 lu Drugs You r Local I.D.A Drug 1 - Hec tic pae getting you down ? lIts so easy to relax Just tahe P'HOSP-HO-PLX.> Relieve that jumpy "tired aU the r» feeling. £njoy life Smile ai petty anrancea Itstrue PHOSFHO- PLEX is the every day way ta YEW relieve nervous tension WAMPOLE 100 PIIOSPIIOPL TABLEUS WiM gs ... Ib.,b $4 25 50 TAMEIS $2.30 16 L # $.5 aMLTREEERUS. Obl amI UMh&can dW U TRUPMAT, NOV. 12th, 1959 -, THE CANADUN STATZSMM. BOWMANVUZZ ONTAPJG VA "M qwvm O.F.A. Elect New Executives Gordon Greer, o! Ottawa, dy- namic leader o! the Ontario Fedei-ation o! Agnioolture for the past twô years, was re-elect- ed for an unprecedented third terin o! office, at the 23rd an- nual O.P.A. convention held in the Raa York Hotel,, Toronto, last week. Several delegates from Dur. haum county were in attendance including Bruce Taylor, presi- dent of the Durham County Federation of Apr.; Clarence Allen, secretary; Harvey Mal- colm, lst vice-president; Geraici Brown, president of the Junior Farmers' Association; Robt Car- ruthers, lst vice-president of the J.F.A.; Ron Brooks, chair- man of the Poultry Producers and Mrs. Kathleen Dorreil. ne- presenting the wcmen's section of the Fedenation. Mrs. Fred Penny, of Napanee, was elected chai rman for the coming year, o! the O.F.A. Wa- men's Committee. Miss Ann Harrison. repres- enting Durham County, won the titie o! "Prlncess" at zone level and went on ta compete at the provincial level and was one o! the top six. he tigle o! "Prince" was woni by Frances Donnes, Peterbor- ough, wbo was awanded a trip ta Jamaica. In the essay contest, sponsor- ed by the Women's Committee, Stephen J. Thompson from Ca- van Township, won at the zone level and was placed sixth at the provincial level. Civil Servants 1 0 4, m m 33c, 59c 10 ounce - Reg. 40c, 75e à Store 3-57921 1 -. 2 ROLLs 35c Phone MA

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